cyclegrooversbabies · 2 months
devious content - cyclegroover
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summary : you and your best friend’s brother make content for his tiktok, but it takes a devious turn
warnings : swearing, unprotected p in v, creampie, breeding kink, public sex, daddy kink
a/n : he hasn’t name revealed, so we’re gonna call him aiden. enjoy :)
your day has been long and boring, and your night has been even longer and more boring. you had plans with your best friend, audrey, but she canceled at the last minute. unfortunately, her boyfriend tends to be more of a priority sometimes.
so, instead of drinking, eating junk food, and dancing to your favorite music, you’re lying alone in bed. it wasn’t how you planned to spend your night, but it’s not the worst.
“slow down here. i don’t know my way around here.” you mumble the lyrics to the song playing on your tv.
your phone lay beside you, lighting up with different notifications, causing you to turn your head toward it. the green messages icon pops up, showcasing a few messages from aiden, your best friend’s brother.
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despite your confusion and amusement, you crawl out of bed and head to your closet. it's not at all unlike aiden to hit you up about filming at late hours. however, telling you to wear a dress? completely unlike him.
yet, you find yourself rummaging through your clothes, flicking hanger after hanger to find something formal. you scrunch your face up, having no idea what to wear. puffing out a breath, you dig deeper into the closet, crossing from casual wear to fancy. your fingers graze over a black silk dress and you pause, tugging the fabric out to examine it.
surely, this isn't what he has in mind.
your thoughts are cut off by the loud exhaust from the all too familiar kawasaki motorbike that aiden rides. your eyes widen and you quickly yank the dress from the hanger, hastily stripping from your clothes and pulling the dress over your body.
just as you pull your hair out of the back of the dress, your bedroom door opens, and in walks aiden, cladded in a full suit.
your jaw drops as you take him in in all of his delicious glory. the sleeves of his blazer fit snugly around his torso, hugging him in all the right places. his short curls dance gracefully across his forehead, showcasing his warm brown eyes. your mouth physically salivates at the sight of him in front of you.
"hey." he says, his gaze going up and down your figure.
you lick your lips and swallow, "hi."
"so," he clears his throat and raises his eyebrows. "you ready?"
amusement plasters across your face as you look at him, "am i ready? i don't even know what we're doing, and i look like an idiot."
his eyes linger on the thigh high slit of your dress, and he shakes his head. "i told you, we're gonna film. and you definitely don't look like an idiot."
your cheeks flush the slightest bit. "don't you think i need a bit more time to get ready?"
"all you need is your shoes and a jacket. i've got your helmet outside, and we can just put a pair of heels in my bag or something."
you bite your inner cheek and shrug after a moment of contemplation. aiden steps forward and pulls out a black jacket from your closet, holding it out for you to put it on. you grin to yourself and turn around, sliding your arms through the sleeves as he lays it over your shoulders.
“i saw your shoes by the front door. i’ll go grab them while you pick whatever heels you want.” he states, heading out of your room.
you do as he says, quickly gathering a pair of simple black stilettos. holding them by the straps, you follow him out to the living room where he’s got your tennis shoes in hand.
“thanks.” you say as he tosses them to you. slipping them on and tying them up, you look over at him, “so, what exactly are we doing?”
he gives you a look as if he’s already told you a million times — which he has, kind of — “we’re going out and we’re filming.”
you roll your eyes, “yeah, i gathered that.”
“just trust me.”
“trust you?” you snort.
he smirks, “when have i ever let you down, shorty?”
you can’t help the small smile that spreads across your face as you roll your eyes again. you toss your heels at him, not sparing a second glance as you head out the front door. he chuckles at you, slipping your shoes in his bag and following you out.
once the two of you are settled on the bike, his bag on your back and your arms around his waist, you’re off to whatever mysterious destination he has planned for you.
it doesn’t take long for the two of you to reach an empty parking lot lit up by street lights. as you come to a stop, you almost don’t want to let go, reveling in the warmth he provides as well as the mouth watering cologne he’s wearing. not to mention his body fits perfectly against yours, like you’re made for each other.
aiden shuts the engine off and kicks out the kickstand, placing his hands on your thighs. you ignore the tingling his touch leaves and take a deep breath.
“can you explain what we’re doing now?” you ask for what feels like the millionth time.
you can’t see his face, but you can hear the amusement in his voice as he speaks, “we’re filming a tiktok. a dancing tiktok. to pony.”
you pause your movement, one leg on the ground, the other hooked over the bike, “by ginuwine?”
“the one and only.”
you bite your tongue and climb off the bike, instantly removing his bag and pulling out your heels. the song’s very sexual, and just the thought of dancing to it with him makes your stomach clench.
aiden gets off the bike and ushers you to sit back down on it, facing him from the side. he unties your shoes and removes them, along with your socks. taking one heel in his hand, he begins to slip your foot in it and lace it up.
you stare down at him, only catching his eyes through the open visor. he looks concentrated. for some reason, the gesture feels oddly intimate, and you’re not sure what to make of it. but you know how it makes you feel.
you’ve always found him incredibly sexy, from the way he talks to the way he acts and dresses. sometimes you want to jump his bones, but his sister being your best friend prevents you from crossing that line.
“thank you.” you whisper in appreciation after he gets both of your heels on.
he clears his throat, “yeah, no problem.”
he helps you off the bike, keeping his hands on your waist to make sure you’re steady. once he pulls away, you remove your jacket and set it with your sneakers. you step aside as he begins to get his phone set up and ready.
he walks backwards a bit and adjusts his jacket, smoothing down the sides before turning to you. “how do i look?” he questions, holding his arms out.
“hot.” the word slips from your mouth before you can catch yourself, causing your face to burn a bright ride. choosing not to dwell on it, you do a spin and ask, “how about me?”
“edible.” he answers.
his response halts your movement. you can feel your core practically throbbing from the one word he used to describe you. your stomach twists up with desire and uncertainty, wanting nothing more than to fuck him right then and there, but also knowing that probably isn’t the best idea.
“how do you want to start?” you ask, attempting to sway your mind and its filthy thoughts.
after a couple of minutes of explaining what he wants to happen, the two of you are ready. he starts the recording and back tracks to his bike in the middle of the screen. you stand off to the side, out of view until your cue. the song begins playing, and aiden starts the dance.
you guys do a few takes, both of you having to stop at certain points because there’s no denying it’s getting hot and heavy between the two of you. you never would’ve guessed he’d have you soaked tonight, but you can feel the dampness between your legs. luckily for you, he’s also struggling to hold it together. though neither of you address it, the bulge in his slacks is proof that he’s turned on.
deciding to give it one more shot to get it right, the music starts again.
i’m just a bachelor, looking for a partner.
you slide into view of the camera, sauntering over to him in a sexy manner. he’s straddling his bike backwards, leaving room for you to climb on.
someone who knows how to ride, without even falling off.
you climb on the bike, your thighs straddling his to where you’re practically in his lap, and you roll your hips into his as if you’re riding him. his bulge presses directly into your core, eliciting a moan from you. a groan escapes his lips at the sweet sound you made and the feeling of you against him. both of you freeze, only for him to grab the bottom of your helmet and yank you closer to him.
“i think this is where we turn the camera off.” he speaks, his voice low and husky.
your breath catches in your throat, though you choose not to think too much into his comment. he slides you back, his grip tight on your thighs. the pressure goes straight to between your legs, leaving you clenching around nothing.
“or,” you start in a breathy tone, “we can leave it on.”
his fingers dig into your skin, surely leaving bruises. he caresses your legs for just a moment before pulling back and removing his helmet. his curls fall back into place along his forehead. his dark brows furrow, his eyes darkening as he looks at you. reaching forward, he grasps your helmet and softly pulls it from your head. setting both aside, you’re both left staring at each other with heaving chests.
“you have no idea how badly i wanna fuck you right now.” he croaks, tossing his head back just a bit.
your heart races in your chest, your stomach tightening as you take in his words. you bite your lip, pondering what to say. regardless of whether or not it’s a bad idea, you’ve never wanted anything more.
“what’s stopping you?” you whisper, tilting your head.
he catches your eye and stops for a moment. in just a split second, he’s yanking you back into him with his hand around your neck. his eyes roam your face, searching for any signs of hesitation. finding nothing but lust, he kisses your fiercely.
a small gasp erupts from your mouth as his lips meet yours. in an instant, he has you back on top of his lap, one of his hands tangled in your hair, the other gripping your neck. your hands trail up his arms and run down his torso, feeling the sculpted muscles beneath his suit.
the pressure of his kiss makes you dizzy, a subtle taste of mint lingers on his tongue as he makes his way into your mouth. your tongues dance, teeth clash, consuming one another's oxygen. your hands move frantically against him, wrapping around his shoulders to pull him impossibly closer. he tightens his grip on your hips, grinding you against him.
"if you wanna stop, i suggest we do it now. 'cause i'm like ten seconds away from bending you over my bike and filling you up with my cum." aiden groans against your mouth, breathless as he speaks.
you roll your hips against his once more, your core practically sobbing for stimulation. the feeling of his hard member pressed against you as you move makes your face scrunch in pleasure. you lick your kiss swollen lips and stare into his eyes. "aiden."
his eyes almost roll to the back of his head at the sound of your whiny voice moaning his name. he brings your face closer to his, pressing a few more wet kisses to your mouth, before pulling away to let you continue.
"please fuck me." you beg, grinding against him. "right here, right now."
his mouth slams back onto yours, his hands sliding down your legs. reaching the end of your dress, he slides it up to your waist, showcasing your little black panties. goosebumps litter your skin from the cool night air mixed with the warmth of his touch.
"you're so fucking sexy, baby." he mumbles into the kiss.
his fingers trail up your thighs, dipping into the waistband of your panties, teasingly running along the trim. you pull back in frustration, using one hand to brace yourself on his shoulder, and the other to remove your underwear yourself. before you can set them aside, he takes them from you and slides them in your mouth.
"god, i can't wait to feel your pussy around me." he moans, drinking in the sight of you. he repositions you until you're straddling one of his thighs and gives you a devilish grin. "until then, you’re gonna ride my thigh like a good girl.”
as soon as your bare heat comes in contact with the smooth material of his slacks, your lips part with a small gasp. he places his hands on your waist, guiding you back and forth over his leg. lewd moans fall from your mouth as your clit bushes against his leg. he flexes his leg, his muscles tightening beneath you, providing better friction.
you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a sloppy kiss as you try to keep your composure. your arousal seeps into his pants, creating a sticky lubricant. he slightly lifts his leg, bumping into your pussy, eliciting a loud moan from you.
“fuck, you’re so wet.” he coos, peeking down at your sopping center as you chase your pleasure. “that’s it, make a mess all over daddy’s leg.”
your movement becomes frantic, your teeth biting down on your panties to try to contain your moans. your saliva soaks into them, making your arousal much more noticeable as it coats your tongue. the knot in your stomach tightens, indicating your incoming orgasm.
aiden pulls the underwear from your mouth, “aht, aht. i wanna hear how good i’m making you feel.”
one of his hands trail up from your waist, applying the perfect amount of pressure along your body. his hand grasps your neck, his thumb against your chin as he brings your face towards his. his eyes take in your face that’s contorted with pleasure, and he can’t help but admire how fucking good you look.
“all mine.” he mutters to himself as his thumb traces your parted lips.
“feels so good.” you whine, your hips bucking as the knot inside of you snaps, bringing you over the edge with a pornographic moan.
aiden holds you against him as your body convulses, kissing the side of your neck while encouraging you to let it all out. your juices drip onto his leg, soaking the material between the two of you. your breathing is heavy as your eyes flutter from the satisfying sensation.
“you’re so hot when you cum.” he smirks, “i bet you’re even hotter cumming on my dick.”
the thought alone sends a new wave of arousal through your body, leaving you clenching, your pussy desperate for more. you slowly slide off of his lap, using the bike for support as your body feels weak. after catching your breath, you glance up at him and take in his hungry gaze. licking your lips, you reach out for his belt buckle.
his mouth sports a devious grin as he watches you unbuckle his belt. his erection painfully strains against his pants, eager to be set free from its restrictions. after releasing the buckle, you immediately unbutton his slacks, yearning for the feeling of his hardened member.
"so desperate to be stuffed by my cock." he teases in a condescending tone.
"wanna feel you inside me." you mumble, your cheeks flushing at your own words.
he audibly groans at your comment and helps you in pulling out his length. your mouth waters at the sight; long and thick, a few veins running along the shaft, a pretty pink tip with dribbles of precum. your small hand wraps around him, barely able to enclose him with your fingers. a breathy sigh leaves his mouth when you make contact.
"such a pretty cock." you whisper, leaning forward to lick the tip.
his hips buck when your tongue grazes the head of his dick, his precum spread across your tongue. his hand tangles in your hair, swiftly pulling you up to his mouth and kissing you with everything he has.
he's never been so turned on in his life. you've always done something to him, and he can't believe he's finally getting you where he wants you. you're in the same exact boat. the thought of sneaking around with your best friend's brother is so wrong, but fuck, does it feel so right.
aiden kicks his leg over his bike, stepping off. he turns you to face him, taking your face in his hands and pressing his mouth to yours in a hungry kiss. his hands travel down your body and beneath you, squeezing your ass, pulling a moan from you.
he lifts you from the bike and gently sets you down on the ground, pressing a few more kisses to your lips. “turn around.”
you do as he says, turning around and bending over, using his bike for support. he softly kicks your legs apart, causing your heart to hammer with anticipation in your chest. you can feel the continuous arousal seep from your aching hole.
he very slowly lifts your dress. you take a sharp breath when the cool air hits your bare center. his hands knead your ass, pulling your cheeks apart to showcase your dripping heat.
“you’re so fucking wet, baby.” he moans.
he brings his hand between your thighs, ghosting over where you need him most. his fingers graze your pussy, pulling a soft whimper from you. spreading your juices around, his thumb massages your clit in soft circles, causing your legs to jerk. his middle digit circles around your entrance, teasing you.
before you can beg him to do something, his finger plunges into you. a loud yelp leaves your lips, and you’re instantly clenching around him. his finger so long and slender, rubbing against your rigid walls so delicately.
before you can even indulge in the feeling, he removes his hand. you whine and shake your hips, pressing your ass against him, needing to feel more. he tsks with a chuckle, bringing his hand down on your cheek with a sharp slap. you squeak and attempt to close your legs, but he places himself between them, preventing you from doing so.
he grabs his dick, pumping it a few times before sliding it up and down your slickness. your breath hitches and your body grows hot. in one deep thrust, he pushes into you, bottoming out inside of your gushing hole.
“oh my — fuck.” you squeal, involuntarily clenching around him.
“i know, baby.” he breathes through his nose, attempting to keep control and not completely ravage you on the spot.
his hands hold your hips as he pulls back, rutting forward to fill you back up. soft moans spill from you as he strokes you deep and slow. his fingertips dig into your skin as he brings you back to meet his thrusts. your mouth falls open, eyes rolling back as pleasure floods your veins. he bites down on his bottom lip, head tossed back from the pure bliss.
blowing out a breath, he refocuses on where you’re connected. what a sight. your pussy grips him so tightly, sucking him back in every time he pulls away. your fluid soaks his dick, leaving a creamy ring around the base. with every pump, your fleshy ass bounces off of his hips, waves rippling through it.
“fuck — you take me so fucking well.” he groans as you push against him.
your face scrunches up, tears welling in your eyes from the immense pleasure. you’re already so close to cumming again. aiden reaches up and wraps your hair around his hand, tugging your head back. your jaw falls open, heavy breaths and mewls leaving your mouth as he reaches around with his opposite hand and rubs your clit.
“god, you feel s-so good daddy.” you cry out, both of your hands gripping the seat below you.
his thrusts grow harder and faster, throaty moans emitting from his mouth. “dirty little whore, calling your best friend’s brother daddy. who knew you were such a slut? you like it that much, hm?”
sobs leave you mouth as the tightness in your stomach grows. you can’t help but meet his every movement, it hurts so good. your legs shake, and if it weren’t for the bike beneath you, they would’ve given out by now.
“fuck, aiden..” you moan loudly as he digs into your sweet spot. “don’t stop. please don’t stop.”
he groans as he feels you clenching around him. his thrusts grow erratic, “god, you’re everything. so fucking perfect.” his finger on your sensitive bud speeds up, pressing harder against the bundle of nerves. “you’re close, aren’t you? yeah. let it go, baby.”
your pussy clamps down at his words, squeezing his cock as the pressure inside your stomach grows unbearable. silent moans fall from your mouth as your hips buck. the way he’s fucking you so deliciously sends you over the edge, your essence saturating his cock as you cum.
“that’s it.” he coos, “that’s my good girl.”
his strokes become sloppy as he chases his own release. he wraps an arm around your neck, holding you flush against his chest. his other arm wraps around your waist to keep you upright as he drills into you.
“daddy.” you sob, “want you to cum inside me. please, want your cum so bad.”
“yeah? you want me to fill you up with my babies?” he grunts, shoving as deep as humanly possible. “you’re unreal. so fucking filthy.”
he holds you tight, keeping you against him as he cums with a raspy moan. his cock twitches inside you, releasing a hot, milky load inside of you. everything feels fuzzy as he empties himself deep in your pussy, and you can’t help but smile.
before he even pulls out, your phone starts ringing. you choose to ignore it, but he picks it up and smirks as he reads the contact name. audrey. he looks over at you, then presses answer and puts it on speaker, holding it out for you. your eyes widen as you look back and forth from him and the phone.
“hello?” you hear audrey ask from the other end.
“h-hello?” you reply in a pant.
“where are you?” she asks.
aiden pulls you back into him, shoving his cock deeper into you, catching you off guard. you gasp, eyes closing from the feeling.
“hello? what’s wrong?” audrey speaks up.
you clear your throat, shaking your head. “nothing. what?”
she groans, “where are you? ethan and i got into a fight and i just need a girls night.”
before you can catch yourself, you’re rolling your eyes. of course she wants to hangout now. she blew off your plans just to come crawling back when her and her boyfriend aren’t getting along.
you’re not complaining though. you just had the best orgasm of your life.
aiden pulls out of you, leaving you shuddering. he tucks himself back into his pants and pulls your dress down, covering you back up. he sends you a look, reminding you that you haven’t responded to his sister.
“um, okay. i can be home in like 15, just meet me there.” you say, hanging up before she can reply.
you look over at aiden, catching his eye. he’s got a panty dropping grin on his face as he watches you, admiring the way your skin is flushed, how your hair is tangled, and the dried tears on your cheeks. you look especially fucked out, and he can’t help but smile because he’s the one who’s got you like that.
“so.” he says.
“so..” you awkwardly repeat.
he quietly chuckles, “don’t make it weird now. i fucked you, and you liked it.”
your face turns bright red and you shove him, shaking your head at his words.
he tosses an arm around you, laughing as he pulls you into him. “hey, it’s okay. i loved it.” he leans down and kisses you hard. “and don’t think that’s the last time, you’re mine now.”
your stomach flutters with butterflies as you kiss him. this is definitely not something you’ll regret.
“now, let’s go. my sister needs a hug from you. so, that’s what you’re gonna do… with my kids dripping down your legs.”
a/n : first fic :))) he’s so sexy idc idc, need him to breed me!!!!!
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cyclegrooversbabies · 3 months
my man my man my man
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cyclegrooversbabies · 2 months
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daddy’s got a mil 😛 proudest baby ever 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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cyclegrooversbabies · 2 months
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• she/her, 22
• i am a slut for this man right here
• inbox open alwaysss
masterlist , taglist , requests/restrictions , rules
unfortunately, i do have to say this: do not copy my work! i put in hard work, time, and effort into everything i write. and i do not like thieves.
- j 🏍️
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