Cyber Law
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The Indian Cyber Law..
Did you know we have an Act which regulates the cyber crimes and cyber laws in India ?
Yes, The Information Technology Act, 2000 (also known as ITA-2000, or the IT Act) is an Act of the Indian Parliament which was rolled out on 17 October 2000.
It is the primary law in India dealing with cyber crime and electronic commerce..
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fadervoor · 7 years
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#obwifin #la_hora_del_café #feeka Då blev klockan 10.00 och det planerade stället hade fortfarande inte öppnat. Ett femtiotal meter därifrån hade dock La Hora kafé öppnat så det blev en €4.00 frukost i högsta kontinentalkvalitét.
Jag har fått feekabröd från kaféet till Bull’s Unique-Horn tidigare, jag har också varit in och handlat kaffemed mjölk på pappers-mugg tidigare. Det är ett litet kafé som inte dokumenterats tidigare då Lenovomobilen togs ur bruk och inga bilder kunde tas på flera månader.
En nackdel gentemot andra kaféer är bristen på wifispot. Som “uppkopplad” och cyberinfo-vän förlorar kaféet 1 stjärna i betyg p.g.a. den 90-tals stämpel de med nutidstänket av “vi har wifi” (ett nytt, hippt och innetänk för längre kundbesök), inne som utomhus – i en 10 m radie runt företaget.
Det är inte en lockelse men väl en “extra tjänst” som ingår då man (eller kvinna) gör en affär med bolaget/företaget som ny eller återkommande kund.
Miljön är mysig (inte den mörka stilen som är mer min smak) och t.o.m. hönsnätet, gestapo-huset och kaffeburkar finns samlade i ett modernt kafé utan wifispot.
För dem med “kontoret på fickan” är uppkoppling något man kombinerar med det att jobba ute på fältet – man tar inga internetabonnemang på mobilen – utan kombinerar “äta/leva ute” med fri wifi hos dem man gärna (åter-)besöker som stamkund.
Personalen är trevlig och stor toalett finnes (om än utan tvättfat) – däremot minns jag en bit trä på väggen på vilken en desinfektionspump eller liknande kunde monteras. Allt för känslan att med fräscha fingrar “goffa i sig” bakelsen som väntar efter ett toabesök.
Betyg: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)
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hope-live-dreams · 9 years
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Cyber Janek 8)
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warhammer40kinfo · 10 years
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Daemonettes are Slaanesh's most numerous warriors/courtesans.
According to their history, Daemonettes is like a seducer, temptress and a warrior combined. These hideous creatures has, as you can see, mutated parts of their body, most likely half male, half female and a set of clawed feet. 
As the messengers of Slaanesh, it's the Daemonettes that's called upon when humans or other alien races tries to communicate with the Dark Prince.
When people sees the Daemonettes, they see the ultimate aspect of beuty and seductivness although that's hardly the truth. As you can see on the left picture, they're extremely hideous and repulsive to the naked eye. they have a crab-like talon, one boob and a face that only a mother can love.
It's the same as with the picture on the right, this kind of Daemonettes is the latest manifestations with very clear physical changes to them. Their claw is now sickle-formed, their hair is now a writhing mass of tentacles and in general, they look more like a female now than they did before.
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warhammer40kinfo · 10 years
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Luther the "Arch-Betrayer".
Luther, the man who found Lion El'Jonson, were one of the greatest, if not the greatest man, on Caliban.
Luther were an acclaimed Knight of the Order of Knights, an estemmed order of which Jonson ended up as Supreme Grand Master by killing a Great Beast.
Luther was unfortunately too old to become a true Astartes when the Emperor came so he was genetically enchanted to be nearly as powerful as a regular Astartes. Unfortunately, this made a deep scar within Luther, because he became jealous of those he tutored. they became Astartes, he didn't.
Luther was born on Caliban, came with the Lion and then back to Caliban again. When Luther arrived on Caliban again, he became enraged and even more jealous when he hears the news about the Lion's victories across the galaxy, which made Luther turn Heretic.
When the Lion returned to Caliban, Luther had swayed nearly all the stationed Space Marines to his side. 
The Lion, enraged at his surrogate father's betrayal, launched a tactical bombardment on the planet which cracked the entire planet and made everything explode, except The Rock which is protected by potent force shields to prevent damage. 
Luther and the Lion thought for a bit but as Luther dealt a psychical blow to the Lion's mind, a veil was lifted from his eyes and Luther repented his sins by refusal. Refusal to fight his son and everything else.
The Ruinous Powers, enfuriated at Luther's turn, unleashed a massive warp storm and ripped him of his mind, making him mentally unstable at best.
Now, Luther resides deep within the deepest chambers of The Rock in a stasis cell. Every Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angelsk Legion has visited him atleast once to see if they can deprive some prophetic truths from him. Some have, but other times its just rambling madness from an unstable person. He whispers that the Lion will return and repent him for his sins and make him one of the Dark Angels again. Something that's yet to be seen, but maybe it will be.
Soon atleast...
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