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beajarenojewellery-blog · 2 years ago
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New in and coming to the online store soon…. Plethora collection encrusted blue Sapphire rings in recycled sterling silver and recycled 24ct yellow gold vermeil. These gorgeous unique rings are fully handcrafted at the studio in West London with recycled precious metals using the sand-casting technique and traditional jewellery making techniques. Making every single ring individual and special for its own textures, size and look! We can make one of this for you with any recycled precious metals of your own or why not to repurpose some jewels which you are not currently wearing? Use our bespoke or repurpose services, simply DM or send us an email to [email protected] #beajareno #beajarenojewellery #beajarenojewelleryonlineshop #comingsoon #plethoracollection #plethoracollectionrings #rings #plethora #abundance #seainspiredjewels #jewellery #artjewellery #art #design #crafts #london #letsdolondon #culturefits #recycledpreciousmetals #recycledsterlingsilver #recycled24ctyellowgoldvermeil #lovelifeloveyourjewellery #handcraftedjewellery #independentjeweller #goldsmiths #silversmith #lovetheseringssomuch (at Ladbroke Grove) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqsQQ8KIPo5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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radiofullofstatic · 10 months ago
@culturefit @ace-up-your-sleeve @sweaty-confetti @oceanlaceagate @saltedcaramelreblogs @horrorfag420 @pgs-stuff @1800bugaboo @edgy-old-high-elf @goneahead
10,000 notes and I will film myself wearing a skirt and cat ears
@realsafari @duothelingo @true-blue-straya @yandex-search-fr @microsoft-edge-official @kroger-fr @official-the-united-states @totally-peacock-i-swear @the-us-navy-offical @definitely-wikipedia @walmart-the-official @bingle-official @true-opera-gx @gibbish-anon-from-gell @shakespeare-official-account @apple-unofficial @royal-canadian-air-force @firefox-official and whoever else I forgot
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tintstore · 3 years ago
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Let's get 'high' with these PRMTVO T-shirts. 🙌 Available at www.tint-store.com // S-XL // 54,95€ 
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dobeboyg · 5 years ago
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If you get shot and run to the cops, you not like me You ain't got no work on the block, you not like me It's hot, you ain't got no drop, you not like me Like me, dude, you not like me....🤟😎✌️💋🖕#dreadlocks #dreads #dredsworld #instadreads #culturefits #fuckerfits #highesturbanwear #highesturbanstreetwear #highesturbanstyle #firefits #fireoutfits #fitsonthegram #drippylane #hustleambition #hustlelife #thuglife (at Gjakova) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_AE4o3Fm-z/?igshid=cnjueh49zpvg
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time2liveent · 4 years ago
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Concrete Rose! . . . . www.everythingdope17.com . . . #BEDOPEASFXCK #35cents #dopeasfxck #everythingdope #wecontrolcool #beyou #justakidfrombrooklyn #dreambig #dreamers #indieclothingline #urbanbrand #notjustabrand #itsalifestyle #streetstylefashion #classystreetwear #hypestyle #hypefashion #cultureisforever #minimalstreetwear #culturefits #bestofstreetwear #believeinyourself #picoftheday #mindovermatter #streetwearbrand #dopenation #streetwearstyle #brooklynbred #fashionandstyle #freshfits https://www.instagram.com/p/CKgvlPDjeU8/?igshid=vxdkqegc9v4f
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dvcnmaison · 4 years ago
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Watching desert sunsets - - - - - - - - - - - - - #classyvision #pauseshots #pauseonline #dailyfreshfits #fashionbruh #cozystreetwear #smartstreetwear #minimalhouse1 #mydailystreet #highsnobietystyle #beatfitsdaily #culturefits #thegallerystreetwear #freshfits #strwrde #cleanfit #minimalarchive #snobshots #minimal #freshstreetfits #streetcontent #peakyblinders #outfitinspiration #offwhitejordan1 #jumpman23 #offwhitecovirgilabloh #virgilabloh #lv https://www.instagram.com/p/CIcEYq3hAxZ/?igshid=1937tlghw7xbw
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ecstaticofficial-blog · 5 years ago
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culturefit · 1 year ago
I've been daydreaming about top surgery lately. Aydreaming about being able to run my hands fown my chest and not feel boobs, daydreaming about never having to wear bras again, about never worrying over if the layering of my outfit covers them enough. The thought just hasn't been leaving my head lately. How would I look? How would I be percieved? Would I like how I look better? Idk just my thoughts recently, im literally getting giddy at the thought
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vanguardfreadman · 4 years ago
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luxeluce00 · 4 years ago
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Hunting season 🐰 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #classyvision #pauseshots #pauseonline #dailyfreshfits #fashionbruh #cozystreetwear #smartstreetwear #minimalhouse1 #mydailystreet #highsnobietystyle #beatfitsdaily #culturefits #thegallerystreetwear #freshfits #strwrde #cleanfit #minimalarchive #snobshots #minimal #freshstreetfits #streetcontent #peakyblinders #outfitinspiration #jordan1club #unionlosangeles #offwhitecovirgilabloh #alyx #lv #lvjewelry https://www.instagram.com/p/CFNOVH7jSEH/?igshid=1h1k1gweq2tot
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vidjobs · 5 years ago
Why not try VIDJOBS! We bring Job posting to Life with Videos. Find your fit and learn more about the culture and workplace. https://vidjobs.co.uk/ SEARCH TODAY
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megafullclouddaze · 5 years ago
Culture Add/Culture Fit
Some companies have created the distinction between Culture Add and Culture Fit.  For those who don’t know, the phrase Culture Fit used to be used by tech companies back in the day to see if a person would “work” in the cultural context of an organization.
Culture Fit really was code for when in a company of software developers, you wouldn’t bring someone who wasn’t a good communicator.  For example, if someone was excessively “fobbish”, as was the tendency in the software world, especially in the 2000s and 2010s, then they’d be deemed to be unable to effectively work with other more “American” people in the company.
Most people kind understand this.  If you have a hard time relating to or speaking to your co-workers about similar interests, then it may be harder build a rapport with them, and thus gain their trust.
Without trust, there’s an argument to be made that it’s difficult to “get what you need out of someone else” in order to do your job.  It was mostly a business decision to institute Culture Fit policies. 
“Cancelling” Culture Fit
Enter the later half of the 2010s, the era of the SJW. I’m going to lay down some context here, so bear with me.
“Progressive” ethos has been affecting tech for a long time. There’s been complaints against the “Tech Bro” culture from vulnerable minorities and women for years.  Vulnerable minorities include African Americans and Hispanic Americans.  Big Tech (Google, Facebook and Apple) have changed their hiring practices to hire less “Tech Bros”.
All three of the above groups, and their intersectionalities have collectively and individually come out and said that there is a concerted effort amongst White and Asian (model minorities) to keep the above groups out of tech.  Nevermind that not ALL but many women and members of those non-model minority groups, when they were growing up, generally as a group, had no interest in Computer Science.  They thought CS was “for nerds” and not what cool kids did.  All of a sudden, when there is money to be had, everyone wants to be a Coder.
Now all of a sudden, it’s men that are the problem. Forget every second of their lives in the past that they had no interest in this field.  And surely there are problematic men out there, who have social delinquincies that might seem like they would make it hard to enter this space. We’ve heard from Susan Folwer ad nauseum on this.  Don’t get me wrong: Alot of the stuff she went through was BS, and I can relate to some of the treatment she’s experienced at Uber as being difficult for her to bear.  But I don’t believe this behavior speaks, or has ever spoken for the majority incumbents in the software space.
 Generally speaking, the reason that entry didn’t work for the aforementioned “disadvantaged groups”, was not sexism or racism or social ostracization. It’s more likely that it was that their general lack of interest in the disciplines involed in becoming an effective software developer to being with, caused them not to prepare with a skillset and mindset that allows them to to be effective in that realm, in their formative or younger years.  And there’s nothing wrong with choosing a path in life.  But just because you chose a different path that others, don’t punish those that had to go through the difficulties of slogging through learning the technical pre-requisites to be effective in a career, to being with.
Imagine all of a sudden, after not playing basketball seriously a day in your life, wanting to just want to enter the NBA one day.  You might have picked up a basketball for a week, and thought “Man, I should be able to play, but I’m being discriminated against because there’s so many people who are way better than me because they spent their lives perfecting the sport!  This is not fair! I want money...er I mean a chance too!”.  I hear cries of “Gate Keeper! Gate Keeper!”, yet the gate, for the most part, is the skill level and professionality that comes with being a good basketball player, that allows them into the NBA.  The same I think, applies for every profession.
By the way: If you’re reading this, and think this reads like a Men’s Right’s "screed” as angry feminists like to call anything that they disagree with, then I congradulate you on your ability to abandon critical thinking - and reach new levels of Offended Wokeness.  And if you are a person with any progressive political power, and this really burns your britches because these kinds of throughts run contrary to your power levers, I also congradulate you on being just as Corrupt as the rest of us.  I’m sure I’ll be getting a takedown letter sooner or later for having “incompatible thoughts”.
Back to Culture Add.
In light of the above societal shifts, people thought that basically “we don’t want any Tech Bros anymore”.  We want people who will not “fit” into the stereotypical white/Asian male tech culture.  We want people who will add new ways of thinking.  Put another way: We just want Hispanics, African Americans, and Women. As if being a part of one of these groups automagically gives you some kind of advanced foresight into the hidden world of advanced thought.
Their experiences and their struggles = good software development, and thus cultural augmentation, or so the thinking now goes.  And pretty soon it won’t be just the thinking, it will be the law.  Forget those who’ve worked hard for their skillset without the imagined benefits that have been conferred onto them by decriers of “Tech Culture”.  Their struggles are not allowed to be talked about because it’s “racist, sexist, mysoginist and xenophic” to aknowledge any other struggle besides the historical struggles of the Vulnerable Groups.  Forget that some of the most skilled people at software engineering, are being turned away because they can’t add to the culture because they weren’t born with the appropriate race or gender.  
It’s all about Culture you see.  Culture, Culture, Culture, Culture at any costs.
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saracausey1 · 2 years ago
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upwithadpeople · 4 years ago
Culture Can Be Your Superpower
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As many eyes are glued to media outlets reporting the confusing election results, it is most alarming how this is not just a decision on issues or policy, but rather one of character and culture. We are voting for who we want to be and how we want to go forward and if the character of the human fits the culture of our National ambitions.
Culture. It’s a powerful thing - for the nation, for individuals and even for business. Culture doesn’t just feel good. But it is the driving force that you can actually take to the bank.  So much so that cultural capital is now valued as one of the most critical assets of some of the world’s most admired brands. While talent is foundational, culture is the glue that connects the team. While tools are essential, culture purposes how they are used. While vision is critical, culture guides it to become inspired navigation for others.
                                                            Cultural improvement is not a topical solution
When people provide evidence of their cultural health, they often mention things that surround people more than the internal navigation of the people. For example, we all know today’s workforce wants to feel fulfilled, yet the most talked about provisions are things like coffee bars, ping-pong tables, flexible days off and unlimited cold cereal snacks. I mean, I like Cap’n Crunch as much as anyone, but a fulfilling meal it’s not. Building true cultural capital goes much deeper.
Does it take near catastrophe to start a revolution?
It shouldn’t, but circumstances have the power to create opportunity. The respect for culture, and building cultural capital, has been especially salient during the pandemic because it has suddenly become visible in many ways. Think about it, the office walls that enclosed us have been removed. The proverbial water cooler where we discussed the night before and day ahead have been replaced by Zoom boxes.  The white boards of collaboration are significantly altered by a lack of time, focus and interaction.  When you remove all of the things that seem to “connect” us, we are left with simply the appreciation and need to be truly connected – to people who are bound by things they can’t touch or lean on.  It is this moment that we understand how culture is what we have left.  
Culture is an unlocking mechanism.
In a world filled with too much divisive behaviors and separation, a healthy culture has the power to unlock the potential of true leadership to rise above the mess and around the obstacles. That, in itself, is the greatest super power of all. In the brand business, an open culture opens the mind and widens the perspective which can have a profound impact on creativity, human intuition and driving more purposeful messages in our world.  Brands have a significant opportunity to help shape the culture of our times and, when authentic, it can be a dramatic driver of unlocking growth.
Cultural quotient - CQ helps brands grow from the inside out.
Understanding and harnessing your cultural values magnify the effectiveness of leaders by helping them recognize their true cultural impact and embrace a values-driven leadership style. They also help create a high-performing, cohesive leadership team tapping into the strengths of each member of the group.
Cultural Assessment helps:
1.       MAKING THE INTANGIBLE TANGIBLE Find out what is important to your people, how they experience the culture, and how they would like to improve it.
2.       SHADOWS/LIMITATIONS Learn what factors are limiting the performance of your group and preventing it from reaching its full potential.
3.       VALUES JUMPS Learn which values are most important to the members of your group.
4.       EXPAND PERSPECTIVES Review the data from different angles to deepen the exploration and understanding of your culture.
5.       BUILD COHISION/GROWTH When people are open to sharing, getting individual reports can help create a deeper dialogue and build cohesion.
ROJEK is certified in cultural value assessment and building solutions in increasing cultural capital, which starts with building the right connections through the company’s teams of marketing resources using cultural assessment data as a means to hire the right marketing partners. Cultural due diligence maximizes cultural fit, revealing a shared lens of growth that will build value over time.
For more information on how ROJEK can help you harness CultureFit for growth, see below. It just might be your super power.
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culturefit · 2 years ago
Vivienne Westwood // 2022 bridal couture (1/2)
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evantzivanakis · 4 years ago
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I have been in the corporate world for over 15 years now. Managed to build and develop teams and companies, in the UK, Europe, Asia. The recent crisis has proven that a strong company culture is not just “nice to have”, but it is a must. It is the engine that helps a group of people stick together during challenging times. It feels like magic when you are around a group of people that has an extraordinary connection or sense of purpose. Company culture is not some add one. It is not a side dish. It is one the main ingredients for your company’s success. #leadership #corporateleadership #corporateculture #culturedevelopment #culturetransformation #culturebuilding #culturefirst #leadingchange #cultureshift #culturefit #culturemanagement #cultureofcare #leadingteams #evantzivanakis https://www.instagram.com/p/CFpKbBtnLLK/?igshid=41of3tkdp3th
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