#crow crosses a boundary. scully beats the shit outta her for it. scully feels regret and apologizes. repeat
gooopy · 4 months
also 🌧 and 💔...
🌧 what would they do if they have some free time and no responsibilities?
-scully i think would drive around a bit in his shitty car. Pack some lunch and a few beers and drive out somewhere pretty, sit in the bed of his truck and eat his lunch and drive home (being a little tipsy makes him drive better <- NOT TRUE.) And then he would probably not know what to do with himself, maybe get drunk for realsies and sit out on the steps of his porch and watch the sun set and the moon rise, look at the stars and make up shapes and sleep off his hangover the next day without needing to go to work. (He still wakes up on time, but lets himself curl up in bed for longer)
-teddy i think would similarly go out and drive! Go to a nice little cafe hes been eyeing, treat himself to little goodies. He would be obsessed with little treat memes if he had tumblr. Bring his camera out to a park and take some pictures of flowers and bugs, go to a fancier grocery store and pick up some high quality chicken for walter at home and maybe a bouquet of flowers to spruce up the dining table! Eat out too, just fully treating himself! Then go home and sit at home (if he really has NO responsibilities then the photos he took will develop themselves while he sits on the couch!) And tell walter about his day (shes indifferent and is only mildly interested in the fancy chicken)
💔 how are they at forgiveness:
-scully forgives way too easily. Its a bad habit, he tends to get real mad if someone does something to him but as he thinks about it and it simmers in his noggin he starts to think about ways its pro'lly just his fault. He shoulda seen it coming, or hes assumin' shit about what they meant, or hes just plain rememberin' wrong or didnt understand. Makes sense, hes not the sharpest tool in the shed. Then he goes and says sorry for reacting the way he did and the cycle repeats
-teddys a lot better about it. Hes got more of a spine for sure and has a much better idea of when someone actually made a mistake and when theyre just saying sorry to be nice. Tends to accept apologies, and the chances of that happening tends to go WAYYYY up if you get a little goody for him along with it. Wont apologize for standing up for himself (unless he really needs their favor, like a boss) and doesnt mind giving the cold shoulder until he gets an apology in turn. When he gets a little loopier he tends to forgive way less though, assumes everyone has it out for him and has some secret ill will!
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