#custom comic binding
missaphelion · 2 years
Comic Binding
I really wanted to bind together an omnibus (or three) for my Nightwing comics, but decided to do a quick test first. This was just done with leftover supplies and isn't my best work, but the interior with the comics themselves worked really well!! I just did an 8 issue Batman Family series this time, it's going to be a bit different if I try to do 50 but I'll see how it goes. Did not have paper big enough for the end pages so used some of the ads I pulled out with a varying level of success.
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8 notes · View notes
𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚖 · · · · 𝙸𝙸. 𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 ║ ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡⓔⓓ
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𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚖 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 || 𝚗 𝚊 𝚟 𝚒 𝚐 𝚊 𝚝 𝚒 𝚘 𝚗 || 𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x fem!OC/reader
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | CHAPTER CONTENT: fluff, flirting, pining, internalized negative talk | WORD COUNT: 8k
| CHAPTER SUMMARY: When Miller Contracting ends up in a bind, Joel wonders if you might be the solution to their problem.
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Joel overheard it somewhere near the cracker and chip aisle. He’d been here enough over the past few weeks to recognize disembodied voices of some of the staff or to see you helping Mrs. Baker load up her car time and again, the latter of which he repeatedly swore to himself wasn’t completely intentional. He told himself he just kept the same scheduled date and time with Jordan because it was easier that way. It had absolutely nothing to do with the little dopamine hit his brain got whenever he saw you or got to talk to you in passing when he came in to buy lemonade.
“No, what I’m saying is that we don’t have time for this kind of shit when somebody already called out sick for their shift,” the store manager’s voice came drifting around the corner. All the sickly sweet customer service had been drained from his tone, and Joel imagined this was what he sounded like most of the time. Your typical run of the mill asshole who acted too big for his britches and could use a swift kick in the ass to knock him down a peg or two.
“Sorry, it’s just Mrs. Baker comes every week, and she’s a really good customer. I’m sorry that Robert had to ring up a few more people on his own, but I loaded up her car as fast as I could.” There was that sweet voice he’d become way too eager to hear every week - not that he sought it out or anything. Except the kindness usually found in it had deflated into a mildly panicked rush of explanation.
“However you wanna play your ‘I’m just so sweet’ schtick is up to you, but not when we’re swamped with customers,” Jeremy snaps. “Now get over to produce and straighten it up. It’s a fucking mess over there!”
The heavy stomp of feet fades towards the opposite end of the store. Joel peers from behind the endcap and confirms his suspicions that it had indeed been you on the receiving end of that prick’s badgering. Your head was still fixed on Jeremy’s retreating form. Fists clenching and unclenching at your side. Shoulders hunched and tight, raised so high they're practically touching your ears. Then all at once your body slumps into an accepted defeat, and you let out a long, tired sigh.
“He always that much of an asshole to you?”
You whip around in comic speed, hands flying to your chest in surprise at Joel’s appearance. Your eyes had gone the size of dinner plates, and you sucked in a deep breath like you were squashing a genuine shriek of surprise.
“Oh, didn’t mean t’scare ya,” he quickly allays, taking a step back and raising an apologetic hand of surrender.
“N-No, you’re fine. I just didn’t hear you.” You shake your head and fix your face with a soft smile. “Sorry about that.”
“He talk to all the employees like that?” Joel presses again.
“Like what?”
“Like he hasn’t had his ass beat enough times to talk nice to people?”
The surprised giggle busts from your chest like a swarm of butterflies, and Joel can’t help but grin even if the response is a little different than what he’d been expecting. He chalks it up to the leftover nerves of being startled a few moments prior. “Oh, sorry. Yeah, he’s just- we’re one person short, so he just sort of gets that way sometimes when he’s stressed. Just a bad day kinda thing.”
It’s bothersome how dismissive you seem about someone talking down to you, and if that weren’t bad enough, you actually sounded like you were defending that asshole a little bit.
“S’not really a reason to give somebody a tongue lashing like that - especially not a lady.”
He clocks the tight smirk that curves your mouth. “Well, thanks for the sentiment, and I’m - again - I’m so sorry you had to overhear that. It’s definitely not the customer experience we want to offer here, and I apologize that your visit with us was impacted negatively. I assure you it won’t happen again.”
“You always apologize this much for stuff that’s not your fault?” He wouldn’t usually be so blunt, but that was at least the fourth time you’d said sorry in half as many minutes.
Your smirk fades into dust. “What?”
“S’just, I mean– he shouldn’t be talkin’ to employees like that, is all. I couldn’t imagine talkin’ to any of my crew that way. Bein’ in a bad mood ain’t much of a reason to chew somebody out like that.”
“You manage a grocery store, too?” “Besides, it doesn’t make for good business runnin’ it like that.”
You both talk over each other, and Joel lets out a soft chuckle.
“Oh, sorr–” You clamp your mouth shut before you can finish the dreaded word. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.” You gesture for him to continue with what he was saying.
“You didn’t interrupt. We were just talkin’ at the same time. And, uh no, can’t say I’ve got the chops to manage a grocery store, but I do alright with my construction crew. I’m a contractor.”
Recognition dawns on your face. “Oh! Right! Miller Contracting, right?”
“Joel Miller of Miller Contracting, the one and only,” he confirms with a little wink.
Christ he needed to get a grip. Settling so easily into this sort of light, flirty exchange with you might not have been a conscious choice, but the last thing he wanted was end up being another creep hitting on you in the middle of your job when you didn’t have much choice but to stand there and engage. He was sure there was no short list of men who found all sorts of stupid things to ask for help with while you were just trying to get through your shift.
That small little grin was creeping back onto your features, and he tried very hard not to stare. 
“Yeah, I didn’t recognize you without your car underneath you.”
“Well I guess we gotta work on the ‘outside the truck’ branding then.”
You glance over his shoulder to the produce section. Right. You had work to do, and he was holding you up.
“Well, uh… wish I could say I remember your name, but in all fairness I don’t think you got your name and number slapped on the side of your car for me to use as a cheat.”
“Well, I don’t think my name and number would be super visible on my bike frame, but maybe I can work out some kinda sign or something and zip tie it on there.”
You look amused, but Joel feels like an asshole. He’d seen you on a bike a million times and riding in a car approximately zero times. You probably didn’t even own a car if he had to guess. He thinks about all the unseasonable rain this past summer and wonders what you do to get to and from work on those days. Certainly not ride your bike in the pouring rain. Hopefully you caught a ride with somebody or did one of those rideshare things Sarah was always talking about.
“Oh, m’sorry abou–I didn’t mean for that to sound–”
“You always apologize for things that aren’t your fault?” Your small grin spreads into a wide smile, and Joel breathes a little sigh of relief that he hadn’t made a complete ass of himself. He’s further relieved when you refresh his memory on your name and the street you live on.
“Right. Your dad and brother live there, too. Right?”
Your face pulls tight for a second before returning to something more neutral. “That’s us,” you confirm in a brighter tone than your body language tells.
“Well, I’ll let ya get back to it.” He points his thumb behind him towards your waiting work. “It was nice talkin’ to ya. Hopefully won’t be under the same circumstances next time,” he adds with a searching glance for Jeremy.
“Yeah, definitely. It was good talking to you, Joel.” You dip your head and walk off towards produce. Joel rolls his eyes at his fumbling social skills. Since when did he get to feeling like a nervous teenager just talking to somebody in a grocery store? What was more innocuous than talking to somebody in the middle of a grocery store?
He shook his head at his awkwardness and headed to the drinks. By the time he made it back to his truck, he was going to be late no matter how many red lights he managed to avoid. Maybe he should push Jordan’s next appointment back a little next time. Just in case.
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You hadn’t meant to laugh, but it came out before you could stop it. After all, Jeremy’s soft toothed bite was a drop in the bucket of what you’d lived with your entire life. Sure, you’d been a bit nervous in the moment, but that was more Pavlovian response to a man being upset with you than any actual fear being present. Jeremy was an asshole most of the time, but it didn’t grate you like it did a lot of the other employees. You suppose you could thank your father for that built in function of desensitization to acerbic men.
You’d been seeing Joel crop up on a regular basis every week now, and it had sort of become something to look forward to. He was easy on the eyes and always polite. It was nice having that sort of certainty in a shift. Today had been the most you’d talked to him since he started showing up every week. You weren’t entirely sure if he was seeking you out the way you sought him out, but it didn’t much matter as long as you got that little boost of encouragement mid shift.
He was a captivating person, making these small microexpressions you couldn’t quite pin. You’d spent your entire life tuned into the tiniest of shifts in mood or body language so you could be prepared to keep it from changing into something unpleasant. Managing the mood of the room was always how you’d looked at it. It had become a useful tool once you started working after your mom skipped town. Yet another unintended gift from your father.
You were still trying to figure out where Joel's mind had gone to after you corrected him about not having a car of your own. It almost looked like concern, but that didn’t make a lot of sense in the context of the conversation. And then he’d gone and apologized, but you weren’t sure why. You hadn’t taken any offense to his assumption that you had a car. Most people had to have a car to get hired these days because even the bus wasn’t considered “reliable transportation.” It was a giant middle finger to anybody unfortunate enough to not have the option of a personal vehicle.
Your thoughts drifted like they often did as to who that second lemonade was for. At first you’d deluded yourself into imagining that he got two for himself, but he’d just buy the bigger size if that was the case, right? It was sort of around lunchtime when he came every week, so maybe that’s when his girlfriend was available for a little work visit. Well, you assumed girlfriend. He didn’t wear a ring. Then again, he was a contractor. Sometimes they didn’t wear jewelry when they were working for safety reasons, right?
Dissatisfied with your meandering considerations, you focused your attention onto something more certain: how absolutely and insanely handsome he was, especially up close.
The whole contracting thing made perfect sense considering he was in pretty good shape for someone in his… 40s? 50s? He had enough grays sprinkled in his curly brown hair and patchy beard. He had a sort of authority about him that spoke to knowledge earned through experience while at the same time holding an air of confidence in someone who was comfortable with themselves.
He gave you the feeling that wherever he led, you’d be safe to follow. The unassuming, kind way he held conversation had you transfixed on the spot every time. There never seemed to be anything he was going after, no specific outcome or response he was seeking, and it had you chatting back and forth in an organic, instinctive sort of way that was foreign enough to make you feel out of sorts. It was rare that you were talking to someone without following the prompts or silent directions they laid out. And if carrying yourself in talk with someone without outside pressures wasn’t enough to manage, you had to force yourself to not stare at him.
The span of his shoulders was the stuff of wet dreams. They were the sort of shoulders you imagined gave rise to the phrase “weight of the world on your shoulders” because if any could support it they’d be his. His pronounced, curved nose winded down towards rounded, pink lips. His eyes crinkled whenever he smiled, and you had never thought the idea of fainting couches was actually a thing until he graced you with one of those Joel Miller smiles.
Come to think of it, the man explained a lot of idioms and metaphors that hadn’t really made much sense to you until you’d met him. A sight for sore eyes. Take your breath away. Go weak in the knees. Head over heels. You were sure there’d be more the longer you knew him. He was the sort of person who demanded something more than plain speech. He had something innately poetic and beautiful about him, and you felt yourself wanting to know as much as he’d let you know.
Whatever you’d yet to learn about him, one thing was certain: Joel Miller was a bright spot in your otherwise pathetic life.
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“C’mon now, Jennifer. This is gonna put us in a hell of a spot,” Joel groans into the receiver.
Loud sniffles and a hiccup come through the other end. “I-I can’t s-s-see him! I’m already m-moving out this w-weekend. It’s over. He f-fucking broke my heart, Joel! I c-can’t d-deal with this! HE BROKE M-MY FUCK-FUCKING HEART!”
Joel scrubs a hand over his face. Jennifer had been a great secretary/sometimes personal assistant over the past seven years. He didn’t think too much of it when Corey started working for them a couple years ago and hit it off with her. It wasn’t long before he was turning a bit of a blind eye when they were getting a little too cozy in the office. It was happening more frequently as they were clearly going out of their way to see one another, but it wasn’t affecting anyone’s work so he let it slide. Besides, he didn’t want to be the grumpy boss dumping water all over the flame of young love.
About a year ago when Corey proposed, Joel and Tommy felt pretty good about their decision to not intervene on the budding relationship for the sake of professionalism or whatever else. Now, listening to Jennifer sobbing and quitting over the phone after she’d found out Corey had been cheating on her for a few months? Yeah, Joel is second guessing every time he maybe should’ve hit the brakes a little harder.
“Listen, Jennifer,” he pleads. “I know it’s fucked up, and I’m not makin’ excuses for him. I have every mind to kick his ass myself, but the thing is right now that you are the only thing keepin’ these books and calls and appointments together. If you quit right now, me ‘n Tommy are gonna be royally fucked.”
She lets out a new round of sobs, and Joel winces at his poor choice of words. “Listen, Jennifer, we can’t do this without yo–”
“I’m s-sorry, Joel, but you’re gonna h-have to,” she chokes out before the line goes dead.
Great. Perfect. The time of year when they catch up on all this shit, and now Corey had to go be a fucking moron about everything and wet his dick in someone who most definitely was not his fiance. Joel had tried calling Jennifer back multiple times to talk her into not quitting, but she shut him down every time. The only thing left to do was try to salvage what he could of everything she’d left behind. The phones were ringing way more than usual, and it took everything in Joel’s power to not find Corey every day and wring his neck for causing such a massive disruption.
Joel wasn’t a total stranger to all this stuff, but he hadn’t been in the throes of it for nearly a decade. Jennifer was at the helm for all this stuff for nearly 7 years, and Sarah had done most of the job before Jennifer came along. He'd taken it for granted, not having to worry about much of anything when it came to administrative stuff, and it was coming back to bite him in the ass.
Around the week and a half  mark since Jennifer quit, Joel had finally moved all the files and calendars into his home office. Most of the time he felt ready to light a match and not look back. His main focus was keeping payroll uninterrupted, staying on top of current project accounts, and following up with payments and client satisfaction.
He missed a weekly appointment with Jordan because of all this hubbub, which meant he also missed a week getting to see you. He’s tired and on edge now, but at least he has a chance of getting to see you. Mrs. Baker is fiddling with her trunk, and he isn’t sure if she just arrived or is on her way out. When she shuffles towards the driver’s seat, Joel safely assumes you’d already loaded up her car and headed back inside. “Hey there, Mrs. Baker,” he greets with as much warmth as he can muster.
“Hi, sweet boy,” she calls back. She frowns a little as if she can tell something is off, and she says as much to him. He explains the main points of his current predicament but makes sure to leave out all the details of the stripclubs and the hidden dating apps. “Aw, well that’s a shame,” Mrs. Baker tuts. “We’d be better off if there were more youth like the sweet girl who helps me with these groceries.”
“That I agree with ya on one hundred percent, ma’am.”
“Such a sweet girl. Reminds me so much of my granddaughter. You know, Ruthie? Sweet girl. Always so helpful and looking for ways to be helpful. Smart as a whip, too. Seems a little sad sometimes, but what do I know.” Joel isn’t sure if she means her granddaughter or you, but he doesn’t get the chance to ask. “Anyway, you take care now, and tell that brother of yours I said hello.”
Joel promises to do just that and heads into the cold store. Much to his delight, he doesn’t have to venture very far inside before he spots you. You spot him, too, and he swears you look happy to see him. “Hey there. Met the President of your Fan Club out in the parking lot again.”
You laugh and shake your head. “Mrs. Baker is the President of everybody’s Fan Club, I think.”
“Tell that to Sandra Bigsby from when we were about 6 or 7. Mrs. Baker couldn’t stand her. We didn’t much care for her, but it was always sorta funny to see an adult show so much dislike for a kid.”
“Oh, you know Mrs. Baker? Or, well, I guess you’ve known her your whole life?”
“Yeah, pretty close to. Went to the same church growin’ up. She and my folks were friendly.”
“Well that says something, doesn’t it? That she still remembers you all these years later?”
“Yeah, I s’pose it does,” Joel admits with a faint blush. “And, uh, she’s pretty vocal about how nice of a person you are and helpful as all get out, so there’s that, too. You know, if we’re talkin’ about her stamp of approval meanin’ somethin’.”
Your face softens into a bittersweet corner tug of the mouth, like you hadn’t heard anyone say they were proud of you for a very long time. “She’s a very nice lady,” is all you mumble in return.
“That she is,” he agrees. “And, uh, you know, good judge of character ‘n all.” The thought had already started formulating in Joel’s head: would you be somebody that could help with a few phone calls and appointments until he found a replacement for Jennifer? “It’s actually sorta funny that she’d be talkin’ about how helpful ‘n smart you are because I’m actually lookin’ for a bit of help with something right now.”
You pause and turn your attention to him fully, brow pinched in curiosity.
“Well, you know the whole Miller Contracting business. We’re actually in a bit of a bind at the moment with secretary type help. Had our girl quit outta the blue on us, so I’ve been tryna do my regular stuff on top of all the stuff she managed.”
“Oh no, that sounds awful. I’m so sorry.”
The sincerity in your voice made Joel’s chest feel tight. “Yeah, it’s been about two weeks now, and I’m about ready to pull my hair out to be honest with ya.”
“No, I’m sure it’s a lot to deal with.”
“Yeah, that’s sorta where I was goin’ with this,” he presses. “I wouldn’t suppose– I mean, I know you work real hard here ‘n all, but if you were lookin’ for somethin’ like some extra hours, I mean….”
You tilt your head and purse your lips. “I just work at the grocery store. I don’t have any skills for office work or anything,” you breathe in a self-deprecating laugh. “I’ve never done any stuff like that, really. I don’t have any experience, I guess is what I should say.”
“I mean, yeah, some of it is using computer programs and whatnot, but a lot of it is just picking up a phone and followin’ up with clients and appointments. I’m sure you know how to use a phone.” Joel scratches the back of his neck and looks off to the right to displace some of the jittery nerves he seemed to get whenever he had to hold conversation with you.
“How do you even know I’d be helpful?” You ask this like it’s a genuine question, as if you can’t fathom a scenario in which you’d possess the capabilities to do something more than what you currently do. It makes Joel feel sad for a passing moment knowing that Mrs. Baker must’ve been talking about you and not her granddaughter Ruthie when she’d said all those things: sweet girl, always so helpful, always looking for ways to be helpful, smart as a whip, seems a little sad sometimes.
If anything, it strengthened his resolve to talk you into it. “I trust Mrs. Baker, and so do you. So, if she says I’m a nice young man or whatever, and you believe that to be true, then you also gotta accept that she vouches for you as somebody that could really help me out right now.”
Something about this seems to land with you. It occurs to Joel that asking you to place the trust in someone else’s view of you is easier than trusting your own beliefs and judgments. Seems a little sad sometimes echoes again as he watches you consider his request.
“I mean, is it–I can’t cut my hours here,” you say like you’re talking yourself through it aloud. “And I don’t have a car, so if the office is – I don’t know where the office is, so if it’s kinda far off then I wouldn’t be able to get there.”
“No no, no need to cut hours,” Joel assures. “And I actually just moved all of it to my home office so I could work on it after hours, so it ain’t too far from your house.”
“Oh?” You perk up at that. “That’s actually, yeah. That could actually work, I think.”
“And I ain’t lookin’ to short ya or anything on pay. It ain’t like a personal favor or somethin’. I would pay you right,” he rushes to explain. He was glad you didn’t think it was creepy or unprofessional he was asking you to work out of his house. You didn’t seem too put off by it at all. In fact, you seemed to have rooted in something that made you almost excited about it. The tentative hope that bubbled up in you gave him a strong urge to say or do something that would give him the opportunity to do it again. And again. And again.
“No, of course not. I know you wouldn’t do that, Joel.”
God, the way his name rolled off your tongue was like butter sliding down a hot biscuit. 
“So, you need me a couple days a week or ….?”
“Ah, well, yeah I’m willin’ to take up as much of your time as you can give me, if I’m bein’ honest.”
The easy smile that spreads across your features makes Joel feel like his brain just shut off and restarted. He blinks a few times and smiles back, a loose goofy thing he hoped didn’t make him look like too much of a dope. He gets himself together enough to exchange information with you and get a rough schedule for your help over the next couple of weeks. He apologizes in advance for his training abilities, but you just laughed it off and tell him it’ll be fine.
He had a feeling you were right.
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You felt like you were flying the entire bike ride home. Not only were you going to have a secret stream of income that your father couldn’t touch, you were going to be spending more time with Joel Miller. The man who every time you talked to him it felt like you were slipping into a cozy warm bath. This type of thing was what the Kenzies of the world experienced, not you.
You tamper down your floaty feelings of happiness in case your dad was already home. The last thing you wanted was to rouse his suspicions about anything. You breathe a sigh of relief when you don't see his car in the driveway. It’s all a giddy blur getting inside and plopping down starfish onto your bed. You open your ancient slide screen phone and scroll down until you find Kenzie’s text thread.
You: how’s the job stuff going? miss u at the store :(
Kenzie: omg same :( but its going so good! ive already met so many ppl
You: I knew you’d hit it off right away typical kenzie lol
Kenzie: omg stop haha is jeremy being a tool still
You: the same so yes
Kenzie: ugh hes the worst istg
You: actually wish you’d been there the other day when he was being so loud getting on my ass that a customer overheard him
Kenzie: omg did they complain
You: no they just made sure I was okay it wasn’t like awful or anything just more awkward than anything Jeremy had always walked away
You: *already
Kenzie: was this customer a boy lol
You: no not a boy
Kenzie: aw booooo tomato tomato i thought u were gonna tell me a night in shining armor came to ur rescue
You: all I said was not a boy ;)
Kenzie: oohhhh a MAN?
You: lol yes Joel Miller
Kenzie: uuummmm mr lemonade hottie?!??!!
Kenzie: 👁️🫦👁️
You: ha ha yes
Kenzie: omg i would hav e died hes so hot
You: he was very nice :)
Kenzie: yeah ok and hot
You: I mean yeah duh
Kenzie: 💀
You: actually he offered me like a side hustle thing today
Kenzie: 👀
Kenzie: um explain pls bc that sounds kinda sus 
You: 🙄 the secretary at his contractor business quit I guess so he needs some help with phonecalls and stuff until he can hire somebody else
Kenzie: ummm he could just hire u 🤨
You: I don’t have the experience for that no way
Kenzie: u could learn in like 2 secs
You: yeah I guess we’ll find out soon
Kenzie: when do u start
You: next Tuesday
Kenzie: ok when he offers u the job pls let me be there when u quit in jeremys face bc i wanna see it 
You: yeah okay kenzie 😐
Kenzie: look at us out here becoming business professionals omg love that
You: you’re crazy lol
Kenzie: i know 💃
You laugh to yourself and let the phone slide beside you on the mattress. It felt nice to finally have something good to share with somebody.
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The agonizing wait for Tuesday finally passes. You have the day off, and Joel shifted his schedule around to dedicate the entire day to showing you the ropes. You waited for your dad to leave for work and then biked over to Joel’s.
“Mornin’,” he greets warmly.
“Hey, how’s it going,” you return.
“Bit better now that I got somebody else to help with this clusterfuck.” He stills for a moment like maybe he shouldn’t be speaking to a quasi employee with such coarse language.
You wave a dismissive hand in his direction as he gestures for you to come inside. “I’m not going to tell you how to talk in your own home, Joel.”
And what a home it is. The space is muted but cozy, all earth tones like things grow and flourish here. Like the stories the walls hold are those of good times passed and good times to come. It makes your heart ache in such a distinct way, longing for something you don’t even know.
“It’s a bit of a mess, sorry,” he apologizes.
“It’s really nice here, actually.” 
He offers you coffee, which you politely decline. He shows you his makeshift setup in his home office, and you spend the first few hours together just familiarizing yourself with the basics of the operation. You listen intently, categorizing and organizing every bit of information he shares. You’re determined to prove yourself, even if this isn’t a long-term thing. You watch his eyes squint when he’s explaining something more detailed. You watch the way his large hands grip so delicately around the mug of coffee, voided pitch black and bitter for a man who conveys neither attribute himself.  You watch how his lips purse and flatten as he takes the time to explain things to you, pausing every now and then to make sure you’re understanding what he’s saying.
If watching wasn’t distracting enough, his shoulders would bump into yours every now and again when he’d lean forward to point out something on the laptop screen. His knees would knock against yours or a thigh would rub when he’d reach across you for a second to tap a few keys on the far end from him. The smell of him was intoxicating when he rested an arm along the back of your chair to lean in and explain something on the screen. It was a heady almost floral – no, citrus – sort of scent, mixed with an earthy bit of coffee and moss and woodwork.
The programs themselves seemed straightforward enough, but navigating and manipulating them was where the struggle would lie. Despite his hesitance at training you on all this, he had an amazing knack for adjusting his communication closer and closer each time to what was most comprehensible to you. It felt intimate in a way, his ability and desire to modify himself just so that it might be an easier undertaking for you.
By the time you get to lunch, you feel almost dizzy in the space with him. When he excuses himself for a minute to take a call from Tommy, you take the first deep breath you’ve had in a long time. You busy yourself with something so he doesn’t return to find you being lazy. You look over Jennifer’s physical calendar books and contacts. She has such legible, neat handwriting. Different bits of information are written in different colored inks – a sort of profiling system, you think.
At the bottom of each contact’s field on the page, there’s a small purple note. It’s always something random written there, no discernible pattern other than tidbits of personal information one might use to individualize an interaction. Factoids about a birthday or a vacation spot with a year next to it. Little snippets like do not call after 2 pm! or observes both Christmas and Hanukkah. Reminders like friends of the family and send copy to wife.
Besides all the helpful Purple Prompts – what you deemed them to yourself after reading the 6th or 7th one – the account overviews are also immaculately organized. The dread of getting anywhere near close to this level of competency starts to creep up on you and pull down. You push it away and focus again.
“Yeah, those are her handwritten things,” Joel announces as he walks through the door. “I haven’t gone over those much if I’m bein’ honest. Mostly just been tryna keep all the digital stuff goin’.”
“She’s very tidy,” you note.
“Definitely had all our ducks in a row,” he agrees. “That’s the downside, I guess, of havin’ somebody so damn good at their job. When they leave, it takes multiple people to do a poor imitation of ‘em.”
You grimace slightly at his remark, which prompts him to hastily add, “Not that you’re a poor imitation of anybody! I just meant it– you know– listen, you’re doin’ great.” He runs a hand through his hair, mussing it even more than it already was. Bits of silver catch in the light when he tilts his head. There was something so attractive about a man who wasn’t afraid to let his grays come through. Not holing himself up in the bathroom every week for 20 minutes with a bottle of Just For Men and a beer while he painted away any traces of wisdom and experience.
“Do I have somethin’ in my hair?” he worries as he runs his hand through it again. You realize you’re staring.
“Oh, no! It looks great!” you squeak out in embarrassment. “You look great. Very handsome.” Your eyes bug out in shock at the casual compliment word vomit. You turn in your chair quickly and busy yourself with the laptop. Joel just chuckles softly and settles into his chair next to you.
“Wow, brown nosin’ the boss already, huh?” he teases. “You better watch out before I start fishin’ for compliments.”
“I wasn’t–I didn’t mean to–I’m sorry,” you stutter.
“Hey now, I’m just kiddin’. It’s good for an old man like me to have his ego boosted every now and then, right?”
You snort and shake your head but keep your eyes glued to the laptop screen where you’re busy doing a whole bunch of nothing. “You’re not even old.”
“Okay, now you’re really just butterin’ me up.”
“No, I swear. You don’t look old. To me.” Your face feels like it’s a million degrees and counting.
“Oh? Can I get that in writing?” he laughs. “Would come in handy to show Sarah the next time she gives me grief for my creaky knees.”
“Oh yeah, that’s your daughter, right? The one who did all this before Jennifer?”
“That’s the one, yep,” he confirms. “Little shit gives me a hard time any chance she gets. Between her ‘n Tommy I’m tempted to say it’s borderline bullying.”
You giggle at his tellings of family and downtime and home life. It sounds nice. “Oh come on, you can’t be that old.”
A glint of amusement dances in his eyes, mouth tugging up in one corner. “Go on. Give me your best guess.”
You scoff and get a little nervous. You don’t want to offend him. Truth is, it wouldn’t matter if he was old. He was kind and sweet and drop dead gorgeous. He motions for you to wager your guess. “Um. I dunno. Um. Fourty…. three?”
He tuts and leans back as if to take in all your audacity at guessing so low. “Oh c’mon now, give me a real guess.”
“That was a real— ugh, okay. Um. I mean. I dunno, fifty six?”
“Now you’re just gettin’ wild with it,” he busts out in a deep laugh. 
You fidget your hands in your lap, fingers picking at imaginary pieces of dead skin hanging off of them. You’d never really been good at telling people’s ages, and this felt like a test you were failing somehow. “Well, I don’t know! I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. It was stupid.”
“Aw, don’t say that, sweetheart. You’re not stupid, not one bit. I’m just teasin’ you. I’m comin’ up on 50 in a coupla weeks, actually.”
Sweetheart. It had poured from his mouth like a thick nectar, burning a sugary halo into your ear.
“Oh, happy birthday!” you say in a way-too-breathy-to-be-appropriate voice.
He waves you off but thanks you anyway. “See, you sorta had it. Just in between the first and the second number, yeah? You weren’t too far off. No need to feel bad or anything like that. And certainly no reason to feel stupid.”
“Okay, gotcha,” you agree quickly in the hopes that he’ll stop complimenting you. 
“Besides, you’re what? Twenty… er, twenty?” he offers weakly.
It’s your turn to roll your eyes at his ridiculous guess. 
“Hey now, it’s different for ladies,” he protests with an impish smile.
“I’m the ripe old age of twenty three,” you hum with a shrug. "Twenty four in a few months."
“Christ, you’re makin’ me feel ancient now. Sarah was already born by the time I was twenty three.”
“No, I think that’s just a generation thing. My parents had us young, too.” Your stomach clenches at the conversational transition to your family. If Joel notices your odd change in posture or behavior, he doesn’t say anything.
“Hm, maybe. Maybe so,” he agrees. “Well, it’s due time for a little break. You don’t have to stay in here – unless you feel more comfortable doin’ that.”
You realize you didn’t pack anything to eat. “Um, I think I’ll actually just, uh, head back home for a little bit if that’s okay. I forgot to pack anything to eat like a moron,” you huff in self-directed impatience.
“You ain’t dumb. Quit sayin’ that. It’s worse than you apologizin’ all the time,” he gently chides. “Just come on down to the kitchen with me, and I’ll make you a sandwich or somethin’.”
Your mouth hangs open for a moment in surprise at his earnest appeal for you to not tear yourself down. It was a far cry from your usual day to day. “Okay, but only if you’re sure?”
He lobs one of those devastating smiles your way. “Very sure. Let’s go.”
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He hasn’t made somebody else a sandwich since Sarah was probably in her late teens. He’s overthinking it now: how do you fold the ham so it sits right? What angle does the cheese go? He assembles it in the most presentable way he can manage, but he doubts you’d have any complaints. You don’t seem like the type to complain, even if it might be warranted. Even if you might want to.
At first it just read as polite and good home training, but the more he’s around you the more he feels like it’s just a veneer. Not that you wouldn’t be kind and considerate of your own accord, but the inclination to do so feels very much forced at times, like there’s some small voice in your ear constantly dictating which move should come next. Sometimes you get flustered at some perceived wrongdoing on your part, all imagined, and Joel just hopes he isn’t unconsciously doing something to make you feel so nervous.
It’d hit him like a lead cloud when you came into his home and looked around as if it was some sort of breathtaking sanctuary. He felt the waves of immediate, riveted comfort rolling off you. And then that small smile of yours when you’d said it’s nice here, actually, the one that plays so timid on your mouth like you’ve taken a lot of nerve to speak whatever words fell from your lips. He couldn’t help but soften and drink it in. 
He tried so, so hard to not stare at you while he was trying to go over the basics of the company and its workings. Every unintentional bump or glide against you felt like a scorching surge of electricity straight through him. And your face when you were concentrating, how you’d sometimes nibble on your lower lip when you were listening really hard to something he was saying. He’d had to look away a few times when his cock started kicking against his thigh in appreciation.
But then you’d gone and done that thing again where you talk down to yourself. Sorry this, stupid that. He hoped he wasn’t making you feel that way. He wanted to see that same smile that softened your face when you’d first arrived. He kept lunchtime light on conversation, letting you take the lead on it. Turns out you’re a bit like himself in that you don’t feel the need to fill every moment of silence with something. The comfortable silence felt nice, though. It wasn't often he could just sit with somebody and enjoy solitude together. It was a different sort of peace to have that with someone.
Eventually he spoke up, though, not wanting to give an impression that he didn’t want to talk to you. You seemed more relaxed now, and it warmed his blood to think he might’ve had something to do with that. You’re agreeable, as always, when he mentions pay at first might just be an under the table situation until he figures out if he needs to - or is capable of - adding another employee to the roster. You seem perfectly fine with his cash offer. In fact, he thinks you seem to be relieved in a way. He’s not sure what to make of that, but he doesn’t spend too much time on it. Not when you’re sitting across from him smiling about something and laughing under your breath as you tell him some random little tidbit.
Every morsel feels like a feast, but you? You’ve made a glutton out of him. He might be able to drink you until he’s sick, but he doesn’t think he could ever drink enough of you to be satisfied.
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You hope and pray that baking Joel a cake for his birthday isn’t too weird. Now that you’re standing in front of his door, the same door you’ve frequented over the past few weeks since you started, you sort of wish you hadn’t done a lemonade flavor cake. It felt sort of personal but in a forced way. You should’ve just went with chocolate or something and made it less pushy and awkward.
But you forget all about that when he opens the door for you and erupts into the biggest smile you’ve ever seen when he spots the confection. He grabs it up like he’s elated and eager and over the moon at your silly little gesture. Your eyes flit to where his band t-shirt flexes against the bulge of his bicep and tugs across his chest. Your eyes wander down to the curvature and fit of his jeans against his hips and thighs as you follow behind him into the kitchen. The denim clings and pulls as he bends towards the counter to set the cake down. You can feel the heat on your chest creeping up your neck.
“This is just– thank you,” he says in earnest.
You smile back at him and shrug. “Just thought I’d brown nose the boss some more, you know?”
His whole face lights up at your gentle teasing. “Well, it’s working.”
“Would it undo it if I said I didn’t want to put candles on there because I didn’t want to risk burning the house down? Fifty is a lot, you know.”
He breaks into a deep belly laugh at that. “Sarah would give you a gold star for that one.”
He grabs you up into a loose, friendly hug. Your hand shoots to his chest and snakes up in a fraction of a second. He pulls back, still smiling, and rubs your back. “Thank you. Really.”
“It’s nothing,” you insist.
You both pull away from one another and eat a slice of cake.
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It’s nearly the end of the month, and Joel has a growing funny feeling lodged in his chest. Once he thought it, he couldn’t unthink it. Once it crossed his mind, it had boomeranged back and rooted itself firmly into place and exploded. You look like you belong here in his home. It melded around you as if you’d always been a part of it - were meant to be here -  and what was worse was every time you were here it felt like a missing piece had come back to fill the empty space left behind. 
He wishes he could blame it on that hug when you’d brought him cake for his birthday, when your hand grazed across his chest and left a blazing fire in its place. But, no, it had started before that, and it was only getting worse. He listens to you now taking on a sometimes alright sometimes difficult client. They were behind schedule on starting a project for him. He was a repeat customer, but he was no nonsense about things.
“No, of course, Mr. Dillard. And I hate that all this is going on when I know it’s probably a tough time for you, too,” you say softly into the landline in his home office.
There’s some gruff sound on the other end.
“Oh, I apologize. I just– Joel had mentioned about Duke passing last year, and I know the first anniversary of something like that can be so difficult.”
Joel’s head cocks to attention at that. He hadn’t said any such thing. He leans in closer to listen to whatever it is that you’re concocting. There’s a long pause and then softer speaking.
“Oh, of course. I’m sorry if I shouldn’t have said anything– Oh– no, right —”
Another pause and a muted voice. You nod your head and purse your lips in agreement and faux understanding even though Mr. Dillard can’t see it.
“He mentioned it when I told him you were on my list of clients to call next. He has a memory I would kill for, I swear. And he’s always had a soft spot for dogs– oh my god, don’t tell him I said that, though. He might kill me if I’m going around telling everyone he loves fluffy puppies,” you giggle.
He hears what sounds like gentle laughter over the receiver before more unintelligible comments.
“No, and we appreciate how wonderful everyone is being about it. We’ve certainly been trying to put on a brave face, you know. She feels terrible about having to exit like that, but we keep telling her she absolutely should be focused on her health right now.”
More garbled conversation on the other end.
“Well I’m not at liberty to say, but I cannot express how much that means to us that you’re asking after her. I just know she appreciates all the support with how fast everything happened. Yeah. MMmhhhmmm. Yes, your thoughts and prayers mean so much to us, and I will definitely let her know that you are thinking about her.” 
Joel’s jaw would’ve been on the floor if possible. Mr. Dillard was okay for the most part, but god could he be a jerk if you caught him in the wrong mood. Here you were pulling some story outta your ass that had him doing a 180º and asking after Jennifer’s health after her brisk departure.
“Okay, now. I’ll be back in touch very soon, Mr. Dillard. Alright. You take care now. Buh-bye.”
You set the receiver down and scribble a few quick notes in purple ink. He doesn’t remember when he’d bought a purple pen. Had you bought that to just keep up with Jennifer’s established system?
“You’re amazing,” he laughs – an incredulous tone.
You knock him out with one of those bright smiles of yours.
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tagging a few people who showed interest (lmk if you wanna be removed):
@witchy-and-persnickity @sheepdogchick3 @tuquoquebrute @ellenmunn @akah565 @goodwithcheese @koshkaj-blog @umnitsa @ellenmunn @jupiter-soups @pastelnap @fadajnaoqkzalq @confusedpuffin @zooty-and-fruity @drunk-and-capable @cumberpegg @witchy-and-persnickity @persephone-girl @lovelyjess69 @verybigvag @nutterbitter @sunshinehaze1 @tuquoquebrute @beelzebeth87
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esseastri · 4 months
Bookbinding Commissions!
Hello fronds!
I'm a little short of income (and job hunting is slowly killing me), so I'm opening up Bookbinding Commissions!
If you are interested in commissioning me for a custom-designed, hand-made, hand-lettered, hand-drawn book cover, hooray!! and thank you! You can do so by emailing me at [email protected]!
You can find examples of my work here! (This includes the somewhat famous This Is How You Lose the Time War red-and-blue cover.)
Commission options include:
Custom Cover: $100usd. Hand-crafted hardcover case for your favorite paperback book! Can also be applied to blank journals for an extra $25.
Comics Bind-Up: $200usd. Combine your single-issue comic books into one or more volumes with a hand-crafted hardcover case. Can also be applied to printed-out fanfiction, with the fanfic author's permission!
Full Series Matched Set: $150 +25usd per book. Matching hand-crafted hardcovers for your favorite paperback series!
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All payments will be in US dollars and made through Paypal.
If you want to give your favorite book the fancy new dress it deserves, please email me! I want to work with you to make a beautiful object!!
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scarlet--wiccan · 10 months
Do you think there’s a meaningful distinction between “witches” and other magic users in the marvel universe (beyond, potentially, gender)?
Witch and warlock are obviously treated more or less as gender-swapped synonyms and both have somewhat negative connotations that don’t get associated with people like Dr Strange (afaik), but I feel like there might be more to it, I’m just not sure. Calling Nico or Billy a witch feels more accurate than calling Cleo or Victor a witch, but I can’t figure out if this is grounded in anything besides my own opinion
Yes, actually! We can identify social, cultural, mythical and practical factors distinguishing "witches" from other types of magicians. However, those distinctions are not always clear. As you noted, the word "witch" is often used very broadly to describe any female spellcaster. As a reader, you'll have to rely on context to determine whether the writer is denoting a specific type of magician, or just using gendered language.
Functionally speaking, all forms of magic are basically interchangeable. Most spellcasters have the same powers and abilities, and writers don't always put in the effort to make them feel unique. That doesn't necessarily bother me, so long as they are tailoring the language and imagery to suit each character's background, but that doesn't happen as often as I'd like. Again, you'll just need to use critical thinking to figure out when a lack of distinction is really just a lack of creativity and effort.
With that out of the way, let's break down what we do know about witchcraft, and the history of witches, in the Marvel world!
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Social: Witches have historically gathered in covens, settlements and societies, and have even endured literal witch-hunts. In real life, this is not quite the truth, but it Marvel comics, we can say that witches comprise distinct societies which suffer distinct forms of persecution. We also know that many witches belong to a magical lineage, and that these witch families often use a special naming convention to identify themselves with unique colors and symbols, indicating that witches have unique customs and traditions setting them apart.
Cultural: In Marvel comics, all forms of magical or spiritual folk practice are literally real, in the same way that all mythologies and polytheistic religions are literally real-- Asgard is a real place, Thor is a real person, and spells have real power. Witchcraft is typically represented as a form of European folk magic. Other traditions, such as vodou, voodoo, and multiple forms of Indigenous spirituality have also been demonstrated, and are often grouped together, along with witchcraft, under a broad category of "cultural magic." As shown in Midnight Suns, many of these traditions from around the world have a certain shared history, as the Coven at Mount Wundagore included representatives from numerous cultures.
Mythological: "Witchcraft" itself exists as an abstract entity, like Death, Nightmare, or Eternity. She is the source of witchcraft's power, but also a symbolic representation of all witches and the natural balance of magic, and she is sometimes worshipped as a goddess. Witchcraft resides at the heart of the Witches' Road, an Inner Plane uniquely accessible to witches that transcends time and is connected to many of the mythical realms. Witchcraft may also be intrinsically connected to chaos magic-- ancient witches were responsible for binding and harnessing Earth's natural chaos magic; Witchcraft, the entity, is shown consorting with an abstract Chaos entity; and we know that Wundagore and the Darkhold are connected to many cults and covens throughout history.
Practical: Unfortunately, this is the weakest area. For a brief time, Wanda's magical practice borrowed a lot of Wiccan motifs, which was problematic in its own right, but in modern comics, we just don't get to see enough of how witches, specifically, do magic. Most characters who practice some form of traditional magic have a closer connection to natural elements and the spirit world, and they may have particular powers related to their background. Doctor Voodoo is a great example, although the actual depiction of his culture is deeply flawed. Scarlet Witch (2015) introduced certain unique abilities, such as witches' sight; specific mechanics around the cost of magic; and a style of spellcasting that relied on Wanda's knowledge of real-world languages and magical symbols. Billy and Nico also use varying degrees of wordplay, so I like this approach and I would focus on building that into a cohesive magical system if I was a writer.
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bleaksqueak · 5 months
sorry weird question but does things like gender reassignment work differently in the veil? They know how to do surgery im assuming but are they more advanced with the utilisation of magic? related question which was anwsered for prothetics im pretture sure though I wasnt able to find anything on other mobility aids so I was wondering if there were things of the sort that are more advanced than ours/different feel free to ignore if this gets touched on in the comic, I just thought it might be unlikely (which might be an incorrect assumption sorry) and was curious
That isn't a weird question, no worry! So, while surgery is sometimes necessary for certain dire situations where magic alone cannot aid (or, for example, someone has expended all of their aetheric capabilities during the middle of an emergency), Magi and Maven both often rely on both restorative and surgical magics and potionry for medical assistance, using practical medical tools and practices in unison when needed. With that said, things like gender reassignment are taken care of by the veil's apothecaries! The more simplistic potions aren't dissimilar to the glamour potions Maia (illicitly) sells-- things like hair, nails and skin care are available to the patient's desire, from rugged to fair and all in-between. The brews are made custom and exact, though some ready-mades exist, those are more akin to normal shampoos and aren't for, say, quickly growing a full bushom beard or flowing locks. The more complex brews are what outworlders would consider to be gender reassignment. These can only be made by exceptionally skilled, Eidolic magi as they require working with a variety of exceedingly potent Liminal ingredients and using a sample of the patient's pure aether to use within the brew itself as the core binding. The liminal species required for this brew only grows in the deep zones where reality seems to ebb and flow, thinking of itself more a suggestion than a fact, so any apothecaries or botanists looking to harvest often need to seek the assistance of a pair of reapers when their stocks have run low since this exact species and others who grow alongside it are exceedingly difficult to grow in even an Eidolon's garden. Difficulty in making and obtaining aside, the brew can be flavored-- thankfully, so it's a pleasant experience to drink alongside the comfort of finding oneself soon. The lasting effects of each type of potion varies (Nightingale's Hymn, a potion for a softer voice, must be taken daily for example), so upkeep is required. Old texts point towards seemingly miraculous, permanent healings and permanent transformations into one's true self, but either the techniques used by the ancient magi responsible for these splendors have long since been lost, or it's a load of Baloney scrawled down by a bunch of ancient lush bastards.
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fancyfade · 9 months
Anyway, more in custom hardbacks:
I bound together the Knight Terrors comics I bought into my own little unofficial omni
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This is the book block/comics sewn together before I put them in the book and finished the spine. it's the last comics I sewed together with the regular thread my family had before I bought fancy heavy duty book binding thread, which i like much better.
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completed book. I'm using white buckram covers which are easy to label. Right now the covers serve as storage/protection for valuable comics, It's possibly I'll try fancier ones later.
You may be like "was knight terrors even good enough to make a hardcover book out of it?" well the answer is no but it was the first time I tried sewing together this many comics, so it was good practice, and I had all the comics already anyway :P This way it's like an omni but it doesn't have the tie-ins for characters I dont' care about.
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This day in history
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#20yrsago TiVo’s new PC-viewing deliberately broken https://memex.craphound.com/2004/01/09/tivos-new-pc-viewing-deliberately-broken/
#20yrsago Doc Brite’s “fans” lock him out of fan-board for his own fiction https://docbrite.livejournal.com/2004/01/02/
#20yrsago Why can’t Homeland Security tell the difference between Al Quaeda and small children? https://www.salon.com/2008/08/11/security/
#15yrsago China’s astroturf army http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7783640.stm
#15yrsago Abandoned Prime Minister’s mansion in Beirut — infiltration photos https://www.flickr.com/photos/poisonbabyfood/sets/72157612306706777/
#15yrsago Mandelbrot the fractal teddy-bear https://web.archive.org/web/20090118205736/https://buttonsformouse.blogspot.com/2008/12/mandelbrot-fractal-bear.html
#10yrsago Google Glass is a borg mullet https://web.archive.org/web/20140208050826/https://medium.com/the-nib/4ac09b78f0bb
#10yrsago Insane Clown Posse and ACLU sue FBI over calling juggalos a gang https://www.techdirt.com/2014/01/08/insane-clown-posse-sues-fbi-calling-juggalos-gang/
#10yrsago When the FBI asks you to weaken your security so it can spy on your users https://www.pcmag.com/news/what-its-like-when-the-fbi-asks-you-to-backdoor-your-software
#10yrsago Great Firewall of Cameron: the worst of all worlds for British parents https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jan/08/david-cameron-great-firewall
#10yrsago Brilliant NSA scandal illustrations https://www.wired.com/2014/01/how-the-us-almost-killed-the-internet/
#10yrsago More experts pull out of RSA conference https://jeffreycarr.blogspot.com/2014/01/nsas-10m-rsa-contract-origins.html
#10yrsago Sardine in Outer Space: anarchic kids’ science fiction comic https://memex.craphound.com/2014/01/09/sardine-in-outer-space-anarchic-kids-science-fiction-comic/
#10yrsago EU invites Snowden testimony https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-25669448
#5yrsago Bell Canada asks Canadians for permission to harvest and sell their browsing, location, viewing and other data https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bell-customer-data-1.4969066
#5yrsago Medieval book opens six ways, revealing six different texts https://erikkwakkel.tumblr.com/post/74300240443/six-books-one-binding-heres-something-special
#5yrsago Cambridge Analytica pleads guilty, faces the first in a probable series of criminal convictions https://www.thedailybeast.com/cambridge-analytica-pleads-guilty-in-uk-data-trial
#5yrsago Samsung phone owners are upset because they can’t delete the Facebook app https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-08/samsung-phone-users-get-a-shock-they-can-t-delete-facebook
#5yrsago Someone’s finally going to jail over the Panama Papers: a Turkish journalist who reported true facts from them https://www.theguardian.com/news/2019/jan/09/journalist-pelin-unker-sentenced-to-jail-in-turkey-over-paradise-papers-investigation
#5yrsago A history of the sprawling personality clashes over RSS https://www.vice.com/en/article/a3mm4z/the-rise-and-demise-of-rss
#5yrsago American towns survive by fining poor people, and use debtors’ prisons to make them pay https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/08/magazine/cities-fine-poor-jail.html
#5yrsago LA school district prepares for teachers' strike with army of expensive scabs https://www.latimes.com/local/education/la-me-edu-teachers-strike-staffing-20190107-story.html,/a>
#5yrsago Serbia erupts in nationwide protests after assassination attempts prompt fears of fascist resurgence https://globalvoices.org/2019/01/09/belgrade-protests-against-serbian-president-aleksandar-vucic-escalate-to-nationwide-demos/
#5yrsago Saudi law now requires sending a text to women after their husbands secretly divorce them https://www.loweringthebar.net/2019/01/saudi-women-text-message-divorce.html
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frc-ambaradan · 2 years
Let's rewind 73 years and 3499 issues back to Topolino #1
Times were dire in 1949. Italy had just exited II World War in... erm... not the best shape 🙄. Italian currency, the lira, had fall to about a 30th of its pre-war value. People had barely the money to buy food, let alone newspapers or -god forbid!- comics.
Saving money was publishers code word. Milan based publishing house Mondadori had just resumed printing Topolino after two years of stop due to the war (they acquired it in 1935 from Nerbini), and in 1949 sales had dropped: it was time to cut the costs. What better way than to put to work some unused rotary presses?
The previous year Mondadori started publishing an italian version of the Reader's Digest (the Selezione dal Reader's Digest), which was a monthly publication, that meant the rotary presses bought specifically to print it had a substantial idle time. Maybe they could use them to print Topolino?
Well, yes... but there comes the problem: the Selezione dal Reader's Digest had a completely different format that newspaper size Topolino.
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Selezione dal Reader's Digest #8 dated May 1949
It was Arnoldo Mondadori's brilliant intuition to transform the big, inconvenient newspaper into a smaller digest size comic book with Disney stories only.
Starting from Topolino #737, Mondadori began advertising the big changes that were about to come. Changes that would affect not only the size of the publication but its frequency too: Topolino wouldn't be a weekly publication any more but a monthly one.
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Inside page of Topolino (newspaper) #738 announcing the big changes!
Issue #738 was the last one in newspaper format. In April 1949 comes a totally new magazine starting over from issue #1: it's a little booklet of 100 pages, sized 12,5×17,8cm with a bright red cover dominated by a joyous Mickey Mouse dressed as a band conductor . It was the beginning of a new age.
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At Mondadori, though, they were not entirely convinced about the success of the operation. Such big changes tend to scare customers away, especially if you consider the price increase from 15 to 60 lire! But it was those same customers to prove them wrong (I mean, was Arnoldo Mondadori ever wrong?).
The readers loved the new Topolino. Sales increased rapidly and already in issue #8 readers could find a postcard in which the publisher asked them how would they feel about Topolino becoming a fortnightly publication? Just asking... :D
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So... "Do you want Topolino to become fortnightly? Write YES or NO in the box to the right"
Topolino became fortnightly in 1952 and in 1960 it was back to be a weekly magazine. From 1961 it is fully in color and in 1967 it acquires its signature yellow spine.
Topolino #1 had a circulation of about 100.000 copies. Despite the wide diffusion a mint copy of it, nowadays, it's worth around 2000€ that's mainly because it's HIGHLY sought-after.
(Obviously a reprint of) Topolino #1 😜
The first story of Topolino #1 is actually the 27th and last chapter of Guido Martina's "Topolino e il cobra bianco". The story was previously published on Topolino newspaper from issue number 713 to 738. And this issue also marks the debut of Eega Beeva in Italy by publishing Floyd Gottfredson's story "The Man of Tomorrow".
Mondadori kept publishing Topolino up until 1988 with minimal changes and even after that the magazine basically remained untouched. The biggest difference between today's issue #3500 and 1949's #1 it's the binding, and the modern Topolino is a bit larger.
We can undoubtedly affirm that Arnoldo Mondadori is the father of Topolino as we know it today. And we must thank him if Topolino is the most long running comic book in Italy (sorry, Tex, but the years spent in newspaper format DO COUNT 😏).
Here's a list of the stories published on Topolino #1 (worth to be noted, Martina's "Topolino e il cobra bianco" is the only italian one: the italian Disney school was just at the beginning):
Topolino e il cobra bianco The Man of Tomorrow Gladstone Returns Brer Rabbit Bucky Bug as fire fighter Li'l Bad Wolf - Red Riding Hoodwinked Pluto saves the ship The Old Castle's Secret
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From left to right: Arnoldo Mondadori, Topolino's editor-in-chief Mario Gentilini and Walt Disney in Milan during the Salone del Bambino book fair (September 1965). Source.
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falloutghoulzine · 2 years
What is a zine anyway?: An informative post in two parts.
It's not terribly uncommon for us to receive interest from folks who admit they've never even heard of zines; they simply know they like being involved in community events and ours sounds fun! So we figured we could compile a brief introduction to zines and what a zine production process might look like.
Part 1: Zines vs Fanzines
The word “zine(s)” comes from a shortened version of “magazine” and thus is typically pronounced like the back half of the word.
Zines historically have been independently made and published by artists, writers, and other creatives to cover a variety of subjects for a variety of reasons. They can range from political essays to existential thoughts to experimental comics and so forth. If you can put images and/or text into a printed format, you can make a zine about it!
It's very typical for zines to either be hand made or photo-copied and folded, stitched, or stapled together into booklets or pamphlets. Some get creative with the size and shape! Consider an indie one-off comic screen printed onto a rolled up strip of fabric for example. They can be created by a single person or by a collaboration of multiple people.
Sometimes they're handed out for free, traded for other zines, or sold in stores or at art shows, conventions, or zine festivals. Some are even mailed out!
However a trend that has relatively recently cropped up among fandom oriented communities is what some distinguish as a “fanzine.” This isn't to say that zines can't be or aren't sometimes about fandom related content or inspirations, but generally speaking you're going to be a little more hard pressed to find the sort of project we're putting together at a zine festival.
Fanzines are rarely solo work and generally put out a call for applications or submissions from other fans, typically for artwork. They'll usually focus on a single franchise or merge a couple. Sometimes a theme is added such as cooking, fashion, or pinups.
It's not unusual for a fanzine to be either strictly digital format (PDFs) or to go ahead and have printed copies made with a professional printing and binding company. They tend to range 20+ pages with stapled or 'perfect' binding (pages glued together and into the cover) and often are printed in full color. Many also offer additional options to their customers such as merchandise packages that can include mini prints, stickers, buttons, on up to acrylic charms and enamel pins or more!
Sometimes to fund the project, fanzine organizers will hold a preorder period via online shops or even run a Kickstarter campaign. These funds of course go toward producing the zine and any related extras, but sometimes they also go toward paying the contributors or are donated to charity causes.
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jaythelay · 3 months
See the thing is it's not like I have the ability to see the future.
I can just see the rudie goldberg machine's mechanics and how it functions and tell you exactly what it'll fucking do. I don't let the fucking majesty of it cloud the judgement of final product.
But it really is just amazing how ALL I'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT is how bad game preservation is, how shit products are made, The Broom Example Never Stopped Working.
And here we fucking are! Even more examples! Like holy hell, Crowbcat's videos on console and shit are painfully accurate. Shit is just made like shit now.
My Gamecube fell down a flight of stairs and rolled like a dramatic die on my gram mama's concrete garage, It Still Works.
Steam Deck. 1 month being modded and games being put on it. 1 month pulling it out to actually play them. 5 months between, in my closet, in the original, fucking, case.
Gaming ain't worth getting into. I'm a bit fucking scared of my 3090, motherboard, CPU, and Ram now, because that was the last thing I ever got for my computer since the 1080. That was 2 years ago.
What's the average lifespan of shit? Because I avoid buying shit for exactly this reason, it's made cheap, it's made quick, there's absolutely no quality control, and nobody gives a shit, if it's, in prospect, interesting, then it gets a pass.
The fact is the SteamDeck is not a portable device. It cannot handle more than maybe 5 hours of gameplay before reaching 20%, the harder the game you play, the worse that battery gets, noticeably, Baldur's Gate 3 practically tanked the battery permanently.
The SD card I got in juts out and is genuinely so hot it could cause a fire and cause longterm skin damage upon prolonged contact.
Setting. Everything. Up. Is. More. Work. Than it ever should be. Some things admittedly are just click and go, most things, are not, and require you to use the terminal, and the codes to put in, make no fucking sense and 90% of the time! Don't work!
Everything needs to be put on your desktop to work. I'm dead serious like where your wallpaper is? If you want it to work? Has to be there. Or on Steam.
It's not usable in bed that's for fucking sure. It's too big and heavy, it's hard to find any position that feels comfortable other than on the fucking toilet, so you know, sitting, like, consider at a desk, except with a mouse a key- Fucking what is the point????? Portable????
Lightbleed. Dear. God. The Light Bleed.
Shit just stops working. Every update breaks any and all customization, do NOT bother with anything visual as it will break.
The SteamDeck's Gaming Mode UI is abysmal. It's just bad. It's leagues above modern consoles but that's not even a compliment, you can spit on your own shit and it'd be better than the horseshit they took from the street. It's still awful to navigate.
It's comically amateur. To pull up the keyboard you need to press Steam+X, it is exceedingly hard to find these bindings when you need to and generally you're going to google it, On Your Computer or Phone. Most of these bindings just show the sheer density of how out of their scope they really are. This device was not meant to have a desktop mode. And the fact the device was fine until I launched into it, is further evidence of such.
You're just always fucked if something stops working. Everyone has a "theory" and none of them work. Hundreds and hundreds of dead forums posts and bumps from desperate ops.
Seriously I can't stress enough how bad Linux is for the average user. You're better off teaching every human to fish than you are to get 30% of the population to respect Linux
It also hardcaps to 800p in desktop mode which makes steamlink on PC (Trust me you're gonna want PC controls!!!!! As Always YOU'RE GONNA BE AT A FUCKING DESK) feel very awkward and too big. Don't get me started on the size of the windows. Oh my god. Go back, go back to school.
Otherwise it works for gaming. I just. Can't recommend it. It's a pathetic heap. There it stays, forever. In my closet.
Where it was Last Month, and the month before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and then I got the thing!
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kendricklabsinc · 6 months
Advances in Immunoblot Western Blot Technology
If you've ever wondered how scientists play detective with proteins, enter Immunoblot Western Blotting - a technique that helps researchers identify specific proteins in a sample. It's like finding Waldo in a sea of stripes, only way cooler and much more scientifically sound.
Evolution of Immunoblot Technology in Biomedical Research
From its humble beginnings to a pivotal role in modern research, Immunoblot technology has come a long way. It's like the superhero origin story of the science world - once an underdog, now a powerhouse in the fight against protein mysteries.
Overview of Kendrick Labs Inc
Company Background and Mission
Kendrick Labs Inc isn't just your average lab - it's a hub of innovation, committed to advancing scientific discovery. Think of them as the cool nerds of the science world, rocking lab coats and breaking boundaries like it's nobody's business.
Key Products and Services Offered by Kendrick Labs
From cutting-edge technology to top-notch services, Kendrick Labs has got it all. They're like the one-stop shop for all your Immunoblot needs, making protein research feel like a walk in the park.
Key Features and Benefits of Kendrick Labs' Immunoblot Technology
High Sensitivity and Specificity
When it comes to detecting proteins, Kendrick Labs doesn't mess around. Their technology is so sensitive, it can spot a protein molecule in a haystack. Say goodbye to blurry results and hello to crystal-clear insights.
Automation and Workflow Efficiency
Who has time for tedious manual processes? Not Kendrick Labs. With their automation wizardry, researchers can breeze through experiments like never before. It's like having a protein detective assistant that never sleeps.
Customization and Flexibility for Researchers
One size doesn't fit all in the world of protein research, and Kendrick Labs, Inc gets that. They offer customization options that make researchers' hearts sing. It's like having your own protein detective kit tailored just for you.
Applications of Immunoblot Western Blot Technology in Research
Protein Detection and Quantification
Need to find out how much of a certain protein is hanging out in your sample? Immunoblot technology is here to save the day. It's like having x-ray vision for proteins, allowing researchers to see what's going on at a molecular level.
Biomarker Discovery and Validation
Looking for that one-in-a-million protein that could change the game in disease research? Immunoblot technology is your trusty sidekick. It's like having a protein bloodhound sniffing out potential biomarkers with precision and speed.
Drug Development and Pharmacological Studies
When it comes to developing life-saving drugs, every protein clue counts. Immunoblot technology plays a key role in drug research by helping researchers understand how drugs interact with proteins. It's like having a secret weapon in the battle against diseases.
Comparison with Traditional Western Blot Methods
When it comes to comparing Immunoblot technology with traditional methods, it's like pitting a modern superhero against a classic comic book character. Immunoblot technology swoops in with its precision and sensitivity, leaving traditional methods feeling a bit outdated. With Immunoblot, researchers can detect even the faintest traces of proteins with ease, making the process quicker and more reliable.
Advantages of Immunoblot Technology Over Traditional Methods
Immunoblot technology brings a host of advantages to the table. Say goodbye to the days of struggling to detect low-abundance proteins or dealing with nonspecific binding issues. With Immunoblot, researchers can achieve higher sensitivity and specificity, leading to more accurate and reproducible results. Plus, the ability to multiplex and analyze multiple proteins simultaneously is a game-changer in the world of protein analysis.
Technical Considerations and Limitations
While Immunoblot technology is a superhero in its own right, it's not without its kryptonite. Like any technology, there are technical considerations and limitations to keep in mind. Factors such as sample preparation, antibody selection, and data interpretation can impact the success of Immunoblot experiments. Researchers must also be mindful of potential sources of variability and ensure proper controls are in place to mitigate any issues that may arise.
Case Studies Highlighting the Success of Kendrick Labs' Technology
In the world of research, success stories speak louder than words. Kendrick Labs' Immunoblot technology has been the secret weapon behind numerous research breakthroughs, propelling scientists towards new discoveries and insights. Real-world case studies showcase the power of Immunoblot in unraveling complex biological mysteries and opening doors to novel therapeutic interventions.
Real-World Examples of Research Breakthroughs Using Kendrick Labs' Immunoblot Technology
From uncovering biomarkers for early disease detection to elucidating signaling pathways critical for cancer progression, Kendrick Labs' Immunoblot technology has left an indelible mark on the landscape of scientific discovery. These real-world examples serve as a testament to the impact and significance of Immunoblot in advancing our understanding of various biological processes.
Future Developments and Innovations in Immunoblot Western Blot Technology
As technology continues to evolve at lightning speed, the future of Immunoblot technology holds exciting possibilities. With emerging trends and innovations on the horizon, researchers can look forward to even greater advancements in protein analysis and detection methods.
Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Field
From enhanced multiplexing capabilities to improved automation and data analysis tools, the field of Immunoblot technology is poised for a revolution. Researchers can expect to see a shift towards more integrated and user-friendly platforms that streamline experimental workflows and provide deeper insights into protein biology.
Potential Impact on Biomedical Research and Clinical Diagnostics
The potential impact of future developments in Immunoblot technology extends far beyond the laboratory walls. With enhanced sensitivity and specificity, researchers can uncover novel biomarkers for early disease detection and personalized medicine applications. In the realm of clinical diagnostics, Immunoblot technology holds the promise of revolutionizing patient care by enabling faster and more accurate protein analysis for diagnostic purposes.
Original Source: https://kendricklabs.blogspot.com/2024/03/advances-in-immunoblot-western-blot.html
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yellowmondayblog · 8 months
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Title: A Fresh, Rightful Gust of Positivity Sweeps the World: A Happy Epistle from Earth, the Jubilant Dweller of the Universe
It's January 18th, 2024 - a radiant dawn cloaked in splendid morning mists beckoned yet another routine day. As mother Earth went about its ceaseless pirouettes around the sun, somewhere on her lovely emerald-blue face, she erupted in a jovial wink. This blink on her face rippled through each vein, river, every ruffling leaf, bustling city, twinkling constellation - reminding us earthlings, that our story was more than a weary chronicle. It was an intricate cosmic ballet replete with fortuitous joy.
A small nook in the cosmic timeline. The splendid banter with celestial friends, Universe and Milky Way, across light years' coffee table guffaws a hearty mirth that leaves sunspots in their wake - Earth often told her folks. If only we were good at space humour! So today, we human beings felt the waves of an exuberant whisper travel through us - 'Look around, isn't it incredible how far you have come?'
Shhh... if you press your ear against the world today, you'll hear an uproarious laughter echo across galaxies. Our cosmic ma, Earth, scored 93 on the ‘cosmic chuckles' index, and you could feel the Universe nudge our little planet playfully, 'good one!’
Yes, today is that day. The day that knocked the doomsday harbingers into absolute oblivion. An indescribably incredible event with cosmic proportions reverberated through every life pulsating on our beloved planet - establishing a day of global unity and compassion. An enigmatic melange of emotions overwhelmed every earthling - regardless of race, language, and geographical divide. We took a quiet minute to appreciate the new epoch we had entered, prompted by the untethered celebration of the Universe herself.
No, we did not become immortal today, neither did we make contact with any other worldly life form (they might have ignored our cosmic calls!), nor did our doleful glaciers rise back into pristine snowy beauty overnight. We stumbled onto a path better, richer and way more incredible – a subtle revolution was seeded in the deep pockets of our heart – The Harmonious Revolution!
We have collectively - without aggression or altercation - taken a decision to respect and love each other's perspectives. A light bulb of tolerance lit up worldwide. And suddenly, we no longer require voluminous rulebooks to foster peace; it was in us all along.
The peace treaty today didn’t bind countries. It linked hearts. Countries weren't giving into the imposition of rules; people were adopting love and understanding out of choice. An undivided language - respect, sprouted everywhere, uniting all. Harmony seemed our sole responsibility. Everyone on Earth celebrated their unique beliefs, choices, orientations, customs and preferences, together. Difference suddenly did not make any difference anymore!
Today, Earth bore the emblem of unanimous joy, sparking fresh stardust smiles in every dwelling and neighborhood. Today, the concept of Unity in Diversity changed from a compelling maxim into a universal truth, prompting each earthling to pen their unique verses in this enchanting anthology of humanity.
On January 18th, 2024, Earth beautifully revolutionized herself by recognizing the coexistence of varied thoughts, affirming that differences aren’t threats but intriguing shades of this cosmic pantomime. 
So here we stand today - hearts beaming with newfound insight. A comical little civilization standing at the cusp of the grand celestial ballet. Lost amidst countless galaxies yet blissfully dancing our whimsical little twirl.
We all belong. We're all one. One planet, innumerable colours.
Thank you, Earth, for embracing us - different yet similar children of yours, equally. For now, more than ever, we celebrate life - it's not merely about surviving, it’s about cherishing and relishing our beautifully complex cosmic ballet. From this date onward, our human spirit echoes - ‘In our incredible, multifarious discord, lies our breathtaking harmony. So let’s rock this space gig together!'
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cybermoonmoon · 9 months
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I post this again because it cheers me up.
"Tickles the soul" as Emily Dickenson wrote.
It goes,...
"Chapter, and Verse”
One of my wishes has been to open a little bookstore. My hood has everything a working-class area needs. Bodegas places of worship subway lines bad guys cops, liquor and lately ganja shops.
However, no bookstores.
Well not counting the Botanicas. These where you can get assorted religious texts life sized icons of saints and Je*us covered in blood. I prefer the Virgin Mary …less traumatic. Folks need what they need.
I'd do the store to see what would happen. If one showed up in a pre-gentrified way. Plenty of pricy Book Shoppe’s in the ethnically cleansed hoods in my part of town. That, and expensive health food supermarkets. Gimme a break I calls it as I sees it.
I’d like to do a bookshop for regular semi-insured check to check folks. A place where they 'and' everybody else would be very welcome. Heck I'd make a go what with having 'zero' competition. Okay, there’s the library but it’s a ghost of what it was. Pissed off uninterested civil service staff, and almost no one reading…other than a few old bleeps like me.
Okay so far this is a tale of urban horror, and almost makes you 'want’ gentrification. Which I would if it weren’t so much like what happened to the Plains Natives. In our case the settlers would be sitting over our bones eating tofu ice cream and reading Proust.
Almost forgot. Why do I love the idea of a bookstore.
Because I love to bleeping read. I wrote drew and used to publish my own small press books. Hand binding all that neat smarty pants crap. Back in the day. I was in with a whole gleeful deranged crowd that did just that.
We created Chapbooks...google them. This just to generally have fun, Before the internet folks used to read. That, and publish their dreams on office copiers offset presses hand cranked mimeo even carbon stencil. Like Soviet and now Putin era dissidents. Samizdat. ...google it. We had a fucking ball.
The memory of that happy noise stays with me as does the idea we all had of opening a bookstore. However, life, and responsibilities took over. Was just starting as a broadcast engineer. My comrades were also just beginning careers, and families. That, and so very many were lost in the AIDS pandemic. The rest is postponed history.
Centuries later the idea still swims drifts in the currents of my dreams. Yeah, a damned bookstore in the heart of a hood where they think no one would bother to even look at a book. Bleep that. I’d put it right between the liquor store, and the barber shop.
Constant cross over traffic.
The place would only need a core of 50 regular customers to pay the rent. So word of mouth free comic book days visits from assorted famous weirdos reading their stuff, and complimentary cookies would do it. Just 50 or so secret Dreamers. “Uncle Sydney’s Shop of Bewildered Wonderments” Has possibilities and would get me out of the house.
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esseastri · 1 month
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IF! You want a similar version of Time War to beautify your bookshelf, you can have one! If you order here on Etsy!
(Okay, more seriously, I have no idea how to do marketing for this despite the fact that I worked in book marketing for 5 years. It's wildly different when you're trying to sell your own artwork and I cannot explain why. Maybe because it is so much more personal? Anyway, I've got listings on Etsy for custom cover designs and comics bind-ups, and if you favorite the shop and keep an eye on it, there will be more individual book listings soon!)
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scoredandstoried · 10 months
( @brkwingss )
The Atheneum is home to many old relics. Original copies of some interesting books, manuscripts, unique tomes on niche topics… and Oz Saffet. A ticking timepiece in his wheelchair, always dressed nicely with his bony fingers tracing text, spreadsheets, and on rare occasion, the messy stitching of a book in need of a re-binding.
He feels older than he is, sometimes. Perhaps it’s the injury, or the sitting all the time. Maybe it’s a job that went from blood and pure adrenaline to glorified customer service. Regardless, he spends much of his time with light music playing, explaining to customers for the fiftieth time that day that no, they don’t sell cookbooks and bullet journals. 
In a world of the mundane and routine, It’s almost comical when a familiar face appears in the doorframe as the little bell overhead jingles to announce him. 
Yeah. That’s. “Hi.” Nowhere is Oz’s deadpan more apt. Nowhere is he more grateful for being able to hide a cavalcade of emotions that boil below the surface. Ricardo. “Haven’t seen that handsome face in a while.” It’s true. And he sits in his wheelchair, feeling so suddenly exposed. 
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marvellousstawler · 1 year
Tuesday 3 Oct 2023
The Vibe is this: it was the first day of daylight savings today but the sky was dark the whole day because of Melbourne spring rain, which couldn't decide if it wanted to be humid or cold, but was absolutely sure that it was torrential.
Art My excuse for not working on any of my unfinished drawings this week is that I have to finish my homemade Flame Emperor mask by Saturday for PAX Aus. For first-time mask-makers, take note: air-drying clay doesn't work. Past Marv was a fool and didn't realise it would crack as soon as it dried. Present Marv is wiser and is attempting to use Plaster of Paris. Future Marv is likely laughing at her, and is hopefully the proud owner of a wonderfully shitty Flame Emperor mask. The works being hiatus'd on account of the mask are a cool picture of my 2 D&D characters, a massive picture for Edelgard's birthday which I started the day AFTER Edelgard's birthday in June and is no where near finished, and, a while back I bought a copy of 'Wyrd Sisters' with one of those newfangled minimalist-graphic covers, and I thought I'd add a bunch of my gaudy spooky illustrations to it. Witchify it. Which I should just do, I should just get that done.
Writing Recent-Past Marv made the...truly *bewildering* decision to try and print out and hand-bind a very large, very unfinished fanfiction, in multiple volumes, for her friend AND herself. A fanfiction, which neither Past Marv nor Present Marv has even read. Apparently Recent-Past Marv's idea was that the project would motivate her to read it, because for some reason she finds the Ao3 interface...unfriendly? The reasons for her reticence are arcane. Anyway, this bizarre project has eaten valuable writing time, and will likely continue to do so. Even so, I did have an opportunity to outline my first chapter of the next part of the project currently known as TDD, a draft I like quite a bit. Also, memory doesn't serve well but I think I spent a weirdly large amount of time working on a comic-isation of Dorothea and Manuela's supports (working title is 'Mittelfranks'), which, that was supposed to be three chapters and one self-indulgent fourth...it is now nine. ...look the very specific dynamic between these two characters feels like it was custom-designed to infiltrate my limbic system and mass-produce serotonin. But only time will tell if THAT project ever exceeds the scripting stage. I also had a chance to write a hand-written draft of a novel about my most recent D&D character. The concept feels like it's too much to chew though. Still, worth getting an idea down.
Reading Finished 'Wyrd Sisters' by Terry Pratchett the other day, which has taken like a month. It's the first book I've finished in about 2 years, and it's instantly become one of my all-time favourites -- it almost feels like it was written FOR me and that is a RARE feeling. I've been collecting quotes in a notebook, the 'collecting' giving me a further incentive for reading, but I only started collecting from page 40 of the book. I'm torn between moving on to the next thing on my To Read list, or going back to trawl through the 40 pages for cool quotes. Might as well spend just a little more time with this new friend. Here's the most recent quote I collected, from page 2: "A key to the understanding of all religion is that a god's idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs." Damn, Pratchett out here with takes that have remained piping hot since 1988.
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