#cuz I thought for sure it'd be harder
spicyraeman · 11 months
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I have been given power..
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pupyuj · 8 months
gamer g!p yujin x fem!reader 🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕 im so down bad for yujin SORRY
i come bearing a very self-indulgent and specific gift for this prompt hehe 😈😈
see, i'd make yujin a loser here cuz ya'll know why BUT i thought it'd be fun to make her a cool n sexy gamer bcs only ahn yujin can pull that off 😼 anyway, she'd love making you play her games!! yujin has the brightest smile on her face when you sit down on a separate chair beside her while she's gaming and ask questions 🥺 and she falls even harder for you when she notices how well you listen to her while she's explaining stuff like the nerd that she secretly is ☺️☺️ yujin would probably be a pretty popular streamer too! she's pretty, she's funny, she's actually good at every game she plays, and she can talk really well even through the screen and the camera!! her viewers love catching you standing behind her, completely immersed in her gameplay that you don't say anything—they think you're so cute 😭 the two of you are probably a popular ship on twitch LMAO 😭
and now comes menace gamer bf yujin who makes you play her games while you're sat on her lap,, being the pervert that she is, she has her hands all over you while you're trying to learn,, of course yujin only does this when the cameras are turned off—she doesn't want anybody to see you in ways only she's allowed to. she rubs your nipples through your shirt, but you don't even notice at first bcs you're so focused on the game, what a cutie :(( you finally take notice of the sensation when yujin pinches on them, making you let out a small gasp that always sounded so fucking good in yujin's ears,,
she definitely fondles your tits underneath your shirt while she whispers instructions in your ear,, knows how much it's affecting you by the way you shivered and tried your hardest to hold back your whimpers but is a bit annoyed bcs you're so well in the game still?? 😭 and god,, she's always making sure that your position on her lap is perfect with your ass right on her bulge,, it makes everything easier on her part,, gently puts her hands on your hips and starts grinding up slowly,, exaggerates her moans just to get your attention, gives you that shit-eating smirk-smile she always has on when she knew she was getting inside your head.. and then she gets really fucking annoying 🤭🤭
yujin slipping her hand inside your shorts to rub your needy clit through your panties, still grinding on your ass, lips right on your ear while she whispers, "my good girl's gonna complete this level for daddy, right?" guys what the fuck i need her—
and ofc you have no choice but to nod and whimper :(( and oh, how she fucking loves that 😩😩
yujin knowing what exactly gets you to do whatever she wants to make you do.. "sit on my cock. if you do well enough maybe i'll fuck you, but if you don't... you're not coming at all tonight." and being the pathetic slut that you are, you obey! cockwarming yuj while you try your hardest to play but she's making it so hard :(( between her small, slow thrusts from time to time, fingertips barely brushing against your clit, a semi-hard grip on your thigh, and the soft moans that left her mouth every time you adjusted yourself a little bit... how could you not lose control of yourself?? 😣
barely a second after completing the level and you immediately drop the controller on the floor.. yujin grabbing you by the back of your shirt, pulling you into her and pressing her fingers against your clit hard, making you moan loudly and grab onto her wrist, "so good for daddy, aren't you?" yujin says against your ear,, fuck she'd lick from the crook of your neck to the spot behind your ear just to hear your sweet moans,, yujin doesn't hesitate to manhandle you either! especially when she's desperate to fuck you like this.. throwing you down on the couch with your ass up and face buried on one of the couch pillows, but she pulls your hair so your voice could fill the air while she pounded you from behind 🫣 gawd... her one hand holding your waist in a death grip, muttering curses as well as your name while she fucks into you with her big dick :((
"just like that.. fuck yourself into my cock—god.. good girl..!"
"that's my girl.. move, (y/n)..."
"you like daddy's games, huh..? don't worry, we'll get to play more.. so much more.. f-fuck! i'm.. c-coming—"
looking behind you just to see the sight of yujin's pleasured expression with her eyes shut tight and teeth biting her lip while sweat drips down her perfect neck.. 😳😳😳
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Question! regarding vil and perhaps, leona as a s/o, i'd like to ask if you have any angst thoughts abt them?? do you think vil would be controlling or leona being too 'i-dont-give-a-fuck' type of person? TRUTHFULLY, i feel like vil being too controlling would be because he wants to bring out the best in someone he loves which Yuu/Reader would understand while Leona is someone who is more 'subtle' or shows his affection or care thru words or actions.
ANOTHER QUESTION I'M SORRY IF YOU'RE OVERWHELMED but, if you ever continue your Heroes Vs. Villains stories.. would you make a Mufasa-like character to be the 'Hero' in the story? (i've been wondering for a while if you ever did think of one! cuz i assumed that Heartslabyul would be Alice, Scarabia = Aladdin, Ignihyde = Hercules)
LASTLY IN MONSTER MAYHEM, what 'monster' do you think Vil or Riddle would be? 👁👁
Oh my I have so many thoughts on these poor bois and they would have So Many Issues.
Which of their habits would be more 'angsty' I think would depend on the individual and their own preferences--because they basically sit at opposite ends of the same sliding scale (Vil caring objectively far too much, and Leona not enough. All based around the same fear of themselves not being worth it). Personally, Leona's apathy would sting far more for me than Vil's obsessiveness, but everyone vibes differently.
For Leona, I feel like he's so ingrained into the 'why try when I'll never get anywhere' mentality that it would cause a lot of issues. Because it's one thing already to not be putting effort into a relationship. It is another entirely to very openly and actively show that that's your intent. Like I know for me, I would absolutely break if I went to talk to someone about how I feel like they don't actually care, and they just scoffed and were like 'yeah no why would I? What makes you worth it?' Whether they mean it or not (and surely Leona wouldn't actually mean it. He's just lying to save his own sorry skin), feeling like you're not worth anything when you care so much in return is a genuinely miserable experience, and in my opinion, it's very very hard to come back from that unless said reciprocating person is super chill and understanding. For someone who had, say, already pre-existing self-worth issues, that would just be the end of it. So I think in turn to counteract that, Leona would need someone who was very sure in themselves. Not like egotistical, but someone with a very strong sense of self and independence that could handle that weaponized apathy of his. Because that is just a recipe for absolute disaster--a perpetual spiral of being ignored, feeling upset about being ignored, being ignored harder out of making a point that he really doesn't give a shit, and just ack. An absolute nightmare.
As for Vil, I see a lot of his inevitably controlling behavior being born of that same sort of 'I'm not good enough' fear Leona has, just... being terribly misdirected. Like, he would certainly push you in a good way! Doing his best to keep you healthy, and happy, and moving towards being the best you that you want to be. I just think with him one of the big things is that when you have so many of your own confidence issues, cruelty starts to feel like white noise. When your own head is constantly spewing all kinds of vitriol at yourself, you start to think it's normal. So I'm sure he'd accidentally casually say something absolutely bitingly mean. And maybe it'd only really hit when you were already having a bad day. But it would, and it would suck. And he would feel terrible about it. Which would unfortunately just feed into the rest of it. Because he has to be better, to make up for it. And that means taking his role as your guardian and self-proclaimed instructor up to the nth degree, because he has to be the best for you to also be the best. Which might only exacerbate the unpleasant comments or controlling behavior. The big difference with Vil I think though, or at least what makes the difference for me, is that I don't think there would ever be any doubt there that he does care. It's that he cares too much and too hard that's the problem. While Leona pushes away, Vil claws in as close as he possibly can. And depending on how you deal with that sort of codependence, it could definitely cause a lot of strife. If you're someone who isn't particularly independent or strongwilled, someone who likes being given direction and purpose (*cough* like I may or may not be *Cough*) then you're going to probably be able to handle that a lot better than someone who was already very strong in their own sense of self and where they stand in life.
But ahh!! Sorry for the absolute SLOG of a ramble. I just love both their Problematic Personalities SO MUCH, and Vil in particular is my favorite.
For the rest of the ask!
The thought with Leona for a Heroes vs Villains was to have it be a Him vs His Family sort of situation majoritively, with a surprise guest in the form of a Twist-ififed character I shant say. In case I do ever get around to writing it. (but I will go hint hint and say there's only so many villainous animal characters in disney movies. so like. do with that what you will. And also like, lions vs tigers--always a vibe 😉 anywho!)
For Monster Mayhem, I've decided Vil 100% is a siren. Have the outline for it ready to go and everything. Riddle I picture as a Sphynx sort of creature, with a massive penchant for trapping people with his strange, archaic, laws
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maskthesimp · 6 months
Okay, so I played Resident Lover
Cass' route. Duh.
AND I GOT THE BAD ENDING 💀 Or one of them
I assume there's a few bad endings and a few good ones for each route. I got the one where we get blood spilt on us, and she uses me as a sacrifice (or is implied to cuz the game ends when she pins me against a wall after getting that crazy look in her eye and talking about a fourth sacrifice for the ritual)
Here's the thing, though. I'm afraid of upsetting people. So, of course I ignored the fucking shadow and decided to get on with the show instead CUZ I FIGURED IF I INVESTIGATED THE SHADOW, IT'D DELAY THE SHOW AND PISS HER OFF!! BUT NO!!
It's fucking fine I reloaded the game and investigated, then told her what I saw and shit turned out fine and she fucked me in her dressing room >_> I'll take it but that music and the art of her going all crazy-eyed saying she was gonna basically kill me is gonna leave some trauma, babes, I'm ngl
Istg I genuinely was unsettled and freaked out over it. The music does a lot for the game, and the composer(s) did a great job at making me piss myself in fear. Made me feel genuine anxiety and fear. Also, because I couldn't do anything about it, it made it so much harder to watch. Feels like Subnautica without the water. Or sea creatures. Or space ship. Or anything except the overwhelming sense of "you fucked up" that I get when I hear the music after getting drenched in blood, or the "approaching ecological dead-zone" message. It's the same vibe that makes me wanna cry from anxiety, and I applaud any game that evokes that reaction from me.
I'll definitely play through the other routes, probably Belas mostly, and I'll try to get some other results from Cass' route. I didn't investigate the 3rd floor because it pissed her off when I did it, so I reloaded it (don't judge, I'm a people pleaser) and chose to wait for her. Idk what other endings can come from her route. I know I can reject her and stuff, but I don't wanna. That's my wife motherfucker.
I'm most interested in Bela and Cass' routes in this. I like Daniela, but she's not as interesting as I kinda hoped she'd be. I like skater girls, but for Dani, she's too chill. I like the switch in making Cass more of a momma's girl and making Bela more argumentative with Alcina. Whereas in RE8, that'd be the opposite with them.
Cass is the rash child not doing what Alcina wants, and Bela has to pick up the slack and suck up to mother (or at least that's the vibe we got from the lore). And Dani is just...Dani. She's chaos incarnate. But I like the switch of having Cass now be the one who decided to follow in her mother's footsteps, whilst Bela is apparently arguing with her so much.
Btw, I'd adore if there was a mutli-romance option. I'd fall head over heels so easy XDD speaking of, is there any way to meet Bela in Cass' route? She never showed in my playthrough outside of a name drop from her sisters. I've seen screenshots of Bela and Cass in Y/Ns dorm together, I'm not sure what route it's from.
Overall, I'd say I had a lot of fun. I liked the stakes, I liked the romance. Some character depictions could've been better, but maybe they would be if I play again and choose Dani's option during a later playthrough. Maybe I just didn't get enough of a look at her character. Will definitely play again :3
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risingshards · 10 months
I beat Final Fantasy XVI yesterday and am still processing it. My thoughts on the ending if you're curious are past the break! (ENDING SPOILERS FR FR)
That ending was such a fucking gut punch. But also was kinda weirdly Mass Effect 3-y (though I'm sure there are lots of endings where you go to an otherworldly place to defeat the evil and fire beams and leave your protag in an ambiguous space) and I was confused at how I felt as the credits rolled and the because of that. That starlight song HUUURRRTSSS OH MY GOD. I can't remember the last anything that like churned me inside like this with its ending.
Then I was reading interpretations and like I do with a lot of ambiguous endings I tend to lean to the happier interpretations. There are too many clues for me pointing to Clive's survival, and with him casting Raise on Joshua I'm ready to headcanon the full sappy "they all made it" ending including Dion cuz if we didn't see a body fully turn to stone or get super murderized, something they had no issue showing prior, then they can all make it (copium yes I know but it's a headcanon!). I'm a sucker for soft endings in stories and softness in general and I feel like after all the suffering and healing they went through, ending with more suffering doesn't sit right with me.
But at the very least I think Clive made it. The side quest with Harpocrates hoping Clive writes the story of this all one day, Clive narrating the intro and outro (the intro narration makes little sense otherwise to me), the book in the epilogue point to him having written the thing. Though Joshua as the author throws a wrench into things, maybe Clive dictated it to him so Joshua could lend his brother a hand eh?
Also everything with Jill's last quest and the symbolism of the ending.
ALSO IT'D BE DUMB AS FUCK FOR EVERYONE TO TELL CLIVE HE HAS TO LIVE AND SAVE HIMSELF AND STOP SELF SACRIFICING ONLY TO IMMEDIATELY DIE. The Clive dies interpretations feel just dull to me, not just from me favoring happy and bittersweet endings, it just feels at odds with everything if it's all just "and then they die." I know there's more to it than that but that's the vibe I get thinking about the ending that way.
"Before we broke camp, the morning after the storm, do you know what I did? I slipped away from my governess to climb the tor. And from there I saw a sea of petals, all reaching for the sun. And I realized that no matter how terrible the night…dawn would always come. That you…that you would always come for me. And you have. Again and again."
Dawn comes at the end of the game after a terrible night, symbolic of Clive coming home and fulfilling his promise. Jill praying to Metia the whole game and her prayer is finally answered at the end is a lot more beautiful to me than just. "The star Jill was praying to the whole game was really pointless oops star go out." Her relief feels less like "The big struggles are over and the sky is clear again" but tying back to the side quest from an hour or so earlier.
The idea that not engaging with the side quests prevents you from building the community as well is really interesting, almost doing two endings that way, a bitter one and a bittersweet but maybe hopeful one. I can't imagine how beat down I'd feel if I skipped all the big side quests before getting to that ending. It's also interesting how ambiguous they left it, I don't know if it makes the ending better but it hits me harder in a different way if that makes sense. The things the other way are the state Clive's in at the end, Gav crying (I'm so glad characters like Gav and Byron didn't die but oh my god it hurt so bad seeing Gav cry there), Jill feeling it and crying, Torgal howling...
I really like this interpretation of the ending:
BUT! I read wolves whimper and cry when they lose someone, like Torgal did when Cid died, but they howl when they're trying to bring members of their pack home. I just feel like there's more to hopeful if you look into the text around the ambiguity than not, like a reverse Sopranos ending.
Maybe TMI too but this was my like "dive deep into this during a depressive episode" game and I was kinda going iwth the interpretation like. All the characters telling Clive to stop sacrificing himself and save himself. That hit really hard with the depression for me. So for it to end like "well then he dies immediately after" feels so against that in a way that hurts. But fighting on and defying fate could be a really beautiful thing about facing ones own struggles, at least that's how I'm feeling. I pictured my depression/anxiety cycle as Kupka and me going against it like Clive in that scene like "I will show you no pity. No pity and no mercy. Now DIE!" like that was motivational for me for my current struggles. and the ending kinda muddies that and I don't know how to feel really.
All in all its up there with my favorite FF's, with the highlights being the huge battles like Titan and Bahamut, along with the smaller character moments like Clive and Uncle Byron's reunion. Also oh my god Ben Starr was amazing, one of my favorite performances in a game ever. My big downsides were I really would've been fine with a simpler happy ending after how much everyone suffered in this game, and that the women really got shafted in this one, it felt like a Shonen Jump manga in that regard lol. Jill getting benched to wife waiting for husband to come home as one of the big offenders. She didn't get shafted as bad as Luna did in FFXV at least, yeesh. I hope the next FF has lots more ladies!
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thewittyphantom · 8 months
The VRAINS Cup for Duel Links came out, and Soulburner was our partner! Teams included Blue Angel and Vega, a new team of Varis and The Gore, and a new team of Yusaku, Ai, and Brave Battler! Naoki Shima is over the moon!
Soulburner: A Tag Duel Tournament where the best of the best compete...How could I not get fired up! But I wonder how I'll do...I've barely Tag Dueled in my life. ...Oops! I forgot to introduce myself! The name's Soulburner! When it comes to Dueling, no one fights harder than me! I eat, sleep, and breathe Dueling! Dueling is my life! So even though I'm new at this, my instincts might kick in during our Tag Duels!
Varis: Gore...I question whether you can keep up with my Dueling. The Gore: Who ya think you're talkin' to! The Gore's tougher than anyone - includin' you! Varis: I like your spirit. But you can't win a Duel on spirit alone. (they lose) Varis: We admit defeat. You Dueled well this time, but- The Gore: We'll win next time! That's what you were gonna say, right Varis! We're having a rematch, and we ain't takin' no for an answer! Varis: You heard him. Don't try to run - you can't escape us.
Brave Battler: Yeahhhhhhh! Someone pinch me cuz my dream's come true! I knew my best friend Playmaker would need my help one day - and that day is now! With me by your side, you're invincible! You're welcome, Cyberse! Ai: ...Playmaker, you sure we can trust this guy? Playmaker: ...No. We will need to win this Duel on our own. Ai: I thought so. (they lose) Brave Battler: Aaaaaaargh! Sorry, Playmaker! I made my best bud look bad! Ai: Don't worry. Cuz you were never his best bud. Brave Battler: We shouldn'ta lost! We just got mega unlucky! Or maybe someone infect Playmaker's brain with an anti-brain virus! Ai: You gonna say something, Playmaker? Playmaker: .........
Soulburner: We did it! I never thought we'd beat the best in LINK VRAINS and win the title! Don't get me wrong - I wasn't planning to lose, but thought it'd be tough for a new team to win. Your Dueling was incredible! You showed a lot of heart! It felt like I was teaming with him again...There was a time in my life when Dueling and I didn't get along. But in my heart of hearts, I never stopped loving to Duel. The one who made me realize that was my partner. I have an idea! When he shows up, the three of us should tag together! Don't worry - I know you two will get along! He's a great friend that you can always count on! His name is Flame!
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imanes · 9 months
so my mom had a gathering with her friends and one of her friend's daughter came and she married an arab, we are all iranian, and her husband will not let my mom's friend (their grandparents) or their daughter teach the kids farsi and its such a sad thing, all they know is english. I will always teach my children farsi no matter what
that's actually really messed up. this man is obviously controlling and is using cultural identity markers like language to preclude the people in his family from engaging w/ their own culture. i really hope this woman breaks free from that man cuz i'm sure this is only the tip of the iceberg. i couldn't imagine anybody telling me "you can't speak in darija or teach darija to our children" cuz i can, i will, and I'll also drop your dumb ass. just the thought of someone thinking they could even dare keep me from engaging w/ my parents' language gives me hives. i know it'd seem like a tangential thing for a lot of people but exercising authority on your spouse and your children to the extent that you'll also prevent grandparents and friends from talking in their own language to these kids is mind-boggling. i'm glad you're steadfast in your own resolve! when you know yourself and what you want it makes it that much harder for people to control you even in the pettiest of ways.
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yennasun · 2 years
Let's practice fighting! (if you're not already good at that lmao) How about a friendly sparring match? between uh.. let's say yellow and blue? can be dialogue heavy or have no dialogue at all, your choice [Request: Friendly sparring match, Yellow and Blue]
Sparring? Yeah I can do that!
For this one they're gonna be fistfighting instead of swordfighting cuz they don't wanna kill eachother lmaoo
"C'mooon, we'll go light on eachother, how about that?" Yellow sent and irritated look from her book at the person who'd been begging her for a spar all damn day.
"Why do you keep bugging me about it?" She asked as her frustration mounted
"I tried asking everyone else and they're all busy, please yellow?"
Yellows translation: no one wants to wake up with a headache and bruises tomorrow.
After the thought passed through her mind she considered it some more, after all she and second were the only ones who could take blues raw power and keep going.
"...alright fine, it's not like you usually have this energy anyways. May as well make use of it." Blue feigned a sigh of exasperation
"I'll have you know they used to call me azure, the destroyer of beds!" Yellow chuckled
'I bet, and not for the reason I'm thinking!" She said as she poked blues belly
"Wow...rude" Blue said rubbing the area yellow poked.
All this banter had distracted from the fact that yellow knew this was most definitely NOT gonna be a light spar.
For one, blue was a hard-charging slugger who didn't know his own power. To make matters worse, yellows slick speedy style irritated even the crafty green on his best day.
It also didn't help that Yellow was usually the second on to make sparring a competition, right behind green.
They continued out of their house and walked down the wooden pathway that led through the woods and near a creek.
Once they got to the creek-side they began doing stretches to loosen themselves up, before blue took his phone out and set a timer for 5 minutes.
"Ready?" He asked
"Sure am." Blue set the timer and the two got to work.
Yellow got into her preferred southpaw stance and did her usual, working on peppering from long range as blue tried to close distance.
For the first minute, yellow bounced her right jab off of blues high-guard repeatedly, occasionally landing on his face.
Blue began working on timing the jab and slipping it to close distance but found yellow to be as quick-handed as ever, he had his work cut out for him.
Blue eventually gave into his frustration and made the mistake of charging in a straight line, hook line and sinker!
All yellow had to do was step her right foot outside of his and she had a perfect pathway to throw her left straight down the middle. It wasn't a hard punch but it'd definitely get his attention.
As they reset to long range blue composed himself and began working other strategies to get passed that damned jab.
From then on, when he felt a jab he expected another one to come after it. And it began to work, he began blocking and slipping the jabs that yellow threw.
He kept working this aggressive defense until blues alarm sounded the end of the 1st round.
The two smiled at eachother and sat down as they waited for the other to initiate the next round.
"You got faster." Blue complemented as they sat down.
"You too" Yellow replied
"I didn't even throw a punch though." He said confused
"I'm not talking about handspeed."
The 2 sat in silence until blue asked to start another round, yellow happily obliged.
Once he started the timer for the second round, the two once again got to work.
This time though, yellow was having a much harder time landing her rapid jabs and was forced to start putting punches together.
She let off a rapid combination of lefts and rights but in the midst of it, blue landed his first body shot.
It was a right hand that caught yellow in the side but this one was different, it still held blues concussion power but it was sharper and much faster.
After she registered the pain in her side she backed up and pieced blue up at long range once again, landing plenty of sharper punches to blues head.
Towards the end of the round, blue began using tactics he'd never used before.
He would subtly stick his head out to bait the jab, and then countered with his signature left to the body.
Yellow nearly keeled over once her stomach was hit but she trucked on and kept landing looping hooks at mid range to make blue give ground.
The alarm rang and it was clear to both that this was getting intense real quick, so both opted to spare the pleasantries and start the 3rd round immediately.
Yellow began to turn up the heat, landing tons of combinations while remaining defensive.
However blue continued using the techniques that brought him success in the last round, continuing to land hard to yellows midsection.
They reset at long range again, this time both had caught on to the others' new tactics and began analyzing one another.
Yellow remained the craftier of the two, clicking to to the left to make angles for her jab, before breaking rhythm and stepping out to lend the left.
But blue proved himself as well, instead of landing one punch at a time like he usually did he began landing combinations of his own.
This took yellow off guard as this wasn't a tactic she was used to, and he repeatedly caught her in the stomach before landing one to her face.
She stumbled back slightly, prompting blue to halt his advance.
"You okay?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.
Yellow simply nodded and they went back at it.
But the alarm rang once again, both of them sat against a tree to regain their breath. They had been sparring for 15 minutes not after all.
"Where'd you learn to do that." Yellow was the first to break the silence.
"It just took me by surprise is all, I'm used to being the only one throwing more than 2 punches, heh." Blue smiled that bright smile that never failed to make her heart flutter a bit.
"Sorry if I got you too bad, but props for staying up. I...didn't mean to hit you that hard." He looked down, rubbing the back of his neck
"No its okay, think of it as payback for me peppering you all day" blue laughed out loud at yellows comment.
They caught their breath and and began what would be the final round in their session.
"Wanna go all put for this one?" Blue was taken aback by yellow of all people offering to hard spar, but he wasn't about to say no.
"If you're down, then so am I"
The timer started and they got into position, Yellow began firing off more jabs that had much more snap in them as blue mixed headmovement in with his advanced, making for a deceptively hard target of himself.
Blue lunged with a left hook but yellow pulled back a snapped a right hook that caught blue clean.
Now it was his turn to stumble back, but before yellow could ask if he wad okay, he motioned for her to come at him.
It here where yellow learned why blue had wanted to spar so badly today; he'd learned some new defensive tricks to use while retreating.
Smooth as butter, he slipped many of yellows rapid-fire punches and rolled the ones he couldn't off his shoulder.
Once he composed himself, he began his attack once again.
He smothered yellows combos at close range and slipped in more of those tight, compact body shots.
And he threw alot of them too, aiming from all angles to keep yellow guessing.
Eventually yellow managed to back him off and the alarm sounded once again.
They looked at eachother for a bit and smiled.
"I think that's enough for today...I think the sun's starting to go down." Yellow looked over and the large shadow being casted by the horizon confirmed blues words.
"You're right...heh, it's really been that long. We should take a breather..."
They sat next to one another, overlooking the creek and blue placed his arm around yellow.
"That was fun, I liked that alot." Blue said softly
"All things considered...me too. I'm glad u let you talk me into this." Yellow said as she leaned into him.
"Sorry if I came off as ride earlier, I didn't think I'd enjoy it this much." Yellow said
"Don't worry about it. I was being annoying on purpose cuz I knew you'd Crack" blue said with a laugh
"Asshole." Despite her words, yellow couldn't help but laugh with him.
The two sat close, enjoying the others company along with the sound of the water in the creek and the soft breeze rustling the trees.
Before long, yellow had fallen asleep on blue.
"Hm, guess I did make you work pretty hard" he whispered half jokingly, but he was also beginning to feel fatigue claim him.
This is pretty comfy...maybe if i...just...
Before he could fight it, his eyes closed.
That last bit can be seen as either platonic or romantic, which ever you prefer.
And in case there's any confusion my personal headcannon is that yellow and purple are left handed, red blue and green are right handed, and second and MT are ambidextrous.
Hope you liked it ^^
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snekverse · 2 years
when I was younger, I always assumed that MCD!Zane was a mama's boy when he was little (I think it was because he had her looks and my brain was small lol). It made the whole "Garte corrupted him cuz he was young and impressionable" thing hurt even worse (sorry if you don't want rambling in your inbox)
for sure for sure u are so correct!! they're all a bunch of mama's boys in every universe tbh, but MCD hits different. In my head (and my rewrite) Garte's like,,, awful and the kids seek out Zianna for comfort and safety whenever they can, and she always does her best for them. She sorta acts as their anchor to reality, and it'd be Garte's biggest struggle with influencing any of the kids bc he needed to separate them from Zianna, from warmth and comfort and safety and reason, and this literally only gets harder for him when the kids start dropping like flies bc then she starts holding on tighter. Zane was both the hardest and easiest to infect bc by the time Garte properly got around to weaponizing him (after Garroth and Vylad were both gone), the poor kid's mental health was at an atl which made him kinda vulnerable and impressionable but Zianna's mental health was ALSO at an atl and she couldn't bear the thought of losing her only living son!!! On some level I think adult Zane is still a mama's boy, but he's been so corrupted by the idea of duty to his nation implemented by his father as well as Zane's own goals that he's repressed that side of him.
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nanjokei · 1 year
the world would have turned out different if visual kei music was way more accessible to everyone especially in the 2010s. i understand why the fans gatekeep so hard, like i was on livejournal i witnessed the jpop idol group and vkei group private communities so i know WHY but also i think "well buy this out of print cd or youre shit out of luck" attitude that a lot of vkei fans have is so inexcusable in this day and age
like, yeah, japanese record companies are draconian and a lot of the most iconic music of the region will not be on streaming for years even if just IN JAPAN, let alone overseas. i understand that vkei fans especially the older ones have fully bought into the culture— theyre in the official fanclubs of their favorites, they buy from the clothing lines, support solo projects, buy cds, and ofc jp record companies are always breathing down everyones necks and are incredibly litigious as they were in the blogging and livejournal days so. such traumas stuck. i don't know, i support gatekeeping in a lot of things myself, so it could be that i'm simply jilted that i am in the "out" group.
but still, i saw how they act on twitter on the modern day. it is too old fashioned. at the same time, can i blame them if they would have to contend with things like tiktok defiling and watering down the subculture theyve been consuming for a large chunk of their lives if it goes too far? the appropriation? the price gouging? (cuz yknow, in the modern day theres an emphasis on Owning and Buying anything you happen to like for a few days. you see it in doll communities so much)
they should bring back applications. im sure groups are still up on lj but, i have a feeling they have been less and less willing to burn their cds and share them around even a closed circle (not that i have any basis for this aside from how much a lot of vkei fans DEFEND japanese record companies on sns. which is unforgivable to me)
like... there's a reason why kpop is so popular. i never once saw a kpop fan gatekeep anything on livejournal. i had friends who always showed me stuff. a relative who tried to get me into 2ne1 more than a decade ago. it's 2023 and japanese music fandoms and subculture has not caught up, unless they have strong doujin ties like for example vocaloid. there's too much of an honor system, too much bootlicking. we've gone from "we're hiding it so the record companies don't burn it all down" to "hurr durr we have to heed them because if we're bad they won't care about overseas fans" (btw, they never gave a fuck. if they did it'd be on streaming already. you are worshipping a brick wall that is suppressing both you and its artists)
if anyone has any opinions or thoughts!!! tbh i have not seeked out vkei in a few years. bc i feel that its probably even harder to find things than before and the gatekeeping as gotten stronger somehow (not without reason). im sure stuff like malize mizer has download links on random brazilian blogspot blogs but i'm talking very broadly here
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
First Lady Y/N better say goodbye to sleep cuz she’s getting none 😔
President Kai x pregnant First Lady reader headcanons
Nobody asked for this. Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yeah, but now Kai is even more caring than before, perhaps even less jealous? But he is 100% more paranoid now- not because he cares about the kids, no fuck them. No, now he's worried about everyone trying to target you. And with you already in such a sensitive state, where you're already in pain and going through a lot of bodily changes because of the foetuses, he's always thinking about all the worst scenarios that you could end up in.
And its even harder to make you listen to him now because your hormones are all over the place, and you have absolutely no patience for his shit. But he supposes that is compensated with how heavy you're turning- you're 3 months pregnant and already having trouble doing your daily work without having to sit down every 10 minutes or taking a nap because you're just so tired all the time (the official Presidential house photographer be snapping all the photod of you sprawled over the sofas or in the gardens, sleeping with a pout or some drool dribbling down your chin; but you're always tuckered out to notice him.)
But Kai loves watching all the changes your body is going through day by day, loves caressing your round belly when you're asleep. He's so protective of it, and while he enjoys that your round belly is a sign that you belong to him, he HATES it when other people try to touch it. But no worries, President Kai has already ordered the Secret Service guys to not let anyone be within 5 feet of you, let alone touch you with their filthy hands, and honestly, with how protective your secret service is of you, they have no problems following this order.
Considering the circumstances reader got pregnant in, I think she'd be avoiding Kai's touch any way she can. The secret service and the maids and pretty much all the staff kind of find it funny how anytime Kai tries to approach you, you scowl and leave the room at turtle speed, but the way you stomp your feet tells them how you're mad even if you look super cute. Kai has to suddenly appear out of the blue with some important guests just so that you don't ignore him, because you still play the role of the happy little wife who is in love with him.
Kai has ordered the entire staff to look after you more now, your bodyguards are paid higher salaries now so that they are more protective of you and the babies (not that they needed the money to turn more protective of you). Your press secretary only arranges meetings and visits to places where there is high security and low stress environment. The media is always taking pictures of you, already making edits of how your triplets would look like, what maternity fashion is the First Lady styled in, how motherly and gentle you look like this- like this is the only role you should have: a loving wife, and a great mother to her children and the country.
Kai also arranges all your doctor appointments, and he always attends them, whether you like it or not. He's gonna be there, with attentive ears as he listens to the doctor, and he would also be answering on your behalf a lot, and you would've scolded him if he wasn't so correct about everything; you knew he was observant but you never thought it'd be to this extent. You have nurses and all, but its really your secret service (aka, TodoDekuBaku trio) that are responsible for making sure that you're taking your vitamins on time and getting adequate amount of sleep; and yes, THEY DO TAKE CARE OF YOUR PREGNANCY CRAVINGS.
Honestly, he doesn't give a crap about his kids (maybe not now). He just thinks of them as a way to tie you down to him, make you unable to divorce him, and hopefully, make you fall in love with him.
Okay, there is also two other things Kai absolutely loves about your pregnancy: your maternity clothes and your waddle. Okay, so about maternity clothes, yours is a mix of Diana and Jackie Kennedy, with some Kate Middleton too. You know, the polk dot prints, the flowy, short, baby doll dresses, the way the clothes hug your belly, accentuate your boobs and yet they are still breathable. And he always enjoys the view when the wind blows your dress up slightly and he catches a glimpse of your cute knicker clad bum. But unlike the royals, you're not gonna wear heels- well, you're not allowed to wear heels. Kai made sure that the stylist takes that option out for you completely, pushing you to wear comfortable shoes because of your condition. It pains him to see your swollen feet, so he helps in anyway he can. And as I mentioned earlier, Kai adores the way you walk, tottering around the house with a hand under your belly, a small pout on your face as you have to sit down to catch your breath every few minutes. But hey, at least he doesn't have to worry about you running away now.
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For the Fallen!Claude AU, you can even have it where Claude can see the steady progression of TWS's/Flame Emperor's success throughout White Clouds and be initially horrified... before more and more of him starts to see the practicality of some of their methods, at least in all the lies and manipulation they used.
When it's revealed that it's Edelgard - someone he's been around for a year - who's the Flame Emperor, it can be his "snapping point" because of him seeing that he himself was fooled by someone he thought he could trust (to at least not be capable of this, if nothing else) as well as the steady build-up of "proof" of the utility of discarding morals vs. keeping to them. This breaks off to Fallen!Claude proper once Edelgard succeeds in conquering Garreg Mach, something that's stood tall for almost a thousand years. It's the symbol of Fodlan, and it's taken down in like two weeks, all because of the sort of thing Claude rejected as excessive... but could himself excel in, if he let himself.
You can also have it to where this exact sort of thing is rampant in Almyran high society (which I think you also mentioned in your post!), which could make it hit Claude even harder that he fell for the exact same sort of thing he grew up in. Because a part of him expected Fodlan to be better than this, but - just like with their views on outsiders - Fodlan is no better than Almyra. And yelling, explaining himself, and fighting back did nothing to save him in Almyra, so maybe something more forceful is needed. Maybe he needs to be the one to start the fight, not defend himself.
If there is ooooone thing I could change for Fallen!Claude, though, it'd be Nader dying for him? Because like with Rodrigue it could easily fall from being an "eye-opening moment of realization" and more of a "get-fixed quick scheme" lmao, plus sacrifice is more inline with Faerghus than Almyra. It's not a bad idea though!! But I prefer something like...
Claude, who's gotten so used to standing by himself, so sure in his methods because in the end they're "for the greater good," seeing them be "successful"... but he's by himself. Just like he was in Almyra. And as he argues and debates with Dimitri over the utility of said methods, he notices more and more than the Lions stand so proudly by the side of Dimitri, while over time it seems like the Deer are standing with him more in memory of a Claude they once knew over who he is now. And this can culminate into that scene once Dimitri retakes Fhridiad, and Claude sees such an overwhelming acceptance of someone so good - someone he thought he himself could be, once upon a time.
And so after that day in Fhirdiad, Dimitri is in his chambers or his dorm or wherever he is, and he gets a knock on the door. It's Claude, but he looks different from how he's been looking during this war and the time Dimitri's been teaming up with him. Gone is that striking, frightening, almost sexy horrifying confidence in his increasingly depraves morals and methods, and there's someone who looks more... familiar. And then they talk; there's no loud arguments, there's no anger, there's no fear for Claude's mental state. In fact, it's the opposite: there's hope, after so long. Because Claude is finally listening, with that open mind he was once so well known for. It's more closed than it once was - he still focuses on pragmatism and practicality over having faith in people more than he used to - but he's showing signs of wanting to have faith in others again and of wanting to better himself from what he let himself become, and for Dimitri - and the Deer, once Claude talks with them - that's an amazing start.
Sorry that this got kinda carried away!!! But Fallen!Claude AU's always make me go down rabbit holes cuz it's such an interesting thing to think about given how easily Claude could have just become Another Sneaky Schemer Guy (just like how easily Dimitri could have been another Vengeance Bad poster boy without the whole "actually great arc that respects him as a character more than a message" thing AM gives him lmao), hope this wasn't annoying!!
No need to apologize! I really enjoyed reading this. And there's a lot of really good bits and pieces so bear with me as I do what I do best and ramble on for far too long. (Gonna address this piece by piece so I can easily scroll up and see your ask.)
If there is ooooone thing I could change for Fallen!Claude, though, it'd be Nader dying for him? Because like with Rodrigue it could easily fall from being an "eye-opening moment of realization" and more of a "get-fixed quick scheme" lmao, plus sacrifice is more inline with Faerghus than Almyra.
(addressing this first because it was the first part I typed up on my phone <//3)  I definitely do agree. In my head it was less sacrifice and more "In his attempt to get both himself and Claude out of there as quickly as possible, he was killed by Imperial soldiers," and mainly for @dmicld's idea that a story-beat match to Azure Moon would be interesting. But, yeah, considering Claude straddles a number more fences than Dimitri, there is a very real risk of a loved one's death just making him that much more of a nightmare. (Which. you know. If we’re going for completely irredeemable Claude, a true tragedy seeing a kind-hearted dreamer have no choice but to either break himself apart or everything and everyone around him, I would kinda like to see it happen 👁)
you can even have it where Claude can see the steady progression of TWS's/Flame Emperor's success throughout White Clouds and be initially horrified... before more and more of him starts to see the practicality of some of their methods, at least in all the lies and manipulation they used.
This! Like just. The sheer frustration and anger one feels when they’re trying to do things the right way only for the people doing horrible things to get what they want--it’s taxing, and when you hold your ambitions a little more closely to your heart than a set of ideals (which isn’t to say that he’s about to sacrifice a Leicesterian village like lambs to the slaughter), you break down slowly, over time, until you have a person that’s a little different from who they used to be, but, you know . . . a lot more useful to that old version’s dreams. Just imagining White Clouds!Claude standing across from a Fallen!Claude, wondering what the fuck went wrong, and how he could have become so . . . warped.
When it's revealed that it's Edelgard - someone he's been around for a year - who's the Flame Emperor, it can be his "snapping point" because of him seeing that he himself was fooled by someone he thought he could trust (to at least not be capable of this, if nothing else) as well as the steady build-up of "proof" of the utility of discarding morals vs. keeping to them. This breaks off to Fallen!Claude proper once Edelgard succeeds in conquering Garreg Mach, something that's stood tall for almost a thousand years. It's the symbol of Fodlan, and it's taken down in like two weeks, all because of the sort of thing Claude rejected as excessive... but could himself excel in, if he let himself.
I love Edelgard also being his snapping point, oddly enough? Like it was Bad(TM) for Dimitri for . obvious reasons, but I think Claude seeing someone subvert his expectations in just the worst way would absolutely snap something in him. All that effort, put into being just sly enough that he both meets and bends everyone’s expectations, and here she is, having broken just about everyone’s trust, just about every rule in the book, and she gets to call herself a winner for it. She gets to march on toward her dream because of it. 
Why shouldn’t he get to do the same?
Claude, who's gotten so used to standing by himself, so sure in his methods because in the end they're "for the greater good," seeing them be "successful"... but he's by himself. Just like he was in Almyra. And as he argues and debates with Dimitri over the utility of said methods, he notices more and more than the Lions stand so proudly by the side of Dimitri, while over time it seems like the Deer are standing with him more in memory of a Claude they once knew over who he is now. And this can culminate into that scene once Dimitri retakes Fhridiad, and Claude sees such an overwhelming acceptance of someone so good - someone he thought he himself could be, once upon a time.
He :(( Especially because he loves loves loves togetherness. It’s the thing that puts a spring in his step during White Clouds. It’s what gives him the title of ‘King of Unification’ (which, side note, gives me such icky vibes even though I know what they mean. I’m just anti-united Fódlan, I guess </3). Though I was running on the assumption that Dimitri had more of a Crimson Flower ascension (isn’t imprisoned, isn’t on the run, etc.) I definitely think Claude witnessing a display of goodness and acceptance as potent as EdeIgard’s betrayal/display of duplicitousness would get those cogs turning the same way Myrddin did for Dimitri? That moment when Byleth is like “Do you regret killing them?” and the answer is obviously yes, but how is Dimitri going to be in the position to feel guilt after all this time? (Spoiler, Dimitri, but dehumanizing yourself isn’t exactly condoning your violence <3.) I think Claude would be much the same, in that he doesn’t let himself regret his decisions, but he knows somewhere in the back of his mind that his way isn’t the only way. Just what he’s choosing. He just can’t think of it too much, because then he’s going to be the breaker of his own heart. 
Claude, wondering a little sardonically, if Dimitri has taken this time to be good enough for the both of them, while Claude . . . does what he thinks needs to be done. Wondering if that means he’ll ever get the chance to look Dimitri in the eye and feel kinship instead of--whatever this thing between them has turned into.
And so after that day in Fhirdiad, Dimitri is in his chambers or his dorm or wherever he is, and he gets a knock on the door. It's Claude, but he looks different from how he's been looking during this war and the time Dimitri's been teaming up with him. Gone is that striking, frightening, almost sexy horrifying confidence in his increasingly depraves morals and methods, and there's someone who looks more... familiar. And then they talk; there's no loud arguments, there's no anger, there's no fear for Claude's mental state. In fact, it's the opposite: there's hope, after so long. Because Claude is finally listening, with that open mind he was once so well known for. It's more closed than it once was - he still focuses on pragmatism and practicality over having faith in people more than he used to - but he's showing signs of wanting to have faith in others again and of wanting to better himself from what he let himself become, and for Dimitri - and the Deer, once Claude talks with them - that's an amazing start.
For the sake of this, I’ll say that *hand wave* Dimitri was forced out of the capital as a means to save his own life, is set on return to Fhirdiad, and once he does, Faerghus is galvanized under the newfound hope that not even their young prince, forced into kinghood, would abandon them, and is willing to fight in front of them in any given battle. 
But god :(( Dimitri’s heart and all the friends he’s able to keep around because of it being The Thing that makes Claude go “Oh. Fuck. Fuck.” It’s just that distinct horror of having your previous actions thrown into the light of everyone else’s perspective, of your convictions, which have been fraying for a while, finally falling apart right in the palms of your hands. And I think I said this before, but Claude having to address the little piece of him that have come apart and deciding, actually, that a good bit of the mindset he’d hammered out over the years will do him some good, but he has to keep a tighter leash on it--that’s the shit right there. Hitting your absolute lowest and taking a little bit of bedrock with you to fashion some arrows. Delicious character growth. 
Reading this ask through the first time, the image you made honestly struck me. Like Dimitri, at a desk, arranging soldiers, trying and failing to account for all the plots and schemes that Claude is making but infuriatingly won’t admit to making, looking up when Claude opens the door just enough for his overcast face to be shown. Staring at each other for endless moments while they determine what’s about to happen--while Dimitri wonders, for the first time in a while, why Claude doesn’t wear that sort of honesty more often; then, a little embarrassingly, that he’s glad Claude thinks he deserves honesty, despite their numerous spats and full-on fights over the course of their tenuous truce. I had to set my phone down. That’s the good shit.
And the Deer! :(( His Deer! Hating himself for breaking whatever particles of trust he had earned from them, unsure of why they stuck around, straight-up overwhelmed that they’re willing to let him amend his mistakes. A little, but no less important, aspiration of being able to look side to side and see people as eager to stand beside him as the Lions are with Dimitri. 
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nsfwjay · 3 years
oOOOOoh bOY i think about hyungline 5some on the daily basis i shit u not-
Yes, I agree that Sunghoon and Jay would be the more dominant ones while Jake n Heeseung would be more laid back and just there to have a good fuck! AND JAY BEING THE VOYEUR BF ENJOYING IT FROM A CORNER IN THE ROOM JACKING OFF TO THE SIGHT OF YOU BEING USED? smeggci. I swear. He won't hesitate to bark orders here and there, and maybe occasional degrading lines like "Look at you pup, what a view.. Like being filled with their cocks, huh?"
I also think about how Hee, like previously mentioned, would be more laid back and less serious but he wouldn't hesitate to get a lil bit stern w you if you decide to act out?? Like.. mayb a lil disrespect to him, n he'll be like "Now just bcs I don't show off like Jay and Hoon, doesn't mean I have less experience than them. If anything, I can probably fuck you better," since like,, he's older than them n all,, I dunno tho? They would probs just giggle at Hee's lil outburst and maybe that'll motivate him to fuck you even harder HNDJSNS
Also I think the way it would go is after Jay tells you about how his friends r gonna join in, and preps you for a bit, Jake would def go in first?? He'd be so flirty on purpose to get you blushy and rile Jay up.. Anyways, after Jake's done pounding you all the way to heaven, and making you see stars with the help of his skilled dirty talking skills, it'd probably be Heeseung's turn, and Hoon would join in after a while.. Jay's waiting ever-so-patiently and in amusement too :'D
After Hee's done, Hoon's still teasing you with overstim even though you're already sobbing and your face is wet (unknown if it was due to the drool or tears).. And Jay finally joins in??? And oh lord. They both would be such hard, sadistic mean doms.. Manhandling your already fucked out, fragile body... Degrading you but praising you at the same time?? "Such a good whore for us, hm? Took two cocks so well already.. you can handle ours too, can't you, pup?" *one of them chuckles* "Of course she can, what else to expect from a cockslut like her? Besides, we'll make her take it. She can and she will, right, princess?"
Anyways, enha hyung line brainrot. That's all for now, unless you'd like me to elaborate more 👍
p. s. I like to use sincerely as a fun signature thing BDNJSNSJSN
- 🍷
omg if i think abt it lots of the stuff on my blog can be linked as one storyline..... imagine hyungline 5some after the Short Skirt Incident but instead of going the jealousy sex w jay <3 route jay proposes a 5some for your slutty holes to finally be fulfilled <3 when he asks if u want all 4 of them to fuck u you're not sure if he's just joking and will rip what u want away from u but he assures you he's not playing games and will gladly let his 3 friends use your holes
dude omg heeseung as a soft dom would be so. painful bro if he's disappointed/mad with you you will literally feel so guilty cuz he'll say things like "i thought you were a good girl, i was jealous of jay for having such a good little angel but turns out i was wrong, hm?" same w jake actually...... but jake is just more smug about it he is just so smug throughout the whole thing
depending on the situation i think it would be even generous for jay to give u any prep at all....... back to the bruises hc and honestly heeseung and jake would b perfect to prep u and lull u into a false sense of security, before sunghoon gets his turn and MAN he would fuck u up..... gently, condescendingly and psychologically before jay just fucks you up all over<3
if anyone is up for this idea..... what about double penetration... with two of the members (but not jay, he gets the final sloppy seconds (thirds....)) and you are just moaning so pornographically, losing yourself in pleasure riding two of his friends' cocks, jay almost cums himself before remembering that he still wants to fuck you, so he just stands up and participates actively for the first time this whole night, wrapping his hand around your throat and lifting your head up just the slightest, revelling in the way your eyes roll back in pleasure <3
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shiny-jr · 2 years
alrighty then!
I guess I'll start with a silly random thing I noticed, specifically about the Master Chef event
so you know how Malleus has a thin little hat cuz of his horns, but then there's Ruggie who just puts his ears under the hat
which made me wonder why Ruggie didn't just do the same thing Malleus did
and then I thought "wait, there's plenty of beastfolk in twst, why are there not hats that accommodate for ears, or horns in Malleus' case?"
which shouldn't be an issue at this point, there's potions to give merfolk legs, which by the way, would take trial and error to adjust to perfection. but a hat for ears/horns is just. put holes in it. that's it. why aren't there beastfolk hats
Well, to put it simply, I don't think certain accommodations are needed. Look at Malleus, his horns are solid and pretty long, they can't bend or move like any beastmen's ears might be able to. It also might be preference (and outfit design). I'd imagine it be fairly easy for Ruggie with his ears to just tuck them under his hat.
I'm pretty sure there are accommodations make, like how the beastmen have to have certain accommodations on their uniforms for their tails. Which puzzles me because how does that work? Do they measure your tail or something so you get a uniform fitted specially for you?
Anyways, we see this accommodations mentioned in Leona's story from the ceremonial robe card. In the groovified picture, you see his ears poking out of holes in the hood of the robes. It's later explained that those weren't Leona's robes, it was actually Malleus' that Ruggie grabbed by accident. I thought the holes looked natural for his ears but then I realized, he doesn't really need it. His ears can bend, they're soft, they can easily fit under his hood. Same thing with Ruggie and Jack although Jack may have a harder time because of his big ears. Malleus, on the other hand, again, cannot bend his horns. He might risk tearing the hood of his robes if they weren't specially fitted for his horns.
I think it'd probably be up to preference for the students if they wanted a special fit on clothes or something for their features, but wouldn't it be easier to accept the clothes without accommodations if it's not needed? Again, I think it's up to the students, but that's just my thought.
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nabesthetics · 3 years
For Alastor I would like to ask: 19, 124 and 131 please 😊
19. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages?
Pre-route Alastor spoke a pretty large variety of languages, since he traveled all across the continent for many decades.
At the time of the game events, Alastor only speaks the "common" language or whatever the language that everyone seems to know is called. He is still struggling with it as a consequence of amnesia, and is actively trying to expand his vocabulary. He knows some phrases and words from languages commonly encountered at the markets, but that is about it.
Post-route he will begin learning other languages as well, for purposes of travel, studies and connection to his origin. He'll likely learn the Zadith and/or Prakran languages first and on a most extensive level, since these are two of the biggest centers of magic studies.
124. What is their relationship with Portia?
They're very good friends! In fact, Portia was the first person after Asra who Alastor formed a friendship with. In Lucio's route she helped him to adjust to life in the Palace, while Alastor saw the magic potential in her and was happy to teach her some magic in their mutual downtime.
Post-route, even as Alastor begins traveling, they still spend time together when possible, be it a baking session, magic study, or a pranking streak that Asra sometimes joins into. The catface trio.
(Honestly I'd even ship Al and Portia if not for the fact that she wants to grow old together with her S/O... and that's just not an option with Al. Can't do that to her.)
131. When did they fall in love with their partner? When did their partner fall in love with them? Was it at the same time?
Alastor never really gets a specific moment of "falling in love". It's a process, in some cases faster than in others. It's more of a question of when he realises it.
With Asra, it feels more like "well of course I'm in love with them", the first time he actually thought about it was when Alastor saw Asra in that one outfit he wore for the dancing practice. You know the one. Which is why the following arrest hit all the harder, eh?
And well, we know that Asra's been in love with Al for a long time now...
With Muriel, I don't think Alastor ever even has the "crush" phase. Oh he still gets a fair few weeks of being a stuttering mess, but by the time they share their first kiss (which doesn't happen like in canon, mind you) Alastor already thinks about his feelings towards Muriel as "love"... he also reads a whole lot of sappy romance books though.
I'm not quite sure when Muriel "dares" to think about their relationship as love. Might have been somewhere during the Masquerade, but really I'd have to replay the route and finally settle on my own heavily modified version of it first x_x
There's a lot more internal turmoil with Lucio, because of course there is. Alastor agonizes over whether he can actually avoid growing bitter about Lucio's past, isn't sure if their feelings are fully natural or are caused by the blood bond in some way, fears that Lucio will find someone "better"... it's a lot. My version of the route does take about 3 weeks instead of canonical 2-3 days, but it's still a fast-moving feeling progression innit? But Alastor gets a moment of panicked/regretful "I love him" realization when lying on that vivisection table, very much sure that he won't be able to actually confess those feelings.
And honestly, I feel like it'd be around the same time for Lucio, seeing someone after they nearly sacrificed themselves can sure boost some emotions, eh?
("But Nabs do you think Lucio'd be able to hold that in for so long" yeah cuz he's not-very-secretly terrified of being rejected, that's that on that fhdjsk)
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
was thinkin about gnc billy & like. what about trans gnc billy? 👀
when he was hitting puberty things started to feel weird and wrong so he went hard with the masculinity thing, trying to make up for it. when he was like 14 he buzzed his hair and only wore baggy clothes, got angry and aggressive and was always trying to prove himself. but then as he gets older, starts hrt, gets more comfy in his own body, he realizes that he misses some stuff he used to let himself like. having long hair. wearing jewelry. it starts small, with growing his hair out, "masculine" rings and his mom's old st christopher pendant.
but eventually, when he's happy, living with his boyfriend and in a good place, he takes that next step, worried what steve will think, what max will think. but two days after he casually saunters over to the women's section while he and steve are clothes shopping (his palms sweating, and feeling like he was gonna vomit, but he managed it, and steve didnt say a word about it, he wasnt sure if that was good or bad) he finds the skirt he was eyeing, in his dresser all folded up like it'd always been there. and three days after that max asks if she can braid his hair.
turns out she's terrible at braiding, and he teaches her a thing or two instead. but the skirt works out good. it ends up being his favourite thing to wear, cuz not only do his legs look amazing in it, but it makes for easier access when him and steve have a quickie in public
(hope ur migraine clears up soon 💕)
I’ve thought about this too!!!
billy knew something was wrong as soon as they all started puberty. suddenly all the boys at school started turning their backs on him because “boys and girls can’t be friends” and that felt wrong for two reasons. a.) of course they can what? and b.) billy suddenly felt like he was stuck on the side of a wall that he didn’t belong on. the girls his age leaned heavily into their femininity ditching their jeans and t shirts and instead wearing skirts and dresses and billy figured if he wanted to break through that barrier, he couldn’t look like the other side. so he refused the skirts and dresses and stuck to baggy jeans and oversized t shirts. he took his dads clippers to his hair and gave himself a buzz cut so he would look more like phillip or danny or the rest of the guys he watched play basketball from the sidelines, changing himself little by little just waiting for the day that he looked the part enough that they would finally let him join in.
the day they finally did was the day he leaned into the masculinity hard. he started to mimic the aggression of his dad because to him that was how men were supposed to be. he picked fights and tried to prove himself every day. at home and at school he was still just a tomboy, but to random strangers in public he was “young man” and each time someone used a male identifier for him, it made it just a little bit easier to shake off the feeling that the long dress sitting in the back of his closet gave to him.
because the thing was, he didn’t dress the way he dressed or wear his hair the way he did because it made him feel right, he did it because it had him be perceived the way he wanted to be perceived.
when he finally put a name to everything at the age of eighteen, he went in full force. he left his home and started a new life with his new name and he threw out all the dresses and skirts because he was told by another trans man that it was very therapeutic.
but it wasn’t like that for him.
he sobbed when he set fire to the clothes.
but he brushed it off. he brushed it all off because he was a man.
he started hrt and slowly became very comfortable in his body and comfortable in the fact that he was really a man. every step in the process was an “I can do that?” kind of thing.
the day he learned he could still wear dresses and skirts and makeup and his hair long and still be a man was one of the most enlightening moments of his life since he first heard the word transgender. and he was finally in a position where he felt like he could because his voice was deep and he was more muscular and he had facial hair and him having long hair wouldn’t make someone automatically assume incorrectly anymore.
so little by little he changed things. he let his short cut grow out into long curly locks, he wore jewelry on his fingers and had his ears pierced. he doesn’t do much. he wears the hair in a mullet and keeps the rings more “masculine” and has only one ear pierced because “having both would be too feminine”.
but when steve comes into his life he becomes a dampener for all that noise in his head telling him to push away all those urges to buy that skirt he saw on display at the mall. and one day, despite everything telling him not to, despite worries over how steve might react, he does just that. while steve is searching for his size in a pair of jeans he casually moves over to the other side of the store where the short flowy black skirt was hanging prominently.
and steve doesn’t say one word about it. he doesn’t even make a face when billy adds it into the pile of clothes for purchase. he just hands over the cash and they continue on with their day.
what billy didn’t know, what billy wouldn’t find out until two days later when he finally got the courage to put the skirt on and show it off, was that steve was only trying to hide every bit of excitement while they were in that store.
because the skirt looked fantastic on him. not just in the way it showed off his legs and his ass, but he just looked ten times more confident and ten times more himself. billy was finally able to look in the mirror and not see a stranger looking back at himself.
showing max was almost more terrifying because unlike steve, she’d known him before. it was a lot harder for her to grasp onto the concept of having a brother and it was an unfortunately slow process of getting her to finally see him as a man, and he was worried that this addition might destroy all that progress.
but it doesn’t. she doesn’t ask him the questions he expects to hear.
instead she asks him if she can braid his hair.
and of course he says yes.
and she’s shit at it but still, he likes it. it might be messy and have pieces flying everywhere but it’s still a braid and the purpose of the act wasn’t superficial like that, it was her way of showing her that she supported him.
so he kept wearing the skirt. and they slowly added more and more to his closet and the denim and leather didn’t take over as much anymore.
and the best part. of course. was that especially easy access.
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