#cuz they just drop the ball with ryuki so hard in the second act they forget about him so bad
hecksupremechips · 4 months
Having Ryuki thoughts and what really makes the ending of aini feel off to me is like. Ryuki kinda just like, doesn’t have any friends. Mizuki has plenty of friends, we know she’s good friends with Iris, Ota, and Aiba and then we also see her with Mame, Shoma, Kizuna, and Bibi and generally she just seems to be on good terms with everyone in the cast. But with Ryuki it’s not really like that. He doesn’t really form any meaningful relationships with the characters he meets in the game, at best theyre acquaintances. Boss doesn’t really know what to do with him and Ryuki can tell. He has Tama of course, no doubt shes his only family and they care deeply about each other, but you just know Ryuki feels uncertain because she’s an ai who was made to work with him, she’s his friend cuz she HAS to be. The only friend he’s ever actually made in his life is Date and Ryuki just. He attaches himself so strongly to Date he bases his sense of justice around Date he starts feeling like he can carry on because of Date he starts losing his mind and drinking himself to death because he loses Date HE HAS DATE BACK FOR 5 MINUTES AND THEN TAKES A BULLET FOR DATE. But we don’t really know what becomes of their relationship after everything that’s happened or if Ryuki can even allow himself to be around Date considering all his guilt. And when Ryuki gets shot and starts bleeding out the only person who goes to him is Date and like. Their time is so brief I forget it even happens. We dont get to react to it at all and honestly why would we? This game hasn’t given Mizuki and Ryuki a relationship so why would she feel strongly about him nearly dying? So then when we’re finally allowed to know if Ryuki is okay AFTER BEING SHOT it’s done as a surprise for Mizuki and Bibi which is just. So so weird cuz like I said Mizuki doesn’t really have a relationship with this guy and Bibi like, actively hates him. Its so weird and like it makes a lot of sense WHY he doesn’t have any friends cuz he isolates himself and is just in general very socially awkward and off putting but for the game to just kinda squeeze him into this friend group all of a sudden as a second thought without putting any effort into what his relationships with these people would be like it’s just. I hate it I really hate it
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