#cuz i can't actually finish my school because of choices i made over the last decade and i genuinely have no idea what to do with my life
1mnobodywhoareyou ยท 6 months
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weightloss18-blog1 ยท 6 years
Perfect Fat Burning Dinner -- Even If You Can't Cook!!
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Perfect Fat Burning Dinner -- Even If You Can't Cook!!
Hey everybody! Hannibal Bray, Perfect Day Lifestyle and I'm gonna take just a couple of minutes to show you a super easy way to prepare a healthy dinner for one even if you have zero cooking skills okay? But first things first let me give a little shout out here to โ€“ what's up Atticus? Atticus is gonna play the part of my cameraman today he's gonna help me out here aren't you okay and I also gotta give props to Babette, Babette's gonna play the part of the cat just kind of doing her thing, so first things first it's all about the prep it helps if you do some prep ahead of time I'm gonna do a video this weekend probably Saturday and Sunday I'll do a couple of videos as I'm doing my prep for the week and I'll just show you guys exactly how I do this how I get all my salads ready how you can actually do a lot of the cooking ahead of time so if you've got a busy lifestyle like most of us do it's still real easy so let's um let's go over here do fridge so in the fridge here's what I'm gonna get I've done my prep already so I've got my uh my salad basically just some leftovers from last night I got my Bubbies sauerkraut which is awesome and that one's almost empty so I'm gonna get may get a second one here we're gonna finish that off and then I'll bring this out just you can see this is my my recipe for the salad dressing and then while we're in here eggs so these are hard-boiled eggs because tomorrow morning I gotta get up really early I don't have time to cook before I hit the road so I'm just gonna grab two eggs hit the road and go and what what's this what what I don't think I don't think this is on the Perfect Day Lifestyle is this is this Atticus is this yours is this yours? okay all right so not everybody here at the Bray household is on the Perfect Day Lifestyle and that's okay so I'm gonna hand this off to Atticus here he's gonna do a little bit of filming for me all right you got that buddy all right so what do we gotta do sauerkraut so sauerkraut is awesome and if something about fermented food I never knew this I mean you can make your own fermented foods sauerkraut's like the easiest one like readily available to get you can get this at the grocery store and I really prefer this this Bubbies brand because there's no vinegar or anything in there you don't have to cook this to do anything to prepare it except just spoon it out of the jar right and you're supposed to like leave it in the juice you can drain some of the juice out of there as you start to work your way through the bottle but I've kind of measured out before I try and do a full cup size serving because I'm
you don't have to do that if you're already pretty fit yeah you don't have much weight to lose you don't have to do that but I'm in still in like maximum weight loss mode where I'm trying to drop another 10-15 pounds and so I'm maximizing these fermented foods, if when I fill this little thing up here I know it's about a cup about one cup of sauerkraut so that's all set ready to go and the other thing I'll show you is this is so I've already got my lunch all set ready to go for tomorrow too so I've got this ready I got this handy dandy little neoprene deal and I've got these little guys right here I've got a bunch of these so I can fill them up with sauerkraut so I've got ready to go and we already see the salad I'm going to show you what we do with that all right so sauerkraut's all done take a peek there zoom in yeah sweet treats out of the way if you if you want to try out this recipe I mean it couldn't be simpler for salad dressing yeah we have to go to salad dressing recipes around here this is one and I have another video here you can see kind of how you put it all together and the other one is even simpler it's just lemon lemon juice I take half a lemon take a little little squeezer and I usually put this little thing like this lemon juice and then olive oil give that a little stir that's uh that's my wife's favorite so we do that we mix it up kind of 50/50 with this so we got our sauerkraut ready to go this is how how I pack my salads screw-top I don't have to worry about this making a mess got my little salad dressing here this is rubbermaid you can get these on Amazon but it holds like 2 tablespoons of a salad dressing which is perfect I got my protein here so this is typically gonna be I know this this may not look like much but when you're eating everything else here on this your perfectly balanced meal plan this is plenty this is really plenty of protein about the size of your fist and this is probably a little bit a little bit smaller but I'm taking like a protein shake in the afternoon so I'm trust me I'm getting plenty of protein this is just chicken thighs and you can bake like a whole tray of these in the oven on the weekend and that's what we do is this is actually half of one chicken thigh season just with salt and pepper no olive oil none of that I just put it on the on the on the tray with some parchment paper or some aluminum foil and you're good to go little paper towel in there just to kind of keep you know stuff from getting all mixed together so all I do in my salad again I'll show you this this weekend but I've got some greens you can buy some some pre-sorted fresh greens I usually throw in some some red cabbage just because I like the antioxidants and cabbage is really good for helping you to get into ketosis and this isn't a keto diet per se but there's some elements of a ketogenic diet that are certainly in here carrots I go easy on carrots because there's a lot of sugar in carrots but carrots are fine in salads I won't run them through my juicer though because it just turns them in a straight sugar we got some green pepper got some green onion I got walnuts I've got pumpkin seeds and that's about it so what do i what I like to do is I take the salad dressing give a little shake and I can do this anywhere I can do this if I'm at, you know working at a hospital cafeteria I can do this in my car you know if I get stuck somewhere or whatever and I usually screw this back on you know shake oh so this I don't even know Atticus is asking me what size are the the containers I don't know I got these away it spilling oh, is it spilling? no biggie dump it in there get all the good stuff in there take my little fork make sure we're all set and if you want you can heat up the protein whether it's you know chicken or chicken or steak or fish but I can just have cold usually totally fine if you want to heat it up you sure can and you can have this on the side I usually just dump it right in the first couple times ended I thought it was kind of weird to add the sauerkraut into the salad but now I've really developed a taste for it and it is all good just boom there's my dinner and I promise you I will not be hungry this will fill me up um if I do find myself hungry I've got some broccoli from last night I'll pull that out and I'll throw that in the microwave well that's it guys healthy dinner for one because oh you don't thing I wanted to address healthy dinner for one I mean when if you if you're trying to adopt a more healthy lifestyle right whether it's exercise nutrition it can be and I was kind of joking about it at the beginning you know my wife's got you know the sweet treats here the first two or three weeks this would have been a real problem if this was in the fridge okay I would have gobbled this right up and like like nobody's business um cuz I have yeah cuz she always has leftovers and that was that was part of the dilemma for the last two years um my wife went back to school for a second career long hours out the door early home after like 8:30 9:00 o'clock at night so I'm kind of left to my own devices and I was traveling a lot to work making really bad food choices and then we got pregnant with this one and so for two years you know I had excuses for you know why I was eating like crap so I had habits that I had to overcome you know I had you know I know you know I had I'd uh I'd detox you know I had to go through the the carb withdrawal and all that and it only took about ten days to really detox off all the hey buddy only took about ten days to detox off all the carbs but I'll say it probably took a full six weeks if not closer to eight weeks to establish the new habit to the point where this is ingrained in me and I'm like fine like in social situations other people are eating crap or if I can smell you know fresh bread or you know if somebody else is drinking like you know I will I will drink alcohol again but right now alcohol is not it doesn't contribute to weight loss and you know I believe in moderation if you're trying to maintain but I'm not in maintenance phase yeah I'm still trying to lose weight so I just made a decision that if it doesn't contribute and help the weight loss it's not on my diet for me okay once you get down to your target way you can reintroduce things you can reintroduce some of those fruits you can reintroduce some of those carbs particularly particularly you know you're gonna be more active so it's not just one diet it's not just a one specific meal plan that works and everybody's a little bit different but what I found to work is you know these perfectly balanced meals where I have my eggs and my green juice in the morning I have a lunch that looks almost exactly like this a dinner that looks almost exactly like this and I supplement in the afternoon with a protein shake and I take some vitamins and stuff that I'll talk a little bit about later in a future video but hopefully this helps and if you know if you can get the whole family on board that's great but even if you can't you just have to carve out you know carve out some shelf space in the fridge you know carve out some cupboards and and that's what we did before we started this we came back from Thanksgiving and I'm like all right hun, this little cupboard here is mine this little spot here is mine you can keep all your you know your goody stuff because you know you can't inflict this on somebody else if they're not ready to make a healthy change that's um that's you know that's cool you just have to you have to do you know you have to do what's what's best for you what's what's going on? Nicole:I said "plus, I'm breastfeeding" Oh, I guess I didn't really take the hint Plus, my wife's breastfeeding so she's yeah she's definitely got to to supplement and eat a little bit more but I can't see the comments if you have questions shoutouts go ahead and drop him in here if there's certain things that you'd like us to cover in in future videos let me know give me some ideas or anything you're seeing popping up oh yeah Nick just said next thing you know you'll be on the food TV on food TV I don't buddy I don't think there's any any danger of that, Gordon Ramsay or Martha Stewart I am NOT but I'm all about keeping this real if I can do this Rachael Ray keeps it real, Rachael Ray yeah next it can be then mister Rachael Ray, Rachael Bray or yeah alright appreciate you guys I want to encourage you if you have not here let me flip this around boom if you have not um downloaded yet I've got this uh show you this here I've got this free report here okay it's called Perfect Day Lifestyle it's just a one pager here this is exact this is all the elements of the program this is exactly what I did to lose 52 pounds in ten weeks and you may not have that much to lose you may have more than that to lose but download this totally for free go to perfect day lifestyle dot com, check it out and if you have friends who want to check this out to invite them to join the Facebook group here, we'll talk to you soon, take care!
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