#cursed dark cacao cookie au
beatrixblog · 2 years
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I got bored so here are some dark cacao Hcs
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dragon-curse-au · 16 days
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You might have already seen this image, but I wanted to post it outside of the intro LOL
Full banner for the blog because Tumblr's layout lately has been cringe.
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randomspagetti · 4 months
[Oh...That's Not...] <Curse!Au>
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[Chapters] (Next)
Fjhfhfhf I was supposed to post this last week but I realized when I was scrolling through my drafts that I hadn't finished it 💀 all I had to do was add text and some effects but uh yeah... Sorry bout that...
Anyways I think I getting back into the art flow so that's good! Happy Pride!
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cryptidcanid19 · 16 days
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have i mentioned algebra is boring yet? its boring
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icingred · 4 months
can you tell me about lore of Reverse Cookie run au?
white lily cookie,Pure vanilla cookie,dark cacao cookie,hollyberry cookie and Golden cheese cookie (You may pick any ancient as youre choice)
(TW:grammer english suck to me)
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(Have an uncolored ver. Because I'm still unhappy with the color palettes I have rn so uh.. Also beware that this AU will go through changes because it depends on the canon storyline :dies:)
~ Reverse AU Ancients ~
There were once five great heroes who were granted the lights to protect this world. The light of Truth, Passion, Resolution, Abundance, and Freedom. These heroes used their mighty powers to spread peace and prosperity all over Earthbread.
However, that light was soon put out and overshadowed by darkness. One night, a red moon rose over four Soul jams, cursing them with devastating results. And the heroes no longer lived up to their names. Instead of the peace they've sworn to maintain, they brought destruction, havoc, and fear.
Only one hero managed to keep herself safe from the moon. Yet her name was completely erased by the evil four.
The new beasts:
The red moon has not only infected the Soul Jams with the darkness, but has also cursed the heroes themselves. Their harm varies for each Ancient.
Pure Vanilla Cookie
“Let the new, darker Earthbread be born!”
The bright cookie, who once possessed the light of Truth, was cursed to see whoever dared to say his name out loud. Horror and bitterness replaced the comfort and warmth that he exuded.
He remained to cherish his friendship like he always did, just in a different way
Dark Cacao Cookie
“Enter my realm, where darkness protects and glory awaits! Hahaha!”
A prideful cookie with the light of Resolution soon became the sinister, apathetic shadow that loomed above his kingdom of Cacao. After the dark night, his dough began to slowly rot away as though he lived.
Although his wish for protecting Cookiekind perished, his love for heels still hasn't
Hollyberry Cookie
“I must prove I’m better than they think”
Hollyberry Cookie was no longer recognized as the gentle hero with the Light of Passion but as the beast of hopelessness and sloth. She was cursed with constant hunger. If given the chance, she'd devour anything.
She believes eating cookies will make her a half-god who's above all others, since the witches, the gods, created cookies to eat.
Golden Cheese Cookie
“Obey those above you and you shall be rewarded”
Generosity and gratitude gifted her the heroic light of Abundance, which soon led to a darker path to destruction.
The strict queen still loved anything that glittered, but the moon's curse blinded her to an eternity, preventing her from seeing light.
She spends most of the time away from her Kingdom, leaving the job up to the Golden Guardians
No WL for now haha
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Potential Swap AU? + Ramblings pt. 1(OLD)
So with Mystic Flour cookie just coming into my life yesterday, I have finally found reprieve from the art and writing block that has beat my ass since the end of finals. Now with this newfound freedom I have found the inspiration to continue here. And fittingly enough, I have another ancient swap idea. Call it cliche, I know.
However, instead of just trading traits, like making Dark Cacao the Beast of Apathy and vice versa, I'd like to take their existing vices and virtues and use that as a springboard. This also means I have to get creative with some of the beasts' personalities, so if anything ends up being inaccurate, I wash my hands clean of it. This is all speculation, after all. I also want to split this into parts so I don't end up overwhelmed with too many paragraphs. With that disclaimer out of the way, let's begin the swappening!
White Lily Cookie: Beast of Discord and Silent Salt Cookie: Ancient Hero of Harmony
Yes I'm going out of order, what of it? They were easy. Too much freedom leads to chaos and anarchy the same way too much order leads to oppression and, well, silence. White Lily has always been free spirited, and was the odd one out of the ancients from the jump. Heck, before the first Beast Yeast update she didn't even have a kingdom(still don't think she should have one.) She's reserved, curious to a fault, and has crippling self worth issues. So what happens if she becomes corrupted? You get Dark Enchantress Cookie.
...No, I'm serious. This is why these two were easy; one of them is kind of canon already.
Dark Enchantress Cookie is essentially the other example of what happens when Solidarity goes too far. White Lily went to find out the secrets of creation for the sake of cookie kind, and when she found out the truth she was reborn and swore to unite all of Earthbread by any means necessary. It didn't matter if she would cause destruction and chaos in her wake, she was going to make it happen. You could argue that DE could also represent Silence, but her preferred method of taking control is destabilization and recruitment, whereas I'm assuming(heavy on the assuming here) Silent Salt's way of control was more complete annihilation and forced subjugation. So if you wanted to make WL a beast, just take her and DE and put them in a blender.
The way I see it, Lily would have no kingdom; rather she'd be a forest guardian, with other cookies acting as rulers instead of her. Leaving her plenty of time to visit other areas as the Virtue of Solidarity, and when becoming a Beast she'd curse the lands she once protected. The forest would become a wasteland of madness, nigh uninhabitable and overrun with all sorts of terrible creatures. Stepping into the area would immediately separate you from whatever group you came with, and staying there too long would drive you to insanity.
Silent Salt, in contrast, would resemble the Cacao Kingdom the most, just having Arthurian Knights as inspiration rather than the Korean influence Dark Cacao had. Fitting considering how many people thought they and DC were connected. I can't say much on their personality, but I would assume that they would be firm and the most organized out of the sin squad. The tactician, if you will. Speaking of chocolate, though.
Dark Cacao Cookie: Beast of Obstinance and Mystic Flour Cookie: Ancient Hero of Prudence
Well, well, well. If it isn't these two again. I'm still buzzing off of the trailer, so let's not hesitate any longer. Obstinate means to stubbornly stick to an opinion, purpose, or direction in spite of reason or persuasion. It's an unmovable object, incapable of change because it believes its way is the only way. We've already seen the negative effects of Dark Cacao's resolution through characters like Dark Choco and Affogato, who have been driven away by him or went to extremes for their goals, as well as the positives with Caramel Arrow and her determination. The first time we saw him he was essentially like this, which rippled outwards and affected everyone. I am not surprised he's the first one to succumb to his respective beast, albeit temporarily.
In this AU, I don't feel that his kingdom would change that much. I feel like his kingdom would just become a full on military fortress, with no one coming in and no one getting out. His army would need to be completely loyal or face punishment, and the outside villages would be in total servitude as slaves. If you can even enter, the atmosphere would be downright oppressive, making it hard for anyone to stand, much less move forward. There are numerous levels to his fortress, each testing your fortitude in various ways, Spire of Order style.
For Mystic Flour, I will be using she/her and they/them interchangeably because they have not yet been confirmed as female(but it is heavily suspected.) According to the wiki, Mystic Flour is heavily inspired by Buddhism, more specifically a deity named Guanyin, who was an all seeing, benevolent being that could alleviate the Earth's sorrows with infinite mercy. Knowing this, I have a few ideas of how they might act in game. Perhaps before they became the cookie personification of the plague, she also had future vision of some kind and was able to see events and disasters before they happened, and knowing this she tried to intervene when they could. Maybe whenever she tried to intervene it didn't help, and that's how she stayed. Like DC, they were definitely the first to turn and resorted to killing everyone to help guide them to eternal peace.
In order for her to be Prudence, I would imagine instead of them simply not caring or killing everyone, she would take a different approach and instead intervene as necessary. Their "kingdom" would be similar to a temple, acting more as a monastery then an actual kingdom. If there was a kingdom it would be somewhat separate, with people making pilgrimages to her area rather than them ruling directly. From there cookies could make requests or advice, and depending on the situation she would intervene as necessary, being careful as to not overstep. Because of her cautiousness I imagine that they would be somewhat resented by some of the commonfolk for not stepping in more and being passive, but those closest to them would revere her for their wisdom and sense of control.
And that's all for now! I've been staring at this post for too long and these two are the ones I was able to present at the moment. If you have any suggestions or just want to say something funny, the ask box is open for anyone. I will be trying to take questions and figure out how the asks work.
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lilacartsmadsion · 1 year
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“In your place I shall bare your burdens, Father.”
“Your kingdom, your sword, your curse.”
“With these I will die fighting.”
“And with these the darkness shall end with me.”
Wake up bitch new Future AU lore has dropped.
With one of the most strongest trinkets having been tainted with a curse, no cookie should ever touch or even claim such a sword.
However, the former Cursed Prince, now King of the Dark Cacao Kingdom has stepped up and taken the curse under his watch.
The Soul Jam of Resolution now lies in the hands of the Blizzard King.
@beatrixblog there’s the answer to your question.
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 1 year
The Ghoul Dark Choco AU
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I finally got around to making a reference for Dark Choco in the Ghoul Choco AU! I will 100% be making more content around this AU in the future because I have a LOT of ideas!
Here's some basic info about the AU:
After the events of the "Monster" Oneshot I wrote, the strawberry jam sword is now forever fused into Dark Choco Cookie's body, replacing his heart with the sword's gem. His ghoul form is forever with him, but will only come out when he's angry or a certain trigger that puts him in that state.
When Dark Cacao learned about this, he tried to remove the gem from Dark Choco's chest, but it only caused him agonizing pain and it nearly killed him. So, Dark Cacao has made it his life's mission to get rid of the sword's power, so his son can live the normal life that he deserved. If not, then he'll at least make sure that his son's power can be controlled.
While trying to control his new powers, Dark Choco will sometimes hear whispers from his projection form. Constantly telling him that his father wasn't sorry for what he has done to him because, if he really was, none of this would've ever happened and he wouldn't be cursed. Dark Choco will even see this other version of him in his nightmares or in his own reflection. (And yes, that is the trigger.) Thanks to this, Dark Choco now has "Eisoptrophobia", a fear of mirrors, and is left with countless sleepless nights.
Throughout all of this, Caramel Arrow has been there for him the most (apart from Dark Cacao, of course.) and he's just glad that his old friend always saw the good in him, but recognizes that he wasn't the handsome prince that she remembered. (Yes, Carachoco is canon.)
Your tears, hand them over.
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itsyamajesty · 24 days
[I don't know how to do a masterpost, so this is going to get ALOT of edits]
The way this went is just that one ProZD skit (alternatively, "we doing circles now?")
I be thinking about all this stuff for Curse of Freedom (story based AU)
Then brain latches onto Rising Charcoal AU
"Guess this is happening now"
Rising Charcoal AU
Cookie Run Kingdom AU by (ya) Majesty
Based on 3 original what ifs:
Dark Enchantress wins
The Ancients are gone (missing, trapped, dead? Who knows, they aren't here to save anyone)
The Beasts have awaken, much weaker
(more below)
'Proper' Plot Description
(some things are ommitted because this is WIP, plus there's some stuff I want to be mysteries)
Most cookies have lost count of how long ago it happened.
The Ancients lost, they were split apart, and she took over.
Despite best efforts, the fighting was in vain. Are the Ancients dead... or simply captured? For some, the answer is clear, but with only the words of the darkness to listen to?
Is it true all hope is lost?
The Hollyberry Kingdom has been invaded by deadly poisons and crimson curses, all cookies who escape the jungles fall to the puppeteered Pitaya Dragon. The biggest settlement remaining is in a deep ravine, everyday spent planning against the fruit dragon, with the expectation of some trying all they can to free them from a hopeless spell.
The Dark Cacao Kingdom appears safer than ever before. Ruled by duel tyrants, the manipulative poisoneer and possessed knight. Together they've achieved a balance between protection of the public and the posh, a paradise most chose to reside. In truth, the smile of the snake and the sayings of the sword are not safe to believe.
The Golden Cheese Kingdom are wastes from which the licorice scented dead rise, clawing their way towards a small settlement of the Sand Slices, protected by shredding sandstorms caused by a surviving deity and the purple smoke of a revived advisor.
The entirety of Beast-Yeast has turned into various factories of unknown products, all being sent towards a laboratory on the island south. Some of these factories however are in ruin, covered by twirling vines and the aura of faerie magic.
In the Vanilla Kingdom, Dark Enchantress rules over it all.
Most other settlements have already been stampeded over by cake monsters, the larger being taken down by large creatures even the best will struggle to clash against.
It should have been this moment that all faith left- and yet hope had returned.
For unknown reason with unknown creators, the Beast Cookies awoke in bodies for their own. They had many new abilities with their vessels, but they were all much weaker overall.
In a fight for the world's fate, the Beasts' wish for conquest fades.
Guided by shards of their lost power, holding the memories of kings and queens who gained their power after, and now before, them.
Fighting it or not.
Their original selves are destined to return.
If they don't, the fate of Earthbread is sealed.
At some point, there will be a "key posts" list here:
For now, I don't know how to actually do the embed link stuff so
There are posts for Eternal Sugar, Mystic Flour, and Burning Spice as of now- everything can be found with the Rising Charcoal AU tag
I didn't originally have anything big for it beforehand, but I'm getting ideas, Plus, Curse of Freedom is very story based, and I want to try (and fail) to write it, I can't make half of the posts I want to without spoilers. So I can post this instead. There is still a story to it, but I don't plan on writing more than a couple oneshots or short non-serious series, so there's no pressure for me to keep things secret (although there is some things I'll keep in more mystery for awhile)
Also with school I have a lot of drawing opportunities, I already got some stuff, but nothing post worthy yet
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appleslicesinjuice · 2 months
Basically the entire idea of my Au is basically dark cacao still being cursed just like how his son was when he had the strawberry jam sword, the result of him still having this curse is basically the same, the whole berserk form and a lot of other things I can’t spoil because the actual main story isn’t done yet I’m excited to share it with all the people who see my account though, this AU has been on my mind for ages after I finished the boss battle with berserk cacao mostly because he was just immediately freed from the curse after the battle and it didn’t really make much sense to me so….yah
I do plan to make it more of an in depth thing with better writing and maybe small comics about it, I’m currently just on designing the way I see the cookies before I post anything major all in all this page will be seeing more of my AU stuff coming out soon
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beatrixblog · 2 years
Cookie Bond Ideas
Yes my headcanon/au is present in this. Its more of a headcanon than an au because it hasnt been confirmed yet that cacao isnt cursed
``A Snowy Picnic``
Dark Cacao
Cherry Blossom Cookie
Caramel Arrow
The night was cold, yet, alas, this did not halt Caramel Arrow Cookie’s advance one bit. She was patrolling the snow, every step making her body feel heavier. She couldn’t become tired, not when there was so much to do.
“Who knew being on duty for 5 hours straight could be so exhausting..No..No time to complain.“
She stopped for a breath, instead catching the gaze of four cookies in the distance. Caramel Arrow Cookie raised an eyebrow in suspicion, walking towards the figures.
Yes, it was indeed Cocoa Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Cherry Blossom Cookie and Cotton Cookie enjoying a nice picnic.
“What are you doing out here..!? Its the middle of a blizzard..!”
Cherry Blossom Cookie smiled.
“Yes, and beautiful weather for a picnic! Luckily Cotton Cookie’s lantern makes sure we don’t get lost! Would you like to join us, deary?“
Caramel Arrow Cookie sighed. “Apologies, I cannot. I am supposed to be on duty right now.“
Kumiho Cookie smiled.
“I understand you’re at work but its good to take a break every once and a while, my dear.“
Once again, something about Kumiho Cookie’s eyes made it impossible to say no.
“…Alright, Just this once.“
She sat down next to Cotton cookie. Next thing you knew they were laughing and telling stories and eating sandwiches and drinking Cocoa.
Caramel Arrow Cookie’s eyes lit up with awe.
“Wait, you survived the Frost Witch?“
Cotton Cookie smiled, nodding.
…Yet this wonderful time they were having..it was not fated to last. was interrupted by the sudden heavy clanging of metal, and the sound of heavy, thundering footsteps. You felt the overwhelming presence..and the faint purple glow in the distance…emanating from the soul jam itself.
Oh no, it was His Majesty Dark Cacao Cookie! Caramel Arrow Cookie stood up quickly.
“I have to go.“
Kumiho Cookie frowned.
“Why now? We were having such a fun time, dear.“
“No, his majesty will be furious if he finds out I was here.“
Cotton Cookie stood up.
“Well surely we can reason with him?“
Before Caramel Arrow Cookie could dash off, His Majesty was already standing right there, infront of her. The clutch on his blade was tight, and he practically towered over them all. He gazed down at them, his cold purple eyes making them quiver. He was not amused in the slightest..almost angry if you will.
“Your Majesty, I can explain!“
“Out with it, quickly.”
His deep voice shook even Cotton Cookie right down to the very core.
Dark Cacao Cookie let out a disgruntled sigh. He couldn’t bring himself to ruin such a picnic…such fervour must have been present within all of them to host a picnic in such conditions. He looked into Kumiho’s eyes for a split second, His Majesty almost breaking a sweat and his always cold and bitter expression almost faltering.
Kumiho smirked. Even a cookie as great as him could still be charmed by her eyes.
“I will let this slide just this once. It is the holidays, after all.“
Caramel Arrow Cookie gasped in relief.
“Oh! thank your majesty!“
Cherry Blossom could barely contain her excitement. . “A first watcher and an ancient hero himself? This is the greatest picnic ever!“
“Apologies, however I am most busy. I must return to my duties. Safe travels, cookies.“
And with a swift flick of his cape Dark Cacao was gone, already walking back towards the citadel. Such a king of fervour and resolution…Cocoa Cookie stood in awe.
“I’ve heard about the tales of his greatness but I never thought i’d see it in person..!“
Caramel Arrow Cookie smiled.
“I am so grateful to have a king as great as him. And i shall follow his command and head back. Thank you for the wonderful time, i hope our paths cross once more.“
And just like that, Caramel Arrow Cookie had too, Disappeared into the snow.
Yet something felt off. Sure Kumiho Cookie could sense his presence approaching, but there were three presences in one. One was him..the other his soul jam..ofcourse..but what could be the third.. the third felt awfully dark and ghostly..it also felt awfully vengeful and rage filled..and its presence still lingered, as if it was watching them. Yet Cocoa Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Cotton Cookie and Cherry Blossom Cookie were oblivious to such a presence, and they just continued their picnic in peace.
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dragon-curse-au · 1 day
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get out of here man
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randomspagetti · 5 months
[Intermission] <Curse!Au>
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[Chapters] (Next)
This was supposed to go after the next two pages but I felt it fit better here and honestly I wanted to draw different characters.
Yes SW is aware of the whole curse situation, given he's mortal and doesn't have any special powers theres not much he can do to help.
But he does what he can
((this page has no specific time but it's after the DCK episode and before this comic takes place))
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cryptidcanid19 · 24 days
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hes got a white woman in his dreams and shes SOOOOOOOO hungry
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aquarius-cookie-jar · 4 months
im new to ur blog!!! <33 do u have more info on ur crk oc flower?? :0
Okok- uh-
I haven't been doing much with my oc Fire Flower Cookie for a while, and his lore needs a bit of tweaking since we've gotten non stop Dark Cacao Updates back-to-back, and I'm kinda just waiting for episode 4 to drop so I can update his lore.
But I'll give you some stuff I've been thinking of for a while that I didn't mention in his bio yet! There will be some brief mention of violence, not in graphic detail tho. Just a heads up.
When Fire Flower and Dark Choco met for the first time, they were both weary of each other, especially since both of them have some level of trust issues, but after some time, and some coincidences of them meeting up with each other every once in a while, they grew closer and became travel companions. (And they were roommates-)
Fire Flower used to be an overly friendly extrovert pre-dark flour war. But then, he encountered an illegal hunter, who injured him to the point where he was close to death, and was sealed away in some cursed object to keep him (or at least his soul) alive, for cookies to exploit his magic. Years passed, and he was one day freed from his prison, taken in by the kind villagers who released him by accident.
Fire Flower is actually very good at identifying plants and herbs, and often uses them to create medicine, mainly painkillers because he often needs them.
In the non-magic, modern au, Fire Flower has a parrot named Phoenix, who's a sun conure. I thought it'd be a fun nod to his original form.
His design was inspired by a few Dark Cacao x canon ocs that were fire related or based on spice or other stuff with fire, and I thought, well, why not make a fire magic love interest for Dark Choco too? And then I thought it'd be fun to make him a phoenix, and that's how Fire Flower Cookie came to be.
Ngl, I'm not sure if I wanna make him immortal, or if I wanna strip his immortality away. And I'm not sure if I wanna make him the only phoenix cookie, or if there should be others. I haven't decided yet.
Fire Flower is generally nice, but oh my God, if you make him upset, he becomes the most passive aggressive person on the planet help—
He's also very petty in that state, you can practically see the netherworld behind that smile.
(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) <- wants you dead.
That's all for now! As I said, I wanna wait for episode 4 to drop before I update his story. Let me know if you wanna know anything specific about him ^^
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sweetlittlemessenger · 10 months
Cookie Run Kingdom AU: New Age Heroes
Outcome Differences from the original timeline
aka the plot summary (kinda)
The events in New Age Heroes AU will deviate the plot greatly from the original Kingdom Universe due to the Thunder Witch’s involvement to aid the Ancient Heroes for reasons yet to be known. The majority of events will heavily involve the Crème Republic, specifically the Elders on Houses Custard and Vanilla Sugar, of which the reasons that I will get into later so keep watch for that.
World Exploration:
Events are the same from Episode 1 through 4, in Episode 5, GingerBrave and his friends encounter Pomegranate Choco Cookie, who happened to have settled temporarily in Pomegranate Village, helping the Priestess Cookies protect their home from monsters, while training to use Pomegranate Magic.
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During the Episode, Pomegranate Choco Cookie volunteers to help GingerBrave and his friends to find a way to reverse the curse of the Tainted Forest. While doing their task in reversing the curse GingerBrave asked Pomegranate Choco Cookie if she knew anything about Pomegranate Cookie, to which she only gestured with her hands that interpreted the phrase “a little” while donning an expression of what seems to be hatred and anger. The Cookies wondered why Pomegranate Choco Cookie couldn’t speak, she replied yet again with a gesture of her hand towards her throat followed with a shake of her head, indicating she had a problem with her voice which resulted in her inability to speak and had to rely on playing her Shamisen to communicate, but Cookies of Earthbread do not speak the literal language of Music, and this resulted Pomegranate Choco Cookie to use gestures to convey her messages (and majority of the time still flops because not all can fully understand).
In Episode 6 after successfully lifting the curse of the forest, Pomegranate Choco Cookie bids farewell to the village and joins GingerBrave’s party in their adventure to destroy the source of the curse and stop Pomegranate Cookie. Pomegranate Choco Cookie continues to accompany GingerBrave and Friends in the later episodes up until the end of Episode 10, this is where Pomegranate Choco Cookie leaves the party and continues her own travels.
During Pomegranate Choco Cookie’s travels she encounters Dark Choco Cookie, who she previously met when she was still with GingerBrave’s party. The traveling Shamisen player knew from the moment she first met the swordsman that he was dealing with inner turmoil. Though both Cookies were cautious of each other, they eventually were able to bond for a short time. When Pomegranate Choco Cookie was asked to play her Shamisen, her music’s magical healing properties relieved Dark Choco Cookie’s pain, but it was only temporary. Since then, Pomegranate Choco Cookie promised to help Dark Choco Cookie free him from the Darkness.
In Episode 12, while not mentioned in the story, Vanilla Bean Cookie was present during the events in the Hollyberry Palace, helping the Cookies evacuate and defeating the Shadow Assassins who attempted a mass Cookie crumbling.
Events in Episodes 13 through 14 will be the same as the original timeline, and a month after these events, Mirror Glaze Cookie arrives and visits the Dark Cacao Kingdom to learn its culture and laws. During her visit she catches wind of the First Watcher, Caramel Arrow Cookie being accused of murder and decides to learn more about the matter. After gaining a deeper understanding of the situation, Mirror Glaze Cookie volunteers to be Caramel Arrow Cookie’s defense attorney to prove her innocence and investigates the crime scene. Ultimately, the defense was successful, the First Watcher was cleared of suspicion and charges while the true culprit was punished according to the laws of the Kingdom. Having gained the respect of the citizens, Watchers, and the King of the Dark Cacao Kingdom himself, Mirror Glaze Cookie was granted benefits and privileges by Dark Cacao Cookie, one of them was being able to enter the Black Citadel with no hassle, so long as she identifies herself.
While traveling around Earthbread pondering about her next kingdom of interest to visit and learn of its laws, Mirror Glaze Cookie encounters a disheveled Affogato Cookie, who claimed to be a traveling sorcerer in search of a place to call home.
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Mirror Glaze Cookie remembered that the Thunder Witch specifically tasked her to find this particular Cookie and reach out to him when the opportunity arises. Without a moment’s hesitation Mirror Glaze Cookie asks the sorcerer to accompany her in her travels, in return, she will help him find a place where he feels he truly belongs. Though slightly hesitant, Affogato Cookie agrees to Mirror Glaze Cookie’s offer, hoping that she is true to her word. Because of Mirror Glaze Cookie’s intervention to persuade Affogato Cookie to travel with her, Affogato Cookie does not join the Cookies of Darkness in this AU, and becomes a trusted ally instead.(Though this will cause a conflict of interest between Mirror Glaze Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie)
You’ve probably noticed that Vanilla Bean Cookie isn’t seen in any of the Episodes of World Exploration, aside from the reason that she is the last Cookie created by the Thunder Witch, it also has to do with her origin story, which explains her arrival on Earthbread, but I will explain that in another post lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ since it doesn’t involve much of the plot of the main stories, but said origin story connects well enough with the main stories(if that makes sense but if it doesn’t feel free to ask me about it hehe). But don’t worry, Vanilla Bean Cookie shows up in the Special Episode Cookie Odyssey, where she makes her official debut in the story.
Cookie Odyssey:
Before the events of Cookie Odyssey, a mysterious traveling mage Cookie, Strawberry Puff Cookie, tells of three prophecies, one of each of the three new Heroes who will aid the Cookies in their fight against Dark Enchantress Cookie. No one knows where this mage came from or who she is other than the fact she is the founder of Cacao Magic. Strawberry Puff Cookie seems to proclaim these prophecies in certain kingdoms and cities, and in each of those locations she describes one of the three new Heroes.
In the Dark Cacao Kingdom, Strawberry Puff Cookie describes the first new Hero as an elegant young lady with hair gleaming ever bright that it projects reflections and that she holds a Gift that allows her to reveal Cookie's true intentions and possibly a Cookie's self.
In the Cookie Kingdom, Strawberry Puff Cookie delineates to GingerBrave and his friends the second new Hero as a traveling musician carrying the scent of pomegranates and chocolate, whose tunes charm both the living and spirits alike, her presence bringing harmony wherever she goes. From the get-go, GingerBrave and his friends instantly knew who Strawberry Puff Cookie was referring to and were shocked by this revelation, some of them freaking out that they once traveled with the very Cookie in their adventure this whole time.
The third hero was given a rather vague description. In the Crème Republic, Strawberry Puff Cookie came to Vanilla Sugar Cookie, an Elder of the Republic’s Convocation of Elders and the head of House Vanilla Sugar, whose sphere of influence was the education and training of the Republic's paladins. The mage told the elder about her prophecy and brief details of the third new Hero, which is that the hero in question will be a Vanillian who wields the Light of the Divines. It was a short and simple definition, but Vanilla Sugar Cookie interpreted Strawberry Puff Cookie’s words differently.
Since the Créme Republic was made by Vanillian Refugees and seafaring cookies native to the once humble land now advanced city long ago, the Elder thought it could be one of the students in the Paladin Academy and mistakened the new hero to be Financier Cookie, one of the best graduates and holds the brightest light among the paladins.(and Strawberry Puff Cookie had left rather quickly after telling Vanilla Sugar Cookie the prophecy)
Fast forward to Chapter 1 of Cookie Odyssey, GingerBrave arrives at the Vanilla Kingdom responding to Pure Vanilla’s request. Remembering Strawberry Puff Cookie’s prophecy, GingerBrave immediately tells Pure Vanilla Cookie about the prophecy about the new Heroes and as well as the identity of the second new Hero, Pure Vanilla Cookie was surprised and delighted by the news hearing that the Shamisen player who once journeyed along side GingerBrave and helped him take back his kingdom was a Hero like himself. Pure Vanilla Cookie informs GingerBrave to present this information at the Council once it starts.
During the Council, the Cookies brought up the prophecy about the new Heroes told by Strawberry Puff Cookie, deducing their identities as well as what powers they might have. GingerBrave went first and confirmed to the council that the second hero was Pomegranate Choco Cookie, who matches the description Strawberry Puff Cookie has laid to him.
Next was Dark Cacao Cookie, who was informed of the details of the first new Hero, speculated that Mirror Glaze Cookie may be the Cookie that best checked the information relayed to him, as he recalled her reflective shiny hair and mentions of a Gift that allows her to reveal a Cookie’s intentions.
The last was Clotted Cream Cookie, who confidently announced that the third new Hero is none other than his bodyguard, Financier Cookie. The reveal surprised everyone, as some of the Cookies stared in awe, amazed that the Crème Republic was able to find a Hero so easily among their denizens. A few of the Cookies in the council however were doubtful of Clotted Cream Cookie’s claim, pointing out the fact the information they received about the third new Hero was vague in terms of detail, to which he refuted that excluding Pure Vanilla Cookie, there were no known Vanillians in EarthBread who wielded the Light of the Divines, their informants searching high and low for any possible candidates outside the Republic only to find none.
The duration of the events of Chapter 1 will continue similar to the original timeline, the only differences being mentions of the three new Heroes in some of the dialogues during Day 2 and 3, like GingerBrave and Dark Cacao Cookie being asked by Clotted Cream Cookie how they met Pomegranate Choco Cookie and Mirror Glaze Cookie, as well as knowing their first impressions of the two Heroes. By the end of council at Day 5, in addition to researching the Soul Jam, the three envoys, GingerBrave, Wildberry Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie were tasked to also find the two new Heroes if they have set foot in the Republic.
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In Chapter 2 Day 2, Gingerbrave and his fellow envoys, along with Espresso Cookie and Madeleine Cookie encounter Pomegranate Choco Cookie in Choco Mud Town, who was paying respects to the crumbled Cookies buried in the mudflats site; the envoys happened to find her thanks to the sound of her Shamisen. After some introductions, GingerBrave informs Pomegranate Choco Cookie about Cookies in White Masks and warns her about them, to which she promises to stay alert.
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In Day 3, Wildberry Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie run into Vanilla Bean Cookie in the Lower City’s Market, who is on a shopping trip for toys with simple mechanisms (e.g. wind-up toys, spinning tops, wheel and axle). Wildberry Cookie introduces Crunchy Chip Cookie to her, revealing that Vanilla Bean Cookie once trained under Hollyberry Cookie and the knights of the Hollyberry Kingdom to learn the art of the sword. When the Hollyberrian Knight asks for her purpose in the Republic, Vanilla Bean Cookie answers that she is currently attending the Paladin Academy, soley for the sake of further improving her skills with the sword. The peculiar swordswoman is also informed about the White Masks; piqued with interest and curiosity, Vanilla Bean Cookie assures Wildberry Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie that she will alert them as soon as possible for any suspicious activity involving the White Masks.
Mirror Glaze Cookie finally makes her appearance in Day 1 of Chapter 3, where Clotted Cream Cookie meets her by chance in Manor Oyster. Originally, Clotted Cream Cookie came to Oyster Cookie to propose the use of House Oyster’s pearls to make Pearl Candies, but now he also sees the opportunity to become acquainted with Mirror Glaze Cookie. Oyster Cookie introduces Clotted Cream Cookie to her, explaining to the Consul that Mirror Glaze Cookie is her legal consultant that they were simply discussing trivial matters of goods for maritime trade to pass the time while they waited for the Consul’s arrival.
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Mirror Glaze Cookie has recently heard of the creation of Magic Candies, and finds the idea promising, however, upon meeting Clotted Cream Cookie, who was one of the Cookies tasked with supervising the research, she is rather wary of him, though she doesn’t show it. Mirror Glaze Cookie could tell he was attempting to become more familiar with her, but it somehow came with an ulterior motive, so she approached his conversations with caution.
On Day 2 during the chase from the guards from House Custard to protect the Soul Jam, Vanilla Bean Cookie appears and disables guards’ movements with her “Pokey-Pokes” (that's what she calls the technique anyway) before GingerBrave and his friends were apprehended in the alley way. With the help of Black Raisin Cookie and her crows, Vanilla Bean Cookie accompanies the Cookies to safety at the mudflats where they went into hiding until Madeleine Cookie finds them.
Day 4’s events are similar to the original timeline, but the difference is that the fight now comes with the aid of three Ancient Heroes and two New Age Heroes. Remember how I previously said that Affogato Cookie is an ally in this AU instead of a villain siding with the Cookies of Darkness? Yeah he makes quite the entrance with his Sweet Scheme Skill with the effects of some mist to go along with that ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ. Affogato Cookie arrives not long after Mirror Glaze Cookie’s arrival to help the Republic. He was informed by Mirror Glaze Cookie’s master that she was in a bit of a pickle and that he came as extra support. Mirror Glaze Cookie and Affogato Cookie aids Dark Cacao Cookie in defeating the Living Licorice Abyss.
Pomegranate Choco Cookie faces Pomegranate Cookie again in battle, the crimson priestess not missing an opportunity to degrade and look down on her, the Shamisen player humbles Pomegranate Cookie yet again with her music magic. Pomegranate Choco Cookie helps Pure Vanilla Cookie once more in defeating the Cake Witch, just as she did back in the Vanilla Castle.
As for Vanilla Bean Cookie, she was more focused on leading the Republicans to safety, however it is worth mentioning that she once redirected a magical beam of energy with her sword back to the monster who casted it to protect the Cookies the attack was supposedly aimed at.
After the victory against Dark Enchantress Cookie, the Cookies get acquainted with one another while waiting for the complete repair of the airships. Mirror Glaze Cookie got into an argument with Dark Cacao Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie, angered by the fact that she was friends with the very Cookie who attempted to usurp his throne. Mirror Glaze Cookie had no knowledge of this and was shocked, asking Affogato Cookie if it was true, only for the sorcerer to fall silent and look away in shame. With some heartfelt conversations and a bit more explanations, Dark Cacao Cookie decides to tolerate Affogato Cookie for the time being, but is ready to end him should he betray the Cookie who gave him a second chance at life.
Pomegranate Choco Cookie catches up with GingerBrave, Black Raisin Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie. The Shamisen player shares the many stories of her travels, most of them encountering spirits (one of the stories mentions a certain Frost Spirit) to which the three Cookies listened with great interest.
Vanilla Bean Cookie reunites with Hollyberry Cookie and Wildberry Cookie, who ask her how her studies are going, to which she replies that she recently got kicked out of the academy. Shocked by the news, Hollyberry Cookie questions what could have led to her dismissal, as she remembers Vanilla Bean Cookie being always diligent with her training back in the Hollyberry Kingdom. The swordswoman claims that she just didn’t vibe with the school and that said school didn’t like her opinion(this is a lie trust me). Both of the Hollyberrians knew there was more to the situation but decided not to press further, and asked her what she would do next. Vanilla Bean Cookie decides to continue her adventures across EarthBread.
Day 5’s events play similar to the original timeline, but with the addition of bringing Mirror Glaze Cookie and Pomegranate Choco Cookie back to the Vanilla Kingdom to join the council. After the conclusion of the council, Pomegranate Choco Cookie asks GingerBrave, Pure Vanilla Cookie, and Mirror Glaze Cookie to meet her in private. After responding to the Shamisen player’s request, GingerBrave questions her for their meeting, and why it had to be private, Pomegranate Choco Cookie pulls out her Shamisen, and plays a series of musical notes.
“The third new Hero, what about her?” Mirror Glaze Cookie asked
“You can understand what she’s saying?!” GingerBrave exclaimed
“Of course I do, Music is a language, is it not?”
No one has ever been able to decipher Pomegranate Choco Cookie’s tunes since no Cookie ‘speaks’ the language, the musician continues her tune all while donning a face of concern, Mirror Glaze Cookie’s eyes widen in shock upon hearing what she had just heard.
“What did she say?” Pure Vanilla Cookie questioned with worry in his voice
“Financier Cookie is not the third new Hero”
Aaaand that concludes the Cookie Odyssey in the AU, from this point of the story it will be entirely different and a new one completely deviating from the original timeline. So in the continuation of this story from Cookie Odyssey Mirror Glaze Cookie investigates who the true third new Hero is with the help of Pomegranate Choco Cookie. GingerBrave and Pure Vanilla Cookie contemplate Pomegranate Choco Cookie’s words, trying to comprehend the reason why the third new Hero is not Financier Cookie. The Shamisen player eventually decides to break the news by traveling to the Hollyberry Kingdom and Dark Cacao Kingdom to tell Hollyberry Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie who both took the revelation differently. Dark Cacao felt anger and was filled with suspicion, telling himself he was foolish to easily believe they found the right Cookie. Hollyberry Cookie responded with a frown and knew it wasn’t the Paladin, to which Wildberry Cookie agreed. Pomegranate Choco Cookie reassures the two Ancient Heroes that she and as well as Mirror Glaze Cookie are on the mission to find the real third new Hero.
So yeah all much I can share, in another post, it’s about tracking down the third New Age Hero and it comes with a court trial as well.
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