#currently fixing his nose for now he really just looks like Alastor
sillyhoneybear2 · 2 years
Laughing Jack 🍭 -in my style
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(A bit before the darkness...)
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bluebellwriting · 4 years
Love Me Tender Part 6
Hey folks! I know it’s been a minute, I’ve been super busy with work and school, but I’m by no means done with this piece and you know I had to post something for Valentine’s Day (to make up for the fact that single and lonely 😆😭)
Despite popular belief, Hell does in fact freeze over. It’s Hell, after all, and in the world of pain and torture, everything is fair game. And it’s February, historically one of the coldest months for you back when you were living and certainly the most miserable in Hell too. The roads are slick with sheets of ice, you can’t walk a block without a three-foot icicle nearly spearing itself through you, and everyone’s car is perpetually trapped in a snowbank thanks to Lucifer’s “generous snow plow program.” Each winter day reminds you of the worst snow cyclones from when you were growing up in Brooklyn, cold yes, but in a way it’s all very sentimental. They remind you of the winter nights cuddled up with your siblings, hot chocolate in hand, listening to the winds blustering against your windows. It’s all rather lovely, in a strange way.
Your boyfriend of four months does not seem to agree, if the way he’s gripping you and nuzzling into your neck is anything to go by. You’ve been trying to extricate yourself from your practically shared bed for the last ten minutes, but each attempt only causes Alastor to pull you closer. He’s basically on top of you now, those boney forearms are stronger than you’d think.
“Sweetheart,” you whisper. “It’s time to get up.”
Alastor groans but otherwise your voice falls on deaf ears.
“Come on, we have to make breakfast and then--”
“But darling, it’s freezing,” he sighs. “And why would I go anywhere when I have my own personal heater right here.”
It’s really hard to stay mad at him, especially when he places sweet little kisses from your cheek to your shoulder and back again.
“Well your personal heater has some errands to run and needs to get her day started.”
“Ugh,” Alastor whines and inch by inch, begins to roll off of you. “How can you even stand to be out in that unbearable cold? Don’t you want to stay right here with me, your loving and adoring boyfriend?”
“You know I would,” you boop his nose. “But then I wouldn’t be able to get your present.” 
His ears perk up immediately.
“Present?” He coos. “A present for lil’ ol’ me? Dearest, you shouldn’t have.”
“Yes, but I can’t pick it up until I get out of this bed.”
“Oh fine. I suppose I have some things to do for tonight as well,” he teases and kisses you on the nose before finally allowing you to shift out of bed.
“Although before you leave me,” he whines. “I have a little something to kick off the festivities.”
With a snap of his fingers, a red garment manifests in your arms.
“Oh, Alastor.” You run your hands over the thick velvet of the dress. “It’s lovely.”
“This is just the beginning, love. Now go try it on,” he shoos you off to the bathroom, then immediately curls back up into the comforter to protect himself from the draft leaking in from your window. 
The dress is beautiful and warm. As soon as you change into it and assess yourself in the bathroom mirror it hits you that this has to be a customized dress. It fits you far too perfectly and the fabric is so soft, it’s like a blanket heating you up and snuggling you in. It’s either custom or enchanted with Alastor’s magic. Or maybe both, you wouldn’t put it past him to make this the perfect dress.
The last four months together have been a dream. A blissful and rapturous dream that you never want to wake up from. If you thought he was sweet before you began dating, then this is an entirely new level. You two are practically glued to the hip, and he finds a way to make every possible moment so enthralling and exciting that it doesn’t even matter. 
Everything about him is just enthralling, and the best part is that he can’t seem to get enough of you either. It makes your face warm and your mouth split into a grin just thinking about it.
You poke your head out of the bathroom door and giggle at the sight of Alastor in his own personal blanket cocoon. 
“Comfortable?” You ask.
“I’d be more comfortable if you were here with me.”
“While that sounds tempting, I wouldn’t want to ruin my fabulous new dress.”
He shoots up, blanket still around his shoulders, eyes wide and alert and trained on the way the bodice clings to your curves. It’s even more perfect than he could have expected.
“Do you like it?” He scoots to the edge of the bed and holds his arms out for you to step into.
“I love it.” You smile and step between his legs to fall into his embrace. “It’s perfect. Thank you, my love.”
“That’s just the beginning, dear,” he cheers.
“Alastor, you didn’t--”
“Nonsense! It’s our first Valentine’s together and it must be the best of all time!” Ever one for theatrics, with a flourish of his arm the room is filled with red roses.
“Oh my goodness,” you giggle and cup his face in your hands.��“You darling man.”
Alastor melts into your hands, letting the softness of your palms warm his cheeks.
“Only for you, love.” He leans forward and nuzzles your nose. “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, dear.”
If you weren’t worried about getting to the store and back in time, you would have stayed here, exactly like this, for hours more. 
“Let’s begin the day, shall we, love?” You whisper.
“But it’s cold!” He whines. “And you’re so warm!”
“Ugh, you’re such a southern boy,” you tease and pull away from him, if only to draw him out of his blanket nest and into the world. 
“You love this southern boy,” he laughs and finally rises. With a quick snap, he’s dressed in a redder-than-average suit with one of the red roses on your floor now pinned to his lapel.
He hands you your coat, gloves, hat, scarf, and tries to force another sweater upon you but you stop him before you’re a complete bundle of wool and layers.
Charlie must have gotten up early because the entire lobby is littered with hearts and confetti. Chocolates are on every available surface and your fearless leader is currently snuggling with Vaggie in matching heart sweaters. You watch Angel hand Husk a box of chocolates wrapped in a lovely bow. Hesitantly, Husk opens the box and spits out whatever he was drinking all over your brother before stomping away with a red face.
“What did you do to that poor man?” You call over.
“Just gave him an innocent token of my affections,” Angel chimes and shows you the contents of the box: three rows of chocolates with letters printed on each piece, spelling out “Best Dick Ever.”
“Angel, that is so vulgar,” you exclaim.
“It’s the day of love, sis.” Angel pops one of the pieces into his mouth.
“That is not love, my fellow,” Alastor chastises.
 “Aww, that’s cute coming from you, strawberry pimp.”
“I’ll have you know that I am plenty romantic,” Alastor says incredulously. “Aren’t I, (Y/N)?”
“You are, love. The most romantic,” you coo. “Now I have to get going. Please be nice, boys.”
“And you,” Alastor leans down to pull your scarf tighter around you, “promise me that you will be careful. You’re sure I can’t come with you?”
“I’m sure, love. I’ll be fine. Angel,” you turn to him. “Be nice.”
“’K, mom,” he calls back to you, waving as you begin your journey into the chilly winds.
“So,” Angel drawls, sidling up to Alastor. “What are you doing for my sister on this ever most sacred day of love and affection?”
“Something special and perfect and I will not have you distracting me,” Alastor sighs and snaps his fingers, transporting himself to his cottage deep in the woods of the Pentagram. Because only a crazy person would want to walk out in that cold. Good thing Alastor loves your kind of crazy.
It’s been a while since Alastor has been to his home, his actual home, one that is reminiscent of the large, Queen Anne-style homes of New Orleans. Dust is collecting on the counters and window sills, but that’s nothing that some quick magic can’t fix. The real task at hand is the redecorating and the meal he has to prepare for tonight to be as perfect as can be. This is certainly not the first time that you’ve been to his home but he’s hoping that it will be the last time that he calls it “his home.”
If he had it his way, tonight would be the night that Alastor asked you to marry him, to spend the rest of eternity -- or as long as you’d have him at least -- together in Hell as husband and wife, as partners in crime until the very fabric of the universe began to fray at the seams. He’s known for so long, long before you began your courtship, that he wanted to marry you and it took everything within him not to propose to you on your first date. But he had to be patient, suave, a perfect gentleman, because the last thing he wanted to do was scare you off with a hasty courtship and engagement. The last man who had attempted that with you, well, Alastor was still in the process of hunting him down so he could offer you his head on a spit. That was supposed to be the second part of your Valentine’s gift but alas, the wretched soul was more slippery than he had anticipated.
Hopefully you’d be impressed enough by the way he had decorated the house with some of your favorite colors and furniture from the 1940s, things to make it look more like a home you could share and grow into. 
The beauty about Hell in the wintertime is that there are so few people out on the streets to bother you. The sidewalks and roads are eerily quiet, the snow swallowing up distant sounds so the only ones left is the crunch of your boots. Your trip to Rosie’s had been quick, as the poor woman was overrun with sinners trying to buy up last-minute Valentine’s gifts. As she said to you in passing while gift wrapping some tacky jewelry for a panicked demoness, “good for business, bad for relationships.”
You clutched your gift bag close to your chest, guarding it from any muggers who would even dare steal the most perfect gift for your Alastor. This was weeks in the making and you were not about to let someone ruin your first good Valentine’s Day. 
You approached the door to the hotel, already anticipating a warm fire to warm your cheeks and nose, when suddenly an arm is around you and you’re no longer in front of the hotel. No, after blinking your eyes to readjust, you’re now staring at Alastor’s home, which means the arm and body hugging you close belongs to your sweet, adoring, and sometimes startling beau.
“Alastor!” You squeal. “What have I told you about surprising me like that?”
“I’m sorry, love,” he chuckles. “But I just couldn’t have you out in the cold any longer.”
“If this wasn’t a day dedicated to love you’d be buried in snow right now,” you grumble.
“I don’t doubt that, sweetest. Now come on, the fire is waiting for you.”
When Alastor first brought you into his home it was your one-month anniversary. You were actually relieved when it wasn’t a massive mansion like most Overlords pick for themselves, and you couldn’t help but be charmed by the perfectly retro, 1920s decor.
But it’s different now. The living room has new, floral wallpaper and some of the furniture reminds you of... your old home back in New York.
“You redecorated,” you shiver as you allow the warmth of the home heat up your body. Alastor rubs his hands up and down your shoulders to warm you up as soon as your coat and layers have been shed.
“Do you like it?” He asks, a glimmer of hope igniting in his eyes.
“Oh it’s lovely,” you breathe and inhale, smelling the hot meal he’s probably slaved over. “Just surprising. What brought this on?”
“Oh, just, wanted to try something new. Are you ready for dinner?”
“I’ve been salivating since I first stepped into the door.”
Dinner is delicious, mouth wateringly incredible and cajun. But all throughout dinner you couldn’t help but notice the way Alastor’s knee bounced or the way his hand shook whenever he held his fork to his mouth. Not to mention the eery quiet between you two. You can’t seem to get more than a one-word response out of him. It makes your heart drop, and the way his eyes shift away from your gaze makes a pit form in your stomach.
“Alastor, love. Is everything alright?”
His eyes dart up to meet yours. His teeth worry his bottom lip and you can hear his fingers tapping excessively on his seat.
“Of course, darling. Everything is right as rain. Are you enjoying your food?”
“It’s amazing, Al. It’s always amazing.” You beam at him and reach across the table to hold on to his hand.
“If you don’t have any more delightful surprises for me, love, could I give you my gift now?”
“(Y/N) you didn’t--”
“I won’t even dignify that with a response.”
Reaching down beside your chair, you pull out the perfectly wrapped present and slide it across the table to him.
“It’s not much,” you explain. “But I hope you like it.”
It’s perfect. So perfect, the wrapping, the bow, the very idea that his darling has given him a gift at all, that he doesn’t even want to open it. As much as he wants to tear it open, there’s the urge to keep this moment preserved in his mind forever and ever, just in case his present to you goes south tonight.
But from the way you’re looking at him, eyes wide and hopeful, he knows he has to open it right now.
Inside is a little plastic... view finder? He’s really never seen anything like this. They look like binoculars but there’s a little white disk inside with small film negatives along the circumference.
“It’s a reel viewer,” you explain. “Put it up to your eyes and click the lever.”
So he does. And with each click he’s met with little candids of you and him, some from before your relationship began, some from after, all of them more perfect than the last and preserved forever just for him. His heart swells and warms an overwhelming amount. His joy leaks from his mouth and eyes, until it feels like the sun itself is pouring through his teeth and tears.
“Oh, (Y/N), darling...” he sniffles.
“I know it’s not much but--”
“It’s everything, dearest.” It really is. And more importantly it’s enough for him to get his act together. He feels like he can breathe again, like the fog of doubt has finally been lifted. What was he so worried about? You love him, of course, you love him.
“It’s perfect.” He rises and comes to kneel before you. “More lovely and wonderful than you will ever know. So much better than my gift to you but I hope you will love it all the same. I love it, (Y/N). I love you. So, so very much, dearest.”
“Alastor, I’m going to love anything you give me because I love you, sweetheart.” You peck his nose.
“Yes, well, that’s the thing. Because really, this feels more like just another gift from you to me.”
“Is it now?” You tease.
“It is...” he sighs. “I love you. I hope you never have to doubt that for an instant in your life. And I know this might be too soon, and you can say no for now, or forever, but I have never doubted for a minute that you are the one for me. My gift to you, love, sweetheart, darling dearest, is this.” 
He motions to the dining room.
“The... dining room?”
“No, love,” he chuckles. “The house. My house... Our house. If you’ll have it. If you’ll have me.”
You gasp and tears flood your eyes so quickly that you have to blink them away to see Alastor’s hopeful eyes properly.
“You’re asking me to move in with you?”
“I am. I’m asking you to make this house, our home.”
“Oh, Alastor.” You launch forward and wrap your arms around his neck. You press your lips to his in a bruising kiss, letting him bundle you up in his own arms and grip your waist.
You pull way for a brief moment, short enough to mumble out a fervent series of ‘yeses.’ 
“Of course,” you say between kisses to his face. “Of course, I’ll move in with you.”
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