geraniumplant · 9 months
‧˚❀‧˚. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Seems he struck a nerve. Well, it wouldn't be the first time Vash coaxed such a reaction out of someone.
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"I thought it'd be romantic."
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distortedkilling · 8 months
"For some reason, someone let you back in here, and I need to know who." Sukuna already has an idea, but nonetheless, he's standing there with all four arms folded, blocking the little creature from venturing in any further.
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Well, that's no fair. Sukuna could take up the entire doorway, and he did! Sure, Mahito could become worm and slither past somewhere, but that meant he'd have to abandon the groceries he so generously brought along.
The young curse pouted with a soft sigh as he held up the bag in either hand of groceries, giving them a little shake. Plastic was such a funny sound and could really piss off people from what he noticed.
"Uraume said I can come back and help cook today~"
And then a moment later, he was pulling out of his mouth a perfectly intact rolled up piece of paper without a single drop of spit upon it.
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"I even got em' the groceries they wanted as a surprise." Translation: He stole Uraume's shopping list yesterday. And by the slightly smug gleam in his mismatched eyes, it wasn't solely because he was a good little curse. Mahito was too sly to just do things out of the kindness of his heart. "Ya should let me pass before the meat outside gets cold. Gonna need both my hands for what I gotcha."
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@curseisms wtf does desha know about fashion. hes been wearing the same damn thing since he was 15
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regensia · 1 year
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Uncertainty riddled the youth's frame, worry permeated into his expression. His face didn't bear it well; he should have been smiling, laughing, as all children deserved. But within glacially-hued gaze was something else, the sort of look that would make people say things like 'that kid has an old soul' or 'he has wisdom beyond his years.' Whatever the case, he was clearly out of place in the rugged lands, skin pale, outfit both futuristic and from an era passed.
" ... hello... " a somewhat timid voice called out to the tall man, pausing to give a polite bow of greeting. Small hands gripped the edge of his shirt as he was clearly nervous. But he gained the inspiration to speak louder and more clearly., not seeing a weapon only displayed on the apparently holy man. " I'm sorry to bother you, sir. But I was wondering if you can tell me what town this is. "
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cursedfortune · 1 year
"Unfortunately, standards of decency have changed a bit, you know. People don't generally just venture out naked anymore." Sukuna doesn't seem too bothered, though. His standards probably haven't changed, given that he's preferably shirtless himself. "Some countries do have nude beaches now, though. That might be more your scene. I hear they're... interesting."
"Tch." The witch flipped her hair, very much understanding as she listened to his words but nonetheless was annoyed by the standards all the same. It would seem that witches and society, no matter the era, were always bound to reject one another.
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"They are fortunate I do not destroy their odd roads and ugly architecture that they've built over places of power. Interfering with a witch's harmony beneath the moon used to be punishable by death or madness." And she used to welcome those that tried to challenge her or her people - often leaving piles of meat and bones as warnings. "But perhaps I'll heed your suggestion. I have not been to a beach in a very long time." Even if it wasn't that ideal sounding. She liked to be nude in her own company, around her own people or with those she was comfortable with. Not that she cared if others saw her bare flesh but she also minded somewhat in thinking plenty did not deserve to see the truth scrawled upon her body.
Lifting an arm she examined the tattoo she was allowing to breathe beneath the moonlight. The swirls of chaos upon her skin seemingly shifting if one were too stare too long upon them - a dance all their own. "You ought to join, I mean, you're halfway there to being welcomed at such a beach." Mortem teased with her usual amused smile, mostly because she did not really desire others to know just how deeply the unrest went for a witch like her to be in this era. But Sukuna rarely disappointed to bring little past comforts into the present merely by being himself. For that she was grateful to have someone understand - especially someone who didn't seem to care about her various states of undress. The latter was an extra bonus, of course.
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braveryhearted · 1 year
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Gives Wolfwood over at @curseisms the stink eye for ignoring his sagely advice. Meanwhile the mun of this blog is in a fit of laughter.
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hunting-songs · 8 months
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@curseisms started follwoing you ! Senritsu had been walking a tad too fast for a few minutes now, until she could nolonger walk this fast. For one because the ache in her shattered and mended back together wrongly bones started to sting as if she was walking on needles and also because she was by now laughing quietly to herself. Her head tilted to the side like a attentive bird she was listening to the busy people around her, to their heartbeats, to the rhythms of their steps and eventually the different melodies that were in contrast Leorios rhythm of walking, Leorios way of breathing, Leorios song of a heartbeat. Her favorite song back in Yorkshin. "I have to admit- I have heard you coming my way for some time already, but I just enjoy so much to listen to your heartbeat, that I could not bring myself to greet you." Greeting Leorio would be like throwing a pebble into a still, clear spring- waves would disort that clear, beautiful surface; waves that were his worry for Kurapika, waves that were Senritsus connections to their mutual friend, waves that were memories from Yorkshin. And Senritsu wanted to, just for a few moments, listen to his heartbeat as it was- a clear spring of calmness that was gurgling warmly. Eventually she did threw that metaphorical pebble and greeted the other with a laughter as sweet as a song: "Anyway, how have you been, Leorio? Its a joy to hear from you again. Quite literally, actually."
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strywoven · 8 months
cont'd. // @curseisms
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The decency to be disgusted ⸺ yes , they suppose that would be a much more a p p r o p r i a t e reaction to things ( to carnage , to the barbaric nature of a man kaen could only just barely pretend they knew at all ) .  Still , Kaen never thought much about it before ; after all , what did it matter ?  They were desensitized to cruelty , so much so to the point of looking upon it with their usual measure of unapologetic kindness ( however undeserved ) .  Their strange bond with Sukuna was no different , another drop in an ever-endless well that long ago was both DRIED & POISONED .  But that did not mean he , in all his violence and all his hate , would be spared their unrelenting sense of loyalty and grace.
There’s no chase , no fight , when he - rather gently - pushes their hands off of his.  When he turns , they already had the mind to follow ( whether he wanted them to or not ) , but they are surprised when he makes a flippant gesture for them to do so anyways , e x p e c t a n t of them to oblige the request.  With his back to them , he cannot see the way their smile broadens into a BEAMING GRIN , the always-there light emitting from their small form now b r i g h t e n i n g with some innocent sort of joy at the prospect that they , somehow , have won his favor.  No time is wasted , Kaen hurries along to his side , walking with him.
❝ Ah wasnae whinin’ , ❞ They correct him lightly , chuffing , ❝ Ah was jus’ teasin’ , givin’ ye a c o m p l i m e n t , too. ❞  Antlered head tilts , looking up at him.  ❝ An’ Ah meant wha’ Ah said , th’ blood does look good on ye. ❞  Cheeky , as always.  After a quiet moment , they speak up again , almost hesitant to even ask , ❝ ‘S there room fer two people ta’ take a bath … ? ❞  Forward , too.  But something in their tone suggests nothing untoward , merely looking for his company ( even be it so intimate a setting ) .
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strywoven · 9 months
cont'd. // @curseisms
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Observant they are of the fact he takes care enough to GET UP AND STEP AWAY , likely to light the cigarette but also as if trying to r e m o v e himself from this conversation , the one he did not come asking for , and instead a topic Kaen dropped into his lap with no measure of delicacy about it ( such as they always do ) .  They remain there on the bench , suspended in this tense , t e r r i b l e moment with him despite how the town square is rife with activity ( people with normal lives ; lovers , families , homes to go back to , all things neither they nor wolfwood had except for one another — ) .  Their gaze follows the trail of smoke curling from the spiff dangling from his fingers , and some part of them has the instinct to run up to him and SMACK IT OUT OF HIS HAND .  But they still refrain ; too quiet , too soft , too d e c e n t a person to want anything more than to make all of this GO AWAY .
But it would still be there , Kaen knows , for his non-answer is confirmation enough ; it is all they need to affirm what Sloan came to tell them.  What can they do , then ?  Mourn him ?  A man they did not even know at all ?  One that lied and kept himself secret from them ( just like sloan did ) ?  This fills them with a wretched sense of deja-vu , right down to the way he stands with his back to them , to the way he gives t h e m the option to leave so he can absolve himself of the pain of it.  And THAT is was infuriates them the most , the fact that it is happening … A g a i n .
❝ Ah dealt wit’ yer sort b’fore , ❞ They say finally , quietly , ❝ So Ah’m gonna put it ta’ ye th’ same way Ah put it ta’ Sloan , jus’ so ye can understand me : Ah really dun’ give a shit ‘bout it.  We all got secrets.  Ah ‘ad a feelin’ ye’d be carryin’ some o’ yer own like Ah was. ❞  Kaen stands from the bench , the sound of their approach dull against the dirt and grit as they come to stand next to him , reaching up and snatching away his cigarette , ❝ Did ye think AH was bein’ colorful when Ah said Ah could still see th’ good in mos’ people ? ❞  They take a drag , grimacing at the taste of it , ❝ Dumbass.  Lissen , if ye wan’ me ta’ leave , say so.  Otherwise , y’re feckin’ stuck wit’ me. ❞
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strywoven · 9 months
con't. // @curseisms
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❝ Excuse me ?!  Wha’ d’ye m e a n th’ hell’s th’ matter ⸺ ?! ❞  Fuming , yes , but more than that the poor thing is BEYOND FLUSTERED ( just what happened last night ? the lingering haze which draws blanks between now and then only makes them the more worked up ) .  How can he act so n o n c h a l a n t at a time like this ?  See , this is precisely why they never once tried anything funny with Wolfwood.  Though , Kaen glances from him to their own body ( which remembers the night for them , achy and sore as it is in all the ways they have never felt afore ) , they suppose that has all just gone right out the window.  Sulkily , they huff to themself , of all the ways they imagined how their FIRST to go , this was certainly not amongst them.  But then , it could always be w o r s e , right ?  It could have been with someone they did not love like.
So , maybe this isn’t so bad.  Though , they can’t be sure what’s going through h i s head at the moment about the whole thing.
❝ Goddammit , ❞ Kaen groans , flopping back against the pillows in heap , red hair tussled about their face in wild , unkempt coils.  It’s quiet , for a long measure ; the two of them simply laying there together as they are.  Kaen shifts , rolling over and cuddling up into the man’s side , resting their head along his shoulder , scarred digits idly drifting across his chest ( it’s so strange to do this , and yet … it feels proper , it feels right ) .  ❝ … Wha' 're ye thinkin' 'bout ? ❞ Their question breaks the silence , softspoken and tentative ; maybe they ought not be asking , they realize.
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cursedfortune · 10 months
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Grey, but blue and black follow closely
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Tart, maybe? Or meat. Meat... flavor
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: I dip into all genres typically but metal and electronic stuff I favor. Give me some good screams and bass
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): Storm of the Century, The Matrix trilogy, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and probably The Lion King (addition: LOTR)
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: (Naoki Urasawa's) Monster, Code Lyoko, Inuyasha, Dragon Ball, Re: Zero, Parasyte, Serial Experiments Lain, Jujutsu Kaisen, Law & Order, Transformers, 1899, The Haunting of Hill House and maybe The Handmaid's Tale hmm (addition: golden kamuy lmao)
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: Alan Wake II OST, I don't remember the specific song
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Rewatching the show From for a second time
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: I think The Hunchback of Notre Dame I rewatched last? Or it was The Last Voyage of the Demeter again? Idk I like both and this was a few weeks ago lmao
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: ...my answer to this is always some kind of architecture book because I'm always trying to flesh out designs I'm doing lmao
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: Aside from my own projects, client story and character projects @_@
tagged by: @spxcemuses (thank you!!)
tagging: @kazeofthemagun, @riftofthestars, @muddsludge @hriobzagelthewanderer, @hifimuses, @caustichatred, @hexenjagd, @pathopsychological, @knightshonour, @curseisms, @sundrysouls, @swordduels, @chiratsuku, @utallige, @candlexxofxxlife, @glory-hasnoplacehere, @hopefromadoomedtimeline, @dyavol, @nostomannia, @shatteredwastes, @casketdweller, @kingdom-of-mxginica and uhhh anyone who is reading this that isn't tagged here, go go go. No obligation, of course, if I tagged you. I was thinking about everyone today and how stupid my energy is - I'd tag my entire moots list if I could but I am sorry for being a dumb :')
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hunting-songs · 6 months
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What Type Of Love Are You According To The Ancient Greeks? Your Result: eros [sexual passion] according to mythology, eros is the god of love and (sexual) desire. his roman counterpart is cupid, famed myth of valentine's day. to sum it up in a few words, you are passionate, carefree, and typically noncommittal. this was the most feared form of love by the greeks due to its nature of causing a person to lose control.
For a moment a disapproving frown drew a thick, deep line as deep as a scar between Senritsus big eyes. The moment ended as soon as it came and the woman only shaked her head, gently laughing in all good humor: "Just because I enjoy Sex, does not mean I am loosing control of anything. Especially not myself or the decision I am making. My name is after all not Paris. In fact, there are a lot of very controlled decisions one has to make when getting, mhmmmm... " She tapped her short fingers playfully slow against her chin, humming as innocent as she was definitive not: "....abbandonandosi with another person. Starting with 'Do I really want that' and continueing with 'where are the contraceptives, I swear I had put them in my bag. Nothing is going to happen without those.' and those decisions, especially the 'do I want that?' do not stop when one is horizontally. Or vertically depending on what one prefers,who am I to judge. And I can have the fun of my life, I am not planning to ever not make those controlled decisions."
Tagged By: Stolen from @rake-rake ! Tagging: @nephytale @skarletchains @bewitchingbaker @gyofukuki @jxgi @uzumakiuser @kiigan @distortedkilling @yeonban @swxpped @zealctry @muddsludge @curseisms @saiakv ... AND YOU!
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geraniumplant · 8 months
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If anyone gets tired of me tagging them in sh!t you can let me know. It won't hurt my feelings. @shouga-nai, @healingbrews, @adventures-written, @breathofcosmos, @nothinglikegod, @curseisms, @crosspunisher I tend to tag you guys the most. 👉👈
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hunting-songs · 6 months
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Tagged By: A little Wildbirdie! Tagging: @nephytale @skarletchains @bewitchingbaker @gyofukuki @jxgi @uzumakiuser @rake-rake @distortedkilling @yeonban @swxpped @zealctry @muddsludge @curseisms @saiakv @huntcrpcdia ...and YOU !
Empty Sheet:
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hunting-songs · 5 months
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WHAT IS YOUR COSMOS PERSONA? Senritsu just shaked her head laughing in all good humor: "I can actually lie very good, thank you very much. Listenng to all kind of liars on a daily basis teachs you a few things. Just because I do not chose to lie, does not mean that I could not lie." She smiled ruefully: "And I doubt I can singlehandedly banish negativity. I can try, but that sure does go beyond my capabilities. Still, thank you for that trust in me, its very flattering." She winked friendly.
Tagged By: Stolen from @kiigan ! Tagging: @skarletchains @rake-rake @bewitchingbaker @nephytale @gyofukuki @uzumakiuser @distortedkilling @yeonban @swxpped @zealctry @curseisms @muddsludge @saiakv
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hunting-songs · 6 months
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Tagged By: A little bird! Tagging: @skarletchains @bewitchingbaker @gyofukuki @uzumakiuser @jxgi @thaneirstaer @rake-rake @distortedkilling @swxpped @muddsludge @curseisms @zealctry @saiakv @huntcrpcdia ...and YOU!
Repost don’t Reblog!!
WHATS YOUR GENDER. "Henkersbraut" By Subway to Sally Kein Myrtenkranz im schwarzen Haar Kein Schleier und kein Traualtar Kein Priester für das Ritual Der Brautigam verfemt und kahl Er nennt sie leis sein kleines Weib Und mustert ihren dürren Leib Die Gasteschar im Lumpenkleid Drängt sich um sie und lacht und schreit No Flowers in her hair No veil and no weddingaltar No father for the ritual The groom is a stranger and calvous He calls her quiet (soft); his (sweet) little wife and eyes her sick body The guests in rags dance around her and laugh and scream.
DESCRIBE YOURSELF. "Wechselbalg" By ASP Das Innerste geäußert Und aufs Äußerste verinnerlicht Ein Wechselbalg Die Welt getauscht The innermost exposed and to the utmost internalized A changeling Switched the world
HOW DO YOU FEEL? "Spiel des Lebens" By Ignis Fatuui. Ein Spiel, das jeder von uns kennt, bei dem es keine Regeln gibt. Ein jeder ist hier Spielfigur und jede Runde endet nur mit einem Ziel, es ist kein Sieg. Weil jeder von uns fliegt. Es geht um Leben oder Tod, (Wo-o-o-o) bei diesem Spiel, das "unser Leben" heißt. Auf uns wartet nur der Tod. (Wo-o-o-o) Nimm diesen Tanz, als wenn es dein letzter wär.
A game everybody of us knows, without rules Everybody is the token here and every round just ends- With a finish. It's never a victory, because everyone of us drops out of the game It's about life or death (Wo-o-o-o) In this game that's called our life Only death is waiting for us (Wo-o-o-o) So take this dance as if it is your last one.
IF YOU COULD GO ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO? "Wieder unterwegs" By Saltatio Mortis. Wir ziehen weiter, immer weiter Bis der Mond die Sonne verführt Bis der Himmel die Erde berührt Immer weiter, immer weiter Bis der Mond die Sonne verführt Zu dem Orte wo der Himmel die Erde berührt Mein Ohr vernimmt Mir unbekannte Sprachen Ergibt sich schnell Der fremden Melodie Ich singe laut Noch nie gesung'ne Lieder Im Schein des Feuers Und vergesse nie
We move on, further and further Until the moon seduces the sun Until where the sky Touches the earth On and on, on and on Until the moon seduces the sun To that place Where the sky touches the earth My ear hears Languages unknown to me Surrenders quickly to The foreign melody I sing loudly Songs never sung before In the light of the fire And never forget
DESCRIBE YOUR FAMILY. "Julia und die Räuber" By Subway to Sally. Blut, Blut Räuber saufen Blut Raub und Mord und Überfall sind gut Hoch vom Galgen klingt es, Hoch vom Galgen klingt es, Raub und Mord und Überfall sind gut Blood, blood, bandits drink blood Robbery and murder and ambushing are good High from the gallows it rings High from the gallows it rings Robbery and murder and ambushing are good
YOUR BEST FRIEND. "Orpheus" By Saltatio Mortis Sing für mich, Orpheus Wir hatten Kein Glück Du wandelst ins Leben Doch ich bleib' Zurück Und wenn deine Stimme Nie mehr für mich singt Werd' ich erfahr'n wie laut Stille klingt Sing for me, Orpheus We had no luck. You walk back into life. But I stay back here (with the dead) And when your voice Never sings for me again I will finally know how loud silence sounds. YOUR HOBBY. "Tanz auf dem Vulkan" By Subway to Sally. Du musst tanzen, in der Asche bis zum allerletzten Tanz, tanze Krater in den Boden und zertanz die Schuhe ganz! Tanze, tanze über Tiefen, denn wer tanzen kann der lebt, und du spürst die Erde, wie sie wogt und bebt. Dreh dich ewiglich, tanz und dreh dich, spring und dreh dich, beim wilden Tanz auf dem Vulkan. You must dance in the ashes until the very last dance Dance craters into the ground and completely wear out your shoes by dancing. Dance, dance over depths for who can dance, lives And you feel the earth how it undulates and shakes. Turn eternally, Dance and turn, Jump and turn as you wildly Dance on the vulcan (Speak: dance with the devil= live dangerously and on the edge)
FAVOURITE TIME OF THE DAY? "Krötenliebe" By Subway to Sally. Als wir im Tümpel lagen, Im fauligen Morast, Brach über uns die Nacht herein. Dunkle Gestalten krochen Auf unser Lager zu Und stimmten in das Lied der Liebe ein. As we lay by the pond together, in the rotting morass, Night broke down upon us. Dark figures crawled towards our bed, and joined us in our lovesong.
DESCRIBE YOUR LIFE. "Tod und Teufel" By Saltatio Mortis. An einem trüben Winterabend Kroch die Kälte in mein Haus Umfasste mich mit klammen Fingern Und zog mich in den Schnee hinaus Vor meinem Haus standen zwei Reiter Die Mäntel waren schwarz und rot In rot gekleidet ritt der Teufel Ganz in schwarz Gevatter Tod Die Sonne floh hinter die Berge Da fing der Tod zu reden an: "Dein Leben geht zur Neige Sag mir hast du's recht getan?" Der Teufel sprang von seinem Rappen In seiner Hand ein Pergament Dann trug er vor, ich sei ein Spielmann Sei ein sündhaft Element In diesem Spiel gibts kein zurück In deiner Uhr verrinnt der Sand Nimm deine Würfel in die Hand Nimm deine Würfel in die Hand Doch nach alter Spielmannssitte Ist es Recht und ist es Brauch Zu würfeln um sein Lasterleben Verwetten seinen Lebenshauch Der Teufel wirft die erste Runde Dreimal sechs wie's ihm gebührt Ich werfe bleich die Knochenwürfel Als mich des Todes Hand berührt Die Würfel harren auf der Kante Gehalten von des Todes Blick Er lächelt in des Teufels Fratze Und spricht: "Das war ein übler Trick" Da mich der Teufel wollt betrügen Bekomme ich noch etwas Zeit Den Tod zu täuschen ist ein Frevel Denn Tod heißt auch Gerechtigkeit Das Leben is ein Würfelspiel Und deine Seele ist das Pfand Die Regeln kennen brauchst du nicht Nimm deine Würfel in die Hand Nimm deine Würfel in die Hand
On a dim winter evening Coldness crept into my house Grasped me with clammy fingers And dragged me out into the snow In front of my house two riders where standing The coats where black and red Dressed in red was the devil Completely in black godfather death The sun fled to hide behind the mountains Then death started talking: "Your life is running short Tell me, have you done it right" Devil jumped off of his black horse Holding a pergament in his hand He declaimed I'd be a minstrel (I'd) be a sinful beeing But following the old custom of mistrels It's law and it's convention To gamble for ones life of vice (And to) bet ones breath of life Devil throws the first round Three times six like it's due to him Pale I'm throwing the bony dices As death's hand touches me Helt by the gaze of death He smiles into the grim mien of the devil And says: "That was a foul trick" Because the devil wanted to fool me I get a bit more time To cheat death is a sacrilege Since death also means justice Life is a game of dice And your soul is the pledge You don't need to know the rules Grab your dices with your hand RELATIONSHIP STATUS. "Spielmannsschwur" By Saltatio Mortis. Der Strick, der uns bindet, Ist noch nicht geflochten, Der Knecht, der uns mordet, Hat noch nicht gefochten. Die Frau, die uns hält, Ist noch nicht geborn, Das haben alle Spielleut' geschworn. Wir sind wie der Wind, Man sperrt uns nicht ein, Kein Knast kann uns halten, Drum schenkt nochmal ein, Wir sind geboren, um Spielmann zu sein. The Noose that will hang us, had yet not been braided, The servant that will murder us had yet not fought (with a sword). The woman that wil hold us (in her arms) is yet not born, Thats what every bard had sworn. We are like the wind, you can not catch us, No prison can hold us in, so fill our cups up again, we are born to be minstrels.
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