#cyn is so awesome sauce
zalivoid · 1 month
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If Cyn was in “ The Promening ” 🪩💜
Just some little fun doodles of an idea I had 🫶🏻
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md-confessions · 4 months
help there's so much codegold on my dash all of a sudden im actually going to cry /vneg
like i saw fanart of codegold and the art style was actually so cool (it was lineless and im a sucker for lineless art) but it was CODEGOLD. Pleasesllelelsels ssonnoooooooo sotptptpp
coming from someone with 44 ships in this fandom alone (/srs, i counted; 39 excluding joke ships like khoor), i'm usually the voice of reason when it comes to shipping. you like nuzi??? omg dude same!!! let's be besties!!! you like juzi? stuffing you in a wedding suit/dress and whisking you off with me into the sunset in my convertable!!!! you like vhad? awesome sauce!!! kissing you rn!!! like even the few non-problematic ships i don't like - smokeybat, vessa - i'm all for you liking them! what makes other people happy makes me happy :3
but when it comes to proships and comshipping (or ships like n x cyn, n x tessa, and n x j that are their own special catagory as canon can be muffled and the viewer's interpretation and headcanons are what we mostly have to go off of), i will set my boundaries, wish you a nice life, and block you. no hard feelings (i'm not one to hold a grudge), i just can't deal with that, especially as i am mentally ill and am a pushover.
and being a pushover (ex i was bribed into shipping vhad and went from despising noll to shipping it religiously), having fanart and arguments for codegold is obviously something i can't have on my dash.
i don't know where i was going with this i kinda just splurted my thoughts everywhere im sorry (/gen) just generally if you see this and you're a proshipper, comshipper, or ship codegold/n x tessa/cyn x n, block me please and dni
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estarialore · 22 days
HI HI!! i’m apollo, one of the owners of this account! i made ace and other characters!! i go by he/she/they (usually he/him) my main account is @prophetphoebus and IM SO EXCITED TO SHARE THIS LORE!!!! i hope you all enjoy this content!! yours truly.. the AWESOMEST MAGNIFICENT APOLLO!!!
hiya!! i'm ophii, another member/owner of this acc!! my acc is @ophii and my main oc is nova, tho i have created more characters here! i use she/they and i tend to focus more on the magic and character-driven aspects of the lore. i enjoy making either the most god awful art or the most heart wrenching content ever. its like a coin toss. enjoy!!
hey guys, i'm olivia, another another owner of this account!! my main account is @sunny8011 (even though i literally never post) and i use she/her. my character is STELLA (totally the most lore-relevant one) though i do help with other characters and general lore stuff. everyone else is saying to enjoy so i'm gonna be original and say i hope you HATE IT!! (please like it)
What's up guys its Cyn/Angie here, also another owner of this account!! My main account is @cyn-0 (I also never post cuz.. idk) and I go by literally any pronouns (she/her mostly). My character is Aster, the insane gay purple furry,, I'm also creating more characters so that's fun!! I'm the one who mostly takes care of all the space related things, like powers and stuff like that. Anyways that's all I hope you guys enjoy this super awesome sauce fantasy lore that we've been working so hard on to make awesome!!
estaria is a fantasy based oc lore that me and my friends (or we) made!! it’s about war, love, magic, adventure, and death with a bunch of cool ocs/characters and a lot of lore we spent wayy too much time figuring out. care to join us in this endeavor?
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prophetphoebus · 7 months
ermmm what’s up gang i’m gonan talk about my awesome sauce oc!!
btw some of my friends are on this project so i’m really excited to talk about it!!!!!
uhh this is ace he’s kinda like a silly amnesia guy who’s a human faerie hunter…..
name: “ace” étienne
age: 20
gender: male (he/him)
sexuality: bisexual
birthday: 9/24
height: 6’0
breed: human — (british)
weaponry: bow and arrow
— “Ace” was normal like any other child, although he had no father, his mother was often there for him and his entire life. When he was 8, he was drafted into becoming a faerie hunter to get money for his mother and himself since they were in poverty, and promised to kill anything that wasn’t human.
During the war when he was 16, “Ace” was finally pushed out onto the battlefield. Many humans and fae were fighting in the war, and he was petrified. He didn’t know what to do as he was still a child and didn’t really know how to fight, and when he saw Nova he tried to kill them. But later, he left them after realizing they were in the same state he was in. He protected Talyn during the war, shielding them as he rushed to the infirmary with them. But, he was wounded in the head right after.
From seeing hundreds and maybe even thousands of people die, he swore to kill anything that isn’t human, including anyone that came from outside Mythosonia in fear that they could be a creature in disguise.
The brain injury made him develop amnesia, and forget everything else in his life other than that he served as a faerie hunter for his life purpose and nothing else.
After years of being tortured, trained, and mistreated, he became one of the best faerie hunters and was placed in a group called “The Venatores”, a group of the top five best faerie hunters in the nation of Mythosonia.
The owner of the faerie hunting company, Samael, used “Ace” and his amnesia to his advantage and manipulated him into being the hero of everyone.
Suddenly, he was directed to go on a mission to find Nova and kill them for a bounty, which leads us to present day.
photo here —
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zalivoid · 26 days
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“ Dropped this— s̴̨̛̉ỉ̵̢̡͚̲̏l̴̟͓̗͖̒l̶̡͋͑͐y̷͎̙̲̞͛͠ ”
Episode 8 made me absolutely obsessed with the cynessa design… the expressions and bounciness of the animation UGHH I love it!!!
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