#crosshairs transformers humanformers gorgeous
merryspark · 10 months
Sneak-peak Time!
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The Crosshairs-Scene based on an animation I watched recently (you can find my reference at: 5:00!!
The amazing animation showreel of the students of AnimSchool (they are crazy talanted, I bet they gonna have fantastic job offers from well known animation studios! <33) - my poor ass was never able to use 3D animation programmes... TuT
So the guy in the video reminds me so much about Crosshairs, and in the very past @velvetblackjack shared so many amazing infos about how Optimus Prime recruited Crosshairs into his team, it seemed perfect to sketch up my version How It Could Have Happened! :D :D Big cheers for you Sis from the distance! I hope you're doing well, HANG ON, SOON IT'S X-MAS! So.... IT'S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT(!) LIKE CHRISTMAS:
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I just got the mood, and this is an old idea of mine. It was about time to draw it. ;)
Of course, still with incorrect anatomy, but I guess U got used to it. XD
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Drift practice sketch - I have not drawn the blue samurai since ages, so when i saw some awesome eye-reference i wanted to try, drew his face around the eye, lol. I tried to drop some shadows aswell. It was really just a crappy little fast sketch. :)
Work still in progress:
- 2 versions of Barricade;
- BeeFormers sticker sheet - I planned it as a X-MAS gift for my followers, but I had some issues/rework for the Printing Press, sou until you have to wait, make sure you PM me in advance to sign up for a sheet of supercute stickers!! (with address of course :>)
More importantly i must ask for everyone's patience, because meanwhile i'm trying to find a new job without success so far....
I don't wish to disappoint my Ask Box applicants, because they have to wait extremely long, but this year was a mess for me since the summer began. Iamworkingreallyhardtocatchupwitheverything.
I LOVE YOU ALL SWEET BISCUITS, and one thing you can bet: i will be ALWAYS HERENFOR YOU!!
None of my personal problems can be that big, to not to be able to make you smile ANYTIME! <33333
Thank you for followingvme, for liking my art, and reblogging my crappy little drawings all the time. uwu YOU ARE WONDERFUL and AMAZING PEOPLE!!!! <33
Hugs!!! :D :D
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textbook-machismo · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Gorgeous..~
Fandom: Transformers(Humanformers)
Pairing: Crosshairs/Drift
Tags: Birthday surprise/ gay couple/ fluff/ long-distance relationship/ kisses and hugs
"Like honestly, these people who keep comin' in with their broken stuff are so bloody annoyin'. Ah mean, how issit mah fault that the thing got jammed cuz ya put the wrong bullets in!"
Drift just chuckled while listening to his partner complain about how rude his customers can be. It was late night and he was currently laying in bed, talking to the other over the phone. It was dark in Drift's home, the only light coming from his mobile device.
"Just ignore them Darling, they only want to see your reaction and cause a scene."
Drift shifted a bit in his cozy warm bed, snuggling under the blanket more, letting out a soft yawn with his eyes lidded.
Crosshairs noticed this and chuckled.
"Looks like a certain someone is tired~"
Drift slowly closed his eyes pouting, having some of his long hair fall into his face.
"But I'm not tired.. I still wish to speak to you.." Crosshairs chuckled again, sitting up a bit pulling his phone closer, seeing Drift on the screen slowly open his eyes again, but only halfway.
"Ya need ta rest Luv, ya still got work tomorrow and ya don't wanna be all grumpy now ey..? Ah promise we'll talk again tomorrow night, but rest fer now ok..?" Drift stayed quiet for a few seconds before slowly nodding, his eyes feeling heavy with tiredness.
Crosshairs smiled, watching his sleepy partner. "Sleep well Luv, see ya tomorrow..~" Then he hung up. Drift only stared at the now blank screen, smiling to himself before falling asleep. He loved Crosshairs. They met through a dating app and started chatting, which led to late night face-timing. They got along really well and not only was he handsome as hell, he was such a sweetheart.
Whenever he was upset about something, Cross would do anything to cheer him up, he would even send him these little cliché love letters through mail, but Drift loved it. He loved him. Sure they've only been together for 4 months and they live in separate cities, but they managed to make their relationship work.
Drift opened his door , only being met with an empty quiet house. He checked the clock on the wall, seeing that it was close to 9 pm. He was exhausted. Because of his shitty boss, he had to work later than usual and clean up everything. Drift groaned while walking up the stairs slumped before entering his bedroom, plopping face first on the mattress, letting out a loud exhausted sigh.
It was only a minute before hearing his laptop go off, looking up confused then starts smiling weakly, seeing Cross' name before hitting accept, the screen changing to show Crosshairs.
"Hey Gorgeous how ha-- Darl'? Ya alright..?" Cross noticed Drift's state right away, now a bit concerned.
"Mm..I'm alright Crossy.. just tired..from work..." Drift gave another smile, feeling some of the tiredness fade away.
"Lemme guess.. yer Boss bein' an dickhead again?" Hearing that made Drift snort softly, taking off his shirt before climbing under the sheets, placing the laptop on his lap. "He made me do extra this time, but I will be gaining more in my salary for it.."
Crosshairs hummed, tapping his nails on his desk in thought then looks back at the glowing screen, admiring Drift.
"It's yer birthday in two days Luv, how ya feelin' 'bout it..?"
Drift just shrugged his shoulders, yawning softly. "I'm not really bothered about my birthday, but I wish you were here with me to celebrate it..." He frowned. Since they live far apart they can't see eachother in person alot, actually they never met in person yet, only spoke through their cells or laptops.
"Meh too Luv, but we'll figure sumthin' out. Ah promise.." Crosshairs was also upset that he couldn't be there with Drift, cuddling with him in his bed, holding him close and keeping him safe. "..Ah luv ya Drift.."
Drift hummed softly, touching the screen tracing over the image of Cross' face. "I love you too Crossy..sleep well..~" He blew a kiss before hanging up, putting his laptop away then pulled the blanket over him more, quickly passing out.
Crosshairs on the other hand was already planning a little surprise for Drift. Cross searched up a couple of stuff on his computer, still smiling. He hopes that Drift will like his gift.
The next day Drift didn't have any work so he sleep an extra two hours before waking up yawning. He stretched then slowly picked up his phone checking his messages. Drift furrowed his brow confused, not seeing the morning text Crosshairs always sends him. It was odd, but shrugged it off, thinking that Cross was just busy. He got up to take a quick shower before heading downstairs to make himself some breakfast, feeling his pet cat rub against his leg.
"He hasn't been online for hours now.. what is he doing..?"
It was already late afternoon and Crosshairs hasn't said or sent anything at all.
No missed calls..
no messages..
Drift was worried. Thinking that something bad might have happened to him. The more he sat silently on the couch, the worse his thoughts became. He shook his head trying to clear it.
"No,don't think of such nonsense! Crosshairs is an amazing person.. he wouldn't just ghost me like that.. He is just...Busy..."
Drift just sighed while standing up, walking into the kitchen to make himself something to eat. He searched the cupboard, thinking to himself taking out a packet of noodles.
"I suppose this will do.." After a few minutes he sat at the counter with his bowl of noodles and a magazine, slowly eating while flipping through the pages in silence.
Drift finished his noodles, putting the bowl in the sink not bothering to wash it, deciding to lay down on the couch having his pet cat jump up and lay with him. He sighed still upset about Cross not being online the whole day, but shook it off and fell asleep, only hearing soft purrs.
A sudden loud ringing woke Drift up, glaring at his phone but picking it up answering it. "Mmm..Hello..?"
"Well looking here, Lil Miss Sleepin' Beauty is awake!~" Hearing Cross' voice woke him up instantly, sitting upright almost falling off the couch. "C-crosshairs?! What happened to you?! You weren't answering your messages and I was scared that--"
"Woah woah hold on now Darl' back up a bit. Firstly, Ahm completely fine. Was on a plane is all!" Drift raised an eyebrow sitting up properly. "Why were you on a plane in the first place??"
He was about to ask something, but a knock on his front door caught his attention.
Cross chuckled. "That's the other thing~" Then suddenly hung up.
Drift sat there completely confused on what's going on. He heard another knock, which made him finally get up to walk over to the door to open it. He froze once he saw who it was.
There in front of him, with a suitcase, a gift bag and a bouquet of roses, stood Crosshairs, who had a soft smile on his face while gazing at his smaller partner.
"Happy Birthday Gorgeous..~"
They both stood there in silence, staring at eachother, finally seeing eachother in person. Drift placed his hands over his mouth in disbelief, tears starting to form in his eyes. Crosshairs held the small bag and roses out to him, "These are fer ya. Ah quickly got em after the plane landed then Ah rushed over ta ya. Sorry if Ah woke ya up Darl' heh.."
He slowly took them from Cross, staring at them before glancing back up meeting his gorgeous emerald eyes with his sapphire blue ones. He sniffled putting the gifts down before jumping on Cross wrapping his arms and legs around him tightly, sniffling quietly in his neck. He felt Crosshairs wrap his arms around him hugging him back.
"Y-You're here..you're a-actually here..!" Crosshairs' arms tightened around Drift, resting his chin on top of his head. "Ah wanted ta surprise ya fer yer Birthday so.. surprise heh..~" Drift lifted his head up looking at Cross, a single tear running down his warm cheek.
"This... this isn't a.. d-dream is it...?" He frowned, clinging onto Cross' coat. His face felt warmer after feeling Cross cup his cheek with such gentleness, wiping away the tear. Cross just smiled. "It's real Luv.. Ahm right here..~"
Drift let a few more tears spill, suddenly pulling Cross into a kiss, making Cross yelp but quickly melt into it. Once they parted Drift just cupped his partner's face stroking his cheeks smiling lovingly at him.
Cross hummed softly admiring him. "Yer more beautiful in person ya know that?~"
Drift felt his cheeks heat up giggling while getting off of him ."I love you so much Crossy..~" Crosshairs chuckled before picking up the gifts and his suitcase, following Drift inside.
"Ah luv ya too Darl'..~ No matter where ya are...~"
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merryspark · 5 years
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Quick Sketch.
Thanks for liking my art!!
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