sunstartle · 2 years
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sorry i told ur brother to follow his dreams lol i didn’t know that his dreams included trying to murder u
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swiftadrift · 1 year
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Collection of ArtFight attacks! I don't think I posted these here yet
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wintergale27 · 1 month
Wow look it's the Marsh Colony!!
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Colony info under the cut! ^^
Smaller than the other colonies, and mostly related to each other, this colony is big on family. They are a tight-knit group, but are pretty open to accepting outsiders or allowing members to transfer Colonies (like Dew did because of her joint issues).
Their territory is a lightly forested wetland extending up the base of a mountain, and they move camps throughout the year as the water levels change.
The colony is led by Lynxwhisper and Rowanstrike. Jaggedleap is the colony's healer, and he is training Moth. Tansypatch is the Head of Camp, Bubblesnout is the Head of Patrol, and Yarrowflower is the Head of Hunting. Crowswoop is in charge of navigation, and Vipersting is the colony messenger.
Because they don't have one permanent camp, they don't have an oven and long-term salted food storage like the other colonies. Instead, they rely on quickly constructing campfires or smokers to cook their meat.
They rely pretty heavily on trade with the other colonies for access to crafted materials because they can't really keep storage since transporting goods around the territory isn't typically a viable option. They are somewhere in the middle when it comes to using human stuff. They don't necessarily hate it, but sometimes they'd prefer using naturally crafted supplies.
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booksofstars · 1 year
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(crowpaws rename is crowswoop btw)
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sapphirecat09 · 8 months
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Merryclan - Moon 4 (prt 3) - A Leader
Crowswoop finally sees herself as a leader and names herself Crowstar, going yo the moonstone and gaining her nine lives in the process
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starlit-skies-rpg · 2 years
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Read about the roleplay here!
Here are the events that have happened within leaf-fall!
☾ — Cloverkit, Foxkit, and Stormkit of CedarClan have become apprentices, with Hickoryheart, Duckdown, and Shadestep as their mentors.
☾ — Moonpaw has decided to move away from warrior training to become the new healer apprentice of CedarClan!
☾ — Wolfkit of HollowClan has become an apprentice, with Violetsprig as his mentor.
☾ — Pondkit of EmberClan has become an apprentice, with Rumblestone as his mentor.
☾ — Butterflypaw, Hazelpaw, Robinpaw, Thympaw, and Woollypaw of CedarClan have become warriors, now known as Butterflytuft, Hazelspark, Robinshade, Thymeflower, and Woollycloud!
☾ — Azurepaw, Eelpaw and Vinepaw of HollowClan have become warriors, now known as Azuretide, Eelfang, and Vineflurry!
☾ — Crowpaw, Finchpaw, Maplepaw, Mudpaw, and Whistlepaw of EmberClan have become warriors, now known as Crowswoop, Finchflight, Maplebreeze, Mudfern, and Whistlerunner!
☾ — Thymepaw has an accident while out with Woollypaw that lands her in critical condition in the healer’s den. Hawkthorn, Woollypaw’s mentor, confronts him about his foolishness and throws some harsh words his way before it finally breaks out into a short fight. Firbranch intervenes before Tinystar is finally forced to step in, claiming that within CedarClan, these actions are unacceptable. Woollypaw is held back from being a warrior, and Firbranch volunteers to take over his training.
☾ — A confrontation at the border between CedarClan and HollowClan goes awry when tensions grow too strong to contain, and a fight breaks out between the two sides, requiring reinforcements when the fight turns more deadly.
☾ — Cloverdove’s anger grows as her kits continue to make decisions for EmberClan without her input. She has approached Fallowdust with a plan to poison the healer apprentice, Duskpaw, in order to remove her from the position and restore order. She blackmails him in order to help her, and participates in the poisoning in order to cover her tracks. Fallowdust is framed for the attempt at their lives, being exiled by Straystar and shortly followed by Cavernfall.
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Cats Outside the Clan Allegiance
Mosspatch: a fluffy large gray-and-white tom with green eyes. Lightfrost: a long furred white tom with blueish gray patches and golden eyes. He has a long thin scar running across his shoulders. Crowshadow: dark gray, almost black tom with silver eyes. Grapeleap: a solid gray tom with blue eyes. Pebble: a brown she-cat with light and dark brown patches spotted all over their coat and vibrant green eyes. Shadow: Firebreeze: a brown-and-russet tom. Thornbright: a dark brown tabby tom. Patch: a pale ginger-and-white tom. Pounce: Oat: a tortoisehsell-and-white tabby kit. Flax: a pale ginger-and-white tabby kit. Shell: a tortoisehsell-and-white tabby kit. Darkdust: a dusty brown and black spotted tabby tom with pale green eyes. Crowswoop: a black-and-white cat. Mudstream: a chocolate tortoisehsell-and-white she-cat. Moustachio: a black-and-white tom. Sylvia: a silver-and-white she-cat. Smallstep: a brown, black, and white cat with one white foot. Empress: a somewhat fluffy cream-tan-brown-and-white she-cat.
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exocynraku · 2 years
Yea! And also, they don't go to the Tribe because the whole thing with the tribe is anti-native. Which also means that the clans themselves have never met the tribe.
Which means:
Feathertail is alive
Stormfur never got with Brook! Instead, one of Greenflower's kits lived (Duckspring) and became mates with Stormfur.
Crowfeather isn't named Crowfeather because Feathertail never died, so his new name is Crowswoop!
Also, Leafpool never got with Crowswoop! And also, Crowswoop has an actual loving and healthy relationship with Nightcloud and Breezepelt!
Oh, and Brambleclaw is renamed is Bramblerunner! And also, Brackenfur is deputy because I want him to be deputy.
wowowowowow fun fun fun! love crows new name and that feathertail is alive
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sun-startle · 2 years
hello i have returned, opinion on asterrain? :00 (also any constructive criticism on how i could write them better would be amazing 🙏 /lh)
YESS Loki welcome back !!!
Okay okay
Asterrain, to me, is a very sweet cat. That’s like their primary personality trait I think? They’re very friendly towards others, compassionate to cats and animals alike, and have a habit of getting down on themselves instead of projecting their anger outwards. …Is what I have gathered :P
I don’t have a super strong opinion on Asterrain because Fidgetfire has interacted with them about never, but they seem nice! My attention is usually gripped more by cats with very strong-slash-abrasive personalities — which is a me thing, not an Asterrain’s writing thing haha!
In terms of writing them, though, I’d maybe put a bit more focus into solidifying their character traits or giving them a few that are a little stronger. Nice is fine, compassionate is fine, but it can feel a bit vague in long-form roleplays. What is Asterrain absolutely unwilling to compromise on? What are their words traits that may make someone argue with them? What are their core standards and principles, and could they ever be convinced to deviate from them?
It’s also worth considering how a character acts when they’re facing the public. Fidgetfire, for example, is generally a very bouncy cat on the inside, but she’s super loathe to let anyone know on the rare occasion that she’s feeling down. On the contrary, she’s perfectly willing to tell others when she needs help under any other circumstance. Crowswoop is a cat who’s almost entirely the opposite in that way, he lets others see that he’s sad but feels like a burden when he asks for help.
I can’t exactly pin down where Asterrain stands on those sorts of fronts, though — which again, may be because I don’t read their roleplays a lot! It’s still worth considering though :P
Another thing that’s important to keep in mind is character voice. How do they think and how do they speak? Characters who are shyer will tend towards using modifiers (“I think” “A bit” “Maybe”), whereas confident characters will say things firmly (“It is”). Characters who are formal will use longer words and less contractions. Some characters ramble, some characters have clipped sentences. Dialogue, outer and inner, can be disjointed or well-constructed, and it is a matter of character as well as how they are feeling.
Fidgetfire tends to get distracted halfway through an idea, she goes on tangents and sometimes repeats words and phrases. She uses longer and shorter words interspersed in the same sentence and uses contractions, usually.
Another another thing (sorry!) is body language. I usually stick to the same general body movements for a character to commonly use: Fidgetfire wraps her tail around her paws, lashes her tail, pins her ears back, and sinks her claws into the ground. Obviously she can do other things, but if it’s a choice between two options I go with the more common one. Characters can fall on a spectrum of hyperactive/fidgety to still and composed, and the more calm your character is the less they should move, and the less big movements they should make (vice versa obviously for fidgety characters).
In conclusion uhhh Asterrain is super sweet and I am of the opinion that they are a good cat! To write them better I would recommend solidifying and exaggerating their character traits and thinking about how they think, speak and move :)
TYSM for the second ask Loki !! <33
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swiftadrift · 1 year
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I’m absolutely smitten, I’ll never let you go
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sunstartle · 3 years
he asked for no pickles >:(
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swiftadrift · 3 years
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Woo! It’s a height chart of my beloved Warrior Cats RP I moderate, Sumire’s Blessings!
We’ve got (From left to right) Tawnystalk, Larkspring, Fawnlight, Asterrain, Abstract, Doe/Dovepetal, Spiderbranch, Sunspirit, Hazelpounce, Fidgetfire, Crowswoop, Chirpbreeze, Lotusfall, Featherdrift, Eclipseweb, Forest, Heronflame, and Corviddusk! Why yes, I did memorize their names, thank you.
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sun-startle · 2 years
hi aster :eyes: uhmmm question abt ff!! which of your characters is your favorite to write? which one is your favorite to draw? and which one was your favorite to design? :0
My favorite character to write is Tempest, just because she’s so… <33 yeah. Close second is Fidgetfire because she has a super hilarious thought process — Temps is just funny because of how violent yet deadpan she is ^^;
In terms of drawing, definitely Divinity human-wise (I have his hair down in muscle memory at this point ^^;) and it was Frenzyfang animal-wise, but since she’s not in use anymore hmmm… probably Missy? Crowswoop gets an honorable mention here even though he’s not my character 😅
And designing! They don’t belong to me, but Nova was the most fun I’ve had designing something in a while, as was Parsifal :)
tysm for the askkk :D
EDIT: WAIT I JUST RELized this was about ff/FW only BHAHAH HELPP 😭
in that case designing-wise it’s divinity probably although I had a great time with vivo and Kinetika! i would like to beat flashfire’s suit design With A Stick
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