#cult leader! zhongli
wolfiafuntime · 1 year
Modern! Cult Leader! Zhongli
 My first brainrot!! Or rather, the first one I'm actually writing about lol.
 Ft. Modern Sagau X Nonbinary! Reader (you get called adorable once)
 TW: cults, children being in cults, diet control, murder
Published: June 14, 2023
Words: 1,742
Pages: 5
 This brainrot takes place in a Modern! SAGAU. Where, within the state/city (haven't decided yet) of Teyvat, at Akademiya University, a young and self-absorbed Zhongli- who longs for money, violence, and fame- decides to start a cult.
 He makes up this genderless god who created the universe and all life within it. He says that each planet within our solar system once had its own dominant race. That the god fell in love with one of their creations- a dragon-like harbinger of war known as Rex Lapis- and who's love was returned. That together, the pair had seven children (Anemo, Geo, Electro, Dendro, Hydro, Pyro, and Cyro), and they were going to have another. But sadly, before they could be born, one of the planet's kings had grown jealous of their not only their love, but also their power. So, with his cunning wit, the king convinced six other planets to do a hostile takeover. One that killed both the Creator and their kids.
 He says that the grieving Rex Lapis, in a blind fury, went and slaughtered every living being that had contributed to his beloved's death. When he was finally finished, he went to the only planet that hadn't betrayed his spouse (Earth), and laid down for a several-million-year depression nap. At first, the people of Earth treated him with kindness. They cleaned his body while he slept, and created various shrines around him so they would have a proper place to put their offerings. But as the years went on, the people mysteriously stopped taking care of him. And so, life began to bloom across the Rex Lapis's body, and he slowly but surely turned into a mountain.
 He says that, when Rex Lapis had finally woke up, with life all across him, he didn't have the heart to move. For it reminded him of both his spouse and some of his children. And so, he used his powers to create a tiny solid projection of himself that he could act as his eyes and ears for the new world outside him. And, after getting a good look at everything, he decided to make a human form and conjure various other things he would need to disguise himself as a member of modern society. But doing so had stretched his what was left of his powers (which were weakened from years of disuse, like atrophied muscles) thin. So thin he couldn't do anything more without them breaking, and trapping himself within the mountain for who-knows how long.
 This human, as you've probably guessed by now, named himself Zhongli.
 Zhongli says that he felt insulted by the people for forgetting his beloved spouse, who oh so graciously gave them life. But without his powers, he couldn't seek vengeance like he wanted. So, he decided to take a more peaceful route and start spreading the gospel of his spouse and kids.
 The first few members of his cult are an odd bunch. A drunk wannabe musician, a pair of abused sisters, a married lady, and more. As a reward, he gave each of them a piece of jewelry, crafted with one of his children in mind, so they could identify each other. He called these accessories 'Visions', and said that they 'revealed the mortals who see the truth'. Each vision represented a different one of his born children.
 To keep his cultists where he wanted them, he created the 'creators diet', which, while being versatile, successfully damaged his servants' ability to think. He had them pray every morning, every night, and every time they faced any trouble. He had the cult move into a house located on the very mountain he claims his body is trapped under. This house, which he claims was made with power he gained from all the worshipping, is a building many family reunions were held when he was a child. One that his grandparents, who he had not talked to for years at that point, just so happened to give him before dying.
 The house was fairly large. Two stories, with two rooms on the ground floor (a large living room and large dining room (with a small kitchen attached)), and eleven rooms (ten bedrooms and a communal bathroom) on the floor above. One of the ten bedrooms was a master bedroom, which he obviously had to himself. While the members spent only slept in and cleaned the house, due to the distance from the city and the fact they all had jobs, he still had them meet every Monday at noon for 'group prayer' and group sparing. During these prayer sessions, he would have his servants give nearly all of their money to him. After all; he was a dragon. And what was a dragon without treasure?
 To his mild surprise, but great amusement, the cult grew very big within a few years. Too big for him to manage. So, he divided the job amongst six of the seven original members; a reward for 'enlightening' so many people. He also gave them physical rewards- another, different piece of jewelry he called gnosis, that he 'infused with his power' so that when their natural death comes, they would be able to sit beside his spouse and kids in celestia. Through them, he was able to get six different houses that his expanding cult could move into. Sadly, not everyone could move into one of the buildings. But considering the members that couldn't were all very big names within Teyvat, he was fine with making exceptions.
 As the years went on, he slowly started decorating himself with various makeup and props to make himself look more dragon-like. Horns, cat-pupil eye contacts; he even went so far as to get his arms tattooed brown and gold! All to show his people "the growth of his power".
 "The more acolytes I-- and my beloved, of course- gain, then more of you should be able to meet their grace when your natural death comes. Why, with enough of you, we might even be able to raise them from the dead!" <- Something Zhongli will soon regret saying on a regular basis. 
 Sadly, some of them meet their 'natural death's fairly soon. Like Makoto and Rukkhadevata, who had discovered the truth through his goddamn parents of all people. Of course, he killed all four, but that brought some new problems. While Makoto was easily replaced by her sister, he not only needed a replacement for Rukkhadevata, but she had a daughter that needed to be taken care of. Her father didn't know she even existed, and he feared her discovery would start an investigation into his cult. Little did he know that his murders already did.
 It took him a few years to discover, but when he did, it was already too late. He, in another panic to preserve everything, killed the mole. But, worried that there was another one, he made plan and slowly acted on it over the following months. First, he had one of the archons buy him a house and faked a 'power tear' because of overusing said powers (he, before leaving, compared it to a muscle tear). Then, he had all but one of the houses change the day and time of the weekly prayer session. Finally, through his archons, he had the seven houses turned into buildings for newcomers, with the only members ever coming for the weekly prayer session (Which he also altered to be on separate days depending on the house they're in).
 Don't be mistaken, he still had connections to the cult and most certainly still had control over it! He made absolutely sure of it before he left. The archons, who knew of the truth and were sworn to secrecy, regularly contacted him for guidance, prayers, and offerings. But he was now living a much more normal lifestyle. It was kind of difficult for him, to be honest. He had to wear long sleeves and gloves whenever he left the house. He had no one to talk to him, no one to clean for him, no one to cook for him… But the worst of all, in his opinion, was him having to get a job.
 He can't help but be thankful for his past self's decision to complete college and get his degree, even though it had become unneeded before he had even finished school. Without it, he wouldn't be able to get a job as a funeral consultant. And, just his luck, his boss was also a member of his cult! A member of the liyue house, with a pretty little pyro vision ring worn on her ring finger of all things.
 He had a difficult time hiding his laughter. Sadly, that was just about the best thing he discovered as of late. For he made a rather worrisome discovery a few months later.
 When he first heard he was getting a new neighbor, he didn't think much of it. Other than anticipation for getting a new toy for him to use and abuse, of course. But then he actually saw his neighbor, and he froze for a second. A (s/t) person with the hair, eyes, and body to match his so-called beloved spouse. He cursed his past self for allowing that one geo boy draw the 'human form' of his 'beloved' for a moment. But then he took a deep breath, and went and introduced himself to you.
 You- kind, sweet, and adorable you. Who's personality somehow also matches the one he made up for his 'creator'. And he silently worries as he helps you carry some boxes into your deceased grandparents house. Worries about someone from his hundred-membered cult, all of whom now having homes of their own- spotting you. If you accidentally snap his followers out of his control..! No- that can't happen. Won't happen. Not on his watch.
 And my brainrot's died. Or rather, passed out, 'cause I wanna continue with this idea, but I have no idea on where to go from here. Maybe he kidnaps you. Maybe he manipulates you into becoming a recluse that only relies on him. Maybe he falls in love with you and decides to make you the vice-leader of his cult. Or maybe he falls into a delusion where you are his dead spouse.
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newroseanna · 1 year
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Golden blood trickled from your open wound. You immediately whipped around. Not wanting anyone to see. Zhongli who was intently staring at you from afar caught a glimpse at the blood. His eyes widen. He always thought something was odd about you. How you knew more then you should. I mean your just a commoner. But now his suspicion is all cleared up. He cannot be mistaken. You are the creator. You are his grace. Your his one and only.
He must tell everybody of his founding. He can't keep to himself. Everybody must know that your here. And so he did. Before you knew it you were in a large castle like house. Dead right smack in the middle of
Liyue. Venti, Ei, Nahida and zhongli were at your feet. Ready to fulfill any of your request.
This wasn't a kingdom. It was a big cult. And you were the cult leader. You had someone around you every waking hour. In case something happened to you. It was nice at first. But it soon became suffocating. You never had time for your self. And now your starting to miss your real home. Your miss your friends, your family, your coworkers. You miss everyone.
How did you even get here. One minute you were reading theories about how your genshin characters are self aware. And consider you as God. And then the other minute your being sucked through your screen.
Your loyal followers have been killing innocent people because they look like you. Or even because they have the same eye color. Those tiny little details get them killed. You have tried telling them to stop killing. But they insist that it's necessary.
Sometimes if they can't kill the person they will send someone else to do. For Nahida it's Cyno. Ei it's Miko or Sara. Zhongli it's Xiao or childe. I mean they couldn't refuse if it's for you.
People are dying because of you. But you have turned a blind eye to this all. You couldn't do anything really. You have no special powers. Your still your normal self. The only thing different is blood. So really your powerless against them. The only thing you can really do is share you knowledge from reading theories, quests, the lore and voice lines.
But for them it's more then enough. They love you. They are obsessed with you. If anything happened to you. You can't even imagine what will happen to the world.
You're here forever.
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How about doing a cult au where reader is easily flusters and shy, and when their really embarrassed they turn into a small cute animal, I wonder how they react to that! Or reader can heal any wound, but it makes them really tired or have headaches that can last depending how bad the wound is. Or imposter au the reader is really laidback and cool even after all they went through and easily forgives them. Or soft cult au where reader doesn't see the others as servants, but as friends.
Miscellaneous SAGAU Concepts pt. 1
CW: Possessive behavior, cult AU, Violence/monster killing
Shy reader:
How is it that the gods of entire nations can’t catch a single bunny rabbit?
You couldn’t help but blush and curl in on yourself as Ei unabashedly praised your kindness. Venti insisted on writing poems and songs all about your greatness. Zhongi refused to leave your side
“It was nothing,” you mumbled but the archons wouldn’t allow such slander to be said about their creator, not even if it was coming from yourself.
You shrank until the world reflected how you felt, big and intimidating. You craved the comfort of warmth, your friends’ arms would be a nice comfort, but of all the people towering above you, they made you feel the most shy.
It didn’t take long for them to notice that their great leader had vanished.
You had started to notice they had gotten a bit more… aggressive– to say the least– in their methods of trying to capture you. Zhongli summoned his pillars of stone, that pulsed and shook the ground, to the point that you might as well have been floating in the air with how violently the ground pulsed and pushed you around. Venti summoned a full tornado that you feared would have ripped you apart and thrown you into Celestia if you had been a normal human. Ei mobilized her entire army as well as somehow managed to convince the members of the resistance from Watatsumi to take part in their search and hunt for you.
Nahida was the most successful out of them all, but you knew her tricks. You wouldn’t let her keep you trapped in a dream. She may have been the most gentle and understanding, but you could see she shared the same insane look as the rest of the archons.
The Tsaritsa was the most difficult to evade of them all, truly the most terrifying. As the goddess of love, she can feel every beating heart, whisper to them, and enlighten them. You sprinted on four legs, then flew on two wings, then swam as fast as you could. It was no use. She’s too powerful. Getting trapped in a blizzard in her domain was just barely worse than being on land being chased by Morax.
You can only run for so long, little rabbit. Your followers will catch you soon. They only see this as a test of faith, test of determination and devolution. They’ve all agreed that whoever catches you first will end up your most favored. They’re more and more motivated by their competitiveness and need to be loved by you.
Healer Reader:
Strike to kill. Do not let the creator know of the slaughter.
The archons insist that you reserve your healing powers. That no one, not even them are worthy of being healed by you, especially considering that it would mean you sacrificing your own well-being for that person.
Imagine their alarm when they find you gasping, bleeding, as you heal a lowly slime. They drag you away. Barely able to hide their jealousy of the puny monster for taking your attention and taking advantage of your powers.
Perhaps if they can’t stop you from using them, then instead they can redirect them to purposes truly worthy of your prowess.
Venti come to you, a few scratches and cuts sheepishly saying he tripping into some bushes in wolvendom picking some wolfehook berries for you. You smile softly and gently cup his cheek, swiping your thumb over skin that’s already smoothed over.
There. All better.
“Thank you so much, your diviness!”
You laugh and shake your head at the name. When will they just use your regular name?
Zhongli comes to you one night, poorly hiding his limp. He jokes that he must be getting old as he tripped on his way up the stairs to your room.
“Please, don’t waste your powers on me. I’d hate to burden you with unnecessary pain, great one.”
Zhongli, please…
You don’t have to say anything more as he relents, allowing you to heal his throbbing ankle.
He only feels a shred of regret when he sees you wince.
He dotes and fusses over you as soon as he’s healed. Insisting that you lay in bed and let him take care of anything and everything for you, as now you’re the one injured.
He’s excessive and overbearing.
It’s amusing to watch him buzz about like a bee.
You almost don’t recognize Ei when you find her out in the forest, covered in blood and monster dust. She’s completely unhurt. What monster could really contest her? But she isn’t immune to fatigue. She hasn’t slept much since you left to visit the other archons, eagerly awaiting your return to Inazuma.
You take her hand and almost collapse.
Ei… how long have you been awake? How long have you been fighting?
“Hm… not long. About a week now, I think?”
You don’t even have it in you to make your eyes go wide. Just leaning on her and frowning.
You need to take care of yourself Ei.
“Ah… you didn’t need to use your healing powers on me, Divinity. Let’s go back to the palace. I’ll carry you.”
You don’t protest. You neither have the strength nor mental will power to do so. You simple let her wrap her strong arms around your body and take off running through the trees and up and down the hills. She slows when you tug at her dress and tell her that the speed is making you dizzy.
You blush bright red, and tell Ei she can put you down now. You’re not sure you want people seeing you be carried by the goddess. You may be exhausted, but you humiliation will win out.
Of course this is the one time she doesn’t listen to your commands. Simply shaking her head and telling you that she doesn’t want to risk making your condition worse.
You hide your face in her dress and groan.
“Do you feel worse? Perhaps I will stop to buy you some herbs”
You shake your head. How much worse can this get?
Nahida suffers from an aching heart. Why can’t she remember what she misses so dearly? Why can she find nothing that can explain this void in her heart, like a window with a hole in it, sharp shards scraping at anyone who dares try reaching in to search beyond it.
You have to keep her in your arms, continuously using your powers to ease the pain. It hurts so much. It must be so hard for her to deal with it everyday. You want to do everything you can to help her.
Surprisingly it’s her that has to convince you to let her go, promising that she’ll be okay. Saying that if you can’t keep hurting yourself for her sake. And giving you her best smile when you insist that you can.
“I’ll be okay, I promise. I’m just happy I get to be with my creator. That’s enough to heal me, without any powers needed.”
Laidback/Soft reader (decided to combine them because i felt they fit well together)
Your casualness honestly doubles the archons’ stress levels.
They can’t seem to convince you that it’s beneath you to associate yourself with the humans and monsters. But you won’t listen.
You go climbing and gliding with Amber. Drinking with Kaeya and Rosaria (supervised by Diluc), and Beidou when you’re in Liyue. You insist that Jean takes you out, dragging her to the great tree and having her tell you Vanessa’s tale again and again. Helping Lisa carry her many heavy books, and insisting Eula teach you how to dance, even after you twisted your ankle.
You forgive them all so easily. You don’t take offense to Keqing’s standoff-ish attitude and skepticism, which ends up working in your favor as she comes around to believing you to be the ideal form of god. One that doesn’t not try to reach beyond their means, though perhaps a bit lazy in her mind.
You nearly give Zhongli a heart attack when you tell him you’re going with Yelan down into the Chasm. He tries to insist on going with you, ending up secretly trailing behind as you and Alatus and Yelan descend into the depths purely because you insisted on it.
(You take advantage of your title quite a bit, using it to get more than you probably deserve. You can’t help it, you always wanted to travel around Tevyat and now you can! But only if you tell your followers that you’re going to do it. If you ask, they’ll always tell you no. “It’s for your safety” they insist. But you don’t want to cower away. You’re going to see every corner of this world, if it’s the last thing you do).
Ei travels with you. Follows you, true to her name, like a shadow. She protects you from the lighting on the other isles. Technically she doesn’t need to fight the Nobushi, even they praise and honor your name, but she does. She will cut them down faster than you can blink, even at 100 yards away. Only if you tell her not to, will she stop her spree. But you won’t be able to convince her to not attack the monsters like the hilichurls and abyss hounds. They don’t deserve to be in your presence.
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seakicker · 2 years
hi. please excuse me.if this is absolutely batshit but im penis delirious at 2:26am rn. also this is based off christian/catholic practices bc im traumatized but horny ...SORRY THIS IS SO LONG I DIDNT EXPCT THIS (tags: church/cult mentions, a lot of praise, lots of creampies)
im imagining priest!childe doing his whole sermon with his cult of followers. maybe zhongli attends bc he's curious abt the whole commotion his friend was making abt "how great it is to be a god" which ... lmao
theres not much special abt childe's cult. typical propaganda, fear mongering, and ego-stroking — the usual. but when he breaks the bread and says to "take this, all of you, and eat of it," zhongli cant believe what he sees.
you, a sacrifice. clearly inexperienced, very cute. laid out on the pedestal and being absolutely ruined by childe. singing to the high heavens and praising the tsaritsa — praising childe as your god. he's nothing but an attentive lover, giving such a sweet little thing kisses and soft praises.
it isn't long until the pleasure is too much for him, and he forces his hips to go as deep as he can go. not long either until the rest of the servers come to take their fill as well. as soon as childe gave his permission, you're overwhelmed by all the hands grabbing at every part of your body. they all give you the same tender and loving attention. whispers of how good you're being and how good you feel; it's all that can be heard among the wet, fervent slapping of skin against skin.
as all the churchgoers come together to partake in your body, childe strolls over to his friend, still sitting in the same corner. "what's the matter? you never been to a sermon like this before?" it takes zhongli a lot of willpower to break his sight away from you, begging and moaning so beautifully. taking so much and thanking them too, fuck you're so— he shakes his head. "no, i can't say i have."
the ginger pushes him forward, saying something vague about "keeping up the tradition!" so zhongli has no choice but to step up, now that so many eyes were drawn to him because of childe's loud mouth. but as he steps up to the pedestal, and he's welcomed by you, smiling and reaching your arms out to him in an embrace — still looking divine even when you're fucked stupid — he slowly comes to understand.
as he pushes into you and hears you croon just for him, moan his name in that voice, wrap your arms around him like he's the only one that matters to you — oh celestia guide him.
with each second he spends with you, and each load he forces deep inside you, he feels himself grow more and more greedy. it's now that he understands, maybe childe was right.
it feels great to be a god.
this was absolutely INCREDIBLE from start to finish and really stroked my cult kink LOL i love the idea of sex cults and i love gangbangs. lord
afab + gn reader, religious/cultish themes, group sex/exhibitionism, childe is delusional of course, and moral degradation on zhongli's part below!
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i like to imagine that childe doesn't even view himself as a cult leader nor his followers as members of a cult. cult has such a... harsh connotation, he says. it's such a dirty term used primarily to insist that a group is irrational, unreasonable, or otherwise out-of-touch with norms and reality— he explains that cults are groups where followers are robbed of their individual agency and autonomy, and childe encourages nothing but free decision-making and public discourse here. in his mind, this is what religion should be— a joint, equally-profitable give-and-take between sacrifice and slayer; he explains to zhongli that this is what you chose for yourself! you're a willing participant, not a terrified, trembling, horrified little lamb he kidnapped from somewhere and forced this life upon. this isn't cult activity; cult activity is inherently a violation of individual freedom and cause for alarm, and this setting constitutes neither of those things.
no, no. not at all. this is what you want.
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such is a fact that childe was easily able to deduce and subsequently explain to everyone, both to zhongli and to the group of worshippers eager to partake in your body once childe gives them permission to do so (because the priest gets first dibs, of course.) obviously any outsider with half an ounce of sensibility that childe's, ah, group is the textbook definition of a cult, but he won't take too kindly to anyone that dares call it such. is he not helping you and others find the path to the tsaritsa's salvation? how could what he's doing be considered cultish when it's all for the betterment of both the individual and larger society? cults are manmade anyhow, and childe views himself as a being closer to the tsaritsa than to the common man these days.
childe eases zhongli's suspicions with relative brevity. he's smart enough to deduce that something is very, very wrong upon walking into childe's private quarters for such rituals, but even he has to admit that it's hard to truly view this setup as wrong when you're so... willing. you're not in distress, you're not being forced to take childe's cock, you don't cry or sob or wail in pain as he eases thick inch after inch of himself into your pussy, and you don't protest when childe finally gives the rest of the group the word to come and eat their fill as well. you giggle and moan when the worshippers' hands grope at your soft breasts and hips, dip between your legs to help push childe's cum back inside of you, and reverently run across your body with all the gentleness of a human petting a trembling animal. if this is truly what you want, far be it from within zhongli's right to put a stop to it; you're happy, childe's happy, the worshippers are happy... and all that's left is to ensure zhongli's happy as well.
when in snezhnaya, do as snezhnayans do— and so zhongli figures there's no time like the present to enjoy and study his friend's customs.
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mists-reading-nook · 2 years
how dare you write so amazingly about creator with religious trauma cause you have hit the spot. Not sure if asks are open, but can I ask for continuation? Maybe reader gets progressively depressed and your followers tried everything to make you feel better like triple the worship, more offerings, maybe even sacrifices but nothing works and one time the creator just breaks down about everything that they feeling and how the worshipers never listen to them, and how the all ever wanted is to be friends with all the characters and not some god, and maybe even tell the characters the trauma from their past live
Jwusjsnejjejejenebahked Omg my first ever ask!! I'm so happy <3
Also,asks are 100% open! I love getting stuff like this,so please ask all you want!
Also that is literally the best idea ever anon omg
Anyway,this is what I like to call a "mirror fic". I.E,I write 2 endings!!
Tw: sacrifices,mentions of death,cults,religious trauma,yeah reader isn't ok,but neither are the acolytes
You finally tell them
Ft- Zhongli
It had been months. Months cooped up in this stupid Cathedral that made your stomach twist and your breathing slow. Months getting gifts and offering and prayers you didn't want. You never wanted to be a God. You began to withdraw. You stayed cooped up in your stupid extravagant room,spending more time reading or staring out the window,or even just sleeping. You could barely breathe most of the time,you felt so trapped. Your lovely acolytes were getting worried.
What had they done wrong? What has made the creator so sad? Were they angry with them? So many questions,so little answers. They couldn't just ask you,that would be absurd! So the priests,church leaders,Adepti,Archons,and your main vessels led a project to cheer you up. It was awful. Your "home" stank of blood,mixed with the sickly sweet smell of food offerings. They had amped up the prayers and worship and offerings and sacrifices. You began to have to attend more sermons,more church services that left you terrified and out of breath. You had to sit through sermon after sermon,song after song about you. It was terrifying,and made you want to cry until nothing was left.
You had even begun to attend sacrificial ceremonies in person. Before they would simply offer the remains of the sacrifice,but now you were seeing the rituals. You were forced to watch so many die for your sake. It made you so…sick. So disgusted. It was after one of these ceremonies that you finally broke. You were sitting on your golden throne, your most loyal and coveted acolytes by your side,when you simply began to cry. You cried and cried and you just couldn't stop. You weeped for all the lives lost in your name. You sobbed for all the people that would never see another day because of you. But most of all,you cried for yourself. You let tears fall down your cheeks,hardening into crystals that fell at your feet. You cried for all the horrors you experienced,both in the past and present. You cried for the changes in your body,the golden blood that now ran through your veins,the crystal tears,the shimmering hair.
The world began to quake at your tears. The winds whipped and howled,the rain fell like bullets. Lightning dashed across the sky,and the ground trembled and shook. The world seemed to be weeping with you. It was listening to your cries and responding in the best way it knew how. When a particularly loud sob racked your chest,thunder came crashing down,lighting following soon after. The rain fell harder,and the ground shook even more. Tevyat was mimicking your body language,and the entire world knew of your pain.
All the things that had happened to you,all the things you'd seen and heard,came rushing back to you like water down a waterfall. The waterfall that manifested your sorrow. Your acolytes were by your side in a moment,kneeling at your feet and begging to know what was wrong. You felt your voice crack through your constant sobs. You let it all spill out,not knowing who you were addressing. You wanted to scream into the void. So you did. You screamed and sobbed and cried, Tevyat crying with you. You howled like the wind,screamed like thunder,spitting word after word like bullets. It all came off your chest in one long rant that didn't even feel real. You let the world feel your pain,as your acolytes kneeled at your feet in shock.
You cried for hours and hours,and you seemed nowhere near done. But then your tears began to dry,and your body felt achey and tired. After what felt like an eternity,your breathing slowed,your sobs turned into sniffles,and your head ached. You fell asleep in your gilded throne,eyes slipping closed despite how they ached,body losing all the tension it had been building just to slump into the plush fabric of the chair. Your acolytes were flabbergasted. What were they to do?
Zhongli proposed to ease the creator back into their role. "They are obviously scared and confused. We must help them remember their status." Many agreed. It would be best for their darling creator to ease back into their status. Only one person proposed letting them live as a regular mortal. They were laughed out of the conference room.
So it was set. They decided to ease you back into your "role" as creator,going as slow as possible so they didn't upset you. Some may have calked it selfish,but they thought they were helping you. After all,who wouldn't want to be god?
When you awoke,your most "loyal" creation sat at the side of your bed. You rubbed sleep from your eyes and stared at the man,waiting for him to speak. Your eyes had lost the sparkle they once had. They looked empty and dull. It looked as if your resolve was finally broken. You had given up on fighting it. Your empty eyes stared at the man,waiting and watching.
"...Your Grace,we understand your pain. We promise to do your best as your loyal followers to make you remember how * divine you truly are." Zhongli stated,straight to the point as always,with a voice as smooth as butter to match. You sat,defeated. They were never going to listen. You were trapped in this endless cycle of worship,and no matter what you did,you couldn't escape. You nodded numbly. Yes,you'd go along with it. There's not much you could do to change it otherwise.
You never wanted this.
Fluff route!
Zhongli proposed to treat the creator as they wished to be treated. "They are obviously scared and confused. We must treat them as they wish,for their own happiness." Many disagreed. It would be most inappropriate to treat you as a simple mortal. In the end,nothing was agreed upon. Zhongli simply shook his head and made his way to your quarters. When you awoke,your most "loyal" creation sat at the side of your bed. You rubbed sleep from your eyes and stared at the man,waiting for him to speak.
"...Your Grace, I apologize for the way i treated you. I didn't understand. I always thought of you as...heavenly....and unapproachable. I never thought you would ever wish to be 'friends' with lesser beings such as myself." Zhongli said,sorrow tracing his tone. To think his God had been suffering all this time…it made him sick. He wanted nothing more than to go on his knees and beg for forgiveness,but he understood that you didn't want that. So he simply sat and waited for your response. You nodded numbly. You let yourself hope,even for just a moment,that you could get out of this. You asked the question that would either make or break your life. The question that would either set you free or trap you further.
"Zhongli,would you like to be my friend?"
And that's all I got lmao
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mother-na · 1 month
A second poll. I know. I’m annoying.
Which comic should I make next? This one will take longer on account of the fact I’m not too proud of my previous works and want to actually make a piece I like.
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lonely-lost-soul · 1 year
Kinktober 2023
I know I have a lot of catching up to do! But be patient with me even if stuff extends beyond October LMAO ;-; anyway, enjoy what I have out for now.
Just for good measure 18+ interactions please and thank you.
Day 1- breeding (Mammon)
Day 2- threesome (Tengen and Rengoku)
Day 3- aphrodisiacs (Gale)
Day 4- semi-public (Denji)
Day 5- mask kink (Eyeless Jack)
Day 6- streamer/obsessed (Shigaraki)
Day 7- detective/criminal (MoonKnight)
Day 8- oral (Neuvilette)
Day 9- closet sex (Tobias Rogers)
Day 10- somnophilia (Halsin)
Day 11- teacher/student (Zhongli)
Day 12- cult leader/worshiper au (Loki)
Day 13- Cockwarming (Scaramouche)
Day 14- mutual mast. (Leviathan) 
Day 15- a/b/o (Geto)
Day 16- hate sex (Mortal!sukuna)
Day 17- size kink (Toji)
Day 18- begging (Searan/Ray)
Day 19- phone sex (Denji)
Day 20- thigh riding (Gojo)
Day 21- bondage (Hoodie)
Day 22- marking kink (Belphagor)
Day 23- vampire au (Akaza)
Day 24- marking (Diavalo)
Day 25- dom reader (Masky)
Day 26- priest/demon au (Asmodeous)
Day 27- dacryphilia (Douma)
Day 28- ghost au (Aki)
Day 29- corruption kink (Astarion)
Day 30- fire play (Dabi)
Day 31- orgy (Kaveh, Alhaitham, Cyno, Tighnari)
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euthym1as · 2 years
since you wanted some more asks
imagine post-impostor au where your impostor has been running things for a very, very long time. they were cruel and sadistic, and even the slightest mistake in their presence would be punishable by death. the acolytes are desensitized to it all, coming to expect horrible punishment from who they believe to be their god.
but when they’re found out and the acolytes realize what they’ve done to you, they’re horrified. they expect to be tortured for weeks, months even, before finally being allowed to die, and they believe it’s what they deserve. they start preparing for it. the archons come to you with their weapons and you tense, but one by one they kneel in front of you and offer your their own weapon to execute them. they explain they accept their divine punishment, however you choose to enact it, and wait.
and now you’re left sitting there, thrust into this fucked up cult leader’s position with your supposed followers coming to you for execution.
ooooh okay archons time let's GOOOOO
The Archons expect divine wrath from you. You want to show them divine empathy instead.
Characters: Venti, Zhongli, Raiden Ei
- Venti, in giving you his bow, prepares for his memory only to live on in song. His green eyes look up at you in resigned sadness. He wished to be a good god for his people, and with the coming of the true Creator, he settled with the fact that his time had finally come to an end.
"What?! No! Your people love you." You take his bow in shock, looking at its harp shaped design. "Just because you got manipulated by that monster doesn't mean you deserve divine wrath. But your people are scared. They look up to you, and they're scared of me. I want to change that, but I know it'll take trust. Tell them I spared you out of love for the land we all walk on. Tell them I am a god of love and peace, not tyranny." - Zhongli meets you in Dihua Marsh, ready for his dust to float in the water along the currents of his beloved Liyue. He knows how things go, and he knows his contracts will be kept after his death. You were the true Creator, and your will was immovable and unquestionable. He lays his spear at your feet and asks that his soul ascend to Celestia to meet his Guizhong.
When you balk at his statement, he looks up in shock. This was the correct punishment for his crime, right? You shake your head and kneel to meet him.
"Zhongli, you have done a phenomenal job of protecting a land for thousands of years. I just got here. I don't know who made you think your work wasn't worth celebrating, or even that you should be punished for being manipulated, but that is not how I will let my people suffer. You have done enough to prove your worthiness. It is my understanding you wished to retire from Archon duties in peace, correct? Then you can do so- I have candidates for a Geo Archon in mind. You can rest."
- Raiden Ei has to be stopped from calling lightning down on Tenshukaku to 'remove her sin from Inazuma.' You catch up to her as fast as you can to try to explain to her that you don't do that. You're different. You will never hurt her to invoke your will. You give her a hug, and after she gets over the initial shock, she collapses into you, sobbing into your shoulder as Inazuma is now free of two tyrants. She begs for forgiveness, looking into eyes that had once sentenced her to torture, but seeing only empathy.
Today was a new dawn indeed.
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rea-can-yeet · 2 years
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💮Genshin Impact (Sagau)💮
A fairy in sagau
part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
OC fanarts
Cryas and Cyres
Cryas and Cyres feeling their mother's pain
Daddy Teyvat
Nameless Farmer
Kaoru, Kaoru in mondstadt with Élise
Noire, Noire with his full harbinger outfit
Teyvat ritual (nsfw dni)
Thoma, Aether, Xiao- collars
Zhongli, Venti, Rubedo- blindfolds
Childe, Ayato, Kaeya- lube
Itto, Diluc, Kazuha- bondage
Scara, Lumine, Albedo- vibrators
Reader with Harley's mentality
Cult Leader-AMV (contains spoilers)
Escape the KoF prison
Confronting that Cavalry Captain
Mutineer (a series for the harley reader)
Chapter 1: Black Clematis
Chapter 2: Rhododendron
Chapter 3: Purple Carnations
Saving my hubby, one barbie song at a time
Chapter 1: Two voices, one song
Chapter 2: We're gonna find it
Please note that not all of my works are in this masterlist because this masterlist is focused on series/groups. Other sagau posts will be seen through navigating the tags 😊
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wolfiafuntime · 1 year
AHSHSJSSIOSN i LOVED Modern! Cult Leader! Zhongli!! If you make a pt2 could you tag me? It’s amazing!! (I kinda like the dulu ver lol)
Sure thing! I don't have any ideas for him at the moment, so I'm writing some filler about all of the different members of the cult. Would you like to be tagged when I publish those, too?
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katsuhera · 3 years
now presenting: the 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫 collab!
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looks like it’s collab season—so who’s ready for another collab!? i’ve always wanted to host one, and so i thought i’d just go for it 🤍
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status: open! send an ask to join ☺
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about the savior collab:
as you may have guessed from the title, this collab is all about saviours! protection—wanting to protect or needing to be protected, anything is fair game. i’m talking bodyguard!au, knight & princess!au, guardian angel!au, you name it. even overprotective partners are fair game—just have your piece tie into the theme of protection somehow.
fandoms included: attack on titan, boku no hero academia, haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, genshin impact, tokyo revengers.
this collab is dark content friendly. i just ask that creators tag your content appropriately, and readers please heed writers’ rules and dni’s! though sfw pieces are allowed, i ask that all creators be 18+. minors are still not welcome on this blog nor to interact with this collab.
due date: december 1st, but late submissions are fine (just let me know! i understand—things happen!)
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how to join:
↯ send me an ask (off anon) with the fandom you’d like to write for, and the general theme of your piece! if you are writing dark content, please also let me know which trigger warnings should be included.
↯ you must be 18+ to join.
↯ as always, my dms/ask box are open if you’d like to drop or change anything about your submission. no hard feelings here!
↯ character repeats are not allowed, so please check the masterlist (this post!) before sending an ask in!
↯ all formats are welcome, and there is no minimum or maximum word count.
↯ TAG ME in your post once it's up! or, send me a dm or ask with a link to your piece 💖
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attack on titan
@leviverse — mafia boss!levi x bodyguard!reader @redspade227 — yandere!hanji zoe x reader @yamigooops — dragon guard!eren x princess!reader @enchantingchoso — yandere!armin x reader
boku no hero academia
@kiyoobi — guardian angel!shoto x reader @touyaz — bodyguard/royal knight!bakugou x reader @httptamaki — prince!shigaraki x knight!fem reader @showoto — reporter!izuku x reader @iznku — bodyguard!hawks x actress!reader @astronightmares — yandere bodyguard!dabi x reader @illyaana — kirishima x reader @eriverse — soft dom savior!tamaki x reader
@sunaluvs — bodyguard!sakusa x assassin!reader @aztecbrujeria — demon!kuroo x reader, tw: noncon/dark themes (dark content, please heed tags) @bakumi — prince!kita x bodyguard!reader @prettyiwa — mafia!iwaizumi x reader, tw: dark themes (dark content, please heed tags) @azumanes-wife — guardian angel!daichi x reader @tink2kagome — protective gorgon!kenma x reader @dragon-slayer5 — druid!akaashi x reader
jujutsu kaisen
@mikaaberry — megumi x reader @hvylids — cult leader!getou x reader @leviskata — bodyguard!gojo x stripper!reader (sfw) @hayakeiji — nanami x reader, tw: noncon (dark content, please heed tags)
genshin impact
@icedlatteberries — best friend!kaeya x clumsy f!reader @peggythesimp — prince!xiao x protector demon!reader @sujiko — knight!diluc x princess!reader @animeangsteng — zhongli x reader
tokyo revengers
@katsuhera — royal knight!mikey x princess!reader @tenrichouku — ran haitani x reader w/ amnesia @doinmybesthere — bodyguard!draken x reader @scummy-simp — petshop owner!chifuyu x deathreaper!/deathdemon!reader @thecrowcern — mitsuya x reader, prince x knight!au @fionarara — protector!baji x damsel-in-distress!reader
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kirozai · 3 years
hello! I love the new blog and i think ill make myself comfy in here! I was wondering how the genshin cult worships god!reader probably for this aether, zhongli, and baal?
hi there!!! welcome to my blog and congrats on being my first ask! (if you cant tell im very happy you like my blog :D)
For you only you.
obsession, worship, genshin cult au, self awareness, yandere behavior, mentions of blood
characters included: aether, zhongli, and baal
the traveller, the one looking for his sister, and your loyal lap dog.
it seems weird but his way of worship and caring for you is spending time with you. it gets lonely in a teapot all alone. at least that what he thinks. so being able to convince zhongli after a while you and him go on a walk together.
the birds are singing and the sun is bright! of course the best thing about the walk is you! paimon blabbing about what she would like to eat. you and aether talk about the scenery! after then you’ll go to wanmin restaurant to eat your favorite meal! you seem to always smile so.. let him worship you and spend time with you! anything you want shall be done!
god of contracts, liyue’s archon, and your most loyal acolyte friend.
His worship is very eclectic, ranging to small things like cooking for you, or spending time with you. of course he does spill some bloodshed from time to time but its all for good thoughts! the person insulted you!!! how could he just stand there like that doing nothing!? >:(
the smell of universal peace fills the air. oh its time to eat made by yours truly. its taking a little bit longer then normal though. a scream pulls you out of your thoughts. oh so that thats why. hm. zhongli apologizes about the… distraction. he makes the food even more delicious! since he worships you so well just stay put okay? you dont need to do anything! just let him handle it! :)
god of eternity, inazuma’s archon, and your loving acolyte.
the way she worships you is offerings one of the softer types of worship unlike killing in your name as someone else… not pointing fingers of course childe. (of course she never mentions it she wont be afraid to spill a little bit of blood.) of course she has a shrine for your offerings… it mostly includes candy, desserts, blood.
on this sunny day you and baal are walking to your shrine to pick things up. the immense variety of offerings lead to candy all the way to wine (i think) dont drink it of course. i dont think wine is that dense looking… of course! lets look at all of the sweets and desserts for you to try! its like a mini picnic with you and baal! shes been wanting to spend time with you since being the leader of inazuma is a very hard job! which leaves her no time to spend time with you. she apologizes profusely of course but for now. just take some time to enjoy with her.
thank you for reading this and whoever requested this i hope i was able to fit what you wanted! thank you for the kind words!
kirozai out!
edited: no
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is-very-sad · 3 years
Somewhat a possible follow up to this post Warnings: demons but not too demonic, religious and cult themes, very tame tbh Word count: 456    Through some miracle from God (wait, you're a God. Does that mean it was your miracle? Are you an equal to Lucifer's father now?) You shake your head to focus, you're not qualified for these questions. Through possibly the work of fate itself, you'd managed to talk down the two sides before war was declared. Now, at your insistence, Diavolo had invited the archons and leaders to the Devildom for talks. Now you just had the pressure of preventing war on your mind and you're all set! Seriously, the armies back in Teyvat were still preparing for a possible holy war in your name, and the Devildom's army howled into the dark sky regularly as commanders fought each other for positions they hadn't used in eons. Mostly it was a way to fight, keep themselves entertained until they knew if they were going to war or not.    To your surprise, it's gone quite well! Your demons behaved because even the ever insecure Leviathan was fully confident you'd choose them over the "gods" that couldn't even break a mortal's sanity with their true form. (They didn't even have true forms, clearly a side is the superior here!)    Meanwhile, your acolytes behaved so as to not cause their beloved God unnecessary grief.    Unfortunately, it could only go well for so long. Fortunately, you're still ignorant there was ever an incident! During a dinner and meeting, Leviathan had a Heated Envy Moment™️ and took advantage of a moment of silence to steal your attention. Apparently, he'd acquired that new game you two were going to play before this whole mess happened. You, seeking any reprieve from having to listen to more boring diplomacy talk, immediately said you'd like to have a quick look. When you two had wandered off; there was just - immediate tension.     A moment to ensure you were out of hearing before: "They're our God, they'd never abandon the world they made so lovingly. Faith prevails above all." Lucifer scoffed in amusement at Zhongli's claim, "And yet, in this world, they chose to love the ones that fell from 'paradise'." He leans in with a glass of wine twirling elegantly in his hand, "Somehow, they brought us to life as well, and we have an advantage you don't.." He sipped his wine.    Ei was the first to break composure, as she often does when you're involved; "And what would that be?" Lucifer grins, pride practically so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife. "They love us. And they loved us, first."     You return, gushing about the game just in time to calm the situation with your presence alone. You'll never know, but the archons nearly started the holy war right then and there.  This was a very rushed not very serious drabble and it shows but it's kinda fun to imagine how tense the talks would be so whatever, it's fun
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More Slime God in SAGAU
Me: Oh worm? No cap? Like, on god?
Someone, crying: Please, Your Grace, I don't understand what you're saying.
Me, in Mondstadt: I love all of my acolytes equally.
Jean: We were attacked while you were gone.
Me: Is Klee okay???
Me, again, in Liyue this time: I love all of my acolytes equally :)
Zhongli: The abyss attacked while you were gone.
Me: Are Xiao and Ganyu okay???
Me, once again, now in Inazuma: I definitely love all of my acolytes equally.
Yoimiya: Oh, by the way, there was an attack while you were gone.
Me: Is Thoma okay???
Me: There's absolutely no favoritism here :)
Literally everyone else: [presses X to doubt]
Zhongli: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Venti: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Zhongli: ...
Zhongli: You mean ring bearER, right?
Venti: ...
Zhongli: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to Their Grace's wedding.
Yoimiya: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it?
Me: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?”
Yoimiya, scoffing: Oh, please.
Me to Yoimiya: Hey, how you doin’?
Yoimiya: *giggles and blushes*
Me: Sometimes I get so caught up on being gay that I forget I’m actually grey ace.
Me: I am not a lunatic. I have the psychiatric report to prove it. A slender majority of the panel decided in my favour.
Someone: The panel is literally your cult.
Venti: You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol. You treat an inside wound with drinking alcohol.
Me: I hate how you're just born out of nowhere, and you're forced to go to school and get education so you can get a job. What if I wanted to be a duck? No one ever asked me if I want to be a duck!
Whoever's on duty that day: Your Grace, please—
Me, after accidentally making someone cry: I didn’t even realize how sarcastic I was being. It’s starting to become a problem, I think.
Me: Yum, thanks!
Treasure Hoarder: [puts more tape over my mouth] I said stop eating it.
Me at every moment with the cult: As someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, I feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on.
Me, trying to figure out how to realize my mega awesome god powers: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Zhongli, already removing every potential hazard in my vicinity: How about you don't?
Me: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany!
Me, earlier that day when I was struggling with being a cult leader: I'm going to throw myself into the sea.
Me, surrounded by all these hot bitches: I love saying 'fuck me' because it can either be sexual or self-loathing and those are two things that describe me perfectly.
Childe: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
Me: No thanks
Me: I'm god
Venti: Now the recipe calls for two shots of vodka
Venti: [upends the bottle]
Me: Pretend I'm useful
Me: If I stay in bed I'll be warm. If I get in the bath, I'll also be warm. But the distance between the bed and bath? No. That is not warm.
Me doing cool cult things: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Imposter: *transforms to look like me*
Me: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
Me, seeing Kaeya, Childe, Diluc, and Venti on a single task: My expectations are low, but they can always go lower.
Me: You can de-escalate any situation by asking "are we about to kiss?"
Venti: Doesn't work to get out of public disturbance tickets though
Me with Klee: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
Me: I'm naturally funny because my life is a joke.
Me, T-posing over Ganyu: Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.
Me: We got a free day now. What do you wanna do? Eat? Sleep? Nap? Snack?
Me: My favorite outdoor activity is going back inside
Xiao: Could you be any more annoying?
Venti: Yes.
Ganyu: How are you today, Your Grace?
Me: Please don't make me think about life.
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myuni-moon · 3 years
assuming talent leveling up is a still a thing when darling gets isekai'd to genshin, how would cult!archons react to getting a crown?
it feels like a proper right of passage to them, a ceremony to commemorate that you’ve acknowledged them as your strongest fighters.
they feel stronger when you place it upon their heads, grinning with satisfaction. it’s almost fitting you give it to them, seeing that they are the strongest beings in all of teyvat.
zhongli rises from the kneeling position with grace. the crown placed on his head doesn’t even wobble as he does so. he kisses the back of your hand after than that with an oath that he’ll never disappoint you. do what he will, he’ll make sure that you are always satisfied.
venti looks like a true monarch, cape and all. his traditional cap is gone in exchange for the glittering accessory atop his head. it might end up being lopsided later, but it’ll be okay. he thinks it just makes a bit more endearing to you.
baal takes it with humility. before you even place the crown on her head, she recites to you her vows again. she practically worships you even when you praise her since it is but the right thing to do. firmly place the crown on her head, and tell her that she has done well. it’s what she deserves for being so good, does she not?
a coronation for the leaders of your little cult. how lovely.
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decthe-a · 2 years
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Here’s the muses I plan to have on my multi when I do the move though some may appear here temporarily until then. We’ll see. Anyways. I am open for suggestions on who you’d like me to write. I’ll most likely end up having to binge a series at some point but nothing wrong with that!
Genshin Impact
Zhongli: Very obviously I am not giving him up I love him 
Fatui! Zhongli: I’m considering giving him his own entire section due to the development he has and how different he is to og Zhongli, to me it seems a little silly to have him as a simple verse at this stage.
Pantalone: He was added and then I never wrote him for some reason??? I’ll maybe write him here before I move but I do want to write him.
Tartaglia: A character I do want to write. I hold him dear to my heart along with Zhongli since he was the reason I like... Started Genshin. 
Dottore: I like this funky lil man but I wanna see more of him before I’d personally consider writing him.
Alhaitham: Unsure but I like what I’ve seen of him but once again I’d rather wait until I know a bit before I consider writing him.
Aether: I would like to write him but not at the moment. I’d want to replay the game before doing that...
Callie: I wanna bring my gurl back I miss her so much. And with Splat3 approaching very quickly her muse is probably going to hit hard.
Shiver: I love them already and wish to write them at some point once I’ve played some Splat3 but I am waiting for now before writing.
Spy x Family - Twilight: I do have him here but he got kinda forgotten as I never finished the series or manga. I’d like to bring him here again but as a more... request maybe?
Nu: Carnival - Olivine: Please note he does come from a BL mobile game so there would be some sexual content related to him when he is added. Idk I just like him in game.
League - Star Guardian Jinx: I really did add her and then never wrote her. I’ll probably do it again but make her more request only.
Cult of the Lamb - Lamb: I really do enjoy the game and when I finish it I will be adding our cute lil cult leader uwu
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