#current mood: lh brainrot
heartburiedingreece · 5 months
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spaceyflowers · 2 years
Hello Adrien!! I'm here for the reblog ask thing!!❤❤
1. What is a song that you can go back and listen to no matter how many times you've listened to it? What is a song that never fails to put you in a good mood?
2. What's your favorite food/dessert?
3. What other series are you into?
4. This isn't really a question, it's more of a silly song game^^ put your music on shuffle and:
- the first song that comes up is your theme song if your life were a tv show
- the second song is your boss battle music
- the third song is the song that plays whenever something sad happens
- the fourth song is your villain era song
- the next song is what plays if you were in a horror movie
- the last song is how your favorite lookism character feels about you^^
hi li!! <3
1. i have so many songs like that T_T picking one tho, hm... i'd say prom dress by mxmtoon because it's a comfort song of mine that i resonate with ;_; (also very catchy <3) and a song that never fails to put me in a good mood is wear sunscreen by peach pyramid !! the lyrics and melody are so lovely and every time i listen to it i think, "wow.... love is real..." JSHFHSJD
2. fave food is spaghetti and fave dessert is strawberry cheescake !!
3. ever since i got really into lookism last spring, i've gotten sucked into webtoons and other series im into are weak hero, viral hit, and get schooled !! i also really enjoy horror/thriller webtoons, and am currently reading chasing tails and just finished escape room ★ (which was a 12/10 btw i recommend it so much to anyone who likes stuff that makes u wonder about human morals/philosophy)
4. ooh i love these kinds of games :]
theme song if my life were a show: oblivion by grimes - well...;; i've never gone thru the trauma this song describes but i guess the melancholy tone fits ? 😭 (not that im constantly sad but as a quiet introvert with no irl friends i really have that air of sadness around me 😭😭)
boss battle music: daijobanai/im not okay by perfume - the lyrics are sad but the song is a bop 😭😭😭 um. i hope i will be a fun boss fight for the fun music
song that plays when something sad happens: meant to be yours from heathers the musical - wow you'd think this would be my villain era song sjfhskdj it's... a sad-ish song tho ?? would still feel out of place in a sad scene tho;;
villain era song: dance, baby! by boy pablo - HELP.... my villain era is just me being sad my girl bff is dating a trash guy when i could treat her better 😔 (/lh i dont like the concept of friend-zones ;; but the angst of yearning for a dear friend while respectfully keeping your distance is 🤞💔)
horror movie song: i cant handle change by ROAR - holy shit why do i feel like this song would do SO well in a depressing horror movie, like at the end of the movie at a scene where everyone's dead except the main chara who's blaming themself for every life lost.. get me out of this horror movie bro 😭
how my fave lookism chara (sinu) feels about me: lover boy by phum viphurit - i was rlly nervous about this one BUT TELL ME WHY I ACTUALLY GOT SOMETHING SO GOOD AND FITTING??!!?! "LOVER BOY" SINU ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME IM GOING TO BRAINROT THIS ALL DAY (he doesnt seem like the type to doubt himself/have trust issues when it comes to love but oh well AGGWHEJJE)
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