#currently chugging gravel how about u guys. how are we doing
cubedmango · 1 year
ok no but can we talk about the contrast ep 5 gave us. with minorus classmate who wanted and expected him to come back to college, clearly viewing tane as a burden that got thrust onto him that hes just sort of dealing with temporarily since that isnt 'his responsibility'. not like tane's his very own younger brother who lost the same mother that he did and like minoru didnt take a very active and willing decision to be there and present in his life so tane doesnt have to feel that loss at such a young age. and when tane spills her drink accidentally and despite it being a mistake and him apologizing she still has to take a second to gather herself and tell him its ok, and instead of sitting around for the meeting she arranged she just leaves. and when with yutaka the same thing happens and minoru expects him to react just like his classmate did, instead yutaka immediately comforts tane and acts silly with him and makes sure to get him a change of clothes. even when minoru apologises its not even on yutakas mind to be upset bc yeah that kind of stuff happens around kids and its not like minoru caused it. the way yutaka never complains about tanes presence or his antics and always adapts to make sure tane feels welcomed and happy and cherished. the way he finds it commendable that minoru put his life on hold for tanes sake, and thinks its incredible how much minoru does for his brother even if its not all fancy and extravagant. how yutaka knows tane and minoru are a package deal and never once sees it as a problem or thinks that minoru should hand off responsibility for tane to other people because he knows minoru does it out of choice and not obligation. yutaka knowing from experience that the way family treats you is something you'll never forget, and encouraging minoru that everything he does for tane is something he'll look back on and appreciate when hes older. yutaka being accepting of the path minorus taken and never judging him for it and simply providing all the support and food he can. can we talk about this
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