#cuz they fucked up a blatant detail like this they gonna fuck up the next game too
iseechaos · 5 months
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So they remove Silver's eyeliners and give them to Sonic... Idk why Sega did this
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rarestereocats · 5 years
The feast is underway and we all get questioned by some of my cousins.  Eventually when Sunyeros jumps into the conversation and says she's been dabbling in divination magic,  we all start wondering how she got her power.  She's a sorcerer of some kind,  so Elathera taps into her own magic to unravel the mystery.  She then asks me over the mindlink if I knew that my family was descended from a rakshasa.  I don't even know what that is and upon her explanation,  I'm a little disheartened to hear it's a fiend.  But that also explains why this side of my family is so awful!  Dinner wraps up and as per catfolk tradition,  it's time for a nap.  Sunyeros bids us farewell and the others clear out for the evening.
With the rest of us left alone,  we decide it's the perfect opportunity to snoop around the manor.  I set out first in the hopes of finding a family record room,  but it's nowhere to be found.  Instead,  I find Sunyeros's bedroom where she's currently napping.  Rather than be smart and avoid potentially waking her and pissing her off;  I head inside to check out the closed doors within.  The second door I open is the most interesting as inside is a secret bedroom and one whole man standing there.  He's understandably startled by his door randomly opening and even despite my invisibility,  he knows I'm there.  In my mind I get the lovely message to leave and make sure I do so cuz what the fuck?
When I return to the group,  I ask Elathera to send her magic eyes into that room and while she does that,  Industria goes off to find the records room.  Which she finds right next to the altar room I stumbled upon and decided to ignore.  She finds a book detailing much of the Kociak family and uses her magic to memorize the pages they have on me,  Lucky,  Asri,  and Sunyeros.  There's a lot in the family book that's a blatant lie or erased from history,  but Industria has the magic to figure it out later.  With information gathered,  she returns to us in time for Elathera to go over what her eyes have seen.  Most pressing is that the man in the bedroom is my ancestor...the rakshasa who fucked his way through the family.  Maybe?  We can't be entirely sure,  but given the fact that Sunyeros has a bun in the oven and a rakshasa in her closet,  it's easy to put two and two together.
We have no idea what to do about this news.  We talk about fighting it,  but decide now's not the time.  We go over the possibility of talking to it,  but that doesn't seem like the safest idea.  We even start to think this rakshasa is being kept as a slave,  summoned by the family long ago and bound to this manor by magical means.  Seems far-fetched,  but how can we be sure of anything when we don't know what's going on here?  Ultimately,  we're going to play it cool and pretend that never happened.  We'll figure out what Sunyeros is up to first and go from there.  Upon her awaking from her nap,  she asks us how ours were and then goes over some house rules.  All standard stuff as well as letting us know that we'll be fitted for traditional catfolk garbs.
We're all curious and excited about a little dress-up,  though we really shouldn't be.  An elven servant I harassed earlier (I wanted to braid his hair,  okay??) is tasked with taking our measurements and off to bed we go.  In the morning,  Industria has to discourage Lucky's naivete as they discuss what we should do with Pandemonius in the future.  Jordeira's all for slaying him because of course he is,  but Lucky isn't so fond of that idea because technically Pandemonius hasn't wronged any of us.  And while Industria was all for taking him out ages ago,  she's having second thoughts about killing somebody who runs an afterlife plane now that she works in those places.  Before they can continue that conversation,  she hears me mentioning how I'm gonna die over the mindlink and rushes to my room.
In truth,  I was telling them all that should I turn up dead,  it's Rikius's fault.  And as Industria kicks open my door to save me,  Elathera and the others in tow,  they see me giggling like an idiot in bed as I had spent the night curling Rikius's hair.  When he wakes and we show him the damage,  he's less than thrilled and I joke that he needs to keep up with the elven servant I harassed the day before.  He tells me that guy's hair can't be that great and to show him,  so off I go to retrieve Elaron.  He's pretty fed up with me constantly wanting to manhandle his hair,  but he reluctantly obliges and comes upstairs so we can all treat him like a petting zoo.  After Rikius admits that Elaron's hair is indeed very soft and quietly rethinks his choice to marry me,  I help him brush the curls out so he doesn't have to look like a hot mess.
We're all taken downstairs to see our new garbs,  which are colorful and gaudy beyond all hell.  We're told to accentuate the outfits with as much jewelry as we can,  which leaves us all thoroughly disgusted.  With the looks on our faces and Industria's firm assurances that we're not going to be wearing something so ugly,  Elaron understands our pain and fetches us some comfortable kimonos instead.  While the others get dressed in those,  I accept my gaudy fate as a Kociak and put on the ugly gown they made specially for me.  And off we go to speak with Sunyeros as she told us the day before that she has much to discuss.
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