#custom beige and pink roman shade
evenica · 2 years
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Kids Room Children
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the hades!harry vibes are strong in this photoshoot
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[inspired by some ideas @harrysroleindunkirk came up with ;’)]
Hades could be such a narcissist at times and Persephone knows this.
She knows it very well because through all of the millennia she had spent married to him, she had seen the trait manifest across all different types of situations.
His slight narcissism was evident in the way Harry carried himself. How he went about the halls of the palace and the corridors of Olympus with his broad shoulders back, his chest puffed forward, and his expression set in a cool, stoney façade of superior indifference. It was present in the way he sat on his golden throne with his back perfectly straight and his thighs parted, not too wide but just enough to establish an aura of dominance in the humongous judging room.
It was evident in the smug, self-indulgent energy he gave off whenever servants, gods, and other mythological creatures praised him for anything he did. Whether it was higher beings complimenting his input during a council meeting up on Olympus, or members of his board expressing their awe at how smoothly he ran the Underworld, and even when a random nymph blushed bright green while serving him his wine. It all tickled him pink, feeding his ginormous godly ego to the brink.
And most of all (in her life, at least), it was ever-so prominent behind the thick black oak doors of their bedroom. It was in how Hades would fuck her up against the wall with her feet dangling off the ground, thighs clasped around his waist as he would grip her throat and jaw roughly, gritting his teeth while looking down upon her from over his cheeks, neon green electric currents webbing across the juniper shade of his irises. He would pound into her so hard the paintings would rattle on the obsidian walls, her hands clawing at his sweaty, flexing back as she released broken whines and pleas, shaking in his strong arms.
”Tell me how much you fucking love it. Want my dirty little thing to scream how bad she wants my cock.”
Harry’s narcissism wasn’t overwhelming by any means, but rather subtle and almost graceful, lurking beneath his natural confidence and waiting for the right moment to surface.
And it reveals itself now, as Y/N sits back on her heels amongst the dew-covered grass of her garden, looking small amidst the colorful arrays of daffodils, roses, and peonies. She’s grumbling to herself as she picks and prods at the fancy mechanism Harry had brought back from his trip overland, cursing humans for making everything more complex than it has to be.
“Oh, for Zeus’ sake, princess. Give it here.” Harry strides over from where he was leaning against a giant tree with leaves the color of red wine, taking the demented object from her grasp gently, rolling his eyes in a jesting manner. “Your age is starting to show. Can’t even work a camera.”
“Shut up.” Y/N snaps, a grouchy pout settling itself on her tinted lips as she crosses her arms over her chest grumpily, slumping down onto the ground fully, her bottom fitting in the space between her calves. “It’s not my fault! They’ve added so many more buttons since the last time I handled one.”
Persephone watches with a type of begrudging wonder as Harry turns a few knobs and slides his thumb over a small disk that clicks with every rotation. He looks through the tiny glass square at the top of the camera, focusing the lense on her and turning it slowly with professional ease.
“There we go.” He sighs giddily, stepping forward and extending the shiny black Canon toward his awaiting wife. His voice comes out warningly, but playfully so. “Now don’t go messing with the settings or I’ll have to do it all over again.”
“Now don’t go messing with the settings or I’ll have to do it all over again.” Y/N mocks in an irritated, high-pitched tone, yanking the equipment piece from his grasp and starring down at the minute screen. “I’ll do what I bloody please.”
Hades bends down so that they are level, setting his forearms on his knees and tilting his head slightly to the side teasingly. A single eyebrow kinks upwards, getting lose beneath a few curls that hang over his forehead (he’s been letting his hair grow out recently). “S’that so?”
“Yup. I’m gonna chuck this thing into the River Styx.”
Harry reaches a hand forward, cupping her jaw in his fingers and swiping his thumb over the faint dimple that curves at the center of her chin. “I love it when you’re a helpless little menace. Means you need me that much more.”
“Oh, fuck off!” Persephone scoffs, shoving his hand away by his wrist and glaring at him as he giggles boyishly.
“You know I love you, pet. It’s all in good fun.”
It takes a couple of minutes, but eventually Y/N manages to get a feel for how the camera works, fiddling with it as Harry mulls over what poses he should do for the impromptu photoshoot he’d decided on out of nowhere.
He had been up in the mortal world earlier that day, strolling through a shopping mall casually while thinking over his layout for the upcoming Halloween party up on Olympus. He was in charge of planning this year and it’d be utterly embarrassing if the god of the Dead delivered anything less than a bone-chilling extravaganza.
Hades had been entertaining the idea of a blood fountain instead of a chocolate fountain (he knows Zeus would never go for it, but he still wanted to suggest it) when he had stopped dead in his tracks in front of a store he had never seen before.
It was new, obvious in how shiny and pristine the interior looked through the spotless tall glass windows. The framework on the gilded doors was imprinted with images of exotic animals— lions, tigers, dragons— and glittered under the sunlight that streamed in from the glass dome that was at the center of the shopping mall.
Even more breathtaking than the exterior was the interior. Specifically, the clothing.
Racks upon racks of suits, shirts, pants, and accessories lined the store, the fabrics shimmering, looking expensive and custom-made and suited for a king, which he happened to be.
Hades felt light-headed for a second as his eyes trailed across a certain tuxedo jacket with a midnight blue background and silver flowers embroidered into the silk, the thread twinkling as if diamonds had been mixed into the material. Across the torso of the item, golden frills draped the sharp shoulders of the article, overlapped by an exaggerated black velvet collar that that folded grandly. On either sides of the oversized collar are two gilded metal lion head pins, studded with an array of jewels of all different colors— red, green, blue, yellow, and even lilac.
The tuxedo hugged a cloth manikin, which sported a starch white button-up beneath with a giant gemmed cross in the center. The whole look tied together beautifully and Harry then noticed that there was literal drool gathering along the inside of his bottom lip.
He’d wanted that suit and he wanted it now.
Hades only took a second to glance up at the giant neon Times New Roman letters that hovered above the entrance to the store, making a note of the name so he could go online and fawn over more clothes later.
Walking in, Harry didn’t look like much. Just a young man in loose beige trousers, a pair of black boots, and a plain white t-shirt with the collar and sleeves bordered by dark blue accents. He quite liked the minimalist approach when he wondered the mortal world; he liked feeling like one of them.
But apparently, the woman at the register wasn’t too fond of his look, giving him a distasteful once-over and assuming that he was in a store-front that was heavily out of his league. The cheapest thing on stock cost no less than two grand and, frankly, the most expensive item the lean boy was wearing looked to cost not even a twelfth of that. She didn’t want some wannabe hipster wasting her time.
Little did she know Harry was anything but.
Hades had made a beeline for the outfit that had captured his heart, brushing his fingers along the fabric softly with care, almost of if he were afraid to disturb it. His array of rings gleamed under the buttery lights of the chandelier in the store, reflecting how he felt inside as the silk tickled the pads of his digits.
“Gods, it’s beautiful.” He had mumbled under his breath, thumb kissing the studded surface of one of the bejeweled tiger heads.
“It sure is.” The cashier had piped up with a faux sugary tone coating her voice, coming up behind him and trying to refrain from telling him to leave. “It’s expensive, as well.”
Harry had not even cast her a mere glance, continuing to admire the work of art before him. When he spoke up, his voice was distant, wistful, and somehow unconcerned at the reality check the lady was trying to implement. “How much?”
“Thirty-five thousand.”
There was a pause in the perfumed air and the employee almost smirked.
“I’ll take it.”
The worker then had blinked once, shocked into a stupefied silence. So shocked, in fact, that she can only comprehend this man’s words as some type of joke or prank. She had then reiterated.
“Thirty-five thousand up front, sir.”
Harry had then finally turned towards her to exchange stares for the first time, his thick brows pinched into an expression of unamused annoyance. “Yes, and I said I’ll take it. Is it not your job to do as the customer requests?”
“Yes, but—“
“Then ring me up, please and thank you.” He states with flat finality, fishing his wallet out of his back pocket. “And preferably now. I have somewhere to be.”
Harry can truly say that his favorite thing in the world— mortal, under, and godly— is the look on a person’s face when they realize Harry’s true stature. Not so much that he was a celestial being, but that he has a bank account that suggests he’s anything but your typical human.
Being the god of Death comes with its perks, including the title as god of riches and jewels since most of the rare gems lay beneath the ground, in Harry’s territory. Exchanging them for mortal money was not an issue at all.
Hades can’t help but scoff as the lady’s eyes had widened when his purchase went through, looking down at his debit card as if it had grown a hydra head. Her voice had come out tight and embarrassed. “Would you like your receipt?”
Harry had taken the hanger from her grasp, pushing his messy hair out of his eyes and cocking his head to the side mockingly. “I’m fine, thank you. Won’t be needing it.”
And that had landed him where he is now, strolling back and forth casually amongst Persephone’s most unique beds of floral and fauna, clad in his new outfit. It had fit him perfectly, as most things tended to do. It hugs his figure in all the right places, accentuating his strong shoulders and enthralling back muscles, tapering in at his waist and resting against his thick chest like it was tailored specifically to him.
As Y/N positions herself accordingly with the camera he had bought right after making the Gucci purchase, Harry decides that this suit will go down on his list of things that he loves to reside in. It’s a pretty small list: His palace, his crown, this look, and his wife.
Yeah, he definitely loves being inside all of those, some more than others. And especially all at the same time…but that’ll come after the photoshoot, if he has anything to do with it.
“Are you ready, darling?” Harry speaks up from his spot before a large tree with maroon leaves that sparkle like the stars.
“Yeah, get the goats ready!”
“Swell.” Harry sing-songs, bringing his diamond and gold ring-clad fingers to his lips and tucking his middle and thumb inside his mouth, releasing three quick spurts of whistles.
It takes a few moments, but then there is a faint shimmering in the air before him and a bright flash, from which three baby goats emerge, clobbering after one another, midway through a game of what appears to be tag.
“There you are, you little buggers.” Harry scoops up one of the magical goats— a silver one that shimmers exactly how the thread in his jacket does— settling it into the crook of his elbow and pressing a gentle kiss between its velvety ears. “Pan would kill me if I lost you guys. Threatened a reed pipe up my ass.”
The pearly goat looks up at him innocently with its big golden irises, releasing a curious bleat.
Harry doesn’t speak goat (it’s more of a nature god trait) so he just assumes the animal is praising him for his clothing taste and thanks it with a few scratches behind its tiny head.
Hades trails towards a certain rock formation that he thinks looks sturdy enough to sit on, the other two goats trailing behind him happily, hooves thudding giddily against the aromatic grass and stirring up the diamond sand beneath.
He sits down in his designated spot, scooting backwards until he’s fully balanced on the boulder, propping up one of his boots on a dip in the rock. “Perfect. Now I’ll just…”
Harry carefully takes one of the other baby goats into his big hand— a chocolate brown male whose horns are just beginning to bud, the keratin glinting with a certain iridescence that suggests the little guy isn’t just any ordinary farm animal.
He places the boy next to his lap, where the creature sniffs at his thigh hesitantly before deciding it is a worthy pillow. The goat folds its legs beneath its body, laying down nonchalantly and snuggling its head against Harry’s upper leg.
“You like the casual look, don’t you?” Harry coos, patting it lovingly, to which the lamb responds with a soft, satisfied bleat.
“Alright, two accounted for. Now, where’s your other sister…” Hades looks around, a small pinprick of panic knotting his stomach as he can’t seem to spot the last goat anywhere.
“Y/N, have you seen—“ Before he can finish his question, he gets his answer.
Persephone is sitting cross-legged on the ground a few feet away, the camera discarded carelessly beside her, replaced by the last animal that his friend had lent him. His wife is carrying the goat in her arms like a child, rocking it ever-so slightly as she kisses between its lilac-tinted eyes, giggling every time the goat blinks its long lashes.
Y/N rubs her fingers through the buck’s golden fur, tracing the spots of sparkly grey that are sprinkled in certain places. “Aren’t you just the prettiest girl? Yes, you are! And you smell so nice, too. Y’like lavender, huh? Me too.”
Harry can practically see the goat preening in Persephone’s arms, obvious from how she actively seeks out his wife’s palm and cradles her head into it, licking at her fingers.
“Babe!” He hates to interrupt, but they really should get to shooting. “Pan said we have to have them back by 8! We gotta hurry.”
“Right, right, sorry!” Y/N sets the baby animal down on the ground, pointing towards her husband and encouraging her to go over with its siblings.
When Hades finally has all of the lambs situated accordingly (he’d placed the last one beside his other thigh), Persephone begins flashing the photos.
He hasn’t modeled in a while— not since his last self-portrait, which was around sixty years or so ago when he was painted by his good friend, Pablo Picasso. That man really knew his angles. He visits him in Elysium every once in a while.
Harry tries to imitate what he’s seen in fashion shows on television and in episodes of America’s Next Top Model (those girls were fucking fierce, for Zeus’ sake), pouting his lips slightly and looking at different points in space to flex his best sides. He tilts his gold laurel crown back a bit, pushing his curls out of his face to get a cleaner picture, staring directly at the camera with his lips parted in a smize and it amuses him to no end when he sees the flowers next to Y/N’s feet grow a little bigger.
At one point, the goat in his arms reaches up and bops its nose against his chin in a kiss, the cold tip of its snout causing Harry’s face to scrunch up as a boyish giggle escapes the corners of his lips. “S’cold, stop it!”
Y/N’s heart nearly melts right out of her, then and there, as she clicks the scene as many times as the camera will allow.
The photos come out pretty decent and she’s surprised that there were so few she butchered (there was an incident where the camera wasn’t flashing and she turned it around to see if the lense was open and ended up getting a high definition image of her nostrils instead).
After all is said and done, Harry opens a portal into Olympus, herding the goats through by patting there behinds gently. “I’ll see you guys another time! Tell Pan thank you! And Acacia, please stop gnawing on your brother’s horns. Thank you.”
Hades swings an arm around Persephone, looking over her shoulder as she clicks through the photos, feeling his ego inflate a bit.
“I look good, don’t I?”
She doesn’t catch his smug tone immediately, too focused on tampering with the lighting on one of the pictures. “Yeah, you look great, honey.”
“Mm,” he presses his lips to her temple, puckering soft kisses along her skin and up the line of her eyebrow, “did this suit justice. Best thirty-five grand I’ve ever spent.”
Y/N pauses her actions, craning her neck to the side to look at him, her eyebrows shooting up in mild surprise. ”Thirty-five grand?”
Harry pouts childishly at her scolding tone. “Am I not allowed to splurge on myself every once in a while?”
“Of course you can. But that’s enough to buy a fucking car, Harry. And you spent it on a single tux?”
Hades looks down at the metal tips of his burgundy leather boots, eyelashes fluttering in an embarrassed manner. “I really wanted it, though!”
Persephone sighs, turning fully to press a peck to his plumped lips. “It’s alright, baby. As long as you’re happy, then.”
The edges of Harry’s lips tilt up into a sheepish grin. “I’m happy, yeah. Feel like a right king.”
“Good, cause you are.” She reaches up and drags the pad of her index finger down the curved bridge of his nose and along his jaw, using the single digit to guide his head upwards, where she locks their lips in a few quick, wet kisses. “My handsome lord.”
Harry’s tongue wonders out to lick at the corner of his mouth slyly, feeling the inside of his chest grow warm. “Love it when you call me your lord.”
“Yeah?” Persephone blinks up at him with hooded eyes, her own pretty lips tilting up into a suggestive grin. “Why’s that?”
Harry’s hands coast up here hips, fisting lightly at her dress as his voice drops an octave. “It’s so fuckin’ hot.”
“Fitting, since that’s exactly what you are.” Y/N murmurs, draping her arms over his hard shoulders, hands pressed across the expanse of his upper back, one holding the camera tightly while the other runs over the silky material of the suit coat.
And now is one of those moments Y/N had mentioned before, where she can see Harry’s narcissism starting to flare up.
It’s evident in the way he’s suckling his bottom lip, batting his eyelashes in a sultry, rhythmic pace that suggests lascivious intentions. In how his neck veins are flexing alluringly in an attempt to seduce. In how he tilts his head to the side a bit to draw his jaw taunt. In how a watery, verdurous glint washes across the whites of his eyes for a millisecond.
Y/N slides one hand up the back of his neck into the curls along the nape, tangling them between her fingers and tugging at them in a quick, rough manner that jets his chin upwards and pulls his throat tight over his Adam’s apple.
Harry releases a quiet hum at the harsh movement, basking in the way his scalp tingles and in the way the tendons underneath his jaw stretch. His mouth parts in a small, open-mouthed simper, dimples peeking through his cheeks.
“What was tha’ for?” He swallows thickly, not being able to hide it as his Adam’s Apple bobs heavily.
“Nothing, really. Just know you like it.” Y/N laps fully at the center of his juglar, blowing over it lightly. ”My lord.”
”Fucking hell.” Hades growls, ripping himself from her grasp and grabbing her hand almost savagely, yanking her towards the exit of the garden that heads directly to the palace.
Y/N scrambles along, barely being able to keep up with his long strides. She already knows the answer, but she asks anyways just to toy with her husband.
“Where are we going?”
“Don’t play fucking dumb with me, pet.” Harry throws a look over his shoulder, the corner of his mouth curling into a seductive sneer. “You know damn well where we’re going and what I’m gonna do to you.”
Y/N flutters her eyelashes at him innocently, her lips pouty. “What are we gonna do?”
“We’re gonna do another photoshoot. A nude edition.”
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livingcorner · 3 years
15 Kitchen Paint Color Ideas and Combinations to Freshen Up a Space@|what color to paint your kitchen@|https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/XILVjBzYrGq5IyywOX3pQEMec20=/2048×1365/filters:fill(auto,1)/enlivening-kitchen-paint-colors-1822143-hero-7d27a09897324e5c843b856aeb4f3b5e.jpg@|25
You have the entire color wheel at your disposal, so steer clear of boring or bland when thinking about painting your kitchen. Gorgeous colors come to life when you open yourself to the possibilities. Neutrals, whites, and grays are popular kitchen colors and have a multitude of gradations. Home design experts suggest that you look at popular picks, then open your mind to other colors outside of those ranges before making a decision.
Color Family: Neutrals, such as whites, off-whites, grays; also consider blues, greens, and dark tones
Complementary Colors: Neutrals work well with all; however, if you use paints in the teal or aqua range, complementary colors include oranges and yellows
Pairs Well With: These colors pair well with other neutrals, include whites that bring out the hues used
Mood: Lighter hues: bright and airy; darker hues: sleek and sophisticated
Where to Use: Kitchen walls, islands, cabinets, and accents
Here are 15 of the top paint hues for kitchens, according to home design experts.
Light Gray
The Spruce
Clay Hill is a 100-acre farm and Federal-style home to jewelry designer Elizabeth Locke and her husband, John. Working with designer Alison Martin, Locke decided on a light patrician gray that complements the Victorian-age tiles, patterned Roman shades, and lyre-backed chairs.
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The Spruce
KariAnne and her husband bought a house in the country, which they christened Thistlewood Farms and designed in a country estate style. For her cooking space, she went for a shabby chic look. The explosion of cream extends throughout the kitchen, giving it warmth and a homey feeling with a dash of sophistication. The colors in the kitchen perfectly complement her pure white bone china.
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Matte Black
The Spruce
When Michael Minadeo + Partners was tasked with the job of designing a structure in Stowe, Vermont, part of that project involved this kitchen that would be an aesthetic counterpoint to the building’s natural wood. The light golden-brown of the ceiling and window trim is well balanced by the matte black of the walls and kitchen cabinets.
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Dark Gray
The Spruce
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As a trendsetting interior designer, Susan Greenleaf is no stranger to bold moves. For her family’s San Francisco kitchen, she enlisted the help of Geiszler Architects and Farallon Construction. She chose a deep, rich gray (Plummett by Farrow & Ball) for her go-to kitchen paint color. This moody gray plays well with the generous light that cascades through windows and large glass doors. This strong architectural gray is named after the lead used by fishermen to weigh down their lines. The paint color has a modern feel, more hard-edged and industrial than other gray hues.
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The Spruce
For a fantastic splash of kitchen color, design blogger Kristi at Addicted 2 Decorating chose a tasty, palatable teal for cabinets and white for the rest of the area. Her new kitchen makes her heart sing.
Formerly, her heavy kelly green kitchen made her feel boxed-in like she was cooking in a cave. The lighter bluish-green color is more cheery and ties in with the rest of her house. She had the color custom-made by Benjamin Moore based on a color swatch she had (it’s very similar to Behr’s Hallowed Hush).
Before painting your cabinets, decide if you will use oil-based or water-based latex paint and primer. You can use latex over durable oil, but oil won’t adhere well over latex; latex is a safe bet if you don’t know which type the old paint is.
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Light Blue
The Spruce
Decorating blogger Beth Bryan’s new kitchen color transformed her updated kitchen from an unappealing yellow to a gorgeous light-blue (Silver Sage by Restoration Hardware). Beth reports that the blue she used transforms throughout the day. When it’s cloudy outside, the paint becomes a warm greenish-gray color. When it’s dark out, the paint is “a cool silvery gray color.” The wall color works well with whites, creams, dark and light woods, and her dark kitchen hardware finishes.
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Sherwin-Williams Cavern Clay
The Spruce 
Kitchens with an earthy, retro ’70s vibe are increasing in popularity. Pair walnut cabinetry with beautiful terracotta walls in a paint called Cavern Clay (SW 7701) by Sherwin-Williams. The warm reddish, almost chocolaty dark neutral color works well with natural wood tones, avocado green, purplish grays, creamy white, and golden yellow.
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Magnolia Homes Cinnamon Sugar
The Spruce 
When it comes to painting kitchens, beige tones are often overlooked. Beige walls create a feeling of warmth, which fits right in with the process of cooking. A pretty beige color to consider is Cinnamon Sugar by Magnolia Homes. Its subtle tan base has pink notes that makes a kitchen look cozy but not muddy or yellowish.
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The Spruce Best Home First Frost
The Spruce
An idyllic shade of white paint can be dreamy in kitchens. The Spruce Best Home First Frost (SPR-25) scores big points for being both bright and warm. Because the color has a warm undertone it is the perfect foundation for a modern kitchen with metallic accents in rose, copper, or gold tones. It also flawlessly pairs with natural wood shelving.
Choosing a white wall paint color for a kitchen can be challenging since it’s largely covered with cabinetry. That’s because there are undertones to every white, making it either a warm or cool color. The best way to choose a white for a kitchen is to sample it on every wall in large swaths so you can see how the color reacts with cabinets, appliances, and sources of light. With whites, you may see many different shades and tones throughout the day and night.
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Sherwin-Williams Let it Rain
The Spruce 
“No color is off limits for a kitchen, but these days I prefer kitchen walls in serene tones of a pale ocean blue,” says Heidi Techner, the program director of interior design at Harcum College. “Let it Rain (SW 9152) by Sherwin-Williams combines elements of an invigorating blue with a calming gray undertone to create a relaxing and restorative energy.” She suggests using this color as a neutral. White cabinetry and pine flooring make for beautiful accents when paired with this shade in the kitchen.
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Benjamin Moore Upper West Side
The Spruce
White is sometimes a little too lackluster for a kitchen space. Interior designer Alec Holland says, “One of my favorites is Upper West Side (CSP-70) from Benjamin Moore. It is warm enough to create a little depth and drama without feeling dark or moody. It also looks thoroughly chic with white kitchen cabinetry.” When you want a hint of color, but aren’t looking to stray far from quiet hues, this taupe is a great darker neutral option.
Continue to 12 of 14 below.
Glidden Red Delicious
The Spruce
“Red is a stimulating color making it ideal for a kitchen accent wall because it can stimulate the appetite, and even create an energizing environment for lively conversation,” says Harcum College’s Heidi Techner. A yummy color worth trying is Red Delicious (00YR 08/409) by Glidden. Pair this classic red, which many consider a darker neutral, with cabinetry in its complementary color of cerulean blue for a truly luxurious look. Or tone down the red with a rich gray or a delicious darker brown (think caramel candy apple).
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Benjamin Moore Gray Owl
The Spruce
“Gray Owl (2137-60) by Benjamin Moore works in most kitchens because it goes with a broad range of colorful cabinetry,” says Patrick Planeta, owner of Planeta Design Group. “It makes white cabinets stand out, and the paint shade is also light enough that when paired with darker cabinetry it will not make the rest of the kitchen feel oppressive or heavy.” He also appreciates the color’s ability to balance tonal differences, which makes this versatile neutral perfect for kitchens with two-toned cabinets.
Continue to 14 of 14 below.
Sherwin Williams White Duck
The Spruce
Kylie, interior designer and decor blogger behind Kylie M. Interiors, says White Duck (SW 7010) by Sherwin-Williams is a pitch-perfect blend of beloved greige, which means that it never feels too beige or gray as the light changes throughout the day. The neutral allows white subway tile to sing and provides a clean backdrop for rustic wood accents.
Watch Now: 4 Tips for Picking the Perfect Paint Color
source https://livingcorner.com.au/15-kitchen-paint-color-ideas-and-combinations-to-freshen-up-a-spacewhat-color-to-paint-your-kitchenhttps-www-thespruce-com-thmb-xilvjbzyrgq5iyywox3pqemec20-2048x1365-filtersfillauto1-e/
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It s not required so that you can apparel your absolute white colored custom made wedding dress, a outfits plus white colored headdress are especially must be white colored that's resulting from Ruler Victoria times. It had been white colored connotes enjoyment, and after that reinforces this is with holiness plus faithfulness. Due to this fact, remarriage lovely lady will not be permitted to dress yourself in your, white colored custom made wedding dress banded outside plus established your substantial posture. In advance of this era, A holiday in greece is likewise discover the "white" as being the usually made use of colouring for any star of the event, yet not stringently to your more pure white colored; Roman moments, a star of the event is going to facial area Phi green wool. Around chinese suppliers, people today wish to pick out purple outfits which will are a symbol of auspicious. While in the quick 20th a single, magic wedding gowns are a symbol of a respectable condition with imperial relatives, you cannot find any special condition so that you can dress yourself in more pure white colored custom made wedding dress. Together with the progression of your switching community, cherished dresses colorations but not only have white colored, cream color, beige and various common colorations, and add preferred light red, just like light red, light red citrus, lumination pink, lumination green, lumination inexperienced plus lumination silver-gray, pretty comfortable plus gratifying to your view. If you ever care to endeavor, dimly lit inexperienced, purplish purple, profound green, designed around light red apparel, a configuration with vibrant colorations, the result is wonderful now there. When the best, not surprisingly, cream color and also white colored. packed light red a silk duvet roses plus butterflies which have been to use in showcase colouring. The fact is, made from of your custom made wedding dress will not be hence vital; a vey important requirement will be to coordinate a bride's skin bclkdressla2091 tone wedding dress shopping. Asian s dermis is definitely profound green, dress yourself in your white colored custom made wedding dress looks lifeless, dress yourself in a strong cream color custom made wedding dress is extra unified design wedding accessories, pink, green plus green are usually not harmonized, nonetheless light red citrus, lumination inexperienced might also coordinate by using discolored colouring. Structure dermis positive and also bronzed dermis, dressed in white colored would probably glance superb. You May Also Like: simply just browse in their eyes as well as get pleasure from ... A-Line Floor-Length One-Shoulder Chiffon Bridesmaid Dresses Homecoming Dresses 2019 - Short HoCo Cocktail Dresses | LaLaMira mates along with loved ones. Aside from the complex bright ... These stores can prom dresses with boots offer the same ...
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Dream Collection of Italian Marble For Wall and Floor
Own production of the thin tiles and cut to size for floors and walls in marble and granite for external and internal utility building.
Bhandari Marble World buys marble blocks directly to guarantee excellent value for money and at the same time to maintain high-quality standards.
The prestigious made in Indian brand with which all the products are sealed allows further BMW to guarantee the quality of the stock. BMW tiles & cut to size are sold everywhere in the national territory, however, the company also specialized in supplying marble to customers all over the world. Ships their products to many different countries and markets, such as the USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, All Europe, North Africa, Australia, and beyond.
OUR MARBLES- WIDE OPEN CHOICE OF TILES Bhandari Marble World offers a wide-open range of high-quality marbles at competitive prices: This allows the company to be one of the most reliable and requested marble suppliers in the global market.
From the Carnico Gray of our range to the Bardiglio (Nuvolato & Imperiale) to the boldest and warmest shades of the Pink of Portugal and Rosa Norway or of the Giallo Reale Gold, to the whiteness of the white of Carrara Marble, Calacatta Gold or Statuario Venato, the neutral colors of Botticino or Galala Beige marble, the centuries-old tradition of the original Roman Travertine (Classic, Navona and Noce), of the Green Marble of the Alps, of the marble of the Asiago “Altopiano” (White, Pink & Red) of the various Breccias Italian Brown and Breccia Oniciata and the absolute Nero Marquina
SERVICES- WHAT WE OFFER TO OUR CUSTOMERS For us, quality marble is everything: from selection to processing, we inspect every block of marble and every stage of processing with the highest level of control.
SERVICE- We send photos of marble you purchased We are able to email the actual photos of the marble that we are preparing for your order, or photos of the finished product before the loading so that you can see what you buy and pay for.
SOLUTIONS- We offer tailor-made solutions for your home From bathroom surfaces and tiles to kitchen floors and worktops. If you desire to cover your interiors with precious marbles, our team will surely have something that perfectly satisfies your needs.
QUALITY- CONTROL We take care of all stages of production. From the purchase of the raw material directly in the Italian and foreign quarries to the sawing and finishing in our company with technologically advanced machinery, we guarantee the quality control of our products that we sell in Italy but especially abroad by exporting the brand “MADE IN ITALY” which is a guarantee of quality.
Added by expert and export team of Bhandari Marble World………..
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carpetsdubai1 · 6 years
Best workplace blinds dubai
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At the quest for the right blinds for your home, you will quickly discover that there are masses of alternatives available. workplace blinds dubai  are crafted from numerous materials which includes vinyl, aluminum, or wood. every form of blind will offer a totally one-of-a-kind appearance for your room. aluminum blinds come in 6 and eight gauge aluminum, so you may also select a duration in keeping with your need. the maximum famous type of blind is vinyl because of the fact it's far by a long manner the Cheapest and is able to create the identical effects as some other type of blind. wood creates a homey and elegant normal appearance. but one form of blind is actually worth searching into - cloth vertical blinds. this sort of window treatment can assist customize the impact that you need to create in any room.
Cloth vertical blinds dubai  
Cloth vertical blinds dubai are high-quality suitable in the living room, the mattress room, or in a nursery. the usage of fabric blinds in locations wherein humidity may be very High isn't beneficial, consisting of inside the rest room or kitchen. this can purpose the blinds to soak up odors and moisture will purpose the colours of your cheap blinds dubai   to vanish quicker. to provide a welcoming and calming effect, you can want to transport for smooth, heat colours on your bedroom collectively with beige, yellow, lavender, light blue, green, and pink. in case you want to put in cloth blinds  abu dhabi within the nursery it is top notch to move for pastel colours. this may Assist your infant experience secure and comfy. understand that colours are as a substitute related to mood so it's continually smart to go along with a few aspect this is heat and gentle in case you're now not effective approximately the room's subject matter.
 Size is one of the key factors to don't forget at the same time as shopping for shades if you assume them to look stellar as quickly as hooked up. if viable, you have to have an professional taking the measurements so one can get an correct figure. however, in case you Need to do it your self, you need to begin through measuring in the window recess. it want to be at the least three inches deep to cope with the running mechanism. you ought to then proceed with the outdoor measurements noting how far you want the cloth to overlap.
 You want to choose the proper style to healthy the topic of your home. the diverse styles were used efficiently in many houses. roller  blinds dubai sun shades provide you with extra freedom because you may purchase them equipped-made and cut Them to the right width. they're crafted from in particular treated cloth operated with the aid of beaded thing controls or spring mechanism. if you need to address mild filtering right into a room truly, blackout curler blinds can be a extraordinary possibility. they're made using densely woven material making them high-quality for bedrooms in particular if one wants to sleep in the path of the day or if the window faces south. they will be by myself or placed in the back of curtains.
 Blinds  are To be had in numerous fabric and styles. in terms of form, there are  types of blinds, the vertical and horizontal ones. each provide the phantasm of location as vertical blinds abu dhabi are generally used for tall windows and doorways, at the same time as horizontal ones are used for small domestic home home windows. in phrases of substances carried out, vinyl, fabric and aluminum are the right commonplace substances. timber and bamboo are also utilized in some instances. blinds may additionally seem high-priced but they're quite Money-saving to apply. that’s due to the reality no longer like curtains and  blinds don’t ought to get replaced frequently. in truth,  vertical blinds  dubai may be used for extra than  many years if now not for an entire lifestyles span when looked after properly. they can also appearance new even as not regularly exposed to moisture and daylight hours.
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Instagram Fall Decorating Ideas Home Bunch is more than a blog, it is a community where each and every person that comes here becomes part of it. Because let’s be honest – a page is nothing without its loyal readers and I couldn’t be any happier with what we, together, have created here. I felt how tight this community really is even more so after I started the “Beautiful Homes of Instagram“ series. That is where we see so many talented homeowners sharing not only their homes but also their stories with us. Their stories is what makes this series put aside any staged home and any staged page of any magazine. What you see is their reality, it’s how they live. I also feel that this series has brought me even closer to you, my readers, because most of these homes that are featured here are from people that read this blog, and they often become much more than a feature, they become my friends. This is why I have asked them to once again open the door of their homes for us and kindly share their Fall decor. Here you will find inspiring Fall decorating ideas from real people, from people that read this blog, from real friends… Instagram Fall Decorating Ideas @sanctuaryhomedecor: Lanterns – Pottery Barn Pillows – Restoration Hardware @sanctuaryhomedecor Front Porch Chairs Seagrass Chairs – Pottery Barn Knit Throw & Table – HomeGoods Olive Bucket – Target Pillows – HomeGoods @sanctuaryhomedecor Pumpkins Pumpkins – Michael’s @sanctuaryhomedecor Outdoor Dining Plates – HomeGoods Silverware – World Market Tablecloth – Table Cloths Factory @sanctuaryhomedecor See @sanctuaryhomedecor on Beautiful Homes of Instagram & here. @jshomedesign: Lighting – Ro Sham Beaux Orbit- White Milk beads. Table – Restoration Hardware Salvaged wood trestle table– 108” in Natural. Dining Chair – Similar ones can be found here. @jshomedesign Happy Fall Decor @jshomedesign See @jshomedesign on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @laura_willowstreetinteriors: Laura’s entire home is warm and welcoming – and I love everything about it! Kitchen Chairs – Restoration Hardware Outlet Dining Table – IKEA Vase and Tiered Metal Basket – HomeGoods Wall Medallions – Target Breakfast Nook Curtains – Target @laura_willowstreetinteriors White Kitchen with Grey Backsplash White kitchen with grey subway tile backsplash and brass lighting. I love this combo! Kitchen Sconce – Norwell Lighting Kitchen Pendants – Home Depot (Darlana Lanterns are similar). Counter Stools – World Market Countertop – Caesarstone Organic White Backsplash – Imperial Gris Subway Tile from The Tile Shop Roman Shade – Custom, fabric is Braemore Memento Jade Kitchen Hardware – IKEA @laura_willowstreetinteriors Living room Living Room Chandelier – World Market Living Room Rug – Wayfair Living Room Curtains – IKEA Living Room Sofas – IKEA Pillow Covers – Ballard Designs, Etsy, Tonic Living, HomeGoods Coffee Table – World Market Pedestal Side Table – Homegoods Lamp – Target @laura_willowstreetinteriors Bookshelves I love how Laura decorates her bookshelves. See @laura_willowstreetinteriors on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @mytexashouse: Chunky throw from Artizenhome – similar can be found here. @mytexashouse Dreamy Living Room There’s so much inspiration here! @mytexashouse Chair & Ottoman Chair and ottoman from Six Penny. @mytexashouse Dining Room Fall Decor Neutral and stunning fall decor. @mytexashouse White Kitchen Lighting can be found here. @mytexashouse Dream Bedroom This bedroom features perfect symmetry and textures. Just gorgeous! @mytexashouse See @mytexashouse on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @thriftyniftynest: Erin’s home is so beautiful and welcoming. I love how she decorates and brings life to every corner of her home. Lanterns from Homegoods. Pumpkins from Micheal’s. @thriftyniftynest Pink Pumpkins DIY Pink Pumpkins: Dollar Tree. Painted with Martha Stewart craft paint. Gold silverware: Plastic from Party City. @thriftyniftynest Classic Fall Tablescape Plates: Pottery Barn. @thriftyniftynest Fall Color Scheme Sofa: Ikea Ottoman: Joss and Main @thriftyniftynest Fall Inspiration Decor is from HomeGoods. See @thriftyniftynest on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @MyHouseOfFour: Melody’s home is crisp and elegant. The velvet pumpkins are by bluegraygal. @myhouseoffour Coffee Table Decor Fall coffee table decor inspiration! @myhouseoffour. Velvet Great mix of texture and subtle colors. @myhouseoffour Stylish @myhouseoffour Bookshelves @myhouseoffour Chunky Shelves @myhouseoffour See @myhouseoffour on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @missyatperch: Missy’s home exudes a timeless elegant that is rare to find. @missyatperch Dream Fall Entry Design @missyatperch Foyer Fall Inspiration This is beyond gorgeous, isn’t it? @missyatperch Kitchen Paint Color Ivory White by Benjamin Moore. @missyatperch Patio Fall Decor @missyatperch Timeless Beauty @missyatperch See @missyatperch on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @sweetthreadsco: Michele’s home is crisp and full of inspiring ideas! The tweed pumpkins are from Target and the banner is from My Charm Box. @sweetthreadsco Pumpkin Pillow The pumpkin pillow is from Linen & Ivory and the tweed pumpkin is again from Target. @sweetthreadsco See @sweetthreadsco on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @classicstylehome: Jennifer has an amazing taste and her home is impeccable, in my opinion. Similar velvet pumpkins can be found here. @classicstylehome Dining room Inspiration @classicstylehome Natural Choice @classicstylehome Kitchen Fall Decor @classicstylehome Breakfast Room @classicstylehome Brunch Table Breakfast Nook Fall Decor with faux white pumpkins and fresh flowers. Perfect decor for brunch! @classicstylehome Front Entry @classicstylehome Planters @classicstylehome See @classicstylehome on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @cynthia_weber_design: Cynthia’s historic home is full of inspiration. I love this place and its surroundings. @cynthia_weber_design Lime Hydrangeas @cynthia_weber_design See @cynthia_weber_design on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @theclevergoose: This is a home I will never forget – The homeowner, Allison, built this home with her husband and father. I never complain about small projects around my house after I did her feature! Wreath: Hobby Lobby @theclevergoose. Farmhouse Fall Decor Isn’t this just adorable? @theclevergoose Living Room Bird painting: Paul Michael Company Fern Cyanotype: Clever Goose Mosaic Pumpkin: T.J.Maxx Wooden Planter: Magnolia Market Wire Basket: Target (similar) @theclevergoose Kitchen Decor Wooden bowl, wooden planter and cake stand: Magnolia Market Aged pine breadboards: Everyday Occasions @jennysteffenshobick Plates: Pottery Barn White ceramic candles: Flashpoint Candles @theclevergoose Brick Steps Awww… this just melts your heart! @theclevergoose Bunnies The bunnies names are Maple and Buttermilk. Aren’t they the cuttest? Outdoor sofa: Restoration Hardware Buffalo Check Pillows: Pottery Barn Beaded Pillow: Target @theclevergoose See @theclevergoose on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @becky.cunningham.home: Becky’s home is enchanting! @becky.cunningham.home Details @becky.cunningham.home See @becky.cunningham.home on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @sugarcolorinteriors: Megan’s home is heavenly – she knows how to mix neutral hues and textures like no one else. Textured Pillows – Etsy and Homegoods. Cableknit textured vase and marble tray – Homegoods. Artichoke lamps are Wayfair. Wood stool – Target. Rug from Wayfair is no longer available. Slipcovered sofas are Pottery Barn. @sugarcolorinteriors Whitewashed Coffee Table How She Decorates: “For Fall decor I like to bring out textured rugs, throws, pillows, and wood items. I sneak a few small real pumpkins into each room. I also like to turn on lamps, use the fireplace, and decorate with food!” Coffee Table: Whitewash coffee table. @sugarcolorinteriors Neutrals Driftwood Mirror – Pier One Art by Sarah Swanson. Chippy Console Table – Wayfair. Tufted chairs are Wayfair. @sugarcolorinteriors Black and White Buffalo Check Runner The buffalo check runner brings some extra charm to this kitchen. Marble pastry board – Wayfair Art by Lola Donoghue Buffalo check rug and gray check napkins – Amazon Pendants – Uttermost. @sugarcolorinteriors Countertop Countertop: Silver Sea Granite – Don’t these muffins look amazing??? Yum! French Press- Frieling Mug – Anthropologie @sugarcolorinteriors Master Bedroom Sherwin Williams Accessible Beige. Bed – Wayfair. Cable Knit Rug- Wayfair @sugarcolorinteriors Decor Chandelier – Ballard Designs. Striped Grain Sack Pillow, wood lamps, velvet bench – Wayfair. Drapes – Pottery Barn. @sugarcolorinteriors See @sugarcolorinteriors on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @janscarpino Cement bowl – Sunriver Gardens Coffee table books – Amazon Coffee Table –Alice Lane Home Fresh eucalyptus – Harmons Mini cement pumpkins – Sunriver Gardens Bulb glass vase- Alice Lane Home Mini white pumpkins – Target @janscarpino See @janscarpino on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @blessedmommatobabygirls: Blue Front Door Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Wythe Blue. @blessedmommatobabygirls Wreath Isn’t this welcoming? @blessedmommatobabygirls Beautiful & Welcoming Patsy’s home is one of the most welcoming I’ve featured on the blog. I love every detail… @blessedmommatobabygirls See @blessedmommatobabygirls on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @blountdesigns: A front entry can’t feel more Fall festive than this! @blountdesigns Enchanted Front Entry Deborah’s home is pure happiness, just like she is! @blountdesigns. Elegance @blountdesigns. See @blountdesigns on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @artfulhomestead: Hollie’s home is all about family and entertaining. She does it better than anyone else. Metal Leaves: @vintagemetalco Rustic wood slices/placemats: Chargers etsy shop @artfulhomestead Lights Chandeliers are from Restoration Hardware. Dessert Plates cutlery and candles: Pottery Barn. Glasses are canning jars from @weckjars White dinner plates Williams Sonoma @artfulhomestead Mini Velvet Pumpkins The small velvet pumpkins add extra interest to the stunning built-ins Stone, Board & Batten and Beams Beams and trims are Sherwin Williams SW 0023 Pewter Tankard. @artfulhomestead Branches Eucalyptus branches: Pottery Barn. @artfulhomestead Fall Decor How cozy and inviting! You don’t even need Fall decor in a bedroom with a view like that. @artfulhomestead. See @artfulhomestead on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @WowILoveThat: The pumpkin pillows are from Pier 1 Imports. The ottoman is discontinued from Pottery Barn. The sofa is the Lounge II from Crate and Barrel. Chairs flanking the fireplace are from Lamps Plus. @WowILoveThat Fall Pillow Inspo The candle on the marble and silver tray is from Etsy, shopagapecandles. The marble tray is from Home Goods. @WowILoveThat Coffee Table Decor The glass pumpkins are from Home Goods. @WowILoveThat Fall Vibes The Fall/Apple Cider/Bonfires/Football pillow is from Etsy – amandashomedesign. The plaid throw is from Home Goods and the chair it is on is from Lamps Plus. @WowILoveThat Bookshelf Decor The basket on my lower shelf is from Target. The cloth off white pumpkins are from Home Goods. The fall sign on my shelf is from Home Goods. @WowILoveThat Farmhouse Fall Decor The metal tiered tray with the pumpkins is from Home Goods. The pumpkins are real and from the homeowner’s garden! Wow, I love that! @WowILoveThat See @WowILoveThat on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @house.becomes.home: Jordan’s kitchen is all about farmhouse influences and that amazing cement tile backsplash! @house.becomes.home Thanksgiving Kitchen Island Decor Countertop is Super White quartzite. @house.becomes.home Heirloom Pumpkins The faux heirloom pumpkins are from Target. @house.becomes.home Faux Pumpkin Vignette @house.becomes.home Faux Pumpkins & Pine cones @house.becomes.home See @house.becomes.home on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @household no.6: Heather’s house is incredible! I love the mix of exposed brick and shiplap found in so many spaces. @household no.6 Fall Coziness Just bring me a good book and a cup of cocoa. @household no.6 See @household no.6 on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @curlsandcashmere The kitchen hood is painted in Sherwin Williams Urbane Bronze. A similar Faux Magnolia Wreath can be found here. @curlsandcashmere Inspiring Color Palette The decor came from Homegoods. @curlsandcashmere See @curlsandcashmere on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @peonyinteriordesigns: This front door got so many pins from Kate’s “Beautiful Homes of Instagram” feature. It’s easy to see why, right? Light Turquoise Door Paint Color: Benjamin Moore 723 Spring Rain. Mums & Lighting: Lowe’s. Wreath: HomeGoods. @peonyinteriordesigns See @peonyinteriordesigns on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @greensprucedesigns: I love Jen’s home. It’s one of the places that always come to my mind when I am looking for inspiration. Front door wreath is from Home Goods. @greensprucedesigns See @greensprucedesigns on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @cambridgehomecompany: What a curb-appeal! @cambridgehomecompany Outdoor Fall Decor How cozy! @cambridgehomecompany See @cambridgehomecompany on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @cindimc.ivoryhome We all know Cindi’s home very well, don’t we? Just take a look at the next picture and you will remember it. I just can’t stop featuring her home on Home Bunch! @cindimc.ivoryhome Most Pinned Swing Porch This is perfection! Who would you like to spend some time with you here? @cindimc.ivoryhome Siesta @cindimc.ivoryhome Outdoor Brick Fireplace with Fall Decor @cindimc.ivoryhome See @cindimc.ivoryhome on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @ninaandcecilia: Rocking Chairs – Walmart Welcome Mat – Target Outdoor Lanterns – Target Outdoor Lighting – Pottery Barn – on sale! @ninaandcecilia See @ninaandcecilia on Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Quote of the Week Posts of the Week @sanctuaryhomedecor: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Tuesday: Carriage House Interior Ideas. Wednesday: Modern Craftsman Farmhouse Design. Latest Interior Design Ideas Fall Interior Design Ideas. What’s Trending Right Now: Trending on Home Bunch: Florida Beach House with New Coastal Design Ideas. Follow Home Bunch on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Wow! I just love these girls! I really do.. I sent them one email and look at how much inspiration they sent my way! They’re all truly deserving of follows and many hugs! Thank you all, my dear friends for being here today. I hope you had a great time and felt happy for seeing so many beautiful and inspiring ideas. Take care, have a good weekend and remember to be kind to yourself and others. Love is never weak! with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Follow @HomeBunch: Contact: “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!” Save
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