wardthehell · 3 years
Parties weren’t his usual affair. At least, not since he’d gotten through freshman year, barely unscathed by the fog of liquor. To him, parties and celebrations were merely another vehicle for alcoholism, something he’d avoided throughout the entirety of his academic career. A feat worthy of pasting onto his resume, had anyone else understood the profound significance. 
That night was no different, only the liquor was the least concerning part of the town’s memorial. Jamie had never been particularly good with crowds of people, his prickly exterior only extending as far as anyone could hear him and the music was aptly drowning his barbs out. Maggie’s riffs were going especially hard that evening and while he couldn’t blame her, for once he wished she’d just tone it down for a moment so that he could think.
It was the noise, the people, the smell of beer and bourbon. Sweat pooled under his sweater as his his eyes darted from one head to another, their rueful smiles all twisting into one, big wicked one. Jamie’s gaze locked onto one particular face of some guy whose hair was as loud as his grin, his upturned nose elongating until it’d become a snout.
He jumped when his shoulder connected with someone else’s.
“Someone’s gotta tell that dude it’s my job to be early for Halloween,” Jamie said quickly, in an attempt of cool recovery when he realized he’d bumped into someone he knew. When he looked back at the guy, his face had returned to its charming, freckled glory.
“I... gotta go outside. You don’t have to come.”
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cami-carson · 3 years
Open starter
Location: The Activities Fair
If there was one think Cameron knew how to do it was recruit, recruit, recruit. It was in her bones, her very being at this point. Without that kind of gumption, that prowess, that charisma she never would have made it to where she was now. She knew how to get the best of the best and she was fucking good at it.
So that’s why she had been tasked with standing out at the quad during the activities fair. People came from all over: freshman, sophomore, juniors and even seniors to see what they could do to boost their resumes for after college. This was the kind of place that mattered after all.
“Hey! Have you thought about rushing Phi Kappa Nu, or one of our other fantastic sororities or fraternities on campus!” She cried out to a group not too far away. A few of the girl came forward and she drew them in with a heartfelt speech about the value of sisterhood and philanthropy. Plus think of the benefits and connections.
The people took her flyer and nothing made her feel more like a God than the thought that she would get to turn down some of these rich shitheads for rush. And none of them were at all the wiser about her own predicament: that she spent her summers in her parents two bedroom apartment where the walls leaked and the fridge didn’t work.
But then she spotted a friend, someone from the secret villagers. “Howdy,” she hollered again, waving. “Long summer no see. Interested in rushing this year?”
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