#custom yii view folder
amywoodward · 3 years
The Top 5 PHP Frameworks for Innovative Web Development Websites
PHP web development is considered to be one of the most popular and preferred web development services. PHP is very easy to use, and it also saves time and it is free to use. There are a total of 18 different frameworks in PHP with different features. So which one is the best PHP framework out of them all? Let us briefly look at some of them PHP Based Frameworks.
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Yii Development:
Currently, Yii Framework is the best PHP framework in the market. It is significantly faster than Codeigniter and Zend framework and includes some features of Symfony such as filter design and plug-in architecture. Its other amazing features include simple error handling and logging and many more. It also supports cross-platform web development. So you can easily use code from Peer or Zend Framework. With Yii development, you don't need to worry about input validation, SQL injection, and other routine security tasks, as these are done all by yourself.
Zend Development:
Zend Framework is considered the most preferred PHP framework for businesses around the world. It includes various tools to make the development process simple and easy. It also provides a very properly integrated development environment that helps you take full advantage of all of its services. This framework is fast, scalable, secure, and reliable. It allows the development of Web 2.0 applications and web services.
CakePHP Development:
CakePHP Framework is easy to learn and it provides a basic organizational structure. This keeps the entire application concurrent and logical. It can manage every aspect from the initial user request to the final rendering of the web page. Being an MVC-based framework, it allows the user to easily extend and customize most aspects of the web application.
CodeIgniter Development:
This framework is easy to learn. It includes a rich set of libraries that allow rapid development. Furthermore, it has a simple interface and logical structure that allows access to these libraries. The amount of code required in this is very less as compared to others. It is widely used by freelancers, small teams as well as large companies.
Symfony Development:
Symfony Framework comes with a highly convenient debugging toolbar that helps it build better applications. This framework is very light and requires only two writing folders, which can be easily configured to the established level of security that the user requires for the app.
For fresher’s, it has separate web application business rules, server logic, and presentation views. It has many tools and classes which help in reducing the development time of web application. It has been extensively tested in many real-world projects. It works with most databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. It runs on UNIX and Windows operating systems.
So all these were one of the most popular PHP frameworks. Many other PHP frameworks are also available in the market. In the end, the choice is yours to make. You can choose any one of them which is most suitable and beneficial for your project requirements.
Wrapping Up
If you want to create an innovative and feature-rich website for your business, then definitely need reliable web development technology. And PHP Framework is the best technology to accomplish your task. So, if you want to take advantage of the benefits of these frameworks, contact iSyncEvolution, a PHP development company in India, or hire a PHP developer for rapid web development services. They will suggest that you choose the best one as per your needs.
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ryadel · 5 years
Codelobster IDE - Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor - Review
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If you are a seasoned developer, you most likely already know what an IDE is: however, for the sake of those readers who never touched a single line of code, we'll briefly summarize the concept.  In computing, IDE is an acronym for Integrated Development Environment: in a nutshell, a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. A standard IDE normally consists of three major elements: a source code editor, a build engine (or equivalent building automation tools), and a debugger. Most modern IDEs have also other cool features, such as intelligent code completion mechanisms (IntelliSense), shortcuts, syntax highlighting, and other cool add-ons to ease the overall experience of their developers. In this post we'll talk about one of the most interesting - yet underestimated - IDE released in the latest few years: Codelobster, a portable, multi-platform development environment made for PHP yet also supporting HTML, CSS and JavaScript languages. As developers, we went through a full test-drive - from installation to coding and, last but not least, building.
Multi-Platform approach
A good IDE has to be multi-platform and Codelobster makes no exceptions: both the free and professional editions come with native Windows, MacOS and Linux binaries: for this review we used the screenshots of the Windows port, however we also tried the Linux build which offered the same look and feel and overall experience.
Installing Codelobester is just as easy as any other software: you just have to visit the official download page from the Codelobster website and pick the version you want to try: Codelobster IDE - the free edition, with all the basic features active and no expiration time. Codelobster Professional - the shareware edition with additional features, plugins and add-ons. We'll compare the two edition's features later on. For the purpose of this test-drive, we just picked up the Codelobster IDE free edition 1.5.1, released on February 28, 2019, which was the latest version at the time of writing. The installation wizard is pretty standard, you'll just have to accept the End-User Agreement and hit Next a couple times. You'll also get the chance to choose which File Types to open with Codelobster (the suggested extensions are .php, .js, .php5, .inc, .xml, .xsl and .module), the color scheme to use and the components/features you want to use:
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The setup wizard will also install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redristibutable package, unless it's already present on the system.
Main Window
Once the installed ends, the wizard will give you the chance to immediately run Codelobster. After you hit YES, the main window of the IDE will appear in all its glory:
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As we can see, the main GUI is splitted in multiple sections. In the topmost section there's a standard Menu, followed by some customizable Toolbars. In the left panel we have a standard File Explorer, which can be used to visually browse the code files to open and their folders: such files can be found within the local FileSystem or custom FTP/SFTP servers that we can connect to. The Explorer window can be switched out for a series of other project-related panels (Structure, Class View, Project, SQL) using the tabs placed just below the panel. The center panel is where the Text Editor will open, as soon as a file has been selected (or created with the File > New menu option). In the right panel we can see a series of other useful tabs (Index, Dynamic Help, Properties, Map) which we can use to access contextual info about our project. In the bottom panel we have the "standard" ouput, search result and debug/call stack windows, as expected by any modern IDE GUI. The overall look and feel loosely reminds us the most recent installments of Visual Studio / Visual Studio Code, which is indeed a good thing! This could be great to attract the typical ASP.NET developer, who could have issues in using Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code when working with PHP as both the Microsoft IDEs don't natively support that language.
Text Editor
One of the most defining things of any IDE undoubtely is the Text Editor, which is where most of the developer work takes place. Codelobster's text editor is natively packed out with the following features: Powerful Syntax Highlighting: it highlights the syntax and gives hints for tags, functions and their parameters, even with files that contain mixed content (HTML + PHP + CSS). Auto-Completion function, which greatly speeds up the programmer's work and minimizes the chances of coding errors and typos. Highly Customizable interface with several visual styles. Portable mode - you'll be able to bring your IDE everywhere using any USB pendrive. File comparison tool (WinMerge-alike) Web Browser Preview (with any browser) File Explorer with complete file and folder editing capabilities (new, edit, delete) Code formatting tools (professional version only) Advanced search & replace features with full special characters and Regular Expressions support. Search & replace in files and folders, even recursively. Auto indent Visible spaces, paragraphs and tabs. Extended text selection and deletion Full Unicode support and multiple encoding conversions Line sorting with a wide range of options Bookmarks SQL management tools (professional version only) Version Control integration with SVN, Git and Mercurial HG support (professional version only) 1-Click Contextual Help for all supported programming languages: the help database uses the most up to date documentation for each supported language by downloading it from official sites.
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The built-in PHP debugger allows you to execute PHP scripts step by step, moving through the lines of code using the standard F5 (debug) - F10 (step over) - F11 (step into) function keys: the GUI allows the developer to assign breakpoints and monitor the values of all variables using the Locals and Watch windows (bottom panel) during the execution of the script. We tested the debugger, together with the text editor, against one of our biggest PHP project - the Myst.it website, which features more than 150.000 lines of PHP code splitted between ~ 20.000 files. The debugger worked really well, giving our best developers a nice experience: we're talking about experienced guys used to work with Visual Studio and PHP Tools, therefore they know what a good GUI and development IDE actually are... however, they were really happy and positively surprised by the Codelobster environment and had no issue in working with it.
Version Control
The professional version of CodeLobster IDE supports the following Version Control Systems: Git SVN (PHP Edition only) Mercurial (PHP Edition only) We tried to configure Git without significative issues. The first thing to do is to configure the Git executable path:
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Right after that, the Git commands features will appear on the File Explorer contextual menu, accessible by right-clicking on any file or folder:
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Most of the SCM preferences can be configured in the Tools > Preferences > IDE > HotKeys > VCS:
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Additional Features
Here are some useful function which got our attention, as they cannot be found in most IDEs: Pair highlighting of parentheses and tags : the text editor will instantly notice (and warn you) if there are missing opening or closing parentheses/tags. Highlighting and collapsing of blocks, selections and code snippets: another great feature of Visual Studio, which we gladly found here as well. Code Validator for PHP, HTML and CSS which identifies syntax errors in expressions, declarations and cycles (PHP), as well as names/attribute errors (HTML, CSS): sadly, this feature is now available only on the professional version. Full Internalization Support, with 17 user interface languages including: English, German, Russian, Spanish, French, Italian and others.
Supported Systems
The program works on the following operation systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Mac OS, Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian.
Compare Editions
Here's the full features breakdown of the Free Version compared to the Professional Version, taken from the official site. Abilities Free Version Professional version HTML editor V V HTML code inspector V V CSS editor V V JavaScript editor V V PHP editor V V PHP debugger V V Advanced features Free Version Professional version FTP/SFTP support - V SQL manager - V Version Control Systems - V Code validator - V Code snippets - V Code formatting - V SASS and LESS - V Split Window, Compare - V Node.js support - V Other: sorting, converting - V Additional plug-ins Free Version Professional version
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 AngularJS plug-in - V
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 BackboneJS plug-in - V
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 Bootstrap plug-in - V
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 CakePHP plug-in - V
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 CodeIgniter plug-in - V
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 Drupal plug-in - V
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 EmberJS plug-in - V
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 JQuery plug-in - V
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 Joomla plug-in - V
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 Laravel plug-in - V
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 Magento plug-in - V
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 MeteorJS plug-in - V
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 Phalcon plug-in - V
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 Smarty plug-in - V
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 Symfony+Twig plug-ins - V
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 VueJS plug-in - V
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 WordPress plug-in - V
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 Yii plug-in - V
Codelobster IDE really impressed us for its nice set of features, the user-friendly GUI and the sleek window design, which is clearly inspired from other top-grade IDEs. Given all this, we can only recommend it: the free edition itself is good enough for small-to-medium PHP/HTML projects, while the professional version might be a good choice if you need the advanced features or the language-specific plugins.   Read the full article
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learnwebcoding · 4 years
About PHP everything you should know before taking any decision
In today article, we are going to talk about PHP only. So you want to start learning PHP? Or you want to make your career in PHP but you have some doubts are you have read somewhere that PHP is dying OR you have heard that PHP will no longer be in the future You Can't survive on PHP only? There is a very low pay on PHP so what should you do? Right? If this kind of questions come to your mind or you have heard about it and definitely this video is going to help you to make a decision whether you should go with PHP or we should not use PHP. It will be totally your decision. Hello, my name is Durgesh Sahani and from the last 7 years, I am working with PHP. To create this article and I also have taken some help from the online resources like php.net site, Wikipedia and from some other reliable places and also added my own contribution to it. I also have prepared a simple presentation of 7 to 8 slides and video. Definitely, this is going to help you to make you a decision that you should stick to PHP or you should leave the PHP So without wasting your time let's get started. I'll start with PHP introduction you already know that PHP is open source means you no need to pay anything to use it. It’s a server-side scripting language. It is mainly used to develop websites but also you can use it for command-line execution. For example, A CRON Job written in PHP and you want to execute through command line you can do that definitely. It has great documentation if you want to read about a specific function so you can read it through its well-documented documentation. php.net/ is an official website and documentation is available in English, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Japanese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish It has a big community, It is widely used server-side scripting language. And have a great marketplace like Composer, PECL, PEAR. Composer - It is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. and if you want to see the packages which are developed in PHP over here we can find it and using composer you can download it and you can use it to your program without taking care about the third party package because everything every required dependency will be managed by the composer so again this is a great help. PECL - PHP Extension Community Library This is a PHP official community website where you can go and browse the packages, download the DLL files, include in your PHP working folder, enable it and use is like predefined libraries to your project similarly. These libraries are written in C language or some other languages and DLL will be provided to you so this is what PECL PEAR - PHP Extension Application Repository This is the official application repository website here they have listed all the packages these all the packages are completely written in PHP only. You can download it and use it for your program. Supports almost all the database relational and non-relational so what do you mean by that - by default most developed using MySQL with it but you can use PostgreSQL, you can use MSSQL (Microsoft SQL) Oracle DB even on non-relational(no-SQL) database is like MongoDB. It provides the required library for all these kind of databases. Let's talk about PHP frameworks. These frameworks are used to create a website. They have a great list of features on top of PHP, which will reduce your time while developing your website. There is a big list of frameworks are built on PHP but I have listed top 10 frameworks here: Laravel Symfony Zend Framework( Zend Framework is created by is Zend Organization which maintain the PHP) CodeIgniter CakePHP FuelPHP Yii Phalcon Slim PHPixie I hope you have heard about these frameworks. There are several frameworks is created and which will help you to start very easily. I also want to highlight some of the CMS(Content Management System) builds in PHP. CMS are the tools which are used to create, edit, publish content. Whenever you thought to design a website the first things come to your mind is WordPress by using this WordPress you can create your own website you can create custom plugins you can create themes and within 5 minutes your website will be ready. WordPress Joomla Drupal Magento (Magento is for E-commerce website if you want to create within some couple of minutes I will be ready with your e-commerce websites) OpenCart SilverStripe Modx Concrete5 PHP Fusion PHPWiki So all these CMS are built in PHP and making developers job easy. The next point, and it's very important you should not miss it why big companies are investing times, money and resources to create libraries for PHP? and not only that creating there also maintaining it what I mean by this line is see PHP previously the PHP was 5.6 or 5.4 any language any company have created a library for 5 then as PHP 7.X is released so there creating a new library to support latest PHP, they are maintaining as well. Companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft Amazon continuously developing their library and maintaining for PHP and not only that but also making their could infrastructure ready for PHP. Many payment gateways almost all payment gateways developing and giving support for their libraries for PHP each version. And every SMS/Email gateway/service provider also creating and maintaining libraries for PHP. If PHP is going to die then why this kind of companies are investing their time, money, resources and infrastructure to develop this kind of library and maintain it why right?? So obviously you can say that because they want to sell their products but what I am trying to say here is if they know that PHP is going to die or there is no future of PHP why still they are investing their time, money, resources and all other things. right?? So definitely it makes sense so that's why I have put these points here. Again one important point is, what's new in PHP not talking about previous one year older one and talking about the 7x and letter one ok so in PHP 7 the performance of PHP is increased by 50% I just wanted to cover 2.1 only performance in security the performance is tuned by I mean increased by 50% and how they have done it they have made some changes in the core functionality of PHP now the PHP consume less RAM, less memory but perform well. so ZEND organization you have heard about Zen engine previously send engine 2 was there which was used with PHP 5.6 but now they have a developed a new engine that is called ZEND ENGINE 3 now and they have tuned core functionality, core libraries of PHP and that's the reason is why the performance of PHP is increasing by almost 50%. And the second point I want to cover is a security many of you have heard that PHP is not secure I mean and obviously I also agree on it. Because the when the initial PHP was developed in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf in that time it was not meant is a programming language at that time he wanted to solve some sort of problem and for that he has created something, some tools at that time it was not a programming language letter in PHP version 3 was released at that time it was somehow a programming language to obviously he was not thought about the security point of view but now it's very popular programming language so they are doing the best job in this should have you have got that PHP has deprecated this function PHP had to remove the support of this library so what they trying to do is there trying to remove all the vulnerable functions libraries from the PHP. and somewhere I have read that hackers 10x smarter than developers so it's developer job as well that you should check your application right?? for example see you have built up your great machine and you have saved all the information to your files and credentials, password and all the things but you have forgotten to lock your computer OR forget to set a password for your computer then, in that case, it is not secure Right?? Even though you have a great setup of a machine or you have built up a very good home very luxury home but whenever you going out or anywhere you are not locking the door so you are keeping the loop whole open right so as a developer you should also think about these points. So I have mentions of a couple of points which you can take care of while developing your website or applications like PHP has deprecated many vulnerable functions, library. They already have taken removed the possible vulnerable function library from PHP 7.X like mysql_*, mcrypt library, etc. Input fields validation(Sanitization/Escaping) so while parsing any data or while accepting any input from the user you should validate, you should sanitize it, you should escape the special characters, etc. Cross-site scripting (XSS) - XSS is a client-side attack. Hacker tries to inject some javascript code to your request. You can prevent this by parsing and javascript code while saving data in the database. SQL Injection Attacks - Here the target is your database, If someone can access your database then all your sensitive information is gone, like password, credit card details even he can delete your database. You can prevent this by validating all the possible areas from where you are interacting with your database like user input, GET request, etc. Cross-site request forgery XSRF/CSRF - Again Cross-site request forgery is an attack by which someone can perform some action for which they are not authorized. you can prevent this kind of attack by using some token-based request. Securely upload files with all possible validations while uploading a file you should take care of all the validations like if you want to upload only is JPG file or PNG images file then you should validate that at that point that there should not be any .exe file or any other documents should not be uploaded to your server Hide Files from the Browser - Meaning anyone should not be able to access your files directly from the web browser. You can put an index.* or default.* file in each directory or use .htaccess file to set the rules for the same. Session Hijacking - Session Hijacking is also known as cookie hijacking. In this type of attack, someone tries to steal a valid session and perform all the action like a real session. The best way to protect session hijacking is to use SSL. Use SSL Certificates For HTTPs Now let’s talk about the future of PHP developer (completely my point of view): What I think is you can get a Framework specific jobs as a dimension there so many popular frameworks like a Laravel Symphony Zend Framework you can get a job as a Laravel developer this is a beauty of PHP if you look for jobs at any job sites so if you see there will be some jobs where they mention in Laravel developer is required Symphony developer is required to you will get a job in these kinds of frameworks then you can get a job on CMS specific so if your master of WordPress you can get a job as a WordPress developer Magento developer so that's what I have written here you can get a job as a Framework specific you can get CMS specific job even as PHP is written PHP scripting language so you can write some script and execute on the server there are so many tools are written in PHP and supports PHP so many of the tools are used by the DevOps teams there is a chance you can get jobs in DevOps team. and obviously, jobs always will be there for PHP developers no doubts and I also agree that in some cases I have seen PHP developer is paid less than the other developers like Java, .NET but also have seen that there are some Java and .NET developer are getting paid less than the PHP developers so it totally depends on the situations. right?? And while studying and gathering the information’s I found one important link, I want to share with you guy's which is a YouTube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKXFgWP-2xQ this is a Rasmus Lerdorf and in the video, he has explained everything about PHP the basic history and how the performance is tuned by their guys, how security is enhanced, and all the other things. You should definitely watch this video. And finally, what do you think guy’s please let me know in the comment box and we will discuss these points so this is all about for this article. I hope you understand PHP and hope this will help you to make the decision. Important links: My Persentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18pWfw5f6FEiQQgRcQqd0p7JB7NGIO5Y3bNThuPMLBfs/edit?usp=sharing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKXFgWP-2xQ https://www.php.net/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP https://phptherightway.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:PHP_frameworks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_content_management_systems
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP Yii Framework Interview Questions and Answers
Yii Framework Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. What is Yii Framework? Yii is an open source, web application framework based on MVC. It is written in PHP and used to design PHP applications. This application was started on January and completed in December 2008. 2. Why does Yii Framework run so fast? Yii Framework run so fast because it uses sluggish loading technique which does’t include class file until the class is initially used. 3. What are the features of Yii Framework? There are various features of Yii Framework: It uses MVC design pattern Web Service available for Apps like android Internationalization and localization translation for multilingual. It provides Caching for speed up the application It manages Error handling and logging for tracking It provides cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection It provides PHP unit and Selenium for testing. It provides automatic code generation that helps to fast development etc. 4. How can we define a form model? We can define a form model in Yii1.1 by using following code: class MyLoginForm extends CFormModel { public $username; public $password; public $rememberMe=false; } 5. What are the components available in Yii Framework? There are following components available in Yii Framework: db: It is used for database connection. AssetManager: It manage the publishing of private assets files authManager: It manages role-based access control cache: It manages caching functionality clientScript: It manages javascript and CSS coreMessages: It provides translated core messages errorHandler: It manages errors handling. ThemeManager: It manages themes urlManager: It provides URL parsing and creation functionality statePersister: It provides mechanism for persisting global state session: It manages session securityManager: It manages Security 6. Which file loaded firstly while run a Yii application? In Yii Framework, index.php file loaded first to display home page of the application. 7. How can we install or setup Yii Framework in our local system? We can install or setup Yii Framework by using following given steps: Download the Yii setup from its official website or github. Extract the code into our server root directory. Open command line terminal and type the following command. php path-to-yii-folder/framework/yiic webapp After execution of above command, it will ask for the confirmation of creating a new application, on selecting yes, it will create an application. 8. What is the Yii application life cycle? Yii application life cycle includes the following steps: Pre-initialize the application with Capplication::preinit() Set up the class autoloader and error handling Register core application components Load application configuration Initialize the application with Capplication::init() Register application behaviors Load static application components Raise an onBeginRequest event Process the user request Collect information about the request Create a controller Run the controller Raise an onEndRequest event 9. What are the database related functions in Yii? In Yii, databse releted functions are: Queryfind findAll findByPk findBy 10. How can we connect to the database in Yii? In Yii, we can connect database by using following code: We can configure database related settings in the main.php file reside into the config folder. 11. What is a YiiBase in Yii Framework? In Yii Framework, YiiBase is a helper class that provides functionalities of common framework. We should not use YiiBase directly, if we want to access helper class, we have to use its child class where we can customize the methods of YiiBase. 12. What is “gii” and how it works in Yii Framework? In Yii Framework, gii is a module that provides Web-based code generation capabilities to the developer. We need to change the main configuration file of our application. return array( 'modules'=>array( 'gii'=>array( 'class'=>'system.gii.GiiModule', 'password'=> ) ) ) 13. How can we access application components in Yii Project? We can access an application component by using following code: Yii::app()->ComponentID Where, ComponentID refers to the ID of the component. 14. How can we get current controller id in Yii ? We can get current controller in Yii Framework by using given code: $controllerid = Yii::app()->controller->id; 15. How can we set default controller in our Yii Project ? We can set default controller in our Yii Project by using given code: 16. What is the difference between “render” and “renderpartial” in Yii Framework? In Yii Framework, render() is commonly used to render a view that corresponds to what a user sees as a “page” in your application. renderPartial() is used to render a web page without layout. Yii Php Framework Questions and Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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codehelpus · 9 years
Change your Yii view directory name for your controller
How to use custom Yii view directory names for your controllers: http://codehelp.us/blog/change-your-yi…our-controller/ #yii #yiiframework
This article will assist you to use custom folder names rather than generating folder names for your controller. Suppose you have a model named: “MySample“, your generated controller name will be: “MySampleController”; your view folder name will be “views/mySample“. If you want to change your view name from views/mySample to views/sample, add the below function to your controller and change the…
View On WordPress
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