#cul-de-sac jobs always give me the willies. my clients are always nice but ive never been in one that isnt 25% families (fine) and 75% nosy
comradecowplant · 18 days
omg some neighborhood kids in the place i'm finishing up at for the weekend knocked on the door and offered to wash my car (which got heavily gooped with pine sap when i was out wildernessing last week & i haven't had time/motivation to clean it) and they mumbled something about ten or fifteen bucks and judging by how wide their eyes got when i came back with forty-five i think those poor boys were selling themselves short and asking for 15 total smh no no young lads value yourself and your labor more, you EACH deserve a fair cut and also my car is grimy as hell & there is no way i can compensate you a measly five bucks each in good conscience o7
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