#cuz then that person might easily understand what i'm referring to
emisloves · 30 days
how to freak out about someone without said person seeing it and possibly blocking me
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ameliaszahmet · 1 month
Gwen and Courtney and how was their sudden friendship possible
I finished my last post by saying Courtney and Gwen have a hard time accepting their weaknesses. Now I will make a reference to Duncan and why it matters when talking about Gwen and Courtney's friendship.
The main difference between Duncan and Courtney : Courtney hides her weak emotions hoping one day she can open them around that "special someone ", but Duncan is showing normal emotions like any human being yet he just wants to bury them deep inside him and not make a big deal out of it. " it's just a rabbit" When she saw him with that bunny she mistook that for"his true self " "you're nice!" yet for him it was just something normal. She thought that in this moment it is "safe "to be herself around him.
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"You're nice? Yeah whatever, it's just a rabbit"
Even for bullies it is normal to help his buddies or share a common experience like losing a pet , and even DJ saw that , yet Courtney was ready to make a big deal out of this
Why this moment matters?
In that phobia episode Courtney thought she is absolute failure for just having a normal fear,something that even Duncan admitted it's normal. Yet Courtney went that far and even slapped herself for thinking a fear is not normal , it's just a weakness.
When she saw him with bunny , Courtney thought he is "misunderstood" and perhaps there's something more inside him just like her( and he's probably just refusing to open up to people until he felt it is safe to do that,) which is completely different thing OF WHAT DUNCAN REALLY WANTS . He wants to be seen as a bad guy . For him his image in front of other delinquents like him is more important than being nice. "I'm gonna rule juvie"
Coincidentally the same thing happened to Trent and Gwen. Gwen has a hard time accepting Trent's emotions no matter how hard he tries to prove it. It is usually common for people who have been hurt by others to hide their emotions . Her dark goth appearance might have been a reason for people like "Heather " to mock her so Gwen finds it difficult to accept someone might like her as she is. So to keep herself protected she doesn't let people that close to her heart , including Trent or Geoff . Almost similar to Raven from Teen Titans. Both trying to find that special someone "who gets them"
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"He was the only person who made me feel like I was not creepy" ,Raven
Gwen has a hard time accepting anyone can like her ,just like Courtney has a hard time accepting her weaknesses.
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"I'm so embarassed ...How could I be so weak I deserve to go home" , Courtney
"You don't have to pretend to be friends with me . I'm fine, just leave me alone. Gwen "
Gwen likes to hide her true feelings to not get hurt , in spite of her strong goth , dark aura but allowed herself to be weak around Trent cuz she thought he understands her deepest feelings.Something she doesn't like to share that easily. The moment she saw that kiss between Heather and Trent she lost all her trust she had in him without even trying to understand the situation and from that moment on she hid her true self once again , " look what happens when i open my heart to people. I knew i should have not let my guard down ". That's why her sudden cold attitude towards him next episodes. She didn't accept his mistake as a form of natural weakness but as "his true face" just like she had a hard time accepting Geoff ACTUALLY enjoyed having her as a friend:
"I'm not pretending, I REALLY LIKE YOU!'
Courtney thought she saw the good in Duncan and Gwen thought she saw the worst in Trent , none of them seeing these as human emotions or accept as weaknesses yet both Duncan and Trent did . Duncan didn't plan to be nice cuz he is nice particularly and Trent didn't plan to be mean cuz he is mean. It just happened that way cuz any human does good or bad or makes a mistake.
"It's just a rabbit" what's the big deal
"Gwen you still mad at me ?? You're the last person here I'd leave buried in the sand ! ."
How they want to be seen matters more.
Trent wants people to see him nice and Duncan wants people to see him bad. A complete different thing that Gwen and Courtney thought about them :
"I don't trust Trent . He kissed Heather "
"Duncan I thought you were nice ! "
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Me nice? yeah right It wasn't my fault .Heather tricked me
Duncan is actually opposite of Courtney. He keeps hiding his good side cuz he is not proud of that and Courtney keeps hiding her good side cuz she is scared it might be used against her. Just like Gwen. Which is an essential moment that started the love triangle and Gwen and Courtney's friendship.
Later , both Courtney and Gwen's wrong impression of Duncan's soft side was the reason why Duncan saw this as an opportunity to be bad around them. Courtney's mistaken one gesture of affection from him and ignored THE BIG PICTURE . Just like Gwen mistaken Duncan 's sudden time he spends with her in action as genuine interest and care for her and ignored how he still bullies everyone around him,including her boyfriend at the time, or Harold, Heather etc. Their vulnerable time around people made Duncan approach them with his bad side.
Courtney and Gwen were searching for" that someone" that allow them to be themselves , through friendship or love.
Gwen even shared her deepest desire to have a girly talk ,go to a party in the Trial by Tri Armed episode. And she was actually never been invited to a party before.
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"Sometimes I wish I've been like one of those girls , have those happy talks and get all excited , eating all that massive amount of sugar"
and Courtney 's obsession with rules and school was not something that allowed her to have many friends in the first place and she was quite hopeful finding one when she first came in total drama , precisely when Chris mentioned "maybe your friends " in the first episode.
The only moment when both of them felt really comfortable to be themselves was all stars and world tour. Gwen actually shared her unicorn dream with Courtney and for Courtney the amount of time she spent with Gwen made her realise gradually it is actually safe to let her gaurd down around her and even help her injured hand when it was in such pain. Something she didn't do to anybody else till that episode.
Duncan's evil side united their friendship
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Courtney and Gwen's fear of their own emotions was the main reason they both started a nice friendship in world tour which later continued in all stars.They hide their "weak feelings" from people that don't really know them. Their own fear of understanding their weaknesses and emotions made it even harder to understand people around them. They had things in common because they are both good inside , yet they barely could express that until they became friends, and that thanks to one particular person. Both of them are caught in a bad situation caused by one person that they both thought he was good. Which was Duncan. Duncan and his games on them united their painful experience into a friendship.
They both fell for his "soft side" and took the blame of "being evil" towards one another when in reality it was only Duncan who cared about that whole evil stuff cuz he was evil .For him it was the whole bad boy thing that he expected to get them and not his "soft side" The only thing he saw in his goodness was just a "tool" that might be handy sometimes if that really gets the girl. Which is why their relationship with Duncan was meant to fall at one point. Cuz he is bad and THEY ARE NOT.
that's for part 2
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kettricken · 2 years
Ghost, vampire, trick or treat :)
ghost - are you spiritual, and if so what do you believe?
Yep! I consider myself very spiritual :-) not sure how to delve into this since it's a very personal experience and it can be hard to put your beliefs and experiences into words (plus I'm scared I might sound dumb to some people), but I think the gist of my beliefs is that I think everything and everyone is connected and we're all important and life is important because we decide it is important. it's not because we have an inherent purpose or place in the universe, but because we simply live our lives and decide to make the most of it! I'm also Jewish and I interpret everything in my own personal way that I can't easily sum up here dhjfgjfgj
I also believe in past lives in a sense, and I don't think ghosts are spirits of the dead but rather memories of the people who were before us. if any of that makes sense. this sounds silly but i really like the portrayal of ghosts in interstellar... it made me go "aha!" when I first saw it cuz that's kind of how I think about ghosts, minus the time travel stuff lol. but basically just people in a different time that kind of overlap with ours.
vampire - what would someone need to know to understand you?
something that I need to tell a lot of people when they get to know me is that I need a lot of space and time to myself and that that absolutely does not mean I'm not interested in being friends. even if I'm not super talkative or it's been a few weeks, months even, since we hung out I still consider people my very dear friends and I appreciate them a lot regardless of how much time I spend with them!
trick or treat - what has been your greatest influence?
My mom! Though if the question refers to someone or something outside of my personal sphere then of course I have to say Ursula K. Le Guin! She's truly opened up a whole new world to me. I don't think I can fully explain just how much my life has changed after having read her books. but really she was. life. changing. to me
Halloween Asks!
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We've had enough of your fake Cloak and Dagger just to harass us and her son we'll see harassing him no you're asking us too and we go after you. And we see what you're doing you're just sitting here bothering him saying you can disconnect this and disconnect that so go after your stuff we take it and we get his stuff to you and clear it and you start bothering about it and you have it and you get killed and people are hitting you for this dumb s***. I can't believe how stupid you people have become. It's not the first of the month there's a grace period it's got like 10 days and they might be on vacation or something so it's understandable and it's got a letter that shows you tried to send it and says he's not here. And text messages and still nothing compared to what you have so going after you cuz you're a bunch of shivering idiots and he said it's going to harm me if we don't and we shall and we have to bite the bullet and replace them with regular people and then they'll have to become stupid and the cycle is probably more valuable so I'm going to start doing that and we already are actually and it is more valuable and they said it before it kind of upset with you across the board all the time you never make it better and you just keep making it worse and we're telling you not to and you keep doing it so here's what we're going to do we're going to start firing John Reema Lord and company for more companies and yeah he sold the stock to us and he was pretty sure it was us and you thought we'd go in the companies and he'd grab us and he didn't do anything firstly we're already there and he's stupid secondly we took over pretty easily from him cuz he's an idiot and the max thought they'd come in but you can't even get past the idiot so there's a lot of stuff going on like that and the max are frustrated and they're running around trying to grab us and they can't and they have to face our enemies and eventually they will like yesterday and last night they relaxed and they got bit a little today and her son's mail and stuff went all over the place and today they finally delivered stuff and they're a bunch of drinks at the factory and sent one that's got to be charged fully which is usually not good it'll be fine and stuff but really the batteries shouldn't have drained and he said the indicator sometimes doesn't work at all and that's true too but we shall see it's a pain in the ass dealing with you people we don't want to have to hear him say oh it doesn't work I'm going to send it back again it's your idiocy what you're doing. We hear why you want to use it as a device and you have the other one sitting somewhere and you're nuts. It's right too sometimes the indicator doesn't work sometimes it loses charge and doesn't mean anything except for a year and it just loses charge cuz it was near something and it's probably the case so we're going to go through your stuff make sure you hear us and don't take the keys to the contacts you morons that's probably what was losing the charge probably was he says and it can transfer to the keys and a small teeny little Arc and it was on metal we know where it was stored it doesn't do the battery any damage it's a matter of fact it lasts longer but we don't like you. Furthermore we're going after you for it even though you weren't selling any and you sort of thought you had to we do need to take you down for you d****** with him and planning from just to ride his bicycle because your assholes you're completely wrong his personality is completely wrong for what you're doing and character and we know it and you're completely stupid it says in every shrink book there is and all your psychiatrists and psychologists just disagree. Even John remillard when he's in that mode says it's kind of wrong and we keep doing it and people are forcing us to. So we're going referring him from this huge company and all his people and his whole company and idiots who work with him
*it's an automotive company it's called celestial and it is a component of it and it's supply parts and it's associated with the one where he gets thrown out the window and the rest of them do rest of you do and we're going to fire him from that company as well and that's coming up today both companies they both have similar names and they're supposed to it sounds cheesy but they're not and but they're supposed to sound cheesy and that's the way our sun was doing it because it looks like the idiot and we will lay you off from those companies shortly it's set up today for 4:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. and we set up a whole bunch of appointments every half hour and that's where he's going and people go off with him and their Max and they can't stand him and he sold the stock and they can't get the companies back and they try each time with a few octillion and they lose and it's going to be a huge more lock offensive today with giant numbers of ships they have their confidence and they think they got the check back when they were the ones trying to mess it up then they say that's how we got it back and they said no Stan wants it there and so to the max and he's angry because you're an idiots and her friend here told Stan he looks like you stand checked real quick and said wow that freaking f***** it's really annoying this stupid fight but he's right in the middle of it can't do anything he wants that a****** to go away so the company warehouses of parts and tons of them and we need them now for a new company hard times and we're taking the cars that have not sold and they're sometimes 2021-2022 and we're not saying to the dealer or selling them ourselves he said to set up new dealerships and we're going to do that then I'm going to sell our cars at the new dealerships and the others will be out of business and we'll take them over this is a great idea. And the ones that we sell the dealer will have to maintain and with the agreement that he has and if not we'll start taking over the dealerships. It's kind of a trick because they're going to get the s*** kicked out of them they all these people are beat up by him by the car sun and saying I have a warranty it's with your company I don't know what the f*** you're talking about there's another company that's this company that car right there is the same as that car right there and then all the same except the fuses no we're putting together like they were tons of people think it's funny no but we're opening new dealerships sometimes they're right down the street they're coming up to us and saying we don't know who you are or what you're doing but we're going to find out it's not harassing and we grab them I'm going to take over the dealerships a lot of people go to our places to have them retrofitted.
*along with celestial is the company that is up in Chicago and it starts with an s it's like silver star or something and it is from the movie Shazam and it is the company name they use the exact name for the motor company that sells the parts and they make the parts they make them up in the upper Midwest and the place is falling apart and it's only a few more places they're taking all the parts and today and we're taking them from all over the place and for some reason the idiots think they can try and sell parts to these distributors in the Midwest and they're still thinking they're distributing parts for some reason I don't know why it could be because we're purchasing them but we're using John Riva Lord's money so they think it's him so he's going to go in there to some sort of rat's nest. You're using your accounts in other words we think that you're having some memory blocks and you black out and all sorts of things yeah supposedly have no heart. Yeah that's you in the train depot with all those hearts it's your heart comes out occasionally I guess. He says he's blacking out. We are firing him from this company and his people and they just insist on doing it and they go to every building like to the last building and it's a shorter building it's only like 15 or 20 stories it looks like the tower but it's not really as high what's the top floor and it's almost the same height as James corporation where he was threatening to throw them out the whole time this is such a f** and he's a real tall guy downstairs no that was one of them the Giants and we're laying off their whole crew but really the incident happens because he goes company we're not really sure why no we know why it's like the last company and he's doing it because he's saying he's leadership and the max are pushing him around and we're pushing him around and eventually he won't be anywhere this happens really quick by the way and it does set off other plans like Utah with dumb and dumber and heat and that rolls into hurricane heist all of it starting up pretty soon and the automobile dealership stuff and automobile assembly is Big because they start losing their jobs at the assembly plants because they can't hack it and we keep a whole bunch of them open actually most of them for a while to assemble the cars they have and we started doing it on several car dealers car makes and models globally well most of the ones that we took over were now assembling
So those two companies were going to handle right now and that well this afternoon and we thank you for attention more later
Thor Freya
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
When did u learn to draw?? Also any tips for beginners?
Hmmmm as of right now I'm pretty much self-taught so I never really "learned" how to draw, but I figured out I liked to do it and decided I wanted to get better I'd say about five or six years ago
I think I've got a few tips for beginners I can yank out of ma brain here sjkfdh
I think my biggest piece of advice is patience and persistence, I know everyone says that but it's really the truth! Developing skills and a style takes a very long time, oftentimes many years. I'm still not exactly where I want to be even after all of this time, so we just gotta keep practicing and striving for improvement!
BUT ALSO!! This is one thing I tend to forget, art is supposed to be fun! So please have as much fun with it as you can and don't be too hard on yourself! Having fun with art is one of the main ways I keep myself motivated! Cuz if you don't have fun drawing, you won't want to keep going
Okie and I think I've got some regarding actually drawing too pff
Use references!! Tons of people on the internet shame people for using references and say that it's "cheating" or whatever but let me tell you it. is. not! Look at all of the really famous works of art that were done centuries ago, they had models and references too! Would anyone claim that they were "cheating"? So I say definitely use as many references as you'd like!
Though there is one lil thing about this topic jfdj and that's referencing off of others. I think I can safely say that most artists are okay with others using their works as references, but NOT to copy! It's okay to use another artist's work as a reference if they're okay with it, but you should definitely credit the other artist if you post it anywhere
Okay slightly controversial tip here: I really do think copying is really good for PERSONAL improvement. Here's what I mean: If you're really struggling with a certain aspect of art, let's say hands, and you want to improve drawing hands, but you just can't seem to get it right, I think a good thing to do is copy another artist's hand maybe a few times, then draw it again yourself. Keep drawing the same thing over and over again by yourself until you begin to understand it. Then try to do it without looking at anything. This can help pinpoint what you need to work on by identifying what you did and didn't pick up by yourself. You then can focus on learning and improving on the things you didn't pick up if that makes sense. But PLEASE do NOT post your work for this method on any social media since it's not very original work.
Here is a good post about tracing, copying, and referencing by the wonderful artist Chihirohowe
Another tip I can give is to look at muscle and bone structure to help improve anatomy. Even if your style is very cartoony, like mine, it really does help in seeing how muscles and bones move and interact with each other, as well as how certain parts of the body move! If you're not comfortable drawing nud3 drawings (im not either dw), you can easily get away with drawing a character in tighter clothing, it might seem a bit scandalous, but it REALLY helps in learning how the body looks, that's one of the main ways I learned anatomy
I think that's all I can think of for beginners for now, but please, if you ever have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask! I do so love talking about art heeeee
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spiderling-space · 3 years
Hey so this thought has been on my mind for like ages and I think that you'd be able to write a headcanon about it in a wonderful way, so I'm presenting this idea to you hehe ( I love ur blog so so so much btw!)
So let's say that whatever miracles of seven happened, that Yuu overblots. Being constantly pushed around by other students by being magicless, solving the idiot trio's problems, trying to survive overblots and dealing with Crowley's neglectful ass cheeks sure is not easy. With all the piled and bottled up negative emotions, Yuu like the previous boys, overblots. Yuu wasn't that hard to defeat cuz you know, they're magicless, but the twst boys did struggle and Yuu's quite the challenge too. So what if, after Yuu's overblot, they had a full on mental breakdown. Not like crying mental breakdown, they're full on SCREAMING, their voice are cracking too, and very painful to hear. They started to unconsciously harm themselves so they have to be tied down to prevent to hurt themselves further. How would the dormleaders react to that?
(Sorry for my English and if I ever break a rule, it's OK if you decide to not do this too. Btw I got this idea when I watch ATLA aka Aang the last airbender, for reference of the breakdown of Yuu just search "Azula's breakdown" that practically how their breakdown looked like :D)
I cant write headcanons because you basically wrote everything. I will just make comments and additions to this. first I mention the background, secondly Azula’s breakdown so non ATLA watchers can understand a little and lastly, MC having breakdown like Azula. For the record, I could write about ATLA for pages since it is something I love since 2005. LOL This became a bit meta xd
You can join the discord server here 😉🤣
Firstly, the back ground:
I was 7 years old when ATLA started airing. I’d be excited to get back home to watch ATLA after school. Azula’s breakdown was awful back then when I first watch it as a kid. And of course, when they aired the episodes again and again. I rewatched again because I remembered the show being dope when I was in 12th grade which was stress relief while studying for university exams, and then I rewatched last year and even founded a Zutara server. Now I’m getting back to the point. In the last two rewatching, I saw Azula in a different light and her breakdown at the end of the show was understandable. I can recommend some ATLA meta that you might like. 
Secondly, Azula’s breakdown: 
Azula lost everything. In the flashbacks, you saw she was getting along with Zuko, laughing and playing tag until Ozai’s influence on her grew while Ursa showed more affection towards Zuko since Ozai basically hated Zuko. These two triggered each other and it grew like snowball effect which came to the point that Ozai-Azula and Ursa-Zuko. She didn’t get love from Ozai, she was just a puppet, someone to empower him more, not his daughter meanwhile to Ursa, she was a monster. Azula was 8 years old  Ursa disappeared. Imagine how this would affect the child. After this, she had estranged brother that she was jealous of because of Ursa’s love, a father who manipulated her, and an uncle who was too in pain to do anything and he was more focused on Zuko. She only had Mai and Ty Lee as “friends” but it was toxic and Azula used fear to control them. After Zuko got banished, Mai and Ty Lee went to their own places, leaving Azula alone with Ozai. Just when Zuko got back, she was being like the last times, cruel teasing, Mai and Ty Lee with her. Later, Zuko went away and probably got lectured by Ozai for her lie. Mai and Ty Lee stood against her. In the end, she had no one. Ozai didn’t want her with him either because he only wants power. Being alone drew her to the edge. In the Royal Hair Washing, the girl sje fired had her face. Her self hatred was palpable. She started to reflect this via Ursa, the mother who thought her as monster and didn’t love her like she did Zuko. I believe she would have had breakdown if she actually killed Zuko. At the end, she couldn’t handle it anymore. Being all alone, not being loved, self hatred and finally failing at something which is something she knows Ozai would never tolerate like he did with Zuko. This 14-year-old wouldn’t be able to handle it anymore and had breakdown.
Now last section, MC having breakdown like Azula’s:
Let’s see the things MC went through:
Stripped away from home
Doesn’t have much memory of it
Is thrusted into a world so foreign to them, where everything is foreign to them. There is no familiar thing that can make them recall home or feel at home
Is forced to study things that they have no prior info where the others have prior info and they are expected to ace the tests. This puts on pressure on regular students, can’t imagine the pressure they would feel since they barely understand the magic.
Is treated like trash by everyone at least once. From the first moment they came to Twisted Wonderland, they were like dirtbag. Dire gave them a house where they could get Hepatitis A to C, tetanus, hypothermia and any other disease. They have lived in that state for months and the house barely got fixed by the end of exams. They got belittled or used by almost all characters at least once. Examples: Vil calling them nobody; Azul trying to take the only thing they have from them, the dorm; Riddle calling them uneducated because not having magical parents; Leona acting like they are a toy in E2; Jamil literally manipulating their choice; sometimes NPC characters talked; Cater making them do his work etc.
They are given more than a person should handle. They are not certificated psychologist, they aren’t superhuman, they don’t have super healing... They are just human but has to fight enemies than can easily kill them if it were not the magic users around them. They are given the task of dealing with the emotional breakdown of the other people.
All of these are building up more and more. Maybe they started to get along with people after the belittlement and being used but every new character does this. At one point, it will be too much and they will think “they are only nice to me because I did a favor to them. If not for that, they wouldn’t be nice to me” which would lead to self doubt. When one starts doubting themselves, everything else starts to go down. Also, new characters treating them that way adds salt to the wound.
MC isn’t a professional psychologist. They can’t handle other people’s issues without taking a toll at themselves. They don’t even catch a break between everything.
Dire is deliberately keeping them away from home as they all do the errands he say. To him, what MC wants doesn’t matter much. The game doesn’t show but if MC has family and friends or pets, you can’t tell me that they wouldn’t miss them once or see, hug them or know their state, alive-dead, healthy-sick etc. 
Lastly not being invincible. The end of Episode 5 shows this well. They couldn’t stand against Grim who isn’t as powerful as the other overblot characters. They are mortal who can get hurt easily.
Now all these build up meanwhile we don’t see an MC centered chapter, how they are etc. It’s all about the others. Maybe there were a few chapters asking if MC is okay after everything but it feels like it is in the second plan. 
Everything that I mentioned can lead to a breakdown like Azula’s. Everything is just too much to handle and they don’t talk with a professional about it. When they finally let out everything, it feels much better, screaming out their lungs, lashing out like all of them did. They are finally letting out all of their emotions, crying and screaming; yet still feels better than bottling everything up. They think maybe that’s how overblot characters felt.
All in all, everyone in NRC needs a counselor.
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ceyrann · 2 years
if you don't mind, could I please ask about charis? I saw your reblog and thought it would be cool to check it out bc what you said was really fascinating
mine is in leo at 29° and in 5H, trines chiron and asc, squares jupiter and saturn
I could think of it being a placement that make me appealing to authoritative positions, like bosses or teachers etc. I also think it might mean that I'm appealing to "popular" people, or I'm just a soft spot for leo's haha
I'd love to know what you think ❤
Hi! What I said was only on my personal understanding of my own uhhh charm and charisma lies.
Also, disclaimer: I am in no way an astrologer. I'm just a smol fry who's interested in astrology and whatever I say below would only be based on my personal understanding, as well as things I've read before from other posts. So there are high chances on whatever I say may not resonate. Do remember to take them with a grain of salt.
Before I get there, a couple of things that are important in looking asteroids in your charts are
1. It's sign, house, degree
2. How prominent it is (how many aspects, how tight the orbs are, etc.)
So with that in mind, let's look at yours! At first glance, I feel that your Charis has a very prominent Leo energy, so you may vibe well with people who know how to enjoy, have a good time, have fun. Most prolly random people would like to invite you to their house party or some gatherings? Or situations where they talk to your friend and goes, "oh, you're friends with jellymoonbear? Invite her along to the party we're hosting next month!" kinda thing.
But fun and popularity aside, I feel that there may also be a chance where you can easily gain unwanted attention? Cuz you shine so bright where people may not like you taking the spotlight (not to mention 29° is also a critical degree, where you can refer here for more details. Sure, it is a fame degree, but there's always something else behind the scene of glamour, which we must always remember). This can be difficult to deal with when you lack the experience and maturity to tackle issues at hand.
It trining your ASC gives me the impression that your vibrance and joyfulness matches your appearance, how you dress yourself, and people are comfortable with how you express yourself, which allows you to be able to mingle easily.
Trining your Chiron sounds healing for me? Cuz easy aspects with Chiron gives me the feeling that whatever pain and hurt that you have gone through will be something that can transform you into a better person. Idk how to properly express this in words, but let's say some people find scars on the eyebrow attractive. Scars are proofs of injury and hurt and they've healed, and they somehow became a plus point to your personal charisma, kinda thing. So by putting this in an emotional sense and personal experience/development kinda situation, whatever you've gone through in the past made you stronger and more charismatic. Yeah this is what I feel it may be (you'll need to of course, take your Chiron's sign and house into consideration as well).
Squaring Jupiter and Saturn feels like.... Hmmmmmmm... Chances of being too... Fun and end up having problems with your own discipline and may hinder your studies? Idk this is what I usually correlate for Saturn and Jupiter hshshs. But also, there may be chances of people of authority, for example, disciplinary teacher (combination of Saturn and Jupiter in one lmAO) may not like you yet could do nothing against you. That.
But yeah, Leos are nice people and they're really fun to hang out with! It's fine to have soft spots for them and most of all, remember to go with your vibe and gut feeling!
Thanks for asking and have a nice day!
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ginshu-eura · 2 years
About the Author: Eura-san
Name: Eura
Pronouns: she/her
Wattpad Accounts: RZN_022611 (abandoned), SynAesthesis_821, and explodochild
Nationality: Filipino 🇵🇭✨
IRL Nicknames: Shan (please refrain from using), Shai
Personality Type: INTJ, 6w5, so/sp
Occupation: Student
- Open to Questions
- Closed to Social Interactions
- Closed to Writing Requests (trimisu is open to those tho, so do check her work out if you gots the chance ;3 ✨)
- Single but Emotionally Unavailable
- anything mint-scented or flavored (except the super spicy ones, those might kill me)
- cats
- long walks with cool breezes (wish I could have more of them without risk of getting kidnapped)
- anything that drives my brain enough to do shizz (puzzles, single-player video games, constructive debates, unsolved cases, etc.)
- stuffed toys (touch mine without permission, and I might just fling you to the sun)
- PLOT HOLES (cuz plot holes = fanfic potential)
- music
- cold and mildly rainy seasons
- becoming completely stupid whenever I'm sick
- inefficiency
- group projects (especially when my groupmates are the worst of the worst)
- losing control of my entire body every few minutes (effects include zoning far out, tripping on nothing, dropping whatever it is I'm holding, ramming straight into a wall, etc.)
- physical activities (I can't even learn an instrument without my lack of motor coordinaton getting in the way)
- failed backstabbing (like hun, if you tryna talk smack about me, you might as well do it right)
- stupidity (I can't stand this, I'm sorry)
- excessive emotions (I literally monitor my emotions every day, and believe me. Getting too happy or too upset can cause my brain to malfunction in an instant)
I'm a hypersensitive synesthete (currently having a crisis as to whether or not I have undiagnosed autism, but that's besides the point). As of now, I know myself to have projective and associative personality-color, emotion-color, and sound-to-color synaesthesia (accuracy and external projection depends on how bad my brain fog is). Sometimes the aura includes smells and sensations at the roof of my mouth (at the very far back), but considering how smell is my weakest sense, it often works as a signal for the early stages of aura development.
Despite this, I tend to hesitate speaking about this in real life, and as much as possible, I avoid referring to my situation as synaesthesia. This is because, instead of a solid color, music and people create what appears to be an entire, detailed world in my eyes and mind. Even worse is, due to intense brain fog, I have difficulty describing my experiences to people, which may make them question if the condition is real for me. (If you'd like a better explanation for it, it's here.)
Anyway, this phenomenon (as well as my excessive hypersensitivity) is actually the reason why I'm asking people to limit their interactions with me. Any form of sensory and emotional stimuli affects me very easily, and it can potentially damage my health if I'm exposed to too much for an extensive period of time. Considering my lack of social understanding (and the potency of my synaesthesia), I'd rather not risk destroying my health.
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