#cus if yall would like to see that then i'd probably make one
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mspaint-flower · 2 years ago
Have you thought of making a separate blog for other art apart of only your flower art? Cause i love ur art and ill enjoy it either way but just a silly lil question yknow💯
I MEAN. MAYBE? HSKFHKDSHKGHEKJGJKEHG i had thoughts of making a separate blog mainly for other stuff and also my misc art (like reblogging random stuff i like and polls and art and stuff since this is mainly my art blog) but i didn't know how useful it would be? CUS I DON'T EVEN MAKE A LOT OF MISC ART SHKJFHDGKJGHE the only ''misc'' art would really be my sona which i already posted here so. I DON'T KNOW SHKJFJDSHGJKEDHJKGH
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bitchkay · 1 year ago
Seeing Guy and Toa making out would be the most interesting thing to look at
I swear by this
That shit would be so addicting to see
Like imagine minding your business and you see the people who hate each other the most making out
We need an AU where Toa and Guy aggressively make out to show dominance over each other
We need an AU where Toa and Guy dominate each o-
Idk y I did not see this💀
Ask received nov 23rd.
The way I imagine it is like its something that happens, we all know about but no one actually talks about it, at least not in public
The only thing Guy and Toa can agree on is anyone that spreads that shit around is immediately on route to being executed, period
But to witness it
Like imagine you go by the S ranks room looking for them cus y'know they're your fucking teacher--
And you open the door and all you see is Guy and Toa trapped in a lip lock
Only people in the room idk where their goddamn valets are
Making out sloppy style
I'd be flabbergasted
Cus whatthe fuck
But heres the thing if you tell people not only will nobody believe you but suddenly you "disappeared"
Imagine you witness them making out and they ask you to come in
Bitch I'd be scared as fuck am I gonna die today😭😭
Me ready to run them bitches use magic to bring me back
Nah just kill me now I don't want a slow painful death just get that shit over with😭😭
And then we have a threeso--
imagine if their families found out🤭🤭
Bruh they not even so much mad about them liking men its just because its THAT MAN😭😭
Cus of all the men in the world you pick that one⁉️⁉️
I just know Gilbert Qelsum would be FUCKING his wife so hard praying to Vane they dont get a fourth girl nah they already making Toas replacement🤭🤭 /j
I mean Rahm wanted Aquia to get the throne anyway🙄🙄 /j
But all jokes aside you know the amount of HELL that would break loose if they found out
The Avari heir having an "affair" with the Qelsum heir
Literally the biggest scandal of the century
It's not even an affair, they were just kissing
if that kiss was the product of an eventual truce between Avari and Qelsum having looked pasted their differences to see how much alike they are and coming to an agreement and genuinely enjoying eachothers company for once shit I'm all for it
But the tabloids make that shit seem like they're just gay and horny smfh
I mean what if they were just gay and horny
We can have a case of hate fucking on our trail
Desperate times comes desperate measures
He was the only man there I'm sorry yall my bad
Fucking like the other had done something to personality offend him and honestly he probably did they be fighting like children sometimes
THE LEAST they could've done is kiss tbh
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maifrenthebesto · 11 months ago
Sometimes I like to deliberately leave certain spheres of internet presence because I become dissatisfied in some regard about the integration of the services and my own schemas, and as I notice things aren't exactly what I'd want them to be, or they simply stop serving the purpose it once did.
Taking breaks is an important part in getting a thorough understanding of the subject that is being inquired as part of the learning process, I think that my ability to differentiate between different kinds of potential readers adds an element of the unknown to the reader until it sort of hits ya, and there's something in there that you related a little too hard on. And maybe that's because this is where I came to be hard on myself because I saw it, and wanted to see what I could do with it.
There was a time when I first moved here where I was talking to a girl, and she was toying around with knowing that I was into her, and sort of made myself look bad for taking it too far after being trashed. It was a long time ago and now it's whatever but then again, she suggested I tried Tumblr for the first time, and I didn't really get it.
Maybe there's something about that here, but then again probably not, it was literally whatever."
I was happy to think about being with someone who cared for me for a change, but there was never a real base to change from, it was just a very ambiguous, but then again literally everyone told me it was not going to end up well, cus I was new and they knew her, but I think that was part of what I liked about her, I'm sure the tits had nothing to do with it.
I think I just wanted to help her at the end of the day, and wanting to help has put me in the position to love, and overjoy, know their hearts, and it is easy to forget that we're all unique, there's something to love out of everyone.
I don't know if I'm getting the whole Tumblr thing any better this second time around, but it's fun to try, and I also try to make it fun to read, ya dig?
The hilarity about the situation is that bringing it up also acknowledges lecture and processing of some degree for there to be a comment that raises the necessity of a question, so with that in mind, the paragraphs are written live in our world, with the questions the reader is having ahead are beamed to me through some unknown mechanism, call it intuition, and I write in a way that answers those questions in a cohesive manner with the text being transcribed from my mind.
I know a lot of it is pseudo bullshit, I agree, nothing I hold here is proof to back any claim, but how about you? Have you experienced a proof yet? They don't come to everyone, but there's at least one for everyone.
I don't think that anyone who could consider me a viable option could justify themselves ignoring that this exists, and while I think I would prefer if it was avoided until a reasonable level of investment was already put into the relationship, it's like in chrono trigger, Lavos is available to fight all the time, but it's not beatable right away, unless you got them CRAZY setups, not too crazy though. (it's only too crazy if it doesn't work and when I notice, then it wasn't crazy enough)
Oh but ethics breach is a turnoff too, so lotta yall besties can't do much, and that's not good for me either you see I'M TRYNA.
But like, it's chill.
I've learned a lot about myself you can be sure about that 💯
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bitchkay · 9 months ago
When I get an art studio (IF I even end up getting an art studio‼) my family will literally never see me again
Cus listen WHEN I GET A JOB-- listen
Not even just about the money to yk pay for the studio but having something that's taking up most of my time‼‼
Yall will not see me
cus look I need a place a work, no doubt about that
Not even cus I need the space (even the I DO need space which is VERY scarce at the moment) however but I'm currently working out of my bedroom. My 11 feet by 12 feet bedroom. The paintings(PLURAL) I'm currently working on are 3ft square. I have maybe 4 feet of workable space, not including walking space cus I don't have walking space right the now. I'm using 2 easels to work on my paintings cus the easel is too I dont wanna say flimsy but the size of the painting it doesn't sit sturdy on one so I'm using two. Also finished paintings leaned up against my bed, my desk, the wall and tv I dont use but my mom gave it to me and its functional even tho it's one of them older TVs that's big as hell but I hooked up my Xbox to it and put crunchyroll on it so I can watch anime on the tv but the thing is I have use it for that in quite a while but hears the thing my paintings literally block the tv screen
Anyway were going off topic, point even though my 4 feet of workable space is more like 2 feet without space to walk it's not even about not having space
It's more about having an actual space to work not just work I do in a space
Cus it's hard to focus and really get in the zone when I'm here cus-- well first of this is my bedroom!!
And second this is my house, not you know my art room or something
You know I sleep here, I eat here, I relax in here, I masturbate in here like--
And I hate being distracted I'll be working on something and my mom will call me to find something for her, trust when I get back to my room I am not working anymore in hate I was probably seething with rage while finding the thing for my mom and now I dont even wanna look at a paintbrush and will proceed to do nothing for the rest of the day and dont even try to talk to me after that either not cus I was called or that I was asked to do something, but because I was taken out of the moment, distract me from what I was doing and believe me I have murder on my mind
As a result of this usually I dont get alot of work done and look if my parents ask me to do something I'm gonna do it like my parents are getting older, they work all day I know theyre stressed I know they're tired and if I can make their life slightly easier I can do that, if they ask me to do it but I'd also like to be able to work without be angry at the fact that other people live in this house
Plus I'd like to not enable my dads weight gain without being accused of being a "bad child" and "being mean" just cus I said I wouldn't get him a bowl of ice cream or two cookies
Maybe getting an art studio would be my way of getting space without the full weight of moving out
Cus yes I do need a space to workout but really I just need a space
During school I would be there for morning till night whether there was people there or not sometimes even on weekends cus I knew I could take advantage of the space and as a results I got an absolute shit ton of work done cus that studio was my work space and I liked actually have a place where I can work, even if I dont get alot of work done it's an area and environment where I know I can and will work on something
I just graduated almost 2 weeks ago and this week was the last week what we could really take advantage of the studio and supplies, I actually picked up the last of my stuff this past Tuesday and I'm kinda like what do I do now??????????
I also need a table
Like I have a desk and a sewing table but I need a table that's at least as wide as the painting I'm working on rn or the one currently on the easel(s) cus the way I'm doing it I need to lay it down I need to put it flat to do what I want to do with it but I don't even have space to put this mf on the floor, I barely have space to roll my desk chair in front of my easel💀💀 neither my desk or sewing table are big enough for my painting
Honestly this is probably cus I like to work big
Well I can even say cus i have alot of small paintings
More like more recently I like to work bigger or rather the goals of the paintings I'm doing just require a larger canvas
Either way I'm kinda in a place where I'm realizing a lot about myself and the way I work and what I'm doing where I would benefit from an art studio,it would also be easier to clean if I simply just didn't have all these obstacles that at the m are immovable die to there being no where more practical to put them
Moral of the story an art studio sounds like a such a good idea
And look I'm in no particular rush
At this moment, at that particular unemployed moment this is NOWHERE near a short term goal ok I need a flow of income before i can seriously look at what i want, what i need, what I can do, what I cant do, what can accomplish, ect. ok were still in the "if"s even if I want it to be a "when"
But IFFFF I get an art studio, probably bot by myself, split it with a few friends, imma be all up in that bih😈
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bitchkay · 3 years ago
your headcanons OMG i'm obsessed with the aquia ones... do u have any for sherry and violet?
Coming right up bby♡
Violet is right here
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NSFW headcanons for court of darkness~
Rating: Explicit(18+ mdni)
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God I love this woman.
I'd treat her so right😩😩
Sherry has good pussy.
@Roy Invidia, cover your ears I will now begin spouting absolute filth about your sister. Thank you.
Sherry holding my hair back while I eat her pussy😩😩
"You're only hanging out with Sherry to get close to Roy" "No I'm hanging out with Sherry cus she wants her pussy ate bitch"
Sherry would be so responsive
She's definitely Roy's sister I'll tell you that
Sherry's so beautiful
Hold on
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This a note from the unpublished court of darkness thoughts Vol. 4 in my drafts rn, I think part 5 we're not talking about how Vol. 4 is gonna have 6-7 parts
Anyway, yes.
Sherry probably has such smooth skin
I wanna see her belly button.
Roy has the most adorable belly button, I wanna see Sherrys😠
Sherry loves having you close to her kissing on her body eliciting sounds from her
She loves it
"Ahmm-! … do that again.."
Sherry's super self reliant but will allow herself to relax with you
But that doesn't mean she doesn't also love tending to you
"Let me take care of you."
I love her.
Sherry has good pussy.
I wanna finger her while making out cus she's being too loud.
Sherry sitting on your face.
Sucking on each other's clit like a pacifier.
Behind those beautifully trained princessly features is a pussy addict
Sherry absolutely loves sucking your pussy
Drinking your pussy juice
She'd never deny you returning the favor either😁
she'd trap you between her thighs burying her face in a pillow to muffle her moans
But she'd always tell you to let yourself go mhm🤨 you first
"Don't, I wanna hear you."
Bumping pussies while making out.
She'd have one leg swung over your hip as you grind against each other liplocked to muffle each others moans
Your foreheads connected, nose to nose, your breathing jagged as you hump each other wanting nothing but to make each other cum
Your pussies make obscene noises as as your lips rub together lubricated with each others slick wetness
"Mmm… almost-"
I wanna be firsthand witness to Sherry's sex faces.
The way her face would twist as she cums
How she'd tuck her lip between her teeth
She'd be so beautiful♡
Her eyes rolling back as her body twitches, cumming hard against you, driven to slight overstimulation as you chase your release, getting there soon after
She'd think you look so pretty when you cum♡
Sherry would be so quick to clean you up
Grabbing a warm damp washcloth, she'd wipe down your sweat soak skin then you both go to the bathroom
Yall piss together
Sherry Invidia, I ask for your hand in marriage.💍⁉️
Sherry is my wife.
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theres only three more characters left😔(unles someone requests someone new👀) and I'm surprised I thought yall liked him🤨 I also did two other side characters, let's see if yall can guess😋
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