#currently chugging dayquil and tea
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b4g3lbit3s · 28 days ago
ugh. im sick. which of course means i project my own discomfort onto my blorbos
as far as i know it’s a pretty common headcanon that stede is a miserable patient when he’s sick. i can’t imagine that, as a child, his parents ever showed him a shred of concern when he was sick. maybe brought him medicine or checked his temperature occasionally, but it was very shallow and lacking in love. even then, it was mostly his mom caring for him, no matter how little.
now it takes a while, but stede eventually learns that being pitiful while he’s sick is okay with ed. he knows he’s needy and whiny, but ed always ends up giggling about it. it’s just one more thing to love.
most of the time, it’s pretty okay. it’s uncomfortable to have a stuffy nose and a sore throat, but stede manages and ed helps as much as possible. even still, it’s a lot for stede’s exhausted, feverish brain. he especially hates having a stuffy nose. he literally can’t breathe. it gets to a point where he ends up having panic attacks.
he’s sleepy, he’s both hot and cold, he’s irritated, and he cant fucking breath. so as any autistic person would do he starts sobbing and blubbering about how miserable he is. ed feels really bad that he can’t help. he just doesn’t his best with cuddles and kisses and warm tea. he gets a steaming hot rag to put over stede’s face because he read it was supposed to help. once he’s done freaking out and ed has successfully calmed him down, he passes the fuck out.
even through all the misery, ed loves his pitiful, snotty, sick man.
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xnightmare-eyesx · 5 years ago
SICK REMEDIES!(literally)
This weekend I had fortunately caught a cold, or a fever. I am assuming it was a sickness of some kind. It started with a sore throat, body aches, then I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I was on fire. And then I had been spitting up mucus and had three separate headaches the next morning. DayQuil and chamomile tea were my only aid, that and seven-up and Mexican food.
BUT! Because of this, I’ve been inspired to research some home remedies and what I’ve found were some cute simple solutions for all of my symptoms that I wish I knew about at the time! In Wicca, more specifically with kitchen witches, herbs are essential for their work, and I’m not much of a gardener so learning these things can help lots since store medicine can be a bit pricey.
One of the things I experienced was coughing up mucus, blowing my nose constantly, and a sore throat, and what I’ve found is the mint, that tiny green toothpaste tasting leaf plant, has methanol in it that can treat all of these.
Mint on it’s own is edible, its dynamic taste can be used for salads, teas, and many recipes, even to help with coffee breath, but due to the methanol peppermint tea is the way to go if you have any throat troubles! You can straight up use the leaves to brew your own tea if you can’t get going to walmart in your drowsy state, that is if you have any lying around.
Personally I knew that vix rub and a humidifier or steam could help as well, but I’m very glad that I have more of an excuse to bring mint items into my home more so than usual, especially as of writing this, it is a day before Halloween and it is currently snowing in the midwest where I live. Cold weather brings many things, and sore throats and coughing is one of them.
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Now this berry is very very off the beaten path for a remedy, but fun fact, it’s a common ingredient for over-the-counter syrups in the form of Sambucol! Sambucol can shorten flus to around three days, and you can get Elderberries in tea and tablets to use at home without buying any medicine at all! But, as I said this the path less taken, since Elderberries, if not properly washed and picked and treated, can be very poisonous when consumed, and that includes stems, leaves, etc if consumed with the tea.
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Perfect for the season, and warding off vampires and anybody you wanted to be near, Garlic has been seen to help with colds and flu systems when consumed and are actually very good to eat since it can boost your immune system! You can mince it, toss it into your chicken soup, its a great little piece of food for about anything. Just beware, it’s very strong. So double the dose.
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MY Home Remedies
I grew up in a Hispanic family, so we have a few things we do to help a cold.
Homemade Lemonade- Take a couple of regular lemons or lemons, maybe some sugar, and chug it. Anything Citrus is good, oranges, store lemonade, Sprite especially if you live in my family.
Powerade/Gatorade- If it helped with sport athletes, my family used it to help with stomach aches. Specifically red fruit punch flavor. To this day I can’t drink it because of it’s association to sickness.
The Egg Prayer- This might just be a family tradition, but my family, my mother would take an egg, rub it on the face of the person who was sick and say a prayer. After that she’d break the egg into a clear cup of water, and from the yolk she could tell if you were sick, and when it was going to get better. Not a very legit remedy, but it might have a placebo effect.
As always, these are just some natural stuff you could use IF the sickness is manageable, if it’s worse than just your average cold or fever then head to your nearest doctor than. Thank you for reading!
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