#csssa music
viazels · 4 months
thurs. 2/29/2024
submit csssa app
finish ch 24 questions
ch 24 quizlet
math test
csssa deadline
music challenge 60/366: side by side (bewhy)
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artedevivi-blog · 7 years
Ok so I haven't gotten my letter and I'm seeing that even out of state kids have gotten theirs so i'm like really concerned? anybody else who hasn't gotten theirs in the LA area?
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daniellebog · 7 years
Out of curiosity, any waitlisters accepted yet?
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day6sbeth · 6 years
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olreid · 3 years
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ok maybe this made me tear up !
[ID: Genius lyrics comment which reads: "So during this song we give away all of our instruments to the audience and leave: Brent and I leave first (having given away various drums, finger cymbals, and a dulcimer), then Gelsey (who gives away her metallophone), then Brittain (who gives away her autoharp). Then we wait backstage for the audience to figure out how to finish the show. Our rule is that we WILL NOT COME OUT for bows until the music is completely over…sometimes this lasts only like 5 seconds, which is sad; usually it’s more like a minute or two, and the audience often really communicates and breathes together and does an amazing job ending (often the finger cymbal player is key).
And SOMETIMES we have audiences that are totally amazing and crazy and go on for 5+ minutes; most notable being the students at the CSSSA program at CalArts in the summer of ‘15, who drummed and hollered and shouted and danced for at least 10 minutes, singing the refrain and adding all kinds of glorious harmonies and counterpoints while we waited in the hall bursting with glee." / End ID]
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austempered · 5 years
WHO ARE YOU  ? tag followers you want to get to know better !
NAME! Soda STAR SIGN! Taurus HEIGHT! 5′ 2′’ WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME! I kinda don’t have one cuz that’s not how Korean names work
I just did my Picarto playlist cuz dayum I have a a lot of music
Sunburst by Tobu & Itro
Stronger by The Score
Hide by Juice WRLD
Heroes by Brian the Sun
Crazy Dancer by 夜の本気ダンス
Scrum Debate by Masafumi Takada
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU!  Back when I attended CSSSA, yeah. The entire creative writing class was like... married
Kids screaming...
Monchichi making that PRRT! noise when she notices I’m paying attention to her~
HOW ABOUT ALIENS? Yeah but I don’t think we can comprehend life that’s not humanoid
IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED?  Last month, got t-boned so hard the driver’s side door got punched into the car
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Art of Into the Spiderverse
DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG?  Yeah, I hold onto shit pretty hard if you betray my values. But if you’ve done something that DOESN’T entirely get up my ass and make me hate you initially, then apologizing helps.
IN A RELATIONSHIP? Single and ready to never get married 
Tagged by: @theabandonedones Tagging: @unsuccesscr, @aemulo, @bakvhatsv, @hero-hopeful, @disinfectxd
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butwhydoilikethis · 5 years
Writer’s Tag
thanks @izzuniiwrites
1: Pen or pencil?
Pen, I LOVE how it looks. 
2: Have you ever drawn your OCs?
Nope! I suck at drawing.
3: Does your writing ever make you cry?
Not really, I one of those (George R. R. Martin) authors that laughs at their pain. 
4: If your Muse was a person, what would they look like?
Tsukishima Kei as a BAMF. He’s what inspired me to write my fanfic. 
5: Which of your pieces would you choose to be remembered for?
Toxic, but if you ignore the shitty writing.  It’s the only one I’ve actually tried on. 
6: How much have you written or worked on your WIP so far today?
I wrote a sentence #goals 
7: Have you ever based a piece (or a portion of a piece) on a dream ?
No, I get my ideas when I’m lying in bed then pace around to develop them. 
8: Do you prefer silence, a little noise (music, ambient noise, fan etc) or a lot of noise when you’re writing?
I don’t really care. 
9: Do you have any routines before you sit down to write?
I tell myself when I’m gonna write and how much I’ll get done (i.e. 6:30 and a page). 
10: Have you ever participated in NaNoWrimo or a Camp?
Nope! I only became a writblr at the end on NaNo lol. I kinda wanna do CSSSA but I’m beginning to consider other options for summer activities. 
Tagging:  @focusdumbass @gottaenjoythelittlethingzz @lillayalightfoot @gnatninja
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my csssa ‘18 sketchbook tour
music by eevee
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viazels · 4 months
wed. 2/28/2024
csssa assignment b
submit csssa app
print highlights doc
finish ch 24 questions (22-26)
guard 5:45-9
music challenge 59/366: fade into you (mazzy star)
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laetro · 3 years
Casey Robin: Observing the World Firsthand
Illustrator and designer, Casey Robin, recons she will run out of time on this earth before running out of inspiration. She has not only illustrated for film, books, toys, and fashion but also teaches and curates gallery shows. Creator of the #MarchOfTheFairies Insta challenge. That art can enable better connect with our fellow humans and help set a new vision for the future is something Casey trusts in.
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LA-based illustrator and designer, Casey Robin loves to draw fauns, cats, mermaids and adorable girls. Cal Arts CSSSA, Studio Art Centers International and The Illustration Academy at Ringling are only a few of the institutes she’s formally studied art and animation at. With an equally diverse clientele – Walt Disney, Animation Studios, Disney Publishing, Goldie Hawn, Breyer Horses, and Pinup Girl – Casey has explored various roles as an artist through her journey so far.
Styles: Organic, Digital, Illustrative, Flat, Realistic
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Q. What made you want to become an illustrator?
Casey Robin: When I was about two years old I had a hard time sleeping. Hoping to get a good night’s sleep, herself, my mom dumped heaps of crayons and paper and armfuls of picture books into my crib. I devoured them, then called out, “More colors! More books!” I’ve been in pursuit of illustration ever since..
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Q. How do you define your style and what do you consider its distinct characteristics?
Casey Robin: An episode of Japanese Ninja Warrior provided my ethos: “Her secret weapon is cuteness.” While my style encompasses a wide range of looks, it is most often described as cute, pretty, whimsical, and other pleasant words. I design my art to feel like a hug because there are a lot of people out there who need a hug. There is also a more elegant side to my work, drawn from thoughtful observation of nature. I tend to favor simple forms and flowing linework over fussy detail. I keep my colors pure, airy, and vibrant.
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Q. What is the process like when drawing from other mediums life films, books, toys, etc?
Casey Robin: I tend to draw from imagination, observation, and photographic reference. I may look at books or movies for inspiration, but I seldom draw from them. More often, I take a walk and observe the world firsthand. I may take pictures for future reference or I may just let it all wash over me. If I need to draw something I don’t have access to, I turn to photography as a reference. I always try to see the gesture first, then the big shapes, light and shadow. Detail usually comes last. I often inject flourishes drawn from pure imagination.
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Q. How do you ensure and practically achieve the balance between your vision of a project and the client’s brief?
Casey Robin: When reading a brief, I note the client’s needs. What do they need to communicate, and to whom? I then try to imagine I am a member of the client’s key demographic, coming upon this art as part of my interaction with the client’s messaging. What do I expect to see? What do I want or need? What colors and shape language will speak to me on a subconscious level and entice me to keep looking? From there, I plan my design.
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Q. What do you look for when choosing clients to work with?
Casey Robin: I hope for interesting clients with an open imagination and deep respect for their audience. If they are also whimsical and childlike, all the better. I, myself, am quite whimsical and childlike. It is important to note the distinction, in this case, between being childlike and being childish. A childlike person is able to tap into their deepest, earliest experience and see the world with fresh eyes. They retain their adult sense of reason but pair it with youthful wonder. A childish person, on the other hand, lacks emotional maturity. The childlike artist will paint you a fresh and lovely picture. The childish artist will wail and throw her paint at the wall.
Art helps us set a new vision for the future which can motivate, calm, and encourage us in the midst of uncertain times. It also sparks joy, stirs emotion, and help us better connect with our fellow humans.
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Q. What was it like working with Disney?
Casey Robin: Working with Disney has been a tremendous growth experience. I have been fortunate to have worked with them in a number of different roles and capacities. Some fit me like a glove and others like a pinching 4-inch stiletto heel. I learned to honor my natural rhythm as an artist, and that Story and the Story Room are not the same things. I learned that the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but time and chance happen to them all. Ultimately, my experiences with Disney taught me to value myself as an artist and work to develop my unique voice.
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Q. What kind of projects excite you the most and why?
Casey Robin I am most excited by visual development for animated features because of these light-up parts of my brain don’t always get to come out to play. The animated feature is – among other things – a marriage of many art forms. It incorporates visual art, naturally, but also writing, acting, sound and music, dance, pantomime, and improvisation. It marries abstraction, color theory, observation, and imagination in a way that makes my neurons dance. I also enjoy storybook illustration because it is deeply satisfying to develop charming visuals with which to relay a simple story.
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Q. What would you say are your strongest skills and most vital lessons you’ve learned?
Casey Robin: I am particularly skilled at observing the natural world and translating it into simple shapes and colors. I excel in gesture drawing, which gives all of my work dynamic rhythm. I also have a keen sense of color, developed over many years of digital and traditional painting. Still, the most vital lessons I’ve learned have been intangible: things like how to build and maintain a professional network and how to use social media without destroying my mental health. I’ve learned that sometimes the best thing to do is to take a walk.
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Q. What do you consider to be the most significant achievements as an artist?
Casey Robin: Truthfully, I am still young in my career. My most beautiful achievements are just around the bend. To date, though, I am proud of developing and co-directing the animated short “Chalk” during my time at Disney feature. I am proud of my output of personal work – pinup girls and mermaids and fairies – and the community that has gathered around that work. I’m still tickled that I got to design a Pinup Girl dress for ladies to flounce around in. Most recently, I’ve been excited to develop animated characters in collaboration with Goldie Hawn and also to help with character designs for Breyer’s new preschool IP, Piper’s Pony Tales. Additionally, I am pleased to have originated the drawing challenge #MarchOfTheFairies, which has become a bit of a thing on Instagram.
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Q. What do you do to keep growing and evolving in your craft?
Casey Robin: I draw and paint almost every day. Lately, I have enjoyed drawing live for my audience on Instagram. These little warm-ups keep my pencil moving and help me clarify my thought process as I narrate the thoughts running through my head as I make the picture. I also take in a lot of excellent art and keep setting myself new projects and challenges. There is no shortage of wonder and challenge in the world. I will run out of time on this earth before I run out of inspiration.
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daniellebog · 7 years
CSSSA Application deadline extended!
Attention all CSSSA applicants for 2k17: Applications have been extended to March 1st due to the decision desk website being down. It’s only a day extra, and most organized people are probably done, but for people like me that one day is amazing. YAY!
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gaymilodean · 6 years
should i find the music sheets for a falsettos song to learn at csssa... what musical do yall know that has a Heart wrenching song for a tenor
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Now that we have been at csssa for a week how would you stereotype each department? Open to anyone
dance kids - cryptids, heterosexualmusic kids - cryptids, but nice cryptidscw kids - fucking weird as shitani kids - weird as shit; busy all the timetheater kids - busy all the time; literally god in the fleshvis arts kids - validfilm kids - i have never met a fuckin film kid
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chewytriforce · 6 years
hi!! i applied to csssa 2018 as a rising junior in musical theatre and was wondering if you know anything/how much you know about their theatre program or if you could direct me to anywhere that has info?? i love seeing art from all these csssa blogs but i’ve been a little shorthanded on finding info about theatre. thanks so much!
congrats on applying!!!
hmm, i feel like you can just sort of dig around on the internet for information. maybe look through some csssa hashtags on instagram and check youtube to see if people posted their monologues or anything? i know what you mean when you say it’s tough to find info on theater online because a lot of the students that post content about csssa are like, visarts or animation people. (not that it’s bad haha, that’s just the majority)
if you have any specific questions, i might be able to answer them??? i went to a lot of theater showcases and hung out with a lot of theater people while i was there, but i’m not 100% qualified to speak about what it’s like being a theater student there of course. but i can tell you just, what i saw from my friends and stuff.
but yeah! let me know! i hope you get in!! best of luck
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xnnnie · 7 years
I only got back on tumblr to talk about csssa because it’s coming up soon and I remember searching through tumblr thirsting for any info i could find
I’m a returner to csssa! I went in 2016 for music (piano, specifically) and I’m going back this year wooooo
I guess I’ll just list some useful things I wish I had known before I went last year:
1. bring clothes you’ll be comfortable in. it’s hot (one day I think it got up to 109, I choked on my spit and melted) but when it gets cooler at night it’s useful to have a hoodie to throw over your tank top.
2. if you’re the type of person who likes to dress up/stunt on everyone with your badass fit, don’t be afraid to bring FITS. I wish I brought waaaaay more clothes bc I could’ve stunted :’) [oh well it’s okay I’m packing more and cuter clothes this year LOL]
3. if you wear makeup and want to wear it at csssa, feel free. csssa is really accepting with all forms of self-expression. everyone is just so chill about everything, it’s such a great environment~
4. if you’re in the music department, make sure you pack a set of formal (@pianists: bring a set of all black) clothes because at our concerts at the end of the year, they want us to dress nicely
5. bring a swimsuit! the pool is so nice to relax in after/between classes
6. the cafeteria provides an endless amount of water bottles so you don’t need to worry about lugging a Costco pack of water bottles to your dorm
7. the first few days are kinda awkward if you’re not the type of person to go out of your way to make new friends out of complete strangers, but don’t worry. you see your fellow department people every single day and the friendships kinda just bloom by themselves :)
8. pack snacks in your dorm. doesn’t feel good to see your money slowly slip away because you’re craving a late night snack from the vending machine
9. people DO hook up at csssa, but don’t expect it to last past the month unless you live close to each other or are willing to commit to the unrealistically long distanced relationship (this tip comes from personal experience)
10. don’t worry about having a lack of inspiration to draw from. csssa is literally a vat of artistic, creative, eclectic people and everyone is so unique and amazing. the energy at csssa is practically electric with how unreal the experience itself is.
11. the dorm rooms have AC.
12. if your roommate snores, the nearby Wal-Mart sells those anti-snore nose stickers that I saw on Grey’s Anatomy when Meredith had a snoring problem
13. you can use Amazon to ship stuff to you when you can’t find the time to run out to the local shopping center to grab snacks/toiletries/whatever (the addressing format is in the handbook)! you can also have food delivered from GrubHub because sometimes the cafeteria food is absolute garbage (think soggy pasta with sour “marinara” sauce)
14. there’s pretty good wi-fi at CalArts so if you bring a laptop, you can definitely use it. it’s not good enough to play League of Legends on though (again, from personal experience), so if you’re trying to do stuff that requires major bandwidth, you might have some problems
15. there’s a TV in the lobby of the dorms that has an HDMI cord so you can have group movie night!
16. ladies - if you forget to bring pads or whatever, your RA has some stocked in her room, don’t be afraid to ask!
if you have anymore questions, feel free to DM me on twitter @xnnnie or on instagram at @outlaier! I don’t check my tumblr much, I just wanted to post this :-)
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theogonies · 7 years
csssa for the playlist meme
k so this is kind of all over the place but here goes!
bonfire by slow kids at play
coloring outside the lines by misterwives
too much to dream by allie x
coffee with my friends by candy hearts
going to mars by judah and the lion
don’t you (forget about me) by simple minds
bonus track: we’re all in this together from high school musical
send me a theme and i’ll make you a playlist!
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