#crying the whole 'really hanma only hs himself to blame'
deathfavor · 9 months
@requiemofrebellion said: Hanma hummed as he leaned against his desk. The seas were gentle today so there wasn’t much rocking in his own quarters. When his eyes flicked up to watch Kazutora come into the room, a smirk appeared on Hanma’s lips. Kazutora was always good at not keeping him waiting when he called for him. Yet, the Captain of the ship stayed silent until the door was closed. 
“ Mm, it’s about time, Kitten. ” Hanma mused, acting as if he had been waiting long when in reality he hadn’t been nor really cared how long it took Kazutora to arrive. 
He pushed himself off of his desk and strolled closer to Kazutora, not stopping as he got closer, moving a hand to Kazutora’s chest and pushed him up against the door. His free hand moved to slam against the door, right by Kazutora’s ear and he leaned down to him. Golden eyes locked with Kazutora’s. 
“ You wanna tell me about what I overheard from some crewmates? Something about how a little tiger cub lost his temper? ” He wasn’t at all angry or upset with Kazutora, he was merely doing this to watch his reactions. “ Did they deserve it? ”
(pirate au ! )
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Boots thud against the solid wood of the ship as Kazutora approaches the captain's quarters. He raps his knuckles against the door to announce his presence before he steps inside, shutting the door behind him. There'd only been a few minutes delay between the request and his appearance - but the silence is something unsettling.
A frown tugs as the corner of his lips, watching the sunlight that spilled through the ship's windows cast Hanma in a bright light while he stayed in the dark. It hadn't been that long. And the use of kitten has a slight huff leaving his lungs in this moment. He bites his tongue for now, especially as Hanma approaches.
And keeps approaching. His gaze immediately drops to the hand that presses against the necklaces and bare skin of his chest from the v-neck shirt before he finds his back against the door, eyes darting towards the hand that slams against the door. And fuck, if that wasn't attractive. Probably not the point of the moment, but really, Kazutora thinks Hanma only has himself to blame for it. If he didn't want that sort of reaction, he should have thought of that before hand. Kazutora's pupils are blown wide with interest and attention, his breath hitching for a moment in his throat when he stares at his captain. He'd beat the shit out of anyone else who tried such a thing, the tiger was not one to be caged without his instigating. But this? .....He lets slide for Hanma. Can he feel the spike in his pulse? Hopefuly not.
Right. The reason he was here.
Kazutora's eyes narrow, turning from relaxed to something more dangerous and lethal. He's pretty sure there's still a few flecks of blood on his shirt from the incident a little while ago. " Fuck yeah that bastard deserved it. " Kazutora retorts immediately, scowling though it clearly wasn't directed at Hanma but at the memory. " That rat bastard should be thankful I didn't knock his fucking teeth out and only broke his nose. " He adds, lifting his gaze back up to meet Hanma's eyes with a more wild, ruthless gleam to them now. " They were talking shit about you, Captain. I thought it best to teach them a lesson. " He gives a little hmph as he leans back against the door he's effectively pinned against. " I was being nice about it too. "
He lowers his lashes a fraction, peering up at his captain from under dark lashes. " Don't you think they'd deserve it for that, Captain ~ ? "
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