#currently he's older than all of his advisors except for fiona and fiona is not in skyhold atm
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niofo · 1 year ago
thinking about that post abt wynne's age still. i certainly appreciate that we just casually have characters in their 40s in dai, like vivienne or blackwall, and no one's making a big deal of it, but i feel like there's even bigger missed opportunity with the advisors, yk.
like it was already said many times why cullen as the commander makes no sense and he has 0 required skillset, but imagine if we actually got some retired military commander in his place. like imagine a ferelden general who fought alongside loghain and maric, maybe was a bit older than they were then (bcos they were really young), so by the point of the 5th blight she already retired, she's no longer a powerful fighter, maybe even gathered some disabilities during her military career, but she still knows a lot of shit of how to command armies just fine, she doesn't have to swing her sword to do so. imagine how cool it would be, just this retired general and veteran advising on our military movements. maybe she'd have some unique dialogue lines if loghain is the warden in this worldstate. and instead of being bigoted towards the mages her character arc is about messing with orlesians and we can either endorse it or side with josie that come on, we can't be mean to those envoys even tho they're orlesian, it's not their fault.
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greenjudy · 4 years ago
Inquisitor Ask Meme
Reposting this for fun.
Anyone else want to take a crack? What kind of Inky would you be?
@allsortsoflicorice? @tyramir ? Bueller?
1. Race:
2. Class/Specialization:
Rift mage.
3. Your homeland?
The Free Marches. Wycome, to be precise. 
4. Your family?
Keep my family out of this; they have things to do besides die.
5. Who were you before?
A Circle Mage of some skill and much fear. Given my personality, the Circle would probably not cater to my strengths. It would make me more nervous and paranoid than I already am. The Inquisition would force me out of my comfort zone and give me some resilience I would never otherwise develop. Left to my own devices, I’d fall prey to obsession, and possibly possession by a Pride demon.  
6. Would you be religious?
I’ve read a lot of books by Brother Genitivi and Philliam! A Bard; I’m actually using my clout as Inquisitor to gather whatever is known about the Black City. You might say I’m an originist, I want to know where we came from; Andraste is kind of late on the scene for my interests. 
Post-Trespasser, this quest will more or less eat my brain.
Short answer: obsessed with “religious” subject matter, not religious per se. 
7. Do you have a mabari?
Nope. But I spoil Cullen’s baby. 
8. Your opinion on other races?
Raised to “not be racist” (as far as that goes) in cosmopolitan, edgy, free-wheeling Wycome; family with a ton of Dwarven trading connections. Angry about the elves. Knew loads of elven enchanters in the Circle, but I have awkward awareness of human privilege around the Dalish. 
Fascinated by the Shaperate. Wish all Thedas had those. Can you imagine? 
Worried about the Qun, but deeply impressed with the handful of Qunari I’ve met in person. Not mindless drones at all. Disciplined. Community first has some virtues, must say. 
9. What would Varric’s nickname for you be?
10. What would your tarot card look like?
The High Priestess: an older, abbess-looking chick standing at a scriptorium, surrounded by magical paraphrenalia and a gorgeous view out my high window. Raven (with message) standing on the windowsill.
11. Where would you hang out in Skyhold?
My bespoke mage tower, if I’m not in the Undercroft picking Dagna’s brain. Do a little weeding in the herb garden from time to time; we’re growing some fascinating things in there. 
After Solas leaves, I’d go spend time in the destroyed holding cells, watching the water fall.  
12. What would you do for fun?
Study. Knit. Paint. Visit my horses; the smell of horses is very comforting. 
I’d have highly technical arguments with Dorian and spend a lot, a lot, a lot of time talking to Solas.
13. What armor would you wear?
Cutting-edge tactical enchanted fabric. Light, layered, tweedy, enchanted.
I’d probably get sucked into magical materials research, specifically, making improvements to armor base-layers. I’m obsessed with armor. I have a whole research group (headed by Dagna, Cullen consulting) devoted to armor improvement.
14. What would your room look like?
Given the state of my current room, a chaotic mess of books, papers, research tools, letters from colleagues, blueprints, schematics, dirty dishes, orchids, and automata (Josie and I would be doll-geeks together).
15. Who would be your friends at Skyhold?
I try to make sure that the Inner Circle understands how much I appreciate them as a general rule. 
As for friends: 
Cassandra is one of the great ones. Just about the best person I know. Never met anyone so ready to acknowledge her mistakes. I’d trust her to be the next Divine. 
Dorian is a dear. One of the best sounding-boards. Somebody peel that man a grape. 
Cullen and Josephine are terrific advisors, couldn’t ask for better, their own problems of course, we’re all doing our best. I’d like to know Cullen better—suspect we have things, Circle things, to talk about. In another life, maybe. 
I’d get on with Varric—everyone gets on with Varric, come on—but I find him ultimately very armored, hard to know. Hid his best friend, didn’t he? Never talks about the lady he loves. 
Sera is actually easy to understand. Raw genius with a bow, one of the best to have along, out in the field. Not exactly my friend. So down on the Dalish. It’s her business, though. She and Dagna are adorable together. She makes Dagna happy, that’s good enough for me. 
I have a bit of a GP for the Iron Bull. (He had me at “front-line bodyguard.”) Never acted on it, though.
Solas is my… see… well, see below. 
16. Would you have any friends outside of the Inquisition?
I’d have the Thedas version of LinkedIn comrades in Antiva, Nevarra, and Orlais—researchers all. Plus one brilliant friend who’s a materials mage based out of Denerim, working with Sandal on woven metal enchantments; call her my “knitting buddy.”
17. Who wouldn’t you get along with?
Leliana would trouble me. Don’t like having someone this emotional and vindictive managing our intel networks. It’s bad juju, Ambassador; can’t trust her judgment, can you? And that feels like a loose end. Put us in a tight spot someday. Couldn’t we ask Varric…? No, I quite see that. Still. 
I’d understand Vivienne, and try to maintain a cordial relationship because I think most of her head is in the right place, even though she is entirely too power-oriented for a real friendship. 
Blackwall’s “find Darkspawn, kill them, repeat” approach would bother me. When I found out the truth about him, it would confirm my feeling that you need to lie to yourself, a lot, to just have enemies and kill them without compunction. I would also find myself highly influenced by Solas’s take on the Wardens. 
18. Who would you romance?
I’m a Circle mage who’s watched close friends be tormented by romantic love. Demonic possession and Tranquility. Babies taken away. This is not the kind of conditioning that disappears just because you take me out of a Circle. In my youth I worked it out by restricting myself to impossible love objects—there was this one Templar, very stern, very disciplined…he’d barely speak to me… Well. That was many years ago. 
That said, the best impossible love object I’ve ever encountered in my life is Solas. 
What does it matter, really? Bonds of friendship, don’t you know; romantic love leads to envy demons. I’m old now, at any rate. Inquisigeezer not exactly a romanceable character. 
19. Would you do pranks with Sera?
Probably not. Too busy. Too tired. Feel too much sympathy for her innocent victims. 
But I would do operations with Sera, with pleasure. 
20. Would you sleep with the Iron Bull (casually if not romance)?
My front-line bodyguard? Get on with you. It would get too complicated—for me, I mean, not him. 
21. Would you keep Cole around?
Yes. And I’d agonize about what would be the best path for him to take, and probably make him a spirit.
22. Can you play the game (politics)?
Yes. I’m better at it the more distant it is. If you’re talking about what to say at a party, I’ve developed a persona for that sort of thing. Stakes are high. Can’t be fooling around. A mage, remember? This guard drops, I get possessed; lose my temper, might incinerate you, can’t have that. 
23. What would be on your tombstone in the fade (What are you afraid of)?
“The world fell apart on my watch.”
24. Who would you recruit to seal the breach?
Mages. I understand mages. Their leadership’s been simply awful. Not sure what Fiona did with her spine. Without decent leadership, it’s mages running amok, trying to protect themselves, doing awful things out of fear; can’t have that, they’ll pull their own house down. Get them out of the weeds, stick ‘em in the Inquisition, give them a chance to show what they can do for the right cause. 
25. Opinion on Mages versus Templars?
It’s all about training, though, isn’t it? Templars and mages both need much, much better training. Without training, without a penetrating education with a solid grasp of magical theory, history, ethics—co-train the mages and templars, make ‘em take core courses together. Make them work together in strike teams; I’ve been doing that since we recruited ‘em, they actually partner well, as long as you’re not, you know, mad.
I would become obsessed (do you see the recurrence of this word) with the idea that mages could be Seeker-trained to resist possession and mind control, obviating the need for Tranquility. These disciplined (another key word) and trustworthy mages could be placed in a position of joint authority with properly educated Templars to create a College of Magi with research cells all over Thedas…
Yeah. We’ll see how that works out.
26. Who would be put in charge of Orlais and why?
Celine and Briala. Celine is the one with the right temperament, and for some reason I viscerally understand Briala. I’m all about reparations and integrating elven populations and something something protect the Dalish (can’t we actually give them the Dirth?).
27. Would you sacrifice the Chargers?
I couldn’t.
28. Would you go after Blackwall?
Oh, yes. And I’d keep him on, as Thom Rainier. 
29. Would you drink from the well?
Knowing me? Not knowing the implications except for those vague warnings? Yes, I would, and it would affect me for the rest of my life. 
I’d spend what’s left of myself using whatever insight and connections the Well gave me to work on Solas. 
30. Where would you go if the Inquisition was disbanded?
Under ordinary circumstances, the College. Daresay they’d want me to do something draining and administrative because of my being the (ex)Inquisitor; I’d look for a research niche but probably not get to keep it. 
Solas is not ordinary circumstances. I’d dedicate the rest of my life to that problem. 
31. How do you react to the egg telling you he is an elven god? 
I’d naively and arrogantly imagine that I could—if we could just get enough time to sit down together—he must understand what he’s likely to bring about, he needs people to talk to, dammit—
He would be the death of me, I’m afraid.
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