#cursed haikyuu texts
kaiijo · 4 months
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characters: hinata shoyo, miya atsumu, bokuto koutarou, sakusa kiyoomi content: gn! reader, the msby four, rich sakusa (i am a rich sakusa truther until the end), bokuto picks you up, sakusa is implied to be taller than you notes: omg i lowkey want to do a fuller version of sakusa’s part 
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hinata shoyo ✶ love at first sight
slouched in a plastic airport seat, hinata’s leg bounces anxiously as he awaits his flight. rain beats down the side of the windows and he prays to whatever universal force there is that the flight leaves at the right time. he couldn’t fly with everyone else earlier since he celebrated his grandmother’s birthday with family but it put him on a late night flight that lined up with an incoming storm. 
he scrolls mindlessly through his social media feed, double-tapping a photo of oikawa’s reunion with his high school team and tanaka’s anniversary post for kiyoko. 
the speaker system crackles to life. “attention, passengers of flight 7644 to sapporo, due to inclement weather conditions, the flight has been delayed an estimated two hours. we apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.”
hinata curses under his breath, already on his way to pulling up the black jackals’s group chat to tell them. he pulls his cap off, running a hand through his hair with a long sigh. his phone begins to buzz with texts, no doubt from his coach telling him to keep them updated. 
he rests his forearms on his knees, slumping forward and skimming through the messages. then, he feels a cautious tap on his shoulder and a soft voice asks, “excuse me, do you have a charger i could use?”
when he looks up, hinata thinks the greater powers that be answered a different prayer of his. because holy shit he has never seen anyone as beautiful as you. you’re in a comfy-looking pullover and sweatpants and hinata only realizes he’s just been staring silently for a few seconds when your expression turns apologetic. “i’m sorry to bother you, i’ll ask someone else!”
“no, no, i’m sorry,” he says, words tumbling out of his mouth. he scrambles to unzip his backpack, rummaging through until he triumphantly pulls out his charger. he hands it to you and you thank him. before you can leave, he blurts out, “i’m hinata.”
“oh!” you stick your hand out and tell him your name with a small smile and when you do, hinata knows that he’s gone. 
miya atsumu ✶ brother’s best friend
osamu’s not sure how atsumu managed to weasel his way into his plans. it was a bit of a blur, atsumu practically crashing through the door of onigiri miya as osamu closed up shop to go get drinks with you, begging to be included. he supposes to reason was pity and atsumu’s pleading look as well as the fact that you work far away that had him agreeing to his brother tagging along. 
it was in your last year of high school that osamu figured out his brother had a big, fat crush on you. honestly, it should have been more obvious, especially with the way atsumu flaunted himself and often paraded around the house shirtless when he knew you were coming over. it bothered him at first, thinking bitterly that ‘tsumu couldn’t let him just have one thing to himself? but over time, the annoyance faded as he saw atsumu prove that this wasn’t just a flight-of-fancy, and osamu has already made peace with the very real possibility that you could be his in-law someday. that is, is atsumu could even tell you in the first place.
it’s a little disturbing, osamu thinks, watching the way atsumu flirts with you and wondering if he too makes the same googly-eyes at someone he’s crushing on or if that’s the way he sounds. you giggle when atsumu tries to take a sip of your margarita, telling him, “order your own then, ‘tsumu!”
“nah, yours tastes way better.”
“can’t take this scrub anywhere,” osamu says, earning a laugh from you and a glare from his twin.
you pat atsumu’s shoulder and osamu can’t believe you don’t feel how atsumu melts into your touch. “i’m actually glad both of you are here,” you say, “because i wanted to tell you guys that i’m moving back to tokyo! my boss promoted me so i’m back at main headquarters! isn’t that great?”
“that’s awesome,” osamu says, speaking for both himself and atsumu, who looks like he just won the lottery. 
bokuto koutarou ✶ opposites attract
whenever akaashi introduces you and bokuto as a couple to new people, he always gets pulled over to the side and asked in a whisper, “how did those two get together? he’s so… and they’re less…” 
akaashi can’t say that he wasn’t surprised when you and bokuto started dating back in high school, given that they two of you were on very different trajectories. obviously, bokuto was the captain of fukurodani’s volleyball team while you were student council president and vice-president of chess club. bokuto’s grade sat at the lower end of the spectrum while you were always within the top five students in your class. bokuto liked loud, screaming parties while you preferred a quiet night with a few friends. 
so when bokuto grabbed him by the shoulders one day and shook him, saying that he needed to tell you how he felt, akaashi was taken off-guarded. he didn’t even know you knew each other beyond having a mutual friend, him. 
maybe back then, akaashi would have agreed with the person asking him but now, he just tells them to observe the two of you. because when akaashi does, everything falls into place. like right now, as he and bokuto sit in the stands, watching your final chess match. if you win, you’ll hold onto your spot as a national champion and go on to compete internationally. 
out of the corner of his eyes, akaashi watches as bokuto sits at the very edge of his seat, chewing on his bottom lip. it’s clearly killing him not to cheer and it’s a testament to both his devotion to you. your hand hovers above the bishop before you switch quickly to the queen and move the piece with confidence, setting it down and announcing, “checkmate.”
the crowds erupts into the cheers and you’ve only barely finished shaking your opponent’s hand when bokuto flies out of his seat and barrels towards you. he sweeps you off your feet, spinning you once and setting you down before planting a big kiss on your cheek. you’re beaming as you’re handing your trophy, and bokuto steps back to let you soak up your spotlight. akaashi can’t help but notice that bokuto is beaming too and clapping the loudest. 
as the crowd starts to disperse, akaashi and bokuto join you again, ready to take you to your planned dinner. before you leave, bokuto says, “i was going to do this later but i can’t hold it in anymore, babe.” and he gets down on one knee with a ring box akaashi is all-too familiar with. 
sakusa kiyoomi ✶ reunited childhood sweethearts 
“try not to look so dour, sweetheart,” sakusa’s mother tells him as she fixes his tie. sakusa wants to grumble some choice words but he knows better than to complain to her. besides, he’s only partially paying attention, eyes darting about the crowd and back towards the venue’s entrance. 
he settles on adjusting his mask with a barely audible sigh and mumbles a quiet thanks as she flits to fuss over his older siblings. he glances again, disappointed as a different group of people waltzes in. he knows his older sister wouldn’t be so cruel as to lie to him that your family will be in attendance but the anxiety is making his antsy.
the two of you were inseparable as children with you being one of his only friends growing up.  you spent you days squirreled away in some nook reading or outside playing volleyball. your mothers always cooed that you two would get together one day, and as he got older and learned what that really meant, sakusa found himself hoping too. but then your parents took you and your siblings abroad, leaving him alone and heartbroken. he cut you off, hoping the distances and time would make your departure hurt less, but it didn’t.
sakusa doesn’t recognize the voice that calls his name but his head snaps towards the doorway. you’re standing in between your older sister and younger brother, waving at him. his heart skips a beat. your social media postings don’t do you enough justice; you’re even more attractive that the pixels he’s spent hours staring at. 
you still have that ever-present smile on your face and you quickly break-off from your family to bound over to him. without even thinking, his arms close around you as you embrace him tightly. you feel so familiar and he doesn’t want to let you go as you part. evidently, you don’t either as you keep him close still, only leaning away to look at him. “you’re so tall,” you laugh, more shyly you add, “and very handsome.”
this time, sakusa thinks his heart stops. 
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the-travelling-witch · 5 months
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summary: just some cute things they do in a relationship
pairings: atsumu :: osamu :: suna :: kita :: oikawa :: iwaizumi :: matsukawa:: semi :: akaashi :: kenma :: kuroo :: daichi :: suga :: sakusa :: komori :: futakuchi :: keishin x gn! reader (these characters just started adding themselves, i swear)
warnings: only my undying love for these characters
haikyuu masterlist || tokyo revengers version
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Letting you stick your cold feet under his legs (with only minimal complaints) x Miya Atsumu
Atsumu is a whiny complainer at heart, so whenever you creep your frigid feet underneath his thighs while watching a movie, he’s doing exactly that: whine and complain. But he never pushes you away or moves his legs. Instead he drapes the blanket higher over you and tugs it in, his warm palms running up and down your calves caringly. He’s also bought you numerous pairs of fuzzy socks and cosy blankets, worrying aloud about your health and blood flow, especially in winter. Then again, it is a good excuse to pull you in closer and bundle you up in his comfy clothes, so who is he to complain, really?
Offering you his food x Miya Osamu
Osamu takes his food very seriously, still, he offers you the first bite without fail. You’re also his most important critic, always getting to taste test his creations, whether it’s for his shop or just for the two of you. He might roll his eyes playfully when you eye his food after saying you’re not hungry but he’ll still share. After all, seeing the content expression on your face as you chew your (or his) food is one of his favourite things.
Sending you stupid memes x Suna Rintarō
The fact that Suna has a near infinite amount of unflattering candids and other blackmail material of his friends on his phone is something you’re well aware of. So it shouldn’t be surprising either that he is digging up the most cursed reaction pics or posts to send them to you with nothing but ‘u’ following it. But, among all the weird stuff, he sends you cute animals cuddling and tags them with ‘us’. Every time you respond with ‘that could be us but you’re at practice’, his teammates come up to ask what he’s smiling about.
Buying flowers without occasion x Kita Shinsuke
Kita doesn’t believe in letting societally accepted commercial holidays dictate when he buys you flowers or chocolates or takes you out on a date. No, he prefers showing his love for you equally all year round. Oftentimes, that means you coming home to a bouquet of flowers or being told to keep your calendar clear for the weekend. To him, grand shows of affection once a year pale in comparison to a steady stream of adoration. After all, your relationship is built on the small acts of love you share each day.
Taking weird photos with his phone x Oikawa Tōru
There’s no room to argue that Oikawa and you trust each other blindly. Considering the circumstances of his career and the vigour of his adoring fans, you kinda have to. But Oikawa has always been very open and honest with you, even going so far as to outright tell you his phone’s passcode. And you use that knowledge wisely. No, not to go through his texts or social media. Instead you open his camera when he’s not around, taking a myriad of selfies or pictures of random objects near you for him to find later. After a night out with his highschool friends, Tōru might wake up to a pretty set of new wallpapers too.
“Helping” him work out x Iwaizumi Hajime
You’re not sure if you’re really all that helpful as you shuffle around your living room, handing Iwa water or a towel as he powers through his at home workout. Maybe ogling his biceps or the way his tank top clings to the defined pecs and abs underneath is what you contribute to this training session. Well, you’re good at that, anyway. But your time to shine comes as Iwa asks you to hold onto his legs as he does sit-ups, giving you an even better view. All your hard work is rewarded with the kiss he presses to your lips each time he leans up. 
“Is this guy bothering you” x Matsukawa Issei
Whenever you stub your toe on the edge of a drawer or bump your hip into the edge of a table, hissing at the shock and/or pain, Matsukawa is right beside you in seconds. Then, after assessing you’re not actually hurt, he turns towards the offending object with a glare. With his voice lowered by an octave or two, he’ll ask “Is this guy bothering you” before pretending to get ready for a fight with the big bad. It’s corny but you’d lie if you said it didn’t make you laugh.
Shared headphones and playlists x Semi Eita
Music is Semi’s passion, naturally he wants to share that part of his life with you. Not only does he play his own songs for you, he also shares his headphones with you, adding all the songs you like to your shared playlist. You’ve also started making recommendation playlists or playlists with songs that remind you of the other and swap them regularly. Driving with Semi is also the most fun, especially on late summer nights with the windows down, going nowhere in particular.
Understanding each other without words x Kozume Kenma
To outsiders, conversations between Kenma and you might seem a little court or even incomprehensible. He just happens to be the type that lets his actions speak rather than his words, unless he gets really fired up about something. Still, your communication seems to work perfectly - or maybe both of you just share a brain cell. Questions like “Have you seen my…” can just be left hanging like this as you’re already pointing out that his old Nekoma sweatpants are in the wash. But no conversations are clearer than the ones you can hold through eye contact alone. Sometimes rolling your eyes conveys more than a thousand words… or however that saying goes.
Letting you win x Kuroo Tetsurō
Despite his suit and tie career, Kuroo is still a playful guy at heart and he’s carrying that energy into your relationship. He also grew up around Kenma, so making a game out of ordinary stuff is normal to him. That said, even if he challenges you in a board or video game, he’ll let you win on purpose every now and then. Not enough to give himself away, but often enough to see your beaming grin. However, if it’s a physical contest like an arm wrestling match, he will let you win (or rather he won’t let you lose immediately) just to tease you over it. Aw c’mon, he knows you’re stronger than this, sweetheart.
Good morning/ good night texts x Sawamura Daichi
Daichi is a busy guy, often out of the house before you wake up or back in after you go to sleep. Depending on which shift he has to work and how your schedules line up, you might not see much of each other for some time. But that won’t stop him from being the sweetest partner, instead sending you good morning and good night texts as well as updates on his day/night, if he has the time. It’s something that came with the territory of not living together before, but the practice never really retired. Equally, it puts him in a good mood to see you update him on your day as well.
Bragging about you x Sugawara Kōshi
Suga is your number one fan, no doubt about it. Not only is he vocal about that to you but also everybody else, whether you’re there or not. Daichi and Asahi are kind of used to it already, but there is always some new unfortunate soul who gets to experience just how smitten he is with you. He never makes it uncomfortable but weaves his praise for you naturally into a conversation. And if it flusters you, that’s just all the better. Although, lately, the classes he’s teaching have picked up on it and are trying to stall for time by asking questions about you.
Writing notes x Sakusa Kiyoomi
This probably started out as something entirely practical. After moving in together, Sakusa just started labelling stuff, writing grocery shopping lists and sticking them to the fridge, especially on days where he left early for practice. By the time you pointed out he could just text you at any given time, he’d already gotten used to this little habit of his. But his messages had slowly turned from chore-related to reminding you to take care of yourself or informing you he prepped lunch for you to just telling you he loves you. The first time he wrote that last one, he blinked down at the note for a few moments before sticking it to the mug cabinet.
Midnight snack run x Komori Motoya
Obviously, Komori wishes his job wouldn’t pull him away from you as often as it does. Though that being said, it also makes coming home after an away game all that sweeter and he feels like the constant change of pace makes him cherish the moments you do get to spend together more than he already does. And he appreciates that you can indulge him, both in his lifestyle and whenever he gets a sudden burst of energy. So yeah, now you’re bundled up in one of his hoodies as you go on a late night snack run, your hand in his as you walk along the calm streets.
Remembering little things about you x Futakuchi Kenji
Futakuchi comes pre-installed with an attitude, no matter who you are to him, it’s his factory setting. And while he’s a lot softer on you as his partner, he’ll still give you a sarcastic quip or poke some fun at you when you complain about something to him. But he always listens carefully and commits it to memory. You offhandedly mentioned you’re running out of something? He adds it to his shopping list. You rant to him about a coworker who’s giving you trouble? Oh, he remembers everything you told him about that guy before (and he’s ready to drag him to hell and back if it makes you feel better). Whenever your birthday or an anniversary rolls around, he never has trouble picking out a gift for you; Kenji could list so many things you’re into or that you could have use for in your everyday life, it’s not even a challenge.
Getting into your hobbies x Ukai Keishin
Keishin has got to be one of the most supportive partners ever. Whatever you set your mind to or whichever hobby you dive into, he’s there to root for you. But he doesn’t stop there; he reads up on your interests, so he can actively participate in the conversation when you talk about them. Similarly, he also adapts to your lifestyle and tries to show up for you in all walks of life. You, on the other hand, also get involved in his life too; his parents were keen to meet you, considering they hounded Keishin to get married in his 20s already. He’d also be over the moon if you showed interest in his work as a coach and met the Karasuno Volleyball Club.
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haikyuu!!: @mccnstruck
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4K notes · View notes
lowkeyremi · 12 days
Hey pookie, love your work and I hope you’re having a great day so far. I would like to request Haikyuu men x reader but instead of them giving reader silent treatment, we’re giving them the silent treatment. I would also prefer if it’s the same guys too. Hope this isn’t too hard and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to do it. Sorry if in any way it sounded rude, love your style and all of your posts ❤️
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pairing: suna, tsukishima, ushijima, osamu, sakusa, and iwaizumi x fem!reader (separate) note: hiii lovely!!! u don’t come off as rude at all so don’t even worry!! if anything I’m glad to write this. It’s just what I needed after coming back from my break. summary: men can be so irritating sometimes! what better way to deal with it than ignore them? (don’t do this irl, communicate is key!!!) content: slight angst to fluff, silliness, established relationships (marriage for a few + plus the same babies from the prev fic), cursing, reader is sassy, not proofread!!!! wc: 3.3k
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“Are you seriously ignoring me right now, babe?” Rintaro stared into your soul waiting for an answer. He knows the answer already but he’ll do anything for you to talk to him.
Instead of giving him answer, you just scoff and make your way to the bedroom, where you will most definitely lock him out.
“Come on, I’ve already apologized. What else can I do?” The brunette is right on your tail. Sometimes you forget that his height allows him to cover more space than you. He’s practically right behind you.
“You can leave me the hell alone, Suna.” Last name treatment? Yep. He’s 100% fucked up. You know in his eyes it’s not a big deal but you see it as a big deal.
Your boyfriend was supposed to pick you up from work today but he had forgotten, and one top of that he went out and got drinks with his friends. Not to mention you waited a whole hour thinking maybe he was running late or something. Once you called him and realized he forgot, an uber was called and you went home.
Just as you’re about to reach for the doorknob of your bedroom, Rintaro grabbed your wrist forcing you to stop.
“Let. Go.” You say through closed teeth.
“Please listen to me,” He’s… pleading? Your boyfriend never pleads for anything- well that’s an exaggeration, he rarely pleads for things.
“Start talking.”
“As I said earlier, I am very sorry, baby. I felt like I was forgetting something today, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Next time you need me to come get you, send me a text an hour before you get off work, okay?” His voice is tender and soft. Nothing like his usually snarky and playful attitude.
There’s a petty urge to not forgive him just yet, but at the same time, he’s being super sincere and honest. All you do is sigh and take your hand out of his grasp.
“If you’re really sorry, buy me dinner.” His mouth ticks up into a small smirk.
“What do you want to eat?” He asks.
Kei tries to go in for a kiss, again, with no luck. He’s looking at you with the most lovesick look, because you always fall for it.
“I wasn’t laughing at you.” He says AGAIN, which is a lie. He was laughing at you and of course you’re mostly immune to Kei’s quips and remarks, but you were feeling a little butt hurt after he laughed at you.
“You WERE laughing at me, Kei.” His long, pale arm reaches for the baseball cap on your head, but before he can take it off you grab his hand and squeeze it as hard as you can.
“Ow- shit, that hurts.” He says trying to pry his hand from your grip.
“Yeah well that’s how I felt when you laughed.” You let go of his hand and turn away from him. You’re both sitting on the couch but you’re facing away from him.
“I’ve already told you, I wasn’t laughing at you, it just caught me by surprise.” A little “hmph” leaves your lips and you cross your arms.
Before Kei went to go get the groceries you told him you were going to do something to your hair, a slight adjustment. He’d only been half listening at the time, so when he walked in to see your hair, he started to laugh on instinct.
Of course you felt insecure and went to put on a baseball cap to cover it up.
“Can I see it again?” He asks very softly, his hand ghosts over your shoulder and you don’t lean away from his touch this time.
“Fine, but I swear if you fucking laugh, you’ll have to asking Yamaguchi if you can stay over at his place cuz I’ll kick you out.” His angelic little chuckle blesses your ears.
“Kick me out of the place we both pay for?” He asks, quite assumed at your statement.
“Yes.” Before he can get another word in you slowly take the cap off for him to see.
His hand creeps toward your head, he hesitates right when he’s about to touch your hair.
“Can I?” He’s so polite despite how mean he can be.
In an effort to remain salty you say, “I don’t care.”
His fingers are so gentle when touching your hair that you feel little tingles in your body.
“It’s really cute, babe. Let me just-” He moves a baby hair that’s sticking out, then his eyes meet yours. They’re so beautiful, but so are yours.
“I’m sorry for laughing.”
It had been an accident therefore he didn’t even realize you were ignoring him. He thought that maybe you just wanted some time to yourself.
You waited hours for him to realize you were upset with him, but it never came. If anything you thought he was ignoring you. (That wasn’t true at all though)
Nao notices his parents haven’t talked to each other most of the day, so he comes to you. It’s almost his bedtime and you see that Wakatoshi had given him a bath and he’s got his pajamas on.
Little Nao climbs up your bed and crawls up to you, “Hi baby, what’s up?”
“You not talkin’ to Daddy?” Nao is very perceptive for a three year old.
“Um.. no.” He tilts his head at your response.
“Why?” How can you explain it in kid terms??
"Mommy's not happy with Daddy right now." He nods in understanding but proceeds to ask another question.
“Oh. But why?” Now that you’re thinking about it, it’s kind of childish.
This morning when the two of you woke up, Wakatoshi had asked if you’d seen his wedding ring. Then, proceeded to explain that he had taken it off when he went to work, because he left the chain he usually wears it on at home. So, he assumed it was somewhere in his bag. Of course he found it, but it just ticked you off that he had taken it off with little regard for it.
“A little disagreement is all.” Your son nods again and gives you a hug. He doesn’t like when you guys get into the occasional argument.
They don’t happen often, because you two are able to work stuff out. When they do happen you both agreed that they shouldn’t be in front of your son. Not only because it’s not right, but because Wakatoshi had grown up in a household where his parents constantly argued with little regard for how he felt on the matter. He would never subject Nao to that.
“It’s time for bed, Nao.” Wakatoshi says. How long has he been standing there?
“Okay, Daddy.” Nao kisses your cheek before scurrying off of your bed. Since he’s not good with noise control yet, you over here him asking Wakatoshi to make up with you, because he doesn’t like when you guys are unhappy with each other.
After twenty minutes your husband returns. “So you were upset with me?” It’s so like him to get straight to it.
“Yeah, I was kind of ignoring you until you came to me, but I forgot you can’t really pick up on those queues.” He nods, almost abnormal like. He rids himself of his shirt and turns the lights down.
After he’s done doing that, he joins you in the bed.
Right as you’re about to explain yourself he speaks up, “it’s because I had forgotten my ring, right?”
You open your mouth, but no words come out.
“Yes, and I see now that it was childish of me. You’re human, we all slip up.”
“No, no, I understand. I think I would be a little upset if you’d taken your ring off and tossed it somewhere.” He says, olive colored eyes looking into yours.
“You tossed it?” He shakes his head at the misunderstanding.
“I did not. I was just using it as an example.” Relief washes through you and you scoot closer to hug your husband. His skin feels so warm.
“Okay, good.”
“Are we alright now?” He asks hugging you back.
Never in a million years would you have thought you’d be staying at Atsumu’s place instead of your shared home with his brother, but yet here you are.
Speak of the devil Atsumu knocks on the guest room door and you tell him to come in.
“What’s up?” You’re pretty sure he’s going to ask you to talk to his brother. He’s been calling and texting you for the past three days. He’s probably been calling Atsumu too.
“Can ya just talk it out with him? ‘Samu’s been blowin’ up my phone, ‘n I know he’s probably been calling ya, too.” He looks tired of the both of you and you feel bad putting him in the middle of this mess, but there’s no way you’ll be talking to your husband anytime soon.
“No.” Atsumu sighs almost knowing you would say that.
“He’s worried about ya, ‘n I’m sure he’s very sorry too.”
Three days ago Osamu had a very busy and stressful day at the shop, it was just awful. When he arrived home it was evident that his day was shitty, so you tried to cheer him up.
That only made matters worse, as he proceeded to yell at you to “leave him the fuck alone.” and “your voice is making my head hurt.” Even though you knew he was saying that in the heat of the moment and he didn’t mean it, it still hurt to hear.
You yelled back at him telling him that you were doing what you could to make him feel better and that he was an asshole. When he didn’t say anything in return you rushed to the bedroom to pack a few days worth of clothes and get the hell out of there.
Was that a little bit extra? Yes. You could have probably just slept in your own guest room or on the couch, and then talk it out in the morning, but you were so pissed that your logic went straight out the door.
“Well… er… I-” You could see the guilt in Atsumu’s eyes when a string of loud knocks were heard.
“You called him over?” Atsumu looked away as not to meet your eyes.
“I caved when he said he was worried about ya ‘n ya didn’t even tell him where ya were goin’” Atsumu faked a cough before excusing himself to get the door.
Within seconds you see your husband standing at the bedroom door and your heart breaks when you see him. It had only been three days (2 nights) and he looked exhausted and miserable.
Before you could get a word in he dashes over to you and embraces you in a tight hug.
“Baby ‘m so so sorry.” He chants over and over.
“Please don’t do that again, ya scared the livin’ shit outta me.” Osamu was always better at hiding his accent than Atsumu, but when he was really stressed it would come out.
“I didn’t mean for you to worry like that, ‘Samu. I didn’t really think when I left.” He sits himself down on the bed not letting you go, he places you on his lap and you’re basically straddling him.
You squeeze him back just as tight. “I was so mad that you talked to me like that.”
“‘n I’ll never do it again. Even on my bad days ya don’t deserve that.”
You take in a big whiff of his cologne and you audibly relax in his arms.
“You better not because I might slap you next time.”
“Feel free to.” He says.
Atsumu ruins the moment with the most obnoxious fake gag, “Are ya straddl- actually I don’t fuckin’ care. Do that at yer own damn place!!”
When you woke up to your alarm, you realized Kiyoomi already left for work. Which that in and of itself wasn’t a problem. It was the fact that he left without dropping your daughter off for school.
Not to mention that you had a very important meeting with a client today. You got ready for work thinking about how you were doing well on time… until you noticed your daughter’s lunchbox sitting on the counter with nothing in it.
In breakneck pace, you ran to your daughter’s room to see that she was peacefully sleeping. “Oh baby, wake up we’ve got to go.” She starts to gain consciousness, her eyes squinting open when you turn on the light.
“Huh? I thought Daddy was taking me today.” Your little girl rubs the sleep from her eyes.
“He was but I guess he already left,” you search frantically for something simple but presentable for your daughter to wear.
“Oh, you’ve got your fancy business outfit on… is there something important today?” You’re so grateful to have a daughter who can read between the lines.
“Yes, there is but Mommy’s gonna be late.” She frowns up at that.
“Honey it’s not your fault, your father was the one who was supposed to take you.” She nods.
The two of you work together to get out of the house quickly so you won’t be that late.
Your daughter will only be running a few minutes late for school… as for you, your meeting started four minutes after you started driving to her to school, and the school is a twenty minute drive.
You’re gonna fucking kill your husband for this.
When you get to your daughter’s school she hops out immediately and says her goodbyes.
“Bye sweet girl! Have a great day at school!!” Of course you won’t let your anger get the best of you… for right now.
Luckily, your client was kind enough to excuse you being almost thirty minutes late, but it was still embarrassing nonetheless.
Some of your coworkers teased you a little bit afterwards.
“Slept in?” One who’s particularly close to you (he calls you his work wife and Kiyoomi hates it) asks nudging your arm.
“Nope, my husband forgot to take our daughter to school this morning.” A loud sigh leaves your lips and you pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Yikes, bet he’s gonna be in the doghouse for awhile.” He snorts.
“Hell yeah he will be. I’m just wondering, how in the world did he forget?? He’s better at remembering things between the two of us.” And that’s the truth. You’re curious as to what his excuse will be.
“Well he’s human too, ‘course he’s bound to screw up at sometime.” Even though he’s right, you let your pettiness take over and decide that you won’t give Kiyoomi the benefit of the doubt.
“I’m home,” you hear your husband shout from the genkan. Your daughter is at the table doing homework and you’re sitting with her browsing through your phone.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He walks in to the kitchen greeting his daughter with a kiss on her forehead.
“Hi, Daddy.” She says with a small smile.
“Hey baby.” As he leans in to kiss your forehead too, you dodge it.
His eyebrows furrow in confusion, “You okay?” Kiyoomi smells like his body wash and shampoo. Usually you’d be happy to have your nostrils filled with the smell of his post practice shower, but right now it just upsets you.
You got up from the table and walked away without answering his question. He obviously attempted to follow you to the bedroom, only for the door to be shut in his face.
“Hey what’s up with you?” You can hear the irritation in his voice through the door. He has no right to be irritated though.
Instead of answering him you make yourself comfortable on the bed.
After ten minutes of him trying to ask you what was wrong and literally begging you started to feel bad enough and open the door.
“What’s wrong is that you forgot to take our daughter to school this morning, causing me to be late to a very important meeting with a client.” His eyes widen in horror at your statement.
“Shit, I’ve been so focused on how I was going to go about this upcoming fan event for the past couple of days, that I completely forgot. You have every right to be mad.” Right, your husband still isn’t very social, and he still hates receiving gifts from his fans. Of course he’d been trying to figure out how to make an appearance, but not interact with anyone.
“Damn right, luckily my client was nice but it was still embarrassing.” He frowns.
“I apologize, and I’ll make sure to do better next time.” You roll your eyes and pull him in for that kiss.
“Yeah yeah, I guess you forget things too.”
Iwa hasn’t realized it, but while helping out this girl at the gym (he’s an athletic trainer and he couldn’t sit there and watch that girl screw up pull ups any longer) he was so oblivious to her obvious flirting.
She would bend over in those tight leggings, or hold onto his bicep for support. And yes, it was dumb for you to be upset with him, because one, you’re his wife and he only has eyes for you, and two, he didn’t even realize she was flirting with him.
“How are your sets coming along, baby?” He came over to ask you while the girl was getting water. Yeah, you know how to do all of these work outs, but you like having your man right there to spot you and correct your posture in the slightest way.
You pretend you don’t hear him, because you’re listening to music in your headphones. To sell the deal, you even mouth the lyrics of the song.
He raises a brow in concern. As soon as he goes to say something, the woman returns, “Iwazumi-san? I’m ready to continue!”
“I’ll be back.” He says, running back to that woman. You roll your eyes as you come down for a squat with a 25 lb kettlebell in your hands.
By the time you’re cooling down on the treadmill, Iwaizumi returns to you.
“What’s wrong with you?” He knows you can hear him, because even when you’re working out together, you keep your headphones at a reasonable volume, so you can hear him.
“What’s wrong with me? What’s up with you letting that woman touch all over you?” In an effort to ignore him again you turn the speed up on the treadmill.
“Really? Baby, you know my job requires me to touch people.”
“God, I know that. I’m not even talking about you, I’m talking about how she was all over you, and you didn’t even notice or anything.” He’s laughing? You just told him how you feel and he laughs?
He walks over to the front of the treadmill where all the buttons are and slows it down to a walking speed.
“Honey, I told her to stop touching me more than what was necessary. It was indecent and inappropriate. Then I told her I was married to you and I think she decided to keep going…” He pauses for a second waiting for you to come to a walking pace.
“Wanna know what I told her next?” He takes your silence as a sign to keep going, “I said ‘I suggest you stop provoking my wife, she knows how to fight and I would hate to see her behind bars for something like this.’” He smirks at you and you look away in embarrassment.
“And you were really going at it during your workout so I’m assuming she took my word for it.”
You stop the treadmill and hop off to stand right in front of your husband.
“Sorry for being so petty.” He just smiles at you.
“No don’t apologize, I don’t blame you babe. I’d be the same way if some guy was all over you, with no good reason.” You grab him by the collar of his compression shirt, “You’re so damn hot. Let’s get out of here.”
“Yeah?” He asks.
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©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
Note: last purple post!! 🥹 since i started this while my theme was purple. the hardest part of writing this was coming up with something sensible to be upset about 😭
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ariichive · 2 months
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trial period
various haikyuu
in which he finds an opportunity in your boyfriend's errors. suna, osamu, iwaizumi, and akaashi fem reader | cursing | grumpy volleyball players | jealousy | they see their chance and take it | toxic relationships | akaashi's is a bit angsty but its still sweet, promise | i used kenji as a name for readers bf
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suna felt like shit; everything was pissing him off today. his coach was harder on him, he forgot his water bottle, and the heat was terrible. he was convinced nothing could make his day worse.
well that's what he thought until his phone went off.
'(name): is this a a good gift set for guys?'
image sent.
'(name): or should I get him a new video game??? thx for ur help rinnie :)'
yeah, his day could definitely get worse.
he stared at your text messages, not even wanting to respond. there was nothing more humiliating than his crush of almost a year texting him about another guy. in all honest, he didn't give a fuck about that sorry excuse of a man that you called your boyfriend.
maybe he was biased, but he honestly didn't care. how could perfect, beautiful you settle for a man who forgot your birthday 3 months ago?
shit just didn’t make sense; now here you are, gift shopping for his birthday. if it were up to suna, he’d make sure you didn’t spend a penny on the man’s birthday. but if things were so easy, he’d gave you in his arms after a long day.
shaking his head, suna typed up a quick, dry response. it wasn’t his intention to come off as an asshole, but at the same time, it kinda was. maybe you’d finally get the hint.
suna ignored the buzzing of his phone as he walked into his local grocery store, he'll answer after buying a few snacks for his apartment. he didn't like ignoring your messages, but he also didn't like your boyfriend.
he saw a familiar, hated haircut as he walked mindlessly through the aisles. squinting his eyes, he made sure his eyes weren't deceiving him; but why was he in the women's care section?
sure, there was a small possibility of him buying you something. however, from what he's heard, your boyfriend has never given you flowers. he walked a little closer, not worried about being recognized because the two had only ever briefly met.
suna decided to pull out his phone; he felt something in his gut screaming at him.
suna quickly skimmed over your texts of you asking which video game to buy him. he facetimed you, making sure his headphones were connected.
"you asshole, you're lucky i'm still at the store," your voice spoke beautifully into his ears (he was ignoring your rude remarks). "yeah yeah, lemme see the video game options."
suna heard you sigh before you flipped the facetime camera, showing the huge display of video games.
he didn't look back at his phone, instead looking at your boyfriend- well it wasn't just your boyfriend anymore, he had a girl looking at him with a big smile on her face.
looking a bit closer, he saw the cause of her happiness. in her hands, she was holding two packages of pregnancy tests, different brands.
now, suna didn't want to assume anything; that could be a sister or a cousin. but his suspicions were only confirmed when she gave a big kiss on his lips.
"you're not even looking- are you at the store?" you said after seeing the background of his facetime screen. you watched as he looked lost in thought, standing in front of a shelf of pads. "why are you in the women's section? actually, while you're there can you grab me more..." when you noticed he wasn't listening, you got a bit worried. "rin?"
"sorry, i'm here. hey, i actually have something to show you, don't get mad.. at least not at me, alright?" you stared confused as he flipped the camera to his back one. now everything he was seeing, you were too.
"oh is that kenji? he said he would be at the.." you lost your train of thought as you witnessed kenji wrap an arm around a girl he was with, placing a small kiss on her head.
you could only stay silent as you watched the two happily walk away.
suna felt like an asshole that he was the one to reveal this to you, but it would've been worse if he hadn't.
"o-oh," you were the first to break the silence. "want me to go say something to him? you know i will." suna's own heart broke a little as he heard the cracking of your voice. "no, it's fine. uhh," you took a quick pause in your sentence, contemplating your words carefully, "do you think, you could come over for a little?"
suna glanced down at his screen, seeing you were already out of the video game shack and into the freshness of the outside air.
"yeah, i'll be there soon. be careful going home okay?"
"okay, bye suna."
no nickname or first name, you were definitely upset.
suna sighed as he continued his grocery shopping; making sure not to get anything refrigerated as he didn't know how long he was going to be at your place.
(he grabbed a few of your favorite snacks and a weird-looking stuffed animal he had a feeling you'd like)
after paying and making a mental note to come back later for milk, he went on his way to your place.
he wasn't quite sure what he was expecting when he got to your apartment, but nothing prepared him for seeing you open your door with sad eyes and a twitching lip; sad but not wanting to show.
"hey," you greeted him with a nod which he reciprocated, holding up his grocery bags. "we can watch that stupid reality show you like," suna stretched as he got comfortable in your living room.
"it's not stupid you just don't understand it."
and when the show was just white noise in the background as he listened to you complain about your now ex-boyfriend was turned into you falling asleep, using the cheap plush he bought you as a pillow; he felt like he belonged there with you.
even as your phone blew up with messages from your ex, suna stayed focused on you.
(he blocked the number).
you stared at the delivered message you sent to your boyfriend 6 hours ago, only growing more irritated as time went by. the two of you had a date planned for later tonight at a fancy restaurant; one he insisted on going to and you agreed eagerly.
you had already gotten all dolled up, and even though you didn't want to go on the date originally, you did do your best to get ready, and it was a bit disappointing to not go out now.
time was only getting closer, and there was still no response from your boyfriend. over the past week, you felt distant from him, hence your quick agreement to this date.
now, he wasn't even answering his phone. even after ringing kenji multiple times and going straight to voicemail, you still had hope. there was still an hour left until the agreed meet-up time, still some time for him to answer.
you did a few small room chores to kill the time, only for your phone to not go off even once. there were still 20 minutes until 6pm, and you decided that this date wasn't going to happen.
now, you were sad and hungry. getting up, you looked through your fridge and cabinets only to find nothing.
about to give up all hope, your phone dinged from the counter. shooting up immediately, you grabbed your eagerly; only to feel slight disappointment when it was your friend sending you a recently opened food place, 'Onigiri Miya'.
something was pulling you towards the place (maybe your stomach); sending your friend a quick text back, you decided to stop by for dinner. putting on more comfortable clothes and deciding to head out, still no text from your boyfriend.
the place was located in a good area and it wasn't a far walk from your own home. you could see yourself coming here more often. the smell of freshly cooked meals could be smelled from outside the restaurant doors. the place was rather empty, considering it was a bit later in the evening.
you sat down at the counter, glancing over the menu. there was an older lady next to you, who had a big smile on her face as she enjoyed her food. the scene caused a small smile to grace your face. you looked around a little more, noticing everyone had a smile on their face as they enjoyed their food.
this place felt like home.
"welcome to onigiri miya. do ya need more time lookin' at the menu?"
a mans voice broke you out of your trance. looking up, you seen a broad male with dark hair in the, what you assumed, was the official uniform of the restaurant.
"hello," you give him a polite smile, "could i get a minced tuna and spring onion rice ball?" you watched the man’s eyes widen, before a small smile adorned his pretty face.
“gotcha, that’s what my brother orders,” he held a bit of fondness in his voice as he recalled his brother. you giggle slightly, “your brother must have good taste.”
“s’alright. my taste has always been better,” he said as he gave you a quick look over, making you sit up a bit straighter. “really? then what do you recommend?” you decided to play along a little, almost forgetting about the events from earlier.
"stop by tomorrow, we could talk about it more."
and when a number was jotted down on the receipt, you felt a new chapter unfolding in your life.
iwaizumi stared at his client, whose phone was currently going off non-stop. usually, iwaizumi hated it when his clients were on their phones during his training sessions; but this was annoying at this point.
"can you answer that," iwaizumi didn't try to hide the irritation in his voice. his client, kenji, perked up from his sit-ups. "sorry about that, man." iwaizumi just nodded his head, waiting to get back to his training.
"it's my clingy ass girlfriend, she's scared i'm out cheating."
frankly, iwaizumi didn't care; he had another client coming in soon and he needed to get this guy out. "okay.. are you ready to continue?" with a rather embarrassed nod from kenji, they finally continued their workout; which consisted of a few more sets and then iwaizumi creating a dietary plan for kenji to follow.
once kenji was gone, iwaizumi finished up a few more clients for the day before he moved onto his own workout for the night. it was normal for him to stay late and the gym owner trusted him enough to close.
he was in the middle of his workout when he heard the front door open. sighing, he wiped his sweat off with a nearby towel and walked to the front. walking up, he saw a pretty girl who looked lost just as much pissed.
noticing the man coming out of the backroom with a confused look on his face, you decided to speak first.
"hey, sorry to interrupt but have you seen a male with brown hair, brown eyes, and about this tall?" iwaizumi watched as you held your hand a few inches above your own head. "oh and his name is kenji, if that helps?"
iwaizumi's eyes widened in realization; you must be the clingy girlfriend.
"we close in about half an hour, nobody's here but me." he answered truthfully as he watched your face fall. "oh, thank you for letting me know." iwaizumi watched as you were about to turn and leave, but oddly enough he wanted the conversation to continue.
"why does he have you out so late lookin' for him?" iwaizumi wasn't one to shy away from being protective; especially when it came to women and his loved ones.
you watched as he leaned over the reception desk, his biceps flexing as he did so. noticing you were staring, you snapped out of it. "we haven't spoken all day, and then i called him and he told me he was at the gym... thought i'd wait for him so we could go do something after."
haven't spoken all day? that was weird considering how much Kenji's phone was blowing up earlier from text messages from his "clingy girlfriend"/
"he's been gone for hours. i'm his personal trainer, iwaizumi." iwaizumi stuck his hand out which you shook immediately, "(name), nice to meet the man who's kept my boyfriend so busy these past few weeks."
"few weeks? today was his third day here." iwaizumi watched as the words registered into your mind. there was a twitch of your eyebrow, nails picking at the skin of your hands, and a quick bite of your lip.
it was a shitty situation; he felt bad that a pretty girl like you was getting played by a man that couldn't even bench press 22kg.
"if it makes you feel any better, he dropped a 3kg weight on his foot." iwaizumi tried his best to cheer you up, and it seemed to be working when a laugh fell from your lips.
"thank you for talking to me, sorry for taking up your time, iwaizumi. I should start to walk back before it gets too dark," you said noticing how late it was getting.
"let me close up and i'll walk you home, if that's okay with you?"
you looked shocked before a small smile took graced your face, "sure that'll be fine."
and as you waited for iwaizumi to close up the gym, you sent one last text to kenji; a breakup text.
it was against your moral conscience to do it over text, but he tested your limits. you weren't even sure if he'd see the text tonight, since he's out doing whatever, but your feelings still stood.
when you and iwaizumi started the walk back to your complex, it was full of natural conversations and laughter. the two of you hitting it off immediately and ended the night exchanging numbers.
when the next day arrived, kenji walked into the gym, iwaizumi made training incredibly challenging. he still did his job with integrity, but he added a few new workouts to kenji's routine, some of which even made the athletic trainer pause when he did them himself.
you flopped around on your best friend's bed, burying your face in his pillows and letting out muffled complaints.
"he's so stupid, keiji! can you believe he ditched our date to go get drunk with his friends?!"
akaashi can actually believe it, but he doesn't think you'd want to hear that right now. "it is shocking, yes." the lie comes out smoothly, he knows how this'll go. you'll complain and shit talk your boyfriend, get immensely sad for a few minutes, and then fall asleep on his bed.
this always happens when another male does your heart incredibly wrong, and akaashi is always there to pick up the shattered pieces.
"it's not the first time this has happened either... we'll be going good, and then out of nowhere he just..."
akaashi heard the familiar cracking of your voice, which he hated to hear, and when he noticed you went completely quiet; he knew you were crying into his pillow.
he gently got up from his seat on his desk, taking a seat on the bed next to you. "(name), it has nothing to do with you, he's just a bottom-of-the-barrel kind of guy. you know this," akaashi picked your head up from his pillow and placed it into his lap.
"you need to stop letting below-average men sweep you off your feet," akaashi sighed. these men were lucky enough to have a chance with you. whereas he, who's known you for a long time, hasn't gotten the chance. akaashi is too careful, and he never wants to overstep any of his boundaries and make you uncomfortable.
you sniffle as akaashi wipes your tears and runs a soothing hand through your hair, which only makes you more sensitive. akaashi noticed as your frown deepened, causing his hand to stop his movements, an apology already on the tip of his tongue.
"sorry, (name) i-...."
"i go for these types of men because i don't know if i deserve better," you spoke truthfully, grabbing akaashi's hand and putting it back on your head.
"(name), you deserve the world. it's not good for you to self-sabotage like this." his hand continued its movements in your hair. this time, it's your turn to sigh.
"keiji, you're too nice to me... i don't deserve someone like you." akaashi is stunned into silence, his hand movements halting. this was new.
you use his silence to continue, "you're so nice to me. i can't find better because better doesn't exist when you're near me. i don't know what i did to deserve your kindness."
akaashi breaks out of the trance he's in a furrow in his brow at your belittling words. "(name), you have made me discover parts of myself i didn't even know existed. (name) you make me happy."
he sees as your eyes start to water once again, "but i don't deserve you. every time i start to date someone new, my brain always compares him to you." akaashi's heart starts to speed up. "i'm the one that doesn't deserve you," he starts, "you stay by my side when i'm stressed from deadlines, you know how to tell when i need to get out of my room. (name), you know me better than almost anyone."
it was a sweet moment shared between you and him; two people who have been silently pinning for each other for so long.
he sees an opportunity right now and he'd be a fool not to take it.
"(name), you don't need these terrible men when you have me," his words become more confident as he speaks, "i promise i can be enough for you, my feelings towards you are genuine. never would i even think about treating you as poorly as these other men."
your eyes widened as you looked up at his face, a pretty red hue blossoming over his face. "you.. do you actually like like me?"
akaashi chuckled at your words, "yes, (name) i like like you," he repeated your words back at you.
"good, because i like like you too."
both you and akaashi let a comfortable silence take over the two of you. a mutual feeling of love waiting to be explored lingers in the air.
this was fun to write! if you enjoyed it pls consider reblogging or following :)
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lssugaluv · 6 months
Things he says to you while doing the deed. 🤭
• Haikyuu x fem reader.
• Haikyuu + Headcanons.
• MDNI 18+
• Synopsis: He loves to praise you all the time, you deserve it. But he also knows how much you love dirty talks, especially when doing the deed. Each character has a different small story.
• Ushijima -Dominance.
• Kuroo - Smartass, Teasing.
• Iwazumi - The man is just so in love.
• Suna - Loves your taste, attached and in love.
• Osamu - Exes who are still in love.
• Daichi - Jealousy, dominance, petty.
• Contains: Timeskip HQ characters (all 21 or older), s3x talk, some cursing, dominance, small sex stories, oral s3x, some degradation, body praise, mentions of slight choking, pet names, temptation, teasing, pettiness, jealousy, some fluff (it’s not an Lssugaluv post without fluff.)
• Characters: Ushijima, Iwazumi, Daichi, Suna, Kuroo, Osamu.
• I choose these guys because I can just see their dominance in bed.
• Please let me know if you’ll want to see other characters.
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• “Look at me.”
• You will never ever get used to his girth. As many times as you’ve done it with Ushijima, the stretch is always something you can never get used too. Especially when he’s gone for a while due to his games and tournaments.
• Ushijima has you nice and wet making sure you’re prepped for his girth to rip you apart. As soon as you feel the tip in you squeeze your eyes shut.
“Open your eyes. I need you to look at me.”
As soon as you open your eyes, his are burning straight at you. He then continues to insert himself in you as you can’t help but gasp with widened eyes. He grits his teeth causing his jawline to pop out even more, groaning a bit, not breaking eyesight. He bottoms out and your arch your back , filling in the gap you two had. He loves to see you become a hot mess just for him.
• “I Can Tell That You Want Me.”
• Oh, your favorite smartass. Kuroo and yourself were best friends with benefits back in high school. And you decided to lose your v-card with him a week after you guys graduated high school. You later on in time became a thing. You two work at the same place now and live together.
• Kuroo can be such a tease. Especially when it comes to pushing your buttons or getting inside your pants. No one at work actually knows that you and Kuroo are technically high school sweethearts. Not that you wanted your relationship to be a secret, but more because sex at work is always 10x better when kept in the DL. Plus, everyone at the office thinks you two are enemies, since you two tend to bicker a lot. Also, you guys agreed that if people find out, that’s fine.
Today you left 25 min after he did because you slept in, plus he had a big meeting right at 8 a.m that he couldn’t miss. You went to work in a sage green long sleeve that has fur on the collar and end of the sleeves. You paired it with a black mini skirt and see through leggings under. You didn’t have time to do your hair so your did a messy bun and paired it with accessories.
You had the whole office practically drooling for you. That was until your man spotted you. His hungry gaze couldn’t get off from you. You catch him staring from afar and text him.
You: “Do you need me to send you a selfie so it can last longer?”
Kuroo: “Damn, hot but always an asshole.”
You giggle at the message and look up to him and blow him a kiss.
You pass by him and purposely drop your pen in front of him. You bend down and he sees your gorgeous ass cheeks. He makes sure know one is around to pull you in and have you sit on his lap. Your back is facing his torso, rough hand on your neck, lips next to your ear. The other hand tightly around your waist, making sure you’re securely on him.
“I can tell that you want me baby.” He whispers into your ear, following a gentle bite.
“Can you really?” You slightly moan, pushing your ass into his now growing boner.
“Meet me at our spot in 5 min.” ❤️
• “I just can’t control myself when I’m around you.”
• You met Iwazumi through Oikawa last year and right away caught his attention. He is an ass to Oikawa but man does he love you. You guys finally decided to work something out and started to see each other. You wanted to start slow with him but life had other plans.
• Iwa is a man of consent. No matter how many times you’ve guys done it together already, he will never not ask for your consent first.
He came over after a week of not being able to see him due to your university’s schedule. As soon as you opened the door you noticed he had a boner already that was IN NEED of your attention. He pinned you to the wall at the entrance of your door. He had his hands all over your ass, mouth stuck on your jaw and neck.
“Baby, please, I need you.” You pant out after a steamy make out session.
“I’m sorry baby, we haven’t seen each other, and I know you want to catch up. But I just can’t control myself when I’m around you. Once you say yes, there’s no way I’ll stop.”
You nod your head yes as in giving him consent. You literally almost fold in half when he told you that. He picks you up in princess style and takes you to your bed, the rest was history.
• “I love the way you taste. Never get tired of it.”
• When you first met Suna, he looked like a guy who just had no cares or worries in the world. Like you couldn’t break him, so you had no idea what he would think of or what type of hobbies he was in. Now you two have been dating for a year, and for some reason, every time he comes back from a tournament, he has to be buried in between your legs.
You were watching your favorite show when you hear a click on your apartment door. It was Suna who opened the door. He rushes to take off his shoes and leaves his bag and rest of his belongings at the entrance.
He doesn’t even say say hi to you when he right away pulls your pants & undies down and leaves you in your tee shirt with nothing on the bottom. You turn flush red from your face trying to push him away.
Without saying anything, he looks at you and pushes you down to the couch, his mouth connecting with yours. His tongue wrestles with yours and out of no where you feel a finger on your clit. He kisses your neck and then stops. He sits back up and taps on your thigh for you to do the same.
He puts that finger in his mouth, getting a taste of your delicious slick. His eyes almost stayed in the back of his head with that intense eye roll.
“I love the way you taste angel. I’ll never get tired of it.”
You turn even more red from embarrassment, and cover your face. He spreads your legs wide opened using his calloused hands. He wastes no time as he starts to lick your clit up and down, up and down. The warm sensation of his tongue making you almost cum right then and there. You use both your soft hands to palm his brown locks, and boy does he love that. He moans while eating you out, because he did miss your taste.
• “Don’t tempt me.”
• You have known Daichi for years. You two met in middle school and you know he can be a huge hot head. You know he can also be very territorial. Yet he is a huge sweetheart and very respectful. Now, after many years of dating him and being by his side, you are at a police academy ceremony, celebrating his new position as captain.
You are wearing a beautiful navy blue satin down. You look like a precious diamond, and of course Daichi is on protective mode. You see he was busy speaking to a small but important crowd during the cocktail hour. So you decide to go pour yourself some champagne.
As you were about to pour yourself some champagne, a big man stole the bottle from your hand. “If you’ll allow me too Miss.” He had such a husky tone. You turn to see a tall, handsome police officer who had a piercing on his right ear, a small yet curled mullet and gorgeous blue eyes. You stay in shock wondering how a handsome guy like him came across you.
You stood there frozen in place as he pours champagne into your cup. He then places the bottle back into its spot on the table and whispers something in your ear. That is when reality hit you when you felt a burning gaze heading right your way. You are completely flushed for your face, as you turn to see your boyfriend about to shoot the place down.
One thing about Daichi is, when he gets upset, it’s very hard to help him calm down. Another thing is, his aura is felt dozens of miles away when something/someone he loves is being taunted with. The tall male felt the same presence you felt and decided to casually walk away. He looks at Daichi as he walks towards him and places a hand on his broad shoulder. “Sorry man, didn’t know she was your’s.”
You quickly rush to the bathroom trying to disappear. When you hear the door knob twist and it was Daichi. You were looking at him through the mirror when he goes behind you. He places both strong arms around your small waist, chin on your shoulder. He takes some times to breathe in your beautiful scent. He whispers, “Darling, you know you look beautiful tonight?”
He places a small kiss on your jawline. “What did he say?” He then places another kiss , this time on your shoulder. You turn red all over again, “n-n-nothing.”
He sees this guy made you into a stuttering mess, which irks him even more. “Darling, I’ll give you one more chance, what did he say?” His warm breath next to your ear makes you so wet, you feel your about to drip on the floor.
Your silence was irritating him. “Darling, don’t tempt me.” His tone of voice drives you insane as he lets go of you and turns you around, lifting you up on the counter. He lifts up your gown as he unzips. He knows you want it, but since you don’t give him the answer he wants, you also don’t get what you want.
He rubs his angry dripping tip onto your clit causing you to be a moaning mess. You become impatient, wanting him to fill you up. You move your hips to line yourself up but he pulls away. “Oh no baby. I asked you a question twice. You didn’t answer and I told you not to temp me.” He caresses your cheek and gives you a passionate kiss. “Sorry baby.” He says as he puts his penis away and leaves you there a throbbing mess. “I’ll wait for you outside.” As he pecks your lips one last time.
• “Nobody understands your body like I do.”
• You and Osamu dated for a few years until a year after you both graduated from university, you two decided to part ways and stay friends. Due to his now growing business and your traveling job, you never saw each other which created unwanted distancing. You thought you both fell out of love, which you both never did. Osamu never wanted to part, but he has always respected your decisions and didn’t want to force you to stay.
You were invited to a party by your coworkers. You didn’t want to go but of course they forced you out. They wanted you to go out there and meet new people. You were in a cute black romper with your luscious locks nice and wavy.
At the party, you had about two drinks and were talking to your coworkers. A hot guy comes up to you and invites you to a drink. You are talking and all and that’s when you lose your mind seeing your ex boyfriend across from the balcony. “O-Osamu?” You think to yourself, completely shutting out the guy’s conversation. You excuse yourself to the bathroom and decide to leave the party and just go home. Seeing him after a year really threw off your whole vibe. And you couldn’t help how freaking sexy he looks now.
As soon as you enter your front home’s entrance, you hear a knock on the door. You open it thinking it was your coworkers to take you back to the party. Without knowing it was Osamu. Your eyes completely widened and you stay glued on one spot.
“What are you doing here?”
He walks into your home and hugs you.
“I’m glad I saw you. I really miss you.”
You couldn’t help but grow teary eyes. “Osamu.. I can’t-“
He cuts off your sentence by kissing you. He starts off with two small pecks and sees you don’t stop him. You wrap your arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around your waist. He then kisses you, inviting his tongue in your mouth. He gains a sexy moan from you, knowing you’re already as horny as he is.
He pulls away gently to look at you. “Did my baby miss me too?”
You continue to kiss him to answer his question but then you go back to your senses. “Wait. We are broken up. We can’t do this.” You let go of him. He grabs you again, this time gently spreading your legs apart, brings his hand down to your underwear, moving it to the side. He slides one finger in, rubbing your clit in small circles.
You moan, hiding your face on his neck, taking in his scent you missed so much. You feel his finger slip out and you look up at him a bit frustrated since he stopped. You look at his finger that he’s holding up to your face.
“Ya see that angel? You’re completely wet. And it’s just for me.” His finger was completely soaked in your juices.
You become embarrassed and try to deny how crazy he has you. You try to deny that you miss him and his touch as well. You try to deny that you still love him.
He picks you up and takes you to the couch. He starts kissing you all over again, gently removing your clothes. He kisses your shoulders, your neck, your collarbones, your breasts, your stomach, your thighs. He kisses every part of your body. You feel like you’re about to cum, that’s how much you miss him. He undresses himself, showing off his gorgeous body. Now the two of you are completely naked.
He has you in the missionary position. He inserts himself in you, causing you to arch your back, moaning loudly. Your small hole is so tight, you cause him to groan onto your neck as he hugs you tightly.
Osamu starts to slowly pump in and out, in and out. Allowing to adjust to his size, it’s been too long.
“Ya think I don’t know ya baby? As soon as I saw you at that party, I knew you missed me.” His face a blushing mess. “Ya think ya can resist me? Ya think I can resist ya? As soon as ya kissed me, I knew ya wanted me.”
He thrusts himself hard in this sentence. Hitting your g-spot so delicious that you came after the last word.
“Nobody. Understands. Your. Body. Like. I. Do.”
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satorisoup · 9 months
#A/N : i have writers block so here take this.
#WARNINGS : cursing.
all photos found on pinterest! (characters are gray)
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KENMA. kunimi.
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KUROO. suna.
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BOKUTO. lev.
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ATSUMU. tanaka. tendou.
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rishiguro · 11 months
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a/n: hello flu season, you make me write purely self-indulgent shit because i turn into a needy child when i‘m sick
warnings: mentions of meds. one f-bomb.
jjk version
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SUNA RINTAROU: can’t help but tease you for it
“i told you to put on a jacket and dry your hair before you go out,” he muttered amused as he watched you huddle into the living room, wrapped into your thick blanket. you rolled your eyes at him, to which he immediately held up his hands. “don’t look at me like that, you know i’m right” you couldn’t help but pout at him, whispering curses annoyed. “you know damn well that that’s not how viruses work,” you grumbled. “then why are you sick now?” he retorted, smiling. “fuck you” you turned around to go back into the bedroom. “oh, come here you big baby” your boyfriend opened his arms and gestured you to come closer, offering to cuddle with you. “i hate you sometimes,” you muttered under your breath as you walked up to him, falling into his arms and laying your head on his chest. “i love you too”
USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI: decks you in with every remedy he can get his hands on
he looked at all the meds on the table after carefully reciting the benefits of each one word-by-word, remembering everything the pharmacist had told him. “are you sure you got everything you need? i can run out to the pharmacy again, it’s not a problem,” he offered after a short pause. you let out a quiet laugh, nodding confidently. “i’m sure i’ll be fine, ‘toshi. promise,” you stated, reaching out to grab his hand. “okay” admittedly, it was adorable just how overboard he went the second he heard you sneeze. you probably just caught the flu somewhere, nothing that couldn’t be cured with rest and maybe a few meds. when you texted your boyfriend, asking him to pick some up for you, you surely didn’t expect him to enter your home with the whole pharmacy in his bag. you grinned, your heart warming at his silly, but incredibly caring gesture. “what are you laughing at?” he asked confused. “nothing,” you assured him quickly, giving his cheek a peck before leaning into him and his warmth. “i’m just happy you’re here with me”
KITA SHINSUKE: keeps a respectable distance but doesn’t fail to make you feel cared for
following a soft knock, the door to your dim bedroom was opened with your boyfriend stepping into the room. “i made you some tea” he spoke softly as he put the mug down on the small table next to you. he proceeded to quickly feel your forehead, nodding when he realizes that your temperature has gone down. “and some soup is currently cooking on the stove, i’m gonna bring you a bowl later” he smiled softly at you, giving your forehead a peck. “i’ll be in the living room, yeah?” he turned to leave, making sure to not close the door behind him. he then turned around and took another look at you. “the door’s open, love, so just say the word and i’ll be here, no need to strain your voice” you smiled weakly at him. “thank you” he nodded. “i love you,” he whispered to you. “i love you too,” you replied. he turned to leave, but stopped when you called out to him again. he hummed, waiting for you to continue. “can i get a hug? just a quick one,” you mumbled, almost sounding shy, “please” he smiled, immediately making his way over to you. “you don’t have to ask, anything you want”
HINATA SHOYO: latches himself onto you and ends up getting sick too
you groaned, trying to push him off you, but finishing yourself too weak to actually do so. his head was buried in the crook of your neck with his arms wrapped tightly secured around you, not wanting to let you go. you sighed in defeat. “shoyo, i love you, but you’re gonna get sick of you keep doing this” “nuh-uh” he denied, shaking his head, his hair tickling your skin. “yes you will,” you insisted, your hands however finding their way on his back, softly running your nails over it. he kept denying it however and soon after you couldn’t find the energy to keep arguing with him — and you really didn’t want him to leave (not like you’d tell him and give him an actual reason to stay). and just about two weeks later, you’d be the one tending to him, not failing to tease him about his sickness. it didn’t matter to him though, he’d get sick a thousand times over if it meant he could stay close to you.
KUROO TETSUROU: loves to berate you but will drop everything to take care of you
he groaned when he saw you in his field of vision, raising his eyebrows at you with hands stemmed into his hips. “i told you to stay under the covers” he shook his head, pointing into the direction of your bedroom and motioning you towards it. “back under the blanket, come on” you whined. “it’s too hot, tetsurou, i’m sweating” you shivered as you spoke, your arms wrapping around your midsection. honestly, you just needed to see some things that weren’t the walls or the ceiling of your room. you’d take anything at this point. “that’s the point! you need to sweat it out!” he claimed, gesturing with his hands. “can i at least take a shower first? or just get changed? i feel disgusting, my clothes are literally drenched in sweat,” you spoke after sighing in defeat. there was no point in arguing with him, especially when you knew that he was right. “hop into the bathroom, i’ll get you some new pajamas”
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romaevelizz · 5 months
Shh J let it happen˖ ࣪⊹
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summary; Haikyuu guys as moments me n my man have had that tickle my brain.
characters; tanaka, hinata , kageyama, tsukishima xblk reader!
warnings: uhh wierd ig, cursing, beating eachother(romanticly),insults(big back,kys), chaos, Hinata(bc he has braces it’s a hc! Relax guys geez), not proofread!
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.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
☆ Sharing food but your both absolutely starving because y’all both broke. Like he’ll text you ‘bby wanna go get food😝’ And of course you say yes bc who are you to say no to some big back action with your man. Y’all head to a nice little wing place, “oh ight let’s fuck up some boneless get 30 for us to share 15 fo’ yo Fatass and 15 for me gotta keep the gut healthy!” You say with a smile over at him.
This motherfucker looks you dead in the eye “you only get 10, can’t let that big back get to ya already hallin’ enough back there.” He spoke his eyes looking down at your ass his hand GRABBING A HAND FULL.
Your jaw dropped “nigga.” Speechless. IN PUBLIC, HAVE SOME DECENCY LORD. He had a fat smile on his face to. How he gonna low key fat shame you but complement you at the same time.
Him leaning in whispering “your ass, fat.“ He spoke sticking his tongue out at you his hand holding a space indicating it as your butt in a ‘this big’ his hands far apart from echo other. You hand going over your mouth.
Your eyes traveling away for him meeting some ladies with a horrific look and a frown on her face. You couldn’t help your self letting out as muffled laugh quickly turning back to him. Your hand grabbing his bicep, as you fall forward laughing “HELP ME.” You hollered.
☆ What’s a couple to do when they’re bored, make out! Why not! It’s fun!
You and him getting as it. It was all cute at first then him not paying attention to where his hand go touching your sides tickling you. You yelping because it fucking tickled, you face smashed against his, both out y’all pulling back your head dropping as you held yourself. Hinata poor baby leaned forward going to kiss the back of you head as an apology him talking into your hair.
His braces get CAUGHT IN YOUR CURLS. YUPPPP that’s the cherry on the mf cake! Now your both panicked, him trying to pull back but your scalp is sensitive rn bc you just took your hair out. And HES PULLING.
“BABY PLEASE WAIT.” You begged.
Only a few strands came out, to be fair y’all were just being dramatic. Smh.
☆ He hated it when you would wear a nice lip combo with a sitcky gloss. No no no, not because it looked bad but because he couldn’t kiss you. Walking together holding your hand as you walked him to morning practice he was just glaring at you.
Mind you you don’t know what the fuck his attitude if for, “what is your problem.” You scoff stoping in that hall way, pulling your hand back to cross your arms. His expression changing a bit cause how dare you pull your hand from him!
His eyes narrowed “nothing. No problem do YOU? have a problem.” He sassed his hands landing on his hip.
Oh you wanted to pop him in the mouth “Why do you act like this.” You spoke your index finger pointing at him in a dramatic manner.
He scoffed throwing his head to the side “you just hate me that all.”
Oh BROTHERR. “boy, it you don’t-“
“I wanna kiss you but your face is done.”
Face done? OH! “My gloss? Baby I just don’t want you having to walk around with the sticky feeling plus it will leave marks.” Because truthfully you don’t mind fixing it if need be you just don’t want him to go crazy bc his face was sticky.
His eyes met yours “umm okay?”
You grinned his sassiness making you giggle now “then come here,” you said your hands grabbing his face kissing him one the lips.
Pulling back a little “don’t hold out on me women.” He said, alright! You kisses him a few more times then his cheek, your lip combo all over his lips and smudge on the side of his face. He pulled back a prideful smile on his face.
“Ouuu okay baby! I fear you ate this combo better than I do.” You teased.
He walked into practice like that.
☆ Ahh yes it’s a nice little hang out session peaceful laying together, Kei watching his phone his other hand rubbing small circles into your back. Your face was on his chest as you watched his phone with him.
You back was starting to hurt so you adjusted your self his hand now on your stomach as you faced away from him your head in between his bicep and chest. This fucker, HANDFULL, and I mean a HANDFULL OF YOUR GUT.
“Absolutely not.” You started.
“Shut up.” He responded immediately, his tone flat.
“Kei let go of my fat.” You groan
“Die. I like holding on to it.” Not an ounce of emotion leaving his lips.
“I don’t give a fuck.”
Needless to say he didn’t let go, his large hand kneading your stomach. He was pleased with himself ignoring your dramatic sighs.
So you just laid there dying in silence as he played with your rolls, he loved them, a lot. For not good reason but he genuinely loved them but you(I) HATED, them just being played with sometimes but you gotta just take it sometimes.
Laying there you let your mouth latch on to his bicep. “You leave a hickey im pushing you on the floor.”
“The voices say I have to.” You whispered latching onto him just sucking in his arm.
“I’m gonna lose my mind.”
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bananami · 1 year
haikyuu characters as taylor swift songs (the break ups)
a/n: time-skip canonically exists and that's what i'm clearly using
in honor of the eras tour starting up, here are some t swift songs that would encapsulate what a break up with certain haikyuu characters would look like; i only did a few because this shit took some tiiiime ok
i'm gonna hurt myself with this one.
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would've, could've, should've
"god rest my soul, i miss who i used to be" "give me back my girlhood, it was mine first" "and now that i'm grown i'm scared of ghosts, memories feel like weapons, and now that i know, i wish you'd left me wondering"
the effects of a break up with him lasts longer than you would like, following you for months after and even into the relationships you try to have afterwards. everything reminds you of him. if loving him meant you were left feeling like this, you would've rather never loved him at all. the break up with him literally breaks you.
-oikawa, atsumu, suna
midnight rain
"he wanted it comfortable, i wanted that pain" "i broke his heart 'cause he was nice, he was sunshine, i was midnight rain" "and he never thinks of me"
you're the problem. he was the nice guy that you should've chose, but you didn't. years of bad relationships had scarred you for the worse. the problem was that he was perfect, too perfect, and you were broken. better to run while you still had the chance, you convince yourself it was inevitable and he was just too nice to end things. you would ruin it for the both of you, he would find better.
-hinata, bokuto, suga
"you drew stars around my scars, but not i'm bleeding" "i knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss, i knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs" "i knew i'd curse you for the longest time...i knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired" "i knew you'd come back to me"
it's a constant game of back and forth that you grew sick of. you were done being a second choice. there are a lot of regrets after the break up, but you get over it faster than he does. it takes longer for him to realize it, and by that time, you've moved on. he's texting you, begging you to take him back, blowing up your phone with voicemails, sending flowers to your work. eventually you block him. you still love him, but you choose yourself this time.
-osamu, ushijima, kageyama
"i think i've seen this film before, and i didn't like the ending, you're not my homeland anymore, so what am i defending now" "i can see you staring honey, like he's just your understudy" "you never gave a warning sign (i gave so many signs)"
the fallout is slow, you've fought and broken up so many times recently that it's no surprise this last time. what is surprising is when he sees you with someone new, looking happier than you ever did with him. he thought it was like every other time, he thought you'd get back together. the confusion on his face is clear, the anger is quick. how could he have missed the resentment growing within you? he'd never stop trying to come back into your life. sometimes you'd let him back in. every time, you'd regret it.
-kenma, akaashi, kita
all too well
"you kept me like a secret, but i kept you like an oath" "maybe we got lost in translation, maybe i asked for too much, maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up" "you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest"
it's perfect until it's not. the worst are the conversations toward the end of it all. he's hurting you, but he won't let you go, sacrificing your happiness for his comfort in a dead relationship. you cry loaded tears and he makes barren promises. the break up isn't even the end of it. you can't escape him, having to share your friends with one another and working so close to each other. you want so badly to be over him, but the wound rips open at every reminder of his constant presence in your life. he won't let you go completely, but he won't ever love you the way you deserve.
-kuroo, iwaizumi, sakusa
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savoryscribbles · 2 years
**✿❀ handwriting headcanons w/ my favs ❀✿**
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pairings:bokuto, suna, sakusa(seperatly) x gn!reader
tags: fluff, ranting, not super x reader but you're their partner.
warnings: they/them pronouns, probably a few curse words, lemme know if i should add anything!
word count: 396
a/n: a/n: pt 2 of my 300 follower series :d. i'll add the link when i'm finished with it! (i'm like half way to 500 rn but this is old! pls forgive me!). also these are short and sweet! kinda just wanted to post something!
haikyuu masterlist | general masterlist
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it's practically illegible, but somehow he can always read it perfectly, even if he wrote it a year ago.
it's tilted, but not in one direction. for the love of god don't give this man plan copy paper to write on. one line will be tilted to the write and 5x smaller than the next line which is now tilted to the left.
ambidextrous, he didn't train himself or anything. in fact people consider him ambidextrous simply because his handwriting doesn't get any worse with whatever hand he writes with.
surprisingly decent at cursive, probably because there's a lot of extra loops in his regular handwriting anyways.
so messy omfg
you can't read it, he can't read it, no one can
don't ever let him write things down for you, it never works. you'll be like "what does this say?" and he just shrugs.
his signature is so sloppy too, lucky for him it doesn't have to be legible
sometimes he'll be cute and try and hand write text messages, particularly if he has an away game and can't call. he actually tries really hard to write neatly, but mans can write nice with a pen, how the hell does he expect himself to write with his finger? his teammates are like "suna you've spent 18 of our 20 minute break rewriting that damn message, hurry up!"
if atsumu is there, he will definitely record suna just rewriting it over and over again. sends it to you, but expects you to make fun of suna, but you find it endearing.
but you do still tease him about it, he gets all pouty though
the only one that writes neatly out of the three
he writes in neat cursive, because i hc he comes from like a rich/well off family so they put him in english+cursive lessons
even if his handwriting is neat people still complain because its like cursive so its harder to read
he lowkey gets kinda insecure about it.
like atsumu told him about suna sending his s/o a handwritten message, and now he wants too, but hes worried you wont like it, or say something about his cursive D:
bokuto ends up being his hype man, and sending the message for him, because he's to scared to send it himself
he's very relived when you absolutly adore it :D
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yuyinesque · 5 months
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∞ ∞ ∞
∞ endurance | albedo x afab!reader; nsfw hc/drabble. ∞ dicknotic data | kabuki x male!black reader; nsfw drabble. ∞ heart of gold | buki/scara/wan; sfw brainrot. ∞ melancholic mistrals | venti x gn!reader; sfw hc/drabble.
∞ blues and cockatoos | kenma x black!fem reader; sfw os. ∞ bra… wires!? | haikyuu x reader; sfw texts. ∞
∞ cursed speech | black!inumaki; sfw brainrot. ∞ rubenesque | toji fushiguro x chubby!fem; nsfw hcs. ∞
∞ LEE AND LOVIE | hobie x black!fem reader; sfw drabble. ∞ ∞
∞ maneki-neko | catboy oc profile information. ∞ ∞
∞ womaneater | yandere!misogynist x afab!reader; nsfw hcs. ∞ ∞
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yuyinesque | translate with permission & peruse without theft.
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glxssynarvi · 2 years
2am Comfort
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pairing : kuroo x gn!reader
fandom : haikyuu!!
content : fluff, comfort, brief mention of a nightmare (?), 'you/yourself as only pronouns used, intentional lowercase...
notes : i wrote a shorter version of this a few months ago but i deleted it and decided to re‐purpose the idea, so here this is. kuroo just looks so boyfriend. so warm.
wc : 1.2k // oneshot
nav // m.list
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you jolt awake in moments. a cold sweat is slick against your skin, but simultaneously the covers over you feel too hot. it's far too hot. 
bleary‐eyed and heart still beating a quick rhythm against your ribcage, you toss the covers to the side and stumble out of bed. 
the room is dark, the only light in the room is coming from the red LED lights from your alarm clock, reading <1:24AM>. 
you nearly trip over some clutter you have on your bedroom floor while heading to the hallway. you walk down the hall, pushing open the door to the bathroom and flicking the light switch on. 
you stare at your delirious and exhausted reflection for no more than a few moments. you turn on the faucet in the sink, cupping your hands together under it. you splash your face with the chilly water a few times, running your wrists under the flowing water as well. 
after standing for a few moments in the silence of the hall bathroom, you contemplate what to do next. just go back to bed? get dressed for the day like nothing happened? 
...call someone? 
you decide on the last option, but settle for texting someone rather than calling. as for who to call... you easily choose Kuroo. currently awake or not, you knew he wouldn't be mad at you for texting this early.
you turn off the faucet, dry your face, flip the light switch, and head back down the hall to your room. 
once inside, you close the door behind you and search beside your bed for your phone. you find it wedged between your bed and the bedside table after a minute. 
i know it's early
but can i come over? 
a few moments pass. you spend them sorting through the notifications you've gotten throughout the night. 
good morning to you too.
and yes, you can come over. is everything okay? 
you puff a sigh of relief at his response. 
not really
i had a nightmare 
he responds seconds later. 
oh. that's not good.
do you want me to meet you halfway? 
or i could pick you up? 
you smile slightly at his concern. he's always been a sweetheart when it mattered. 
nah, it's cool
i need to grab a few things and i'll be there soon
maybe 20 minutes? 
you glance at the clock again. it reads <1:30AM>. 
okay, see you soon. be safe. 
you leave him on read in favour of packing a bag. you toss a change of clothes and some toiletries into it, deciding that you don't have enough energy to change right now. you also put some things you might want later today, like your wallet, your school work binder, and your school textbook. 
you wonder your best route of escape. the front or back door is the easiest, but... you might wake up someone in your household. you give barely thought to it before you decide on using your bedroom window. your bedroom is on the first floor anyway. 
you quietly sneak down the hall to fetch your tennis shoes, slipping them on once you're back in your room again. you hoist your back onto your shoulder and unlock the window to open it. 
you try to slip out the window as quietly as possible, to not potentially wake up any of your family (if any of them are even home). your shirt catches on the windowsill and you struggle to hold yourself still for a moment. 
as it seems, your effort is in vain, as you promptly tumble out of the first story window and into the bushes right under it. the bush mostly breaks your fall, but your phone and house keys fell out of your pockets. and you can feel the sharp leaves digging into your skin through your shirt. 
you quietly curse under your breath as you reach up to close the window behind you. then you climb out of the bush with a scowl. 
you spend a few moments shuffling around in the dark, hands brushing over the top of the mulch of the flowerbeds. you find the loop of your key ring first, then your phone shortly after. with your belongings back in your possession, you finally stand up and brush off your disheveled clothes. 
thank god it's saturday. you think with a grumpy frown. 
brushing off your phone before slipping it into your pocket, you also take a moment to look around the cramped neighbourhood you live in. you've been here for a few years now, but you still can't find it in yourself to call this place home. 
you shake your head in an attempt to clear your thoughts. i need to get to Kuroo's place. it's too dark and dangerous for me to be out right now. you mentally remind yourself. 
your pace is something between speed‐walking and jogging as you make your way down the sidewalk. you spend just over fifteen minutes weaving between houses and through alleyways. by the time you reach your destination, your thoughts are mostly muddled and fogged like a static tv. 
you think to knock but, considering it's nearly two in the morning, you decide not to. you opt to pull out your phone instead. 
you send a quick text to Kuroo to tell him you're outside, and the front door quietly squeaks open to reveal him in the flesh. 
"hey." he offers a grin and opens the door wider so you can step inside. 
you stay in place to ponder an idea that just came to you, then you step forward and wrap your arms around his ribs. it doesn't take longer than a second before his arms are wrapping around you too. 
he takes a few slow steps backwards, your feet following with his. when you both are far enough inside he nudges the door shut with his foot. 
still in a hug, Kuroo squeezes you lightly and leans down so you can still hear his soft words, "c'mon, let's head to my room. we can cuddle if you want." 
"okay," you breathe softly, hesitantly letting go of him. he instead slips his hand into yours and leads you through the dim rooms of his home. 
you climb the stairs together, and you can already tell which room is his. the door at the end of the hall has a lamp turned on inside, the light pouring from the half‐open door and into the hallway. 
you've been in Kuroo's room enough times to be familiar with his decor and slight clutter. you aren't surprised to see notebooks flipped open, tabbed textbooks, and loose leafs of lined paper scattered across his desk. 
you make quick work of taking off your shoes and removing your jacket. you drop your bag by the door with little care of what happens to its contents, kicking your shoes into a messy pile next to it and throwing your jacket over it. 
you easily climb into Kuroo's bed like it was always yours. once you've gotten comfortable, you look up to see Kuroo leaning against the doorframe watching you with a corny grin. you make grabby hands at him and his grin widens. 
Kuroo doesn't bother moving anything upon his desk, instead he turns off the lights and slink into bed with you. he easily wraps his arms around you and curls closer around you. 
"thank you." 
Kuroo smiles softly at your mumbled words, his thumbs gingerly rubbing circles on your back. he kisses your forehead as you whine in response. 
"i'm always here." 
half‐asleep, you utter, "love you." 
Kuroo kisses your forehead again and says, "i love you, too."
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apteryxparvus · 1 year
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Apteryx Parvus ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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Apteryx — 20s, broke university student surviving off of cigarettes and wine
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‣ Current concern — passing my resits
‣ Currently watching — Moriarty the Patriot, The Apothecary Diaries, Jujutsu Kaisen
‣ Currently reading — the 65 fanfiction tabs I have open on my phone and a thousand otome isekai manhwas
‣ Star sign — Scorpio
‣ Favorite food — literally any salad
‣ Socials — AO3
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▾ Haikyuu!!
Seeds of Love — Oikawa Tooru / Reader • words: 2,606 • one-shot
You and Tooru’s teammates have a running gag that any plant named after someone in your life is cursed to suffer a terrible fate under your boyfriend's notorious black thumb. And, no matter how much you try to save them, your boyfriend always manages to transform them from thriving greens to shriveled-up twigs faster than you can say 'photosynthesis'.
Love, found in the simplest of gestures. — Oikawa Tooru, Bokuto Koutarou, Kozume Kenma, Suna Rintarou, Miya Osamu • words: 912 • one-shot / headcannons
The Haikyuu!! boys and their love languages.
▾ Genshin Impact
L ♡ V E R ⇌ L ⦻ S E R — Scaramouche / Reader • ongoing • SMAU & written parts
In a twist of unfortunate events, you find out that being exposed as the target of Kunikuzushi's middle school bullying escapades was just the beginning of your troubles. To your dismay, you’re thrown even deeper into the glamorous but artificial world of celebrities. Oh, and the cherry on top? You’re forced to pretend to be in a long-term romantic relationship with none other than said ex-bully. All because of a careless missclick by his social media manager.
Random boyfriend texts — Childe / Reader • SMAU
A glimpse of you and Childe's relationship captured through daily interactions and heartfelt text messages.
umbrella for a rainy day — Kaeya / Reader • words: 1,225 • one-shot • angst
You've loved Kaeya ever since he entered your life, umbrella in hand, and you're certain you'd love him until the end of time.
a sky full of dreams — Scaramouche / Reader • words: 1,657 • one-shot
The three times Scaramouche encounters you. Or how an exhausted and overworked Rtawahist student thaws his heart.
The Ballad of a Kabukimono — Scaramouche / Reader • words: 2,922 • one-shot
Scaramouche's steps falter as a melodic voice washes over him — but it's not just the sound that captures his attention. It's the ancient forgotten language that escapes the lips of the street performer, weaving a tapestry of emotions and evoking long forgotten memories within him.
▾ My Hero Academia
a color to match your soul — Dabi / Female Reader • words: 1,393 • one-shot • 18+
From the moment you started dating Dabi, you’ve yearned for the opportunity to paint his nails black, adding the final touch to his eboy persona.
▾ Attack on Titan
morning delights — Armin Arlert / Reader • words: 1,058 • one-shot
Amidst the chaos of your life, Armin strives to bring back the joy of simple pleasures.
▾ Jujutsu Kaisen
▾ Bungou Stray Dogs
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subwonwooagenda · 1 year
Do you write for non-sexual age regression? If so could you do shirabu kenjirou from haikyuu with caregivers from the shiratorizawa teem?
Little!Shirabu X Caregiver!Goshiki X Caregiver!Semi
A/N: I do indeed write for non-sexual age regression, feel free to ask! This kinda turned into a shirabu x goshiki x semi instead of the whole team 😅 so so sorry. This little oneshot is being written on my phone, I lost the charger to my laptop so bear with me on any mistakes or weird formatting, thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!
Warnings: Slight angst
Characters: Little!Shirabu, Daddy!Semi, Papa!Goshiki
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Shirabu had never been more mad at himself.
He internally said every bad word in his mind as he knelt on the gyms bathroom floor, tearing apart his backpack trying to locate his emergency paci and blanket. He bit back his whimpers as he tried to see past the tears welding up in his eyes as he finally gave up, guessing they were still at home, and sat back against the stall, letting the tears fall.
He would never say it outloud but he has had a shitty day. On top of being late to school, missing morning practice then not being able to toss up a single good set, all the stress and anger from the day finally crashed on him during their afternoon practice. That’s how he found himself sitting on the bathroom floor after he made a quick excuse about his stomach bothering him. Now he just wanted forehead kisses and cuddles with his favorite people.
He shakily reached for his phone, pulling up his group chat with his Daddy and Papa, wanting nothing more than to be wrapped up in his their arms, free of the stress of the day. He was still old enough to be able to type out semi-sentences seeing as his regression never really goes lower than 6
Bu-Bear🐻: Daddy?
He wiped his runny nose on his jumper sleeve, smiling to himself slightly as he tried to envision the chaos that would come once his trusty caregivers realized their precious boy was in little space alone away from them.
Daddy Semi🤴🏼: Kenji? Baby what’s wrong??
Papa Shiki💇🏻: BU-BEAR?! ARE UOU OKDY?!
He giggled softly at his papas texts, misspelled due to his silly worrying.
Bu-Bear🐻: mm ‘kay. In gym bafroom, ddnt mean to but slipped..
He rubbed his nose again, wincing at the slight sting as his ears picked up the quick footfalls, he instantly knew who they were, not even bothering to contain himself as he crawled out of the stall he was hiding in.
Semi and Goshiki realized they probably frightened their teammates as they stood and ran off toward the bathroom, ignoring Tendo’s calls of ‘where’s the fire?’
Goshiki reached Shirabu first, instantly picking him up and setting him in his lap, his arms holding him close in a protective manor. Shriabu latched his hand onto his shirt, clutching tightly as he let more tears fall, nuzzling his nose into Goshikis neck as Semi rubbed a large warm hand over his back.
After a bit of silence, simply holding the boy as he cried, Semi finally spoke up, “Are you gonna tell us what happened, little dove?” He spike softly, his deep voice breaking Shirabu out of his mini cry session. He adjusted himself as he turned in Goshikis lap, looking at his Daddy with his red puffy eyes.
“I swipped and don’t know where fwoppy or dinki is..” he mumbled to them, Goshiki pressing soft kisses to his head to keep him calm. Semi mumbled a small curse, knowing how bad this drop was seeing as he had none of his helpful items. No Floppy the stuffed rabbit or Dinki the pacifier proved to be a rough slip for Shirabu.
“Aww our poor little boy. Daddy’s so sorry, pumpkin. I bet you miss them, huh?” He said, gently cupping one of Shirabu’s tear stained cheeks as he nodded.
“Well we can’t go get them but how about we get you cleaned up, go tell your uncles what happened and we will take you out for a treat for being such a brave boy?” Goshiki said, rubbing Shirabu’s tummy under his shirt, the odd little movement always did wonders to calm him down.
The little nodded his head, knowing his daddy and papa would look after him, putting all his trust into them to make his decisions for him. “Please..” he mumbled, whining softly as Goshiki stood with him, Semi grabbing his things behind them.
He gave a small smile as they stepped back into the gym, coming face to face with the rest of their worried team. Hell even Ushijima stood with a worried look on his usually stoic face. He was lost in playing with the bottom strands of his papas hair as he and his daddy explained to the rest of the team about what happened.
He zoned back in as he was set on the ground, his Papa helping him gather his stuff before he laced their fingers together, leading him out to the rest of their team that was waiting outside. Semi grabbed his free hand, pressing a kiss to his cheek, the whole team smiling at the sound of his now happy giggles as their hands swung.
Shirabu knew then that even without his safety items, he was going to be a-okay. Here In the middle of his daddy and papa, with his precious uncles beside them lightening the mood for them, he was in the safest place his little self could be.
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Nagisa Pranks the Group Chat: Dear Future Husband
Nagisa Pranks The Group Chat: Dear Future Husband by amuhseen
Fuwa Yuzuki: It's lunch break Fuwa Yuzuki: And I'm bored so I need you to spice things up Shiota Nagisa: ???? Fuwa Yuzuki: I need you to lyric prank the group chat Shiota Nagisa: Oh, okay sure Fuwa Yuzuki: Really? Shiota Nagisa: I've got nothing better to do and I'm stuck in bed Shiota Nagisa: What song should I do though? Fuwa Yuzuki: Oh this is going to be awesome…
Words: 2132, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Akabane Karma, Shiota Nagisa, Fuwa Yuzuki, Sugino Tomohito, Kayano Kaede, Okajima Taiga, Maehara Hiroto, Hara Sumire, Isogai Yuuma, Terasaka Ryouma, Kimura Masayoshi, Mimura Kouki, Okano Hinata, Kurahashi Hinano, Yada Touka
Relationships: Akabane Karma/Shiota Nagisa, Shiota Nagisa & Sugino Tomohito, Class 3-E & Shiota Nagisa, Fuwa Yuzuki & Shiota Nagisa, Nakamura Rio & Shiota Nagisa, Hara Sumire & Shiota Nagisa, Shiota Nagisa & Everyone
Additional Tags: Texting, Chatting & Messaging, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, i didn't involve everyone bc how the hell can i write 24 characters, sorry for cursing your eyes with this, if you're asking what this is, i don't even know myself, I just watched a bunch of Haikyuu Text vids and said why not give it a try, and then this atrocity was made, So yeah, characters may be ooc
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27451498
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/jU8ix43
by DrkRaven_eng (DrkRaven)
IWAOI | (from the text) Tōru is upset, he is shattered, he is experiencing an emotional storm that, Hajime feels, cannot even remotely compare to his own disappointment. He also suspects that there is something he is not telling, a kind of fraying that he has read in his gestures in recent days, and that he has made an effort to attribute to the tension for the upcoming game. |
Or: Tōru needs to take his mind off his worries and topping Hajime can help. Perhaps. For a while.
This Fanfiction is in English, but you can find the Italian version HERE
😊 I hope you enjoy it!
Words: 3496, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: Top Oikawa Tooru, Bottom Iwaizumi Hajime, Sad Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, Difficult Decisions, Curses, Sex, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Love, Spoilers, Yaoi, Boys' Love, Angst
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/jU8ix43
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