#curie hamato
awhphooey · 1 year
AHHHHHH, I love your art and your content!!! Do you think we could see more of the cloned turtle tots? Or just the cloned turtles in general? You can say no if you want, or ignore this. Also, BTW, LOVE YOUR ART STYLE, VERY JEALOUS
- 🧡🍁Anon🍁🧡
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You can actually :)
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donatellosfm · 2 years
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inspired  by  :  Donatello from TMNT  .added inspo, Remus lupin (Harry Potter), John Constantine ( dc), Spock ( Star Trek ), Ian Malcolm (Jurassic park), Q (James bond)
full name. donatello hamato faceclaim. leo howard future: ryan reynolds dob. may 30 (decided by splinter, real birthday unknown) zodiac. gemini occupation. ‘IT’ guy for orion birthplace. unknown but probably new york orientation. Demisexual song. Wrecking ball by mother mother film. Matrix education. None, but always studying temperament. choleric mbti. entj alignment. chaotic neutral abilities. mystic tech formation/trained ninja hogwarts house. ravenclaw  emoji.  ( ⚙️)
* experimentation mention, death, trauma, injury,*
present !!
Donnie finds himself in Elias with his brothers after losing their father to the big bad Shredder. Donnie has always been the unofficial second in command whether it was Raph or Leo leading the team. He didn’t necessarily like the job but his brothers led with their hearts and often had to turn to look at him when they were stumped. He always had to have a back up plan to their plans. He liked being needed and while it was terrible pressure, he didn’t really know who he’d be outside of them. The only thing that ever made sense was that he was 1 of 4 rather odd boys.
He took upon himself though to make sure that the logistics were always sorted out. He didn’t know really how he’d ended up working for the monster that was Orion Bartholomew but he had and he’d be hard pressed to walk away when the man was handing out money like it was candy. He needed it to help his brothers and there was very little Donnie wouldn’t do for his brothers. He just had to keep them out of the loop of what he was really up to.
Working for a villain was not the Hamato way his dad had in mind but ninjas worked for whoever paid the most, right? He could never really reconcile the deadly things he’d been trained to do with his father’s heroic ideas. How could they be heroes? Leo had swords for crying out loud. Besides, what had heroics gotten them? They hadn’t been able to protect the one person who had cared for them more than any other. Who knows how they’d ended up in that lab to be experimented on but Donnie didn’t think kids with parents who loved them ended up where they had. Not that he cared very much, Splinter was their father and unlike his brothers, Donnie would do anything to get him back.
Donnie is hiding it pretty well but he’s actually pretty hurt from the fight with Shredder. His left shoulder was torn up by the other’s knives. Leo had sutured it up but Donnie didn’t want to admit that not only could he not feel much in his shoulder but his range of motion was not back. Not to mention, it still hurts like a bitch.
past !!
Shredder was trying to create the perfect children with yokai abilities who could wield the Hamato legendary weapons. They couldn’t be wielded by humans and so the experiments started. The last Hamato son, Yoshi, had fallen into their custody at last and he was a trophy to the Foot Clan.
Donnie didn’t remember any of this, of course. He recalled the walls of his cell and Leo’s hand in his but very little else and he never really tried. Leo had been with him from the start and in their worst moments, they’d had each other. He had no idea when he’d gotten there and yes, it had hurt. Everything had hurt in the beginning but the pain was overshadowed by the kindness of Splinter and the warmth of his brothers. 
They’d grown under the blanket of safety in the tunnels of New York City. Splinter had done his best to give them all they needed and they were happy. Sure they were turtle mutants with no ability to control it but they didn’t care. Donnie and Mikey were more curious and every day they would sneak out further and further. There was a whole world out there and they wanted to see it.
He started messing around with tech very young and quickly blew through books and videos. He was curious about everything and that meant grilling his dad about how they’d come to be. He didn’t Splinter would have ever told them if Donnie hadn’t tired him out. The natural curiosity was what got him hurt more often than his brothers. It was scary what he’d risk in order to get his question answered. He figured out the whole transformation thing rather quickly because of it. Science was his calling but he left the ickier side of it like medicine to Leo.
He was very squeamish and had a hard time with textures and sounds in their ‘home’. He would focus on his inventions and try to ignore it but April gave him headphones and he’d never looked back. He always had at least one headphone in at all times. He was also the one who picked up the habits like smoking and drinking. It’s not like they could him anyway.
 He always felt the need to rebel. He understood their training was to make them good and while he never wanted to hurt anyone and he was always ready to help and save, it all fell a little flat on him. He’d seen the evil and while his mind didn’t give images he remembered the feelings of being at the mercy of someone who was evil and maybe he was a little more traumatized than he thought. He didn’t want anyone to hurt like he had, like his family had, but he couldn’t see how being a hero fixed that. They had to fight because they had to be ready for when the Foot Clan came for them and so Donnie also threw himself into it. He pushed just as hard as his brothers and a little more because he struggled to unlock the powers of his inherited Bo Staff. He was an over-thinker and he wanted to make sense of things that didn’t need to make sense.
He’d learned to hit harder than his brothers and followed Raph's philosophy of hit first and when they wake up we’ll ask them what we need to know. He had an ancient wooden stick that everyone was telling him was special. He’d been experimented on so that he could wield said stick but to Donnie it was just another thing that didn’t make sense. Then one day a hefty enemy went for Mikey and Donnie had swung pushing everything he had into it and his boring stick had become the weapon he needed to protect his brother. Not that he couldn’t drop someone with just the stick but now he could control his tech with it and it made sense. It all clicked and he melded both his worlds together to step into himself.
future !!
Donnie had always dreamed of making his own company where he could create tech beyond the world's imaginations. You needed a lot of money for that though but thankfully, Donnie felt no guilt stealing Orion’s fortune from underneath him. The man had taken enough from the world and Donnie put the nail in that coffin by turning all the evidence Jasper needed to be free. He created Genius Built Tech and with all the money he’d taken, he grew his company quickly to compete with the big names out there. He did focus on prosthetics in collaboration with Haven Lemos after Leo needed one.
While he continued to help his brothers fight crime that only they could, he took a more remote role as they got older. It wasn’t until a particularly close call made him face the mortality of his brothers that he had the realization that they would be gone one day. It shook him to his core and so he cloned them, because that’s a totally normal thing to do. He didn’t even do biology but he delved into it and thus the Hamato girls came to be. Not quite clones but not exactly normal children, though accidentally girls.
He put his all into raising Diana not only to be a Hamato but to be herself. He balanced being a single father and running his company as well as he could until he let go of the managerial aspect and focused on being R&D.
He still helps Leo train the girls and other students when he can and provides them whatever support they need. He handed his Hamato Bo Staff down to his daughter and went back to his Tech Bo. 
taken connections
Leo, Raph, Mikey – brothers
Flynn Rider – friend
Jasper Skellington – friend
Beatrix Utonium – friend
Brynne Utonium – friend
Orion Bartholomew – boss/pain in the ass
wanted connections
April O’Neil, of course
Honestly, just let me know if you want some connection with him.
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awhphooey · 1 year
THE CLONE KIDS ARE SO CUTE AAAAAAAA!!! what are their personalities like? (also ngl, i kinda want to make my own clone kids too now 👉👈)
Thank you!! They’re kinda up in the air ngl. Like most of the time I have Curie (Donnie’s kid) as a sarcastic little schemer but very sweet, kind of the smart little sister trope u sometimes see (Anais from TAWOG or Jessica from COTC).
Ace (Leo and Kai’s son) is very much his fathers’ son, kind of show off-ish and stubborn. He’d fall more into a “fun and rebellious” older sibling trope I think ? (I’m gonna count Bex from Andi Mack here but like,, when she was still the sister not the mom)
Monet (Mikey’s daughter) is the one we’ve fleshed out the most I think. The “stories” we have mostly branch off her being not the greatest with nimpo, so she’s kinda the MC. She’s very determined and focused, usually this is a bad thing. Where Ace (essentially her ‘twin’ lol) is the spontaneous one, she’s the “voice of reason” which honestly isn’t always true anyways. (In my mind she’s like Claire from Trollhunters in many ways.)
Cali (Raphs daughter) is the soft spoken one usually, very cuddly and often quiet, even around others. She’s definitely got opinions and will let you know if pushed enough, but she’s quite a people pleaser. Where Raph has issues with anger, Calliope has trouble showing her own and standing up for herself. (Its obvious her closest comparison would be Fluttershy but I also think Bingo from Bluey works here!!)
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