#cuz this person was soooo correct about everything like this is literally it i hate the thought of calling myself a lesbian cuz it doesnt
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i saw this video of a person who identified as queer and they were saying literally everything ive ever thought about my own sexuality like 'yeah you know i hate the idea of calling myself a lesbian like i dont think id ever date guys and i prefer girls but im still open to the idea of men and the idea of dating them but i dont really want to date them or have sex with them' and im sitting here like ohhhh my god she so gets me and then the interviewer goes 'so youre a lesbian' and everyone laughs and i was like oh my god haha so funny! go fuck yourself
#UGHHHH#to be fair the video ended there so i dont know what else the interviewer said#and maybe they said it in a way as if mocking the way people view people who are not lesbian/gay but still it irked me sooo bad#like ohhh my god#cuz this person was soooo correct about everything like this is literally it i hate the thought of calling myself a lesbian cuz it doesnt#feel right but at the same time i like dont particularly want to be twh men but at the same time i still might be open to the idea of them#and i do like their attention and i can find them cute but i just dont want to daet them at this point in my life#although i think recently ive had this epiphany where its literally that i just like when i get their attention#like i get more hyped at the attention of a guy than i actually want the guy#does that make sense#and honestly i think it definitely goes back into this whole patriarchy stuff#but like i don tmean it in a 'i only like myself when guys like me' its more like 'it just feels nie when it seems like they are attracted#to me'#but again i fully acknowledge that even that itself might be more due to society and patriarchy and all that#cuz i never really got attention of guys when i was younger and i guess now that i do its kinda like wow im kinda living that life i always#wished for#i think thats what it is like i just like knowing i can grab their attention at all#sorry ive been donig so much reflecting these past few days#sunny rambles
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20 questions for fic writers
thank you for the tag @rypnami <33

How many works do you have on AO3? Seven currently! Idk how many more there will be but for now it's seven!
What's your total AO3 word count? 627,138!
What fandoms do you write for? Hogwarts Legacy but I'm more currently writing for a different fandom.
Top five fics by kudos? Passion || Sebastian Sallow is my most popular fic!
Do you respond to comments? Yes. I sometimes forget I have ao3 ngl but 99% of the time I respond to comments on wattpad if I can remember.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Usually I try to give happy endings to stories because I'm that kind of person. So towards the end I'll have something angsty but the very end will usually end on a better note. But In The Shadow of Her has a decently angsty towards the end because it follows along with the game and In The Shadow of Magic has is angstier towards the end for several reasons lol.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Honestly--outside of my full fics, my one shot "Moving in" probably has the happiest ending.
Do you get hate on fics? Perhaps??? I'm not really sure. I've gotten a few off-handed comments that make me go "???" and any hate comments have been very rare.
Do you write smut? Lol nope and I never will. I'm okay with writing stories without it.
Craziest crossover? Ummm I can't really remember ever writing a crossover but me and my bsf would joke about Sebastian and Ominis going to a Jackson Wang party so?? Does that count? 😂
Have you ever had a fic stolen? YES ACTUALLY LOL. It was ages ago and I was literally like 12 y'all HAHA. The fic wasn't even GOOD but it was on Wattpad and got reposted on NovelHD. It was crazy for me to find out ngl. I didn't really care, especially cuz the fic was garbage (in my opinion now) but yeah LOL.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I can recall.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes. Many times. Me and my old fandom buddies from a long time ago would do it.
All time favorite ship? AAAAAAA. I hate this question because I can never decide lol. I don't really have a favorite ship but I do have some I like. I'm not going to say any outside of the HL fandom but I will name a few from my friends. @rypnami's Jamie and Jack have had my heart for so long <3 @morelikeravenbore's Aurelie and Sebastian. Ugh I just love them sm <3 @catohphm's Danny x Adelaide is SUPER cute and I love it sm <3 @keri-mcberry Keri x Sebastian OHHH MY GOSH. Keri is literally my favorite artist and everything from her is just so cute and adorable and omg I love it. <3 @boxdstars Amara x Natty. Super adorable, super funny. Props out to Natty for dealing with Amara. Love them sm <33
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My old fanfics from old fandoms that have just been sitting on my computer for four years LOL.
What are your writing strengths? Fluff, usually. I'm good at Angst too. Romance eehhh kinda?? I've never been in a relationship so I don't really know how it works but I've written several relationships that I think were good.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I used to do this a lot actually. But I doubt 100% of it was correct. Now that I'm older, I definitely hesitate more with it. But I think it's super cool and I planned on doing it for my fics but my MC's first language is Irish (Gaeilge, Irish Gaelic whatever you wanna call it lol) and in the 1800's it was even harder than it is today SOOOO in order to avoid mess ups, I just used one-word expressions most of the time.
First fandom you wrote in? Oh gosh, I can't even remember. Maybe it was Merlin??? Spirit Animals?? I don't even remember cuz it was so long ago.
Favorite fic you've written? My favorite fic is probably not even and HL one LOL. But to keep it HL, all of my books have a special place in my heart and I really can't choose. Some of them have strengths over others and that much is clear but idk if I'd ever be able to choose.
tagging: @plxnetn1ne, @endeavour12345, @superconductivebean and anyone else who wants to join in and talk abt their writing! <3
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Errmmm....nooo...we meet Slizzy, the user and the slut, always taking credit for the accomplishments of others, fucking over others and being a trampy, violent psychopath....
No, she’s “looked to spiral” and now has “looked to a cult”..
Yes, yes....sorry, but not new..
Noooo, she’s become the champion for self victimization, being a total hypocrite, temper tantruming and body shaming other women for choices that are none of her business. Especially when she doesn’t get invited to parties.
I met PP in LA, she was already sulking her ass off. She remains seated because she’s fucking lazy AF. She talks to me about her ladypain and not bothering to get real treatment/address her issues....she does sidestep her cult a lot this time, so maybe she’s getting bored with that shit.....otherwise, she literally says the same bullshit she always says....
There is nothing remotely “intimate” here, it’s her stand blabber (tho she might’ve let slip a thing or two)...
I fucking hate this job, even tho it’s the best I’m ever gonna do. But I like to pretend otherwise. Also, do you have $5 to give me? I need $$$
I actually haven’t and I’m seekritly fully aware I suck ass. I’m also seekritly aware this is the best it’s ever gonna be and I’m staring down obscurity already. And by “my style”, I mean everybody kissing my ass...
No, in fact, I have to buy my way onto things. This is some bullshit I’ve made up, since the role/project is on indefinite hold, anyway.....and I was neverrrr gonna get it. And even if I had, would’ve fallen flat on my face.
I was sooooo speshullllllll.....and sensitive, cuz that’s how I like to see myself when I’m a difficult mess....
Sooo, soooo, SOOOOOOO speshul....
I wanted lots of attention and could tell Cole was finally getting REALLY fed up with my bullshit for good, so I figured I’d preemptively shade him with this....also I really like $$$, so I figured I’d “publish” shit I’d shared with my fandumb for free on tumblr all along....
I can’t believe people are such meanies that they actually CRITICIZED my middle school style whining!!!
Oh no, I routinely excuse myself from everything! And I, in fact, exactly wanted everybody to see how deep and sensitive I am....and to start shading Cole, cuz how dare he get fed up with me fucking around and making my MH issues the central focus of our relationship? It’s like he thought HE was a person with needs, tooo!!!
Alsoooo.....my costars point at me and call me “fatty”. Except FT, cuz her ass is huge....oh and Shannon, but I don’t count her. She’s moar Cole’s friend and actually talented/serious about her craft....
By “therapist” I mean cult leader, buuut..... Oh yeah....and did I mention, as I’m saying this, I’m a total hypocrite who gets lots of plastic surgery? Cuz this is all legit bullshit......it’s soooo hard.....
I was told to ask you about something you never shut up about/is not remotely new info! BTW....did you just basically say “you’re bi-polar”??? Cuz that isn’t how depression works....
Also I believe you have no “healthy relationships” in your life atm and the last (possibly only ever) one was Cole, correct? Is that why you’re stalking him/his current GF with his other ex?
Oh also, I totally am NOT “trying to escape” by being in a cult, doing drugs a lot and “talking to ghosts thru the ether”...
People don’t, actually...my agent had to really haul ass to make it happen. I have exposed myself as a whiny hypocrite who just wants to get attention, sympathy and most importantly swag/$$$.
Also, I’ve been telling peeps they “don’t know what I’m capable of” since 2017....so plenty of time to change that. I’m too lazy and entitled....this is my slightly humbler version, cuz I’m also soooperrr gloomy these days.
But, again, depression rocks...see above!
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Halo- Chapter 1

Fic Summary: You’ve lived next door to Jensen and Jared for a year and have had a somewhat strained relationship. After a recent and massive change in your life your paths cross again and they discover the cause of that, and bridges start to mend in unexpected ways.
Characters: Jensen x Reader, Jared x Platonic!Reader
Chapter 1 Words: 2664
Genre: Angst mostly
Warnings: Swearing (the reader is a bit of a pottymouth). Blood.
Trigger Warning: Descriptions of domestic violence.
A/N: I’ve had this one on the backburner for soooo long, you have no idea! I probably finished it 6 months ago and have just had it sitting in my WIP folder trying to get up the motivation to post it. I hope you all enjoy :)
Their neighbour had been complaining about their “loud” music all year, so when your music started blaring through the wall separating your apartments Jared and Jensen could only look incredulously at each other.
“Is she kidding?” Jared snapped, pausing the game and putting his controller down.
“It’s pretty unusual,” Jensen commented, doing the same and looking at the wall separating them from you. They could hear shuffling against the wall also, not a sound they were familiar so they were having trouble placing it.
“What do you think?” Jared asked with a frown.
“I think she’s been pissy at us all year for our loud music, and then the first day off we have in a week to play video games she blasts hers? No deal,” Jensen replied with a huff, putting his controller on the ground and standing up. Jared followed him as they walked out the door and headed to yours, knocking loudly to try and get your attention. They weren’t normally the “mean neighbours” but your incessant irritation at their music choice, asking them to turn it down when it was already as low as human ears could hear, was tipping them over the edge.
The woman they expected to see when the door opened was not the prim and proper uptight Y/N they were familiar with though. Your hair was in low pigtails and you were dressed in a simple white t-shirt and overalls, and for once you had a smile on your face. The usual caked-on make up was gone too, showing off your actual face for the first time.
“Oh, hi guys!” you greeted them with a wide smile which lit up your entire face. Jared and Jensen just gaped as they stared at you, stunned by your unexpected look and demeanour change.
“Is everything o… Oh shit, I’m so sorry my music!” you realised with a gasp, taking your phone out of your pocket and turning the volume down, activating your Bluetooth speaker in the middle of the room. “Shit, I’m so sorry, that must have been so loud on your side. There was a quiet song and I turned it up and then I forgot and the next song played and I just kinda got into the rhythm and… sorry, I’m rambling.”
“Umm, yer,” Jensen replied, clearing his throat to try and form coherent sentences.
“It’s err, it’s fine. We’re just trying to play Xbox, you know, and …” Jared started but you cut him off.
“And my music interrupted you, of course. I can’t apologise enough, especially after how I’ve acted this whole time. Actually, hang on, I have something for you guys,” you said, suddenly disappearing to what they presumed was your kitchen. They poked their heads in and saw the floor was covered in tarp, and a bucket of water and a sponge mop were leaning against the wall you shared. Jared was about to comment when you suddenly reappeared, practically bouncing into the door frame holding a large basket.
“This is for you guys, just a little something to say ‘sorry’ and ‘I hope we can start over’,” you said clearly embarrassed, handing them the basket and backing up a step.
“Um, wow, this is… unexpected,” Jared commented, looking at Jensen who for some reason couldn’t take his eyes off you. He nudged his shoulder, knocking him out of whatever world he was in and stared pointedly at the basket to bring it to his attention.
“Err yer, Mrs Y/L/N isn’t it?”
“Oh god, please call me Y/N. And you’re Jared and you’re Jensen so that’s the introductions out of the way. And it’s nothing really, I know I’ve been hard to live next to this year. For what it’s worth I think you have brilliant taste in music! But my husband, well, ex-husband now. Wow, I don’t know if I’ll get used to saying that. Anyway, he had this thing about music, he liked what he liked and damn anyone else you know? And anyway he’d, sorta, send me over whenever he wanted you to turn it down. It’s shit really cuz I couldn’t listen to music any other time but if I didn’t go over he’d, well, anyway… I’m sorry is basically what I’m saying, you know?”
You took a breath to fill your lungs after your ramblings, and Jared and Jensen watched on with wide eyes.
“Wow ok, yer, it’s fine. Really, don’t worry about it,” Jensen stumbled out, scratching the back of his head and looking at you in concern. Jared’s attitude had also taken a complete 180, and he also watch you with a worried expression on his face.
“This is… you really didn’t have to. It’s nice that you did, maybe you could come over tomorrow and we could share the goodies?” Jared suggested with a small smile, hoping you would agree. They were both saddened when you shook your head.
“Nah, it’s ok. I mean, it’d be great to have a beer sometime but I sorta have plans.”
“You’re not talking about painting the walls are you? Because I promise we’re a lot more fun than literally watching paint dry,” Jensen said with a lopsided smirk and you let out a giggle.
“I hope you are. And yes, I AM painting but this is kinda, well, it’s dumb. It’s a bit like therapy I suppose. I always hated this colour, HE picked it out so I just need to change it like now, you know?” you asked, blushing a little and hoping you didn’t sound like a crazy person.
“I get it, makes total sense,” Jensen replied with a genuine smile, hoping to put you at ease. “We’ll let you get back to it, if you like.”
“And you know where we are if you feel like a beer or something ok?” Jared added, shuffling his hand out from under the basket to pat his hand on your shoulder. You smiled at the friendly action and swallowed down the tears that you could feel coming to the surface. You nodded and gave a small wave before slowly shutting the door and turning back to face your mission for the weekend.
“Well, THAT was unexpected,” Jensen said once they were back in their apartment.
“No shit, and what about that crap with her husband? Did you have any idea?” Jared asked, putting the basket down on the kitchen counter. Jensen shook his head.
“Nah. God, how did we never notice? I mean, looking back she was never around, you know? And the rambling? It was almost like she was worried we’d interrupt her before she finished or something.”
“It sucks man, I reckon we go over with breakfast or something tomorrow. Let her know we’re cool.”
Jensen nodded, deep in thought. He couldn’t help but look back over the last year since you and your husband had moved in, and the little signs started to become more obvious. The long sleeves in summer, the fact you never left the house only to water the lawn and get the mail. Christ, you even had a black eye once.
“Fuck man… are we idiots?” Jensen asked sadly, flopping down on the couch before Jared joined him.
“I’m starting to wonder that myself.”
Your basket of goodies turned out to be entirely home-made. Biscuits, croissants, muffins, a pie…. It basically turned their kitchen into a bakery. And each bite the guys took only caused further guilt to pile on. Both went to bed that night feeling uneasy, both vowing to themselves to make sure they reached out and looked out for you.
It was an unwelcome turn of events that the following morning Jared was called into set. They were supposed to have the day off however they needed a shot and they needed it ASAP. Jared grabbed a muffin on the way out the door at 8am, leaving a note for Jensen explaining he’d be back “sometime after lunch (hopefully). PS. Don’t eat all the pie. PPS. I mean it Jay, don’t.”.
Jensen would have loved a sleep-in but his mind had been racing since 7:30am from the events of the previous afternoon. He’d heard the muffled conversation from Jared’s room and made the correct assumption he was headed to the set, but opted to stay in bed instead of getting up and being forced into conversation at such an early time. A shower and a cup of coffee later, Jensen was ready to face the day of basically doing nothing. His gaming buddy was out for the count and he didn’t have any scripts to read through. When the soft sound of music floated through the air he smiled and headed for the door, before remembering what you’d said. This was your therapy, and you didn’t need him interrupting that. He groaned in annoyance and picked up the Xbox controller, throwing in Halo 3 for the hundredth time.
It was around 10am that he heard the unmistakable sound of a gasp followed by swearing. Hitting the mute button he tried to figure out the problem before racing over and embarrassing himself over a stubbed toe.
“Fucking shitballs! Ahhh ok, shit, you’re ok Y/N. Just a bit of blood, you’re fine…” you muttered to yourself, and at the mention of blood Jensen was already up and out the door.
The blood was starting to spread across your shirt, and you were limping to the bathroom for the first aid kit when a loud pounding came to the door. You were startled, but calmed down when you heard Jensen on the other side calling your name. You took a deep shaky breath and headed over to the door and opened it just slightly, enough to block his view of your bleeding abdomen.
“Jensen, hey, how’s it going?” you asked quickly and with a strained smile, holding your stomach out of his view.
“Is everything ok? I thought I heard swearing,” he said rushed, concerned plastered over his face. You sighed and closed your eyes before resting your head on the door, berating yourself internally for bothering him.
“Shit, I’m sorry about that. I’m fine really, you can go back to Halo…”
“No I think maybe I- wait, how did you know I was playing Halo?” Jensen cut you off, looking at you confused. You laughed.
“I think we’ve established at this juncture that the walls are paper thin Jensen. I’ve played 1 and 2 and recognise the music. You suck at it by the way, I can hear your terrible aim from here” you giggled, standing up straight again and enjoying the gentle banter you seemed to have quickly developed. Jensen laughed too, happy to see your eyes light up if only for a moment. The moment passed quickly though when he spotted the blood on your shirt, and he gently pushed the door open further to get a better look.
“Shit Y/N, your stomach,” he mumbled as he reached out to lift your shirt. You stepped back with surprise at the sudden physical contact and he apparently picked up on that.
“I mean… God, I’m sorry Y/N. I’m just worried, can I please check your stomach? I’d never forgive myself if you bled out after I went back to gaming,” he told you, lifting his hands into a surrender pose to show he meant you no harm.
You bit the corner of your lip, sizing him up and down. He was a big strong guy and you were alone in your apartment with him, but he had proved himself nice enough so far so perhaps it was worth the risk. You nodded slowly and pointed to the bathroom.
“First aid kit is in the vanity, I’m just gonna...” you gestured to the couch while he headed to the restroom for the bandages. By the time you were seated he was back, kneeling on the floor in front of you and opening the bag.
“What happened?” he asked as he rummaged through, looking for the antiseptic.
“Um, popped a stitch I would wager,” you replied quietly, looking down into your lap embarrassed. He looked at you confused as you gently lifted your shirt and peeled back the blood-soaked dressing to reveal the wound on your stomach. A couple of inches long, it looked red and angry and Jensen’s heart broke a little when he laid eyes on it.
“Shit Y/N, what happened?” he asked again.
“I guess you guys were out a few nights ago?”
“Um, yer, we’ve been on set late all week.”
“You missed all the excitement then, kind of explains your coming over yesterday looking like deer in headlights,” you sighed. “Michael, err, my husband… EX husband. We got into an argument while he was chopping up vegetables for dinner. Apparently the dishes don’t go in like I put them in and he could only tell me so many times and one thing lead to another and, well, let’s just say I gave Mrs Krandle across the road a mini-heart attack when I stumbled from the house bleeding,” you rambled, shutting your mouth quickly after your confession. Jensen stared at you with his mouth agape, astonished with what you just told him.
“Um… shit. That’s-”
“Fucked, yer. In a way it’s good though. It got him out of my life and the police reckon he’ll be going to prison for some time. And you know, I’m not dead so that’s always a good thing. And hey, I can stack the dishes anyway I like now so yey for that bit of freedom,” you laughed, trying to make light of the situation but when your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes Jensen could tell you were putting up a front.
“Hey,” he said, lifting your face to look at him. Your eyes were glistening and you were swallowing hard, trying to keep the tears at bay. “There is nothing ok about any of this. And I’m sorry we never noticed. We feel like such idiots for leaving you to deal with him.”
“Oh God, please don’t blame yourself. I literally don’t think I could take that, please,” you begging him, the dam overflowing and the tears falling freely now. “He was smart enough to only hurt me when he knew you were out. He was manipulative and cruel and a complete douchebag and I was too blind to realise he was playing me like a fucking fiddle. And now even after he’s gone I’m jumping at every noise and every shadow in the corner of my eye, and the damn music can never be loud enough to shut up the voices telling me I’m not good enough and that he was the only one who would want me and-”
“Y/N stop,” Jensen said firmly and you pursed your lips shut, blushing when you realised how much you’d revealed.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, this was absolutely not meant to turn into an episode of Ricki Lake or anything. You can go, I can handle this I promise,” you told him, moving to grab the antiseptic wipe packet Jensen had yet to open. He pulled it back and stared at you with worry in his eyes.
“Not a chance. Just… lay back and I’ll fix you up. And then if you want to we can talk about all that crap, or we can go next door and play Halo together. Whatever you want… Deal?”
You nodded timidly, and decided silence was golden while letting him clean you up. After declaring further stitches were not required he gently wrapped a bandage around your waist and stood up to put the first aid kit away. When he returned he looked at you, not with pity but with determination.
“So, it’s up to you. We can hang out here and talk, or you can come next door and play Xbox. Painting is so completely off the table. What do you want to do?”
Chapter Two coming soon
Tag Lists (Open) Halo Series taglist: @ocean-waves-that-misbehave, @flamencodiva @krys198478, @lostnnot2befound, @deansyahtzee “Dean/Jensen” taglist: @lilydarcy (won’t tag *SOB*) “Everything” taglist: @angelsandwinchesters, @grace-for-sale, @growningupgeek, @iamnotsaneatall, @nanie5, @waywardasfudge, @ronja-uebrick, @im-dead-inside05, @julzdec, @adoptdontshoppets, @meghanbeinghappy
#supernatural#supernatural series#Supernatural Fan Fiction#supernatural fanfiction#Supernatural fanfic#supernatural angst#Supernatural RPF#SPN#spn fic#spn imagine#spn reader#spn fanfiction#spn fanfic#spn rpf#Jensen Ackles#jensen ackles fanfiction#Jensen Fanfiction#jensen ackles x reader#jensen reader#Jared Padalecki#jared fanfic#jared fanfiction#jared fan fiction#jensen fanfic#spn reader insert#supernatural re
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Time Travel Series Pt. 5
Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
This is SUPER LONG sorry, but please feel free to request things so I know what to write
-There is no rhyme or reason to Hoshi’s time travelling
-This boy is literally just gonna travel to any time and place that pops into his head
-He literally never thinks before he does it
-He just freaking goes for it
-One time at like three in the morning Hoshi sits up in bed
-And he’s like “Wow it would be cool to see the pyramids being built”
-Dino is like pretty much asleep next to him
-”Ya hyung, that sounds cool. Maybe tomorrow you can-”
-And Hoshi just jumps back in time
-Dino literally just falls out of the bed from the shock of Hoshi jumping right next to him in the middle of the night
-When Hoshi gets back from seeing the great pyramids it’s morning time
-Joshua and Jeonghan are just sitting there in their robes with their coffee mugs, tapping their feet angrily and scolding Hoshi like a couple of moms
-But anyways
-Hoshi just time travels on a whim
-He thinks of something he wants to see and he just goes there
-One time he’s sitting in the kitchen, talking to Vernon
-And Vernon is telling him about the little he remembers from New York
-And he mentions Grand Central Station as he stirs his noodles on the stove
-And when he turns around
-Hoshi is gone
-And Vernon just rolls his eyes
-He just sarcastically calls out to the empty chair where Hoshi was sitting
-”Cool hyung, thanks for letting me finish my sentence before you time traveled”
-Hoshi, meanwhile, is standing in the middle of the Grand Central Station lobby
-He’s just looking up at the ceiling in awe
-Not really paying attention
-Neither are you
-Cuz your train was late and now you’re late
-And you’re trying to rush out of the station
-You look at your watch to check the time
-And bam, you have completely run into someone
-And you’re just soooo embarrassed like
-Crap now you have to deal with this
-And you look down at the person YOU LITERALLY KNOCKED TO THE FLOOR
-You’re expecting to deal with some angry businessman
-But like
-It’s just this really cute boy
-He looks really confused for a second and then he looks up at you
-And you’re already like
-”I’m so so sorry, I should’ve been paying attention, I feel awful”
-And you’re scared that he’s gonna yell at you
-But he just starts laughing
-And you freeze and your heart speeds up
-Cuz his laughter is so beautiful
-So you just slowly lean down and help him up
-He’s just like lol they’re so cute, what are they blushing for
-”It’s totally fine, I wasn’t paying attention either”
-And he’s just smiling at you with that over-the-top, takes-up-his-whole-face smile
-So obviously you’re smiling back
-”It looks like you’re running late and I don’t want to bother you but, could I get your name? I’m Soonyoung”
-He just kind of nods
-”Well it was nice to meet you, [Y/N], good luck with whatever you’re late for, hopefully I’ll see you around”
-And you just kind of nod and say goodbye and run off
-Hoshi comes back to the dorm in time for Vernon’s noodles to be done
-”Of course you came back in time for the food, hyung”
-*cue another Vernon rant*
-But Hoshi is only half listening
-He’s kind of out of it and sort of smiling as he serves himself a bowl
-Vernon doesn’t notice until Woozi walks in and points it out
-”Hyung why are you smiling like that?”
-*cue more Vernon sarcasm*
-”He wasn’t listening to me again? Wow. So cool. I just feel so appreciated. I just love that everyone follows along and appreciates everything I say”
-Hoshi just kind of shrugs off the question
-But he’s just smiling and blushing the whole night because he can’t get you out of his head
-And then when he sleeps, you’re in his dream
-Which is cool and all
-But Hoshi?
-He does this really strange thing where he sleep jumps
-Like literally travels time in his sleep
-He’s usually ok
-Aside from the time with the dinosaurs
-And the accidental involvement with that future bank heist
-DK still hasn’t forgiven him for that
-Or that one time he woke up in a medieval pub and Jeonghan was there and everyone was calling him “Sir John”
-Jeonghan had to beg him not to tell anyone
-Hoshi was like ok, honestly what the fuck, but ok
-So he’s dreaming of you
-And he just happens to travel to your location
-You’re in a little coffee shop
-It’s nighttime and you’re reading a book at a corner table
-And Hoshi just appears in the seat across from you
-He’s immediately awake
-Sees you and blushes harder than he ever has because with just one meeting you already have him crushing hard enough to sleep travel to see you
-You’re not paying attention bc your book
-So when you look up and see Hoshi, you assume he just sat down, not appeared out of thin air
-”Oh hello Soonyoung”
-He jumps when you speak to him cuz he was looking around the coffee shop and trying to think of a way out of there without anyone seeing him in his PJs
-”Oh hi [Y/N]”
-And you’re feeling all warm and fuzzy inside cuz he’s smiling and blushing again
-At that point, Hoshi’s like, well I’m already here
-So he orders coffee
-You guys start talking
-And since he’s dressed the way he is he really starts to pay attention to your clothes
-”What’s today’s date?”
-”It is March 21st”
-”And the year?”
-”You don’t know what year it is Soonyoung?”
-”I just always get kind of mixed up you know? As soon as I’m finally writing down the correct year, it’s New Years again and I have to get that into my head”
-You laugh a little
-”It’s 1933 Soonyoung”
-”Of course, right”
-He tries not to make it obvious how his heart drops at your answer
-Cuz maybe, just maybe if you were from the present, he could’ve started something with you
-But when he travels specifically for a location he doesn’t always specify a time
-And now he’s just kicking himself for it
-Because you two talk for hours and all he wants is to spend time with you
-But he’s like “No Soonyoung, this is the last time you see them, you’ve got to forget about them so you don’t cause any problems”
-Lol ya right Soonyoung
-He starts traveling to see you like all the time
-It weirds you out that Hoshi always needs like an exact date and location to meet up... like EXACT
-But at the same time you don’t mind because it gives you the chance to show him your favorite parts of the city and at the best times to see them
-Hoshi doesn’t travel randomly to see cool things anymore
-He just likes going to see you and what you have to show him
-Because talking with you and experiencing things with you makes everything that much better
-So the little bookshop you show him on a random corner is just as cool as seeing the pyramids built because you’re there telling him why you love it so much and how you found it and random stories of times you’ve spent there
-So Hoshi is just living happily going back to see you all the time
-And there’s a voice in the back of his mind that’s warning him that it can’t stay like this forever
-But he just keeps ignoring it
-But then one day
-You two are walking around the city
-Arm in arm
-And everything’s just as fine as usual
-But you manage to run into the one person
-The only person in the whole of New York City
-That just happened to be in that exact place at that exact time
-The one person that could ruin everything
-It’s Joshua
-And you’re like apologizing to Joshua and trying to pull Hoshi forwards
-But Joshua grabs Hoshi’s arm and just gives him this look
-And he lets go and lets y’all keep walking
-And Hoshi’s heart is just breaking
-Because he knows what that look means
-He knows what Joshua is gonna say
-”We’re not supposed to make friends in other time periods, we’re not supposed to get involved”
-Joshua is talking to Hoshi later that night in the dorm
-Hoshi is just leaning off the edge of his bed with his head in his hands
-”You need to stop going to see them”
-Hoshi knows Joshua isn’t trying to hurt him
-He knows he’s telling Hoshi to do what’s best for everyone
-Because honestly the more he goes to see you the more hurt both of you will end up when something potentially worse happens
-Joshua is just trying to be a voice of reason
-”Can I at least tell them goodbye?”
-Joshua turns back to face Hoshi
-And he’s ready to put his foot down
-Because yes, the one thing he hates more than anything is hurting his members
-But he needs to be strict to protect not only Hoshi, but you, and everyone else
-But when he turns to tell Hoshi no
-Hoshi is just staring up at him
-Tears filling up his eyes so much that they’re just spilling out
-And Joshua feels himself start to tear up just looking at him
-”Fine, Soonyoung, but this is the last time”
-Hoshi just nods his head
-Hoshi waits a long time to jump back and say goodbye to you
-Cuz yes he needs to plan what to say
-And yes he needs to be super careful and cautious about everything
-And yes he needs to take a little time to concentrate on the present
-But mostly he’s just stalling
-But one day he just sighs
-Pulls in this big breath and jumps back in time to see you
-You’re waiting for him as always
-That beautiful smile pulling across your face as you wave at him from across the street
-He tries to smile back
-He tries to smile the whole time he’s with you
-He tries to joke and play
-But he’s not all there
-And of course you notice
-”Soonyoung what’s wrong”
-No response
-”Seriously Soonyoung, I can tell that somethings wrong with you, don’t think I don’t-”
-”I’m leaving”
-So Hoshi just tells you that he’s moving away for a job
-He can’t come back
-And you’re just so upset
-Both of you are on the verge of tears but you’re both trying really hard to be strong for each other
-”I have something else I need to tell you”
-”What’s that Soonyoung?”
-He’s like c’mon Soonyoung don’t be a coward
-He regrets forever that he didn’t actually tell you
-He just pulled you forward and kissed you
-”This won’t be the last time I see you Soonyoung”
-”Yes it is [Y/N]”
-And then he just left
-He’s dying inside after that
-The other boys can tell
-He’s so dismal
-It’s like he lost everything
-Hoshi just lives on for weeks regretting how everything worked out
-So the boys are also lost
-Because what can they even do to help him
-And then one day at the dorm they get this call
-And Mingyu picks up the phone
-Everyone just kind of ignores it until
-”I’m sorry you said you were calling from a nursing home?”
-And everyone’s just kind of looking at each other because none of them have any family in that nursing home
-”They’re asking for who? Soonyoung?”
-Hoshi was confused at best when Dino knocked on his door and told him a resident at a nursing home requested that he visited
-But Kwon Soonyoung is a good kid and you bet he’s gonna go visit this person
-He gets there and goes to the front desk and tells the lady there his name
-And she’s like “Oh yes, they’re expecting you”
-Hoshi asks her if she knows any reason this person might have asked for him
-”Oh well they’re very old now, they don’t have any family around. The doctors are saying they don’t have much time left at all. We think they might be lonely. They saw you on a TV broadcast one day and immediately requested to see you.”
-And Hoshi is just nodding along
-Wondering who this mystery person is and why they wanted to see him
-The lady knocks on the door before telling Hoshi to go on in
-Hoshi walks inside, see the person on the bed, and freezes
-He wasn’t sure at first but the framed picture of a couple in New York city in the 1930s on the nightstand was enough to confirm his thoughts
-”You might be the time traveler Kwon Hoshi, but I was the one that was right about seeing you again”
-Your smile was just as beautiful as it had been the last time he saw you
Sorry it was sad and I didn’t warn, pls request things for me to write!!! I’d appreciate it!!!
#Svt#seventeen imagine#seventeen scenario#seventeen angst#s.coups#s.coups imagines#jeonghan#jeonghan imagines#joshua#joshua imagines#Jun#jun imagines#hoshi#hoshi imagines#wonwoo#wonwoo imagines#woozi#woozi imagines#mingyu#mingyu imagines#dk#dk imagines#the8#the8 imagines#seungkwan#seungkwan imagines#vernon#vernon imagines#dino#dino imagines
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