#csr strategy
csrconsultants · 19 hours
Greenheck and Innovative Project Management Services (Fiinovation) Illuminate Healthcare in Rewari, Haryana with Solar-Powered Primary Health Centre
Primary Health Centres (PHCs) stand as vital lifelines for local communities. However, the persistent issues plaguing these healthcare facilities, primarily due to an unreliable and intermittent electricity supply, have cast a shadow on their ability to deliver essential services.
This struggle for a consistent power source has had a profound impact on the operations of PHCs, affecting the number of deliveries, out-patients, and the overall quality of healthcare services provided.
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beingjellybeans · 18 days
Sun Life Philippines shines with top industry honors and community impact
Sun Life Philippines has recently achieved remarkable recognition across various fronts, underscoring its commitment to excellence and positive impact within the industry and the community. From topping industry rankings to receiving accolades for its HR practices and philanthropic efforts, Sun Life continues to set a high standard. Sun Life Tops MDRT Rankings In a notable achievement, Sun Life…
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theinsightcircle · 7 days
Beyond the Gold Rush: Barrick Gold's Ethical Predicament
by: Alejandro, Amank, Aubrey, Edwin, Shardul, Shruti
Company Overview Known for its diversified collection of gold and copper assets, Barrick Gold operates in 13 countries and owns 16 active sites. It was founded by Peter Munk who made it a global mining giant. Its production history is quite impressive while its market value is close to CAD$40 billion thus making it one of the kings of the game. Notwithstanding these achievements; however, Barrick Gold has encountered great moral, human rights and legal problems which has led to its bad name.
Ethical, Human Rights, and Legal Challenges
Though Barrick Gold professes to abide by lofty ethical principles, it has been engaged in various disputes over contraventions of human rights and degradation of the environment, especially within the bounds of Papua New Guinea and Tanzania. The corporation’s Porgera Joint Venture mine has faced challenges accusing it of employing too much violence towards surrounding populations and causing significant harm to nature. Furthermore, Barrick Gold has also been charged with polluting water bodies and invading animal territories. Such claims have raised doubts regarding its true commitment towards sustainable mining operations hence resulting into a host of lawsuits in addition to public investigations.
PESTEL Analysis
To gain a deeper understanding of the external factors influencing Barrick Gold's operations, a PESTEL analysis is essential:
Political: In nations where Barrick Gold operates, political instability has the potential to introduce unpredictability and impede the company’s operations. For instance, the company’s past encounter with challenges attributed to government regulations and taxation in Tanzania indicates that political landscapes should be navigated with care. Economic: Barrick Gold’s profitability can significantly be affected by economic factors such as exchange rate fluctuations and prices for commodities. Therefore, it is important for the company to mitigate the effects of economic risks in order to adapt well to changing market scenarios that will enable it survive at long-term. Social: Social issues are critical in Barrick Gold´s operations like community relations or indigenous rights. The firm must balance between its economic goals and the fulfillment of its social obligations with regard to respect as well as collaboration when dealing with local communities. Technological: Enhancements in technology can help an organization increase its effectiveness and productivity in the mining sector. Barrick Gold has invested more funds into technology to boost its profitability while minimizing adverse ecological effects. Nonetheless, the firm must be aware of such issues as job losses due to automation or other adverse effects on neighboring communities that may arise from new technologies. Environmental: The mining sector faces numerous challenges due to serious environmental problems including climate change, water shortage and extinction of species. To ensure that it survives for long; Barrick Gold should adopt sustainable methods so as reduce its impact on environment. Legal: The operations of Barrick Gold can be fundamentally affected by legal regulations on mining, environmental protection and human rights. For this reason, it needs to observe the law in order to avoid any legal proceedings and build a good image.
Conclusion Barrick Gold Corporation is in a difficult position trying to balance between making money and being responsible. They earned a good sum of money anyhow they also face different problems such as human rights abuses, ethical and lawful problems arisen from their operations. Another strategy which can help Barrick Gold in minimizing reputational risks and boosting trust among its partners is enhancing responsible corporate conduct through more engagement of stakeholders and sustainable development initiatives.
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dilipchauhan · 5 months
What is the role of CSR in business strategy? |business strategy in csr
In today's corporate landscape, **Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)** has emerged as a critical component of business strategy. Far beyond being just a buzzword, CSR encompasses a company's commitment to operating in an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner while balancing the interests of various stakeholders. Let's delve deeper into the multifaceted role of CSR in shaping modern business strategies.
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pooja-talks · 1 year
corporate social responsibilities examples
Enhance your social impact with our CSR formalization services. Develop robust frameworks for sustainable community development.
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sgiandubh · 2 months
C might mean well, but I find businesses using charity to sell suspicious.
Dear Provocative Anon,
What you say deserves an audio (there have been two of them two weeks ago, compensating for last week's silence). I have many things to tell you and please excuse the delay:
They really can't win, with people like you, can they? And that goes for both C and S, mind you. No matter what they do and try to promote as a side project, there is always going to be someone unhappy and vocal about it. When it's not you complaining 'business using charity to sell' is 'suspicious', there's the other fuckwit asking recently why S hasn't given all MPC's profit to charity, as Paul Newman did with Newman's Own.
So, I will be brutally honest with you, Anon. I have thoughts and questions about your own point of view and this is partially why it took me so long to answer you. It would seem you are not familiar at all with what is called 'corporate social responsibility' (CSR), since at least the Sixties. Which means, in a nutshell, companies who choose to focus part of their activity and dedicate part of their profits to charitable projects. It is done with various degrees of ethics, success and bona fides all around the world, and it is often used as a strong marketing and sales argument.
Think about these people, whose brand is probably immediately recognizable wherever you go, spare perhaps Pyongyang:
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I just picked this Coca Cola Foundation recent CSR project in Brazil totally randomly, using Google. Some might think it's just another cynical diversion: one of the world's biggest corporate profiteers, happily contributing to the current obesity pandemic (including in Latin America), suddenly showing one of its biggest markets they do have a conscience, after all, and a social one to boot. And addressing, at the same time, one of the continent's post-colonial bleeding wounds, which is to say, the organic imbalance between rich and poor, as far as access to means of production, land ownership and use and sales opportunities go. 480 farmers benefitting from Coca Cola's magnanimity is probably but a tiny drop of hope in an ocean of dour social injustice, but the truth is, Anon, if nobody does anything good, then nothing good will happen at all. It is as simple as that, and while their modus operandi is probably not exactly my cup of tea, you will have to admit it works, at least to some extent and for some people. Plus it greatly enhances the company's do-good, sensible and reliable global image, because of course, what happens right now in the state of Minas Gerais is but a tiny part of a bigger strategy.
Might I add that even those robber barons, à la Cornelius Vanderbilt or Jay Gould, who made their ruthless fortunes building the railroads of a still very young United States of America, ended up giving a very small part of their same fortune to various charities. It wasn't nearly enough what we would consider as 'reasonable', in 2024, but it did start a philanthropic trend, that took considerable speed after the 1919 Boston Molasses Disaster. The Sixties have just added more pragmatism and gave a name to what was, at its very start, quite an opportunistic endeavor.
Even so, Vanderbilt and Gould themselves did not invent anything, really. One should look to good old Europe to find what is probably the first big CSR project in human history, still going strong since 1521. May I introduce you to the Augsburg Fuggerei:
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[for even more pious charity: https://www.fugger.de/en/fuggerei]
Renting one of those wonderful Hansel and Gretel houses for less than one euro/year, plus three daily Hail Mary is something to behold, right? Jakob Fugger the Young, the guy who had this brilliant idea (which, might I add, is still run and operated by the Fugger banker family, even nowadays) was literally a ruthless kingmaker, a colonial trade and exploration pioneer, but also a religious bigot who flatly refused to extend his charity to Protestant families. Still, his pious dream goes on - the Fugger Family Foundation even actively plans its next 500 years. This is Germany, after all 😉.
Those people’s money stinks more of corruption and crime than S or C’s ever could, Anon. Still, they are remembered as benefactors, by many. History is seldom cruel to those who are willing to pay for their posterity.
But you know what, Anon? Compared to the Fuggers and the Vanderbilts and the Goulds, S and C are really small fish in an even smaller, fickler pond. I think they are doing it out of their good heart and I think they are honestly, genuinely responsive to the idea of giving a chance to young, struggling artists. But, in the process, are they also trying to market themselves as more approachable and less controversial, considering the (oh, I shall never tire to repeat this, with gusto) cosmic amount of bullshit plaguing their respective public images? My somewhat cynical answer is also yes, Anon. To which may I immediately add that it's not even important: all that counts are the tangible results of whatever good things they do with their booze and/or fitness profits.
Results and helping trigger a change in one's life is all that really interests me, Anon. It seems to bother you, though, so I will cheekily end this long rant with a couple of questions: do you have a problem with poverty? do you believe in giving people a (second) chance, or do you think only the rich are worth considering and valuable?
If so, I honestly pity you, girl. For the real indigent in all this might be you.
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topnotchquark · 5 months
Ferrari solving international crimes using stickers just like how they solved homophobia with the rainbow #essereferrari. We must learn from them truly
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The Scuderia CSR department annual strategy meeting discussion. #ForzaFerrari #Sempre #LoveIsLove #Equality
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csrmagnovite24 · 7 months
Even though JP Morgan joined the Net Zero Banking Alliance and plans to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, the company is nonetheless criticised for its ongoing backing of the fossil fuel sector. Critics contend that despite funding green projects and lowering carbon intensity in particular industries, these activities are overlooked. 
JP Morgan continues to be a significant lender of the oil and gas industry in spite of its pledges, so aiding businesses that are considering expansions that would result in greater pollution. This raises questions about real sustainability activity in light of competitors like Citi's stronger regulations.
Reducing carbon intensity in specific industries, such as energy, alone does not provide the whole picture. JP Morgan's 50% revenue criteria permits finance for businesses like Glencore that have ongoing coal projects, in contrast to competitors' efforts to phase out coal. This strategy calls into doubt the bank's sincere dedication to addressing climate change from all angles.
Low-impact indicators and ongoing commerce with fossil fuel corporations seem to undermine high-profile sustainability pledges. There's rising skepticism over JP Morgan's strategy's compatibility with its declared objectives of environmental leadership.
JP Morgan’s CSR initiatives are further complicated by ongoing legal disputes that reveal internal difficulties linked to diversity and inclusion. In light of these allegations, the bank's capacity to exhibit a sincere dedication to social responsibility is called into doubt.
 JP Morgan, with its enormous resources and power, is at a crossroads. Can the bank take these critiques to heart, create a more thorough and open sustainability plan, and accept its leadership position in battling climate change and advancing social justice? The public's trust is at risk.
As JP Morgan's head of CSR, will have to come up with 
·      press release defending and outlining your actions 
·      a new CSR campaign to win back stakeholders' trust
·      PR strategies  
·      An idea for a new alliance or partnership like Net Zero Banking Alliance to foster a more sustainable future 
·      A ppt of not more than 7 slides 
·      A press release 
·      A promotional poster for the introduced CSR campaign
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devdasiskala · 4 months
In this transforming epoch of corporate social responsibility (CSR) the businesses are multiplying in a global basis putting up to sustainable development goals (SDG). If we go to the basics, CSR is a management concept where companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with stakeholders. The key to maximizing the impact of CSR lies in making the brand walk-the-talk , a good global citizen and to dedicate oneself to drive sustainable change.
As companies intregate a socially responsible corporate culture, partnering with the Marpu Foundation | NGO can put in their CSR efforts and bring a meaningful change.
“Marpu” means transition or change – was established by the respected National Youth Awardee, Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi. Marpu Foundation | NGO harnesses the individual potential to give rise to a positive change globally. With a team obligated to a fruitful change and providing a support space for all, it had earned the title of “The Best NGO in India” in 2020.
Marpu Foundation’s aim is to empower individuals to voice their aspirations, work towards sustainability, and form alliances with organizations with a shared vision. It’s objective is to be a beacon of transformation, crafting a future that’s equitable, compassionate and sustainable through collective efforts and partnership.
One of the stamps of authenticity of the Marpu Foundation’s CSR strategy is its emphasis on employee volunteering and engagement. It has 80,261+ volunteers and 10,245,120+ beneficiaries operating from 39 locations in 15 branches. Environmental sustainability, economic development, social development and partnerships for the goal is what their work theme is.
Marpu Foundation’s programs involve affordable and clean energy
And Sanitaion, climate action, decent work and economic growth, gender equality, good health and well being, industry innovation and infrastructure and many more. It provides various ways to collaborate and work together on particular projects where one has to chose a CSR aspiration- be it in education , health, or environmental conservation. The dedicated team will not only ensure that your investment is creating tangible impacts but also keep you in loop with regular, insightful updates.
It is trusted enough because it is mentored by the presidential awardee, women activist and governmental servents. Moreover collaborating with Marpu Foundation in a cause- related marketing campaign will not only amplify your brand’s positive image but also seamlessly intregate it with impactful change. Marpu Foundation ensures that it provides sustainable results , creating lasting social and environmental impact. It is committed towards pure transparency and accountability.
In conclusion, boosting the influence of corporate social responsibility requires tactical partnerships with organizations that hold on expertise, assets and dedication to drive sustainable change. Marpu Foundation makes an appearance as the best possible partner for businesses seeking to align their CSR efforts with the Sustainable Development Goals, engaging the employees in significant volunteering activities, and making an ever lasting difference in communities. With Marpu Foundation guiding the path, businesses have a strong ally to maximize their CSR impact and build a better world for all.
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coffeecafecake · 3 months
Partnering For Impact: How CSR initiatives with Marpu Foundation Drive Change
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"Marpu" - a synonym for transformation - was established by the respected National Youth Awardee, Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi. At Marpu Foundation, we harness individual potential to bring about positive change in the world.
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Marpu Foundation’s impactful journey across 22 states, tailored to create sustainable developments in communities. Choose a project that resonates with your CSR aspirations - be it in education, health, or environmental conservation.
Corporate Social Responsibility: As we know, with the increasing population, Government would not be able to provide enough employment opportunities in future. We are on the edge of something that will drive our lives in a tough trough curve, the Future Depression.
Only Corporates can provide for such a huge demand of opportunities for job creation and people's well being not the government because while the government's interference is needed but government does many welfare works for the nation along with competing global world so it would be difficult for the government for such a need.
And as we know corporates work mostly for profit( some are non profit also, NGOs etc) and this profit is connected with social welfare of people mostly related to employment opportunities.
So there is a lack of control, focus and Cooperation for the ill impacts of it in the Environment it works whether physical or abstract in nature.
CSR helps in tackling such problems by keeping aside a fix or predefined value of compensatory responsibility assets/capital.
Marpu Foundation is working in such a way that it can extend from grassroots of the society ( the youngsters) and then to upper strata.
By partnering with the Marpu Foundation, companies can make a real and tangible impact on the lives of people who need it most.
In September 2015, all 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted a plan for achieving a better future for all — laying out a path over the next 15 years to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and protect our planet. At the heart of “Agenda 2030” are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which clearly define the world we want — applying to all nations and leaving no one behind.
All Companies Can Play a Role
No matter how large or small, and regardless of their industry, all companies can contribute to the SDGs. While the scale and scope of the global goals is unprecedented, the fundamental ways that business can contribute remain unchanged. The UN Global Compact asks companies to first do business responsibly and then pursue opportunities to solve societal challenges through business innovation and collaboration.
Global challenges – ranging from climate, water and food crises, to poverty, conflict and inequality – are in need of solutions that the private sector can deliver, representing a large and growing market for business innovation. In the rush to transform business models and systems for the future, integrity and values will have a huge role to play. For companies wanting to advance the SDG agenda, the job starts by acting responsibly – incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact widely into strategies and operations, and understanding that good practices or innovation in one area cannot make up for doing harm in another.
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Empowering Change: Top NGOs in Chennai and Their Transformative Impact
Chennai, a city known for its rich culture and history, is also a vibrant hub for social change, driven by numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These NGOs address a wide array of social issues, from education and healthcare to environmental conservation and women’s empowerment. This blog highlights the leading NGOs in Chennai, focusing on their key initiatives and subtly emphasizing the Marpu Foundation’s unique role in driving societal progress.
Marpu Foundation is celebrated for its comprehensive approach to social issues, particularly its initiatives that integrate education with healthcare services, ensuring holistic community development. Their projects, such as the “Clean Chennai, Green Chennai” campaign, have significantly improved urban environments and public health.
Chennai Social Service has facilitated numerous programs aimed at empowering marginalized groups by providing vocational training and entrepreneurship opportunities, thereby fostering economic independence and social inclusion.
This is one of the Examples of Achievements of Marpu Foundation.
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csrconsultants · 1 month
Fiinovation teamed up with Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology for the WaSH program, aimed at enhancing health practices in 11 Agucha Village schools, Bhilwara, Rajasthan.
This CSR effort by Sandvik, executed by the International Academy of Environmental Sanitation and Health, brings essential amenities to schools, including clean toilets, drinking water stations, RO systems, water coolers, sanitary pad vending machines, incinerators, and digital-equipped smart learning rooms.
Source Url : Fiinovation YouTube Channels
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laxmi04 · 3 months
Enhancing CSR Impact through collaborating with Marpu Foundation
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Impact of CSR on Business.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has a significant impact on firms, affecting reputation, stakeholder relationships, and resilience in addition to financial measures. Engaging in CSR activities improves brand image, attracting socially concerned customers and investors. Internally, it improves employee morale and productivity. CSR matches with growing rules and cultural expectations, providing extra benefits such as access to money and decreased risk. Furthermore, it promotes innovation, resulting in competitive advantage and market expansion. Businesses handle societal difficulties by engaging stakeholders, so obtaining their social license to operate. Finally, CSR's impact extends beyond profit, promoting positive societal outcomes and contributing to a sustainable future. Companies that integrate CSR into their fundamental strategies achieve financial success while also furthering social and environmental goals.
About Marpu foundation.
Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi, a recognized National Youth Awardee, coined the term "Marpu" to indicate transformation. At the Marpu Foundation, we use individual potential to create positive change in the world. Our primary goals are to promote volunteerism, environmental stewardship, and sustainability. With a team dedicated to affecting change and providing a supportive environment for all, we have been named "The Best NGO in India" for 2020. We empower people to express their ambitions, work toward sustainability, and build alliances with groups that share our vision. Our efforts produce tangible results, not through traditional charity, but through empathy-driven, innovative approaches. Join us as we work to create a more egalitarian and compassionate future.
Why Collaborate with Marpu Foundation?
As businesses aim to make a positive influence on society and the environment, collaborating with the Marpu Foundation NGO can help them amplify their CSR efforts and promote genuine change. The Marpu Foundation is a renowned leader in employee volunteering and engagement.They bring significant experience, networks, and resources to the table, enhancing your CSR initiatives and increasing impact.
The Marpu Foundation's CSR approach places a strong emphasis on employee volunteering and involvement. It operates at 39 locations across 15 states, with over 80,261 volunteers and 10,245,120 beneficiaries. Their work topic revolves around environmental sustainability, economic development, social development, and goal-oriented partnership.
Looking Forward.
As businesses face complex socioeconomic and environmental concerns, collaborating with the Marpu Foundation provides a path to long-term influence. Companies that embrace shared aims, values, and skills may promote good change, foster resilient communities, and contribute to a more sustainable and fair future for all.
Working with the Marpu Foundation offers a great chance to advance CSR initiatives and bring about significant change that is in line with particular SDGs. Businesses may increase their effect and leave a long-lasting legacy of social and environmental responsibility by coordinating their strategies, mobilizing their resources, and involving the community. Let's work together to fully realize the potential of cooperation in order to build a more hopeful and sustainable future for future generations.
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vishvva · 3 months
Amplifying Corporate Social Responsibility Impact: A Collaboration with Marpu Foundation
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In today's dynamic landscape of corporate social responsibility (CSR), businesses are increasingly recognizing the imperative of contributing to sustainable development goals (SDGs). CSR underscores the notion that businesses are not just economic entities but also social actors with responsibilities towards stakeholders, communities, and the environment. Strategic collaborations with organizations like the Marpu Foundation present a compelling avenue for businesses to maximize their CSR impact and drive sustainable change.
The Marpu Foundation, led by the esteemed National Youth Awardee, Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi, epitomizes transformation and endeavors to catalyze positive change in society. Recognized as "The Best NGO in India" in 2020, the foundation envisions a future characterized by equity, compassion, and sustainability. Through various programs and initiatives, the Marpu Foundation addresses critical social and environmental challenges, emphasizing employee volunteering and engagement as pivotal components of its CSR strategy.
Employee involvement in CSR initiatives has been shown to enhance job satisfaction and morale while fostering a sense of purpose among staff members. With over 80,261 volunteers and more than 10,245,120 beneficiaries across 39 locations in 15 states, the Marpu Foundation empowers individuals to contribute meaningfully to environmental sustainability, economic development, social progress, and the attainment of shared goals.
The foundation's emphasis on employee volunteering not only benefits communities but also strengthens employee engagement and organizational culture. By providing opportunities for staff members to leverage their skills and expertise in impactful projects, the Marpu Foundation cultivates a sense of social responsibility among employees, driving positive change both within and outside the workplace.
Furthermore, the Marpu Foundation excels in facilitating corporate volunteering initiatives, tailoring opportunities to align with the interests and objectives of partner companies. From community clean-up drives to skill-building workshops for marginalized youth, the foundation enables businesses to engage their employees in purposeful CSR activities that resonate with their values and mission.
Transparency, accountability, and impact measurement are integral to the Marpu Foundation's approach, ensuring that every investment in CSR yields tangible and sustainable results. By leveraging data-driven insights and best practices, the foundation demonstrates its commitment to creating lasting social and environmental impact, thereby instilling confidence in partner companies and stakeholders.
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In conclusion, strategic partnerships with organizations like the Marpu Foundation offer businesses a pathway to maximize their CSR impact and contribute meaningfully to sustainable development. Together, businesses and NGOs can build a more equitable, resilient, and inclusive world for present and future generations. As the global community grapples with multifaceted challenges, the role of CSR in driving positive change becomes increasingly indispensable. With the Marpu Foundation as a catalyst for transformation, businesses have a powerful ally in their journey towards creating a better world for all.
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fairyeunji · 7 months
Another list of groups/soloists who need a comeback immediately (as of Feb 2024):
Alice/Elris - Not only have we not had a comeback since APRIL of 2023, but Do-A and Yeonje are still on hiatus with basically no updates????? Ngl, I'm getting a teeny tiny bit worried about them
AOA - .....wishful thinking. never gonna happen. just leave me to cry
Apink - Not too worried about this tbh, even their last comeback was April of 2023, it's natural for a group that's lasted so long to focus more on individual releases and solo work. I don't think they're going anywhere anytime soon, and I'm happy with a yearly album. Still, I do think it's time for the comeback lol
Apink CHOBOM - Again, wishful thinking. One of the best sub-units of all times, I NEED another Copycat
ARTMS - They are preparing for their debut, but I just need it to happen quicker
Billlie - Hear me out, this one is specific - OT7 comeback or nothing. Sua and Suhyeon come back, the kids miss you....
Blackswan - Karma and Cat & Mouse were 10/10, DR is literal dogshit but cmon, Blackswan go viral on twitter every five minutes
BB Girls/Brave Girls - I feel like they re-debuted/re-launched and disappeared???
bugAboo - never taking them off this list, idc if they're all doing separate things and have re-debuted, i am putting my hands over my ears and closing my eyes so that i can live in delusional peace
Cherry Bullet - Going off their once a year comeback strategy, this should actually be happening sometime soon. Cherry Dash was March 2023, so who knows?
Choi Yoojung - if Weki Meki aren't allowed to have a comeback, give Yoojung something, I'm begging
Chung Ha - this is long overdue, I need her to release bare & rare pt. 2 immediately
CLASS:y - I know they released a barely-promoted winter single a while back, but their last proper comeback was October 2022. That's so fucking long ago.
CLC - CLC reunion??? who said that??? pls i'm begging
CSR - Not too optimistic, most of the members have been shipped off to a survival show. Sucks cause CSR had a really strong start, but their promotion went really quickly downhill after Shining Bright
DreamNote - I'm just tired..... please.... I'll take a digital single atp
EL7Z-UP - Hasn't been that long since they debuted, but I still would love a comeback lol
Everglow - my ult of all ults do something. Me and every other forever on twitter are rocking in the corner and predicting april for the next comeback
Fifty Fifty (the ACTUAL group, not the brand) - 3jeong return pls. not to attrakt, just to releasing music. keena pls leave that company, i'm literally begging.
Fromis_9 - Unlock My World was June, Hybe it's been a while. We all know you hate Fromis, but do your job. Give the people what they want
Geenius - They debuted last month lol, but I just can't wait for their first comeback. I loved Voyage so much, so I'm definitely tuning in for any comebacks whenever they may happen
Gfriend - I will beg.
Girls Generation - again, delusion. 20th anniversary???? please???
Girls Generation Oh!GG - why did they evaporate into thin air, sm.
GOT the Beat - bring them backkkkkk
IOI - there's always more room for delusions guys. they're totally gonna have a comeback guys. it'll happen i promise, i saw it in a dream
Iz*One - same here. a talking cat told me they would have a comeback.
Jeon Soyeon - she's overworked as hell, so i do not want this, but i also really really really would love another solo album
K/DA - Riot stop picking random groups to release theme songs, bring back the mothers themselves
KARD - i just think it'd be neat
Kep1er - the fact that we only have 6 months left is sickening. genuinely. i need a full album
Kiss of Life - whenever they get around to it tbh, not too worried.
Kwon Eunbi - please please please go back to glitch and door
Lee Chaeyeon - I just love her songs, they're so fun. Let's Dance was September, so sometime soon???
Lee Hi - I am on my hands and knees please give us an album
Loona - delusions.... i think you mean truth
Loossemble - need this soon or else
Mamamoo - mothers come home
NewJeans - I was so surprised when I actually realised it's been a hot minute since Get Up came out... like 7 months is weirdly long
Pixy - an actual comeback pleak
Purple Kiss - can we go back to horror now, 7heaven was cute but not what we all love
Rocket Punch - yeonhee get back in that building and remember your roots
Weki Meki - not even gonna say anything...
Wendy - one of 3 people who can release a full ballad album that I will enjoy
WJSN - this is a need
Yuju - up there with wendy
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bhumikaajager · 8 months
A Symphony of Responsibility: The Marpu Foundation's Harmony in Coordinating CSR and Pursuing Sustainable Development Goals
Successful existing solutions require innovative ideas and volunteerism for unresolved problems. - KADIRI RAGHU VAMSI Founder | Marpu foundation
Maximizing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the process of using CSR programs to have a positive impact on communities while also generating positive stakeholder attitudes and support behaviors. Organizations can maximize value for both themselves and the community by aligning CSR efforts with overall business strategies. CSR initiatives can help mitigate a variety of risks, including regulatory, legal, and reputational. Companies can reduce the likelihood of negative consequences for their bottom line by proactively addressing social and environmental issues.
Marpu Foundation is a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to promoting volunteerism, environmental awareness, and sustainable development. The organization has been named "The Best NGO in India" for 2020. Marpu Foundation provides a variety of programs to help businesses align their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities with specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are relevant to their values, mission, and stakeholders. The tailored CSR projects are perfectly aligned with corporate values, leaving a lasting impact on communities. The Marpu Foundation also offers opportunities for employee volunteering, corporate volunteering, and employee engagement.
The Marpu Foundation is an ideal partner for businesses looking to maximize their CSR impact for the following reasons:
1. Tailored CSR projects: The Marpu Foundation provides customized CSR projects that align with the values and mission of the company. This ensures that CSR projects are relevant and effective.
2. Expertise: The Marpu Foundation has extensive experience with CSR and sustainable development. In 2020, the organization was recognized as "The Best NGO in India".
3. Employee Engagement: The Marpu Foundation offers opportunities for employee volunteering, corporate volunteering, and employee engagement. This helps businesses increase employee engagement and foster a positive work environment.
4. Impactful: The Marpu Foundation's CSR projects are intended to have a long-term impact on communities. The tailored CSR projects are perfectly aligned with corporate values, leaving a lasting impact on communities.
The Marpu Foundation's Harmony in Coordinating CSR :
Strategic Alignment with the SDGs: Marpu Foundation is strategically aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which address a variety of social and environmental issues. The foundation's mission is closely aligned with the overarching goals of sustainable development, ensuring a focused and effective approach.
Comprehensive CSR Portfolio: Marpu Foundation provides a comprehensive CSR portfolio encompassing education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and community development. This diverse portfolio enables businesses to tailor their CSR initiatives to specific social issues that align with their values and objectives.
Proven Track Record: The Marpu Foundation has a successful track record of implementing and managing CSR projects. The foundation's previous accomplishments and impact demonstrate its ability to produce tangible results, instilling trust in corporate partners.
Volunteer Opportunities for Employees: The Marpu Foundation provides meaningful opportunities for employee volunteering, allowing businesses to actively engage their employees in CSR initiatives. Employees who participate in hands-on volunteering develop a sense of purpose, teamwork, and personal fulfillment, which increases the overall impact of CSR efforts.
Employee Engagement Initiatives: The Marpu Foundation promotes employee engagement by providing programs that enable employees to contribute their skills and expertise to social causes.
Companies that incorporate employee engagement into CSR efforts can improve workplace satisfaction, talent retention, and the overall effectiveness of their social responsibility programs.
The Marpu Foundation stands out as an ideal partner for businesses seeking to maximize their corporate social responsibility impact. The foundation's strategic alignment with the SDGs, diverse CSR portfolio, track record of success, and commitment to innovation provide a solid foundation for businesses to contribute meaningfully and long-term to sustainable development. The Marpu Foundation promotes collaborative efforts that extend beyond financial contributions, resulting in a more profound and long-term positive impact on society through employee volunteering, corporate volunteering, and employee engagement programs. Choosing Marpu Foundation as a CSR partner not only aligns with corporate values but also provides a meaningful and impactful path to a better, more sustainable future.
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mktspectra23 · 11 months
Kambal-godu na kheecho  
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Kumbalgodu is a locality situated in the rural Bangalore. It is situated along the Mysore Road between Kengeri and Bidadi, and, according to the 2011 census, has a population of over 10,000. The Bangalore Swaminarayan Gurukul International School is located in Kumbalgodu. Despite being one of the best industrial areas in the outskirts of Bangalore city, Kumbalgodu still faces some of the major challenges like facing an acute water shortage, heavy traffic, over-population, poor waste management, environmental pollution etc. These are some of the major challenges faced currently by the population staying and associated in Kumbalgodu.
Task in hand- Pepsi has been given the contract to establish their industrial setup in Kumbalgodu and in place they will be providing shelter to the town residents in a different part of Bangalore. You are CMO of Pepsi and have to face the people who are being unsheltered from their homes.
Feasibility Report (Financial, Technical, Operational and Legal)
Convincing strategies for the shareholders and the PR Statement  
Detailed budget report for the revamp plan
CSR Activities
Environmental Impact Assessment Report 
Deadline: 3:00 AM
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