#cvpiid's cebe
cvpiidbiites · 5 months
Oc Asks ໒꒰ྀི。- ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
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⊹ English breakfast; English Breakfast: What is your OC’s morning routine?
˖ Vesper; normally wakes up pretty early to a start on his work, from double checking the library is in order to marking down who has late fees (it’s never Sunday-). Early hours of the day you see this tired figure shuffling down hallways and stairs to his office with a cup of tea in hand. Robin used to help out but,, ya know.
˖ Guidance; (before leaving) early morning prayers, helping in the kitchen with breakfast for the younger nuns in training. ˖ Eve; never sleeps so to eve it’s always one long day, never a tomorrow but a later today. Morning means nothing to her except that the sun has risen. She waits for orders, for a job to land at her feet and then her fay can truly “start.”
˖ Willow; depends if it’s a school day, always the last to wake up and has stumbled into school with a toothbrush still in mouth and sippers still on, eyes half closed. They did not do their homework they are scribbling it with a sharpie that was in their pocket that’s half dead.
⊹ Earl grey; Does your OC like to read? What is their taste in books?
˖ Eternal; a huge romance ya/adult reader, she’s a the sole reason why Vesper keeps being in more romance books to the Library. It’s one of her favorite past times. ˖ Cebe; not the biggest reader but will pick up a book or two when she has time to relax (hardly ever) ˖ Guidance; only ever read the “Bible” really, would love to read simple children fantasy books if they could.
⊹ Darjeeling; Where does your OC feel most at home?
˖ Fia; quite spring mornings either with their lovers or by themself with something warm to drink in their bed watching out their window. Quiet and calm is something fia didn’t have growing up and now that they are getting older and are allowing themself to relax is when they feel most at home. ˖ Lucrezia; their home is more a person than a place or feeling, laying her head down in the arms of her lover(s) a call moment from their hectic life, a break from being others savior and allow herself to be vulnerable. ˖ Lumi; a place where she is finally seen as not just an object, a pretty face her parents and companies use. A place with some cinnamon candles, a comfy blanket and her lover’s head on her lap.
⊹ Oolong; How does your OC decorate their space?
˖ Lucrezia; vines and other flora items that she doesn’t get to see underwater. Books from authors she enjoy decorated on shelves with filing cabinets next to them, dark brown furniture in a semi empty room.
˖ Silviu; took awhile to start decorating or even getting stuff to decorate their place with. He slowly start taking home things from missions or gifts from others. Will sheepishly ask omen to help her make a throw blanket. Hates bright/big lights so using fairy lights (but Christmas ones since it was on sale so their multicolor too) to light room with some small desk lamp.
˖ Willow. Dear lord this kid. Posters everywhere, streamers, led lights, plushies, very messy. Anything and everything colorful too.
⊹ Lapsang Souchong; if your OC was a scented candle, what would they smell like?
˖ Eternal; sweet pea flowers with tangy pomegranate
˖ Morix; Red mandarin, some lemon zest with guava and papaya sweetened with cane sugar and orange.
˖ Guidance; Black rose petals with hints of sweet tuberose, jasmine and black oud
⊹ Pu-erh: What does your OC do when they’re stuck indoors for a day or two?
˖ Silviu; He normally would think it would be fine and wouldn't bug her but she would be pacing and going insane, they always were out as a reckless teen so being home trapped is worst case for them. They would have to smoke a bit to cool out before they try to climb out the window.
˖ Cebe; Take time to map out where she needs to head next to ever last small detail.
˖ Lumi; If she was with her lover she would be fine and take it as a lazy day off, some shows maybe convince a boardgame or two simple. By herself? Very anxious and nervous, not only is she trapped alone in the house/room, she wont know how her lovely wifey is doing.
˖ Miro; easy, catch up on sleep and homework that they were putting off for track (and her helping her gf cheat study off her)
⊹ Green: What is your OC’s favorite piece of clothing?
˖ Lucrezia; Her nightgown she wears under her work clothing
˖ Dúlamán; the ring on their neck that they were going to propose to Cebe with
˖ Eve; Any of her sweaters or jackets as they give a sense of security and warmth
⊹ Jasmine: Does your OC like flowers? Which type of flower is their favorite?
˖ Eternal; purple hyacinths are her favorite, never one to deny a bouquet after a show.
˖ Morix; Sunflowers, dandelions, even thinks wheat is pretty in its own way.
˖ Eve; not a flower type but Baby's breath is her favorite.
Matcha: What is your OC’s preferred little treat?
˖ Fia; Catnip <3 Preferred home grown.
˖ Morix; Sweet liquor, doesn't drink a lot but if he had a really good show he rewards himself with a bottle.
˖ Guidance; They would never let anyone see but a sweet drink like hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles. Something they never had as a kid and envy those who can get them easily.
⊹ Lemon Balm: Does your OC have any bedtime habits or rituals?
˖ Eternal; A woman with 20 step skincare while sitting in a warm bubble bath, sheet mask on, candles light and a glass of bubbly pink wine before some light reading before bed.
˖ Silviu; Usually sits in the main room/living room when its empty/mostly empty while scrolling on his phone, just seeking some simple company before she lays down fall asleep watching something on his phone.
˖ Miro; Lives by a parks so they always go on a jog to go over everything that has happened in the day especially if a lot happened. Comes home to a cold shower and sleep on call with her gf.
⊹ Peppermint: How does your OC handle the cold?
˖ Dúlamán; Cold seas are nothing to them (lying) The type to be shivering, teeth clattering while saying they're not cold. They don't have warm clothing and everything is torn so they are SOL.
˖ Lumi; Is the owner of so many fleece tights (the one where it looks like sheer tights but its fluffy inside) never lets the cold stop them from dressing up! Always use it as an excuse to text gf going "You better hurry up before dinner is finished, going to get cold."
˖ Willow; HATES THE COLD- Sniffling nose, 20 layers, an annoying mess who complains every few minutes.
⊹ Rooibos: What kind of lighting does your OC prefer? Dim, bright, moody, secret fourth thing?
˖ Fia; Dim moody lighting, hates bright lights since they are prone to headaches from overworking already so the lights don't help.
˖ Vesper; Dim table lamps with an orange tint (despite being very blue coded) Great for reading and napping
˖ Cebe; Bright lights to be able to see everything.
⊹ Chamomile: What does your OC do to relax?
˖ Lucrezia; (Drink /j) A writer at heart, she uses any spare time she can spare to write. From stories from the traveler to fantasy about the seas, they were always full of inspiration.
˖ Eternal; Definitely a knitter, probably lays in her bed knitting for Misha since the colder nights are coming.
˖ Cebe; Never relaxes. Only vengeance and planning to take back what's "hers." The closest thing she will get to relaxing is sleeping but even then she has furrowed eyebrows.
˖ Lumi; Baking sweet treats for Ha-min and her coworkers, cleaning and organizing (She will rearrange the entire living room if left alone for too many hours. )
⊹ Ginger: What always brightens your OC’s day?
˖ Fia; The three little siblings she see almost everyday, fia being the honorary (and secret) 4th sibling to them. Having the twins show a magic trick they just made up or some shells that will be used on Fia's next project from the youngest.
˖ Lucrezia; Hearing a tap on the glass and seeing a well known mask, no matter how much paperwork Luci always give them her whole attention, pulling out any treats or drinks she has to share.
˖ Silviu; Being approached by any of the other agents with good intentions, not being seen as weird looking and having someone willingly want to talk to her would make their tail wag if they were a dog (thinking about Doberman dogs where they look mean but have this tail wagging fast)
˖ Lumi; sudden arms around her waist while cooking since someone somehow came home early, small gifts like flowers or clothing that fit her style instead of the style her family wants.
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cvpiidbiites · 4 months
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Letter Sent by ⁀➷ Cebe | She / Her | 29 .ᐟ.ᐟ
♡ A vengeful woman chasing down her ex partner who ran away to get help, when in reality it was just illusionary magic to get Dúlamán closer to pull it underwater and dispose of the body in a secrete way instead of getting caught. Cebe watching her run away with the golden right around it's neck, HER ring. The ring Cebe was going to present to her queen slipping away, her only choice was to watch and plan how to catch her.
♡ Your Delivery Information .ᐟ
Sent On ➵ May 31st.
Return Address ➵ The paper smells of honey and amber, the corners slightly singed.
♡ Find Out More About Your Admirer .ᐣ
This Vespidan woman will do anything in her power to prove her love to her queen.
Neptunic Chasing Them .ᐟ
♡ Want To Know Even More .ᐣ
Contact Coming Soon . . . .ᐟ
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cvpiidbiites · 5 months
Oc Asks - 2 ໒꒰ྀི ´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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CW; Mentions of blood, violence, brief mention of sex, not proof-read </3 my eyes started to sting and get blurry
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⊹ When have they been unable to save someone or something no matter how much they tried?
˖ Fia; In one of Fia's last years at the orphanages they had to watch someone that grew very close to them slowly lose to their sickness, a sickness we end up learning much more about in later years called Loneliness Syndrome. Fia without realizing that everything they were trying to do wasn't helping them. They dressed up as knights, and princes, and even made outfits for both of them but it was only getting worse for them.
˖ Vesper; On one of his many travels through the universe he stopped at a small world forgotten by the others, trade was his plan but he found himself under a tree with a few kids laying in the grass. He was reading them a simple fairy tail he found on his many travels. The joyed calm looks on their face made the troubles of traveling feel rewarding if it meant they could listen to a simple story. He recalls this memory every time he reads in Robin's room, tears dripping onto the pages as he sits there alone, knowing he wasn't there to save her.
˖ Dúlamán; Dúlamán came back from grabbing extra supply from town she and her lover stopped at. The closer the got to where their boat was parked the more smoke from the sky grew heavier in the dark blue night sky, each step was getting faster than the last as they prayed her sweet honey bee was alive. Their fast walked became running, and from running they threw down everything in her arms and started sprinting. Her lover's ship ablaze in front of her. "Cebe!? Cebe where are you?!" Dúlamán screamed out as she looked around for any sign of her being alive.
˖ Eve; When "she" awoke on the floor of a house she didn't know and a diary in "her" hand and a cup a spilled Sbiten all over "her" and the hardwood floor. Their eyes drift to the book in their hand reading the note left there, in cursive lettering it read "My name is Е́ва Морозов, and my husband is going to kill me." Flipping back through the all diaries they could find in the house, reading them front to back for hours on end. The fiend Arachne took on the name Е́ва/Eve, taking on the life this body had. "Eve" now waited in the living room as her husband walked through the door, as his eyes trailed up he was visibly worried as his hands shakingly reach for his hunting rifle. As he lifted it up to aim at her he keeled over, a red hair woman standing behind him with a sickly calm smile as Eve ran over and kneeled down trying to save him.
˖ Ambrose; Eir lost their home to the IPC, something they tried hard to help, something they went door to door collecting money to help fund to keep the world form being destroyed. Ambrose went out of their way to start traveling around the comics to sell things they found. On one unfortunate day in the The Xianzhou Luofu after a rather large business deal, Ambrose relaxed in a small cafe for a few moments figuring out their next planet to visit only to hear from some passerbys that a small planet was blown up, the description bone chillingly close to Ambrose's. Ee stood up too fast and collapse on the floor.
⊹ How much death and/or destruction have they wrought?
˖ Lucrezia; During her younger days as a nurse in training a few prisoners were lost by her hands. It eats at her every now and then, being another reason to why she drinks.
˖ Eternal; I would like to think she would cause a lot more death and destruction if she had more knowledge about the family, however for now the only death and destruction she causes are the monsters that inhabit the dreamscape. Oh, and that one guy that tried to get a little too,, handsy with her after a show.
˖ Silviu; A lot more than they would like to admit, the thought of the number rising makes her sick to his stomach.
˖ Dúlamán; Enough to be wanted in serval cities and kingdoms, anything to be the greatest pirate of the Star Seas.
˖ Passion; None and she would like to keep it that way.
⊹ Do they try to prevent unnecessary suffering?
˖ Meringue; Love likes to see herself as a peaceful Aeon, however she was told by the ones who raised her that she was quite violent in her past life. With this knowledge they go out of her way to make sure love doesn't do anything to cause her people suffering.
˖ Eternal; If you truly matter to her she would go out of her way to prevent unnecessary suffering. If you are someone they hardly know or care about she much rather be a simple bystander and watch what happens, only stepping in to boost her reputation around the hotel or if it caused threat to someone she cared about.
˖ Eve; To her all suffering is unnecessary but they way she goes about "fixing" the problem is much different than what you think. She believes that a suffering person will be reborn in a better situation. No matter how small the suffering is Eve's answer to the problem would be a mercy kill.
⊹ How do they feel about sparing women and children if given the choice? Do they value certain lives over others?
˖ Morix; A true southern man who would lay down his life for children and women to be safe. Truly wishes to save all lives if he could. Values lives of those who need help over others regardless of gender but is more soft towards women from growing up in a household full of them.
˖ Ambrose; Can spare a child easily but had far too many run ins with evil women to cause them to be very hesitant with sparing women based on their gender. Does not value one life over another but will try to make sure those who are less fortunate get to safety first.
˖ Silviu; Believes more in sparing children then adults of any gender. Does not fully value any certain lives over others but leans more towards children since they can still grow and change while adults.
˖ Valentines; Women and children first in her heart, sparing them without a second thought. Values both of their lives over men because the thought of a child or mother dying would eat her up from the inside.
⊹ What's their pain tolerance?
˖ Eternal; Physically high pain tolerance and high emotional.
˖ Vesper; Physically decent pain tolerance but low emotional.
˖ Morix; Physically decent pain tolerance but high emotional.
˖ Ambrose; Physically high pain tolerance but low emotional.
⊹ Do they feel glee at the sight of blood?
˖ Silviu; She hates the idea of how her eyes light up, how they lean closer to the one injured. Silviu doesn't feel glee but more a yearning for it. He hates how hazy her eyes look when there's a pool of blood near her. Hunger pains and a dizzy feeling in their head is all they can manage to feel, but never glee. Despite wanting blood it never truly made her happy, voice in his head of his past love ones screaming "monster" over and over again as they crawl closer to the blood.
˖ Dúlamán; Sees it as a stepping stone towards their goal, the more bodies that pile up the less competition there it.
˖ Eve; A true "The red means I love you" woman. She does feel glee when she sees blood, it fills her with joy watching a mess happen convince this is helping them.
˖ Maple; Is quite squeamish! Hates the sight of blood and only gets through seeing it on herself is knowing bun gets to put a colorful band aid on it.
⊹ What do they regret the most?
˖ Morix; Not taking the chance to leave town when he had it. Morix gave up on a opportunity to play in a big city far out but turned it down to help his mother get better and pay rent. He knows its for the best but it still eats him up at night, thinking how it could of been his big break and how he could've sent money home to help them pay rent and upgrade the barn and house, enough so they didn't have to scrape by to survive.
˖ Fia; Leaving without a final goodbye letter when they die, many things they wished to say but feared they didn't have enough time. Like a cat knowing they aren't getting better they did the only thing they could in their eyes, run and hide like a coward till they passed. They wished was to see everyone one last time but they regretted not having that final goodbye dinner.
˖ Passion; An argument that wedge between her and her sibling's relationship. Raising your younger sibling is no easy job but not having your own shoulder to lean on when you're supposed to keep up the perfect act is what caused her to blow up.
˖ Dra; Never telling Passion that they forgive her for the fight, but instead just staying out even more. Dra would get into more reckless acts like skating down hills that were too steep, running across thin ice with her friends, or even the time he and his friends snuck into the observatory during curfew.
˖ Willo; being reckless with her own body in the fight against the kishin, going out of her way to protect others who could easily defend themselves, even her own Meister who Willo willing came out of her weapon form to push her out of the way for Willo could take the blow.
⊹ Do they have the ability to love?
˖ Dra; The only one on this list who can love easily, a simple happy kid with a big heart to give to everyone.
˖ Eve; She believes she is able to love but it is simply a concept she tricked herself in believing she can do. Eve in her core is still just a fiend trying to survive.
˖ Moonstone; Love is an extremely hard thing for them to learn, they're mentor is Jade of all people. If given the chance they had a new profession and had people surrounded by them willing to teach him the concept of loving someone, they would be able to. Loving Moonstone and being loved by them is a extremely slow process that you have to be willing to put in the work to achieve.
˖ Cebe; Love? No never, its not in her to love someone or something. obsess with? Absolutely. She knowns nothing but devotion to her queen and giving out fake love to a certain sea creature to make it easier to bring things back to her queen.
˖ Yenisei; I truthfully don't think Yenisei would ever have the ability to love. Not for a partner, a friend, family, or even a pet. They are nothing but hunger waiting for the next person to come wandering in their woods.
⊹ Do they have empathy? For whom? For what?
˖ Eternal; For Misha and other young people the family has control over, especially if they don't know it. She knew Misha's grandfather before he passed and now she has to watch Misha grow every day wanting to be just like him and go on adventures despite the pain he will have tot suffer, the fears he will have to face.
˖ Silviu; His fellow coworkers. She holds much emotion towards all of them despite the struggle of expressing it to them.
˖ Meringue; Empathy for her people and the suffering hey went through. Love has heard of the pain and suffering she caused in "her past life" before the reincarnation and she's being as sweet as she can be to their people.
˖ Willo; Her Meister. Willo gets so hyper that she doesn't realize how annoying or extra she is till she's laying down at night replaying everything that happened. Her mind wandering around "do they hate me? why am I like this? Why can't I be normal for once" causing her lack of sleep resulting in her being late to waking up and the cycle continues.
⊹ What's their relationship to their body? Self esteem? Self image?
˖ Lucrezia; Luci's self image body wise is fine, she has had a few moments of comparing herself to other but nothing that truly keeps her up at night. Her self esteem to work, to being compared to her brother who seem to be the more favored growing up, to even her partner is where it really plummets. Luci sees herself as second place, the second choice even. Good but you could do better, she knows she's up there in skill and status but not where she wishes to be. She wishes to be seen as equals and not first and second.
˖ Morix; Simple chubby trans cowboy who a would rather die than be seen with any ounce of skin showing.
˖ Eve; Her and this body are two separate things, Eve does not feel anything towards it was it was simply a gift from their rebirth. No true opinions on it or others. A large disconnect when it comes to their self image.
˖ Dra; Its quite hard since it changes day to day but a good 50/50 with their self image. Some days Dra is fine with how they are and how they decorate themself, while other days he compares himself to her sister and how she is so confident in how she looks and acts. Dra's hands are one of their main self imagine problems due to how scuffed up they look from the countless fail tricked they're done. Not only do they look ugly but its also a reminded of how much they are a failure.
⊹ If they could go back in time for 5/10/15 minutes and change something, what would it be?
˖ Fia; If they were able to go back in time as an adult, as a simple bystander they would do anything just to see their mother. To listen to the conversation as to why she left, to see why everything has happened, hell even if it was just 5 minutes just to see their mother and baby them interact. The lost of a mother figure in their life is something that changed them drastically but unknown to them if they were to ever meet Fia would not be the same person as they were today.
˖ Cebe; She would go back before the night of a big heist her and Dúlamán went on, she would only need those few minuets to see where Dúlamán hid the ring, HER ring, when they left. Maybe then she wouldn't have to chase down this sea dweller across the world and be home at her hive to propose to her queen.
˖ Ambrose; Maybe if Ambrose had a few more minuets their planet would still be alive, maybe if they had 15 more minuets they would of been able to scrape more money together and contact the IPC. Too many maybes and no answers, no one to ask and no one to know.
⊹ Are they codependent? Do they have abandonment issues?
˖ Lucrezia; Grew up never leaving her brother's hip but now as an adult she slowly got used to being alone in her office besides the occasionally patients visits and maybe a surprise visit from a special someone. She craves to have someone around her but has gotten too used to being alone so she doesn't see the purpose of asking.
˖ Eve; Codependent on her team/coworkers. Not allowed to be alone or you will hear her sobs and screams haunting you throughout the buildings. After watching "her" husband die in front of her she has extreme abandonment issues. In the most un funny way her scream and sobs sound like ghasts from minecraft but more bone chilling.
˖ Morix; Not codependent at all, not even big abandonment issues. He enjoys his alone time and can deal with being by himself, sure he might get lonely after awhile but he can deal with it till the next time he opens his show at the bar.
˖ Meringue; Extremely codependent, she was raised around many people and continues to live around many people always being watched. If there is a chance she's alone with no eyes on her does she even exist?
⊹ What's their relationship to sex? Modesty?
˖ Cebe; Views it as a sacred act to show you devotion and obedience to someone.
˖ Lumi; Views it as a way to show love to someone in another form.
˖ Moonstone; Views it as a way to gain information.
˖ Passion; Views it as a way of creating a family.
⊹ Do they enjoy the taste of blood?
˖ Vesper; Find the metal taste interesting but would never go out of his way to taste it. Doesn't really like the taste but since he doesn't get to taste it often Vesper just finds it interesting.
˖ Silviu; Do they enjoy the taste? Yes. Are they fine with the fact she enjoys it? Absolutely not. It take Silviu a long time, a deep relationship before they ask if they can feed off of you. Someone who will crave it but rather take himself out than ask someone for help in fear she will lose control.
˖ Willo; Hates hates it! Had a bloody nose dripped into their mouth once and gagged so much you thought they were dying on the floor. Sounded like a cat with the worlds worst hairball.
˖ Moonstone; Not so much but the type to use it as lipstick. A hand caressing the person's face before catching some on his finger and slowly pull out their phone, applying it like lipstick before leaving them to bleed out on the floor.
˖ Dra; Does not know what real blood taste like, only the syrup that runs in the bodies of everyone who lives in the world. Enjoys the cherry tasting syrup.
⊹ Do they enjoy the feel of hot blood on their skin?
˖ Lucrezia; Grew to ignore the feeling, after operating on so many bodies she learned to ignore it. It wasn't until she held her dying lover in her arms, blood soaking her shirt and hands as Lucrezia tried to defibrillate her lover with nothing but her vision and her hands. Ever since that night she refused to work again as the head nurse, no longer able to work in the same place let alone stand in there after what happened.
˖ Willo; Hates it so much, when the she had to deal with black and red blood covering her she broke down screaming and sobbing. She's a kid. She's a kid being trained and taught how to be a weapon, do you really think she would enjoy this?
˖ Lumi; Lumi is very conflicted about it. On one hand she finds the idea gross and horrifying, the fear of how it got there is another story. Though the warmth is quite,, soothing? Patching up her lover too and having her blood on them feel very intimate in a way she doesn't know how to explain.
˖ Moonstone; Yes, a lot in fact. Or really that's what they would tell you if they were asked. Moonstone is quite disturbed by the thought of it, rather destroying worlds with a push of a button than by hand.
⊹ Have they tore someone to shreds with their bare hands? With their teeth?
˖ Fia; Never but if they had to they would not hesitate.
˖ Eternal; No but almost once.
˖ Cebe; Often, in fact she has plans who's the next person will be. Dúlamán being the only person that comes to mind when she thinks of tearing someone up to shred along with anyone who will get in the way of her and what she wants.
˖ Guidance; Would if asked by Guidance's god, anything Guidance's god wants they will get.
˖ Silviu; A few times, in fact it was something the protocol tried to train out of her. A secrete criminal record from when they were a teen was found, it started a week after the First Light happened. Someone close to Silviu found out about her being a radiant and they became quite hostile toward him and her grandmother for hiding Silviu. One thing lead to another and Grandma Vivian is holding Silviu in her chest, gently wiping away his tears and the blood soaked mouth. Soft pleads of forgiveness and promises of never doing it again.
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