#cus all the angry young black men are dead.
laniusbignaturals · 5 months
Bill Calhoun exists to pad out the parallels between Joshua and Edward by acting as a Friend From His Old Life, ala Daniel. And Daniel is a paternalistic wolf in sheep’s clothing who (unconsciously) wraps up his colonial exploits in themes of care and growth, offsetting Joshua’s open hostility. Daniel is also a character of color, albeit a mishandled one in an inappropriately racialized story. Bill tends to be depicted as black in fancontent, maybe because people pick up on that parallel. The key difference is that he exits the narrative as soon as the Legion is founded. So in my mind, it benefits to look at Bill’s characterization less as a coda to a pre-existing system of oppression, and more as an examination of the kind of person we expect to get involved in those systems, and the disastrous results that those expectations lead to. A bad victim, if you will - another member of the Followers who experienced a huge, violent trauma at a disturbingly early age, the same way Edward did, but unlike him is considered too unpleasant, burdensome, misguided and dangerous to be nurtured out of it. Someone who was never quite afforded the same amount of concern and grace as was given to blonde haired, square jawed, “gifted” young (white) men like his buddy. The soon-to-be dictator. Fun!
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lo-55 · 4 years
Shattered Chains of Fate Ch. 20
Deal or No Deal?
Achilles appears beside Chad and Orhihime, dressed in his black under armour and holding only his shield. He looks unassuming, for one of the most famous heroes in history. A whisper in the trees and he knows that Medusa and Cu have taken up their posts, but none of them move to interfere. Cu and Achilles have too much respect for a deal made by warriors to come between the two of them, and Medusa will stay where she is unless he looks like he’s going to die.
Which he won’t.
He can’t let himself die yet.
He has far too much to do.
Zangetsu sings when he blocks a tiny cero aimed at him. It cuts easily to both sides of him and blows up a tree violently. Ichigo blocks each one that’s lobbed at him, until Yammy yanks out his zanpakutou and swings it viciously at Ichigo.
Ichigo blocks, narrowly, and swings Tensa out of his sleeve in an uppercut that nearly spills Yammy’s guts from his body. If Hollows have guts.
He doesn’t actually know.
Yammy howls and keeps taking wild, viciou swings at him. He’s strong, and powerful and angry.
But that makes him stupid, too.
Ichigo bolts between his legs when he lifts his sword above his head and avoids a blow that leaves a chasm in the park ground. Ichigo spins on his knees and brings his shorter blade around to slice through Yammy’s tendons on his legs, then up his back with Neive.
On the chance that their Zanpakutou work like his he lops off Yammy’s other hand when he tries to flail behind him and kicks the sword into the trees.
Ichigo levels Neive to Yammy’s throat and stands still.
He’d learned a long time ago not to let people ‘level up’ if he could help it.
“Yield,” he ordered coldly. He didn’t feel much like Ichigo Kurosaki, Substitute Shinigami right now. He felt like Ichigo Kurosaki, Master of of Chaldeas.
“Fuck you!” Yammy snarls at him. “You can’t do this!”
“Funny,” Ichigo says, “I just did.”
He turns his eyes to Ulquiorra, who’s impassiveness is broken only by a slight widening of his eyes.
“Well?” Ichigo asks, not taking his blade away from Yammy’s throat.
Ulquiorra tilts his head. “I will have to confer with our Lord.”
Ichigo bristles. “You made a deal,” he snaps. He sees Achilles start to rise and Cu step out of the trees. The whisper of chains and serpents to his right reminds him that they aren’t alone. All it will take is one word for him and they’ll tear through both of them brutally.
“I didn’t think you would win.”
Ichigo will give it too him. He’s honest.
“We shall return, when Lord Aizen sees fit.”
Before Ichigo can move to stab him or give the order Ulquiorra turns and tears the air apart.
It splits like a mouth, gaping into a void. Unceremoniously Ulquiorra appears in front of Ichigo in a burst of insane speed and thrown Yammy straight through the gap.
Ichigo barely reacts in time to block a blow aimed at his head.
In a second the hollows vanish, Urahara appears with Yoruichi, and Ichigo starts cussing a blue streak.
Jekyll is red faced at breakfast the next morning, his shoulders hunched and his gaze guilty whenever it lands on Ichigo.
The girls notice, of course they do. Mash looks between the two curiously, and Mordred seems to come to her own conclusions because she mock gags and drags Fran away as soon as they’re done eating.
Alice and Jack as corralled by Mash, who shoots Ichigo a look as she escorts them out of the room and into another. The authors haven’t even emerged from their room. Admittedly, as servants they don’t need to eat, but its still nice to have everyone around the table, and Jack and Alice act like they’ve never eaten before in their lives.
(Ichigo very intentionally doesn’t look into the implications of that)
That leaves Ichigo alone with Jekyll, who takes one look at him, glances at his lap, and bolts for the door.
Ichigo is left watching him go. What the fuck is he supposed to do about this?
It’s easier dealing with children. It really, really is.
Ichigo taps his bracelet until Romani comes up on the coms.
“Ichigo! What’s going on?” Roman asks cheerfully. Ichigo can hear him take a sip of his coffee and hum.
“Nothing terrible just. Annoying. What do you do when someone’s convinced that their other personality has done something terrible to you, but you can’t explain that they didn’t and even if they did its not their fault for what the other them did because they won’t let you talk to them because they’re guilty and freaking out about what the them that they aren’t didn’t actually do?”
“... what ?”
“Uh. You know what. Never mind.”
“Wait, no, Ichigo I wanna know more what the fuck is happening down the-”
Ichigo hung up on him swiftly and stared down at his watch. God this was a stupid situation.
Jekyll acted like they’d just woken up in vegas or something.
And Ichigo has no idea how to fix it.
* *
Ichigo sits in the room in Urahara’s. Cu and Achilles are in the front of the store with the kids, and Medusa had gone to see to the girls, and make sure that they were safe. If someone had been sent to find him, there was always a chance that Aizen would send someone after the others too. He hated it, but he had to keep reminding himself that Aizen isn’t Kyo.
He isn’t the same person as the one he’d met in america. They haven’t fought and almost died together. Ichigo hasn’t shoved his very soul into Aizen’s. He hasn’t stayed night vigils on the restless river with him. He hasn’t held him while he begged for his memory.
Ichigo has promises to keep.
“What were you thinking?” Urahara asks, “Making a deal like that?”
He doesn’t even sound like he’s scolding Ichigo, for which he’s grateful. He might punch him if that was the case.
It’s strange sometimes. Urahara doesn’t patronize him nearly as much as other people have. People who’d known much more about what he was capable of and what he’d done in the past. He has a startling amount of faith in Ichigo. Even if he is a liar.
“I was thinking I need to have a … discussion, with Aizen,” he says at length.
Urahara’s brows shoot upwards. “A discussion.” He repeats.
Ichigo shrugs, and offers no other explanation. He said what he said, and he meant what he’d said too. He needs to talk to Aizen, if only to tell him the truth.
He may be a traitor to these people, and there’s a history between him and the exiles that Ichigo doesn’t know the details behind, but Ichigo has been to Seireitei. He’s talked with Kyo for hours, lamenting the state of the world and encouraging him to light the spark of revolution. He has no ill will towards him for betraying such a bad place. He barely begrudges him Rukia’s near execution.
Ichigo plays favorites. Sue him.
“Ichigo. He’s a very dangerous man. If you had gone what was your plan?”
“Are you trying to say you’re not dangerous?” Ichigo reasons, looking dead at him. Urahara has the decency to tilt his hat down.
“Certainly not. I would never lie to you like that, Kurosaki. We have a deal, don’t we?”
Ichigo shoots him a half a grin. “So we do.”
“And,” he adds, “My plan is the same as it always is. Charge in with a motley crew and make allies when I get there. It worked before.”
“These aren’t shinigami. They’re hollows.”
“It seems to me that at this point I’m as much a hollow as I am a shinigami. And, they were my enemies too. Does it really make that much of a difference? They clearly have personality and opinion. Not all of them can be on Aizen’s pay roll.”
Urahara considers this.
“It was still reckless.”
Ichigo leans across the table at him. “ I am reckless. It’s always served me well. Besides, I have people watching my back.”
“Yes, your friends. Who you’ve never explained.” Urahara shoots him a pointed look.
“I wasn’t just referring to them,” he nods to Urahara, who actually looks startled before he snaps his fan out to hide his mouth.
“That still doesn’t explain your friends.”
“No. You’re a smart man, I’m sure you can figure it out.”
Ichigo did not grin when he said it, even if he wanted to. The truth is impossible, even for ghosts in most cases, but Urahara had had a hogyoku. He’d held the impossible and possible in his own hands and nourished its power for centuries. He can come to his own conclusions about Ichigo’s life.
Ichigo kind of wants to know just what they’ll be.
“Anyhow. What are we gonna do about the Drosiv?”
“Dro- what now?” Urahara genuinely looks befuddled.
“Well they’re hollows with shinigami power right? The opposite of Visord. So Drosiv. Do you have a better word for them?”
“... I do not.”
* * *
Gin watched the show Ulquiorra put on for the gathered arrancar.
On Aizen’s order, without even blinking, he ripped his own eyeball out and crushed it into dust.
First was the sight of the bloodied teenagers. A young girl with brilliant hair that looked far too much like Rangiku for Gin’s own personal comfort, a bulky boy who Yammy swatted like he was little more than a fly. The girl held up better. She was strong, and a fighter, but it was pretty clear she took no joy in fighting.
Then came Ichigo.
The first thing Gin noticed, besides his hair, was his sword.
When last they’d met it had been a massive, body length kyber knife. Now it was the same length but the ribbon had turned black and there was a hollowed out portion in the blade.
Even more surprising is the white knife, pattered in geometric blue that appears from inside his sleeve.
“Looks like yer boy is gettin’ new tricks, huh?” he tilts his head towards Aizen, who wears a smile that would make lesser men grow cold. It’s not even a cruel smile. It’s just far too interested for someone like Aizen. Gin almost pities little Ichigo Kurosaki. Almost.
As it looks now the kid knows how to hold his own, and how to be vicious. Which was not the vibe Gin got from him during their brief encounters in the Seireitei.
Determined yes. Stubborn yes. But not cruel.
“Let’s make a deal,” Ulquiorra met his gaze squarely. Brown burned at his, and now Gin’s too, with a jaw set hard.
“And just what would that be? ” he asked, his voice smooth and flat. Through the memory Gin can feel the most muted tick of interest. Funny, the last few times they’d done this he hadn’t felt anything besides mild annoyance.
“You work for Aizen, right?”  A redundant question. Ichigo adjusted his grip on his blade.  “If I win I want you to take me to him.”  
Ulquiorra looked briefly between the pair of them before he closed his eyes. It was dark for a long moment.
“So be it.”  
Gin kept looking at Aizen, watching him reactions even when Grimmjowstarted berating Yammy for his state and Ulquiorra for not simply killing the other two. Grimmjow was always picking fights.  
When they finally got the end, Aizen hummed.
“Interesting,” he said at last. “He wants to come here, then we’ll let him.” Aizen’s smile grew steadily.
Gin had a bad feeling about this.
* * * *
Yuzu was getting frustrated.
She wasn’t unused to being the weakest in the family. It wasn’t a surprise. Ichigo and Karin had taken all of the ghost power when they were born, and only left a little bit for her. Just enough for her to know when ghosts were around.
Not like the other two.
They could see them, interact with them, and even fight them. They were truly their mothers children.
For all Yuzu took over as a housewife once she was tall enough to touch the stove she had always felt the least connected to their parents.
Masaki had always been Ichigo’s world. She was a light for all of them but it was Ichigo that she doted on the most, and Ichigo that had clung so hard to her. Even after she died, Yuzu remembered the grieving more than her mother herself. Masaki was a distant memory, a warm and soft one that was corrupted by the rain of sorrow and the hole in the family that she’d left behind.
Yuzu remembered dark days, days when her dad wouldn’t talk to anyone, and when he brother paced the river bank looking for something that not a one of them could ever see.
Then, in those months, it had just been her and Karin.
It had been the two of them that had pushed their dad out of the house to find Ichigo when he stayed out in the rain. It was them that held each other in the dark of the night. It was them that cried for someone that they would barely remember in the years to come.
Then Karin had grown. She had taken the route of the tom boy, and despite his doting on her it was Karin who had more in common with their dad. Even their hair was the same.
And now it turns out that all of them had been able to see spirits the entire time.
Yuzu had always been the odd one out. Always.
So sometimes, when they go to visit the Ishida household she spends more time with Ryuken than practicing shooting like she’s supposed to. She can barely see what she’s doing, let alone form a proper weapon.
It’s frustrating, and it’s easier to find Ryuken and sit with him and do her homework while Karin tried to learn to fight from Uryu.
It’s during one of these sessions that Ryuken looks up from something he’s doing, hospital administration she assumed, and speaks.
“You should give this up. It will serve you better to focus on the living instead of the dead.”
Yuzu looks up at him. She feels older than 11. Sometimes she thinks she is.
“It would probably be easier,” she admits, “But… But this is something for us to remember our mom with. Did you know I only have three memories of her?”
Ryuken’s brows furrow minutely.
“I… did not.”
“Mhmm. I remember her in the kitchen. She had me sitting on the counter, and I was her taste tester for her curry recipe. It was way too spicy, but I liked it anyway. I liked the color it was. That was a long time ago…”
“I remember when me and Karin were first going to pre school. Dad was crying and making a fuss, and mom had to pry us out of his arms so we could go to class. She told him that he should be pushing us to explore, not trying to hide us away at home.”
She fell silent. Ryuken slowly leaned closer across his desk.
“And the third?”
Yuzu looks up at him. “I remember her funeral. I was the only one who could stand to look in the casket. She looked like she was sleeping. I kept waiting for her to open her eyes and tell us it was all a mistake, she was fine. But she never did.”
“No. I suppose she wouldn’t have. I remember that funeral.”
Yuzu startles. She hadn’t even realized he had been at it. “You do?”
“Mhmm. I always thought they’d picked the worst lipstick for her. She hated red with a passion. My mother always wanted to wear more make up, and look more lady like.”
“I’m sorry,” Yuzu said quietly. “You must miss her.”
Ryuken hummed. “She was my best friend.”
He stood at last. “If you’re really so serious about this, I may be able to help.”
Yuzu scrambled to her feet, her homework discarded, and rushed to follow him.
* * * * *
Ichigo was gonna kill someone.
He really, really was.
All he wanted to do was duel a hollow, jump through an interdimensional tear, and talk to his time travelled/mind wiped best friend so he could ask him about overthrowing the government but no!
Now an entire band of dead people were standing in his homeroom, making a massive spectacle, and  how do they think they’re actually blending in right now?  
Ichigo looks at Hirako, who looks back at him with what might be his more honest expression to date. A frown.
“Don’t look at me fer help. I’m just a normal human person.”
“Oh yeah. A regular fellow human, you human fellow,” he drawls.
Rukia appears on the WINDOW of all things, her arms crossed and her chin lifted regalling.
“Ichigo! It’s time to talk.”
“Later,” Ichigo waved dismissively at her. “We’re about to start history. Sit down or take a step back, would ya?”
He ducks when Rukia flings herself at him with a vicious punch.
“And the rest of you! Sit down, what’s wrong with you?” Ichigo demands irritably. “Why does everyone insist on putting school on the back burner?”
“Why Ichigo, I had no idea you were such an academic!” Rangiku leaned right into his personal space, her blue eyes bright and teasing.
“I’m not,” he says flatly. “But the better I do the sooner I graduate. So. Sit.”
One by one the shinigami sit around the room, stirring up ripples of conflict.
Ichigo can feel a headache building behind his eyes and the bell hasn’t even wrung yet.
Couldn't they find him after school? Or just leave well enough alone?
  Stupid question. Of course they can’t. They’re my friends, after all.  
* * * * * *
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Ok so reasons why i Love Warcraft the Beginning, and why its perfect and i hope for more. Might be a little incorherant cus i'm just doing my thoughts as they come. i  dont have the time to spend hours writing articles i'm not being payed for.
Yes Warcraft is a great, i say Perfect movie. "But it has flaws". Everything does. That perfect movie you love so much? someone found it boring, someone found it pretentious , someone found it stupid. Perfect pizza? someone doesnt like your toppings, someone thought there wasnt enough for it. A movie, a show, a book, art in general cannot be judged by an arbitrary list of items it must meet to sufficient quality. "no plotholes, great acting, good effects" are not good qualifiers. Most ppl dont know the meaning of plotholes, different tons of story require different acting (Casablanca is seen as a masterpiece but i dislike movies of that era because the acting is over the top, stiff, and campy. however that does not make them bad, it just means i dont like it). Really the only way a piece of art can be judged is by judging it based on what it TRIED to do. If your character is suppose to show they are angry in this scene and they just seem constipated then you did fail and that was bad acting. But if your character is suppose to be angry and some of the audience thinks they should have acted a different way, then thats just a difference of opinion between author and audience.
So what did Warcraft the Beginning TRY to do? Pay homage to the original franchise, tell a heartfelt complex story, give a larger than life epic, and reinterpret the story into something thats better than it was and can be accepted by a general audience
-So i love how much the art, style and themes embraced the franchise. The intro was PERFECT. The little cameos and everything were well done. For some weird reason a few thought that was cringe but part of good cameos is world building. They arent putting "this way to the stoutelager inn" so fans can go "i get that refrence" they are doing it to create  a scene that involves a sign to an inn and might as well be a real one from the story, right? The franchise STARTED as Err orcs bad humans good but it has since evolved past that, and you saw that with the  theme of the H and A heroes banding together against guldan. The armor and costumes were perfect, using the major flair of warcraft without being overly done. Llane's and Lothar's armor is perfect example.
some people have a problem with what i'd say was the "family friendly epic fantasy adventure" aspect of the movie. yes pacing was quick but when you go into a weird story you just suspend disbelief and take things as you go. They never explain how the Flashy Thingies in men in black work, they just do. you accept it and move. And there was some slightly heavy handed themes and moments. but thats what we call Camp. Its a fantasy adventure, you have snark, a few cheesy lines, hope vs darkness and all that good stuff. I remember when Wonder Woman came out an interviewer asked about the....hammy? ending. i think they used  a different word. but the idea was that it seemed...bad? that the ending revolved around Wonder woman's faith in humanity, faith in goodness and trying to do good, was naieve. And Patty Jenkens said that she thinks the world needs more hope like that, not everything is doom and gloom and the point of a hero is to be hopeful.
A GOOD movie, a PERFECT movie doesnt need to be high art. Ppl talk about inception cus it was so intense but IMO if half the audience doesnt know whats happening then its not so good is it? and like i said So many "great perfect movies' in history are boring, or weird or unlikable to many people. And i think its a great detriment to the world that people got to act like only high art movies that win awards are any good.
And then there is the story and charactes. I loved Lothar and Llane, very relatable and good example of heroic men. The mirror between the father Lothar and Durotan was great. I loved how well they did the orcs, just everything about them. Like their meeting and having it so that you could only understand the side you were listening from, if you listen when its focused on the orcs and Garona is translating you can hear Llane speaking something that is NOT english. But like even with the kinder orcs they kept the furiosity. Durotan makes it clear that their world is dead and they cannot simply go back, and thats very realisitc. even were it not for guldan if he was fighting to save his people he'd willingly fight the humans if they tried to stop them. It was great seeing them touch on the idea of the fel infused orcs with Medivh's ability to create spells that specifically target them. Oh and geeze his whole arch. the actor and directing i think did a great job of showing him struggling to do as much as he could to help the alliance against the orcs. He seemed addled, like he was losing it or on drugs but you find out it is really because the fel is taking hold of him. thats what was great about the last guardian is the whole Inner monster storyline. Betrayal of one's self and all that. And it showed the variety in the orcs, yes you had dark ones who embraced the pillage too, and its a shame that the campfire scene "but you're...Green" scene didnt make it. Kadgar, did a good job with the whole "he's smart enough to notice when his 'betters' are wrong but he's young and inexperienced and doesnt know how to assert himself" was great.  Its funny cus some didnt like he didnt age, but far as i can tell nothing in warcraft even addressed that. Like he mentions once or twice in the book and in click dialogue that it sucks losing his childhood but there is no angst about it. you wouldnt know he's only in his 40s now. Even his little cinematic before legion focused on him taking up the mantle of the guardian.
And then there are the improvements it made. Rise of the Horde was good but they didnt have time to have the 'non fel orcs being around fel turn slightly green', so it was a good choice to have that dynamic visual change. Lothar's son arc i think gave him more of a personal reason to be invested in this other than "defense of our nation". And it kinda sucks in the original narrative that stormwind just kinda got its butt kicked. I'm sure it will still fall but it will be nice to see more effort put into it. And goodness we actually got to see varian's mother? and she was an important part of the story? she was an interesting character and had influence and was crucial to getting garona on their side. Speaking of , Garona by herself is the best change and alone makes this movie better than the original. She is a product of love, the first human/orc couple, presumably when Medivh was first exploring Draenor. And not a tool created by rape? Its so great that this shitty aspect of the story generated from the naive creator's idea of womens place in stories, was rewritten. Oh i'd be the first to say it wasnt malicious. but between Kerrigan and Sylvannas and Garona, heck this attitude exists today. That a man's humanity comes from his family, that he is violent emotionless and a killer but a wife brings out his peace and children his humanity . so the worst thing that can happen to him is his family is killed, thus bringing the beast back. And that for a Woman she is defined by her love of the man, does she reject him or accept him, does she play hard to get or support him? how freely does she give herself to him. And thus the worst thing that can happen to a woman is to have her body violated, and what many guys who grew up in the 70s-90s fantasy era that was the go to story. Woman is violated (in body) and gets her revenge and feels empowered by killing her rapist. while the man is violated by those he LOVES being killed, and empowered by avenging them and finding a new family (or a way to honor the dead ones)
So yea its REALLy awesome that this story rejected that whole farse and said "no, the key behind saving both peoples is a young woman who exists because 2 people from different planets loved each other"
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