antmrankingskd · 4 years
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13. Ivana
I like Ivana’s effort in this shot but the payoff is disappointing. She showed the clothing well, albeit in a forced and show-and-tell sort of way. Where she really loses me is her face: her eyes are unfocused and she honestly looks slightly confused and terrified. This photo just showed Ivana’s lack of experience.
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ranking-antm · 6 years
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#11 - Sandra Shehab
Another upsettingly plain photo from a previously high-ranked contestant. Sandra is just standing there. At least she is trying to smize, and attempting to make a shape with her body by...placing one hand on her hip. Okay. She does look beautiful in the dress, but right now she looks like she’s playing dress up more than modeling the garment. I expected a lot more from her here.
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topmodelranking · 7 years
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#3 – Khrystyana
Another absolutely gorgeous dress, worn by an absolutely gorgeous model. Khrys is proving herself to be a massive threat in this competition right from the get-go. Her face is just so beautiful, she could have easily been washed out by these colours, but somehow she pushes through. I will admit the pose borders on amateur, but the level of commitment makes me forgive it.
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topmodelranking · 7 years
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#5 – Kyla
The top 5 were all difficult to distinguish between, all were strong, and all made the clothes look beautiful. Kyla’s is one of the simplest shots, but I don’t think that is an insult. Her eye contact is so endearing, and alluring. I wish he headpiece didn’t cover her jawline though, it softens the shot in a way it didn’t need.
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topmodelranking · 7 years
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#9 – Jeana
Fierce, but very expected. Jeana was one of the most striking girls for me, but is doesn’t really translate here. Her facial features are softer, so her bone structure can come across as non-existent, and it borders on it here. The outfit looks good, but I wish she hadn’t just put her hands on her hips. It is the go-to move for models, so always reads as amateur. Maybe had she just dropped her arm, and given the same attitude this would have been stronger.
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topmodelranking · 7 years
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#10 – Coura
I was hoping for a bit more from Coura, she looked gorgeous on set, but the final shot is very mediocre. The dress cuts her off, and shortens her considerably. It is messing up all her proportions, which is not so great when you have such a killer body. I feel she could have worked her upper body a lot more, right now she is just standing there. The whole thing doesn’t look awful, just lacklustre.
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topmodelranking · 7 years
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#11 – Brendi
I’m not sure if this is true, but apparently Brendi was the designers favourite. Not 100% sure why that was, this photo is alright, but her face sort of fails for me. I can see twinges of aristocracy, but some elements of being incredibly bored. The pose too is alright, but the dress is consuming her body. Her neck is gone, and given how short it normally is, she cannot afford to lose anymore. It shows potential though, and hopefully with more manageable wardrobe she can do better.
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topmodelranking · 7 years
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#13 – Ivana
Ivana has a killer body, but I am not sure it is shown in its best light here. Firstly that outfit is horrid, but the whole shot feels a bit showy. I know she wanted to display the wings, but right now it reads incredibly amateur. Her face too looks more unsure than anything else. I wish she had gone for profile, and just brought one wing back. I feel that would have looked far more dramatic, and regal.
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antmrankingskd · 4 years
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3. Vega
Vega definitely has my favorite face of the week. I love the moodily tilted head and and the glint in their gorgeous eyes peering out from that mass of fabric. I really like the broken down body language as well and they were still able to bring some shape to that super difficult dress. I didn’t know what to expect from Vega but it certainly wasn’t something this strong.
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topmodelranking · 7 years
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#2 – Liberty
So glad Liberty rocked it, she destroyed any doubts I had about her just being a pretty girl. Plus, after that premiere I have a feeling Liberty will be around for longer than I thought, which I am kind of pumped for. I loved her. This was initially my first call-out, and was my instant favourite when they flashed up in the episode. The full version did ruin it a tiny bit, purely because I thought she was standing in the photo.  It is still brilliant. I love the defeated body language, the hunch of the shoulders. As a beauty shot it would easily be my favourite, I think her features are gorgeous, and I am loving the eye contact.
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topmodelranking · 7 years
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#14 – Sandra
Such a disappointment here, I was hoping for miracles but this is so meh. Her face is beautiful, but her expression just isn’t doing it for me. Also I wish she had been given another head piece, her darker hair is so much better, the blonde sort of clashes here. As for the body, I think the dress is quite unflattering on her. Her hips look far larger. For such a prominent Instagram model, I expect her to know the angles of her body a bit better. I still have my hopes up for Sandra, but have a feeling after that premiere I will be disappointed soon.
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topmodelranking · 7 years
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#15 – Shanice
Out of all the people cast, Shanice is the most confusing for me. Her initial photo was a bit confusing, and this one just seems awkward. Her profile isn’t strong enough to carry this photo, and the entire shot feels a bit half-assed. Not that impressed so far, she needs to do something amazing to change my opinion at this point.
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ranking-antm · 6 years
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#1 - Liz Woodbury
Liz really nailed it this week. The look in her eyes is so broken and demented, and her pose is so wonderfully exhausted and doll-like. She’s encased in this black cloud of a garment, but she shines through. I’m interested in the story behind this photo, and I want more. No other contestant brought that this week other than Liz. 
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ranking-antm · 6 years
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#2 - Kyla Coleman
I love Kyla’s expression here. It is so sweet and soft, curious and demure. At the same time, it’s very high fashion. Like Rio, she is “just standing there” and yet all attention goes to her face. Not much to say about her body, as it’s very hidden, but I love how one shoulder is slightly up. This photo is just very cute, and also very stunning, and I simply adore it.
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ranking-antm · 6 years
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#3 - Rio Summers
This is how you “just stand there” and still command attention. Rio is giving the fiercest smize yet, and she is practically glowering. Her arm looks powerful, in accordance with her strong stance. Even with the ridiculous outfit she has on, my eyes still went straight to her face. This is a quality photo and I’m really amazed that she went from the very bottom of my first impressions list to the top three for this photoshoot. 
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ranking-antm · 6 years
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#6 - Brendi K Seiner
Some people may think this is overrated, but I actually really like this photo. This photo looks like it could have been taken out of a magazine spread. Brendi K is exhibiting an air of expense, debonair and regality, and her pose is great. If I had to nitpick, her eyes are bringing a half smize rather than a full one, and her left arm’s straightness is a little awkward looking. Overall, though, this is one of my favorite photos from this shoot.
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