#cs challenge
skipppppy · 2 months
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My contribution for the Carmen Sandiego fans. Pick your poison
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riaki · 10 months
after party | satoru gojo x reader
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gojo wanted to help you prepare a friendsgiving dinner, but he's a little tired n a lot tipsy.
cw: non curse au, everyones alive, shoko typical smoking, drinking, you’re married to gojo wc: 3.3k
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this was supposed to be short but it just spiraled n i kind of hate it b i technically posted on the 23rd so it counts !! not proofread!
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business dinners with satoru are exhausting, to say the least—you start the day early to the scent of coffee through a filter and a fresh breeze through your open window, sending your husband off to work with a hug and a kiss—maybe a promise of more if he pulls the 'five more minutes!' on you.
this one is special, though; old friends from freely youthful highschool days gathered around your dinner table on the mats of your living room floor catching up over cans of beer cold with condensation, the sound of can tabs popping and the fizzling of bubbly spirits over tables of warm food in tin containers.
geto, the tall man with dark hair and gauges, talks about how his two daughters are adjusting to city life, occasionally interrupted by cheerful brightness never dampened by adult years from haibara, an apprenticing entrepeneur under nanami who's got a thing for girls with big appetites. shoko and utahime are having a drinking contest, and mei mei's too occupied with her phone; checking stocks as her tacky nails click against the glass screen.
satoru can't cook. there's a reason why he always buys takeout when you're too busy to provide or you've already gone to sleep— he should be the picture perfect husband, because you deserve that and everything more. his only (self-perceived) flaws are his lack of alcohol tolerance and his inability to master the frying pan.
you always tell him he doesn't have to be a michelin chef— but with the way he's constantly sneaking a chocolate graham cracker from your muji snack bag or snagging the sour gummy between your teeth from your lips, he feels like he should compensate. so on this special november evening, when the hum of the city life outside your balcony gets drowned out by the cheerful mirth of a warm dinner table, he had decided to help you.
the warm kitchen had become a foodstained disaster— but with tearful round eyes and a hand tugging on your shirt, you'd resigned to helping him conquer the task of simple packaged noodles and soft-boiled eggs. he'd cut his finger— even the most capable teacher found his shortcomings against a blunt kitchen knife. needless to say you'd peppered it with kisses before wrapping a rainbow hello kitty bandaid around it.
and that brings you to the present: the result of your extensively hard work; a few soggy noodles collected at the bottom of porcelain bowls painted red on the insides in a lukewarm puddle of soup, full stomachs and a loose and welcoming atmosphere. you wouldn't trade it for the world.
you're fishing a pickled radish slice out of your bowl when satoru leans over, removing the arm that was snaked around your shoulder to drape himself on your lap, lying down on the floor with his knees propped up and his soft cloud-white hair sprawled over your thighs. geto makes a distasteful face when satoru's black socks brush against his leg. across the table, shoko knocks shoulders with utahime as she lights a cigarette; the latter's face flushes as smoke drifts past her lightly flushed face into the open window city night air overhead.
"hey, you. what's up?" you asked softly, chuckling to yourself as you set your chopsticks atop the rim of your bowl, leaning back on your arms to look down at him. he adjusts himself a little, wiggling on your lap as you caught a whiff of his beer breath and scrunch your nose.
"hiii, baby," he drawls, giggling a little to himself. his smooth, usually playful voice took on that deep tone he used whenever he was being serious, and it sent an involuntary shiver down your spine, so you hugged him closer and ran a hand through his soft white hair, brushing your fingers against the black cloth of his blindfold. "what'cha doing?"
"i was eating. you put too much pepper in the broth, 'toru." you smiled softly, tracing the line of his jaw slowly with one finger in the way you knew he liked so much; it was obvious from the way he sighed contentedly and tilted his head into your palm. whether it be from that unfathomably sweet smile or the tender way you held his face in your delicate hands, that was up to him to ponder. next to you, haibara makes a joke— something about mei mei's stocks, and she quips a snarky retort that has him laughing raucously while nanami makes a face.
"i tried!" he protests, almost a whine as he sighs; a hand sneaks up to lift the edge of his blindfold up so his eyes meet yours, and you're left breathless. it catches you off guard every time— those endless pools of swirling blue that stare straight through you, sifting through your thoughts like a scholar annotating an open book, all heart-shaped sticky notes and bright highlighters when it came to thinking about him.
"not hard enough, clearly. but it's okay; we'll do better next time."
he just frowns again at that, sticking out his lower lip in a little pout that makes your heart squeeze. your stomach is full with noodles and broth; you don't think you could stomach another bite if you tried, and you're not one to drink especially if everyone else is. so, you let yourself indulge a little— snake a hand on the back of satoru's neck and tilt him up until he's sitting halfway up and you can easily meet his lips in a kiss.
he reciprocates immediately, hungry like he was waiting for you; you notice that he hasn't eaten much of his food yet, so maybe he was. or maybe he knows how bad it is. either way, his tongue darts out from his parted lips to flick against your own for a moment, before he sinks his teeth into your bottom lip and draws out a teasing whine that you have to stifle because "we have company, 'toru," you have to breath as a reminder. he just laughs breathily against your lips, tasting like bitter beer and buttery vanilla as he shifts to practically sit on top of you, hands on your shoulders as his thumbs brush over your collarbone where the edge of your shirt fails to cover tantalizing skin; he's taller and eventually ends up bringing the both of you toppling down onto the mats.
your back hits the floor and a little gasp leaves your winded lungs— but satoru eagerly catches it with his lips and swallows it, like he's intent on getting drunken off his ass from you (as if he wasn't already tipsy) when he smashes his swollen lips to yours again. your hair is splayed out against the tatami mats like you're trapped in some marine watercolor painting, and for a split second satoru thinks if mermaids were real you'd be the most angelic he'd ever seen as his calloused fingers curl into the strands.
you're about to hook a leg around his waist when a shout catches your ear and you part lips with a gasp, sucking in greedy breaths as satoru promptly sits on your stomach. you let out a stuffed oomph from his weight, and watch as he slides his blindfold back on to look over at the rest of the table who're staring at the two of you like they're watching some forbidden steamy movie scene that's meant to be shielded from children's eyes.
“don’t kiss him while he’s drunk. it’s like rewarding a brat for bad behavior,” shoko says. you sit up with much effort, straining under satoru’s weight as you reach up to grab his shoulders. you miss, but he takes your hands and pulls you up, wrapping his arms around you to keep you from falling back down as you rest your head on his shoulder. utahime has her arms lazily draped over shoko; you assume she’s drunk from that, but if you were to inspect her for long enough you’d notice her can of beer was almost completely full.
“oh, i guess you’re right.” you remarked, frowning a little and biting the inside of your cheek as you pull away from satoru and glance at him. all of the sudden he looks like he’s ready to keel over; the shadows beneath his eyes are reinforced by the alcohol in his system and it looks like he’ll need to tape his eyes open lest he passes out right on top of you. you want to avoid that, so you gently push him off, sighing to yourself.
“don’t listen to her, sweetheart. you can kiss me all you want,” he smirks, a flash of pearly white teeth that would’ve been on your neck a moment ago if not for the interruption. you just shake your head with a breathless laugh, giving him a quick flick to the forehead. before you can pull away, though— he catches your hand, bringing your wrist to his glossy pink lips and giving your pulse a quick peck. “no, she has a point.” you hummed. overhead, the light flickers a little; a moth that had flown in through the window danced about the bulb. the faint sound of car horns filters through the window along with the breeze, recycled laughter and lively chatter from bars a few stories down carried in the cool wind.
you mill about for another twenty minutes or so, content to just listen in as old friends shared anecdotes and funny stories from separate paths of life; you soon learned that nanami was planning on moving to malaysia, and shoko was due to renew her medical license this year. the beer cans built up, mixed in with crumpled napkins that had penned doodles on the rough surface and paper chopstick wrappers. somewhere along the line, satoru had fallen asleep— you had to push his unfinished ramen bowl out of the way before he knocked his head against the wooden table and spilt his meal. you frowned a little at the sight of it— you knew he'd complain about his soaked noodles and limp seaweed sheets later on. you found yourself slinging one of your jackets over his shoulders, fingers lingering over his neck, where the scratchy hair of his undercut met soft warm skin.
soon enough, dishes are piling up in the sink and calling your name; the kids see themselves home via train station, spouting something about a late night pit stop in sendai for the mochi that 'our teacher likes so much'. you consider asking them to bring some back for satoru, but you decide you'll enjoy a laugh when he tells you about how he went to school the next morning to find out for himself, and the stab of hurt that will pierce his full heart in two when he hears the news. even then, you have to shush them as they show themselves out; you can tell from the way satoru's eyebrows knit together beneath his blindfold and the pinch of his jaw that he doesn't appreciate the noise, no matter how blacked out.
the conversation dies down a little, and soon enough, everyone takes their leave one by one. it's only when you settle back down after cleaning up the bowls and putting away the cups that satoru stirs, waking up with a mumble and a huff. his hair is a disheveled mess, and there are sleep lines on his face, but he's still handsome as ever.
"baby?" his voice is hoarse with sleep and dehydration. there's a dull ache between his eyes, feeling like he'd just ran a circle around the world. you answer from the kitchen, calling his name. it's late; past midnight now. the window's still open and satoru's can of beer is still on the table, almost completely empty.
"how long did i sleep? shit, did everyone go home? 'm sorry," he groans, standing up and stretching his arms out. his shirt rides up on his shoulders, exposing the arch of his hip just above the edge of his pants. "don't worry, 'toru." you hummed, washing your hands in the sink as you look over at him. he just nods, grabbing the can and crumpling it in his hands before tossing it in the trash.
"you okay? got a headache?" you asked as he walked over to you, careful not to hit his head on the arch that connected the living room to the kitchen. when you'd first moved in with him, you had to pin a strip of bright yellow caution tape to remind him to duck his head. you smiled as you reminisced over late nights, tucked in his arms as he mused about demolishing the wall there just so he could be rid of the bruise on his temple. then again, as long as you were waiting for him to kiss it better at the end of his nine to five, he didn't mind.
he nods, and watches as an easy smile stretches across your lips; they look infuriatingly kissable under the warm glow of the hazy kitchen light, shining off the porcelain cups in the sink. he leans against the kitchen counter, cold marble feeling through the thin fabric of his shirt as you take his leftovers from the fridge and heat them up in the microwave, standing before the black glass as you watch the little plate spin inside.
there's something about moments like these; so sweet and easy with you after everyone's taken the last train home and all that's left are empty beer cans and extra bowls in the dishwasher for two people with matching rings on their fingers to take care of.
he walks up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your chin. he smiles when he feels your hand cup his cheek, and he turns his head instinctively to meet your lips in a slow, sweet kiss; a muscle memory tango between familiar lovers. when he pulls away to catch his breath, tongue swiping across his bottom lip, you're already there with your fingers, pulling his blindfold down to rest around his neck and gently rubbing the spot beside his eyes, alleviating the tension behind them. it's unspoken moments like these that he loves the most in your relationship. making a mess in your kitchen is a close second.
it's a slow, easy night after a special get-together when the microwave beeps and you take his noodles out, bringing them to the table as you sit down next to him and rest your head on his shoulder, letting him tuck you into his side as he gets a bit of breaded tonkotsu crumbs on his cheek and insists you wipe them off for him like he's some oversized baby. you wash some cherries in a green plastic bowl, competing to see who can spit the pits into the trashcan without missing. in the end, he lost the game of rock paper scissor and was resigned to pick up the missed pits on the floor.
he's still wearing your jacket like a cape and even though it's far too small for him, he insists on keeping it with him when you go out onto your balcony to finish the last of a bottle of sake together, listening to the melody of the wind in the trees that line the sidewalk and the permeating hustle and bustle of the city, even when it's so late at night it could be considered early morning.
he swipes the cold bottle from your hands, finishing the last drops from the matte glass before letting it dangle between your fingers. and you're expecting it when he catches your arm to pull you into another kiss; he tastes like peaches and wine and a little bit of soup broth. it's slow, and easy, because being with him has always felt as natural as breathing, and being with you has made it easier for him to breathe, like the iron weight on his lungs melts away in the face of your unconditional warmth and care. the cool wind blows your hair in front of your face, and he laughs that charming boyish giggle as he tucks it behind your ears and scoops you up in his arms.
"i don't like sharing you with a sake bottle," you said, pointedly looking at the glass in his hand. he just grins, looking down at you for a moment. he can almost see it again; you, in that gorgeous white wedding cloth. he was carrying you bridal style in the same way now, when you'd decided to grow old together and host special business dinners as a couple in your shared apartment.
"don't worry, love. you're sweeter than any spritz," he laughs, stepping inside again and closing the door behind him.
it's routine, and it's easy, getting ready for bed with him, laughing when he pushes his hair back with a headband, looking like a pretty little princess. you suggest him getting a mullet, and he shushes you by shoving your toothbrush on your tongue, getting a mouthful of mint. the warm water rushes over your fingers before you dry yourself off, wiping your face and putting the towel away only to be met with the equal warmth of his lips on your forehead, peppering you with kisses.
you slip into the covers, still pleasantly cold as you watch satoru sit up and take his shirt off. he lets you peel the rainbow bandaid on his finger off, tossing it in the trash before pulling you into his arms, right where you belong the closest to his heart. "don't cut yourself like that again, okay?"
"it was an accident, baby." he chuckles, and you just roll your eyes. he reaches over to ruffle your hair affectionately and makes a joke about having you suck his blood like a vampire, tooting about how sweet it would be. "besides, i don't need to be careful if you're there to patch me up, pretty. shoko has nothing on you!"
he plays with your hair as you catch him up to the conversations he'd slept away; mei mei had left early when you'd given him your jacket to envelope him in your scent, muttering something about cheap perfume and worthless soggy noodles. he likes to play with your jewelry, you notice— fiddles with the ring on your finger, cupping your hands in his palm as he tucks his face into the back of your neck.
at one point, he asks you to do his hair, so you oblige, rolling him over onto his stomach and clambering on top of his waist. you braid his white strands into cute little pigtails best as you could manage as he tells you about his dream; something about harassing nanami in malaysia and a sunset kiss under crystal clear beach water. it sounds nice, and when you're done with his hair you find it easier to just massage his shoulders and listen to the smooth droning of his voice.
soon enough, you're both warmer than the lukewarm buzz of beer in your veins, and he doesn't remember if he fell asleep first or not, but the gentle melody of your voice haunts him in his dazed sleep as he curls around you.
business dinners really are exhausting— he's left wondering how you pull it off the morning after when he's hungover and the cut on his finger is infected— clearly, the hello kitty bandaid wasn't enough to cut it. the only reasoning that he explains to you as you take your morning shower together, fingers running through your hair, is that you didn't kiss it enough. maybe that's why his soup had too much pepper and he didn't know how to cut the cucumbers.
he's still an amateur, so he'll leave the cooking to you. maybe next time he'll pretend the takeout he grabbed on his way home from school was handmade, though he doubts his friends will ever believe him, or his students after he demands they buy him kikufuku as compensation for leaving him out the night before.
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ignore the ep that came out today! everyone’s alive and well. trust my (riaki) stuff. don’t repost and/or plagiarize !
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preliminary-gayeties · 3 months
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no bestie where do you think Guadagnino got the idea 💅🤺
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space-is-dabest · 2 months
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CS WIP Wednesday Challenge (an evergreen list)
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A new WIP writing challenge every week! Dust off your keyboards and bust out your red pens, because we're summoning the muse whether she likes it or not 🧚‍♀️
Feel free to jump in and out as you please - just make sure to tag us so that we can reblog all your updates!
If the week's prompt doesn't work for you, write anything you want! Write what calls to you! Just write something! The same fic can also be used for more than one prompt!
Week 1
👻 The WIP haunting you most (you know which one it is - it's the first one that came to mind when you saw this challenge)
Week 2
👵 Your oldest posted WIP (can you even remember what year it was when that one first went up?)
Week 3
🥰 Your favorite WIP (which one do you actually WANT to be writing right now, regardless of what anyone else thinks of it)
Week 4
🕛 The WIP that has gone the longest without an update (have pity on us readers please)
Week 5
💡 The WIP that has all the notes/outline already done but you haven't managed to start (that's half the work done already!)
Week 6
🎂 The WIP you most recently updated (more cake!)
Week 7
🤏 Your shortest WIP (as in the one that will be the shortest, so short that you can totally write it... right? right.)
Week 8
🤷‍♀️ Any WIP - 500 words (shake that muse until words fall out - any words at all!)
Week 9
📜 Your longest WIP (look how many words you've already written! What's a few more?)
Week 10
🫶 Your WIP with the least amount of notes (let's give it the attention it deserves!)
Week 11
☝️ A oneshot WIP (come on, you can do it! It'll totally stay a oneshot....)
Week 12
🔥 That smutty WIP/scene you've been avoiding (suck it up and write the smut - or fade it to black - just don't let a little smut stand in your way!)
Week 13
☹️ The WIP you started and abandoned/decided not to post (don't let that WIP be an orphan!)
Week 14
🙌 Your posted WIP with the most comments/kudos/notes (give the people what they want!)
Week 15
✍️ That one scene/bit of dialogue in a WIP you don't want to/haven't been able to write (make them do the thing or say the thing even if they do or say it badly!)
Week 16
🃏 Dealer's choice (whatever your heart desires, writers, that's all we want you to have)
Week 17
😈 A new WIP (You've already got so many on the go... what's one more?)
Week 18
😭 That WIP that's going to be so long and involved you don't even want to think about it (Time to bite the bullet and write that first/next sentence)
Week 19
🪈 The WIP you talked about but never started (we're waiting - time to pay the piper...)
Week 20
👀 Let someone else pick which WIP they'd love you to update (it's not peer pressure if it's your friends right?)
Feel free to send me any suggestions you might have and we can add them to the list - There will be a weekly post as well for each topic as a reminder.
Happy Writing!
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izicodes · 2 years
The FreeCodeCamp Study Challenge!
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I literally just completed this challenge and I thought why not share the challenge on here for other people to take part in if they wanted to!
FreeCodeCamp is an open-source platform that offers various coding courses and certifications for web developers. The goal of this challenge is to choose one of the available courses on the FreeCodeCamp platform, complete the course, and earn the certificate at the end.
The challenge is self-paced, so the duration is entirely up to you. The challenge is there to motivate people into coding and/or continue their coding studies! Especially people in the Codeblr community!
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FreeCodeCamp [LINK] offers the following courses:
(NEW) Responsive Web Design Certification (I've done this one)
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification (I am going to do this one next)
Front End Libraries Certification
Data Visualization Certification
APIs and Microservices Certification
Quality Assurance Certification
Scientific Computing with Python Certification
Data Analysis with Python Certification
Information Security Certification
Machine Learning with Python Certification
Each course is broken down into multiple sections, and completing all the sections in a course will earn you a certification for that course.
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To start the FreeCodeCamp Challenge, follow the steps below:
Choose a course on the FreeCodeCamp platform that you would like to complete.
Complete the course and earn the certificate.
Post about your progress every day that you study using the #freecodecampchallenge hashtag. You can post about what you have done towards the challenge, what you have learned, and any challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
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The FreeCodeCamp Challenge is an excellent opportunity to improve your coding skills and earn a valuable certification!!!! Even add that to your resume/CV! I completed this challenge and you can see me posting about it - LINK.
Remember to post about your progress using the #freecodecampchallenge hashtag to track your progress and connect with other participants AND you don't have to study straight days, meaning you can take days off whenever you feel like it!
Good luck!
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I went digging into my eleventy-billion ideas scattered throughout my drive to bring you a list of either last words or close to what I wrote last on the docs. I tried to make sure there wasn’t smut in the lines, but I did curse.
Hopefully this kick starts the muse. She’s been hibernating while real life goes crazy.
Untitled 1776 fic
With a quick check of herself in the mirror, she threw a shawl around her shoulders and shut the door quietly. When she was certain Arthur wouldn’t see the fear on her face, she opened the door and stepped towards him before Arthur or his men could enter her house again.
Blackberry Summers
“I would give my entire fortune to know those thoughts.” He murmured as he leaned close enough to trail a finger down her cheek. “What was it that made you blush, Swan?”
@teamhook’s fic
“You should learn how to tie one of these things”
“Why? It gives you a sense of accomplishment”
Ice Castles
Her brow furrowed again and she pouted slightly. “What are we doing?”
“I think it’s time a certain Swan took flight.” He kissed the tip of her nose before he picked her up in his arms and stepped onto the ice.
Rear Window
How had she missed that? Emma immediately sent a text to Will before groaning into her pillow. She was completely fucked.
Fairest chapter 5
“I’ve already made an appointment at Ella’s for dress shopping!” Her aunt looked like she might pop from excitement.
Killian wrapped his arms around her waist. This wedding was going to be an explosion of tulle, but at least she wouldn’t be wearing the feather dress.
Untitled A/B/O Smut
“Probably.” He chuckled and brushed a kiss to her shoulder. “But I should probably get some clothes on?”
“In the washer.” She hummed. “I wasn’t thinking.”
Untitled A/B/O
The pull to hold her was too strong to ignore this time. Emma buried her face in his chest as the tears wracked her body. When she finally calmed, she pulled back to meet his eyes. He had no idea what she was looking for, but she found it and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him closer.
Her scent gland was right beside his nose and whatever she was producing made his head swim. He was vaguely aware of her standing on his feet as she tucked herself against him. It didn't matter. She could step on him all she wanted if it meant she'd stay here.
Untitled Supernatural fic
Squeak. Squeak. Squeaksqueaksqueaksqueaksqueak SQUEAK. Squeak. SQUEAK. SqueaksqueakSQUEAKsqueaksqueak SQUEAK. Squeak. Squeak. Squeaksqueaksqueaksqueaksqueak SQUEAK.
A Charming Curse
“You do know who you’re talking to, Miss Charming?” The smooth voice was pure malice.
“You came to me for help, not the other way around.” I shouted at him. “Go find someone who wants magic.”
Captain Who - Eleventh Hour
The crack snapped shut and Olivia stared at her blank bedroom wall, “Who was that?” She asked him. “Was that Prisoner Zero?”
Captain Who - The Snowmen (for @everything-person )
“Snow that can remember? That’s silly.” Was she teasing him? Bloody hell.
“What’s wrong with silly?” He felt a smile tug his lips despite his sour mood. Bloody hell this mood had lasted longer than some of his previous regenerations.
“Nothing. I’m still talking to you.” There it was again. That smirk in her voice, the light in her eyes. A century or two ago, he would have thought she was flirting, but that wasn’t possible anymore. Was it?
“What’s your name?” His manners were a little rusty, but she didn’t seem to mind.
“Emma.” Her smile grew brighter.
“That’s a nice name. Emma.” He turned to return home. “You should definitely keep it.”
How I Met Your Mother
“Didn’t my sister tell you? I was able to catch an earlier flight.” She asked and she draped her coat on the chair. “What’s going on?”
The door burst open as a red haired woman tumbled in. She was followed by a tall muscular blond man with a sandwich nearly falling from his mouth as he navigated the steps. “Liam! Elsa gets in early! Oh…hey Elsa!”
Cordially Invited
“It’s why I came looking for you, Captain. You requested my last two dances, did you not?” She smiled mischievously and handed him her dance card. K Jones was written in the last two entries.
Granny, Ruby, and Leroy were having a heated argument when a disembodied female voice interrupted: I’m having trouble understanding you. Playing Shake it Off by Taylor Swift.”
A song filled the dining room and Leroy tugged something from deep in his pockets. “No!” He growled at the talking phone.
Only Murders in the Building
"I swear if you apologize for that, I'll make you wait 10 more years." She rasped.
He rested his forehead against her and chuckled quietly. "I would despair if you did."
Sparkling Cyanide
Six people were thinking about Regina Mills-Gold who had died nearly a year ago.
The metal scraping of a chair on the floor made Killian’s eyes throb in pain. Bloody hell. His head was already pounding.
Archie sat across from him and leaned his trusty umbrella against his chair. “Alright, Agent Jones, care to tell me what happened?”
Killian closed his eyes and focused his glare on the inside of his eyelids. “I told you already.” He took a breath and met eyes like chips of ice. “I returned home with my wife.”
Archie drew out his tablet and a pen as he began tapping on a screen. “Right. And who would that be?”
“Olivia Rogers.” He replied.
In the ashes of his happiness something else took shape. If he couldn’t be a better man for her, he could become their worst nightmare.
They should have left him in peace.
Untitled Mashup
"My father loved Egypt so much, he married my mother, who was an Egyptian" Killian Jones to Emma Swan after drinking rum for the first time.
@teamhook ’s Christmas
Someone like Emma deserved better. She deserved a better man that he had been or could hope to be. Maybe, he could give her back her sibling.
I’m Wishing
He chuckled at the odd turn of phrase, but before he could inquire about the relevance of the temperature, the door opened to a stooped, wrinkled old woman with stringy gray hair looking painted. What had Ruby called it? A cartoon?
Death on the Nile
She tilted her head to look at her husband. He truly was beautiful in the sunlight. His big blue eyes sparkled at her when he smiled. She traced the tip of one elven ear with her fingertip and laughed when he caught her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. For a few moments, she allowed herself to be swept away by the depth of love she saw reflected back in his eyes.
Code: Omega
Killian sighed when his cubicle mate, Ariel, brought him coffee and a danish from her coffee run. "Lass, if Eric doesn't propose soon, we should talk."
"Ha!" She grinned. "You'd never be able to afford me."
"A man can dream." He chuckled. "You are an angel. Thank you."
Aunt Soolie
“Natural?” West looked furious. “Well it might be natural for a sardine, but this girl’s father put me in charge of making sure she grows up to be a proper lady. Which is why tomorrow at 8 o’clock, I’ll be taking this girl to St Meissa Academy and you will only get your depraved hands on her Christmas and summer and I wish I could find a way to stop you from that!”
Blind Date
Emma pressed against him as he drove to the restaurant. She caught the tip of his ear between her teeth and he nearly drove into the other lane. “God your scruff is so sexy. I wanna know how it feels between my legs.”
Traveling Storm
Late that afternoon, they arrived at a clearing and he felt panic set in. A woman grabbed a young girl with blonde curls, but the child slipped past to run away from the house. “Papa!” she shrieked over and over before Teach picked her up and walked back inside. The woman shouted and ran for him, but he grabbed her by the throat and took them both inside.
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safyresky · 21 days
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 34/52: tfw your siblings come to visit you and then suddenly London is on fire and you run into another magibean while trying to smuggle the (accidental) arsonists themselves out 😬😬😬
So a couple of weeks back I was chatting with @kscribbs and I was like I'M OUT OF SCRIMBLE IDEAS! AH! and K went "well listen...if u want suggestions...👀👀👀👀" and she GAVE lmao. So here is the first of FOUR (4) kscribbs suggestions that I am going to call SCRIMBLIES: CHALLENGE MODE because they ARE a little more challenging but we are READY!!! LET'S GO!
ONE OF FOUR: IN WHICH MEL, IN DISGUISE AS A MAN, RUNS INTO JACQUELINE AND THE TWINS DURING THE GREAT FIRE OF LONDON, 1666 EDITION. The weird thing on her elbow is her moustache which has been "lost" in the chaos 🤭🤭
Fashion is fun! Went generic for late 17th century until I found a detailed reference website HERE which has been QUITE the BOON. I think it's pretty on brand that Jacquie is a few decades behind, given this is around the same time as the piracy lol.
Positioning the twins was a BITCH, FINO ESPECIALLY! Lil guy was NOT cooperating, had to remind myself IT'S A SCRIMBLE, DANI and then we (sorta) got it. Fiera is .2 seconds away from escaping and telling Mel all about their exciting night! Mel is just trying to help people, poor dear, running into these three in the middle of an uncontrollable fire 😅😅😅 (side note: think I finally know which colours I want to use for her!)
We've talked about them running into one another during this particular fire of London before, and I think how it actually happens is Fiera runs into a burning building, Fino close behind, while Jacqueline panics. Mel goes to help only to be told IT'S OKAY THEY'RE ALSO ON FIRE as the pair of them burst through the front like SEE? SHORTCUT! and Jacqueline is like FOR YOU TWO MAYBE! And Mel is like THE BUILDINGS ARE GONNA COLLAPSE IF YOU KEEP THAT UP as the building collapses behind them, lmao (or some such similar encounter).
It is very much an "in passing" moment with brief words shared, of which the words in the scrimble are the funniest I could think of lmao. Fiera's excited to be there and Fino's appalled that Jacqueline is lying about their fire (unaware of the ramifications this could have for the pair of them). It is truly a miracle that Jacqueline's hair has A) stayed up and B) is only half melted lmao (especially since she is LITERALLY holding TWO WHOLE FIRES in her ARMS)
Anyway. I am VERY behind. Don't know how that happened. 2 more and I'm caught up for this week! Not only is it KSCRIBBS CHALLENGE MODE it is also a TIMED CHALLENGE apparently lol. Y'all are in for some TREATS
(oh and also. Mel is @kscribbs's little guy whomst you can read about in Miller's Law. I have stolen her once more! And will do it one more time! That I know of so far, hehe 🤭)
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hollyethecurious · 4 months
CS WIP Wednesday Challenge - Week 3
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Week 3
🥰 Your favorite WIP (which one do you actually WANT to be writing right now, regardless of what anyone else thinks of it)
I'm not sure I'd classify this one as my Favorite WIP, but it IS the one the muse seems the most eager to make progress on, so that's what we're gonna go with!
This year for the @cssns I'm doing a Captain Swan AU inspired by the tv show Grimm that debuted the same year as Once. I did not watch it when it was airing, but caught up with it later and LOVE IT! I do a rewatch of the entire series every Fall, and have often thought it would be a great verse to put the Once characters in, seeing as the premises are both grounded in fairytale lore in their own unique ways.
So far, I've completed the Prologue and first two chapters, and this past week I wrote on and made copious amounts of notes for chapters three, four, and beyond. I can't wait to share the fic with y'all this summer and hope you enjoy this small snippet of what's to come.
Per usual, much love and thanks to @captainswanwipwednesdays for helping us dust off these WIPS!
Once Upon A Grimm - Chapter Three Snippet
“Its street name is Dreamshade,” she told him. “It’s a mixture of wesen venoms, including manticore. The combination would be instantly lethal to humans, even Grimms, but less effective on wesen, which is why--” “Why it only managed to render me unconscious,” Killian finished for her. “Here,” she said, passing him a vial of something. “Take this. It will help flush out any remaining toxins from your system.” Killian did as instructed, throwing back the contents of the vial without question and earning him a slightly stunned raised brow from Swan.  “What?” “Nothing. I…” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and toed the linoleum tile beneath her feet. “I wasn’t sure you still trusted me enough to just… take it.” “Why wouldn’t I trust you?” Killian asked her, his brows knit together in confusion. “If anyone has to earn back trust between us… It’s me.” Emma shrugged and kept her eyes pointed downward as she mumbled, “I just thought… since a wesen already tried to assassinate you and your brother, that you might--” “How do you know she was wesen?” Killian asked, prompting Emma’s head to snap up. “Because… no human would use Dreamshade. She had to be a wesen, right?” “Aye, she was.” He paused for a moment, hesitating to add, “A hexenbeist, in fact.” Emma flinched and cast her eyes aside. He hoped she knew he did not paint her with the same broad brush others would use in regards to her kind. He knew she was different.
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racequeenparadise · 2 months
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Natsume Okada and Mio Araki, BMW & MINI Racing 2024 Ambassadors
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leer-reading-lire · 7 months
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JOMP Book Photo Challenge || February || 13 || Would Want In Your Squad
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skipppppy · 9 months
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Pls ignore my absolutely ABHORRENT design skills. Since I’m probably not gonna stop being mentally ill about this show for a while I decided I may as well do something fun for its 5th birthday!! And I figured I’d share it around too in case anyone else wants to take part!!
(I guess that it’s technically 8 days and not a week, but Monday to Monday just felt more fun)
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rainintheevening · 3 months
Chronicles of Narnia 30 Day Challenge — Day 28
How do you feel about C.S. Lewis's allusion to Christianity and Jesus in his novels?
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Without it Narnia would be and mean nothing. Or at least, hardly anybody would have read it, and it would have been just another set of English children's books.
Everyone knows it, even if they don't want to accept it. Truth is engraved in the bones of these stories, and truth is one of the two things we long for most in life.
Narnia is a mishmash of fairytale, fantasy, and philosophical experimentation. Lewis knew God to be the Creator of all, and so figured that if there were other worlds that He had created, God would show Himself there as well. He was a Christian, and the nature of knowing truth is that truth will impact your creative endeavors too. Of course it came through in far more places than he probably intended or put deliberate thought into. And it's this, the fact that all these books are really just big signposts pointing back to the Bible and Jesus at every turn, to me this is what gives the story it's true impact.
Not to mention that's why they put in what might be my favourite additional line in the movies, having Aslan say, "It is finished." Literal Bible quote there!
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a-tombow-pen · 1 year
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Day 21: Pets
I drew Nick with a lil guy :) name him for me
(i know this is early im sorry but i WILL forget to post if i don't do it now)
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space-is-dabest · 2 months
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Listen,I hope I'm wrong,but like,we will only have this issue this year??? Not the usual four issues a year? Is that true, or am I just dumb? Because if it's true, I'll be super pissed.
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I have a headcanon that Normal was really good at school when he was little, and even skipped a grade so he's a year younger than his grade. but as he got older school just interested him less and less so now he's just Average.
also headcanon that Normal is a freshman but occasionally talks about the previous year like he was already in high school because he was shadowing the previous mascot so often, even getting a yearbook, that 90% of the people at Teen High think that Normal's a sophomore.
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