#cruel summer beach bash
tyluh · 1 year
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And if I bleed you’ll be the last to know 💘
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katzuyas · 3 years
Hi hi! This is for the one word drabble, how about the word "Drowning"
combining this one with "salt" from @letmeshipmyshit
their first kiss is a mess, the second better, the third and fourth and fifth, up to the twentieth are almost mind-numbingly amazing and victor's mouth tingles with a want for more even as they part. breathing seems a cruel need to have when instead he could feel the slide of yuuri's chapped, yet still lovely lips against his own.
he licks them now, greedily taking in the glazed look in yuuri's eyes, the delightful blush on his cheeks, the hair that sticks to his forehead in the summer heat. it's almost over, summer. and so is victor's patience, even if he wants to be patient, if he wants to give yuuri all the time he needs.
but here, now, when he has yuuri pressed into the wall by his own body and yuuri's arms have at last settled around his neck, victor feels too possessive of the moment to let him go.
"I don't want to go to sleep tonight in case it's all a dream," he confesses, and yuuri's lovely face dips down in an expression of such sweet shyness that victor can't help tipping it up with his hand to rest another kiss against his already swollen lips.
like a man drowning in the most delicious of addictions, he drinks him in. kisses the lips, traces them with his tongue, learns their shape by heart and touch. yuuri tastes of salt: of the sea and the miso soup they'd had for dinner. victor prefers sweetness, sometimes the tartness of wine, sometimes the bitterness of vodka, but as yuuri slides his hand through the hair at his nape, all thought of that disappears. there is only him - the taste, the touch, the swelling in his heart that makes him almost choke on his own feelings.
"I never imagined this could actually happen," yuuri admits, his breath a kiss of warmth against victor's lips.
they quirk in a sly grin. "but you have imagined it?"
yuuri's gaze skitters away, his neck turning pink in admission. victor leans in and rests his mouth under his jaw, mouths along the column of his throat and delights in the scent of sunlight and beach that clings to yuuri's skin, a reminder of their day and of the many more like it that will surely come.
he lifts his head once more and finds yuuri's lips already waiting.
"I imagined it as well," victor offers between the kisses he peppers them with. "many, many times. and I'm so... so thankful that I don't have to imagine any longer. that I have you here. that it's real."
yuuri's fingers curl in his hair as if he wanted to pull him closer, but something held him back. victor solves his problem by leaning in, their noses touching. and yuuri smiles: a bit bashful, a bit hesitant, but sweet and warm and so, so beautiful...
"me too," he says on a blush.
their lips meet again, starved, yet all tender for the moment, and victor feels himself being dragged deeper into it, drowning in the sweetness, in the salt, in everything he hoped for finally coming to happen.
because, at last, his life and love have truly begun. and he is not letting go of that. not for a minute. even if loving yuuri is a sea strom of roiling waves that drowns him with every breath and every heartbeat, victor is glad to sink.
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Mute male siren x female reader (nsfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
This is a tier reward for a lovely patron who wanted a siren who's never been able to use his voice, and is thus treated poorly by his own kind for being 'useless' in their eyes. Hope you enjoy!
It’s been up on my Patreon for a while now, so if you want to have access to stories before they go up on Tumblr, plus a number of exclusive rewards, access to our Discord server, polls, artwork, character concepts, etc. then head on over and check it out!
It was the eerie melody - almost more of a feeling in your chest than a sound in your ears - that drew you out onto the jetty from the beach where you’d been walking barefoot, flip-flops dangling from the fingers of one hand. You knew about the shoal of sirens who lived and hunted off the reef that guarded Starfall Bay, but you’d never seen them; they didn’t come too close to shore very often after all, preferring the vast open waters of the channel beyond.
Something about their song that afternoon seemed harsh, cruel, despite the plainchant beauty of it and a tear spilled from your eye before you’d even noticed it forming. The song faded as the sirens clearly dived back down again, and it left you strangely hollow. Humans were far from immune to the hunting calls and songs of those hauntingly strange creatures, and in the silent wake of their absence, you found yourself humming softly. The tune was a cheerful one as you tried to rally your spirits a little.
Squinting against the reflections of the strong summer sun against the rippling water, you clambered down to sit on the edge of the dock so that you could dangle your feet in the cool, clear water. A little crab scuttled around in the rocks beneath the jetty’s pilings, minding its own business, and you watched him for a bit. As the hairs on your arms prickled suddenly, you looked up and found that you were not alone.
Lying half slumped over a nearby rock which had been smoothed by the constant caress of the sea was a creature that was unmistakably a siren. You frowned, wondering what they could be doing just metres from the shoreline, and half-hauled out of the water. Something about their size and shape suggested that they were male, and you stared openly at the stunning colours of his tail and upper body. The thick muscle was covered with inky blue scales which were in turn dotted here and there with pearlescent scales. It brought to mind the clearest of night skies. The fan of his tail was feathered and spread out in the water behind him, while his upper body was smooth and free of scales. His skin there, however, was a dark blue-grey, and he had little fins of iridescent blue at his elbows. Plastered to his head and hanging halfway down his back, his hair was black as an oil slick, and he stared at you with huge, dolorous, sapphire eyes, blinking slowly.
“Hi,” you called, waving. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a siren up here before. Do you come here a lot?”
He waved back, somewhat hesitantly, and then gestured with a clawed hand at his throat, opening his mouth silently.
“Oh,” you said. “You don’t speak…? Is that right?”
In answer, he gave a slow, sad nod, those bright, completely blue eyes turning down to stare at a spot of vivid green seaweed on the rock.
Something about his dejected posture made you keep talking, so you asked, “Do you know Sign?”
His head jerked back up at that and he tilted it curiously to one side in a silent question.
“You know, Sign Language?” you asked. “It’s what people who can’t hear or talk - or sometimes both - use to communicate. They use their hands.”
The siren froze but his lips parted in soft astonishment, eyes wide with wonder. He clearly hadn’t known that there were other ways of expressing himself, and your heart twisted at the anguish in his storm-blue eyes.
“My friend teaches it,” you went on, thinking on your feet. “I don’t know it myself, but if you’d like to learn, I’m sure I can ask him for you.”
He nodded emphatically but then went still again.
“What? What’s wrong?”
He made an empty kind of cough, mouth opening in an unvoiced hiss of frustration - more of a choke, really - flashing razor sharp teeth. Then he looked back at you and rubbed his thumb against his fingertips in the gesture that said ‘money’ almost the world over. He’d clearly been around landfolk often enough to have picked that one up.
Waggling your legs slowly through the water as you thought, you pouted and then said, “I can ask if he’d be willing to help out anyway… He’s the kind of guy that would do that.”
The hope that kindled in those sad eyes nearly tore your chest in two.
“I’ll ask him right now. Hang on.”
One quick text later and Jera was agreeing to come down to the beach in ten minutes to meet the siren. The bright green of the lizardfolk’s tail seemed to fascinate your siren, and the two of them seemed to hit it off almost immediately. You couldn’t help but notice the way he flinched away though whenever either of you made a sudden gesture or raised your voices - even to laugh - and as you and Jera made your way back up the beach after promising to return the next morning, your friend voiced his concerns.
“For a siren to have no voice…” he muttered darkly. “He must be the lowest of the low… he…”
“He seems to desperate to communicate,” you commented.
Jera shook his head and made a soft growl like an alligator. “It’s more than that. They use their voices for everything: hunting, mating, socialising… Without that, he… he has no role, no function.”
Your heart ached for him and you said, “You mind if I sit in on the lessons too? That way he’s got me to talk to as well…”
“I kind of assumed you’d want that anyway,” Jera grinned. “We’ll start tomorrow.”
Over the next three weeks, you and Jera spent hours down at the shore with the siren. He was literate as it turned out, and at the start of your first lesson he wrote his name with a talon in the hard, wet sand.
“Ilta,” Jera repeated, looking up at him. “That means ‘evening’,” he added, and both of you eyed the starry night sky of Ilta’s tail.
“Appropriate,” you grinned and Ilta blushed darker. His face was so sharply defined, his features so intense and clearly belonging to a predator, that to see him turn a little softer sent a thrill through you.
When he saw the way you smiled, he signed, “Thank you,” with a hesitant and bashful hand.
One morning perhaps a month into your daily lessons, as you hurried through the town, with your heart fluttering and your chest light with excitement to see him again, your phone buzzed and you paused at the harbour to read the text.
Jera: Hey, I can’t make it today - something’s come up and they need me to cover for another member of staff at school. Sorry! x
You replied that it was fine, and that you and Ilta could practise together anyway. However, he wasn’t there when you got to your usual meeting spot in the cove, and a stab of worry hit you like a hammer blow. Eventually, after thirty long minutes of pacing the sand and staring at the water, the surface of the sea rippled in a rush of bubbles, and you saw Ilta’s dark tail propelling him towards you.
“Hey,” you called, waving to him, but when you saw how dejected he looked, how broken down, you knelt in the water, heedless of the splashing waves, and held out your arms to him. “Come here,” you murmured.
He lay in your lap, his chest heaving silently, and he flung his lean, muscular arms around your waist. Stroking his wet hair seemed to calm him and after a moment you felt him shiver. “Ilta, what happened?” you asked softly, but he only tightened his grip on you and buried his face from sight. “Ok, it’s ok,” you crooned. “I’m here.”
After a while, you recalled something that Jera had said about song being so important to the everyday life of a siren, and you began to hum quietly. It was the tune you’d sung on the day you’d first met him; a variation of a folk melody that had always cheered you up when your grandmother had sung it to you. Within seconds, his body went limp beneath your touch and he let his hands fall to the sand on either side of your thighs. He listened to you sing it through twice before he took a deep, shuddering breath, and then pushed himself upright.
His strange gaze met yours and he reached a lethally-clawed hand for your throat, his fingertips just brushing against your skin as you continued to sing. The urge to stop was overwhelming, but something made you keep humming. He blinked slowly, dark lips slightly parted, and he continued to touch you. Eventually he withdrew his hand and signed an embarrassed, “Thank you… I’m sorry.”
“What happened?” you asked, using your hands instead of your voice now.
He shuffled slightly, splashing you as he got comfortable enough that he could sit half-coiled up on himself, balanced and able to use both hands to speak. “Sorry,” he grinned as you wiped the droplets off your face with a quiet laugh. “I… I had a bad day with my shoal.”
“What do you mean?”
He rolled his eyes in frustration, though it wasn’t directed at you. “They use their voices on me,” he admitted.
“I don’t understand…” you said gently, movements of your hands small, quiet, faltering.
He turned his gaze back to meet yours and said, “You know how we hunt, right? We lure our prey in and then we use our voices to stun them. The sounds are…” he paused, frowning, searching for a way to explain it to you. “You know how some whales hunt by blasting sound at fish, making the air inside them expand or leaving them twitching and immobile…”
Horror slid into your stomach and you stared at him. “They did that to you?”
Ilta nodded. “They’ve always done it,” he went on. “But since I’ve been coming here and learning to talk another way, they’ve been doing it more and more. I… I can’t defend myself from that.”
“Can you leave?” you blurted aloud.
He shrugged. “Probably, but only if I stayed in and around the harbour. I learned to hunt in the shallows the way other merfolk do, with a spear of sharpened shell, but they think that’s hilarious of course.”
You made a disgusted noise in the back of your throat and he smiled broadly.
“I love the noises you make,” he said. “Sometimes it’s just really cute and other times it’s beautiful. You have a lovely voice you know?”
You snorted softly, flushing. “You should have heard my grandmother. She was a real singer.”
“What’s a real singer?” he asked.
“You know, someone who sings for audiences… People pay to come and hear her…”
“Oh,” he said. “You sang for me though,” he added, his movements suddenly shrinking down to barely-there twitches of his hands. He’d picked it up much more quickly than you had, and you almost missed what he said.
“I couldn’t think of any other way to make you feel better,” you said shyly. “Did it work?”
“Yeah.” It was obvious that there was more to it though, but he didn’t go on immediately.
“Did… Did I do something wrong?” you asked, trying to catch his eye but he was too busy looking at a patch of bare sand just beside you.
He shook his head.
“Then what is it…?”
He swallowed and looked up at you at last. “It’s something a mate might do,” he said with trembling fingers. “No one has ever done anything like that for me before. I thought they never would… you know… because of…” he finished by gesturing weakly at his voiceless throat.
Feeling brave, you reached for his face and traced your thumb across his cheekbone. “Ilta,” you said and he brought his hand up to your throat again before dropping it so that he could speak.
“I love your voice,” he said. “I wish I could sing for you. I wish… I…” His hands fell limply into the water beside his tail and he sighed. Slowly he brought the fingers of his right hand up to his own throat, claws digging into the muscle of his neck. For a horrible moment you thought he might hurt himself, but he relaxed a second later and opened his mouth. As he exhaled, gills flaring briefly in his neck, he let out a wet choking sound. It was just air in his throat, with no vocalisation at all. “I can’t,” he signed. “I’ve never been able to…”
You took his hands in yours briefly once he’d stopped talking and kissed his knuckles gently. “I know it’s… it’s been awful for you,” you said as you continued to kiss his cold skin, “But… I think that not having a voice has made you partly who you are. I’m not saying I wouldn’t love you if you could sing, but… I love who you are, Ilta. I love spending time with you and listening to your stories about what it’s like underwater… I would never have known any of that if I hadn’t met you.”
Ilta listened to your words and stared at you, stunned, barely breathing. Eventually he slid his hands free of yours and asked, “You mean that?”
“Of course I do,” you reassured him.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked immediately, and when you nodded, he grinned again.
He knocked you back into the sand, pressing his whole body against yours, and it was as if his touch became his song. Silently, he sculpted his feelings for you against your skin, running his hands up your legs, his gills working as he became more and more aroused by the feel of you. He lifted your top and raked his teeth over your warm skin, making you gasp and cry out. The cove was mercifully pretty empty, with only a few people about, but they were a long way off.
His fluke flailed in the surf as he dragged himself up towards your shoulders, his body still pressed along yours. His long hair fell to one side and you looked up into his eyes. “You were going to kiss me,” you grinned.
Ilta’s answering smile was sharp and wicked but full of fondness, and he kissed you hard enough that you let out a low moan. One of his cold hands wrapped lightly around your throat as you continued to mewl and groan under his touch, and you knew that his touch was his answering song for you. Together, the two of you made a song of your own. When you said as much, he tipped his head back, almost in victory, and rutted up against your thigh, his scales suddenly slick where they touched you.
Ilta continued to touch you with reverence and wonder until you could no longer stop the sounds from falling from you. He took every single one of them and returned them with his body until the two of you were gasping together, sharing a breath as he spilled his release across your thighs, his forehead pressed to your collarbones and his fingers tangled in your hair.
With one final, soft, decadent moan, you kissed the top of his head and he signed something vague that might have been ‘thank you’ but you weren’t quite sure. To be fair though, you weren’t in a much better position to be articulating anything either.
I really hope you folks enjoyed this one! Don’t forget to let me know if you did enjoy it by leaving a like and/or reblogging it!
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15 and 18
15 - If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
Just answered that one here!
18 - Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Oh my God, I have so many!! Beware, this is going to be a very long answer. Click on the thingy to read more!
Last year, back when I first started writing fanfiction, I had a lot going on in my mind, and at one moment I had to choose which stories I would actually work on, and which ones I would have to drop it for now. There were five stories in total, and I dropped three of them.
Two of those five stories evolved and they became When The Levee Breaks and Map of the Problematique, the other three are still unnamed and undeveloped.
I'll give you the main summary of them, because why the hell not?
The first story is a pretty fluffy one, I've abandoned it because there are already a few stories like these in the fandom and because I got too invested writing my other stories. Also, a huge chunk of it is written in the first person, because I started writing it at the beginning of the last year, and I've learned that I don't really like writing in first person anymore... Writing WTLB is hard enough already lol.
This story would narrate the beginning of Jackie and Hyde's relationship while Donna and Kelso were still in California, but there are a few twists: Eric doesn't mope around in his room most of the time, and he develops a really nice friendship with Jackie (that friendship would turn into a small crush later), and Eric and Donna would not be endgame.
There's a lot going on at first, in this story, Hyde actually plans on "wooing" Jackie once he's sure she's over Kelso, they flirt a lot and he's aware that he's going to make a move on his best friend's ex. Jackie's also very interested in Hyde, but for a while, she thinks he'd never be interested in her.
Their flirting wouldn't last long though, I had planned on making them get together at the beginning of the story (I think it was in chapter five?), the rest of the story would narrate them hiding their relationship from their friends and how close they are getting to Eric and Fez.
I've planned on writing lots of sweet friendly moments between Jackie, Hyde, Eric, and Fez. In fact, there are quite a few scenes written out already, and in one of them they're all in a circle and it's the first time Eric realizes that Jackie's not as bitchy as he thought she was. Here's one of the circle scenes I've written:
"You know what?" Jackie announced, ignoring Fez's sobs and passing the joint to Hyde, thanking God that he was probably too high to notice how goosebumps rose all over her body when his fingers brushed against hers "I hope Michael gets syphilis from a random beach whore and goes blind."
"Odds are pretty good of that happening." Hyde nodded as he took another hit "Of him getting an STD, I'm not so sure about becoming blind, but I'm sure once he gets back to Wisconsin we can convince him to stare at the sun long enough for that to happen"
Eric snickered "Yeah... I hope Donna just... Never comes back, I hate her... Yeah..."
"No, you don't," Jackie said flatly to him "You'll probably marry her if she ever does come back."
Eric stared at Jackie for a few seconds before sighing dejectedly "... yeah, you're right..."
"But, hey, we can bash on Michael some more if you like, it's fun!"
"You're right, it is fun! " Eric nodded, smiling at the petite girl sitting next to him on the couch and wondering when did he start to actually enjoy her presence.
The whole google doc for this story has over 7k words of random dialogues and random moments I came up with. I'm not going to lie, it has potential, lots of it actually, but I don't have the time to work on it now.
The story would be overall a light read, it would've been M-rated because I did start to write a sex scene, but it would be overall something funny and cute. For example, one of my favorite moments is this one where Eric almost catches Hyde and Jackie:
"Oh my God…" Eric muttered in awe, glancing at the two very guilty-looking people sitting on the couch.
Hyde and Jackie exchanged a look, they were caught. Crap.
"Is this what I think it is?" Eric said
"Look, Eric…" Jackie started to explain, but stopped when she saw the huge grin forming on Eric's face. She looked at Hyde and apparently he was just as confused as she was.
"You're watching Star Wars!" Eric said in glee "You're geeks!"
"What?!" Hyde protested and looked at the TV, where he could clearly see Leia and Luke kissing on the bridge "We're not geeks, you're crazy"
"Steven, stop," Jackie said "Fine Eric, you caught us, we like Star Wars"
This story would end in a nice place, but... well, there would be a lot of changes.
Here's the thing, I was kind of really hating Kelso (and Donna too, a little bit) when I started writing this, so I chose to write something that might be a little weird for a few people. In this story, Donna and Kelso would have a fling in California, and Eric would catch them on the spot when he arrives to get Donna back.
It's not something Eric would be able to forgive. And even after a lot of talking, he wouldn't be able to get back together with Donna after seeing her with Kelso.
Coming back to Point Place, Eric would try to make a move on Jackie, he would kiss her for like, two seconds, and she would've pushed him away and blurted out that she's in love with Hyde. Hyde would arrive at the basement a few moments after that, and Eric would be completely freaking out. It's a funny scene lol.
Things would get messy for a while, but in the end, Jackie and Hyde would go public and have the happily ever after they deserve, Eric, Fez, Hyde, and Jackie would continue their friendship, Donna would move to California for good, and Kelso wouldn't hang out with them anymore.
There are a few stories that are somewhat similar to this one, like Summer Lovin' by leoasc, One Difference: Donna and Kelso Have a Fling by MistyMountainHop, OPERATION: REBOUND by ShanghaiLily, and there are probably a few more that I can't remember the names right now.
The second story is a heavy one, like, really heavy.
I got the idea of writing this story when I was watching a Grey’s Anatomy episode, so yeah, its a dramatic one lol.
The episode that inspired this story is the one where Richard is in between life and death, and Meredith is the one he chose as his next of kin. Which means that she’s the one the doctors report to, and she’s the one who decided how he was going to be treated. Meredith took some risky decisions and they’re literally the reason why Richard is alive.
I remember that when I saw this episode, I was also reading a fanfic... Being more specific, I was reading The Right Road Lost by zpplnchick, and an idea just popped into my mind... What if Jackie was the one with the memory loss? How would Hyde deal with that in a post s8 universe?
I know there are a few fics that deal with that subject, like Steven Who? by kezztip and Redemption Road by SkittlezLvr79, but believe me, my story would’ve been waaay different than these ones.
Here’s the main plot: Jackie and Hyde talk things out, and Hyde asks Jackie if she could ever take him back, promising her that he would never, ever give up on her again. She says no, because y’know, she’s a freaking self-respecting woman, but this talk would make her think, a lot, because she can see that he actually meant it every word, and she has never seen him this determined before.
As she was driving home, she would crash her car, and things would get pretty serious pretty quickly.
Her situation would be very critical, I planned on making Hyde suffer a lot in this, guys. I’m just downright cruel to him, because I believe that nothing would hurt him more than seeing the person he loves the most going through absolute hell.
Decisions would have to be made, and that’s when they find out that Jackie’s next of kin is no one other than Hyde. After her mother left her and her father went to prison, Jackie asked her father’s lawyer to provide her with a few papers that put Hyde in charge of her well-being if something ever happened to her. She forgot about it after they broke up, and well... She is going to be very thankful for that later.
Hyde’s shocked, but very pleased to find out that he’s responsible for her, especially since everyone seems to think that her death is inevitable and that they shouldn’t prolong her suffering.
After a very enlightening conversation with Mrs. Forman, Hyde decides that he’s not going to let anyone tell him what to do, and that he’s going to follow his gut.
The next few months would be complete hell, Jackie’s situation is very critical, she would go through a lot of complications and Hyde would’ve been a complete mess. He would watch quietly as Donna, Kelso and Fez stopped showing up to see Jackie, disgusted at how quickly they just gave up on her. He would listen as Donna rambled about how what he was doing to Jackie was torture, and that he must really hate her if he’s not willing to just let her go (which would end up causing a major fallout between Donna and Hyde), but he would never question his decisions. He just knew that he was doing the right thing, and no one but the Forman’s seemed to understand that. 
Hyde showed up to see her at the hospital every single day for months. The whole hospital staff knew him as “the Sleeping Beauty’s prince”, and he hardly ever left Jackie’s side.
After a few months, she wakes up, and he’s right next to her when that happens. It’s honestly a pretty touching scene, he’s just so happy and so relieved to see her awake after everything she went through, and they have a beautiful moment.
Seriously, I cried hard when I wrote that.
They would both cry, share “I love yous” and a few kisses, and it would’ve been beautiful, but the magic’s killed when Hyde realizes that Jackie thinks that they’re in 1978. She doesn't remember the nurse, the “get off my boyfriend” incident, Chicago or Sam. The last thing she remembers is him driving her home after they emptied her family’s ski cabin.
Hyde is divided between telling her the truth and losing her, or not telling her and being with her again.
He would let her think things were okay between them for a couple of days, until Eric shoves some sense into his head and he comes clean about everything. After telling her everything that happened, he also tells her that he loves her and he wants to be with her, but that he completely understands if she never wants to see his face again.
It’s safe to say that Jackie’s absolutely crushed. This breaks her, but she had the Forman’s by her side to help her go through everything, and Hyde also never leaves her. Sure, he gives her some space, but he doesn’t stop checking up on her, and slowly, they begin to form a nice friendship.
He takes her to her physical therapy appointments, and her doctors appointments, he helps her in every possible way he can, and she falls in love with him all over again.
The story would end with her making a full recovery and giving them another chance.
I've abandoned this story for three reasons, reason number one being: I was at a point where I really disliked Donna, and her character is not a nice person at all in this. Now that I understand Donna's character better, I refuse to publish a story where she behaves the way she did in this one. I could've changed her behavior, but the whole point of the story is "Hyde is the only one who hasn't given up", and having Donna acting like herself (nice and supportive) would kind of kill part of the plot.
Reason number two is: There’s already too much drama in Map of the Problematique, working on this story along with WTLB and my other WIP’s would drive me nuts.
And the last reason is... I didn’t know if people would like reading a story like this. I was afraid that some people might think that all of this determination is extremely OOC for Hyde, and I can kind of see why they would think this way. 
The third story would’ve been an angsty one, and I started writing it after I finished watching the first episode of season 6. You guys can probably already guess why I was inspired to write an angsty story after that episode...
Here’s the thing: I absolutely HATE the way Hyde treated Jackie in the first two episodes of season 6. I hate that he cheated on her and had the audacity to be offended that she didn’t take him back right away. I wanted to kick his ass for acting the way he did, it was truly disgusting of him and he did not deserve to be with her again after everything he’d done.
I do like that Kelso was the one that brought them back together, but the rest of that storyline is just... yuck. I truly hate it.
I wanted to fix that. I wanted to give Jackie a very girlboss moment, and I wanted to see Hyde groveling to get her back, so well... I came up with a story idea.
The story would be a short one, it would have 10 chapters, 15 if I got too inspired, and it would consist of Hyde groveling while Jackie didn’t give him the time of her day.
Sure, Jackie and Hyde would be endgame, because it’s me and I would never write a story without a happy ending, but Hyde would have to fight for it, a lot.
@snookstheallmighty is currently writing a story that is very similar to the one I was working on. It’s called “Friday I’ll Be Over You”, and it’s pretty great! You should totally check it out later! I’ve sent her a few parts of my story draft a while ago, and I gave her full permission to use it on her story!
I think this is pretty much it... I have plenty of story ideas and many, many google docs with random drafts and dialogues that popped up in my mind out of nowhere, but these are the ones I’ve fully abandoned and will probably never work on again.
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langdvnshepherd · 5 years
Lilo (Jim Mason x fem!reader)
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Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: sub!Jim, fem!reader, angst city baby (this is sad as fuck I'm sorry I had to do it to em), mentions of drug use, smut, tummy riding, cockwarming, fluff (I suppose), the timeline for TTOPV is slightly off in this but it’s not too far gone 
A/N: Oop sorry I haven’t posted in a hot minute, but I’m back! This has been in my drafts since like....three weeks after I started this blog, I just never got around to finishing it until now. Loosely inspired by Lilo by The Japanese House! I love this song so much, and it reminded me of Jim for some reason??? Anyways, here ya go! As always, let me know what you think! Send any requests or comments my way. 
   The vibrations of her cell phone rattling against the nightstand broke her concentration away from her laptop. She’d spent the hot, summer evening indoors picking out curtains and area rugs that would match the bedspread of her new apartment. After deciding she’d procrastinated long enough, she forced herself to hunker down and finalize any last minute details before she transferred universities and moved away from Palos Verdes. 
     A photo of her boyfriend illuminated her phone’s screen. It was one of her favorites: his mouth hung open and head thrown back in the middle of a laugh, nose scrunched, eyes closed and crinkled at the corners. She could recall the origin of the photo vividly. The two of them had made a day trip down the coast to a beach where he swore the waves were better, but she couldn’t tell a difference. In the exact moment that she’d raised her camera, a seagull swooped down and snatched her sunglasses right off of her head, sending him into a contagious giggle fit. She missed that smile. It was genuine and loving, and not something she saw very often these days. He seemed like he’d been holding his breath lately; like something was bothering him, but he wasn’t ready to talk about it just yet.
     A deep sigh left her body as she pressed the phone to her ear.     
     “Hey, Y/N.” He already sounded upset. She could hear his heavy breathing through the speaker and the slamming of a door in the background. A stirring feeling rose in her stomach at the thought of what the reasoning was behind his phone call.
      “Hi, Jim.” She didn’t want to set him off, which had been happening a lot recently. The fights with his mother had been occurring what seemed like every day now, withering his patience down to the point of nonexistence. Either that or he had gotten into it with one of the boys down by the beach; they always managed to get him fired up in a hurry. 
     “Are your parents home?”
     “No, they left this morning to help my grandparents move. Why? You want to come over?”
     He was quiet for a moment. The sounds of his shallow breaths being the only noise in the otherwise awkward silence.
     “Uh...yeah. Can I actually stay over? I miss you.” His voice grew softer as he spoke, as if he felt bad for even asking. He slept over frequently, and he knew he didn’t have to ask before stopping by. The ‘I miss you’ at the end was just out of habit, she knew that wasn’t the reason. If she had to guess, it was Sandy. She always managed to send him over the edge. It tore her up inside to picture the heartbroken look on his face every time she hurled insult after insult at him.
     “Of course. I’m in my room. The key’s in the flower pot, just let yourself in.”
     “Yeah, okay,” he paused before he spoke again. “I’ll be over soon... Love you.”
     “Love you too, Jimmy.” She locked her phone before tossing it across the comforter and flopping down on the bed on her back.
      This wasn’t how she’d planned to spend her evening. She was hoping to finish the night off with a bubble bath and a face mask, not keeping Jim company while he sobbed into her chest. It wasn’t that he annoyed her, that was quite the opposite. She was transferring universities after having been accepted into a research program in her field of interest. But leaving town and moving out of her parent’s house also meant that she’d be leaving Jim behind when she went. 
     She’d tried to convince him so many times to come with her, to get out of Palos Verdes and away from the toxicity of his fucked up family. He always insisted that he didn’t have a choice, that he had to stay here. Despite how cruel his mother could be towards him, he fully believed that she wouldn’t make it without him and that Medina would be left to endure her wrath if he left. Leaving Jim, as inevitable as it was, was the last thing she wanted to think about. She’d kept it on the back-burner of her brain for as long as she could manage. Having him there, in her room, would make all of those feelings resurface and allow panic to take over.
     When Jim didn’t show after half an hour, she began to worry. She’d assumed when he called and she heard the door slam that it meant he’d be right over, but there was still no sign of him. This only further provoked the dark thoughts that lurked within her. She’d never confronted him about it, but she knew he had a problem with pills. At first, she’d only ever seen him take them at parties. Assuming mixed with alcohol it made for a more fun high, she didn’t think anything of it. He was giggly and touchy and chatty, and she didn’t mind. It was how she’d met him in the first place. Her friend introduced her to him at one of her famous beach bashes the same week Jim first moved to Palos Verdes, where party drugs were in abundance. ‘You’ll love him!’ she drunkenly exclaimed that hot, muggy night. Boy, was she right.
     She first began to notice little changes in his behavior when shit hit the fan with his parents. He was impatient, agitated all of the time. His eyes were always slightly glassy, his jaw always rigid. Even if it was just the two of them watching a movie in his room, he’d always be slightly sticky, a thin veil of sweat covering the curves and ridges of his soft skin. She’d seen him like this plenty of times, but never in a casual setting. He’d brush off any remarks of hers, insisting that she need not worry.
     The fallout between his parents had taken a huge toll on him, he had to replace his father and coddle his mother day and night. He’d spent plenty of nights curled into a ball in her lap while she ran her fingers through his hair. She was never sure of exactly what to say to him to make him feel better, so she settled on just being there for him, which he never seemed to mind. Jim typically opened up when he was ready to talk, so she stayed quiet even though watching him self-destruct was eating away at her soul.
     Another hour went by, and still no Jim. She figured he’d run off with the boys from the beach doing god knows what, or maybe he just forgot. Trying not to let her mind jump to conclusions, she figured it was best to just go to sleep. Hopefully, he’d show up later.
     The sound of her bedroom door creaking open pulled her out of her light sleep. Opening one eye, she peeked over her shoulder to see Jim tip-toeing his way into her room, a failed attempt at trying not to wake her. He didn’t say anything when he caught her staring as he shrugged off his clothes, stripping down to just his boxers that only recently started to hang loosely from his hips. He only gave her a brief smile, one that she could barely make out in the darkness of her room.
     “Hey, you. What took you so long? I was starting to think you forgot about me.” she asked him as she shifted your position on the bed, lifting her comforter and inviting him into the warmth of the blanket. Jim immediately wrapped his arms around her, tangling his legs into hers. He nuzzled his nose into her neck, “Just like a little puppy,” she’d always teased. He let out what seemed to be a sigh of relief before speaking.
     “Same old shit. I tried to leave, and my mom stopped me. Screaming fit. Had to wait before her meds to knock her out before I snuck out the window.” His voice was slightly hoarse, signifying he'd been crying as much he had apparently been yelling. It wasn’t until she pulled her head away from Jim’s chest to look at his face that she saw the wetness on his cheeks. It glimmered in the moonlight that peaked through her window like crystal.
      She took his head in both of her hands, gently rubbing his tears away with the pads of her thumbs. He peered at her with swollen eyes as he brushed the tips of his fingers up and down her bare sides, exposed from where her T-shirt had ridden up in bed. For a brief moment, they were both just staring at each other. Not saying anything. Not moving. Secretly, she was scanning his face for any indication that he was high. He didn’t seem to be, which made her exhale deeply and give him a sympathetic smile. She figured it was now or never, she had to pry and make him open up to her. He can’t keep doing this to himself, and she couldn’t leave Palos Verdes without knowing Jim would be okay without her.
     Just as she parted her lips to speak, Jim closed her mouth off with his. It was as if he knew exactly what she was going to say and he wanted to stop her in her tracks. She felt him shakily exhale into her mouth as she snaked her arms around his neck, finally feeling at ease in her embrace after being on edge all night. Without giving her time to react, he deepened the kiss, pulling tougher on her lips and gripping his hands around her waist. She moaned softly into his mouth as he continued to feel her up, sliding one hand into the back of her panties to rest flat against the skin of her ass and keeping the other wrapped tightly around her waist. She wanted to resist him, to make him talk to her, but it was clear that he wasn’t going to comply.
     He removed his hand from her underwear with a snap of the waistband, then wrapped his arm around the back of her thigh to pull her on top of him. Once she was fully straddled across Jim’s waist, she pulled back to look at him. Fresh tears were falling from his ocean colored eyes. He was quick to catch them, to rub at his face with one of his hands to disperse the running droplets from his cheeks, but she was quicker. She reached out and took his hands in hers, forcing him to look her in the eyes.
     “Talk to me, Jim,” she muttered in all but a whisper, “What’s wrong?”
     He tried to look away from her. At the ceiling. At her tv. At her bedroom door. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t have to. His eyes were pleading. Don’t do this, they exerted.
     With his hands still interlocked with hers, he held them close to his chest, the familiar thumping of Jim’s heartbeat pulsing through her fingertips as he spoke. 
     “Nothing’s wrong. I just...need you.” 
     Sighing in defeat, she got the hint. Now wasn’t the time. He was lying through his teeth, but she felt he might crumble beneath her if she pried too hard.
     She leaned down slowly, pecking small kisses along his jaw.
     “What do you need from me?” she baited, teasing him in a way. She knew exactly what he needed her to do, she just wanted him to say it.
      Jim ran his hands from the small of her back down to her ass, softly pushing her against him. The course lace of her panties rubbing so closely near his crotch sent blood rushing to his cock, hardening with each roll of her hips. She sighed heavily, savoring the desperation in his movements. He moved her slowly, but it was just the way he liked it. The way he liked her. Slow and sweet.
     “Need to be inside of you,” he mustered in between manual, deep breaths. His chest still felt heavy from crying only hours ago, exhaustion threatening to take over. It was taking everything in him not to collapse, to shatter like a fragile house of cards. He needed something, anything to distract him from the swelling of emotions in his own brain.
     Nodding slightly, almost unrecognizably, she leaned down once more to pepper tight, close-mouthed kisses starting from the beauty mark on his upper lip down to the hollow of his throat. Her kisses grew sloppier, wetter as she worked her way down, making sure to pay extra attention to his sweet spot that she knew so well.
     She set her own rhythm now, not relying on Jim’s hands to work her up and down the curves of his tummy. Pressing herself harder against him than before, she felt a damp spot pooling in her panties near her core. His breath caught in his throat with every rut of her hips. She could feel the slight tremor in his movements as he involuntarily jutted upwards into nothing. He was desperate to feel any kind of friction against his cock, and she was enjoying every second of it. 
     There was no way for her to explain how wet she was at this moment. It was almost sadistic, she thought. Here Jim was, clearly and visibly upset at something, and she was getting a rise out of his vulnerability, depriving him of the one thing she knew could calm him down. A vulnerability that only she had the privilege of seeing.
     To others, Jim Mason was a hardass, the life of the party, the one that was always “down for whatever.” He was never one to come across as hopeless or as someone that was even slightly unhappy. It was a side effect of living in Palos Verdes, he had once told her. Everyone puts up a front and carries themselves in a demeanor that implies that their lives are peachy-fucking-keen when they all knew that couldn’t be further from the truth.
     The Jim Mason she knew, the one that was lying beneath her right now, was weak. His home life was a fucking disaster. He walked into a different shit show every night and often had no recollection of what he’d even eaten for breakfast because of the pills he jammed down his throat like candy, or if he’d even eaten at all. It wasn’t his fault, not entirely anyway. There was no stability, no person to anchor him down and keep him from completely losing himself. Except her. He loved Medina with all his heart, but he knew that his sister was growing tired of him, of his bullshit. Just like everyone else in Palos Verdes. She was the only one that offered him any kind of tranquility and control in his life, and she knew it.
     Maybe that was it. Maybe it was the fact that she knew she was the only person that truly held any kind of power over Jim, the only one that he’d allowed, and that’s what had her core pulsing beneath her, matching her racing heartbeat that she felt in her ears. Knowing what Jim was like when the curtains fell. Knowing just now needy he really was, how badly he needed someone to control him in order to feel whole. 
     Or maybe she was mad at him, and this was her passive-aggressive way of telling him to fuck off. This wasn’t the first and certainly wouldn’t be the last time that Jim would tip-toe around talking to her about his feelings. She fucking hated it. She loved him so much, and he loved her just the same. She didn’t understand why he was always making bullshit excuses about what made him upset or why he would have random outbursts of rage when he could have handled the situation in a much healthier way by simply talking to her. Especially when they both knew she’d be gone by the end of the summer. There would be no one to take care of him, at least not in the way she did, and it drove her mad that he closed himself off from her right before she left. She knew it was hypocritical, to be mad at him for not conveying his emotions properly and doing the same exact thing in return by not bringing this up to him. But holding the reins over Jim, in some fucked up way, made her feel like she could punish him for it.
     She decided it was a little bit of both. Or something else entirely.
     It felt all too delicious, the way she was grinding against his tanned torso, leaning back to brace herself against the meat of his thighs. Her panties were pushed aside now, folds gliding effortlessly back and forth, coating Jim’s stomach in a thin layer of her wetness. She felt his cock brush against her backside each time she pushed back; he was hard as a rock and undoubtedly throbbing as she made sure to occasionally glide herself over him just partially, enough to elicit something between a groan and a moan from the depths of Jim’s chest.
      She’d lost track of time, too focused on the way Jim’s eyelashes were fluttering like the wings of a butterfly, still coated with the remnants of his tears. He was beautiful as he panted beneath her, small whines leaving his lips as he grew more desperate for relief against his aching erection.
     He pulled her back down to his level by her hair with a roughness that he only ever used on her when he really, really needed her.
     “Please, Y/N,” he begged.
     She looked at him for a moment before responding with whatever smartass comment she’d use to taunt him even more like she always did. He looked so exhausted. His cheekbones were hollowed out, less full than they had been just shy of a year ago when they graduated high school. His eyes, while she hadn’t noticed before, were hollow, the sockets sunken in and noticeable even in the sliver of light that came from her window. He was sad. There was no other way to put it. He was withering away, and she’d been passive and allowed it to happen. 
     All of her anger she’d been convinced was driving her seized. She had to fix him, she told herself. She had to make sure he was going to make it without her in Palos Verdes because she had a feeling the odds weren’t that high if he kept doing whatever he was doing when he was away from her. 
     She ran her fingers through his thick, brown waves, gritty-feeling in between her digits from the sea salt that permanently lingered in the air. Her lips met his softly, just barely massaging them with her tongue. 
     “It’s okay. I’ve got you Jimmy,” her own voice trembled this time.
     Sliding off of her position on his stomach, she began to pump Jim’s length with her hand. She could see the sticky trail of her cum that she left behind on his tummy as she moved over to straddle his legs. His breath hitched in his throat as she gripped him in her small hands, finally feeling a sliver of the high he’d been chasing all night. He bucked himself into her as she twisted her wrist slightly while she worked him. 
     “God, Y/N,” Jim whined, his eyes rolling back into his head. 
     She could tell he wasn’t going to last long, he never did when he acted like this - when he slipped into this headspace that rendered him absolutely useless and vulnerable. Her eyes locked with his as she released him from her hands, a gasp floated from his lips at the lack of stimulation. She braced her hands on his broad chest, lifting herself to hover just above his waist. He gripped her forearms in his large hands, steadying both her and himself. 
     She lifted her oversized t-shirt that was pooling around her knees just enough to push her panties to the side and guide Jim’s cock to her core. His tip ran along her folds as she maneuvered him into her, swirling around in her wetness to prepare for the stretch. 
     Slowly, like the creeping tide of the ocean, she inched her way down onto him. He was impossibly big; it felt like the first time for her every time. The sensation of Jim’s cock impaling her almost causing her to cry out, but she didn’t. When she was fully seated inside of him, she let out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding.
     Taking his hands in hers once more, she began to roll her hips against his. The burn was all-consuming, she was unable to concentrate on anything apart from the heat radiating from her abdomen. Jim’s mouth hung open beneath her, forming a perfect “o”-shape with his glistening, spit-covered lips. He held onto her hands tightly as she picked up her speed, as if she was the buoy keeping him afloat.
      For a while, the sounds of heavy panting and the wet squelching of Jim’s cock rutting in and out of her pulsing cunt were the only noises that filled the confines of the baby pink walls of her room at her parent’s house. She began to feel the familiar pull in her tummy and began chasing after it like a surfer chasing a wave, paddling faster and faster until she met the swell. She moved her hands to the rails of the headboard she’d had since she was 11, the posts occasionally knocking against the drywall with a bang.
      Jim began to lose himself, temporarily forgetting the insanity of his life and fixated himself solely on the girl on top of him.
     “Baby,” he panted in between her now relentless thrusts and moans, “I’m. Close.”
     “Me too. Wait for me,” she commanded, gripping tighter on the headboard to move her hips more quickly into his throbbing cock.
     She’d be surprised if she didn’t have bruises on her thighs tomorrow by how hard Jim was holding onto her; a symbol of how close he was, and how he was using all of his strength to wait for her and not give in to the release that he was right on the brink of falling into.
     Snaking her hand under her large t-shirt once more, her fingers found her clit. She began rubbing harsh, sloppy circles around the swollen bundle of nerves, knowing good and well she didn’t have long before Jim fell apart. She closed her eyes, trying to focus on Jim’s cock and how it felt to be the only one that made him crumble like he was right now. Just as she felt she was making progress, Jim let out a prolonged grunt that made her stop in her tracks.
     If it was possible, Jim squeezed her thighs even tighter as his release washed over him in waves, his hips sputtering beneath her. She felt the warmth of his seed coat her inner walls, then small strings running back out onto her inner thighs and Jim’s balls. He tensed up immediately, his face flushing red with embarrassment. 
     “Y/N, I’m so sorry I-”
     “Shhh, it’s okay,” she reassured him, laying flat against his chest.
     She cooed Jim in his ear, petting the damp hair that stuck to his forehead and pressing gentle kisses along his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist, molding her body into his. All the while he was still inside of her. She could feel him softening after each passing second, but she didn’t bother slipping him out of her. Something inside her wanted him as close to her as possible, so she stayed put.
     There was no telling how long they’d laid there. Jim’s heartbeat had steadied by now, she no longer felt the thumping next to her ear. He was still holding her, twisting strands of her hair in between his fingers. It was a nervous habit of his, one that he was never able to shake.
     “Thank you,” he spoke up, just barely above a whisper, bursting the bubble of silence that had encased them.
     “For what? That?”
     “For being patient.”
     She paused, her brain recollecting what he meant. She wished it was patience, but she knew that it wasn’t. She was scared, and that’s why she could never bring herself to make Jim talk. He was putty in her hands, it would have been easy to force him to open up, but she never did it. She couldn’t admit that she felt like she was abandoning him, just like everyone else in his life. No one was making her leave Palos Verdes and transfer to a new university, she wanted to. There was nothing in this washed up, artificial town for her anymore. Nothing besides Jim. But he wouldn’t come with her, they’d already had that argument, and she knew she’d get nowhere in her career staying in a city where looks supersede anything with real value. She was terrified that what she perceived as a selfish action would be the downfall of the boy she loved the most, there was nothing “patient” about it.
     “I love you, Jim Mason. So fucking much,” she whispered, her fingers dancing around the dips of his collarbones.
     “Love you too,” he answered. There was a sniffle in his voice, meaning fresh tears had fallen from his eyes, once blue as the ocean, now dark like a cloudy sky.
     “We’re gonna have to talk about it soon, though. You know that, right?” 
     She knew what he thought she meant, that they needed to talk about his anger or his drug problem or that she was going to try to convince him to move away with her again, but only she knew what she really meant. She needed to know how he was going to survive without her.
     “I know.” he shakily exhaled.
     Exhausted, both physically and mentally, she reached out beside her to grab the comforter that had been strewn aside long ago. Covering herself and Jim in the feathery down of the duvet, she relaxed once more into his warm chest. She didn’t have many nights left with Jim, and she was dreading the last time she’d be able to fall asleep and wake up next to him.
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electricea-a · 5 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
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THE SHAPE OF WATER : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water. cats. taboo desires.  tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence.  isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies. creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism. bloody handprints.  routines.  record players.  old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother . cycles .hidden messages.  a disruptive presence.  longing. wedding gowns.  posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics.  curses. soft piano music. restrained anger. spinning out of control.  artist and muse. dark love.  pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection.  wild mushrooms.  giving up every piece of yourself.  rags to riches.  ghosts.  new year’s.  lingering gazes.  needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego.  flowing dresses.  a person out of place. defiance.  ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities.  peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk. spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST : typewriters. newspapers.  tense climates.  distrust of authority. internal battles.  a legacy at stake. secrets.  cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors.  sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade. cramming and crowding.  cold grays.  war.  fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers.  the jungle.  a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary.  finding your voice.  risking everything.  propaganda.tough choices. exposure.  type being set by hand. workplace rivalries.  abuses of power.  security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering.  duty.  countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras.  beaches. historic buildings.  guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers. radio broadcasts. going against the odds.  bathed in red light. a sense of humor.   allies. shouting matches.  small square windows.selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms.  chandeliers.  dust floating in air. righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war.  needing a miracle.  interruptions.  a last hope. cigar smoke.  quoting poetry. photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity.  rescue missions. refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk.  suicide missions.  drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse. evacuations. enveloped by fog.  changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns.  police uniforms.  sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect.  facing threats. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates.  nasty rumors. claustrophobia.  lush green pastures.  molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers.  no remorse. bashing in windows.  the midwest.  provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time.  rundown old houses. grey morality.  dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars.guilty no matter what.   buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails. one versus many.  black and red. not understanding another’s feelings.  a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards.  a hardened gaze.  driving to nowhere.  small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  : heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts.  fields of flowers. having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets. rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork.  peeling an orange. 80’s nostalgia. classical music. long walks.  ancient artifacts.  abundant orchards.  shoulder massages. expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair.  longing gazes. riding a bicycle around. mystery of love.  balconies. swimming naked. first times.  bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality. peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer. having your nose in a book. just rooms apart.  crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical.  love affairs. rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire. european lyricism.  loving father figures.  dancing to disco. laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked.  sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
DUNKIRK  :  burying a body.  warm cider.  narrow escapes. a race against time.  a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports.  rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air. entangled in chain.  toast with jam.  suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces.  sinking ships.  commended a hero.  cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome. planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands.  shell-shocked.  the explosions of shells on shores.  the sound of destruction. rising tides.  head injuries. target practice.  compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death.  oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.   blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command.  sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers.  suburbs.  hypnosis. strange behavior.  familial tension. chopping wood.  uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness.  survival.  sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents.  sunken places. something out of a nightmare. going hysterical.  bingo cards. smoking cigarettes.  static on a television set.  doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile.  a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder.silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances.  catharsis.  a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea.  nosebleeds.  addiction.  last bits of life leaving a body.  black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.   a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD : california landscapes. budding romance.  uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.  boorish sex. prom dresses.  secondhand dresses.  strong personalities. the theatre.  being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory.  going behind backs.  disappointed parents.  catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets. monotonous hometowns. shitty bands.  teenage anarchy. drifting in and out of friendships. menial jobs. red hair. self-given names.  coming-of-age.  a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses.  cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup.  strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
Tagged by: @nontale​ (Thanks!) Tagging: Anyone and everyone!
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bloodfcst-a · 5 years
* ☆ BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.  repost, don’t reblog. BOLD whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
Tumblr media
THE SHAPE OF WATER : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water. cats.  taboo desires. tanks of water. kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence. isolation. golden age hollywood. sign language. scales. egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies. creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales. lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog.  dance routines. slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism. bloody handprints.  routines.  record players. old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage. butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages.  a disruptive presence. longing. wedding gowns. posh control. post-war. brightly coloured socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics. curses. soft piano music. restrained anger. spinning out of control. artist and muse. dark love. pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection. wild mushrooms.  giving up every piece of yourself. rags to riches. ghosts. new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound. being ambushed. ego. flowing dresses. a person out of place. defiance. ink to paper. an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities. peepholes. soothing elegance. silk. spiral staircases. driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST : typewriters. newspapers.  tense climates. distrust of authority.  internal battles.  a legacy at stake.  secrets. cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption. behind closed doors. sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade.  cramming and crowding. cold grays.  war. fluorescent lights. treason. shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary.  finding your voice.  risking everything. propaganda. tough choices. exposure.  type being set by hand. workplace rivalries. abuses of power. security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter. cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
LADY BIRD : california landscapes. budding romance. uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colours.  apologising. prom dresses.  secondhand dresses. strong personalities. the theatre.  being simultaneously warm and scary. battling depression. 90’s fashion. dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks. not being bound by any era. rejection. sparklers.  thrift stores. high school. identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory.  going behind backs.  disappointed parents.  catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets. monotonous hometowns. shitty bands. teenage anarchy. drifting in and out of friendships. menial jobs. red hair. self-given names. coming-of-age.  a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses. cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup.  strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
GET OUT  : deer antlers.  suburbs.  hypnosis. strange behaviour. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight. blindness. survival. sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents. sunken places. something out of a nightmare. going hysterical. bingo cards. smoking cigarettes.  static on a television set. doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile.  a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties. constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances. catharsis. a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea.  nosebleeds.  addiction. last bits of life leaving a body.  black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech. noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.  a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
DUNKIRK  : burying a body. warm cider. narrow escapes. a race against time. a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home. taken prisoner. shipwrecks.assuming the identity of someone else.  setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports. rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air.  entangled in chain. toast with jam.  suspense. waiting for escape. wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces. sinking ships. commended a hero. cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness. bullet holes. obstacles and delays. a hero’s welcome. planes overhead. the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands. shell-shocked.  the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction. rising tides.  head injuries. target practice. compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.   blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command.  sole survivor.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  : heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts. fields of flowers. having to say goodbye. cobblestone streets. rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork. peeling an orange. 80’s nostalgia. classical music. long walks. ancient artefacts. abundant orchards. shoulder massages. expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace. dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair. longing gazes. riding a bicycle around. mystery of love. balconies. swimming naked. first times. bathing suits.  roman statues. secret sensuality. peaches. piano music. sun-soaked summer. having your nose in a book. just rooms apart. crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical.  love affairs. rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire. european lyricism. loving father figures. dancing to disco. laying in green grass. awkward adolescence. hands interlinked. sentimental jewellry. connection through identity. the magen david.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns.  police uniforms. sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats.. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes. awkward dates.  nasty rumours. claustrophobia.  lush green pastures.  molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers.  no remorse. bashing in windows.  the midwest.  provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time.  rundown old houses. grey morality. dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars. guilty no matter what.   buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails. one versus many.  black and red.  not understanding another’s feelings.  a mother and child. the pain of others. a quest of justice. abandoned billboards.  a hardened gaze.  driving to nowhere. small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering.  duty.  countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras. beaches. historic buildings.  guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers. radio broadcasts. going against the odds.  bathed in red light. a sense of humor. allies. shouting matches.  small square windows. selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms. chandeliers. dust floating in air. righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war.  needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope. cigar smoke. quoting poetry. photos of a loved one. a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity.  rescue missions. refusing peace. pallid chambers.  military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk.  suicide missions.  drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks. reluctance. complete collapse. evacuations. enveloped by fog. changing history.  blood, toil, tears and sweat.
* ☆ i was tagged by @enshijou​ ( ily! ) * ☆  tagging @shimmerseas​ @garrotejima​ @dojiryu​ @extremepath​ (ur pick!) @evercharmed​ @patricid​ @bialwilk​ @greatinu​ + if you feel inclined! 
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eldestchild · 5 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
THE SHAPE OF WATER : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water. cats. taboo desires. tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater.silence.  isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies.  creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes.  smog. dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism. bloody handprints.  routines.  record players. old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages.  a disruptive presence. longing.  wedding gowns.  posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil.  poison.  an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics. curses. soft piano music.  restrained anger. spinning out of control.  artist and muse. dark love. pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection.  wild mushrooms.  giving up every piece of yourself. rags to riches.  ghosts.  new year’s.  lingering gazes.  needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego.  flowing dresses.  a person out of place. defiance.  ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities. peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk. spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST : typewriters. newspapers.  tense climates.  distrust of authority. internal battles.  a legacy at stake. secrets. cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors. sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade.  cramming and crowding.  cold grays.  war.  fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers.  the jungle.  a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary.  finding your voice.  risking everything.  propaganda. tough choices. exposure.  type being set by hand.  workplace rivalries.  abuses of power.  security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia.  orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering.  duty.  countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras.  beaches. historic buildings.  guzzling booze.  resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers.  radio broadcasts. going against the odds.  bathed in red light.  a sense of humor.  allies. shouting matches.  small square windows. selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms.  chandeliers.  dust floating in air. righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war.  needing a miracle.  interruptions.  a last hope. cigar smoke.  quoting poetry.  photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity. rescue missions. refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk.  suicide missions.  drums of war.  tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse.  evacuations. enveloped by fog.  changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns.  police uniforms.  sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats.  skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates.  nasty rumors. claustrophobia.  lush green pastures.  molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers.  no remorse. bashing in windows.  the midwest. provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time.  rundown old houses. grey morality.  dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs. the american flag. dive bars. guilty no matter what.   buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails.  one versus many.  black and red. not understanding another’s feelings.  a mother and child.  the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards.  a hardened gaze.  driving to nowhere.  small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  : heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts.  fields of flowers. having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets. rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation.  academic paperwork.  peeling an orange. 80’s nostalgia. classical music. long walks.  ancient artifacts.  abundant orchards.  shoulder massages. expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty.  villa vacations. curly hair.  longing gazes. riding a bicycle around. mystery of love.  balconies. swimming naked. first times.  bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality.  peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer. having your nose in a book. just rooms apart.  crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name.  intimacy beyond physical. love affairs. rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire. european lyricism.  loving father figures.  dancing to disco.  laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked.  sentimental jewelry.  connection through identity.  the magen david.
DUNKIRK  : burying a body.  warm cider.  narrow escapes. a race against time.  a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports.  rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air. entangled in chain.  toast with jam.  suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma.  blank spaces.  sinking ships.  commended a hero.  cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome. planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock.  bullets ricocheting off metal.  people by the thousands.  shell-shocked.  the explosions of shells on shores.  the sound of destruction. rising tides.  head injuries. target practice.  compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death.  oil ignited into flames.  lying for the greater good.   blocking out the noise.  primal dangers.  taking command.  sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers.  suburbs.  hypnosis.  strange behavior.  familial tension.  chopping wood.  uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness.  survival.  sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair.  plugged ears.  a failed handshake.  car accidents.  sunken places. something out of a nightmare.  going hysterical. bingo cards. smoking cigarettes.  static on a television set.  doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile. a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will.  overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances.  catharsis.  a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea.  nosebleeds.  addiction.  last bits of life leaving a body.  black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.   a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD : california landscapes. budding romance.  uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.  boorish sex. prom dresses.  secondhand dresses.  strong personalities. the theatre.  being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression.  90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory.  going behind backs.  disappointed parents.  catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets. monotonous hometowns. shitty bands.  teenage anarchy. drifting in and out of friendships.  menial jobs.  red hair. self-given names.  coming-of-age.  a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses.  cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup. strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street.  thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
tagged: @decepteur tagging: @zankouu @consacravi @inferveo @ whoever else hasn’t been tagged yet!
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queensconquest · 5 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
Tumblr media
THE SHAPE OF WATER : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water. cats. taboo desires. tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence.  isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies.  creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes.  smog. dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism. bloody handprints.  routines.  record players. old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages.  a disruptive presence. longing.  wedding gowns.  posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil.  poison.  an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics. curses. soft piano music.  restrained anger. spinning out of control.  artist and muse. dark love. pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection.  wild mushrooms.  giving up every piece of yourself. rags to riches.  ghosts.  new year’s.  lingering gazes.  needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego.  flowing dresses.  a person out of place. defiance.  ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities. peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk. spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST : typewriters. newspapers.  tense climates.  distrust of authority. internal battles.  a legacy at stake. secrets. cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors. sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade.  cramming and crowding.  cold grays.  war.  fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers.  the jungle.  a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary.  finding your voice.  risking everything.  propaganda. tough choices. exposure.  type being set by hand.  workplace rivalries.  abuses of power.  security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia.  orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering.  duty.  countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras.  beaches. historic buildings.  guzzling booze.  resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers.  radio broadcasts. going against the odds.  bathed in red light.  a sense of humor.  allies. shouting matches.  small square windows. selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms.  chandeliers.  dust floating in air. righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war.  needing a miracle.  interruptions.  a last hope. cigar smoke.  quoting poetry.  photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity. rescue missions. refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk.  suicide missions.  drums of war.  tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse.  evacuations. enveloped by fog.  changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns.  police uniforms.  sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats.  skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates.  nasty rumors. claustrophobia.  lush green pastures.  molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers.  no remorse. bashing in windows.  the midwest. provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time.  rundown old houses. grey morality.  dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs. the american flag. dive bars. guilty no matter what.   buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails.  one versus many.  black and red. not understanding another’s feelings.  a mother and child.  the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards.  a hardened gaze.  driving to nowhere.  small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  : heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts.  fields of flowers. having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets. rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation.  academic paperwork.  peeling an orange. 80’s nostalgia. classical music. long walks.  ancient artifacts.  abundant orchards.  shoulder massages. expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty.  villa vacations. curly hair.  longing gazes. riding a bicycle around. mystery of love.  balconies. swimming naked. first times.  bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality.  peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer. having your nose in a book. just rooms apart.  crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name.  intimacy beyond physical. love affairs. rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire. european lyricism.  loving father figures.  dancing to disco.  laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked.  sentimental jewelry.  connection through identity.  the magen david.
DUNKIRK  : burying a body.  warm cider.  narrow escapes. a race against time.  a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports.  rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air. entangled in chain.  toast with jam.  suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma.  blank spaces.  sinking ships.  commended a hero.  cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome. planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock.  bullets ricocheting off metal.  people by the thousands.  shell-shocked.  the explosions of shells on shores.  the sound of destruction. rising tides.  head injuries. target practice.  compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death.  oil ignited into flames.  lying for the greater good.   blocking out the noise.  primal dangers.  taking command.  sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers.  suburbs.  hypnosis.  strange behavior.  familial tension.  chopping wood.  uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness.  survival.  sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair.  plugged ears.  a failed handshake.  car accidents.  sunken places. something out of a nightmare.  going hysterical. bingo cards. smoking cigarettes.  static on a television set.  doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile. a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will.  overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances.  catharsis.  a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea.  nosebleeds.  addiction.  last bits of life leaving a body.  black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.   a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD : california landscapes. budding romance.  uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.  boorish sex. prom dresses.  secondhand dresses.  strong personalities. the theatre.  being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression.  90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory.  going behind backs.  disappointed parents.  catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets. monotonous hometowns. shitty bands.  teenage anarchy. drifting in and out of friendships.  menial jobs.  red hair. self-given names.  coming-of-age.  a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses.  cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup. strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street.  thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
tagged: @decepteur  thanks  !! tagging:  @praevari  ,  @vonlived  ,  @  whoever else wants!
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thedemonkingganon · 5 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
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THE SHAPE OF WATER : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water. cats. taboo desires. tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence.  isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies. creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism. bloody handprints.  routines. record players. old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother . cycles .hidden messages.  a disruptive presence.  longing. wedding gowns.  posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics.  curses. soft piano music. restrained anger. spinning out of control.  artist and muse. dark love.  pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection.  wild mushrooms.  giving up every piece of yourself.  rags to riches.  ghosts.  new year’s.  lingering gazes.  needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego. flowing dresses.  a person out of place. defiance.  ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities.  peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk. spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST : typewriters. newspapers.  tense climates.  distrust of authority. internal battles.  a legacy at stake. secrets.  cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors.  sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade. cramming and crowding.  cold grays.  war.  fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers.  the jungle.  a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary.  finding your voice.  risking everything.  propaganda.tough choices. exposure. type being set by hand. workplace rivalries.  abuses of power.  security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering. duty.  countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras.  beaches. historic buildings.  guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers. radio broadcasts. going against the odds.  bathed in red light. a sense of humor.   allies. shouting matches.  small square windows.selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms.  chandeliers.  dust floating in air. righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war. needing a miracle.  interruptions.  a last hope. cigar smoke.  quoting poetry. photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity.  rescue missions. refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk.  suicide missions.  drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse. evacuations. enveloped by fog.  changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns.  police uniforms.  sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect.  facing threats. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates.  nasty rumors. claustrophobia.  lush green pastures.  molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers. no remorse. bashing in windows. the midwest.  provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time.  rundown old houses. grey morality.  dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars.guilty no matter what.   buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails. one versus many.  black and red. not understanding another’s feelings.  a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards.  a hardened gaze.  driving to nowhere.  small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  : heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts.  fields of flowers. having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets. rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork. peeling an orange. 80’s nostalgia. classical music. long walks. ancient artifacts.  abundant orchards.  shoulder massages. expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair.  longing gazes. riding a bicycle around. mystery of love.  balconies. swimming naked. first times.  bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality. peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer. having your nose in a book. just rooms apart.  crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical.  love affairs. rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire. european lyricism.  loving father figures.  dancing to disco. laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked.  sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
DUNKIRK  : burying a body.  warm cider.  narrow escapes. a race against time.  a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports. rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air. entangled in chain.  toast with jam.  suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces.  sinking ships.  commended a hero.  cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome. planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands.  shell-shocked.  the explosions of shells on shores.  the sound of destruction. rising tides.  head injuries. target practice.  compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death.  oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.   blocking out the noise. primal dangers. taking command.  sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers.  suburbs.  hypnosis. strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood.  uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness.  survival.  sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents.  sunken places. something out of a nightmare. going hysterical.  bingo cards. smoking cigarettes.  static on a television set.  doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile.  a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances.  catharsis.  a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea.  nosebleeds.  addiction.  last bits of life leaving a body.  black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech. noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.   a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD : california landscapes. budding romance.  uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.  boorish sex. prom dresses.  secondhand dresses.  strong personalities. the theatre. being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory.  going behind backs.  disappointed parents. catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets. monotonous hometowns. shitty bands.  teenage anarchy. drifting in and out of friendships. menial jobs. red hair. self-given names.  coming-of-age.  a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses.  cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup.  strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
Tagged by: stole it from @electricea​ Tagging: you, and you, oh and you, and yes you too.
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vulpcsglaciei · 5 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories. image
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THE SHAPE OF WATER : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water. cats. taboo desires.  tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence.  isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies. creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism. bloody handprints.  routines.  record players.  old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles .hidden messages.  a disruptive presence.  longing. wedding gowns.  posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics.  curses. soft piano music. restrained anger. spinning out of control.  artist and muse. dark love.  pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection.  wild mushrooms.  giving up every piece of yourself.  rags to riches.  ghosts.  new year’s.  lingering gazes.  needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego.  flowing dresses.  a person out of place. defiance.  ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities.  peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk. spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST : typewriters. newspapers.  tense climates.  distrust of authority. internal battles.  a legacy at stake. secrets.  cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors.  sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade. cramming and crowding.  cold grays.  war.  fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers.  the jungle.  a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary.  finding your voice.  risking everything.  propaganda.tough choices. exposure.  type being set by hand. workplace rivalries.  abuses of power.  security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering.  duty.  countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras.  beaches. historic buildings.  guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers. radio broadcasts. going against the odds.  bathed in red light. a sense of humor.   allies. shouting matches.  small square windows.selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms.  chandeliers.  dust floating in air. righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war.  needing a miracle.  interruptions.  a last hope. cigar smoke.  quoting poetry. photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity.  rescue missions. refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk.  suicide missions.  drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse. evacuations. enveloped by fog.  changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns.  police uniforms.  sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect.  facing threats. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates.  nasty rumors. claustrophobia.  lush green pastures.  molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers.  no remorse. bashing in windows.  the midwest.  provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time.  rundown old houses. grey morality.  dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars.guilty no matter what.   buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails. one versus many.  black and red. not understanding another’s feelings.  a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards.  a hardened gaze.  driving to nowhere.  small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  : heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts.  fields of flowers. having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets. rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork.  peeling an orange. 80’s nostalgia. classical music. long walks.  ancient artifacts.  abundant orchards.  shoulder massages. expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair.  longing gazes. riding a bicycle around. mystery of love.  balconies. swimming naked. first times.  bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality. peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer. having your nose in a book. just rooms apart.  crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical.  love affairs. rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire. european lyricism.  loving father figures.  dancing to disco. laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked.  sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
DUNKIRK  :  burying a body.  warm cider.  narrow escapes. a race against time.  a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports.  rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air. entangled in chain.  toast with jam.  suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces.  sinking ships.  commended a hero.  cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome. planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands.  shell-shocked.  the explosions of shells on shores.  the sound of destruction. rising tides.  head injuries. target practice.  compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death.  oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.   blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command.  sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers.  suburbs.  hypnosis. strange behavior.  familial tension. chopping wood.  uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness.  survival.  sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents.  sunken places. something out of a nightmare. going hysterical.  bingo cards. smoking cigarettes.  static on a television set.  doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile.  a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder.silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances.  catharsis.  a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea.  nosebleeds.  addiction.  last bits of life leaving a body.  black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.   a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD : california landscapes. budding romance.  uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.  boorish sex. prom dresses.  secondhand dresses.  strong personalities. the theatre.  being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory.  going behind backs.  disappointed parents.  catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets. monotonous hometowns. shitty bands.  teenage anarchy. drifting in and out of friendships. menial jobs. red hair. self-given names.  coming-of-age.  a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses.  cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup.  strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
tagged by: @nontale​
tagging: YOU
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bitiing · 5 years
repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies.
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THE SHAPE OF WATER  :  early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows. bubbles rising in water. cats. taboo desires. tanks of water. kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence. isolation. golden age hollywood. sign language. scales. egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies.  creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales. lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog. dance routines. slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues. deep, inexorable scars. gills. music from the 30′s. retro-futurism. bloody handprints. routines. record players. old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  : a doll in a gilded birdcage. butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages. a disruptive presence. longing.  wedding gowns. posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death. hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics. curses. soft piano music. restrained anger. spinning out of control. artist and muse. dark love. pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection. wild mushrooms. giving up every piece of yourself. rags to riches. ghosts. new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound. being ambushed. ego. flowing dresses. a person out of place. defiance. ink to paper. an artist tortured by their art. obsessive personalities. peepholes.  soothing elegance. silk. spiral staircases. driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST : typewriters. newspapers. tense climates. distrust of authority. internal battles. a legacy at stake. secrets. cover-ups. defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption. behind closed doors. sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade. cramming and crowding. cold grays. war. fluorescent lights. treason. shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary. finding your voice. risking everything. propaganda. tough choices. exposure. type being set by hand. workplace rivalries. abuses of power. security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter. cigarette smoke. precious cargo. vanished technologies. suspenseful conversations. facing charges. courtroom battles. suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering. duty. countless negotiations. the flash of cameras. beaches. historic buildings. guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers. radio broadcasts. going against the odds. bathed in red light. a sense of humor. allies. shouting matches. small square windows. selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms. chandeliers. dust floating in air. righteousness. a poor reputation. an elevator surrounded by darkness. a world at war. needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope. cigar smoke. quoting poetry. photos of a loved one. a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity. rescue missions. refusing peace. pallid chambers. military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk. suicide missions. drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks. reluctance. complete collapse. evacuations. enveloped by fog. changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns. police uniforms. sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes. awkward dates. nasty rumors.  claustrophobia. lush green pastures. molotov cocktails. the fire of anger and revenge. strangers. no remorse. bashing in windows. the midwest. provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time. rundown old houses. grey morality. dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs. the american flag. dive bars. guilty no matter what. buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting. chewing on fingernails. one versus many. black and red. not understanding another’s feelings. a mother and child. the pain of others. a quest of justice. abandoned billboards. a hardened gaze. driving to nowhere. small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  :   heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts. fields of flowers. having to say goodbye. cobblestone streets. rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork. peeling an orange.  80’s nostalgia. classical music. long walks. ancient artifacts. abundant orchards. shoulder massages.  expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace. dipping your feet in cool water.uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair. longing gazes. riding a bicycle around. mystery of love. balconies.  swimming naked. first times. bathing suits. roman statues. secret sensuality. peaches. piano music. sun-soaked summer. having your nose in a book. just rooms apart. crystal blue water. growing attractions. changing your name. intimacy beyond physical. love affairs. rich wines. finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire. european lyricism. loving father figures. dancing to disco. laying in green grass. awkward adolescence. hands interlinked. sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
DUNKIRK  :   burying a body. warm cider. narrow escapes. a race against time. a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home. taken prisoner. shipwrecks. assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all. smoke rising from a crash. sea foam. seaports. rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air. entangled in chain. toast with jam. suspense. waiting for escape. wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces. sinking ships. commended a hero. cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness. bullet holes. obstacles and delays. a hero’s welcome. planes overhead. the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands. shell-shocked. the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction. rising tides. head injuries. target practice. compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good. blocking out the noise. primal dangers. taking command. sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers. suburbs.  hypnosis.  strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight. blindness. survival. sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents. sunken places. something out of a nightmare. going hysterical. bingo cards. smoking cigarettes. static on a television set. doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile. a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles. wealthy garden parties. constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream. trances. catharsis. a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea. nosebleeds. addiction. last bits of life leaving a body. black and white photography. sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech. oise of a spoon scraping across a teacup. a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD  : california landscapes. budding romance. uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.  apologizing. boorish sex. prom dresses. secondhand dresses. strong personalities. the theatre. being simultaneously warm and scary. battling depression. 90’s fashion. dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks. not being bound by any era. rejection. sparklers. thrift stores.  high school. identity crisis. a place that looks like a memory. going behind backs .disappointed parents. catholicism.  poverty. busy new york city streets. monotonous hometowns. shitty bands. teenage anarchy. drifting in and out of friendships. menial jobs. red hair. self-given names. coming-of-age. a broken arm. excessive drinking. first kisses. cupcakes. smudged eye makeup. strained relationships. screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
3 notes · View notes
tulsababy · 6 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
THE SHAPE OF WATER  : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars.  self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting.  raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water.  cats. taboo desires. tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence. isolation. golden age hollywood. sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o.  the smell of cleaning supplies.  creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets.seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars.  gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism.  bloody handprints.  routines. record players.  old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage. butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages.  a disruptive presence.  longing.  wedding gowns.  posh control.  post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction.  rich fabrics.  curses. soft piano music.  restrained anger. spinning out of control. artist and muse. dark love.  pastels.  peace in the countryside.  clockwork dynamics. perfection.  wild mushrooms. giving up every piece of yourself. rags to riches. ghosts.  new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound. being ambushed. ego. flowing dresses.  a person out of place. defiance. ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art. obsessive personalities. peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk.  spiral staircases. driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST  : typewriters.  newspapers. tense climates. distrust of authority. internal battles.  a legacy at stake.  secrets. cover-ups. defending what you believe.  peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors.  sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade. cramming and crowding. cold grays.  war. fluorescent lights.  treason. shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary. finding your voice.  risking everything. propaganda. tough choices.  exposure. type being set by hand. workplace rivalries. abuses of power.  security breaches.  hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books.  paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter. cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies. suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering.  duty. countless negotiations. the flash of cameras. beaches.  historic buildings.  guzzling booze.  resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers.  radio broadcasts. going against the odds. bathed in red light. a sense of humor. allies. shouting matches.  small square windows.  selfishness.  walking with a cane.  war rooms. chandeliers.  dust floating in air.  righteousness. a poor reputation. an elevator surrounded by darkness. a world at war. needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope. cigar smoke. quoting poetry. photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam.  monarchy. vanity. rescue missions.  refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms.  taking a stand. common folk. suicide missions. drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse. evacuations. enveloped by fog.  changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns. police uniforms.sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes. awkward dates. nasty rumors.  claustrophobia. lush green pastures. molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge. strangers. no remorse. bashing in windows.  the midwest. provoking a fight.  pointing fingers.  being pressed for time. rundown old houses.  grey morality. dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses.  cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars.  guilty no matter what. buildings in flames.  ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails. one versus many. black and red. not understanding another’s feelings. a mother and child. the pain of others. a quest of justice. abandoned billboards. a hardened gaze.driving to nowhere.  small towns.  last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME :   heartbreak. unbuttoned shirts. fields of flowers. having to say goodbye. cobblestone streets. rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork. peeling an orange. 80’s nostalgia. classical music.  long walks. ancient artifacts. abundant orchards. shoulder massages. expressive sexuality. remembering everything.  staring into a fireplace. dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair. longing gazes. riding a bicycle around. mystery of love. balconies. swimming naked. first times. bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality.  peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer. having your nose in a book. just rooms apart. crystal blue water. growing attractions. changing your name. intimacy beyond physical. love affairs. rich wines. finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire.  european lyricism. loving father figures. dancing to disco.  laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked. sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
DUNKIRK  : burying a body.  warm cider. narrow escapes.  a race against time. a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam. seaports.  rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air.  entangled in chain. toast with jam. suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces. sinking ships. commended a hero.  cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays. a hero’s welcome.  planes overhead. the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal.  people by the thousands. shell-shocked. the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction.  rising tides. head injuries. target practice. compressed time and space.  the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.  blocking out the noise. primal dangers. taking command. sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers. suburbs.  hypnosis. strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight. blindness. survival. sinking into the floor.  watching but powerless. strapped to a chair.  plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents.  sunken places.  something out of a nightmare. going hysterical. bingo cards.  smoking cigarettes. static on a television set. doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile. a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them.  waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties. constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream. trances. catharsis. a battle of wills.  layers being peeled back. a cup of tea. nosebleeds. addiction. last bits of life leaving a body. black and white photography. sprinting at high speeds.  conspiracies.  surgery.   blankly polite speech. noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.  a deer in headlights.  staring at your own reflection.unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD  : california landscapes. budding romance.  uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.  apologizing. boorish sex.  prom dresses.  secondhand dresses. strong personalities.  the theatre. being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers. thrift stores.  high school. identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory. going behind backs. disappointed parents. catholicism. poverty.  busy new york city streets.  monotonous hometowns.  shitty bands.  teenage anarchy.  drifting in and out of friendships.  menial jobs. red hair.  self-given names. coming-of-age. a broken arm. excessive drinking. first kisses. cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup. strained relationships. screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
TAGGED BY: stolen
TAGGING: @bratpcker @repeatoffndr @realtough @beatsdrums @barbiebclle @bloodykneestm
2 notes · View notes
courfleur-blog · 6 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
THE SHAPE OF WATER  :  early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars.  self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting.  raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water.  cats. taboo desires.  tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia.  kissing underwater. silence. isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o.  the smell of cleaning supplies.  creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes.  smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism.  bloody handprints.  routines. record players.  old movies.  love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother.cycles. hidden messages.  a disruptive presence.  longing.  wedding gowns.  posh control.post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction.  rich fabrics.  curses. soft piano music.  restrained anger.  spinning out of control. artist and muse.  dark love.  pastels.  peace in the countryside.  clockwork dynamics.  perfection.  wild mushrooms. giving up every piece of yourself.  rags to riches. ghosts.  new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread.  fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego.  flowing dresses.  a person out of place.  defiance. ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities. peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk.  spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST  : typewriters.  newspapers.  tense climates. distrust of authority. internal battles. a legacy at stake.  secrets.  cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows.  melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors.  sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade.  cramming and crowding. cold grays.  war. fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee.thousands of deaths. burglary. finding your voice.  risking everything. propaganda. tough choices.exposure. type being set by hand. workplace rivalries. abuses of power.  security breaches.  hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books.  paranoia.  orders. clicking keys.  redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering.  duty. countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras.  beaches.  historic buildings.  guzzling booze.  resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers.  radio broadcasts.  going against the odds. bathed in red light. a sense of humor.  allies.  shouting matches.  small square windows.  selfishness.  walking with a cane.  war rooms. chandeliers.  dust floating in air.  righteousness. a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness. a world at war. needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope.  cigar smoke. quoting poetry.  photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam.  monarchy. vanity. rescue missions.  refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms.  taking a stand. common folk. suicide missions. drums of war.  tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse. evacuations.  enveloped by fog.  changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns. police uniforms. sirens. the calmness of a deer.  strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories.  sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats. skin under fingernails.flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates. nasty rumors.  claustrophobia. lush green pastures. molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers.  no remorse.  bashing in windows.  the midwest. provoking a fight.  pointing fingers.  being pressed for time. rundown old houses.  grey morality. dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses.  cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars.  guilty no matter what.  buildings in flames.  ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails.  one versus many. black and red. not understanding another’s feelings.  a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards. a hardened gaze. driving to nowhere.  small towns.  last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  :   heartbreak. unbuttoned shirts. fields of flowers.having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets.  rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork.  peeling an orange.  80’s nostalgia.  classical music.  long walks. ancient artifacts. abundant orchards. shoulder massages.  expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair. longing gazes. riding a bicycle around.  mystery of love. balconies.  swimming naked. first times. bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality.  peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer.  having your nose in a book. just rooms apart. crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical. love affairs.  rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire.  european lyricism. loving father figures. dancing to disco.  laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked. sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
DUNKIRK  :   burying a body.  warm cider. narrow escapes.  a race against time.  a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports.  rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air.  entangled in chain. toast with jam. suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand.  trauma. blank spaces. sinking ships. commended a hero.  cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome.  planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal.  people by the thousands. shell-shocked. the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction.  rising tides. head injuries. target practice. compressed time and space.  the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.  blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command. sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers. suburbs.  hypnosis.  strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness.survival. sinking into the floor.  watching but powerless. strapped to a chair.  plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents.  sunken places.  something out of a nightmare. going hysterical. bingo cards.  smoking cigarettes. static on a television set. doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile. a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them.  waiting for someone to come when they never will.  overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder.silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances.  catharsis. a battle of wills.  layers being peeled back. a cup of tea.nosebleeds. addiction. last bits of life leaving a body. black and white photography. sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies.  surgery. blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.  a deer in headlights.  staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD  : california landscapes.  budding romance.  uniforms.  consolation.  plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.  boorish sex.  prom dresses.  secondhand dresses. strong personalities.  the theatre. being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers. thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory. going behind backs.  disappointed parents. catholicism. poverty.  busy new york city streets.  monotonous hometowns.  shitty bands.  teenage anarchy.  drifting in and out of friendships.  menial jobs. red hair.  self-given names. coming-of-age. a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses. cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup.strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters.  standing out. decorated bedroom walls.  having a change of heart.  expressing individuality.
TAGGED BY :  @bigbadgrim TAGGING  : @ahopefulbunch, @proditeur, @abbtt, @lochnssie, @padmatical, @witchuman, @doratheauror + you if u wanna!
4 notes · View notes
coeurdechiot-blog · 6 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
THE SHAPE OF WATER  : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars.  self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting.  raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water.  cats. taboo desires.  tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia.  kissing underwater. silence. isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o.  the smell of cleaning supplies.  creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes.  smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism.  bloody handprints.  routines. record players.  old movies.  love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages.  a disruptive presence.  longing.  wedding gowns.  posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction.  rich fabrics.  curses. soft piano music.  restrained anger. spinning out of control. artist and muse.  dark love.  pastels.  peace in the countryside.  clockwork dynamics.  perfection.  wild mushrooms. giving up every piece of yourself.  rags to riches. ghosts.  new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread.  fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego.  flowing dresses.  a person out of place.  defiance. ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities. peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk.  spiral staircases. driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST  : typewriters.  newspapers.  tense climates. distrust of authority. internal battles. a legacy at stake.  secrets.  cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows.  melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors.  sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade. cramming and crowding. cold grays.  war. fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary. finding your voice.  risking everything. propaganda. tough choices. exposure. type being set by hand. workplace rivalries. abuses of power.  security breaches.  hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books.  paranoia.  orders. clicking keys.  redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering.  duty. countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras. beaches.  historic buildings.  guzzling booze.  resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers.  radio broadcasts.  going against the odds. bathed in red light. a sense of humor.  allies.  shouting matches.  small square windows.  selfishness.  walking with a cane.  war rooms. chandeliers.  dust floating in air.  righteousness. a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness. a world at war. needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope.  cigar smoke. quoting poetry.  photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam.  monarchy. vanity. rescue missions.  refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms.  taking a stand. common folk. suicide missions. drums of war.  tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse. evacuations.  enveloped by fog.  changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns. police uniforms. sirens. the calmness of a deer.  strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories.  sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates. nasty rumors.  claustrophobia. lush green pastures. molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers.  no remorse.  bashing in windows.  the midwest. provoking a fight.  pointing fingers.  being pressed for time. rundown old houses.  grey morality. dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses.  cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars.  guilty no matter what.  buildings in flames.  ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails.  one versus many. black and red. not understanding another’s feelings.  a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards. a hardened gaze. driving to nowhere.  small towns.  last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME :   heartbreak. unbuttoned shirts. fields of flowers. having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets.  rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork.  peeling an orange.  80’s nostalgia. classical music.  long walks. ancient artifacts. abundant orchards. shoulder massages.  expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair. longing gazes. riding a bicycle around.  mystery of love. balconies.  swimming naked. first times. bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality.  peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer.  having your nose in a book. just rooms apart. crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical. love affairs.  rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire.  european lyricism. loving father figures. dancing to disco.  laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked. sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
DUNKIRK  :  burying a body.  warm cider. narrow escapes.  a race against time.  a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports.  rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air.  entangled in chain. toast with jam. suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand.  trauma. blank spaces. sinking ships. commended a hero.  cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome.  planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal.  people by the thousands. shell-shocked. the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction.  rising tides. head injuries. target practice. compressed time and space.  the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.  blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command. sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers. suburbs.  hypnosis.  strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness. survival. sinking into the floor.  watching but powerless. strapped to a chair.  plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents.  sunken places.  something out of a nightmare. going hysterical. bingo cards.  smoking cigarettes. static on a television set. doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile. a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them.  waiting for someone to come when they never will.  overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream. trances.  catharsis. a battle of wills.  layers being peeled back. a cup of tea. nosebleeds. addiction. last bits of life leaving a body. black and white photography. sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies.  surgery. blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup. a deer in headlights.  staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD  : california landscapes.  budding romance.  uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.  boorish sex.  prom dresses.  secondhand dresses. strong personalities.  the theatre. being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers. thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory. going behind backs.  disappointed parents. catholicism. poverty.  busy new york city streets.  monotonous hometowns.  shitty bands.  teenage anarchy.  drifting in and out of friendships.  menial jobs. red hair.  self-given names. coming-of-age. a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses. cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup. strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters.  standing out. decorated bedroom walls.  having a change of heart.  expressing individuality.
TAGGED BY :  stolen off the dash TAGGING  : @azhefa, @moonreflected, @dtchilds, @untothisstorm, @incrediblechange, @kopiya, @coralinehcle, steal it!
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deeplvdevoted · 6 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
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    THE SHAPE OF WATER  : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars.  self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting.  raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water.  cats. taboo desires.  tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia.  kissing underwater. silence. isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o.  the smell of cleaning supplies.  creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes.  smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism.  bloody handprints.  routines. record players.  old movies.  love in unexpected places.
    PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages.  a disruptive presence.  longing.  wedding gowns.  posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics.  curses. soft piano music.  restrained anger. spinning out of control. artist and muse.  dark love.  pastels. peace in the countryside.  clockwork dynamics.  perfection.  wild mushrooms. giving up every piece of yourself.  rags to riches. ghosts.  new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego.  flowing dresses.  a person out of place.  defiance. ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities. peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk.  spiral staircases. driving at high speeds. high society.
    THE POST  : typewriters.  newspapers.  tense climates. distrust of authority. internal battles. a legacy at stake. secrets.  cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows.  melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors.  sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade. cramming and crowding. cold grays.  war. fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary. finding your voice.  risking everything. propaganda. tough choices. exposure. type being set by hand. workplace rivalries. abuses of power.  security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books.  paranoia.  orders. clicking keys.  redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
    DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering.  duty. countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras. beaches.  historic buildings.  guzzling booze.  resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers.  radio broadcasts.  going against the odds. bathed in red light. a sense of humor.  allies.  shouting matches.  small square windows.  selfishness.  walking with a cane.  war rooms. chandeliers.  dust floating in air.  righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness. a world at war. needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope.  cigar smoke. quoting poetry.  photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam.  monarchy. vanity. rescue missions.  refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms.  taking a stand. common folk. suicide missions. drums of war.  tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse. evacuations.  enveloped by fog.  changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
     THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns. police uniforms. sirens. the calmness of a deer.  strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories.  sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates. nasty rumors.  claustrophobia. lush green pastures. molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers. no remorse.  bashing in windows.  the midwest. provoking a fight.  pointing fingers.  being pressed for time. rundown old houses.  grey morality. dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars. guilty no matter what.  buildings in flames.  ambulances. coughing up blood.  spitting.  chewing on fingernails.  one versus many. black and red. not understanding another’s feelings. a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards. a hardened gaze. driving to nowhere.  small towns.  last letters. absurd violence.
    CALL ME BY YOUR NAME :   heartbreak. unbuttoned shirts. fields of flowers. having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets.  rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork.  peeling an orange.  80’s nostalgia. classical music.  long walks. ancient artifacts. abundant orchards. shoulder massages.  expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair. longing gazes. riding a bicycle around.  mystery of love. balconies.  swimming naked. first times. bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality.  peaches. piano music.  sun-soaked summer.  having your nose in a book. just rooms apart. crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical. love affairs.  rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire.  european lyricism. loving father figures. dancing to disco.  laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked. sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
    DUNKIRK  : burying a body.  warm cider. narrow escapes.  a race against time.  a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports.  rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air.  entangled in chain. toast with jam. suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces. sinking ships. commended a hero.  cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome.  planes overhead. the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal.  people by the thousands. shell-shocked. the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction.  rising tides. head injuries. target practice. compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good. blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command. sole survivor.
    GET OUT  : deer antlers. suburbs.  hypnosis.  strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness. survival. sinking into the floor.  watching but powerless. strapped to a chair.  plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents.  sunken places.  something out of a nightmare. going hysterical. bingo cards.  smoking cigarettes. static on a television set. doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile. a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them.  waiting for someone to come when they never will.  overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream. trances.  catharsis. a battle of wills.  layers being peeled back. a cup of tea. nosebleeds. addiction. last bits of life leaving a body. black and white photography. sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies.  surgery. blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup. a deer in headlights.  staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
     LADY BIRD  : california landscapes.  budding romance.  uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.  boorish sex.  prom dresses.  secondhand dresses. strong personalities.  the theatre. being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers. thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory. going behind backs. disappointed parents. catholicism. poverty.  busy new york city streets.  monotonous hometowns.  shitty bands.  teenage anarchy.  drifting in and out of friendships.  menial jobs. red hair.  self-given names. coming-of-age. a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses. cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup. strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters.  standing out. decorated bedroom walls.  having a change of heart.  expressing individuality.
TAGGED BY :  saw it on @liedriven‘s page !! TAGGING  : anyone who wants to do it ♡
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