#cuz I don't have money to buy myself milk
saw-bathroom · 2 months
I feel so bad I don't have a job, just cuz, I don't actually need it, but like I feel so guilty of having to ask my mom for money, and to no know how to administer that money, I feel so bad that living with my sister and her husband is so draning, I don´t feel comfortable, I can't even put on the ac cuz I don't have a job to pay the bills, they do, they do have a job, but I don't and I'm stupid and young and prob just taking space in this house
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confetti-critter · 6 months
The night is young and I am free to do whatever my heart desires but unfortunately I have once again found myself trapped in the Time Prison and so I
#the good old 'I don't feel like doing anything including doing nothing and I want to go to bed but I know I'm not tired'#WEH.#I'm enjoying typing but I don't want to commit to practicing typing for real so I'm just making excuses to type more#I was looking at custom ESC keycaps because I was thinking about that whole community of ppl obsessed with keyboards and like I get it I#like the clicky clacking and keyboards can look so pretty but some of those key caps man wtf.#why would you want 3D transparent donald duck ESC key from temu what is wrong with you#saw a set of key caps that were little kittys with little kitty ears n I was like fuuuuuuuuuck#49.00 USD probably 100000 CAD+shipping goto helllll#I was thinking about what if I had like confetti keycaps and a custom kittycake esc key or like an actual little cake and matching desk mat#or even just a new cute mousepad cuz mine is old as fuck and I spilled vegetable cream stew on it once#and then I was thinking like sighhh and wouldn't it be cool to have arcade carpet on the stairs leading down to my basement hovel and#rainbow lights along the ceiling corners and what if I painting my bedroom like I wanted to do and sighhhhh#I haven't been wasting my money buying shit like that but I'm thinking about it again.#but the same thing stopping me from doing anything at all is stopping me from wasting my money which like that's good I guess???????#gosh I really like typing why did I stop doing daily typing practice#oh yea The Thing Stopping Me From Doing Anything At All#meow meowm meow meow meow#ok I really gotta tear myself away from my computer and brush my teethses and try going to bed#I already played minecraft earlier it's fine I didn't do NOTHING tonight it just feels like I did#and tomorrow is another day#and next week is a short work week thank fucking christ almighty#literally cuz its easter sunday and he was in that tomb but he escaped or whatever he did#thanks jeezy boy#you maybe shoulda milked it for like half a week at least#moved the big ass boulder like have an inch at a time#*pause for laughter*#that s from my new stand up comedy routine do uiuop like it djfskll;askjdgflksjdflksajdflksjdf the dsjalkjfolidasfgjoiweljsdalkjflskdjflak#meowww#I am the only one I know on here who 'talks' this fucking much about absolutely nothing#I do all this and my poor followers can click read more and spend time reading alllllll this garbage
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umihoshi · 4 months
some tips for people who just started living on their own
It's been 4 years now, and I'm not regretting a single day that I moved out. No more adapting to what my parents want, no more reporting where I'm going or who I'm bringing over, I can create my save haven the way I like it. For me, it was really the start of becoming myself.
But, there's a bunch of stuff here and there that would've been nice if I had known it from the get-go. And I thought: let's share them!
1 what appliances to invest in?
one thing that is going to come back every single day is cooking. and food is expensive AF if you're not careful. I found 2 great ways to save a bunch of money and they both rely on one thing: Invest in a good freezer! Many grocery stores have systems where they price down things that are close to the shelf life date. One of our local grocery stores can go up to 70% discount! But the problem with those is, you need to eat it right away.... OR DO YOU??? Freezing things close to expiring will let them last for a full freaking month extra. and vegetables go even longer. Plenty of time to use it when you need it (just don't forget to thaw) Be careful though: once you thawed it, you can't freeze it again.
Items are usually also WAY cheaper if you buy them in bulk. Chop them up and in the freezer they go! This one's also great if you don't always have the energy or drive to cook: cook up a large pot of whatever you like, put it in containers and freeze them. I always like doing so with pasta sauce and then cook the pasta fresh~ But it also works great with stews, curry and other types of sauces. stores like IKEA have containers that are just the right size for one meal.
For some of you, the next one may be a no-brainer, but.... My mom was really proud of how fast she was with doing the dishes. She was always like 'why get a dishwasher, I'm faster if I do it myself'. And I have lived up to that same idea up until half a year ago. My kitchen was always a mess, I didn't feel like cooking, inviting people over was embarrassing. I exhausted myself every time visitors would come and I had to fight that monster pile. Please, if you recognize these problems: invest in a dishwasher. Life became SO MUCH easier. My house is clean, my mind is more at ease, social contact increased cuz it's not as big a hassle to clean before guests show up. I really wish I wouldn't have wasted those 3 years fighting a monster that was this easy to tackle in the end...
2 easy cooking
Though it's also a bit of an investment: cooking becomes fucking easy with an airfryer. No oil is added, so it's a bunch healthier. you just put the temperature and timer and it's done. and a lot of things can just fry simultaneously. chuck in some meat and potato's at 400F (200C) for 20 minutes and all you'll have to worry about is adding some vegies with it. springrolls, pizza, potato's, meat. it all gets nice and crunchy too. (prepare vegies in a rice cooker for the same don't-have-to-keep-an-eye-on-it experience. you can cook them simultaneously with rice too!)
Something that became one of my fave dishes of the late is 'stir fried whatever'. it goes like this: Bake whatever meat you fancy, great with egg or tofu too. add whatever vegies (straight out of the freezer is fine). add stir fry sauce in whatever amount seems nice (little for coating, more if you want it to be saucy). make some carbs and you're fucking DONE! no measuring, no thinking what spices to use, it goes with anything and everything. and your local grocery has probably like 5 different flavors. (or at least, it does here. dunno if that's true for America...) like it creamy? add half a cup of soya milk. it takes like 10 minutes tops (not counting the cooking of rice/pasta/potato/bread)
3 think in money or think in space
With tricks like a good freezer, saving money with discount products becomes a whole lot easier. But there are also different discount products that can save you a lot of money. my mom always used to buy like.... packs of 4 toilet rolls. and if you calculate it, buying 3x4 rolls is so much more expensive than buying a 12 pack. But what you'll need for that is space. Try keeping account of a spot like that in your house. cupboard underneath the sink, the spot where they installed the boiler, top shelves you don't often use cuz it's high up, on top of the fridge, garage. I live in an apartment and have a small storage space for my bicycle. Perfect spot for non-consumables. (be careful to keep them out of reach for mice) think toilet paper, tissues, cat litter, soap, shampoo, toothpaste. they'll be good in 2 years too, and you'll still be needing them all the same. I once found this 6 pack of toothpaste for like 3,-! aint no one selling 1 tube for 0,50 when I buy it once I need it.
dunno if this is of any use to someone, but I hope this can help out anyone to safe some money, time or energy! Because it sure did for me.
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theouijagirl · 6 years
I literally don't know how to say this without sounding like I'm patting myself on the back so I'm sorry lol I really hope that just cuz I donated to u u don't feel like ur not deserving of doing things that make u happy when u are stable enough like if anyone donates money hoping that the person receiving it makes it last for months or doesn't do anything to treat themselves then theyre just dumb like that already comes w the territory of donating to someone it's not my money now do what u will
Honestly I think this fear I have comes from my ex, who was never happy with the fact that I would be broke for a whole month, only to go on vacation the next. I get where he was coming from though, because at that point we were starting to plan our future together, and he didn’t want a wife with such a fluctuating budget. He really did make me feel guilty for planning vacations while poor, or blowing a paycheck on something for me and then begging for money afterwards.
Also, whenever I post anything at all on this blog, I have to think about how someone could attack me for it. So instead of being surprised that I’m suddenly getting hate, I’m prepared for it and can stand up for myself. Because people have come at me for the most petty things, and instead of being totally blindsided, I can be ready to shut them down.
I appreciate that you donated to me (you sent me this before my cat had this health crisis, which so many sent me support for) because I was able to get my bike fixed up and I also got to buy milk for this week, since I was just planning on slowly rationing it out. Your donation made my life a lot easier this week, and I’m so thankful. And a very, very sincere thank you to everyone who donated to Jack. I honestly don’t know what I do without you guys sometimes.
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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My heat is actually working pretty well tonight. I'm actually pretty comfortable right now. I am very tired and ready to go to sleep but it's been a nice day. I had a weird moment in the middle but we'll get to that.
Me and James slept okay last night. I had a really bad headache but it did go away after a little while. We listen to some videos and I slept pretty good. We woke up around 9 and I teased James because I told him he wasn't supposed to let me sleep in that late. But it was fine I needed to sleep.
We got up and I went to go get dressed. He caught me a bowl of cereal and he put the Dry Cereal in a bowl and the milk in a mug so that it wouldn't get soggy while I was doing my makeup. He's so cute.
We hung out for a while. Laid in bed. Watch TV and play it on our phones. And then around 11 we headed downtown go to lunch. Except we didn't know it was raining. We were going to bike and then we step outside and it was pouring so we went back inside so I can get an umbrella. And then we walked.
It was pretty disgusting out. And I was fairly uncomfortable because my shoes got soaked all the way through. I had a really nice time being with him. He bought us lunch. And it was nice being able to sit and talk with him. He's the best boyfriend. Always taking care of me.
We walked back up Saratoga and he waited for the bus with me. The rain was really bad and it was making that he'll fairly dangerous to drive on. We saw one lady hydroplane pretty bad. But it was all good. We said goodbye and he headed back to whatever he was doing to do today. He had today and tomorrow off so he gets to get some stuff done. And I headed to work.
My socks and shoes were soaking wet by the time I got the school. So I had paper towels stuffed in the bottoms of my shoes trying to smoke some of it up. It was fairly uncomfortable but we deal. I was a little stressed out because I had an auction for a lot of six Furbies. Including a Shelby and a clock for me that I really really wanted. I've had my own that clock for me for a bit now. And this is the first time I've seen one where it was a reasonable price. And the whole lot was actually a really really reasonable price. Until it wasn't. I mean / Furby it was a great price. But like all it wants. It got kind of high. And then I was not going to fit anymore. But then all of a sudden I got this Rush of adrenaline that I needed to win. And I was getting outbid every other minute. And then there's only 10 minutes left. And I made what I was calling my final bid. But then I lost. And so I bid again. And I got the last bit in in the last 4 seconds of this eBay auction. And I won. And I fell on the ground and I'm shaking. It was just the bizarre reaction and I did not like it. I don't like that I had this sort of addictive behavior rush in that moment. I was upset with myself. I spent too much money. And I've decided that that's it. I am not buying any more Furbys. I had one more option that I couldn't take back from. Which I did win. So I have gotten my last Furby. Unless somebody buys one for me. I am done purchasing them. That's it. I really really was upset with my reaction though. And I was shaking for a good hour afterwards. It wasn't cool. I'm excited that I won. And I'm going to start listing those ones once they come in and I can make sure they actually work. But yeah. It was weird.
Had a really next day with the kids. With a really small class. It went from 12 to 9 to 8. But we had a good time. They voted on a movie since we couldn't go outside with the rain. And even though it stopped raining we just watch the rest of our movie. We watch Lilo & Stitch. And we true. We had snacks. And it was nice. I got so color with the kids and just enjoy their company.
It wasn't a very interesting day. We had a good dinner. I set things up. We went over working on our cross-hatching. We had a critique at the end. We talked about difference between judgement and critique. And how with judgement you are signing a good or bad to something but was critique you're giving feedback. And that seemed to make them understand a little bit more. So I hung up all their pieces of window and we talked about each one. And it was a lot of fun hearing what they like about the pieces of what they felt was successful.
The kids got picked up really quickly and I was able to leave by 5:30. But I still didn't get on the bus until almost 6 which was annoying. Mostly cuz it was windy outside but there is a enclosure there so I was mostly protected. The best finally came and there was a very funny teenager on the bus who just had a bit for everything. And he was making me laugh. He's making a lot of the best laugh actually. And then I was at my stop. And I walk the half-mile home. Then it was a nice walk. The rain was done and it was just a little cold.
I got home and the last Furby connect that I bought came. I'm not even going to take pictures of her because I'm selling her as soon as possible. I bought her because she was a good deal and that was it. And I made some post on my Instagram about how I have Furbys coming up for sale soon. And there's a couple people already contacting me that are interested. I really wish I could get these Booms to move but there's just too many of them on the market honestly. We'll see what happens. Just got to keep trying.
I've had an okay night. I drew freckles on some Furbies. I played with sweetpea. Just harassing this animal. I had dinner. I organized two of my trunks. I'm trying to be able to collect all of my knickknacks into one trunk when we move. I'm becoming more and more stressed out about our move this summer because I just have so much stuff. And there should be a three month. Where all of my stuff is in storage. And that's just very stressful for me. It'll all be fine but I feel a little overwhelmed. James made me feel better and I know everything will be okay.
Now I'm just laying in bed struggling to find something to interesting to watch. Jess is coming this weekend and I'm really excited to hang out with her. I hope we just have a nice restful weekend with food and pottery and shopping and the zoo and it'll just be really nice. I do have a PD in the morning tomorrow that I'm looking forward to. A couple extra hours to make up for my Furby spending. And I'm just hoping to clean my apartment pretty thoroughly before she gets here at 6. I think it'll be a really nice day.
I just hope that the rain is over. Good night everybody. Be safe.
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mem-en-to · 4 years
I just have to post this somewhere. If you do read it please don't reply or anything to alert me that you do. I just have to assure myself of my existence. If you do I might just can't stand it.
It's getting worse
I don't know if this will be a one time thing or what
It might be the stress of starting the second week of university
or that I fucked up the dorm's microwave 3 days ago and still feel guilty and stress (since then I've been making so many mistake I drop the alcohol bottle(broke it), drop a glass of water(luckily it's a plastic glass), spilled the milk on the desk, spilled the smoothie next to the fridge, dropped the clean towel on the balcony(result in having to wash it), tripped and drop some clean cottonbuds(such a waste!), tripped on the way to the bathroom at 2 am and woke the neighbors up on a schoolday)
or even home sick from being away for a week now
or because I was staying inside after graduated and then the covid situation that make me(I chose)stay inside the house for more than 3 months straight(well, I did go outside like once every other week or sth, but I would always go with someone, mom or dad)
I've been dreading going outside since yesterday
I estimated how many food I have left and feel bad(no not bad as in guilty) about having to go out and buy more
I even considered skip some meals and ration what I have left so I could put away going out for even just 1 more day
And I did, I skip breakfast and ration the food
I ate a bit less so I could scrap all the left over for just one more meal
The thought of going outside turned my stomach and I feel tight in my chest
it made me feel.. disgust and a bit of fear? มวนท้อง แหยงๆ อึดอัดตรงหน้าอก
I'm not sure how to describe it how or why
I don't think its talking to people that make me feel this way
I think its just go outside in general? being seen maybe?
I normally would dread going outside for a bit but have no problem in doing it
I would just need some times to come to realisation that I have to(or about to)go outside
Like, if mom just ask me inthe morning if I want to go out this afternoon. My answer is NO. There's no bargaining, except if it is ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT.
But If she asked me, do you want to come with me tmr? That'll be fine, I might say yes(but I say no more often)
I would have a kind of panic-y thougt and feeling a bit scared before actually going out, like while I was preparing(dress, grab things stuff like that) that is normal
Today it took me almost half an hour after I'm ready to gather courage and actually step out of my room
In that 30 minutes I kept checking again and again of what I have to buy and did I have my all things?(phone checked. wallet checked. mask checked. etc) What about my clothes?(check the mirror) Did I brushed my hair?(proceed to brush it the 4th time)
All the while I also pacing and kept on checking the window for the restaurant near mydorm
It's to see if there're many customers, if there are I would wait a bit more because I don't want to stand around waiting and making awkward glance, an awkward conversation would be better come to think of it.
There. It's not the talking that I'm scared of.
After I got outside I would feel.. tense? anxious? or maybe paranoid or something of that nature I'm not sure
But the feeling would go away soon, often around the time I reach my destination or when I'm doing my task(like choosing btw different brand of groceries or the like)
It's still good, this time
The feeling went away as I was walking around the shop but come back as soon as I got in line, paid and walking out of the shop, which is fine that's also normal
I also have to stop at the restaurant on the next block, I decided to eat there and have a take away for dinner
I chose to eat there because that would mean less plastic you know? doing what I can to help with global warming
Even though the thought of sitting there was a bit.. sick It was fine while I was eating
Because I was doing my task(things)?
But the moment I turned away with a bag of food and my groceries in hand the feeling started to crawl up my spine and tried to curl up in my stomach again
But It's okay I didn't let it
My dorm was right there I could see it
Only a bit further and I'll be safe inside my dorm
But Nooooo
The feeling cling to me
I push it down and didn't let it settle in
My heart was still thudding in my chest even after I got inside my room
I put my things away. stored the food. changed clothes while checking if I breathed normally or not(I did, breated normally I mean or at least I think I did, despite what most people think some of us do research about thingss like this even if or when we haven't been diagnosed as having something plus I did hyperventilated/had panic attacked before or, I think it was)
But after that my heart still wouldn't return to normal and my head is a bit light and spinny still(At first I thought it was the 3 flight of stairs I have to climb but it should have gone by now, I know, not an athletic person)
That was when I realise that there something different, something wrong this time
The nagging feeling I have had since I walked outside is this
I'm more worried and scared this time
There is something wrong
I don't know what to do so I typed this down
Normally It would help make me feel better
And It did, my heart stop beating fast and weird halfway through this
Like my other notes I didn't care much about the grammar or whatever, after all the purpose is to make myself feel better
All right a bit more on this notes
After I finished this I wnt and google 'scared of going outside'
I don't think it agoraphobia or sad that I have although I do have some of the symptomps. I mean I might have one of it but from what I read I don't exactly match with some of both, I'm not scared of crowd(sad) in fact being in crowds make me feel better, the more people the better cuz that mean the less would be looking at me
And I'm not scared of open space(agora) I'm okay with parking lots and I'm not scared of being left alone(agora)
Being with some one I trust would definitely help(contradict with sad but agree with agora)
I'm not scared of public place(sad), Library is one of my sanctuary once I settled in on the new one that's it, Everyone is minding their own business, I could tuck myself btw some old textbook shelves no one would come search and read in silent, peace. Or I could go to the working space, sit on the sofa or choose one of the table and no one would care even if I have 3 thick books with me and sit there for 3 hours straight. I could even strike up some friendly and relatively non-awkward conversation with the librarian on the counter when I checked out some books, there, social requirement of the day complete. Those days that I could do this is so peaceful, I was happy.
Sadly, I had gone to Uni library only once and checked out a book, I still feel a bit uncomfortable to go there, but the feeling of contenment when I get inside would be worth it. Just. Not today. Or tmr, we got a day off for mother day and I might go home with my siblings and come back to next week on Monday or sth. (We have classes online bc of covid)
And after the mini research I feel a dizzy spell hit me
It left me reeling for a few mins before I returned normal
It could be because i stand up too fast or it could be the information in my head that's there something wrong
I don't want to have it, sad, agora or whatever
My self confident/self esttem is shit enough
I can't satnd it if i know there sth more wrong with me
I can't be more of a burden to my parents
I want to make them proud I have to
I choose this path and I know they don't hate it, they even support me on choosing to study art instead of the cliche doctor or engineer(which I hate but is my dad's life I feel so fucking bad I should have like it, I should be better at it and follow his footsteps, but I already made my choice, sometimes I regret it but even if I could go back I wouldn't change it, I can't At least I probably could be a teacher like him, teach younger people, support them I love him, and I hate him I love that he isn't just a good father, he's a good person, a good friend, a good teacher, a good brother, a good son, he's so great I don't deserved him, not me, not my mom, not my brother, not his parents, not his siblings, not that univerity And I hate him, he's always at work when I was younger, came home at 8or9 almost everyday but I also love him because despite that he still tried to make some time for us I hate him because when he started to have less works and came home earlier it's when me and my brother are growing up wanting to stay out and spend time with our friends(I hate myself) I hate him because he's so great, has been since he's young, he's so intelligent and diligent he studied hard and he got scholarship in uni to US And that was 40 years ago how impressive is that? And after he came back with straight A every uni want him but he choose that Uni because they supported him when he needed it and he chose to stay instead of go to better uni purely bacause he's a good person he feels grateful and want to repay the uni, which has shit government I hate it I hate them, there's a few years he's so stress because he has to go to the court several times on several cases and could go to jail because of those peice of shits I fucking hate them If he choose to change uni our lifes would be different I wouldn't grow up there, I wouldn't have friends that I have, I wouldn't be the person I am today and I can't blame him for choosing this. I hate him because no matter what or how much I tried I couldn't achieve half of what he has done and still doing(I hate myself I'm a disappointment) I could have gotten A or at least B+ if I studied more on math, science and sociology, but I didn't. I could have beautiful skin and thin figure if I take care of myself more, exercise more, but I didn't. I could have spend less money on books and those trinkets and save a lot of money, but I didn't, I could have make more friends and get in with the better connection and reputation clique if I conceal some part of myself and pretend a bit more, but I didn't. I could have better resume if I'm brave enough to participate in those tournament and those candidates for manythings, but I didn't. I could have been a better person, a better friend, a better student, a better daughter, but I wasn't[I couldn't be] I hate myself I don't matter I'm a disappointment)
I fucking hate crying, It never help with anything except wasting evenmore time and make my head hurt make my throat hurt of how I hold my noise in and make my eyes hurt and everything's blurry and wet.
I just broke down and typed those long ass paragraph with tears for an hour straigh. such a waste of time I should have done some exercise instead. And now I feel like shit. I know I could still do it but I also know that I won't. I would save this note, re-read it again and again maybe add sth along the way and when it's getting late I would jusst take a shower and goto bed.
At least I've lost my appetite, no dinner mean less calories I take today, skipped breakfast AND dinner? At least that compensate for today exercise(maybe) But I also know that garigarikun in the freeze will disappear into my stomach before bed. I'm such a little shit. I'm ashame of myself.
you know what I could waste a bit more time. Typing this some how remind me of the time I have an argument with my parents in highschool(or was it middle school? the memory's fuzzy)and I had panic attack or at least hyperveintilated afterward. I can't remember exactly what started the argument but I remembered that that day I was having a bad day(worse than normal) the bullying that day was worse I don't know how I acted I just remembered yelling at my father who's stress from long day at work and the court problem, we were yelling(or at least I am) and I did what I usually do. I ran, to the bedroom. I don't(never)want to have a fight with my family. He didn't follow me this time. My mom did. She came talk to me, half soothing half scolding. Saying I shouldn't have yell, I was hurting him by behave like this and after he's tired from work too. She's basically tried to make amend. But in my head at the time she was calling out on my bullshit. Saying I'm being unreasonable. I know that some of what she said is true and I don't want to fight so I tried talking, I said something like you don't understand me, And I tried using some difficult words and lines that could be seen in dramas and such to make her understand. I poured my heart out I even consider revealing the real extent of the bullying. But you know what she said? She said I read too many fictions and watch too many movies and I'm being too emotional I should stop this nonsense right now. I still could recall the feeling when she finished and it get in my head. It's not the ice bucket being pour over me. It's not the fire of rage running through my viens. It's not an arrow straight through my heart, a stab at the chest, or a feeling crawl up myspine. It's blank. blank. blank. blank, blank,blank,blank,blank,blakn,blank,blank, I feel so, so empty. It's just how I used my words, how I tried to make her understand. And this is what I got? I remembered stop talking and stuffed my face on a pillow. She's speaking a few more things but I didn't listen. I couldn't. I was breathing so hard but I think she think i was crying so she patted my back and left. I was old enough to know that's something's wrong I wasn't breating normally even for someone who's crying but at the time I still didn't know what panic attack/hyperveintilated is. I just know there's sth wrong, but I ignore it, I was hurt. I was in pain my chest is so tight(at the time I thought it's because of the pain I was feeling later I learned that it's the combination of that and the pa/h I was having) My thought kept circling around the words she said, I'm being dramatic and such. At least after that I don't want to argue anymore. I came back to myself and got out of the room, more than half an hour later. (Times didn't only flies when you're having a good time huh?, I remembered thinking that)
I think the being emotional/dramatic bit really got me. I can't help it. it's how I'm expressing myself. So what if it looking I was writing some fiction/ fake the words to make it mmore dramatic? That's how I feel.
A breakdown and an empty moment recalling in a day? that's a new record. Normally It would be one at a time and not this soon after one another. Guess I'm really stressed out. I even consider calling some emergencies depression lines but after reading some review saying it's shit I decided not to. I would be in the way of those who really do need it(I'm such a failure) and I'm not good at talking anyways, just look at how tragic it turned out to be each time I do.
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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I love my scarf so much. I did not actually wear it outside at the house. I wear a jacket. But I've had that scarf on pretty much all day. It is the best scarf even if it sheds a lot.
Today was a good day I did not accomplish everything I wanted to accomplish but I did a lot. I slept really well last night. Had very bizarre dreams. But I got up and felt good. I woke up and had biscuits for breakfast. Got dressed and walk to the grocery store. I brought my grandma card and bought lots of food for the week. I am trying to eat at home more this week. Especially since my hours are very weird. I wandered around for a bit and then went home. I am packed everything and then I had it over to Eddie's to get a couple things I can't get at streets Market. I biked over to Eddie's though and was only there for a couple minutes. I still need to get milk and I'll probably have to get eggs at some point but for now it's fine. I used my heart boiled egg cooker to while I was gone and didn't check the eggs but I'm assuming they're okay. I'm very excited about my hard-boiled egg maker though and I really hope that I can figure out the best time frame to leave them in there to cook.
Once I got everything unpacked I made lunch. I rested for a little while and made some plans. And then I headed out to go catch the bus. I left a little bit earlier than I really need to because I wanted to get the earlier bus just in case. I think I am going to be able to get away with getting the 12:30 bus. But just so that I get used to when I'm getting off going 20 minutes early. It's nice that that bus runs so often though.
It was nice and sunny out. There's a chill in the air but I was never uncomfortable or anything. In either direction. Hot or cold. I had a nice talk with an old man at the bus stop. And then the bus came. And it was a nice ride. It's like a 25-minute ride and it's very comfortable. I got up to Wildwood and like I said I was like a half an hour early. So I walked around the neighborhood.
The neighborhood very much reminds me of Mayfair in Philadelphia. It's mostly row houses with little front yards. Lot of Old Stone. In the direct neighborhood it's all houses in churches. There's not even a corner store. I think maybe at some point I'll try to wander out a little bit farther and see if there's somewhere to eat. Now that I really plan on it but just in case something happens and I have to get something close by.
When I got there Fitsum was already there and said that Tiffany wasn't in yet. So we sat in the waiting room and talked. We accidentally both were wearing the same outfit. Well not exactly. We're both wearing brown jackets and are in shirts. And I made us laugh. It seems like we are going to be together but it's still unclear at this point. I hope we do though because he's a sweetheart. Tiffany came and found us because it turned out she was there. But it was no big deal. We went back to your office and did a bunch of paperwork. Went through how are lesson plan is going to work. And I feel so excited about it. I was pretty nervous at first but now that all my questions are answered I'm like excited. And I have so many ideas. I've written 8 months of vague themes and topics in my tablet. I think I'm just going to keep everything on my Google Drive since now I paid for it for the year anyway. I was considering getting a Chromebook since I'm going to have to be doing a lot of writing. But instead since my tablet doesn't work very well I just decided to buy a Bluetooth keyboard for it. So that should be here on Thursday. And then I can actually do my lesson plans for real. I feel very excited.
We just did a lot of going through packets and making sure all of our paperwork was good and it was just nice to be able to honestly answer questions and not have to feel silly for wanting clarity. I got my direct deposit setup and we have to take 15 hours of professional development courses over the school year. And so she help me setup my account for that. And I was able to get into the CPR first aid training class on Friday morning. So I get my first three hours of PD in and I'm excited to have that certificate my record. Even though it was a little bit of a hassle trying to figure out how to make an account for some reason. They make it like all secret like.
After we finished all of her paperwork and spent a lot of time discussing how things go. We did another walk around the building. This time we actually got to meet the other teachers that we may be working with or will be the team with the 5th graders. They were both really nice and I would be equally as excited to work with them. I think it might be nice though to have a blank slate with the new class with fitsum and there won't be a weird power Dynamic there. Of having a current teacher and a new teacher. But regardless the students were there too. They were all so sweet. They liked my jacket and they asked me if I could teach him how to sew and they asked me about other different projects that they were interested in doing. And it was just so cool they were so engaged and so sweet. I'm really excited to get to work with them. There was a couple big personalities but in the best ways. I'm very excited for this opportunity. I really think that this is going to be the exact thing I've been looking for. The rest of my jobs and lives are going to have to sort themselves out. Maybe I'll slow down my work at the BMI and take my mornings for myself. Or maybe I won't and maybe I'll still do exactly what I'm doing now. I just don't want to burn out. I want to really enjoy being able to teach and museums and do all the things that I do. But today really made me excited for going forward.
Fitsum was nice enough to give me a ride again. I'm going to have to figure out a way to tell him I will give him money. Because him giving me a ride back is saving me like $16 every time. It's like even if I throw him like 20 bucks a week or something. It would be worth it to me. You also just lose them walking into my apartment though so I think he just it is being kind and just giving you rides. But I don't want to take advantage he's so nice. I really just hope that we become friends too cuz I think he's a really cool guy. He was telling me some about working in Ethiopia and the culture there. And I'm curious to learn more.
Once I got home I have kind of a going back and forth doing things all night. I watched the new Shane Dawson documentary series. And I ate snacks. I've been eating snacks all night. I work in my studio for a while. I played with the new Furbys. They both had some corrosion inside of them from their batteries leaking so I had to clean that up with vinegar. But they're both working just fine and they were chatting with each other. They do make that high-pitched screeching sound that I read about. So I may take them apart and disconnect the wires. Honestly I might disconnect all of their speaking wires because I'm not super a fan of their voices. But I still think they're very cute. I like the way that they move they're very active. So I think painting with them is going to be really interesting.
I talked to James for a little while he's at his apartment having a D&D night. I think I just have too much social anxiety to participate. I told him I would be a guest are at some point but I just don't know if I could play with them and feel comfortable enough to do it. But we'll see I don't know. I like doing it one on one with James that one time though I hope we can do that again cuz I did enjoy that.
I did fall down the stairs. I hurt my hand a little bit but I'm okay. I mostly just scared me. I took a shower and wash my hair. And it's just chilling at my apartment and I'm wearing Chenille socks and leggings and I feel very cozy. I think I'm going to switch my stuff for work into my new work tote bag. That I have gotten from my causebox. It's such a pretty bag and I think it's going to be perfect for carrying all my papers and things. And it stands so I feel like if it gets paint on it and stuff it'll be cool. I think now though I'm going to start winding down for bed. I have to wake up early tomorrow and try to get some more done. And then I have to go over to Northern Parkway to get my fingerprints done for the city to get an ID and a background check. And then I have to go to Wildwood at 12:30 for staff meeting. I'm very excited for that I think it's going to be very fun. I'm excited too more formally meet everyone. So I hope it's just another really nice day. I hope you guys all have a great night and sleep well. Be safe out there. Be kind
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