#currently having an aurea migraine
feynavaley · 5 years
Submitted by @lotuslol:
Hi feyna, How are you? Hope you are feeling awesome today 🐥 If not and you’re feeling down, alright, here is hug 😊💜
Okay, regarding your hate following question. Yes, some people can follow the things they hate/dislike because it frustrates them to no end and they feel the need to deal with it. How would I know? Well, I used to be one when I was a younger teen, hahaha. 😂 And maybe I am still doing this but I am managing it..not sure, haha (there is this fanfic that drives me a little nuts because the main character deserves a hole to be punched in their eye, in my opinion. I follow it out of curiousity and annoyance now because the fanfic is well-crafted and decent.)
It all comes around having a source of annoyance that you can’t just do something with, whether erase it or talk to it or do anything. So, you keep facing it in hopes of dealing with it. Or..that was how it went for me 😂
- Does it cool down? Once you move on to something else, you don’t mind it or care about it that much after that anymore.
- Does it hurt? No. It just wastes time. So, the person who is dealing with it has to learn how to just let go of their annoyance and move on.
- Is it really that hard to let the matter go and just ignore it? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Some people are just that silly ( Example: me :D) Or they are not silly, it is just their way of dealing with problems, which sometimes works in real life, but it doesn’t work well with this type of situations.
- Do you stop hating? Not really. It depends, there are things that you will hate forever but you learnt to just ignore it, and there are things that you start to warm up to until you hate them less. As long as it doesn’t filter down to bullying, it is silly and fine.
I hope I delivered a good answer. It is not the most deep or academic answer, but it is my personal experience with this topic. Hope your day was nice 🌼😊
Hi again!
Sorry, forgot to tell you that some fire of hate can decrease into something more toleratable often. So, even if someone didn’t like Canada (don’t know why) or his fans (kinda understandable because maybe they met some people who made them hate the character), maybe a genuinely lovely blog like yours could change their mind or at least make them less hateful :D.
Hope you have a nice day, again :)
Thank you so much for another super sweet message! 💖💖
And yeah, I know some people do the hate-reading thing. I’ve done it a few times too. But, haven’t we all? I wouldn’t consider reading something where you don’t like the main character but enjoy the story and general writing hate-reading, though. There’s plenty of books where I would like to slap the main character, but I still enjoy the book itself. And sometimes, even if I hate a character’s personality and choices, I still enjoy how he/she is written for solid characterization. A good characterization and a likeable character don’t always overlap. 
And to be honest, I’m not bothered if somebody does it with my blog. It’s their time they’re wasting like that, after all. I can’t imagine how this might make somebody happy, I would think it only makes them harbour bitterness instead, but to each his own.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also have no issues with people disliking character I instead like, obviously! There are infinite reasons one might not like a character, and each one is valid. I might (and the might is big) politely disagree with them only if they justify disliking that character by clinging to a blatantly incorrect characterization and calling it canon, but that’s it. Besides, we’re still talking about fictional characters, they’re not worthy seriously fighting over.
My perplexity came with people liking positive posts about a character they recently claimed they hated. I really wondered if I was missing something. It doesn’t truly matter, it’s just that, especially in fics, I use likes to measure how many people have enjoyed the chapter – but, if some people use likes in a different way, I have to reconsider how I view them as well. That’s all there is to it, nothing important.
Anyways, thank you so much for your detailed explanation, I really appreciate it! 😊 And I hope you’ll have an amazing day!! 💕😘 (And have a hug as well)
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