[[ kip: the council decides who can come here for security reasons-
snips, sharpening several knives at once: cool. how do they feel about death ]]
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voidwizerd-archive · 8 years
@redthreshecutioner said: "!!!!! AAAAAAAAAA" i kno!!!!!!!!!!!
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liimeeye2-blog · 7 years
Not jealou2. Ju2t vexed by reckle22 behaviior.
That’2 all thii2 ii2.
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2oemone plea2e tellmy moiiraiil two 2top beiing charmiing, iit'2 the wor2t.
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Godde22e2, II mii22ed you two.
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@crustacian-gascon [[ listen he's trying his best,,,
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@crustacian-gascon Kiip, godde22e2, calm down.
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Kiip make2 fart noii2e2 two expre22 affectiion but II 2tiill accept hiim.
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Last night… light… is a blur. You remember Kat dropping your palmhusk on your face to wake you up, Kip and Kay both telling you to come over, some sort of news about Dope…
You probably. Weren’t all that useful.
Exhausted trolls don’t tend to be?
You remember shooshing Kip and trying to rummage around for tea, because tea is soothing and gives something else to focus on, but you couldn’t find it there were only plates, but you did find a mug except that was actually a banana. Then a staffer took over, maybe?
You were back with Kip and Kay then, trying to say something reasonable to calm your moirail because even as worn out as you had been there was no mistaking that anger.
You probably didn’t say anything intelligible, much less reasonable. Fuck.
Did you try turning off your suppressors?? Maybe you did, but you didn’t succeed. At least there’s that.
But wait, did you…
You definitely did.
You pulled Kip and Kay in close and that is the last thing you recall. Did you fall asleep holding onto Kip and Kay????
You’re awake now, staring at the ceiling, and you’re not quite willing to check. Maybe you can be lucky for a change and it will turn out that Kay left before witnessing how utterly addled and clingy you are when exhausted.
You should take this as a lesson to stop pushing yourself until you drop.
(You are already disregarding this lesson.)
Something in the room moves. Too big to be Fae, and Kip is still asleep on your chest.
You hope it isn’t Kay.
It is absolutely Kay.
You should… probably stop maintaining awkward eye contact.
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> Your moirail is messaging you in distress, you have no idea what happened. Your moirail’s brother is messaging you too, maybe he knows what happened?
> In either case,
> You’re dragging your exhausted self out of the couch and stumbling to find clothes and make sure there’s food out for the furrets. You have to find your palmhusk three times before finally heading to the transportalizer.
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> You are simultaneously upset at Kip's distress over not being able to come see you, and... really touched by it at the same time?? > He's a good 'rail. > You're just too fucked up over magic.
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sleepy + Kip
II diidn't thiink II would ever... ever try a quadrant agaiin, e2peciially moiiraiillegiiance. A lot of me ii2 afraiid iit wiill 2tiill turn 2our, our only experiience iin diiamond2 ha2 been utterly awful.Hii2 2miile make2 me melt and hii2 C 2tutter ii2 2o endeariing... He'2 2o affectiionate iit'2... 2taggeriing. II love hiim.II wii2h II could be more for hiim.
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@crustacian-gascon 2aiid: "DID YOU MEAN WOOING OAR DO YOU NAUT KNOW HOW TO SWOON TO OTTERS FLIRTING??" No, II'm vii2iitiint D twomorrow and 2aiid II would come 2wooniing riight through the door. II refu2e two dii2appoiint.
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Artiifex sends you right on over to the palace coords, and you have to take a moment to just... take in the change. Kipper hadn’t been exaggerating about how different it looked since his... half death? Ascension? Your friend and crush is now some type of god and if you don’t think about that too hard maybe you can avoid panic.
Part of you thinks this is a terrible idea, and has a lifetime of solid reasons why.
The other part of you is distracted by all the pretty flowers covering everything.
Scratching nervously at the one arm that isn’t stitched together, you step forward. Kipper said he was in his block, so you head there. A guard falls in behind you as you go. At the very least, you don’t have to worry about getting lost.
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Kiip II am comiing onliine riight now two 2ay II am never 2ettiing foot iin your hiive agaiin iif there are furbiie2 iin there. IIt'2 not happeniing.
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