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Printing onto an A1 process (never again haha)
This has been a very bold move by me. I am creating an A3 publication portrait. Which means the physical print out is an A2 landscape size. This requires to be printed on A1 sized paper. Printing to the scale of A1 requires a special printer and the indesign settings to be changed specifically to print A1. I started off designing on my own laptop and on the standard macs at university, but there is no option to scale or customesize the pages to A1. This meant that I had to rescale my sizes in the level 7 classroom on the computer that was already attached to the A1 printer. This way, the indesign presets allowed me to scale to an A1 size to print. On top of this, I had to manually make my files into a booklet so that I didn’t have to “print booklet” on indesign as it was impossible. (or if I designed it on the level 7 desktop in the first place I could have). I also had to manually double side every page.
This is the stage that really had me behind, I would do this and the margins would not be centred on both sides (its still a mystery as to why) however, myself, struan and Luka were problem solving this situation as its also something out of their scope. However, I then ended up printing one size on A1, then I trimmed to crop marks, I then turn the paper of to double side it, but this time changed the size down to A2 which would print without crop marks but it would perfectly align and print centred this way. This result was the best we could get after a number of different ways we had previously tried (took me 2 days and 14 hours to figure it out) BUT YAY. I now know how to print an A3 portrait book if anyone needs one????
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Assalamualaikum Ummi ayuk kenalkan pada buah hati kita untuk berpakaian syarii sejak dini.. #customesize Bisa gambar sendiri loh.. Sesuai yg diinginkan buah hati kita. Biar tambah smangat pakai syarii nya Order ; 0818.0419.7338 #dhijrah #dhijrahsyari #customes #syariianak #gamisanakmurah #fashionanak #olshopmurah #produsenbajuanakmurah
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how to make custom leather jacket?
There comes the “customized leather jacket option”. Customized leather jacket are made entirely according to the demand of the customer. #CustomeSize, #CustomizedLeatherJacket https://motorcycleleatherjacket.eu/how-to-make-custom-leather-jacket/
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assalamualaikum modelnya memang sederhana tapi manis banget bahan : arabian crepe bisa request warna order : 0818.0419.7338 #dhijrah #dhijrahsyarii #gamis #gamispesta #syariihijab #muslimahwear #customesize #olshopbdg #surabaya #jfw
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LOVY 6 buat ukhty yg suka simpel dan.sederhana tapi tetep modis dong yuks.. bisa dipilih model manset ini... order : 0818.0419.7338 #dhijrah #dhijrahsyarii #lusianahouse #mansetgamis #gamissyariindah #jilbabsyariinstan #hijabersmom #yogyakartacity #produsengamissyari #customesize #selebgramhijab
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