#cus the innuendo was intentional
paganminiskirt · 7 months
We will truly never get anyone like Saiyan saga Vegeta ever again. Waist snatched in that spiky armor. Frazzled hair. Bloodshot eyes (eye.) Heavy breathing. A fully cognizant great ape form. Medieval levels of classism AND sadism. That ragged, overwrought voice, spouting slurs and exposition left right and center. Tenacious to the point of abject horror, all while standing at a clean 4’5 and being willing to throw hands for the pettiest reasons.
Which is why he loses!! If he hadn’t been distracted beating the crap out of Yajirobe, Gohan wouldn’t have been able to transform! The ego hit of getting his salad tossed by an inferior saiyan had this man projecting so hard, breaking up Gohan's reunion with his father at the absolute cruelest moment and twisting the knife by asking them "how it [feels] knowing you had one chance to save your miserable planet and failed." He of all people is really out here disrupting someone's relationship with their father and berating them for failing to protect their homeworld from annihilation? Vegeta. Muh man. Take some zoloft. Calm down.
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kinsearching · 3 months
the tank/darlin’ fictionkin back again cus i forgot to put this in my original thing(sorry!)
idk if i’m looking for romantic or not, if i’m really connected to source i might get flirtatious and normally i might reference certain source events in the form of innuendos but as a possible demiromantic i can’t be certain my initial intentions will be romantic
i just rlly miss my bf chat 😔🙏
i’m also taking a leap here cus meeting new ppl is scaryyyy
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bebepac · 3 years
The Home Of The Ice Princess
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Original Post Date: 08/02/21 at 7:58PM EST
This is chapter 7 of the Life of Riley Book Two.  To catch up with what you’ve been missing.  Please Click:  The Life of Riley: Book Two
The Book:  TRR The Pairing:  Liam x Riley Rating:  PG Warning:  Sexual Innuendo, Profanity Word Count: 3485
Nico Karahalios is my own character, all others belong to Pixelberry
Summary:  The suitors continue their time in Lythikos.  Liam and Riley explore town together.
A/N:  There will brief flirtations with canon, but the majority of my series will not be canon.  @queenjilian​ thank you for reminding me I can make this as divergent from canon as I want because of the groundwork I laid in Heroes and Villains.  
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Riley walked into Hana's room. Compared to Hana's room, her's was a broom closet.
"Well I know who is Harry Potter in this competition. My room is microscopic compared to yours."
"But Harry Potter won, you know. He even got points for 'sheer dumb luck.' I'm surprised you need help with the Cordonian Waltz, when you danced an impressive waltz with Liam, at the Masquerade Ball."
"Sheer dumb luck at its finest, HP in ‘da house!!!!”
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Hana chuckled.
"Well, you made sheer dumb luck look flawless."
Riley smiled and blushed.
"I just followed Liam's muscle movements. It just felt natural dancing with him, and I felt so intune to him."
"That’s how it’s supposed to feel when you dance with someone special.  The Cordonian Waltz is a courtship dance.  It’s meant to be romantic. Are you ready to try?”
"Let's do this!"
Hana cued up the music.  
“Lady Riley,”  Hana used her deepest voice possible, which wasn’t really that deep, as she bowed to her.
“Prince Liam.”  Riley’s voice sounded incredibly high pitched, as she curtsied to Hana.
“Um Riley, you’re supposed to be you right now.”
“Oh right, I knew that!”  
The girls had left the door slightly ajar,  so Nico peered in, to watch.  
When they laughed louder than anticipated and both shushed the other, continuing to softly giggle.  Riley ran over to the door gently pushing it closed.  He was inches from her and she didn't see him.
Nico backed away still hearing Riley’s laughter on the other side of the door.  A little disappointed indeed,  he continued his patrol.  
“You have a natural rhythm Riley, and you have perfect timing, did you take dance classes as a child?”
“I don’t know.”  
Hana paused while they were dancing looking confused.
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
Riley briefly told her the story of her accident and her memory loss.  
“So you remember nothing at all before you woke up in the hospital of your previous life?”
“I'm sorry to lay such a sad story on you.”  
“It's alright Riley. It actually helps me to understand you better.  You view the world so much more  differently than all the other ladies here.  I knew it was not simply because you’re American.  Why did you come here to be part of the social season?”
“For love, Hana.  
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Liam doesn’t have to be a Prince.  Hell, when I met him he was pretending to be a normal guy, even though I could tell from his mannerisms and just the way he carried himself he was anything but.”
Hana studied Riley intently.  
“None of us have a chance with him do we, because he has already made his decision, and that person is you… isn’t it?  You don’t have to answer.  I see the way he looks at you when you walk in the room.  The others would have to be fools not to see it.”
“He looks at me?”  
Hana nodded, coaxing Riley into a spin.  
“YES! Like his whole world stops.
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  He can’t keep his eyes off you Riley.  As nice as Prince Liam truly is, if he is looking for love, and has found it with you, then he should have it.  From the top, let's start again.”  
Riley and Hana returned to their starting position as they talked.  
Riley felt a level of ease and comfort as she danced with Hana.  Riley never had a friend before like Hana.
“Hana, why did you decide to be a suitor?”
“I didn’t.   My parents made the decision for me.  It would be an honor if our house was selected.”
“What do you want for your life Hana?”
“I don’t know.  No one has ever asked me before.”  
“But don’t you get it, they should Hana; it’s your life.  You deserve to live it the way you see fit, whatever that means.  Even if it’s just living it to figure out what you want from it.”
“No one has ever said that to me before.”  
“But someone should have though.”  
"Maybe you're right."  Hana had a very introspective look on her face then her face brightened with a smile.
“You’ve got the waltz down Riley, you’ll be just fine for the ball tomorrow evening.”  
“Thank you Hana.  I’d better try to get some rest, it’s after midnight.”  
Riley headed back down to the end of the hall to her broom closet of a room getting ready for bed.
The Next Morning
She woke up the next morning to  Maxwell’s signature knock.
“Good morning  Little Blossom.”  
“Good Morning Max.  What’s on the agenda for today?”
“Well most of the suitors have their typical day of the ball rituals they do.  So it’s pretty much going to be a lowkey day until this evening.”
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“You mean to tell me it takes these chicks all day to get ready?”
Maxwell laughed. “Not you though?”
After breakfast, Riley  quickly got dressed in her jeans, sweater and boots, pulled out her phone and sent Liam a text.  
Riley: Do you want to build a snowman? Sorry I couldn’t help it, since I feel like I’m in Frozen right now.
Liam:  LOL.  Riley… You are something else.
Riley:  But seriously, do you want to blow this popcicle stand and go explore town a bit?”  
Liam: I’d love to explore the town with you. I can be ready in 20 minutes.  
Riley and Liam were able to sneak out of the keep. 
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 When they got a respectable distance away, Liam took Riley’s hand in his, kissing it softly then her lips.
“You know, I wasn’t opposed to building a snowman with you, you know.  I don’t know why everything sounds like an adventure when you’re involved, Riley.”
“Because I’m so much fun!”  Riley giggled.  
“You just make the world brighter and I’m in awe of you.”  
“Liam….”  Riley's grip tightened  on Liam's hand.
When they stepped foot into town, it was like they were transported back in time. It almost had a medieval feel to it. Riley paused, staring into the window of one of the metal worker’s shops as he hammered a blade into the shape he desired, as the metal was still red hot.  Little fire sparks filled the air as he hammered.  
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“I feel like this is a renaissance festival, and why are there so many weapon shops?”  
“We’re in Lythikos, where the motto should be ‘Don’t make me cut you. Because I will.”
Riley laughed.
"The people of Lythikos weapon of choice? Anything pointy."
“I can tell." Riley inhaled a deep breath of the air. "What is that smell? It’s glorious!!!”
“We just ate breakfast thirty minutes ago.”  
“But are you actually full Liam?  Be honest.”
Liam thought for a second.  
“I could eat.”  
Ahead there was a little storefront selling food items. Riley got in line.  “One smoked turkey leg please.”  
The shop keeper after taking her money handed her a large turkey leg.
“Thank you.”  
Riley took a huge meaty bite of the turkey leg.
“Ohhhhh my God!!!!”
Liam leaned in to take a bite of her turkey leg.  Riley held out her free hand to stop his face from leaning in.
“What are you doing?”  Riley inquired.
“I said I could eat, I want a bite.”  
“Get your own.  I didn’t say I was sharing.”  
The clerk laughed, shaking his head at them.
Liam had to get in line to get his own turkey leg.  
“Lady Riley, I’ve never had someone who treats me the way you do.”
“And how is that?”  
“Like I’m just a regular guy.”  
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“Well you are a regular guy Liam.  Sure you have this title on your name, and yes your face is on the currency I just paid that cook with, but at the core, you’re still a regular guy.  You have goals, dreams and aspirations.  You probably think sometimes your life is….”  
“A mess.” Liam finished her sentence.
“You worry about things. I’m sure.  I can see that on your face.  You have a huge plan for your life, and it’s not one of your own making, and I’m sure, part of that scares you.”
Liam’s eyes registered shock.  “How did you know?”  
“Because I see you.  I saw you that night.  I feel it.  And honestly if I was you, I’d be scared too.  That doesn’t make you weak, Liam.  Being afraid will never make you weak Liam.   The true strength lies in how you deal with your fear.”
“It’s like you can see directly into my soul.  Riley, I could kiss you right now.”  
“Mmmmm.. Smoked turkey breath.  Let’s go.”
Liam laughed out loud. 
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 “Riley you are really unlike any other woman I have ever met before in life.”  
“I think that means something, don’t you?”  
“It means everything.”  He whispered softly, stroking her cheek.  
Liam leaned in.  Riley did too, and instead of kissing him, she took a bite of his turkey leg.  
“Are you serious right now?   You wouldn’t share yours and now you’re eating mine, and you still have half yours left?  How is this alright?!?!?!?!”  
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Riley chuckled. “You said it, I’m not like any other woman you’ve met before.”  
“Touche Riley.  Touche.”
Riley and Liam continued walking through town, he noticed Riley was starting to lag a little bit.  
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“The meats got you tired?”
“Yes, can we sit?”  
“Now you know how I felt when you fed me a whole pig for breakfast to prove a point to Daniel.”
“I’m sorry Liam!!!”  
“You’re forgiven, but I have a better idea.”  
She followed Liam’s line of sight to the little shop. Liam paid the carriage driver.  “A scenic ride through Lythikos. No exertion required.”
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“I’m so in.”    
Liam and Riley snuggled into the blanket as the carriage driver took off the gentle clicks of the horse’s shoes  sounded on the pavement.
“Can I ask you a question?”  
Why does it feel different here than traditional Cordonia?  People don’t appear to treat you any different?”
“Because Lythikos has always been their own duchy that walks to the beat of their own drum, and here Olivia rules the roost, and frankly I really don’t care.  It is a reprieve coming here, and being treated the most normal I have been treated in my life.  It’s part of the reason I’m glad I’m enjoying being in Lythikos with you.  We wouldn’t have been able to do this anywhere else.  The paparazzi would have been all over us, like they were that night in the capital.  I could only take you to dinner at a place I completely trusted, and still they got to us.  That won’t happen here.”
It was late afternoon when they finally made it back to the Keep.  
“I can’t wait to see what you’re going to wear tonight.”  
“You’ll see,  I’m probably going to cause quite the stir again.”  
Riley slipped into her bright candy apple red ballgown putting her finishing touches on her hair and makeup.  
“So… I did a thing.”  Maxwell said after he came in to see how Riley’s dress looked.
“What did you do?”  
“You’ll see.  Just another thing to let the world know Liam and Riley belong together.”  
Liam was dressed in his tuxedo and descended down the stairs to an awaiting Olivia.  
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As he got closer to Olivia he noticed a look of disdain on her face.
“What’s wrong Duchess Olivia?”
“What are you wearing?”  
“It’s the vest and bowtie that was sent to me.”  
“That is not.  It’s not the correct red, it doesn’t match Lythikos Fire Red.  That is not what I sent you.  It clashes with my dress.”  
“Maybe someone got things mixed up. It’s okay.  It’s not a big deal.  I still think it looks nice Duchess Olivia, and red is definitely your color.”  He sat at the head table with Olivia as the other guests started to file in.  
“I knew it had to be her. I knew she had something to do with it.”  
Riley had walked into the room with Maxwell, Hana and Drake.  Riley was wearing a bright red floor length ball gown.  
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The precise color red she was wearing, matched Liam’s tie and vest perfectly.
Riley noticed him at the same time smiling.  
“That matches her dress.”  
Secretly Liam liked the idea of being affiliated with Lady Riley.  
“Did she really think sitting us in the back would hurt my feelings?” Riley rolled her eyes. 
“Well it’s supposed to be a social snub Brooks.  She sat you with me.  I’m a commoner.”
“She sat you with me, because she doesn’t view me as a threat, and not worthy of her time.”  Hana  commented.
“This is the best table, we’re the chill crew.”
Every time Liam glanced back at Riley’s table in the back, Her, Drake, and Hana were laughing and partying.    
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“Told you, our dinner would be late and cold on purpose. She’s so predictable.  But don't worry I got us covered."  
Riley had again ordered food and they had their own piping hot feast at their table.
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“You’re right Brooks she really is predictable.  You’re not though. Thought you would be upset sitting back here.”  
“No, we have the best table.  Look at everyone else you guys.”
They glanced around the ballroom,  there were people sitting at tables in silence.  People who clearly hated the people they were seated with, and fake laughter.
“I’m happy where I am.”  
“Me too.” Hana smiled, linking her arms between Riley and Drake.
Olivia tried to start the Cordonian Waltz with Liam, but she could barely put pressure on her leg, and the movements of the pair looked choppy.  Liam looked like he was gliding across the room with a Statue.  Olivia finally had to stop to sit down looking defeated.  People at the head table with her reassured her that things were fine.
Liam glanced around the room, his eyes falling on Riley.  
“Lord Maxwell, would you mind me finishing the dance with Lady Riley?”  
“Not at all, might I add, the two of you look absolutely a perfect match tonight. A lovely choice of red  for your bowtie and vest Your Highness.”
“Yes, apparently there was a mix up with these items, and I was delivered another color.  Duchess Olivia had words about it.”
“Looks like a happy accident to me.”  Maxwell winked at the pair.
“A happy accident indeed.  Lady Riley?”  Liam bowed to her.
“Prince Liam, I’d be delighted to be on your arm.”
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“Happy accident?”  
“Yes, but I like happy accidents.”  
“In this case ‘happy accident' should be called Maxwell Beaumont. No one wears red like you do Riley.  Even though I know you did this on purpose to antagonize Duchess Olivia.”  
“Like she thinks sitting me in the back with Hana and Drake, is an insult.  They are the most kind and honest people here, with the exception of you Prince Liam.  I am happy to be seated with them. Because they are my kind of people.  Maybe I’m not getting this Royalty thing right, but the title doesn’t make the person. I actually think it might be the other way around.  Olivia seated me in the back,  she gave me a tiny bedroom; she thinks i’m not important.  What’s your room look like?”  
“It’s the nicest one here, complete with a hot tub that overlooks a picturesque Lythikos landscape.  I would love some company tonight.”
“I might be able to fit you in.”  
“I love the way I fit in you….”  Prince Liam’s voice was low and husky, he licked his lips at her.
Riley chuckled and whispered in his ear.  “So do I, my Prince.”
“I’m at the opposite end of the hallway from you.”
“I’ll see you later.”  Riley  winked at him as the waltz ended.  She let go if his hand  and Liam turned into obligatory mode.  He sat and chatted with Olivia for a bit,  he danced with the other suitors, but his eyes kept finding Riley wherever she was in the ballroom.  
“How did you learn the Cordonian Waltz so well?”   Maxwell pulled her into a dance on the dance floor.
She hit his arm.  “No thanks to you.  I thought you were supposed to be getting me all Court ready and awesome and shit.  You totally dropped the ball on that one.  If it wasn’t for Drake and almost getting eaten alive by a Lythikos Sabrewolf I might not have known about it.”  
“You almost got eaten by a Sabrewolf.  Did you see it?”  
“I mean it mine as well have been.  Me and Drake were watching a meteor shower in the woods. We heard a rustle in the bushes.  Barely escaped with our lives!!!  But you know, that Drake is actually not half bad.”
“He really isn’t. And he really is Liam’s best friend.  Prince Liam is not your regular royal.”
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“He really isn't.”
That evening after the ball, Riley waited for the footfalls of the guards to pass by and recede completely before she slipped out into the hall heading towards Liam’s room.  She tapped ever so slightly on his door.  
It didn’t open.  She tapped gingerly again.  The door abruptly opened, and unrecognizable arms grabbed her pulling her inside the room.  
Hands slapped over her mouth muffling her scream.  
Liam laughed in her ear.
She pulled away from him, hitting him hard.  “I really almost peed on you, you scared me half to death!!!
“Why did you almost pee on me?”  
“You scared me!”
“I’m sorry, my apologies.  I promise, all of this was worth it.   He grabbed two robes, and walked Riley out the balcony.  
Riley gasped as she stood on the balcony and the beauty that was Lythikos.  In the distance she could see the snow capped mountains to the west, to the east she could see the frozen pond they had skated on earlier, glistening in the  night and the woods.  
“This is so beautiful.”
“I’ve haven’t even had any desire to come out here until now, because you’re with me.  Because I wanted to share this with you.”
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“No one says my name like you do.  It sounds like music when you say it.”  
“What about when I scream it?”  
Liam growled.  “You set fire to my soul.  Now can I help you out of that beautiful dress?”  
“If you must, so that we can enjoy the hot tub.”  
Liam slipped up behind her, pulling the zipper to her dress, the dress slid down her body pooling at her feet.  Riley stepped out of the dress revealing her black lingerie and her red heels.  She bent over in front of him giving him a full view of her derriere, as she picked up her dress.  
Liam’s body rubbed against her and he gave her gentle smack to her rear.  
“You tempt me Lady Riley, I did not realize dessert was on the menu for tonight.” 
"Any good menu always has a dessert option Liam. You're far too overdressed now. I can assist with that.”
Liam smirked at her and stood there as she pulled off his clothes.  
Content sighs emerged from both as they settled into the hot water.  
“This is the perfect ending to the day.”  Liam grumbled softly relaxing into the water.
“Oh is it?”  
Riley moved closer to him in the hot tub straddling his lap, planting a soft kiss to his lips.
“I stand corrected.” Liam’s hands tightly gripped Riley’s hips as she softly kissed his neck.   “You’re too good to me.”
Riley wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Why does every moment with you feel so right?”  
“Because we found something together, that the both of us were missing.”
“What is one wish that you have for your life Riley?”  
“I want a family I can hold onto and remember.”
“Do you want children?”  
“I think so.  Doesn’t everyone?”  
“No, actually they don’t.  My brother didn't want children, and now I hear his wife is pregnant with twins.  Leo didn’t want children.”  
“Now you have the same question,   one wish for your life?”
“I want to become a compassionate king whom my people look up to.”  
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“I didn’t ask Prince Liam this question.  I asked you, Just Liam.”  Riley kissed the tip of his nose.
“Now answer as Just Liam would.”  
Liam smiled brightly.  “I want to be a father.  And not just any father.  When I walk into the room, I want my children to be happy to see me, and run to me, because Daddy’s here.  Daddy’s home. I want a family that’s filled with love and laughter.  I want to give my future family the life I never had.  You see, when my father would come into the room, we were happy to see him, but he never seemed happy to see us.  My mother was a different story.”  
“You’ve never mentioned your mother, did your parents get divorced?”
“No, my mother passed away.”  
“I’m so sorry.”  
Liam’s grip tightened around her.  “It’s okay.”
“I hope you get your wish someday.”  
“Our dreams actually coincide with each other Riley.  We could create a beautiful life together. I love you Riley Brooks.”
“I love you too, Liam Rys.”  
She rested her forehead on his.
“Don’t let me go.”  
“Never.”  Liam whispered.
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formulatrash · 4 years
Hi, just wondering what makes you think it’s appropriate to say NSFW things about a 20 year old given the fact that you’re over 10 years older than him? ‘yeah l’d smash Lando Norris through a mattress like a cannonball through polystyrene’. It seems a bit creepy and has made a few people uncomfortable seeing those types of posts.
This comes up like every six months and the answer is because its hyperbolic, I do not actually mean that. I clearly need to work on the tone but like, that is not intended to be taken as a statement of intent - it's silly and whimsical.
It probably is me being a bit locker room cus I've spent too long in motorsport and a bit online because I've spent too long on tumblr. In reality I just think he's neat and I like him a lot but like, I don't want to predate him for goodness sake, I have to interview him for my IRL job.
I probably should think more about the fact that people actually read this and it has my name on but the answer is I'm just being daft. I would never even seriously think that let alone act on it or creep on him.
Even in some bizarre world where it was likely, the professional consequences of me lusting after or even thinking about sexually, let alone actually sleeping with any driver or team member would be catastrophic. It's just unthinkable, on an industry level so I assume everyone sees it as like, dadaist surrealism.
I should probably be more guarded, tbh it's not really a question of appropriateness but more "likelihood someone has a go at me over using Tumblr roughly the way it's actually works." But like, this is not my workplace or an industry-facing channel and I guess I play Tumblr on fun mode.
Pretty sure this is off the back of me calling Sky inappropriate which is a fair comparison but a) I would never, ever use that kind of hyperbolic language at work or to make a driver uncomfortable and where I do use it, it's something I own myself as me and don't try to pass onto fans to shed responsibility. And b) it is tags on Tunglr dot hell not a New York Times feature there are tonally specific platforms.
Do I think it's a bit dodge out of context? Yeah and I'll probably get in trouble for it at some point but it'll be a nice break from the steady stream of abuse over not sucking off V12s for breakfast and whatever. I get away with quite a lot by being, basically, nice. I'd probably have a raised eyebrow if a dude was doing the same on Reddit over Jamie Chadwick but they don't, partly because dudes in this industry wouldn't even need to - they'd just outright say it to her face. Or worse, that she wasn't hot enough for them to fantasise over, which has the double objectification/sexualisation barb.
Which doesn't make the reverse permissable, obviously. I s'pose cus a lot of people accuse me of only doing this cus I fancy the drivers I started wearing it as a cloak at some point. They'll say it whether you make jokes or not. But like, this is my real industry that I really work in - which makes it bizarre I'm on tumblr in the first place and I kind of consider the whole thing a bit of an odd performance these days. Like I'm on here, obviously but I can't be on here like in a shared fandom sense really cus otherwise I'd just reply to every post with insanely wrong headed things in it all day.
Also I really don't think Lando would be too offended by that, to be fair. He's more likely to get huffy over being infantilised - the dude is an adult racing driver, he has definitely heard some innuendo and a hidden tumblr tag he'd have to dig to even find or see is very different to leading with it as a headline or @ing him or making a joke in an interview that puts him on the spot.
edit: also I don’t know where I actually said this because I just checked my whole Lando tag and it’s not in there. It sounds like something I’d say as a joke about losing my entire mind as a measure of how nuts I currently am so I can 100% believe I said it but idk what the context was.
TL;DR please do not take my hyperbolic tags as gospel documentary about my internal processes, I am just vibing.
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Happy Valentine’s Day || Gabriel x Reader
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Gabe is my favorite l'il angel and I had to write about him because I can see him as one of those “boyfriends” that goes all out on Valentine’s Day with one of those massive Teddy Bears and a fuck-ton of chocolate.
Type: Fluff (I know, I know, but I'm in a cutesy mood so suck it horn dogs!)
Reader Gender: Female 
Warnings: Kissing...? Also Gabriel in general, so innuendos and all that jazz. Oh, and language. And cliché.
Word Count: 2,000+
    "I think I'm gonna clock out!" you called over your shoulder to Sam, who was set up in his usual spot at the long wooden table in the dining/research room, immersed in whatever was on the screen.
    He hummed in response, taking his eyes off his laptop for a moment to direct his steely gaze at you through those wise-looking eyes of his. "Not gonna go...um...wipe some broken hearts off the bar floor?" he teased, quirking one eyebrow as his scruff-lined lips twisted into a smile.
    You chuckled sleepily and shook your head, noting how your joints cracked and realigned at even the smallest movement. "I'll pass. Dean can get enough work done out there for the both of us. Besides," you added as an afterthought, "I'm tired as hell."
    "I hear you," Sam responded quietly, sinking back into his work.
    You sighed heavily and plodded down the semi-elegant hallway to your room, stretching your arms over your head as you went and letting out a satisfied groan when something popped. All you wanted was a nice, warm shower, and maybe some peace and quiet. Maybe even a beer and a movie if you got bored. Yeah, some BAB sounded great right about then. It was Valentine’s Day, after all. Great day for porn.
   With that thought in mind, you swung open the large, mahogany door with the intent of flopping uninterrupted onto your bed when-
    "And how's the cutest little human in the world?"
    "Gabriel! Get out of my room!"
    There he was, the peskiest of the four archangels, sprawled out on your covers with a wide grin etched across his handsome face.
    "How about no?" he snickered, sitting up and smirking. "Besides, it's Valentine's Day!" he added enthusiastically, opening his arms as if to augment his stating of the obvious. "What kinda boyfriend would I be if I didn't stop in on my favorite human to give 'em a proper date?"
    You groaned and pinched the bridge of your nose, irritated beyond belief and sensing the stirrings of a migraine. "You're not my boyfriend, Gabriel. And I'm really not in the mood to deal with your shit right now. I just wanna take a shower and lie down and maybe get some shut-eye before Dean comes back with someone and makes sleep impossible."
    Raising one eyebrow, the smirking archangel sat forward, his whiskey eyes gazing straight into yours with an air of smug unpredictability that had the reverse affect on his counter. "Mind if I join you?"
    "Fuck off, Feathers."
    "Rude," he pouted, cuing yet another eye-roll.
    "What do you want, Gabriel?" you asked sharply, crossing your arms and lifting your chin in an attempt to convey a semblance of confidence, even though his presence made your insides squirm like worms on LSD.
    "You, naked, covered in rose petals,” he chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively in a way that never failed to make your heart do a little dance (often a frantic sort of “OH SHIT THOSE ARE SOME SEXY EYEBROWS” jig).
    You felt heat creep up your neck and gritted your teeth, balling your hands into fists. "Gabriel, I swear if you’re-"
    "It's just a joke, Sweetcheeks!" he exclaimed, holding his hands up in surrender, before muttering, "I'd prefer syrup, anyway. Sweeter."
    "Fine," he sighed, his smirk softening to a smile, "I'm here to help you loosen up a bit. You look tense."
    "Yeah, I wonder why!"
    "Aw, c'mon," he whined, scooting to the edge of your bed and pouting up at you. "All I wanna do is cuddle! I won't bother you for the rest of February if you say yes." At least he was asking for consent. How generous.
   "You're bribing me now?" you snorted, trying to sound casually annoyed to hide how flattered you were by him. He always did that to you; he twisted you into confused knots until you didn't know how to feel. 
    It wasn’t as if being with him would be a huge issue. Dean wouldn’t like it – he hated Gabriel, even more so after the T.V. land escapade – but after a while, he’d adjust. Sam wouldn’t be so vocal about his distaste, probably even supportive. He was already third wheeling one frustrating couple. What could be the harm in adding another?
   No, the problem was with you. You didn’t want to tie yourself down to an archangel if it only meant a quick (though undoubtedly amazing) fuck and decades of heartbreak. He was so wild, you doubted he’d be up for a long-term relationship, and you weren’t sure you could handle a one-night-stand, as tempting as that option was.
    Gabriel’s eyes twinkled, intrigue written across his face. He had an air of smugness that tended to linger around him but seemed unfounded at that moment. Quickly (and suspiciously), he cut off your thoughts: "Is it working?"
    "Nope," you lied, walking over to your dresser to give yourself something to do other than stand awkwardly and in a state of slowly depleting gobsmackery in the doorway. If you were going to have to deal with Gabriel, you would definitely be dealing with him in comfy clothes.
    "Why are you making me work so harrrrrrd?" the ever-childish archangel whined, tilting his head and watching you open one of the mahogany drawers and rummage around.
    Sifting through your clothes, you groaned again, pulling out one of Sam's giant flannels (red-checked and soft) you’d stolen a while back. Winchester clothing was just more comfortable; even their boxers. You were tentative about wearing men’s underwear in front of the perverted archangel stationed on your bed but you know what they say: fuck it.
    "Because giving you what you want is like feeding the animals," you said distractedly, moving to your bathroom door (you had one separate from the boys’ because they took long showers and sometimes menstruation couldn’t wait an hour) and calling over your shoulder, "We cuddle once and then you never leave me alone!"
   You could feel his eyes drilling into you as you slipped inside, carefully locking the door behind you even though his bothering to use it would only be out of courtesy and therefore very unlikely. You waited for a few seconds in case Gabriel was planning on breaking in, before pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it on the sink.
    Lo’ and behold, there came the flutter of wings from directly behind you, the cool breeze from invisible wings tickling your nearly bare back. "But I just wanna cu- wow you are...wow."
    You blushed heavily and spun around, ready to give him a piece of your mind, only to realize that he could see straight down your bra. With a yelp, you grabbed the first thing you saw – a towel hanging on the door behind him – and held it against your practically naked torso. "Gabriel, what the hell!?"
    "I just wanted to keep talking to you," he whined, his dark eyes twinkling with mischief and other emotions that you could recognize but didn't want to name.
    "So you came into the bathroom with me?!"
    "What's wrong with that?"
    "You're joking," you told him flatly, agitated, "You see nothing wrong with this? I'm half fucking naked, Gabriel!"
    "I noticed," the archangel smirked, wiggling his eyebrows again. "You're hotter than I imagined."
    "Than you imagined?" you snapped, your face flushing, "The hell is that supposed to mean?!" Oh God, did he…holy fuck, did he get off thinking about you? Christ, you couldn’t win with him!
    "Oh, you know what it means, Sugar~" Gabriel purred, taking a few steps forward so that his chest brushed against your forearms which pinned the towel to your quivering body.
    You blushed furiously, your eyes widening as you gazed breathlessly up at him. A strangled moan clawed its way out of your throat and past your clamped lips. After a beat, you finally found your voice, or some of it. "Shut up, Asshat!" you growled, wrinkling your nose and taking a step back.
    "Make me~"
    "Okay!" you snapped, stepping around him, "I get that it's Valentine's Day but I’m really not in the mood!"
    Gabriel sighed, gazing after you as you opened the door and slipped out, pulling the giant, tunic-like flannel over your scatterbrained head to hide your torso. ‘Sexy fucking angel,’ you thought, remembering vividly the way he could morph from innocent puppy-dog to I'm-gonna-fuck-you-'til-you-can't-walk in under a second. ‘What gives him the right.’
    "I just wanna help you relax," he whined (a tone he’d been taking quite a lot lately), watching you flop down on your bed and moving to sit on the end.
    "Leave me alone," you commanded, burying your face in the pillow and shutting your eyes right. You felt the bed creak next to you and you turned your head, coming eye to whiskey eye with the pesky archangel.
    You groaned, turning your face to hide a blush as your heart fluttered from the proximity of his body to yours. Finally, you got up the courage to say it. "Fine."
    A grin spread across Gabriel's face. "What made you change your mind all of the sudden?" he asked innocently, the smirk on his face audible to your reddening ears.
    "Shut up."
    "Aww," he chuckled, his arm snaking around your waist as he pulled you against his chest, "Have I ever told you how cute you are when you're pissed off?"
    You gritted your teeth and rolled your eyes, your mind on hyper-alert as he pressed closer, breath dancing over your neck. "Every damn time you see me," you snapped agitatedly. It was true, you had a tendency to get riled up when he was around, for obvious reasons. He seemed to find it amusing, which did nothing to help your flustered state.
    "You really are adorable," he said, sounding almost genuine.
   You blushed and shook your head, glaring at him over your shoulder as your heart did backflips. "I am not, Gabriel!" It sounded so childish you had to fight to keep from cringing.
    "Don't deny it," Gabriel chuckled, poking you nose. "See? You're like a kitten dumped in ice water. I just wanna hug you and kiss every inch of your skin and listen to your voice say my name over and over and over again..." He sighed, taking in a breath and pulling back a bit, gazing adoringly at you.
    Your face felt like it was on fire from all the heat rushing through it, and your eyes were wide as saucers.
    "I-I...uhm...I mean that's-wow..."
    The archangel's eyes twinkled mischievously, and he leaned in to press his forehead against yours, whispering, "Plus, you're adorable when you're flustered."
    You swore you thought your heart stopped for a second. It skipped a beat or two — or five — at his words.
    He chewed his lip, waiting for a response of some sort, of which you seemed incapable. You gazed at him like a tourist at the Statue of Liberty, your eyes wide and your lips parted as thoughts rushed through your mind like hot pockets through someone's dietary tract.
    His stare was what caught you; his deep golden-brown eyes simultaneously grounded you in reality and sent you off on tangents of mental fantasy.
    "So, are you gonna kiss me or not?"
    Gabe's mouth dropped open; it was his turn to look dumbfounded. "What, (Y/N)?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.
    You rolled your eyes. "You wore me down, okay? You win. Now do me a favor and finish what you started!"
    A smile spread across his handsome features as he lifted himself up on one arm and cupped your face with his hand. Gently, he drew your lips up to his. Your lips met and instantly you felt right, somehow. Complete. You could feel heat radiating off of him, like somewhere inside him was a burning fire; his grace. Softly, his lips moved against yours as his fingers dragging up to card through your hair. A small gasp rose in your throat. It was magical, caring, even loving.
    You stayed there, frozen in his arms, for a few minutes before realizing that sometime soon, you’d need to breathe. Pulling back, you gasped, your chest heaving against his. "Oh, I forgot," he chuckled.
    "What?" you asked incredulously, breathless, "To breathe?"
    "Christ, Gabe," you groaned, glaring at him with amusement dancing in your features. "How have you survived this long?"
    Gabriel shrugged, grinning sheepishly. You knew that he was set on you being the adorable one, but the way he smiled was pretty damn cute. His eyes crinkled slightly, shining like pools of liquid gold. It struck you how just last year the pair of you had been enemies, and now there you were, lying in bed with him. The bed you had just kissed in.
    "You're hopeless," you sighed, resting your head back on the pillow.
    He tilted his head, propping himself up to glare jokingly down at you. "Ouch. Harsh."
    "But accurate, Mr. Century-Old-Archangel."
    ‘Mr. Century-Old-Archangel’ chuckled, pulling you closer with one arm and brushing a few wayward strands of hair out of your face. "Cutie."
    "I'm not cute!"
    "Whatever you say, Sugar. Happy Valentine’s Day."
    "You too, Gabe."
Yeah, yeah, it’s super cliché. It’s Valentine’s Day. Deal. Have a swell day/afternoon/evening/night/whatever else! Happy Valentine’s Day!
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