#cybergore au
banshee-circus · 9 months
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I know I haven't been active in a long while. been pretty out of it.
Got two sketches here for yall of cybergore wally. bit different than the previous designs but I'm never sure on the way I want the decay placed.
Also, lacking any background machinery holding him up like I've done in the other drawings. Thought about drawing some for the standing pose, but eh.
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shotfreed · 6 years
How to Absolutely Own My Ass
honestly if you do any one (1) of these things that’s basically it you have free run over my muses and myself basically 
indulge me in one of my stupid au’s 
tag me in shit w/ like swords/knives/blades/sharp pointy shit in general
plot some of that good angst with me
be really chill with my multi and poly ship bullshit (esp w/ very loose moral compass) 
mssg me abt shit like ships or smth idk fam tell me how your day was scream abt some hcs idfk guys let me love you
give me a can of coke. that’s it i’m yours. doesn’t matter if i got a liter on my desk rn gimmie
send me the shittiest memes. or animal pics. esp dogs, snakes, bunnies and deer
cybergore is my fucking jam. 
play ow with me even tho i am awful and the literal worst and usually intoxicated when i play
let me rant abt my dumb as shit story ideas and ocs 
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banshee-circus · 1 year
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'You found yourself coming across an old abandoned warehouse that'd been left sealed off from the public for decades.
After braking in, You find old stageprobs, merchandise, broken lights and tools of all sorts just left struwn about.
The place is in pretty bad shape with nearly everything having some level of decay or another.
After a brief search however, an old memory flashed past you mind.
You werenot certain what it was at first.
Growing up watching your parents old childhood VCR tapes, you just barley remember the characters anymore.
The once colourfuly painted backgrounds of home now peeling and faded infront of You.
Who were they... The big blue dog? The Postman?
One character you do remember however. The most.. what was it again? the most...? nevermind.
You found him in the very back,
Not a puppet like some of the others, nor a suit.
You parents had told you he was special, he was a robot...
It was heartbreaking to see him now though... once technology that astounded a generation. now left to rot, hung up but the metal bars and wires that once helped move him.
"...Wally..." you had muttered to what was left of the the once children's star as it stared right through you with its dead eyes.
That was the day you had decided... you were going to fix this animatronic.
Even if you didn't know much about technology, there was no way in hell you were going to leave such a crime be, to let something like this rot in here alone. It was unjust!
It would be tough work but you know he'll be worth it.
As you pack up for the night, telling the motionless blue haired robot you'll be back again tomorrow evening, for a moment you could have sworn Wallys eyes were staring right into yours.
It has to be a trick of the light of course.'
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banshee-circus · 1 year
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napkin art againnnnnn.
more of a full body for cybergore!wally
(that is a bit more fixed up version of him)
as well as a burnt up version showing most of his metal endo on the left
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banshee-circus · 1 year
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a'ight, SO. I decided to make a digital piece for CyberGore
thx for the support and encouragement so far on my aus. I love this fandom so much, so many wholesome people <3 <3 <3
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banshee-circus · 1 year
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today's napkin art.
I was thinking bout drawing torn patch wally. but then I ended up making a Cyber gore torn wally instead.
say hello to cybergore wally I supose. with a similar missing limb as torn patchwally but we gonna ignore that.
drawn on the superior almighty napkin
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