#cye drabbles
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talkingsaxy · 24 days ago
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𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬
will be added as posted
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superwavesmasher · 9 months ago
Rowen x Cye explained..
I was trying to remember (minus the fics on minkland’s site by Freya- look that Turkey day fic is just precious) how I got onto them being a couple and my friend reminded me.
(ADhD memory is shit it’s why I have a bestie who remembers for me XD)
Watching their final first season battle where Rowen is thrown onto Cye several times not only 😭😭🥺😖 omg and everyone getting hurt and not ok… it also turned into a he probably feels bad and he apologizes (even though nothing to apologize for) and Cye says what I did but you get Ro being super protective annnd it just rolls down the hill in a nicely paced/kinda planned couple.
I’m about to post a series of drabbles from the hurt arm thing and that up there is a thing a real big thing.
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rwfanficrw · 9 months ago
Stuffed Animal Addiction
One of my favorite stuffed animal drabbles XD it shows up in the Gaiden plot in the main story as well. This was just a spin off of the idea.
My friend and I saw a killer whale squishmellow and it went down hill from there. We're dangerous with each other.
POTS Stuffed Animals
“Kento, do you really think that Cye is going to like this?” Rowen asked as he looked down at the stuffed animal in his arms.
“Dude, you’ve been living with him for the past year and you haven’t seen his collection?” Kento tilts his head. “Did he really hide it all?”
The bearer of Hardrock grins placing his hands behind his head leaning back a bit, “He told me when we first met that his goal was to have a plushie for every fish in the sea. Not to mention any stuffed killer whale he sees, he immediately gets it.”
“I’ve seen the big one on the couch and Suki of course but…”
“You said he’s been feeling down right? I mean, I can’t blame him being stuck in bed most of the time…”
“It’s a flare up, Kento. Once it passes he’ll be on his feet again.”
“You need to find his stuffed animals and pull them out. He probably picked them up to clean then kept fainting and never got them back up again.” The other looks up thinking. “That closet when you first walk into his apartment is where they stay. His squishmellows should also be in there..”
“His squish what?”
Kento stops and points to the window of a shop, “Those things. They are big and soft. Ya know, I think they’d help his POTS. Especially when he’s all achy and sore.”
“I’ll have to find all of this when I get back. Are you sure you don’t want to come back and see him?”
The other shakes his head looking away, “…I know it’s selfish but I can’t see him when he’s like this. I-I know it’s still Cye but…”
“I know. Trust me, I know. Don’t start gettin’ any bad ideas in your head though. He’s fine. He’s just tired. At most Sage and I will take him in for an IV otherwise, he’ll just sleep it off and be up on his feet nagging you in no time.”
Sage was pulled out of the light meditation he had put himself into at hearing the front door open. He lowered his hands then turns his head waiting for a few seconds.
Today wasn’t a good day and that door could have been either one of them.
“Cye. Go back to bed. You’re not leaving. You have no reason to leave.” He states calmly getting to his feet ready to escort the younger warrior back to bed.
During the bad days with a flare up, the other would get easily confused and try to do things he had no strength for. He had already stopped him from trying to bake some sort of pie and put him back to bed twice.
To his relief he saw Rowen instead, “Oh, you’re back.”
“Don’t sound so excited.” The other says playfully.
“Look it’s been an interesting afternoon…. You know who keeps trying to escape.”
“Ah, that’s why you’re meditating near the door. Got it.” Rowen looks past him down the hallway, “Is he awake?”
“Doubtful. Before I helped him back to bed the last time, he got sick in the hallway and fainted.” He explained shrugging. “This flare up is freaking me out..”
“I know. It’s freaking me and Kento out as well.” Rowen sighs setting his bags down. “When do we cave and force him to the hospital?”
“I don’t know.. but I’m close to calling it.” Sage says as he walks into the kitchen leaving Rowen by the doorway.
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prowlingthunder · 4 years ago
WIP Meme 10/20/2020
Tagged by: @mandakatt
Look at what you've done. How dare you. I'm not even sure this is all of them. I think some are hidden in gdocs yet. Argh.
Tagging: @egodominustuus @thelostknee @linwyrms-lair @gracethescribbler @skywalking-across-the-galaxy @khantoelessar @zpansven
Read the list under the cut.
1: A Child of Blood
2: Eileen - Birds of a Feather
3: BtVS - Lupercalia - Xander - Wolfthreat - WIP
4: BtVS - PT Alexander Harris Auroresbrother - Denguards - LUPERCALIA - WIP
5: Buffy the Witcher
6: SynthSil - Ascendent Ab Inferis (Lux Aeterna AU)
7: Boys in Blue
8: Butterfingers the Deathclaw
9: Piper - (Lupercalia)
10: Sil/Jack
11: CM - Lupercalia WIP - Red
12: CM - Lupercalia WIP -
13: AC/FFXV - Des and Noct swap places - ffxv Halloween bang
14: Trigun x Outlaw Star
15: Gargoyles x Ronin Warriors
16: Power Rangers x Ronin Warriors
17: Ronin Warriors x Outlaw Star
18: Rurouni Kenshin x Yu Yu Hakusho
19: Dragons Breath -- DAO&RW
20: Farcry 5 / What Became of Edith Finch - Eddie
21: Farcry 5 / What Became of Edith Finch - Jake
22: Gundam Wing - With Daemons WIP
23: GW Pacific Rim
24: GW&IA&FFX - Auron - Roulette - Unlikely
25: Hobbit/RW - Bilbo -
26: House Ronin Warriors
27: RK-Xmen = Dragon Teeth
28: RW-PJ
29: RWSG1
30: SG1/JOS - Third - In a God's Bedroom
31: ST/RW
32: SW/GW - Brothers and Sisters [clonefic]
33: Thor-x-Ronin Warriors
34: Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Levi (Attack on Titan) - Hunting [Noctis in AoT]
35: Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Prowls (Exalted) - Stars [Prowls adopts Fire Demon baby]
36: Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Ezio (Assassin’s Creed) - Family [Assassins in FFXV]
37: Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) - Honor [Kuwabara unfucks SW]
38: Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Dex-Star - Love [Kuwabara adopts a Red Lantern Cat]
39: Voltron/Escaflowne
40: When the Night Comes/Arcana crossover
41: YYH/Naruto - Kurama - Foxkids
42: CSI NY - Lupercalia WIP -
43: Dark Matter - Hiro - [Lupercalia] - WIP
44: Every Warden Ever - WIP -
45: Nelaros and F!Tabris as wardens
46: Salazar - Crowbar Fic
47: Carslile/Sil - Highschool
48: Joan rambles
49: Junior - (Best laid plans)
50: Junior - Outsider
51: Junior - The G.O.A.T.
52: Junior rambles
53: MacCready - Big Town Blues
54: MacCready - Radstorm
55: Nora - Line-dried Laundry (Lupercalia)
56: Pandora -
57: Pandora - Lupercalia Fic - [Inside Pandora's Box]
58: Pandora rambles
59: Russian Roulette - Silas deathfic
60: Sil/X6 rambles
61: Silas - Demon Summoner AU - A Leaf in the Wind
62: Silas King - Snow Angels (Papawolf!Renigald)
63: Silas King - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Operation: Rescue Quinn kidfic)
64: Silas rambles
65: Winter Animals (papa!Artem)
66: Y7 - All the Things I Didn't Say
67: Ambulo
68: Contritum Coronam
69: to abstain from doing harm
70: A General Gift
71: ABO nicias&caleb/nicola
72: An Army - Prompto & Ignis - Blood and Water
73: Andali misc
74: Ardyn - (Triplets verse)
75: Cathedral of You fanfiction
76: Cor -
77: Cor - Dawnfire - WIP
78: Dave - [Scourgeverse]
79: FFXV Glaive Lupercalia
80: FFXV Prompto Lupercalia
81: Galahdian Noctis au
82: give a brother wings
83: Halloween '19 d2
84: Halloween '19 d3
85: Halloween '19 d4
86: Halloween '19 d5
87: Halloween '19 d7
88: Noct raises Ardyn
89: Nyx -
90: Prompto - Terrible Things
91: Sealions - Cor - The Dance
92: snowchild (Lupercalia wolfProm fic)
93: The Feral Coeurl of Galahd (Galahdian!Cor fic)
94: Transplant Fic Box
95: Vipers Victim
96: what fire burns
97: IA - Kasmir!Oliver Briggs - WIP
98: IA - Nebrija x Arzu - Family - WIP
99: David and kids
100: David and Bridget, Combat Skills
101: David vs Simon Fight
102: Bridget tending David
103: Music *http://youtu.be/G2ZKKXCuaYc?t=9m46s
104: Seduction
105: Wish
106: Destiny
107: xerxes
108: Giayl - Wolflords (Lupercalia)
109: LotRO - Aegliraan - Caran Dagra - WIP
110: Lupercalia - Shepard - Star-light, Star-bright
111: ME - OC - Blood And Water
112: Black Cats and Broken Mirrors Chapter 5
113: Itachi - Step Two
114: The Hardest Part - Chapter One - Alone
115: 100+ Words list
116: Bioshock - Big Daddy - ABO verse
117: Character Roulette 2
118: Life of Redemption
119: A lover's homecoming
120: The Dreaming Cord
121: Logan - (This is what it's like) - WIP
122: Outlander - Kainan - (wolf fur and dragon teeth)
123: SPCH - drabble
124: Thor - All The Little Children [Lupercalia]
125: Thor - Lupercalia WIP - Frigga -
126: WoW - Livieva - Puppy At Heart
127: Haruko - Genji lives path
128: McHanzo Timetravel Shenanigans
129: Overwatch - Yuuma - Nest of Vipers - Big Bang
130: Stan/Haruko
131: Stanfic
132: Taijo Aitai tinyfic
133: Yuuma Op
134: Mia - Lupercalia fic - The Chosen Ones ch2
135: RW - Lupercalia - Arago & Hariel - Blood and Ashes - WIP
136: Ryou - Coal Dust - GIFT - WIP
137: Seiji - Kagome, Kagome
138: Seiji & Cale - Quadrature Pt2 - GIFT - WIP
139: Yulie WIP
140: Dinner
141: Bamboo
142: Travel
143: Sting
144: City
145: Noise
146: Titan
147: Oddyseus
148: Hera
149: Archangel
150: Centaur
151: Gorgon
152: Rainforest
153: Music
154: Groot
155: Plagues
156: Courage
157: Rage
158: Belief
159: Joy
160: Horoscope
161: Family
162: Obligation
163: Friend
164: Loneliness
165: Anakin - - timetravel fic tcw/ep7
166: Anakin / Rey - A Pocket Full of Sand (Reincarnation Fic)
167: Eurynome - Monsters in the Dark
168: Eurynome - Supernova?
169: Jeeri -
170: Shmi Skywalker - Son of Sands [Aniwolf]
171: Snowdrops
172: Star Wars AU Fics
173: StarWars - WIP
174: Trials and Shenanigans (Bits and Pieces)
175: We Shouldn't Be Friends
176: SG1 - Sam - - WIP
177: SG1 - Sam&Jack - - WIP
178: SAO - Yui - SAOFest - Marching Band
179: SAO - Yui - SAOFest - What Big Sisters Are For
180: SAO w Jaegers - Silica - WIP
181: Series: Bad Plan
182: Arrow&RW - Oliver - - WIP
183: Cye - Homecoming (Multiverse)
184: Papa!Cye
185: little shadows far reaching
186: Untitled document
187: Voltron - Keith -
188: Geralt - Witchwolves [Lupercalia]
189: Hell Hath No Fury
190: Chapter 3
191: Adventures of Maiwen Tanet
192: Art of Living
193: Asclepius
194: Bloodlines
195: Bondsiblings
196: Cats Cradle
197: Smoke Song
198: Darkness Watching
199: Desert Sands
200: Dragon's Cross
201: Dragonkin
202: Fractured
203: Hydra
204: Lyric Book
205: Poetry Book
206: Red Moon Kisses
207: Rupert's Drop
208: Feyborn
209: Superheros
210: Wonderland
211: A Mother's Love
212: Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon
213: Minor Troubles
214: Roses In Stained Glass
215: Even God Can't Save You Now
216: Mirrors Edge -
217: Our Secrets
218: Mica Sands
219: SG1/RW
220: They Call Them Ghosts
221: We All Bleed
222: In A House Of Brittle Bones
223: With A Crash of Thunder
224: Digital Shards [YGO/Digimon]
225: God Save The Queen
226: Fractured Light
227: AtlA/RW
228: NatM/YGO
229: SG1/StS
230: Van Helsing/Helsing
231: GW/Avatar
232: GW/JOH
233: Saving You
234: Firefly/Outlaw Star
235: GW/RW Reincarnation Is A Bitch
236: Escaflowne/RW
237: Mending Of Hearts Hope/Noel
238: The engines of iron Cindy/MTProm
239: Weaver's Undoing
240: A Nomad's surprise
241: A Soldier For Sale
242: Heir of Spring
243: The Ghosts of Haven
244: Master's Vengence gladio/prom d/s bdsm
245: The Unfortunate Ice Cream
246: The Perfect Hustle
247: The Adventure of Odie, the One Eyed Sock Puppet
248: Angels in the Attic
249: Mending the Sun
250: Numb to the Stars
251: Traitor of Heaven - ffx/ffvii
252: Isle of Iron
253: Irreverence
254: the empty tower
255: Bravery In Eternity
256: Changeling's Duel
257: Gilded Dispair
258: Wolfwan return of shark
259: Clonewolf O66
260: Time of the Wolf Lupercalia AU
261: Time of the Wolf Lupercalia snippets
262: Going Down (Cpt. America lupercalia)
263: wake up cpt+girls
264: Lokison
265: Uncle of Mine
266: The Things Wolfsisters Do
267: Howling
268: Shield Sisters
269: starhunter lupercalia
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ao3feed-roninwarriors · 5 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3f2gfHG
by taichara
Shaken, Shin wonders yet again ...
Words: 100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri
Additional Tags: Drabble
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3f2gfHG
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tropesarenotbad · 8 years ago
I know none of your pairings but could you do something with 'come back'?
-Send me a “Come back” and I’ll write a drabble about character asking the other to return (they parted after a fight, the other has been missing for a while, etc)
Going waaaaay fluffier with this prompt, especially after my last one ended up so dark.
Fandom: Ronin Warriors
Pairing: Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada/Cye Mouri | Mouri Shin
Sleeping beside an EMT has its drawbacks. Like 24 hour shifts multiple times a week. Ryo didn’t think it would bother him, but that was before he discovered just how comforting it was, having somebody beside him.
Everything was always louder when Cye left. Each creak of the house, each gust of wind. The churning of the Naruto Strait whirlpool under the bridge and the clanging of Kayura throwing Torrent’s yari as a trophy. The same plea on his lips every time.
‘Come back.’
Ryo hid it from the connection. Cye felt guilty enough, leaving. He was dealing with life and death, some days. He didn’t need a distraction. Ryo could hold in the ghosts until he returned, and once Cye was back in bed the ghosts melted away, anyway.
The clock read 0200. Another seven hours, when commute time was added on. Twenty-seven hours since Cye had left the bed to get ready for his shift. At least this time it was the weekend, so he could be there when Cye arrived. Sometimes they didn’t see each other until after Ryo was back from work.
Ryo exhaled and curled up with Cye’s pillow against his chest, breathing in the smell of salt that permeated everything Cye touched no matter how long he’d been away from the ocean. Torrent’s influence, no doubt. Wildfire still felt on the verge of extinguishing at the memories of trying to find him under water, with Sekhmet’s venom poisoning the ocean. Pure luck saved them both, and Ryo didn’t even remember getting on land.
Cye was always off saving somebody. That made Ryo smile as the after-effects of their fight with Sekhmet played through his mind. He kept wondering if he loved Cye then, had some inklings of a crush, but he couldn’t find it. He had gone to even greater lengths for Rowen, after all. Similar lengths for Sage.
Thank the gods they all lived in the same house. Whenever one of them was away…
He knew this was PTSD. Memories of the past were too clear for it to be anything but. His desire to protect had been tempered, over the years, and he hadn’t expected it to come back with such force. Not from just sleeping beside somebody he had tried to protect. Had failed to protect…
A gentle shake of his shoulder woke him. Ryo blinked and stirred, a vaguely Cye-shaped blur above him.
“I’m going to need that.”
A few more blinks and Ryo realized he was still cuddling Cye’s pillow. He groggily pushed it back where it belonged, flopping onto his back as Cye took his uniform off and crawled into bed.
Ryo wrapped himself around his boyfriend, pulling Cye close and cradling him. As much as Cye had expressed wonder at having a relationship, Ryo felt sometimes he was in the same boat. A relationship with a man, no less, after a lifetime of loving women. Now he had found his best friend and lover in the same person.
He wanted to be beside him every night, but with Cye going to study medicine, that was likely to never happen.
Instead of just falling asleep, Cye held him back. “Rough night?”
Ryo hesitated before nodding. “I’m okay now you’re here.”
Cye kissed his cheek— sloppily, from tiredness. “We can take about it once I’m awake…”
Ryo just nodded again, rubbing Cye’s bare back as he slipped away to a well-earned rest. Now it was a case of counting how long he would be asleep. A quick peek at Cye’s phone on the nightstand showed the alarm was set for 1800, an hour before Ryo normally got home. He’d noticed how the timing was perfect, Cye just getting dinner off by the time he walked in the door. He hadn’t realized just how purposeful it was. Even though Cye got up at about the same time on weekends, if only because that was about the time Ryo started going nuts.
Cye was more than he deserved, and everything he dreamed of.
His terrible sleep of the previous night caught up with him. With Cye in his arms he barely left the bed, alternating between sleep and content lucidity. His nightmares melted away, replaced by scenes of the past few years where all five of them had gotten closer.
When all five of them had been safe, despite what trauma made them feel.
The alarm was a piercing gull cry and ocean waves, different from the early alarm. Cye stirred as Ryo turned off the alarm, which simply woke him up instead of sending him back to sleep.
Ryo put the phone back down and settled back beside Cye. “Thought I’d stay.”
Cye let out a breathy laugh. “I hope you weren’t bored watching me sleep.”
“I caught a few naps, myself,” he replied.
Leave it to mother hen, medically trained Cye to pick up on the undertones in that statement. “Did you sleep?”
Ryo paused, glancing at Cye’s face and noticing the smallest frown lines. “Not… really…”
Cye pulled himself up to kiss Ryo’s forehead. “Has it… gotten any easier?”
Now, Ryo could only shrug. “I… know what it is, now?”
The kiss on his lips was breathtaking. “I always want to come back to you, my love.”
Ryo kept their foreheads leaned together. “My turn to make you dinner.”
He didn’t think anything of their conversation for the next couple of weeks. His heart ached at how Cye had been called to work on his birthday, citing too few staff to guarantee requested time off, and they spent time planning the next possible date closest to that, barring Cye’s schedule.
The blaringly loud alarm Cye used to wake up in the morning got Ryo awake, too. He groaned and rolled over, letting Cye get up before balling up the still-warm covers and holding them against his chest. As painful as it was, this routine was getting familiar. Now that they had been sleeping beside each other longer, the sheets smelled more like salt and less like new fabric. It was a waiting game of Cye in the bathroom, then going through his closet for a clean uniform, then a kiss to Ryo’s temple before he was alone.
Cye’s closet rustling sounded different, this time. Ryo forced his eyes open to see what was going on, only to be greeted with a large teddy bear.
Cye placed it down beside him and kissed his temple. “Happy birthday, love.”
Ryo  looked up at Cye before down at the bear; it was just about the perfect size for Cye’s torso. He squished it and breathed in Cye’s scent, with Torrent lingering momentarily to confirm he’d kept it hidden in his closet for that specific reason.
Ryo pushed himself up to catch Cye’s collar and pull him down for a proper kiss.
“Is that why you like my uniform so much?” he said with a laugh.
Ryo just grinned.
Cye kissed his forehead one last time before leaving the room, almost but not quite late for work.
Ryo curled up around the bear and his heart was finally able to relax. It wasn’t Cye, but it was something. It was an acknowledgement Ryo was scared, and some reassurance Cye wanted to be there with him so he had found the next best thing.
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superwavesmasher · 9 months ago
Kento x Cye Vibes - Keeping Warm
A quick drabble I wrote, it will make those of you needing Kento X Cye go doki doki XD
“Hey Mia…I know you were headed upstairs soon but…uh..” Kento looked back over to where the guys were sitting in the other room. “Do you have any extra blankets lying around?”
“It’s summer, Kento… is it too cold in the house? I can turn the AC down?” She asks worried. “No need for anyone to catch a cold, especially with the Dynasty Warlord’s hanging around.”
“What? Nah. I-It’s uh… man, he’ll kill me if I tell but… it’s for Cye. He’s gets cold really easily and is trying to hide it in there… b-but we’ve been friends for years and when ya know, ya know…he’s not that great at hiding it.”
She blinks before looking into the room, she notices for the first time that the smaller warrior was shivering slightly. “Are you sure turning the air off won’t help?”
“He will just ask you to turn it back on. He doesn’t like to inconvenience anyone. He wants everyone else to be comfortable first.”
Mia nods smiling, “Sure.. let me get him a quilt.”
“Kento? Where did you go off too?” Cye asks quietly as he sits back on the couch he and Kento were sharing. To his surprise a quilt his laid over him. “You didn’t bother Mia did you?”
“I just gently prodded and figured out where the blankets were. That’s all I told her. Beisdes, you’re shivering, dude.”
“It’s not like it’s anything new.” The other sighs but smiles relaxing back into the couch as the bearer of Hardrock settles beside him.
Torrent curls up against the other warrior finally comfortable and warm enough to doze in and out. Kento just smiles wrapping his arm around the smaller shoulders not saying a word. He knew his best friend and he hated seeing Cye in any discomfort…so he fixed it.
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ao3feed-roninwarriors · 2 years ago
Boys of Summer Round Up
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/h675Fbx
by ani_bester
This is a collection of all my drabbles and filets written for the Samurai Troopers Boys of Summer Challenge June 2022
Words: 925, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Shuu Rei Fuan | Kento Rei Fang, Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba, Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri, Date Seiji | Sage Date, Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada, Naaza | Sekhmet (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers), Anubis | Cale (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers), Rajura | Dais (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers)
Relationships: Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba/Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri, Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri/Naaza | Sekhmet
Additional Tags: Angst, Family, Family Feels, Wrestling Tag Team: Team Hell No, Team Bonding, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/h675Fbx
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ao3feed-roninwarriors · 3 years ago
Boys of Summer 2022
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iMLJTHN
by Jaysta
A series of Drabbles, one for each day of June.
Words: 2998, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of BOS 2022
Fandoms: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada, Date Seiji | Sage Date, Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri, Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba, Shuu Rei Fuan | Kento Rei Fang, Yamano Jun | Yulie, Yagyu Nasuti | Mia Koji
Relationships: Date Seiji | Sage Date/Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba
Additional Tags: Drabbles, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, there’s a little bit of something for everyone in here, Pining, alochol, Abuse of the italicize option, Unbeta’d because we die like women here
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iMLJTHN
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prowlingthunder · 6 years ago
Tagged by @skywalking-across-the-galaxy​
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!!
Htnght. OK. I can do this.
Deus ex machina SnK WIP - IC - ??? Eileen - ??? CM - Lupercalia WIP - Red CM - Lupercalia WIP - ??? A Mother's Love Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon Minor Troubles Roses in Stained Glass The Ripple Effect: Desert Rose Trigun x Outlaw Star Gargoyles x Ronin Warriors Power Rangers x Ronin Warriors Ronin Warriors x Outlaw Star Rurouni Kenshin x Yu Yu Hakusho Dragon's Breath - DAO&RW FFX&GW - Yuna - Like Shooting Stars - WIP Gundam Wing - With Daemons WIP GW Pacific Rim GW/Naruto - Shikamaru - ??? GW&IA&FFX - Auron - Roulette - Unlikely Hobbit/RW - Bilbo - ??? House Ronin Warriors RK-Xmen = Dragon Teeth RW-PJ RWSG1 SG1/JOS - Third - In a God's Bedroom ST/RW SW/GW - [clonefic] Thor-X-Ronin Warriors Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Levi (Attack on Titan) - Hunting Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Prowls (Exalted) - Stars Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Ezio (Assassin’s Creed) - Family Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) - Honor Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Dex-Star - Love Voltron/Escaflowne YYH/Naruto - Kurama - Foxkids CSI NY - Lupercalia WIP - ??? Dark Matter - Hiro - [Lupercalia] - WIP Every Warden Ever - WIP - ??? Nelaros and F!Tabris as wardens Carslile/Sil - Highschool Junior - (Best laid plans) Junior - Outsider Junior - The G.O.A.T. MacCready - Big Town Blues MacCready - Radstorm Nora - Line-dried Laundry (Lupercalia) Pandora - ??? Pandora - Lupercalia fic - [Inside Pandora's Box] Russian Roulette - Silas deathfic Silas - Demon Summoner AU - ??? Silas King - Snow Angels (Papawolf!Renigald) Silas King - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Operation: Rescue Quinn kidfic) Y7 - All the Things I Didn't Say Ambulo Cathedral of You fanfiction Cor - ??? Cor - Dawnfire - WIP Dave - [Scourgeverse] strings and things give a brother wings FFXV - Ardyn - ??? [Cor/Ariel Altissia Thing] [15yr old female Cor with the Retinue of Old -- Cid] [15 year old female Cor with the Retinue of Old -- Regis] Noct raises Ardyn Nyx - ??? Prompto - Terrible Things Prompto & Ignis - Blood and Water Transplant Fic Box Clonebaby - Genderbend AU - Nate and Kids IA - Kasmir!Oliver Briggs - WIP IA - Nebrija x Arzu - Family - WIP Giayl - Wolflords (Lupercalia) LotRO - Aeglirann - Caran Dagra - WIP Lupercalia - Shepard - Star-light, Star-bright ME - OC - Blood And Water - WIP Black Cats and Broken Mirrors Itachi - Step Two The Hardest Part - Chapter One - Alone Two and a Number 100+ Words Character Roulette Logan - (This is what it's like) - WIP Outlander - Kainan - (wolf fur and dragon teeth) SPCH - drabble Thor - All the Little Children [Lupercalia] Thor - Lupercalia - WIP - Frigga - ??? WoW - Livieva - Puppy At Heart Haruko - Genji Lives path McHanzo Timetravel Shenanigans Nest of Vipers Stan/Haruko Stanfic Yuuma Op Children Mia - Lupercalia fic - ??? RW - Lupercalia - Arago & Hariel - Blood and Ashes - WIP Ryou - Coal Dust - GIFT - WIP Seiji - Kagome, Kagome Seiji & Cale - Quadrature Pt2 - GIFT - WIP Yulie - WIP Things Saint Seiya Has Taught Me Anakin - ??? - timetravel fic tcw/ep7 Anakin / Rey - A Pocket Full of Sand (Reincarnation Fic) Eurynome - (Empire Captive Fic) Eurynome - Monsters in the Dark Eurynome - Supernova? Jeeri - ??? Snowdrops Anemone Steals Nazgul Anemone Steals Squad Anemone Steals Nazgul + Squad Anemone Fails Stealing Order 66, Friend of Everyone verse Order 66, Jedi verse We Shouldn't Be Friends SG1 - Sam - ??? - WIP SG1 - Sam&Jack - ??? - WIP SAO - Yui - SAOFest - Marching Band SAO - Yui - SAOFest - What Big Sisters Are For SAO w Jaegers - Silica - WIP Bad Plan Arrow&RW - Oliver - ??? - WIP Cye - Homecoming (Multiverse) Papa!Cye Voltron - Keith - ???
...plus some cowriting things I don't feel comfortable sharing, a whole lot of stuff shoved in a box titled “prompts”, and a Significant Lot of ofic that's not ready for the world.
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ao3feed-roninwarriors · 8 years ago
Quiet Years? Yeah Right.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s0dj9G
by Lady_Helsing
This is a collection of one-shots and drabbles for the 2017 Boys of Summer Challenge! It's also a look into small and large events that happen to the boys (and girls) between Power and A Part.
Words: 625, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada, Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba, Date Seiji | Sage Date, Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri, Shuu Rei Fuan | Kento Rei Fang, Kayura | Lady Kayura, Naaza | Sekhmet, Rajura | Dais, Anubis | Cale, Original Characters
Additional Tags: frienship
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s0dj9G
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ao3feed-roninwarriors · 4 years ago
Tra le sue braccia... era possibile morire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35eMzWk
by perseoeandromeda
Una raccolta di drabbles e flashfic incentrate sull'universo di Yoroiden Samurai Troopers
Words: 805, Chapters: 2/2, Language: Italiano
Series: Part 1 of Tra gli uomini il guerriero...
Fandoms: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba, Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri, Date Seiji | Sage Date, Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada, Shuu Rei Fuan | Kento Rei Fang, Byakuen | White Blaze
Relationships: various
Additional Tags: OT5, Bishounen, Yaoi, Shounen-ai, Hurt/Comfort, Violence, Angst, Introspection, War, Blood, Fights, Sex
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35eMzWk
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ao3feed-roninwarriors · 5 years ago
Ocean Of Stars
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fY7COV
by taichara
Touma does mean the invitation honestly, but it's been a while.
Words: 100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba, Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri
Additional Tags: Drabble
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fY7COV
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ao3feed-roninwarriors · 5 years ago
A Bit Of Floundering
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2B4IPdh
by taichara
Enough excitement, travel, and danger and hey, anyone can ask silly questions ...
Words: 100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri, Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada
Additional Tags: Drabble
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2B4IPdh
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ao3feed-roninwarriors · 5 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XnqeBF
by Quiet_Shadow
A collection of drabbles on various characters...
Words: 1048, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada, Naaza | Sekhmet, Anubis | Cale, Kayura | Lady Kayura, Kenbukkyou, Rajura | Dais, Shuu Rei Fuan | Kento Rei Fang, Shutendouji | Anubis, Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri, Yamano Jun | Yulie, Kaosu | The Ancient One
Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Pre-Canon, Character Study, Post-Canon, Drabble Collection
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XnqeBF
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ao3feed-roninwarriors · 6 years ago
E ritorneremo fra terra e cielo
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Xdc9EC
by Rurilelith
Una drabble al giorno per cento giorni. Novantacinque temi fissi, cinque temi liberi, cinque samurai. Buona fortuna.
Words: 327, Chapters: 2/101, Language: Italiano
Fandoms: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada, Date Seiji | Sage Date, Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba, Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri, Shuu Rei Fuan | Kento Rei Fang, Anubis | Cale, Shutendouji | Anubis, Naaza | Sekhmet, Rajura | Dais, Yagyu Nasuti | Mia Koji, Suzunagi (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers), un po' tutti a seconda
Relationships: OT5 - Relationship
Additional Tags: BDT
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Xdc9EC
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