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barbara22031362 · 2 years ago
Welcome to The Adventures of Sam & Keecha! My new book about a small town dog adopted by a big city cat’s family. Learn about their everyday life from chasing squirrels, being bullied, experiencing meowi wowi catnip, and attending a SlapLick concert, while Sam journals to Abby, the most famous dog in Crown Town. Will Sam meet Abby? Will she ever be as famous as Abby? This is every teen dog & cat’s dream. FInd out what they already know. Stay tuned! Like, Follow and Share with your friends!
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secretballoonface · 6 months ago
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Any crownpoint girls. Other account got reported, crownpointbjs
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guruempressgamingtv · 2 months ago
2025 New Year's Eve Caribbean Fireworks Extravaganza
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blckmgc6 · 1 month ago
Who has this hoe from crownpoint?
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bigdikknav · 6 days ago
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Love her big titts
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autism-connoisseur · 4 months ago
i keep watching the penguin episodes almost a week late cause im watching w my dad okay but. i liked ep 7. i have a lot of thoughts about it. way too many, perhaps, so they're under the cut.
the explosion sofia sets off underground obviously damages crownpoint —an already heavily damaged neighborhood. in her haste to get to oswald she doesn't care that she's hurting the everyday folk, or maybe it didn't even cross her mind; just like when, in her haste to get revenge on the falcones, she didn't even think of what she would do to gia: orphaned, spared by some miracle... the same miracle that seemed to have taken her family away.
but back to sophia & crownpoint. crownpoint & this side of the city, in general, was the first thing vic and oswald talked about; the first foundation of the bridge upon which they stand (continuing the metaphor, one might argue that vic's stutter and the feeling of fellow disability it may have sparked in oswald was the reason the bridge was approved for building in the first place). but it's been also source of conflict between francis and oswald: she needed to escape it, so he took her away somewhere better, now he needs to escape that better place and they're back at where they started. i believe that francis is having these regressions in time as a combination of her illness and being back in the bad part of town, likely triggering the possible pstd from burying her two sons. then victor had to come back home & finally face squid: now he can never truly go back. cause sure he's dealing drugs and helping oswald and doing his part, but those make him someone. killing squid, that he'll never shake off. even if it does not get easier. vic is back where he was a mere months ago but irrevocably changed; this place has seen him born and then reborn.
so we have these three characters, on one side, intrinsically linked to crownpoint and what it stands for: poverty, helplessness, misery (even if life can be happy there: vic was happy, francis & oswald were happy) that they desperately try to live behind. they want a good life, the better life, and no one will give it to them, so they'll take it. even if it means standing against the families, who don't even know their names.
and that's why sofia does what she does. brings harm to harmless people, innocent people who (as we've seen in previous episodes) have already lost it all. and eva was right. sofia was born privileged. she will never understand the streets life. yes, that privilege didn't save her, didn't soothe her suffering one bit, but her mansion wasn't flooded, she doesn't know how it feels like to walk into a room and to know no one knows your name —this is both a blessing and a curse. the last ten years of sofia's life were torture in every sense of the word; but before then she didn't know what it was to truly fight for your life, your dignity, to stand your ground. and sofia, for all her rightful demands that people understand and see what was done to her —the injustice, the betrayal, the horror, the belittling, the pain, the loss of everything she ever had or held dear— has no qualms or worries about hurting others. because for her there is only revenge.
and last thing, i don't know if it was intentional, but the way oswald emerges from the explosion, sees all the damage, with his ears blocked and then suddenly unblocked, hearing all the confusion and chaos and suffering of people who have little to none to lose (because it already was), really reminded me of the moment in batman 2022 when the bombs go off and the flood begins. but i haven't seen the move in a while so i could be wrong. even so, it's the same. the struggle between the powerful, these two forces of nature almost, never ends well for the common folk. the blows they deal hit each other, sure, but it's always the defenseless who end up soaked in the aftermath.
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nastyclown666 · 3 months ago
Let's trade dirty panties of your gfs, sisters, cousins, or aunts, moms in Thoreau or crownpoint area....
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always-outlander · 2 years ago
Outlander 7x06 Thoughts & Easter Eggs
Spoilers below the cut!
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I wasn’t sure if we’d be getting this scene, due to the pacing of Williams storyline and how trimmed down it’s become, but I was happy to see the episode open with William arriving at Ticonderoga from Crownpoint. He’s seeking Brigadier Simon Fraser whom we learned about last episode (and who is significant in upcoming plot), and meets him for the first time there (a change from the books, where he meets him prior to the siege of the fort). They discuss their plans to March South to meet Howe, which would isolate New England. Did they hire a non Scottish man to play Simon Fraser? Cause that’s not cool if so—his accent isn’t great.
The rebels flee by boat under Jamie’s command, and he encourages the people to travel inland to avoid being seen across the water by the British. Claire tells Jamie they will need to make camp soon due to the overall state of the people they are with, and they hear the sounds of Indians nearby. They head further into the woods to hide from the Indians and Ian goes ahead to find that it is actually Red Coats pretending to be Indians to scare them. I’m fairly certain this scene happens at night in the books, and the choice to have this all play out in broad daylight, then sudden darkness when Claire goes to find Mrs Raven was slightly off putting to me.
SIDENOTE, we hear Rachel say to Mrs Raven that she already trusts Ian completely 🥰 which is cute, so I’m thrilled.
There is another abrupt cut to a super short scene where Roger talks with Lionel Menzies (his school principal, who is the cousin of our friend Rob Cameron) about Jemmy speaking Galic in class. Last episode we saw him get in trouble for that and Roger wants to speak to Menzies about her grabbing Jemmy’s ears. While they both share a love of the highlands and appreciation for the language, Menzies explains that people wish to leave the Highlands and they want to speak good English in order to leave. I love that the show continues to show the results of the rising even in the 80’s and how impactful that was culturally. Menzies asks Roger to teach a class on the language and Roger excitedly agrees, happy to be back to teaching again.
Then we immediately change to darkness and Claire walking alone in the woods searching for the Mrs Raven. She cannot handle the situation and sadly we see her take her own life right as Claire arrives. Following the gunshot, Claire is taken hostage by a red coat. Denzel comes and finds Ian and jamie to tell them that Claire is missing, and suddenly it’s daylight again. Jamie finds Mrs Raven’s body and Ian can tell soldiers have taken Claire towards the fort.
Claire is brought to a pen with other rebels and immediately begins asking a younger soldier to get water for the sick and injured. She spots Walter Woodcock who had been taken prisoner during the siege. In the books he refers to jamie as Big Red as well, but Claire did not have as close of an established relationship to him prior to this scene. He’s having issues with his chest, which Claire can tell is an embolism following his surgery. She spends the day trying to aid the people who are hostage at the fort, and continuously asking for water and food. It’s slipped up that the food is 2 days behind them.
We meet Captain Richardson again, book readers know is important. William admits that he did not deliver the messages he was tasked to at Dismal Town after he falls off his horse. This was kind of unclear to me as he does have the letters in is possession after he falls and he later gains a horse from Ian, so I’m not sure why he abandons that mission entirely without a good explanation - where did the letters go? Richardson asked why he did not read the messages for himself, and William confronts Richardson about the recipients being rebels themselves. Richardson tells him that those men are spies, and William is eager for an opportunity of redemption to prove himself again. He is given his uniform back to join the rest of the men.
In a huge change from the books, Claire walks after another red coat in search of medical supplies and—you guessed it— water, and ends up confronting William. In the show, he recognizes her, realizing she’s a rebel and she confirms that Jamie is in the militia. William confirms again that supplies are 2 days behind them, but tells Claire that he will do his best to accommodate her. I really do love Charles as William, I think he’s doing an excellent job and while I wanted to skip William’s chapters in the books, I look forward to seeing him on screen in the show.
Bree and Roger finally start discussing the tunnel and what she encountered there, which I was hoping they’d copy from the books. Last episode when she went through the portal, Bree had next to no reaction to it, so this was satisfying to see. The two of them make the connection that the dam is on the east side towards Pitlochry and the tunnel runs downwards. Roger explains that they think there’s a leyline from the Achavanic standing stones at the top of northern Scotland down to the ones at Craigh na dun. He asks if the line continues down towards the dam, and they make an educated guess that the ley lines interact with the stone circles to create some type of portal.
We finally get confirmation that the book Rogers been writing is referred to as The Hitchhikers Guide to Time Travel, and before he leaves to go and teach his Gaelic class, Bree stacks a pile of papers and hymns from his desk to bring with him.
When Roger arrives to Jemmy’s school we see him explain the cultural significance of the language and why it’s so important to hold onto it. He also tells the kids that there’s no swear words in the Gaelic, and the entire scene serves as a great reminder of the Scottish history that grabbed us back in season 1. Roger really shines in this scene, and Richard Rankin does a great job here. There’s a call back to the waulking songs which Claire partook in back in season 1 when traveling to collect the rents. He also talks about line singing, and leads a song with the students. He involves Bobby (Rob Cameron’s nephew) and Jemmy by having them pass out some hymns from Reverend Wakefield to the class. And he sings again, which we know is a big deal to him after he was hanged in season 5.
Lionel asks him to come back again and you can see Rob in the background being shady, waiting around to talk to Roger. He introduces himself to Roger and you can tell Roger isn’t thrilled after the stunt he pulled with Bree at the tunnel. Rob admits he read the hitchhikers guide to travel during the class, which is another change from the books. In the books, he only reads one page that was mixed in with the Hymns. You’d think Roger would have recognized that the book was in there, or that Jemmy wouldn’t have handed Rob a whole damn book. In the books he asks Roger if he can swing by Lallybroch to read a hymn sometime because he didn’t get to, but in the show they have him ask to come have dinner which I find weirder. Roger seems to just forgive him for locking Bree in the tunnel, and I can’t imagine she’d want him over for dinner after that.
Jamie and Ian arrive to Ticonderoga to find Claire and Ian insists he go after Claire. The Mohawk allied with the British so Ian knows they won’t bother him. They come up with a plan to lure the British away from where she’s being held. William has another soldier bring Claire her supplies and we get a great callback to the books where she asks the solider how he knew who she was. He tells her that William described her as the one with the curly wig, barking orders like a sergeant general.
Claire can just walk around and out of the gates which I find interesting, and poor Walter is faring worse now. She gives him a tea and the brandy from the flask William gave her. Walter knows he’s going to die and Claire does her best to comfort him. She asks him to think of his wife dancing and sadly she loses another patient. In the books, Claire escapes without saying goodbye to any of the people in the fort.
Ian finds her Claire in the books by sneaking up behind where she’s being held, but again there’s an change in the show and Claire spots Ian in the courtyard. Soon after, William spots Ian. Ian pretends to be a scout for Joseph Brant, and William thanks Ian for the money and care of the Hunters. William confronts him about his relationship to Claire, knowing full well he’s here to release her. At this point Jamie starts firing bows into the fort and Ian and Claire tell William the reality of his army. Claire is safest if she escapes, so Ian and William admit a life for a life. William asks to not see him again or he may not have a way to protect him. Jamie and Claire reunite and Claire has a hard time leaving the prisoners there. Claire tells Jamie she saw William and he was kind to her there. We get the line from the books “tell me of him, later when there’s time.”
They travel for a few days and rejoin the continental army and get the narration that Jamie’s term of service is almost over and they will be leaving soon for Scotland. Ian finds Rachel who had been watching Rollo. He pretends he’s come for Rollo but it’s clear he simply wanted to see her. These two falling in love is so damn cute. They have a classic meet cute hand touch and I’m really hoping we get a longer scene with the two of them soon.
We meet Daniel Morgan (look him up if you can, an absolutely fascinating man and important historical figure) who asks Jamie to come with him and tries to recruit him to join his group of rifleman. Jamie later tells Claire that he’s decided to stay and continue to fight, as he cannot leave now while the British move south. They discuss the battle of Saratoga and how it draws the French into the war and is a turning point for the American’s. She’s happy he will be fighting from a distance as a sniper. Fun fact, Daniel Morgan’s men are the ones credited for killing Simon Fraser, which book readers know is Claire and Jamie’s ticket home to Scotland.
We get the scene from the books which I love where Claire tells Jamie than women don’t make wars. Jamie explains they aren’t made for it, and Claire argues that they are just as capable for fighting for what they believe in. Jamie says women take more with them when they go, but when a man goes it’s only them when they go. A woman takes life with her when she goes, and a woman is possibility. She insists Jamie is not one man just like another but admits that it is likely the ability to create life which would make it that much harder to end it. Jamie tells Claire he’s not afraid of dying now that the kids are grown, and his grandchildren are thriving. Or rather that he’s less afraid to die, and less inclined to kill men who have not yet lived yet. In the books, this conversation happens after Denny has snuck into a camp for intelligence in the books. Claire cannot understand why he would be so wreckless and Jamie tries to explain how a young man would do anything for a cause he believes in. Even if that means getting killed in the process.
Claire tells jamie about William and I love this scene, it’s the highlight of the whole episode for me.
Then the episode ends with Roger confronting Buck after he seems him peering in through the window. Clearly this is a younger version of him. And we end with a knock out punch. I wished we got the actual confrontation in this episode but it appears we will have to wait one more to finally get that moment.
Overall another strong episode! I enjoyed it, and am looking forward to the next one, particularly Roger and Bucks storyline.
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nmnomad · 5 months ago
CrownPoint, New Mexico
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 2 years ago
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if nothing else, Marcy's Scrapbook shows that she did want Simon to stick around with her and her Dad
cut to: Simon holding Hunson at gunpoint (crownpoint) threatening him to behave or else
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nerice · 2 months ago
protag becomes side chara in next installment is probably my favourite thruline of interconnected story hell nd sometimes i like to indulge thinking abt how it would read to someone with completely fresh eyes and no context,,
the black cat story featuring reina as pov for all except one chapter, ending on the destruction of nerice, her desperate flight into the next world cycle where she is met by the songhost trio...
roa starting with jumie wandering the halls of crownpoint, full of rage and full of grief, only to stop short as she catches stray laughter. reina and [mindsong user] sharing a private little feast & jumie detests her lighthearted spirit. [qs essay cut for time] but u know they spend most of the book antagonizing one another and only soften up towards the end of it, even if it's a far cry from...
lhnh where jack claims his songhost heritage nd waits 2 be collected. recognizing reina on instinct, and instantly running afoul of jumie who accompanied her, who calls reina 'my queen' now [QS ESSAY CUT FOR TIME] nd on the flipside of the dual protag setup, sky causing an international incident at the war gathering only for her nerves to dissipate the instant jumie defuses the situation. actually the "jack is fully convinced sky is jumie's secret lovechild" red herring is impossibly valid from this perspective lmao. after a book of jumie grieving the death of her daughters, the way she steps in to protect sky despite keeping an air of distance for appearances sake. yeah. YEAH [r*bbit essay redacted for time and content] LOL
jack is on vacation thereafter dw abt it [offscreen getting tortured by faye] for a while but
shadow revenge where raiu giddily pulls lucie aside bc she's about to 'witness something cool' as sky drops in absolutely decimating a collection of shadows. and half the greenhouse. (the more things change, the more they stay the same) except sky with her hair braided and dyed dark now, flawless strength control, the long gloves get-up, [FAV OC ESSAY AVAILABLE FOR PREMIUM MEMBERS ONLY] i digress i digresssss
dream game is sort of an outlier bc it was part of the original book 1+2 combo so it retains lucie as a protag before it switches to belle halfway thru. notably jack does make his re-appearance here though and while finding a puppy with a mutilated paw means nothing to lucie, when he resumes his human form it does mean the world to belle to be reunited with her parents [tide family essay redacted for. u get the joke]
motd pulls a very funny bait and switch actually by making faye the protag and belle, post red hurting sun, into a side chara, though povs are fast and loose bc i genuinely don't know what the plot structure will be other than the linn/faye showdown lmao
and llf is a free for all that wraps up everybody's story :3c
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guruempressgamingtv · 2 days ago
Stormy Thrills: A Dramatic Journey to Piarco Airport 🌩️✈️Trinidad 
#nicolafrancoworld #piarcoairport #trini #trinidadnadtobago #nanookfam Greetings! Here’s to new adventures and many more! 🌦️✈️ Braving a thrilling, stormy road trip to Piarco International Airport in Trinidad. Witness the breathtaking stormy skies and the adventure that unfolds!🌪️✨ Subscribe, like, comment, and press the notification bell button for more amazing travel stories and unforgettable journeys. Thank you for watching and have a fantastic day! 🌟💙 Sending you all love, joy, and safe travels, ✨🌍 Nicola Franco World ❤️ My Puppy Instagram profile:  / iammrmannan.  . and His You Tube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoi6... Facebook:  / nanookfam   Twitter: https://twitter.com/nfranco1111?lang=en Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nanookfam?lan... #islandlifefam #nicolafranco #islandlifefam1617 #trini #nanookfam #caribbean #expat #expatlife #naturelover #nicolafranco #crownpoint #tobago #pigeonpoint #trini #trinidadian #trinidadandtobago #PortOfSpain #Maraval #penal #SanFernandoHill #SanFernando #laromaine #maracas #chaguaramas #arima #scarborough #mayaro #nylonpool #storebay #diegomartin #MacqueripeBeach #sanjuan #marbella #pointfortin #nanookfam #nicolafrancogaming
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bigdikknav · 8 days ago
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chriscarthern · 2 months ago
A-Train: New Beginnings Trailer (The Boys Fan Movie)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBHHhi9shYk A video of A-Train, a member of the superhero team the Seven, is released showing him murder a woman via a high-speed collision. A-Train is kicked out of the Seven and forced to find a new passion. A movie by Chris Carthern This is a non-profit fan film. Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Studios, Sony Pictures Television, Wildstorm/DC Comics and Dynamite Entertainment have no affiliation with this project. This is strictly a passion project made for entertainment purposes only. WINNER Best Cinematographer (Mokkho International Film Festival Special Jury Award) Best Actor (Mokkho International Film Festival) Best Director (Mokkho International Film Festival) Best Fantasy Short Film (Mokkho International Film Festival) Best Indie Short Film (Mokkho International Film Festival Audience Choice Award) Best Fan Film (Oniros Film Festival) Best Fan Film (New York International Film Awards) Best Screenplay (Triloka International Filmfare Awards) Best Indie Short Film (Triloka International Filmfare Awards) Best Music Video (Mokkho International Film Festival) Best Music Video (Indo French International Film Festival) Best Hip Hop Music Video (Parai Musical International Awards) Best Music Video (Cuckoo International Film Awards) Best Short Script (Oniros Film Festival) Best Short Script (Indie House Film Festival) Best Poster (Indie House Film Festival) Best Short Script (Indo French International Film Festival) Best Poster (Indo French International Film Festival) Best Short Script (Triloka International Filmfare Awards) OFFICIAL SELECTION Best Music Video (Oniros Film Festival) @OnirosFilmAwards Best Music Video (Cineplay International Film Festival) Best Music Video (CrownPoint International Film Festival) Best Music Video (Denver Monthly Film Awards) Best Producer (Mokkho International Film Festival - Honorable Mention) Written and Directed by Chris Carthern Executive Producer - Chris Carthern Director of Photography - @ChongAhn Cast A-Train / Reggie Franklin - Chris Carthern Homelander - Salem Way Translucent - Alex Cromwell The Deep - Boaz Hernandez-Kosche Queen Maeve / Maggie Shaw - Joey G Starlight / Annie January - Mina Shadrick Ashley Barrett - Ashe Frost Tone - ToneTheGoat @tonethegoat Allison Bailey - Melissa Jackson Ugo - Ugo and Cosplay @ugoandcosplay Kid Fan - Penelope Jane Walker Barber - Cutz Studio Guest - James David Powell Studio Guest - Rex Armstrong Studio Guest - Mervis Lampley Studio guest - Mary Lou Davis @GeeksGrubs Hughie Campbell - Mike Kidd Editor - Chong Ahn @ChongAhn VFX - Alex Cromwell @akcromwell Makeup - Mylina Baez Dialogue Editor João Paulo "Bill" de Lima Sound design João Paulo "Bill" de Lima Camera Operator - ToneTheGoat Camera Operator - Chris Carthern Music Producer - Alfonzo Wheeler Music Supervisor - ToneTheGoat Performer - Chris Carthern Special Thanks Asha Louie Trenton Dix Pumpkin of Steel Monkey of Steel Suzy Q Darick Robertson Jessie T. Usher, Jr. Hydrated Recordings Skylark Cafe Laura Jean Shannon Gina DeDomenico FOLLOW US Instagram: https://ift.tt/l7Z14Nr IMDb: https://ift.tt/jb6Dat3 "Mr Run Through Ya Girlfriend" Written by Chris Carthern, Alfonzo Wheeler and Jonathan Holder Performed by Chris Carthern Courtesy of Shots by Shinobi Productions "Get Out the Way" Written by Chris Carthern, Alfonzo Wheeler and Giovanni Dehuff Performed by Chris Carthern Courtesy of Shots by Shinobi Productions "Speedster Rap" Written by Chris Carthern Performed by Chris Carthern Courtesy of Shots by Shinobi Productions "Memories of Popclaw" Written by Chris Carthern, Alfonzo Wheeler and Jonathan Holder Performed by Chris Carthern Courtesy of Shots by Shinobi Productions "Depression" Written by Chris Carthern Performed by Chris Carthern Courtesy of Shots by Shinobi Productions #ATrainNewBeginnings #theboystv #TheBoysFanMovie #TheBoysFanFilm #ATrainFanMovie #ATrainFanFilm #ShortFilm via Chris Carthern https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOrav7MFbNMapmk-koZNlUg January 13, 2025 at 10:52AM
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crownpointdental2023 · 4 months ago
Understanding Restorative Dentistry in Columbus: Solutions for Every Dental Need
Restorative dentistry is a vital branch of dental care, focusing on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of dental issues related to missing or damaged teeth. In Columbus, a city known for its vibrant culture and excellent healthcare services, restorative dentistry has gained significant attention. Patients seeking solutions for their dental problems often find themselves overwhelmed by the options available. This article aims to clarify the different types of restorative dentistry in columbus, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive dental care.
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The Importance of Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry is not merely about fixing teeth; it's about restoring functionality, comfort, and aesthetics to one’s smile. This branch of dentistry encompasses a range of procedures that address various dental issues, from decay to injury. For instance, an individual who has lost a tooth due to an accident may require a dental implant or bridge to restore their smile. The team at CrownPoint Dental understands that every patient's needs are unique, and they strive to provide personalized solutions that cater to individual circumstances.
Moreover, restorative dentistry plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health. Missing or damaged teeth can lead to a myriad of complications, including misalignment of remaining teeth, difficulty in chewing, and even jaw pain. By addressing these issues promptly, restorative dentistry helps prevent further complications, ensuring that patients maintain optimal oral health. The services available in Columbus reflect a commitment to comprehensive dental care, helping patients regain confidence and functionality.
Types of Restorative Dentistry Procedures
Dental Fillings
Dental fillings are among the most common restorative procedures performed in Columbus. They are used to treat cavities caused by tooth decay. During the procedure, the dentist removes the decayed portion of the tooth and fills it with a suitable material, such as composite resin, amalgam, or glass ionomer. Each material has its own advantages; for example, composite resin offers a natural appearance, while amalgam is known for its durability.
At CrownPoint Dental, the team emphasizes the importance of early detection and treatment of cavities. Regular check-ups and cleanings play a critical role in preventing the progression of tooth decay, allowing for minimally invasive treatments. By opting for fillings, patients can halt the progression of decay and preserve their natural teeth, which is essential for long-term oral health.
Crowns and Bridges
Crowns and bridges are integral components of restorative dentistry, often employed to restore the function and appearance of damaged or missing teeth. A crown is a cap placed over a damaged tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength. It provides protection and can enhance the aesthetic appeal of the tooth. In contrast, a bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth by anchoring to adjacent teeth.
In Columbus, CrownPoint Dental offers a variety of materials for crowns, including porcelain, ceramic, and metal options, allowing patients to choose based on their specific needs and preferences. The process of receiving a crown or bridge typically involves multiple visits, including examinations, impressions, and fittings. This meticulous approach ensures that the final restoration seamlessly integrates with the patient's existing teeth, both functionally and aesthetically.
For patients who have lost multiple teeth, dentures serve as a practical solution. Dentures can be either full or partial, depending on the extent of tooth loss. Full dentures are used when all teeth are missing, while partial dentures fill the gaps created by missing teeth while still allowing for the remaining natural teeth to remain intact.
The team at CrownPoint Dental recognizes that dentures require careful customization. The process involves creating impressions of the patient’s mouth to ensure a comfortable and natural fit. With advancements in dental technology, modern dentures are more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing than ever before, providing patients with renewed confidence in their smiles.
Dental Implants
Dental implants represent one of the most revolutionary advancements in restorative dentistry. They provide a permanent solution for missing teeth by surgically placing a titanium post into the jawbone, which then acts as a root for a replacement tooth. This method not only restores the appearance of the smile but also promotes healthy jawbone structure.
In Columbus, many patients have turned to CrownPoint Dental for their expertise in dental implants. The process involves several steps, including the initial consultation, surgical placement of the implant, and the attachment of the crown. The outcome is a stable and durable restoration that mimics the function of natural teeth. Dental implants have proven to be successful in helping patients regain their ability to chew and speak comfortably.
Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy is often misunderstood, but it is a crucial procedure in restorative dentistry. When the pulp of a tooth becomes infected or inflamed due to decay or injury, a root canal is performed to remove the infected tissue. The tooth is then cleaned, disinfected, and sealed to prevent further infection.
At CrownPoint Dental, the goal is to save the natural tooth whenever possible. Root canal therapy not only alleviates pain but also preserves the integrity of the tooth, which is essential for maintaining proper dental alignment. Patients who undergo this procedure often find relief from discomfort and are able to keep their natural teeth, which is a significant advantage in restorative care.
The Role of Preventive Care in Restorative Dentistry
Preventive care is a cornerstone of effective restorative dentistry. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings help identify potential issues before they escalate into more significant problems. The team at CrownPoint Dental emphasizes the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene practices at home, including brushing twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash. These habits, combined with professional care, can significantly reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease, ultimately minimizing the need for extensive restorative procedures.
Additionally, education plays a vital role in preventive care. Patients who are informed about their dental health and the consequences of neglecting oral hygiene are more likely to take proactive steps to maintain their smiles. CrownPoint Dental provides resources and guidance to help patients understand their oral health, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding their dental care.
Restorative dentistry in Columbus offers a wide array of solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of patients. From dental fillings to implants, the options available highlight the importance of restoring not only the function but also the aesthetics of one’s smile. CrownPoint Dental stands out as a reputable provider, committed to delivering personalized care that addresses each patient’s unique circumstances. By prioritizing preventive care and educating patients about their oral health, they ensure that individuals can maintain healthy smiles for years to come. In a world where dental health is often overlooked, understanding the various types of restorative dentistry can empower patients to take charge of their oral health and seek the solutions they need.
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supjbg · 8 months ago
Naples Island morning paddle. Just did the inner part but what a morning.
#wandersurfboardcompany #paddleboarding #paddleboard #sup #sunrisepaddle #sunsetpaddle #sunsoutfunsoutpaddle #fullmoonpaddle #paddleboardrentals #suprentals #thingstodoinsandiego #standuppaddleboardlessons #missionbeachsandiego #suplife #eveningchillpaddle #peaceloveandsup #sandiegosummer #crownpoint #paddlelife #sandiegopaddle #stoked #naplesislandlongbeach #itsanexperience #junepaddles #paddlebordjobs #naturalmysticmorningpaddle #sunsoutfunsoutpaddle
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