catxdubh-blog · 9 years
@cxccinellebelle liked for the asshole
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“Well, well.. Look what the cat dragged in.” His voice was a sneer, a shadowed figure of the once loved cat hero was watching her. His eyes shimmered with burning hatred, mouth curled into sickened smirk. The glow of his teeth and eyes were all that remained on the shadow figure, as well as a purple bell..
“Let’s make this snappy, I have a whole city to convert~” Le Nuit purred sickeningly, leaping in front of his once beloved partner. “Give me your miraculous, or suffer in the shadows. Don’t you hear their cries Ladybug? Maybe I’ll let them go if you surrender..”
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yeuxdechiot · 9 years
@cxccinellebelle liked for a starter!
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“OK, Marinette, here’s the deal! I’ll be good for the rest of the day, but after that you gotta introduce me to Ladybug!!” She wouldn’t accept any alternatives to this plan - no compromises whatsoever. 
“And don’t try to tell me you don’t know how to find her! I know you do! You can’t fool me, Marinette!!” She fixed her babysitter with the most serious look she could possibly muster, then stuck her hand out towards her. “So? Do we have a deal or not?”
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Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship || Accepting
Two for Mari and two for LB!
Chloe admires Ladybug; that’s not a headcanon, but I think she admires her because Ladybug is everything she wants to be. Confident, popular, loved, admired. Sure Chloe acts confident, and she says everyone loves her, but deep down she knows it’s not true. She wishes she could be more like Ladybug, but just wearing a costume won’t do that.
To follow up that serious headcanon: Chloe is mega gay for Ladybug.
Chloe is jealous of Marinette in the same way she admires Ladybug. Everyone likes Marinette, and she’s a fairly popular girl. For some reason, though, despite them being so similar Chloe feels the opposite towards Marinette than she does for Ladybug. The same traits she loves in Ladybug piss her off in Marinette.
Despite this, Chloe still kind of likes Marinette. Not enough to try and be friends or be nicer, but enough that it really annoys her sometimes.
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@cxccinellebelle um, sweaty :))) 
why did you call me that
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kwxmi-blog · 9 years
X @cxccinellebelle​
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She flashed out of her hiding spot in a streak of pink, gliding around Marinette and over to the plate she was carrying. The cookies were obviously fresh baked and they had a delightfully warm, chocolaty aroma wafting from them. Tikki wasn’t sure what the cookies were for, but surely one missing from the batch wouldn’t be too bad, right?
The Kwami gazed up at Marinette, a pleading gaze taking over her face.
❛ Can I have one? Just one, I promise! ❜  
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luxkeeper · 9 years
[continued] - @cxccinellebelle
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“O-oh! Marinette!”
He hadn’t expected to bump into the girl out here, but well... It’s been a while, he concludes and maybe hanging out with her for the day would be lots of fun! Plus, this is a side of Paris he’s never seen before. 
Maybe Beast castle was near by? Who knew...
“Uh, yeah! Why not! Where ya headin’ first?” he asked, taking in a bit of his surroundings, as if to gauge their possible route from here.
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the-coolest-cat · 9 years
send a ☜ to interact with a younger version of my muse!
Five year old Adrien looked up at the girl in the red outfit with an excited smile. “Are you a superhero?” he asked her, “You look like one!”
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☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ||  @cxccinellebelle​
“THE STORM IS GETTING STRONGER, WE SHOULD LOOK FOR A PLACE TO HIDE!” The bunny officer yelled with all of her forces so her voice wouldn’t be appeased by the loud roaring that had took over the city, but she hadn’t even finished to formulate her suggestion when a tremendous thunder hit the ground, and with it, stole a howl from the animal that suddenly found her too developed hearing senses overwhelmed by a noise that her species hadn’t been created to endure. Judy felt to the ground, both her paws covering her ears and pressing them hard against her head so she could, somehow, begging if it was possible, shut up the pain that still vibrated through her skull.
This was no longer safe. And she wasn’t just talking about herself. The bunny looked up with panic in her lilac eyes to the younger girl and was terrified by the sudden realization that she wasn’t strong enough to protect the both of them.
She had to go on.
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"Looks like Papillon's in a....BUG FIGHT!"
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vnlvck · 9 years
It was a bleary morning in France and Adrien was sleeping in the waiting area near the intensive care unit. His wife had just undergone a long and tedious transplant that should have been done a long time ago. He’d lost her once... He wasn’t going to do it again...
It took a lot of talking, convincing and fiddling, but not only did they manage to have Marinette’s old death certificate expunged, they also got her admitted right in time. A few more months and she would have been gone again.
The girls were at school so Adrien had no responsibilities at home. All he could do was wait for the clock. It was just five more minutes until visiting hours. He could do this. He waited most of the night. Fortunately his father was surprisingly supportive and helpful, offering to take the girls under his care. Between his father and Marinette’s parents he could focus solely on Marinette.
Then it finally came... Eight. He took a deep breath, and lifted the receiver...
“Marinette Agreste, Room 156 please. This is her husband, Adrien.”
A minute later the doors opened and he walked through. There she was, lying in a hospital bed. She looked so tired, and she was connected to a myriad of machines. But at least this time she was filled with life. The last time he’d seen her lying in a hospital room — No. He couldn’t go back there. Not yet. 
He sat by her bedside waiting for her to finally open her eyes. It took her a few hours, and he was beside himself with joy when it finally happened.
“Good morning, sunshine.” he smiled.
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cxccinellebelle liked your post:officialpapillon: there is….. a ladybug on the...
why is it amusing to me that u liked this
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"Don't you dare touch him!"
Send ‘Don’t you dare touch them!’ to see how my muse reacts to being protected by yours.
Chat’s eyes widened when his partner suddenly jumped in front of him. He’d been fighting a rather large and bulky mutant, waiting for Ladybug to arrive, but this mutant was proving to be quite the handful. Chat had been tossed around and smashed into walls so much he could swear that at least some of his bones were cracked or broken. 
Now he was lying on the ground, trying to get back to his feet to stand by his partner so she wouldn’t get hurt. He couldn’t stand the thought of letting her get hurt. 
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