#crying writing this jfkldjfskdf
100-yardstare · 7 months
Obligatory post before FF7: Rebirth comes out.
To preface everything, I did NOT grow up playing the original games. Only had the Nintendo 64 as a kid, so unfortunately did not get to experience FF7 until now, as an adult, with my first look into this world being the the remake. This is important because it has swayed my view on the story only in a way arguably someone who has never experienced this game before could experience it.
I knew about The Scene but I've not SEEN it. I've read about it, heard it talked about and analyzed but that's it. It's the game equivalent to the Star Wars "I am your father" plot twist.
The best way I can explain the feelings I get about these characters is best described in what Cloud is experiencing here:
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Anticipatory grief. A feeling of knowing but not KNOWING. It's that thought of looking at someone and knowing they will die but you just don't know how or when. There is this idea that the game creators are changing The Scene or outright giving Cloud the ability to save Aerith, but until Rebirth comes out there is only speculation.
I love these characters and I love Cloud and Aerith's relationship. There is so much emotion in how these two are portrayed, the pain of the unknown and the anticipation of grief and loss. Every time I hear Aeirth's theme I burst into tears. The "I want to meet you" and how she sees Cloud and cherishes their time spent together is so precious that I can't really explain it in any other way.
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