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flickys-storywritings · 6 months ago
Barry Meets Freaky Fred (CTCD Story)
(cw: unsettling themes, trauma, trichotemania)
[Characters: Courage, Barry(OC), Computer, Muriel, Eustace, Fred, Lime(OC) and Michelle(OC)]
(This is of when Barry takes the role of Courage and how he first met Freaky Fred)
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Courage was packing his stuff in a bag, which caught the attention of Barry opening the attic door with confusion.
"Barry! I... didn't even know that you come in here for something."
Barry tilts his head when he asked his canine friend; "Why are you packing a bag Courage? Are you... going somewhere?"
"Well, I'm going out to visit Bunny and Kitty," Courage replied. "Oh..." The cat's ears drop down in sadness, before Courage pats on Barry's head, "don't worry about it. I'll be back in a bit while you're with Muriel, the farmer and Computer."
"Okay." Barry nodded his head, smiling softly.
Right as after Courage left the farmhouse, Barry was with Courage's friend; Computer for a bit. He spoke in his dry English voice "Off to see someone you say?" Barry nodded. "...Yeah," before looking down in despair."
"Oh come now kid, don't be like that."
The computer sighed, "it's only for a little while, so he won't be that back long." Barry nods and hums to his reply, although not recognising his sarcasm.
For a while, the young feline asks the technology device many common questions.
Barry was then playing with his two cat plushies, till now he goes downstairs. He sees the dear Muriel placing a nice blanket over a table, with a pleasant smile on her face. "I can't wait for me dear nephew Fred to arrive!"
"Who?" Barry asked curiously.
"Ah Barry dear, I suppose you haven't met me nephew Fred yet."
"Your nephew; Fred?"
"Why yes," the woman shows out a picture of him to Barry, "isn't he such a gentleman," before placing her hand around the feline's shoulders, "i'm sure he'll be very happy to see you."
"Ah, okay." He nodded at his picture.
"Oh and while you here Barry. Why don't you help Eustace, he's fixing the bathroom door." Muriel continues styling up the house. For Barry, he nods to her request, "sure Muriel," and then goes over to Eustace."
Eustace was fixing the bathroom door that has a pretty solid lock onto it. "You! Fetch me the screwdriver!" He demanded with his hand out. Barry digs his paw into the toolbox, which then he picks up the screwdriver, "got it," then giving it to him.
Eustace: That freak ain't putting a single foot on my household
(Barry watches Eustace fixing the door)
Barry: Hey Mr Bagge, got a small question I gotta ask you
Eustace: What now
Barry: What is about Muriel's nephew Fred?
Eustace: That freak's a barber! A freaky barber! With his own freaky barber shop, where freaky things happen. Freaky barber things!
(Barry's body shakes on what Eustace tells him about Fred. Thus he(Eustace) then scares him out of his sight, causes poor Barry to jump, scream and run downstairs to the living room sofa, feeling frightened in his body)
(Cuts to Muriel fluffing a pillow until she hears the doorbell rang)
Muriel: Oooh, that must be Fred
(Barry sits on the sofa as he watches Muriel heading downstairs to open the door. She opened it and sees Fred outside, holding his bag)
Muriel: Ah Fred me dear nephew. What brings you to our cozy corner of the world?
Fred: Holiday (as he smiles unsettlingly)
Muriel: Barry, come and meet Fred
(Fred comes by the doorway and stands by Barry, watching eachother, eye to eye. Barry feels a little nervous at him but he tries to stay calm when meeting him)
Barry: So, your Muriel's nephew Fred. Right?
Fred: Yes
Barry: My name is Barry! And... (raises his paw out to Fred) it's nice to meet you Fred
Fred: It's a pleasure to meet you too Barry
(The two handshake each other)
(It cuts to Barry and Fred sitting together in a red sofa, Muriel is sitting in her rocking chair)
Eustace: (comes downstairs) Gotta go to the hardware store and get the... y'know, fix the bathroom door. Just don't try shutting it, cause you won't be able to get it open
Muriel: Eustace, our guest is here. Say hello to Fred
[Fred turns his head around at Eustace]
Eustace: ...Yeah... (sits down beside Fred on the sofa) hiya... (pulls out newspaper) (mumbles) freak
(Barry sees wristband Fred is wearing that says 'HOME FOR FREAKY BARBERS' 'CALL 555-1234')
Barry: Hey Muriel, what's with that wristband Fred is wearing?
Muriel: Don't worry about that Barry. You must be exhausted Fred dear. Would you like to freshen up?
Fred: Yes, been quite a trip it has
Muriel: Barry dear. Would you kindly show Fred the bathroom please?
Barry: Mmm sure Muriel (nods)
Muriel: How lovely of you dear, and would you also kindly bring Fred some fresh towels as you go up with him please?
Barry: Sure Muriel
(Muriel gives Barry the towels, Barry's body shakes from the towels' weight)
Muriel: Do you think you can manage that Barry dear?
Barry: Don't worry... Muriel! I got it... [breathes out] under control. [to Fred] C'mon Fred. Right this way, to the bathroom!
[Barry and Fred follow each other upstairs to the bathroom]
[The two head to the bathroom. Barry places the towels on a stool]
Barry: Towels are placed!
Barry: [to Fred] Let me see if I.. can get you... freshen [closes the door, but when it closes, he hears a metal clanking sound of the lock. And that locks the two in the bathroom] Uhh... okay, don't worry Fred. I'll just try to get it to open. [pulls the door handle, but it won't open. he gets worried] Uhh... Muriel? Eustace? [knocks on the door]
[Muriel and Eustace are by the bathroom door, they heard the door knocking]
Muriel: I heard the door slam
Eustace: The door slammed
[Inside the bathroom, Barry desperately yanks the door handle, but it won't open. Across the room, Fred is sitting on the toilet as he flashes a smile]
Eustace: Well. I guess I better get
Muriel: [talking to the bathroom door] Now don't you boys worry, Eustace will be back soon to get the door open
[Back to the bathroom inside. Barry is scared that he got himself stuck in here. He is shivering with anxiety filling him]
Fred: Barry...
Barry: ...huh?
Fred: Your hair...
Barry: My hair? [rubs his own cheek] actually i think you mean my fur... cuz' I'm a cat
[Barry had a nervous look when he looks at Fred and his unsettling smile. But he wanted this meeting to be nice, so he keeps himself cool to him]
Barry: Sooo Fred. Can I ask about how has your holiday was like? Have you been anywhere for a couple of days or weeks? Did you went to a resort?
Fred: Well, not great and pleasant to be exact. Been spending in there for my desires with... fur [he says, as he stares at Barry with a creepy smile] like yours
Barry: Right... But Fred, what has made you really into hair and... fur, a lot?
Fred: [he first picks him up, and places him onto the toilet] It reminds me of the first time I knew just how I felt about hair. [yanks the shower curtains]
Fred: It was a day I'd not forget. The day that I first met my pet. Oh, what a lovely gift to get.
Barry: Oh, a pet. What kind of animal was it? A rabbit?
Fred: [shows a photo of his pet hamster] Hamster! [gives the picture to Barry]
Barry: Aww, it looks really cute
Fred: I'd never felt so... naughty
Barry: Huh, what?
[Fred drapes the curtains around Barry]
Fred: My fuzzy ball is what he was, this darling little ball of fuzz [he digs through his bag and pulls out his shaver. He turns it on]
Barry: [hears the shaver on, his eyes widened, and his body began to shiver nervously] F-Fred? What's that you have, o-on your hand?
Fred: [holds onto Barry's shoulder to prevent him from trying to run] And oh, such fuzz, such fuzz, it does demand that I be... naughty. [showed another photo of the hamster, now looking at him] He looked at me, his fetching eyes, and fetching fur did hypnotize, and filled with joy, and filled with sighs, and that's when I got... naughty. [shows him the picture of the hamster completely shaved bare, with an angry expression on its face]
[When Fred noticed he is gone now. he opens the down cabinet, where Barry is hiding in]
Fred: Now, now... [reaches in and grabs Barry by his arms] The chemicals in here could kill you
Muriel: [Sitting outside the bathroom door in her rocking chair, knitting.] Don't worry boys, Eustace should be at the hardware store by now!
[The scene cuts to Eustace inside his idle truck, happily reading his Nowhere News newspaper.] [The scene changes back to the bathroom, Fred holds up Barry who is a little wet, with the top of his head shaved off]
Fred: This dripping hair, this droopy curl [shakes Barry and drops him back onto the toilet as he walks to the bathroom window] Unfurls sweet memories of a girl, whose tresses, oh, they'd twist and twirl, and tempt me to be... naughty.
Barry: A girl? You mean... that you use to be with a girl
[Fred shows Barry, a picture of a young girl with long blonde hair, and has a loving expression on her face]
Fred: Barbara, my love was named, and her fair hair, a mane untamed.
Barry: Oh... she's an pure angel
Fred: Until one evening – I'm ashamed – I got a little... naughty.
[Fred begins to psychotically shave Barry as a creepy choir loudly singing "La la la" to Fred's theme. Barry screams a bit by the horror, but he is drowned out by the music and trimmer.]
Fred: The look upon my young love's face was sweet as lace. But in this case, I realized she... [shows Barry, the picture of the girl now shaved bald with a furious look on her face] Needed space
Fred: I never more was naughty. Well... maybe not never [he notices Barry desperately trying to open the door again, he then picks him up. Barry's face is shaved off, the only fur remaining are his arms, body, legs and his tail]
Fred: Playful little scamp [he places Barry back onto the toilet once more]
Muriel: [knocks on the door, with a plate of pancakes in her hand] Is everything alright in there?
Barry: [crying out] MURIEL! HELP ME OUT!
[Muriel sees Barry clawing underneath. She places the pancakes down on the floor, as Barry pulls it in]
Muriel: Just can't wait for those pancakes, can you?
Barry: MURIEL!? [he yelled out as Fred grabs him again, echoing outside the bathroom door]
Muriel: Wonderful! Eustace should be back any moment now
Barry: MURIEL! MURIEL!!! [knocks on the door]
[The scene changes to Eustace lounging on the beach]
Fred: [waves a pancake on his hand] No need for panic. Behold sustenance, hungry whelp! [stuffs the pancake into Barry's mouth, he swallows with strain. He picks him up and Barry has his own mobile pad, trying to eye the phone numbers on Fred's wristband. But that stops him with two more pancakes stuffed in his mouth. Fred pulls his wristband and hides it]
Fred: [shoves another pancake in Barry's mouth] Dear cur, your fur and fleece remind of nothing found in humankind. But for one fellow, who did find me – to be... in a certain mood.
[Scene cuts to Fred in his barbershop. A long bearded man stands in the doorway]
Fred: [narrating] Into my shop he walked one day, with bush above and beard bouquet. That's no toupee, I pray... no way I could help but be... you know...
[The man sits in the chair]
Bearded Man: Just a trim, partner
[The man leans back, with Fred sweating nervously over him]
Fred: [narrating] I'd never seen such hair before! His bangs, they sang! His neck, it beckoned! Eyebrows, armpits, all were reckoned! Soon I figured, "What the heck?" and – Guess how I was... naughty...
[Scene comes back to Barry, being shaved underneath, yelping. Cuts to Muriel sitting in her rocking chair, watching TV]
Barry: [yells] MURIEL!
[And... the last bit of fur shaved from his right paw. Fred drops Barry with a shrug, twirling from satisfaction. Barry pulls out the wristband, dialing the number with his pad, and conversing with the employee]
Barry: [quietly] I need help! He's shaving my whole body off–
[On the other end quietly before he gets picked up once again. The scene changes back to Eustace, now asleep in a movie theater. We catch another glimpse of Muriel, impatiently tapping her fingers and eyeing her watch, waiting for Eustace to return.]
[Barry is sitting on the toilet, nearly shaven completely. Fred, sitting on the edge of the tub, beckons Barry, his shaver still buzzing.]
Barry: [notices the only fur left is his tail, shielding it and yammering in protest] F-Fred... please! I don't want to do this [he begs Fred to stop, as it is now scaring him]
[Fred continues beckoning him]
Fred: Sweet cat, afraid I'll shave your tail? Why, now, that would be weird!
[Sirens are heard, Fred closely listens and shuts off his shaver, but his smile remains. He peers out from the window as van doors are heard being slam]
???: Surround the area! Cut the power, we don't anyone getting shaved in there!
Fred: Ah... So ends our little story...
[Barry suddenly has regret on his face, feeling sorry for himself. As he breathes from exhaustion]
[The door is bashed two times before falling on the third hit, two big muscled men rush in with an orange blanket as the scene goes to black.]
[The scene resumes as Fred is lead into the back of a white van by the two men, restrained by the blanket in a straight jacket-like fashion. The previous "La la la" music replays in the background. Muriel waves at Fred, while Barry is held by Lime and comforted by him and Michelle, the friends of his uncle Oliver]
Muriel: What a lovely visit! Too bad Eustace didn't get to say goodbye
Lime: [sighs] C'mon pal
Michelle: How bout we get eachother some sweet desserts? What do you say, huh, bud?
Barry: [sniffs, wipes a tear off his eye] ...Yeah
[Lime and Michelle walk off, with Lime holding Barry by his shoulder. As they head off to the town streets of Nowhere]
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(dividers owned by @ferretmilkshakezzz)
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