cynicalcharon · 10 months
there is a lot of graffiti down here
hades says i need to wash it off, and 'no calling that hercules chap to redirect a river or anything', but ngl, i quite like reading about who loves who
it takes my mind off how cripplingly lonely i am sometimes
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
i have been exploring the Internet
Sometimes, Megaira visits me when she's off duty. She's one of the furies, which i think sounds more interesting than sitting down here in a dingy boat. She says I should "definitely stay off tiktok"
meanwhile, i think my boat has a leak in it...
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
im not sayin i judge the dead
but i kinda do
it's not like i favor athens vs sparta or whatever
but if you were a dick in life, that's two drachma, and you sure as hades are going across the styx in the pedal-o i have reserved specifically for those i dislike
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
hades threw some underworld gathering thing and I wasn't invited
on a completely unrelated note, i think i may be bisexual
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
when they die, many people are surprised to find that im not a decrepit old guy in a cloak and that im actually not only young but quite good looking
hades says i need to stop embezzling our fees to spend on black eyeliner and that it's 'not a good look' and 'hurts our image', and 'where do i think i am, ancient egypt?'
that hurt more than it should have done and i don't know why ㅠㅠ
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
im so glad hades bothered to install internet down here.
now, i can translate directly from greek to nahuatl and vice versa
the feathered serpent has told me the world is gonna end in 2012
jesus hasn't even been born yet, but honestly, i cannot wait
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
hades has asked me to dogsit.
Ok, i get it. he's busy and all that. and it doesn't matter that 'cerberus is really just a big softie' i just don't like dogs!
but i swear this is because i complained to him about the ramune soda. now i have dog hair all over my best black t shirt and persephone - that was her name - says i look and smell like i crawled out the styx
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
there's this girl
she only works here half the year. i say works. it's more like hades is seeing her or something.
anyway, i can't take my eyes off of her. her name's something like proserpina, proserpine? persephone? something like that.
anyway, she never even notices me.
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
i might go on strike
my boss, hades, has this unrealistically peppy attitude when it comes to trying to get me, the furies, and some of the lesser deities of the underworld to do our jobs
it would help if he provided more perks, and didn't search every Amazon package i get delivered
im still not sure i can forgive him for drinking all the hatakosen ramune that i imported from japan
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
im not saying i find this job boring and unrewarding
but since times have changed i feel like i should raise my fee to something a little higher than just a single drachma.
inflation is a bitch.
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
we've only just got internet down here
Mount Olympus has been online for a couple of centuries already. Hades says we 'don't have the budget' and it's 'not top priority'.
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cynicalcharon · 10 months
Ok, now i really have a crush
her name's cliadne, but she insists i call her 'the pythia'
anyway, she predicted she was 'going to be single forever more' but that i 'would find someone soon'
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cynicalcharon · 10 months
i keep applying to other jobs
i feel like i got rejected from the past few cause they don't like my music taste
although the job description did mention they wanted a 'comely tavern maid' to pour wine for 'wandering heroes and demigods' and im not quite sure i live up to that description
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
i would quite like a cat.
however, this poses a few problems, because there aren't many cats down here in the underworld. i also don't quite know what cerberus would make of it
meanwhile megaira is suggesting that i get a goldfish instead
i don't think persephone is very impressed by goldfish
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
fuckin hell
im thinking if i get internet famous then maybe i can raise my fee enough to keep up a netflix subscription
WiFi is still patchy down here though and apparently according to megaira im 'not cute enough' to be the star feature of my content
sometimes i wonder whether she says this because I refuse to share my ramune
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cynicalcharon · 1 year
sometimes it's hard to tell how people died when they come to cross the river
there was this playwrite guy, aeschylus, who came in with half his skull broken and said an eagle had dropped a tortoise on his head
now, whenever i feel my life sucks, i think of him...
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