#crosshair thirsts in this fic
skellymom · 1 month
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ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
Word Count: 628
Background: The story we didn't get of Crosshair's trials and tribulations while being left on the Kamino platform. (This ficlet may eventually be included as a future installment to my long running TBB OC series "Vagabonds". To read it:
Warning: Swearing, fear, physical pain, starvation, dehydration, Star Wars Canon violence.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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Crosshair opened his swollen, burning eyes to the intense Kamino sun.  The sea spanned for miles around the platform.  The ruins of his home poked out of ocean.  It had stopped smoldering days ago.   
There had been NO rain since his brothers and Omega left him behind. 
No fresh water to quench his thirst.  Only his urine.   
Did his brothers DISPISE him so much as to NOT leave at least a canteen of water and some rations??? 
An exhausted, deep HATE rose in Crosshair.  He should have shot Hunter square between the eyes when he had the chance...except the kid would have seen it... 
...and his squad would have killed him outright.   
I deserve it...I’M A FUCKING FAILURE.  My brothers are gone...forever... 
He’d cry...if he could produce tears... 
Crosshair’s hunger was only abated after shooting down the occasional sea bird, feasting upon the body and drinking its blood. 
Fishing was impossible...as he was constantly being watched... 
...by the Saber Jaw trolling around the platform in the waters below. 
It’s large eye, the only thing poking above the surface, keeping tabs on ole Crossy. 
He initially watched it swimming around the wreckage, looking for bodies left after the Empire bombed Kamino City. 
Now it was coming for him.  Crosshair closed his eyes and wished for a quick death soon.  Baking in the hot Kamino sun until he died of dehydration was excruciating. 
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Hours later a distant hum had Cross open one dry eye.  It was difficult to see.  Everything was a blur. 
The sound, now louder, slowly become a roar. 
His eyes strained to look skyward, but the glare blinded. 
A shadow fell over him, as the craft descended onto the platform. 
About KRIFFING TIME the Empire showed up...   
Although Crosshair was unsure if it truly was a ship...or mirage. 
The platform shook slightly as the craft landed.  Then the engine died.  Sounds of a gangplank opening.  Footsteps... 
Please make it ANY other officer.  I can’t STAND Forcedamned Cockstain Rampart’s uppity-assed voice. 
An image flashed across Crosshair’s mind: mustering the last of his strength to blast Rampart to bits AND have the stormtroopers shoot him out of his misery...at the same time. 
Crosshair smiled and giggled dryly.  
The footsteps stopped. 
“Would give the WHOLE galaxy if that smile were for US” 
Crosshair’s eyes popped wide open.  He jerked up on one elbow swinging Firepuncher up to sniper’s position. 
He attempted to swallow nervously...but he had no saliva... 
...Hunter stood meters away, intensely staring at Crosshair.  The words didn’t match the action.  Instead, Hunter emanated anger and hurt. 
He’s FUCKING with ME!  Coming back to torment!!! 
Echo and Wrecker flanked each side of the Marauder’s gangplank.  Their weapons weren’t raised but they held them ready just in case. 
Cross could barely see Tech’s head inside the Marauder.  Everything far away was a blur.  
Hunter turned them against me!  All for that kid... 
Omega had slipped out of the Marauder, following Hunter. 
Crosshair growled and ground his teeth in rage.   
Hunter blinked at the sound, his teeth on edge. 
Omega stopped in her tracks; eyes wide. 
Crosshair kept on spewing more anger, hurt, and delirious vitriol.  While Hunter was intensely hurt and angry at his brother, there was concern.  Cross’ high emotional stress, severe dehydration and starvation drove his eyes to roll back...causing a loss of bodily control. Crosshair fought unconsciousness... 
...causing his finger to pull the trigger. 
Firepuncher jumped in Crosshair’s grasp.  It jerked him back to consciousness. 
Hunter barely had time to duck.  The bolt flew past his temple, shearing free the bandana from his head...and a few locks of hair. 
Crosshair stared in horror at what he just did... 
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mandos-mind-trick · 6 months
Don't Forget About Me
Summary: It's always late at night when they come to you, the nightmares, the flashbacks, the memories.
Warnings: NSFW, smut, fingering, shower sex, PTSD, flashbacks, nightmares, small hint of an unhappy relationship at the end. 
A/N: I'm still on a break and a hiatus but I had to write this. It's...sad. Not really a happy fic, but you're reading Star Wars fanfiction so...
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The water’s warm as it slides across your skin, falling steadily from the showerhead above your head. Your hands press against the wall, holding your body upright. It’s late, far later than you should be up, but sleep has evaded you once again.
The fresher light is off, but it wouldn’t matter with your eyes squeezed tightly closed. You try to push away the thoughts, but they won’t stop rushing through your mind. It’s overwhelming, not unlike the times you’d rushed head on into battle, a sea of droids in front of you and nothing in your hands but a blaster. 
Your body tenses, preparing for a fight that’s not coming, your mind far away from the fresher. You’re naked on the battlefield this time, nothing to protect you, nothing there for you to fight back with. It’s not droids running at you this time, instead they’re troopers; white helmet after white helmet, endless rows of shiny white armor coming at you like a tidal wave, red bolts streaking through the air straight at you. 
Calloused fingers brush the skin of your shoulder, your breath leaving you in a gasp. You’re back in the fresher, warm water raining down on you from overhead. Your breaths are shallow gasps as fingers trail down your sides, tickling the sensitive skin. 
“You think too much.” The words cut through the silence, ringing in your ears. 
You screw your eyes closed, tensing your arms where they rest against the wall in front of you before you push yourself back, letting your body fall into the bare chest behind you. “You always said that was my one flaw.” Your voice is a shaky whisper as warm breath fans across your damp skin. 
“I said it was one of your flaws.” His fingers dig into the skin of your hips, holding your body still as he presses against you. You can feel him, every line of muscle, the length of his cock pressed against your lower back. “You have many.” 
“I’m reckless, I talk too much, I’m too happy, I care too much.” You begin listing them off as warm lips trail across your shoulder. 
“You love me.” He murmurs, lips brushing the skin at the junction of your neck and shoulder as his fingers continue a path down your stomach. 
Your breath shudders as he slips long fingers between your legs, finding the dampness between them. He’s not wrong. If you did only have one flaw, it was being in love with him. 
Your head falls back against his shoulder as his fingers ghost over your clit, a quiet gasp rippling through the fresher at the touch. He wraps his other arm around your waist to hold you steady as you spread your legs for him, his fingers rubbing slow circles against your clit. He always knows exactly how you like it, exactly how to work you up. 
Your teeth sink into your lip, biting back all the noises you want to let loose. Your walls clench in anticipation as he teases your sensitive bud, pleasure burning through your veins from his touch. It’s always so mind-boggling to you how easily he can elicit such a response from you even after all this time.
A curse leaves your lips as he slips his fingers lower, pressing two long digits against your sopping core. They slide in easily, your body accepting the intrusion like it knew it was him asking permission. 
“Always so wet for me.” He growls in your ear. “Always so ready.” 
A quiet moan slips through your lips as your hand lifts, gripping the back of his neck as you grind down against his fingers. “Only for you.” A high pitched gasp leaves your lips as he curls his fingers inside you. 
You cling to him as he thrusts his fingers into you, the wet squelch of them audible over the water pouring from the showerhead. You’re close, body trembling on the edge of bliss as he continues to fuck you relentlessly with his fingers. It’s rough, brutal, almost the way his fingers dig into your skin as he holds you against him, the way he thrusts against that spot inside you, the way his teeth sink into the skin of your neck. He leaves his marks all over you, staking his claim not just over your body. 
You cum with a cry of his name, legs nearly giving out as pleasure ripples through you. 
His name is still on your lips as your eyes snap open. You’re leaning against the fresher wall, heart thudding in your chest. You’re alone, the fear beginning to bubble within you as you come down from your high. 
Did you say that out loud?
You push yourself up, pulling your hand from between your thighs to shut off the water. The fresher descends into silence, nothing but your shaky breaths cutting through the air. You fumble in the darkness for your towel, taking your time as your heart continues to beat rapidly in your chest. 
Your hands are shaking as you open the door, slipping back out into the bedroom. You pad quietly over to the bed, slipping back under the covers. You can feel him staring at you, eyes boring into the back of your head. He’s awake. He knows. Of course he knows. It’s impossible to keep anything from him. 
“You still love him.” Hunter’s voice cuts through the silence, quiet and deep, almost a whisper. 
“You know I do.” You say, pulling the blankets up to your chin. “You knew that from the start.” 
He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t need to as he slowly turns until his back is facing you. 
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@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @thrawnspetgoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @dukeoftheblackstar @starrylothcat @sev-on-kamino @freesia-writes @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @madameminor @clio3kantarella @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @originalcollectionartistry @maddiedrmr @idontgetanysleep @sinfulsalutations @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sunshinesdaydream @mooncommlink @lickylickylicky @sweetheartsnips @commanderblood @crosshairlovebot @ghostperson69 @jediknightjana @jedi-hawkins @dalu-grantkylo @hellhound5925
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
*slides $100 in a monopoly money over*
You got any sub!crosshair and Dom!reader smut in the back?
We Could Be More pt II
Summary: Recently defected from the Empire, you and Crosshair struggle to make ends meet while you cross the galaxy looking for a safe place to call home. At least you have each other.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Reader
Word Count: 1766
Warnings: Smut, oral M!receiving, Dom/Sub dynamics, reader is a gentle dom, Crosshair swears when getting laid
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: *accepts the money and slides this fic across the table* So, I decided to make this request a sequel to We Could Be More, since it seems to fit. I hope you like it! So this story (which is probably going to have a third part) is basically Crosshair and Reader falling in love and finding their happy ending. Why do I keep doing this to myself with Crosshair?
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“I can’t believe you managed to talk that hack into buying the tie fighter,” You say as you offer Crosshair half of the sandwich you bought from a nearby stand.
“I didn’t sell it,” Crosshair counters, taking the sandwich gratefully, “I traded it for a better ship.”
“Better how?” You ask, as you take a sip of your grape drink.
“Well it comes with a droid-”
You release a happy gasp.
“-a protocol droid.” Crosshair continues, a small grin crossing his face as you wilt, “It’s the ship's pilot. It also has a proper kitchen and a bedroom.”
“Oh thank kriff,” You mutter under your breath.
“What, you didn’t like sleeping in the chairs?”
You scrunch up your nose at him, “Not in the slightest.” You finish your  half of the sandwich, “I suppose we need to buy food now?”
“Already taken care of. That guy was way too happy to get his hands on a TIE fighter.”
“Mm, probably part of the rebellion.” You muse thoughtfully.
“Not our problem.” Crosshair warns, “We’re not getting involved.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.” You toss your trash into a nearby can, and fold your arms over your stomach, “So, how are we going to afford to keep this ship?”
“Bounty Hunting.”
“I know, I know. But it’s what I’m good at. And at least this way I get to pick my targets.” He points out. Crosshair quickly finishes his sandwich and tosses his trash as well, “In any event, it’s time for us to get off this planet and move on.”
“Where to?”
“Salesman said Takodana. He said that we can get help there.”
“That’s what he said. I figure it won’t hurt to check it out.”
“Your call.” You shrug, “If you think it’s safe then it probably is.”
He smirks at you, before he kisses the tip of your nose, “You’re too trusting.”
“It’s you, Cross.” You counter with a roll of your eyes.
“Mm.” He glances at you, a sly smile on his lips, “I don’t suppose you want to spend one more night in the hotel? For a repeat of last night?”
“Maker, don’t you have an off switch?”
“Yeah, it’s located in my dick, you have to suck really hard-” You punch him in the shoulder and he laughs.
“You’re a pig.”
“You weren’t saying that last night.” He says smugly.
“I…don’t recall.”
“So my dick was so good that you have no memory of it. Sounds like you need a repeat.” Crosshair muses as he drapes his arm over your shoulder and directs you towards the port where the new ship is waiting.
“Sounds like wishful thinking on your part.”
“Ooh, I’m hurt.” His grip tightens around your shoulder.
“Cross-” You murmur, your gaze flickering to the Stormtroopers harassing a shopkeeper further down the street.
“I see them. Keep walking. They haven’t noticed us.”
“...so much for a repeat at the hotel,” You quip with a small smile as you lean against him.
“Eh, we have our own bed now.” Crosshair replies, he keeps the stormtroopers in his sights right up until you climb the ramp onto the new ship, and only then does he start to relax.
He heads into the cockpit to give directions to the droid, while you poke through the rest of the ship. The kitchen is fully stocked, and the bedroom is clean and the bed even has fresh linens on them. More surprisingly, the closet is full of clothes. Actual, properly fitting, clothes. 
You blink at him, “What’s all this?”
“The Fighter was worth a lot more than this ship. So with the extra I got all of this.”
“...how do you know what size bra I wear?”
“I spend a lot of time staring at your tits, kitten.”
You grin at him, “Honestly, it’s almost like you’re only using me for my body or something.”
“Eh, the rest of you isn’t terrible. But I really like your tits. And your ass.” Crosshair tilts his head to look at you, “That bother you?”
“Nope. I do have an amazing chest after all.”
“Alright, little miss modest,” Crosshair says, sounding deeply amused, “We’re taking off in the next fifteen.”
You hum a response as you pick through the clothes to see what he picked out for you.
“Does it all meet your approval?” He asks sarcastically.
“It does! Well done.” You pause when Crosshair inhales sharply, and you turn your speculative gaze towards him.
“Right, well…I’m going to go make sure the clanker doesn’t kark up our departure-”
You cross the room and lightly pinch the material of his shirt between two fingers, and Crosshair doesn’t pull away from you. “Cross,” Your voice is light, and he seems to curl in around you, “I want you to take this off, please.”
“...and why should I do that, kitten?” Crosshair asks, his voice low and raspy.
Your smile is small and peaceful, “Because I asked you nicely.”
He leans in slightly, “Maybe don’t ask so nice next time?”
Your eyes glitter with mirth, “Cross, take it off.”
“Because good soldiers follow orders,” You tease, “And you are a good soldier, aren’t you?”
Crosshair groans, “That shouldn’t be half as hot as it is.”
He steps further into the room and allows the door to slam shut behind him, before he peels his shirt off and tosses it to the side. You smooth your hands across his chest, lightly tracing the scars and tattoos that cover his skin. “Lay down please?”
It’s a soft request. Gentle. Just like everything else about you, but you have a feeling that Crosshair will treat it as an order.
And you’re right.
Crosshair settles himself in the middle of the bed, with his head resting on the pillows. His dark gaze trails over your body, and he tucks his arms under his head. “What’s the plan, kitten?” He asks. 
“I’m going to taste you,” You reply immediately, “And then I’ll go from there.” You settle yourself on the bed next to him, and slowly unfasten his pants, giving him the chance to refuse you. 
“You gonna take any of your clothes off?” He asks, as you lower his pants enough that his half hard cock bounces free.
“Hm…maybe. If you’re good.”
Crosshair watches you with half lidded eyes, “You don’t have to be so gentle, kitten. You’re not going to break me.”
You duck your head, a small smile on your lips, “I like being gentle with you, Cross.” You drag a single finger down the side of his cock, hard now that you’re touching him. “You deserve a little gentle.” And then you wrap your hand around him fully and give him a lazy stroke. 
“Kriff-” His hips twitch at your touch.
Gently, very gently, you press your free hand against his hip, “Lie still, Cross.” He releases a second curse but stills his hips. You favor him with a warm smile, “Good boy, you follow orders so well.”
His head falls back with a low groan, and you can see the muscle flexing in his arms, “Motherkarking…-how are you so good at this?” He demands.
You just smile at him, “Would you like me to stop?”
“No I do not want you to karking stop you-” He trails off when you slowly raise your eyebrows, “I’m not going to beg you, kitten.”
“I would never ask you to,” You continue to languidly pump your hand, “I just want you to feel good.”
He releases a shaky breath, “I assume there’s more to this than just ‘lie still’.”
“You don’t get to touch me until after I’ve made you cum. That’s the only other condition.”
“At all?”
“At all.”
He flashes a cocky smirk, “Easy.”
“Well, we’ll see won’t we?”
With that said, you turn your gaze back to his leaking cock. He’s long and thick, though you’re not sure how he’d compare to other men. Honestly, you don’t much care, because he’s perfect for you. 
You lower your head and lightly lick the precum from the head of his cock. His groan sounds like music to your ears, and you decide that you want to hear as many noises as he can make. 
You wrap your lips around him and slowly start bobbing your head.
There’s no need to rush, after all. Plus, you’re still new at this. 
He’s warm and heavy in your mouth, with a taste that you’ve come to associate with Crosshair over the last couple of days. Slowly you ease more and more of him into your mouth, using your hands to massage the part that you can’t quite take yet.
Above you he’s groaning, and alternating curses and praises.
You can feel the muscles of his thighs flexing under you, and you’re touched. Crosshair is so much stronger than you, the fact that he’s willingly going along with this is…incredibly empowering.
And incredibly arousing.
You pull back slightly when Crosshair groans your name, though you keep him in your mouth as you work him over with your hands. 
He groans low in the back of his throat as you push him over the edge. You make sure to swallow every drop, and you don’t pull away from him until he’s spent. 
“How was that?” you ask, a little shyly. 
Crosshair drops his arms from under his head as he starts to catch his breath, “Incredibly, incredibly hot.” He finally says. 
You smile slightly proud, “You didn’t mind?”
“If I did, it wouldn’t have gotten as far as it did, kitten.” He shifts and kicks his pants off the bed, and then turns his gaze towards you, “Come here.”
You slide up the bed so that you’re closer, and then you squeak when he quickly tugs you across his chest, his lips crashing against yours. He quickly tugs your clothes off and tosses them to the side, before immediately sliding one of his hands down to massage your ass, pulling a startled squeak from your lips.
“Kitten,” He murmurs as he breaks the kiss, “I want you to sit on my face-”
Your face flames with flustered embarrassment, and Crosshair smirks.
“And then I’m going to fuck you into the mattress.”
You pull away to press your flaming face against his chest.
“And after that, I’m going to show you how to be a proper Dom, Princess.” He coos in your ear, “Your way is very hot, I want to show you my way.”
You peek up at him, a small smile on your lips, “Okay.”
His smirk grows into a grin, “Good girl.”
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drafthorsemath · 9 months
Antidote (TBB Tech x afab Reader)
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Tech x AFAB Reader (use of she/her pronouns), but all of the Batch included
Word Count: Five words over 3.3k
Warnings: Sex pollen but not the usual trope (no sex and an alternative is found), suggestive sexual language and situations but nothing acted upon, restraining for safety, some strong language, frank description of biological processes, creative use of a tampon, some feelings of shame but they are addressed, NSFW, younglings begone
A/N: I can’t read sex pollen fics. I tried. It wasn’t my thing, but then I got an idea and @staycalmandhugaclone encouraged me so here we are. This is not a call out or meant to be negative toward any sex pollen fics. This is just a different take.
Also on AO3.
You met the Batch on Pabu and in the months since, found yourself spending more and more time with them. This was especially true of Tech. You found his thirst for knowledge and direct nature easy to understand and get along with. Though, you were doing more than getting along. You weren’t sure how to tell him, but you had fallen for him.  His brothers all noticed, but he seemed not to. What you didn’t know was that he simply didn’t know how to bring up his feelings just yet.
The boys had decided to visit a nearby planet and since there didn’t seem to be any danger, no one had any objections to you coming along.  You hadn’t been on a ship since you first traveled to Pabu and you loved watching as you flew through hyperspace. Tech landed just outside of a city and you all headed toward the market. Hunter and Echo went in search of supplies while Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair all helped buy food to bring back to Pabu. You were particularly interested in the local fruits and vegetables that didn’t grow on the island you called home.
“I think this is enough,” you said, putting down the last crate next to the pile.
“Is it,” Wrecker asked. “I could eat all this in a couple days.”
“Yes, but we’re just getting what we can,” Crosshair responded. He didn’t want to make more than one trip back to the ship.
“Well, we can carry more,” Wrecker retorted. “At least I can.”
Crosshair gave him a half-hearted glare but helped purchase a few more crates.  Wrecker easily carried most of the load.
You turned around to look for Tech.  He was busy scanning some kind of contraption that caught his eye one booth over.
“Ready to go, Tech?”
“In just a moment,” he replied.
Wrecker and Crosshair walked ahead, catching up with Hunter and Echo who were waiting near the edge of town with some ship parts.  You knew a moment for Tech could mean anything from a few seconds to much longer than that but wanted to stay with him.
He put the item down and walked with you. “The wiring on this new style datapad results in faster computations. I want to see if I can rewire my own and achieve similar results.”
“That didn’t look like any datapad I’ve ever seen,” you replied.
“Ah, the outside is only meant to grab your attention. It is a new model. The inside is what interests me.”
You smiled at that.  Tech offered to carry the crate you still had, and you kindly accepted.
Once back at the ship, Wrecker took the crate from Tech. It was decided you all would spend the night on the ship and head back the next day.  Tech cleared his bunk so you would have a place to sleep, insisting he could sleep in a chair.  While you felt it was incredibly nice of him, you also couldn’t help but wonder what it might be like to share a bunk with him.  The thought left your mind as he asked if you wanted to come with him to document some of the local flora.  After dinner, the others stayed around the campfire while you and Tech walked over a few hills and to the edge of a forest.  He excitedly took pictures and samples, telling you about each plant and its properties.
“This one has several medicinal uses,” he said, handing you a pink flower. You smiled at it and then back at Tech.  You gathered several and put them in their own storage bag for transport.  Multiple species of flowers were packed before you looked a little further into the woods.
“Tech! Come see!”
He walked over and immediately noticed the large teal blooms that opened as you walked by.
“Fascinating,” he said. He took a picture and noticed that as he got closer to you, the flowers seemed to open even further. He scanned them, looking for any known properties. His face dropped as soon as the results showed up.
“We need to go, mesh’la!”
“What? Why?” You sneezed.
“It may be too late.” He took your hand and briskly walked you out of the woods. Your face suddenly felt hot and your throat burned.
“Tech, I don’t feel well.”
“We must get back to the ship,” he said nearly panicking. “I believe those flowers create an aphrodisiac that specifically affects females of several species.”
No sooner had he said that, and your limbs felt like jelly and you fell against him.  Something wasn’t right. You could swear you felt all your blood rushing to your groin and let out a moan. You tried to run, but felt a great weight on your ankles. Tech lifted you like you weighed nothing and ran toward the Marauder. Hunter stood as he saw his brother carrying your body. Preparing for the worst, the boys all stood up asking what was wrong and following Tech on to the ship.
“A large flower opened, spreading pollen,” Tech stated. “I believe it is an aphrodisiac and it has already started to work.”
He sat you down, scanned you, and confirmed your symptoms. The others stood behind him, looking rather helpless. He sighed and gave you a rundown of what to expect. Very brief fever followed by extremely high libido and high energy until satisfied.
Crosshair looked from you to Tech and asked, “Isn’t there a way she can take care of this on her own? You know? Manually?”
“Negative,” replied Tech. “Based on the information available, orgasm does not help in mitigating the symptoms. It appears this particular pollen only effects females and it does not wear off until either sexual intercourse with a male is completed or her hormones shift with her next menstrual cycle.”
“Next period?!” You really started panicking. “I can’t feel that way for that long!” You wanted to cry and yet you could feel that you had to fight to remain yourself even now. You knew it would only get worse. “Look I… Tech I…” You searched for words, feeling overwhelmed. This was not how you wanted to have this conversation, but it seemed like you had better get it over with. “Tech, I have feelings for you. I really like you, but I don’t want to have sex with you or anyone right now, for that matter and I’m afraid of what I might say or do in the next however long.”
Tech quickly processed the information and couldn’t help but smile. “I believe the feeling is mutual,” he said, still kneeling in front of you. “I promise no one will do anything you would not want done in your healthy state of mind. You have my word.”
“That’s great,” chimed Echo, “And I’m really glad for you two, but how are we going to fix this without waiting?”
“I have an idea,” Tech replied.
No sooner had he said that and the fever hit. You felt like you were on fire and cold as ice at the same time. Wrecker stepped toward you to hold your hand. “It’s gonna be okay,” he said. “If anyone can solve this, it’s Tech.”
You tried to nod. Your whole body shook with fever, but within a few minutes the fever was gone. You knew that you weren’t yourself, but there was no way to stop it. You looked at all five men greedily and started to take your shirt off.
“I want Tech first,” you said with a smirk.
“Now now,” Wrecker said, still next to you and taking your hand away from your shirt. “None of that.”
You tried to stand up and looked at each member of the squad. You giggled to yourself that you just thought about the word “member.” They would do nicely, but you would give anything for Tech to throw you onto his bunk and fuck you through the bottom of the ship. You walked closer to him and he adjusted his googles.
“I know this is not you,” he said.
It quickly became clear that you were going to be quite a handful.  Tech did research as fast as possible, finding flowers that reacted similarly.  Wrecker held you in his lap with his arms wrapped around you after you tried to jump on Hunter as he walked past to assist Tech. He was also trying to keep you from acting out your latest threat of walking up to Tech and sitting in his lap naked. You made several comments about each of the men, but would not stop talking about how much you wanted Tech.
“We know,” Crosshair said, sitting next to Wrecker.
You turned your head toward Crosshair and smiled like an idiot. “Jealous,” you asked him.
“I didn’t say that,” he replied in annoyance.
“It’s okay if you are,” you countered in a sing-song voice.
Your body then decided that since you were sitting on a man’s lap, you might as well start thrusting your hips.
“Nope,” Wrecker said, lifting you off his lap. He was strong, but you were giving him a run for his money with how much you were squirming.
“We’ll sit with her awhile,” Hunter offered, dragging Echo with him. “Crosshair too.”
“What? Why me?”
“Because you’ve only sat next to Wrecker. I think we’ll all have to take some limbs or something.” Wrecker sat you down on the bunk and Hunter held you back before you could lunge at Tech. You nearly yoinked him halfway across the Marauder. Hunter managed to sit you back down with Echo holding one arm, Hunter the other, and Crosshair sitting on the floor hugging your legs.
“This is ridiculous,” you giggled. “Just let me fuck your brother. Just once.”
Hunter sighed. He knew you were going to be upset later. Tech had already discovered that there is no lapse in memory for this particular drug, so you would remember every moment of this.  He hoped you would find solace in the fact that they all knew this wasn’t really you. 
They were all getting tired and while Wrecker wanted to help Tech, he knew there was little he could do, so he tried sleeping until it was his turn to hold you again. Tech worked furiously through the night. He grimaced when you hit the next stage and complained you felt throbbing.  You had gone from flirty to begging for someone to put your out of your misery “with as much cock as possible.” When that didn’t work you cried. He knew it must be painful by this point. He couldn’t stand to hear you cry.  Your body was simply reacting to a drug. He felt guilty for not knowing this plant was in the vicinity, but it had never been documented on this side of the planet before. How could he have known?
In the middle of the night, Wrecker woke to stay with you while Hunter, Echo, and Crosshair tried to get some sleep. You made a lot of noise, but they tried. Wrecker had to admit that he didn’t do any more than doze. They were all worried for you, but being in war and under stress, they had learned to sleep when they can and then get up and do their part when it was time. They got what sleep they could.
You wailed when Wrecker held you, trying to scramble away to get to one of the men. He just kept apologizing and telling you he was keeping you safe. You managed to turn in his lap and wrap your legs around his waist.
He sighed. “I know you don’t want that. Not really.” You started crying again and all you could seem to feel was your pulse between your legs and a chemical drive that would not go away.
At the front of the ship, Tech started to make some progress.  He smiled to himself when he found a research article on this species of plant. He needed one of the pink flowers you’d collected earlier along with two drugs from the med kit.
Hunter hadn’t done much more than close his eyes, but he sensed the med kit being opened and went to try to help his brother.
“Will you restart the campfire,” Tech asked.
“Sure. What progress have you made?”
“We are not able to create or obtain the hormones needed to trigger her menstrual cycle and end this using that method. However, it is theorized that the reason sexual intercourse causes the pollen to cease its effect is because of the presence of semen in the vagina. Specifically, one protein found in seminal fluid. Now, obviously that is not an option for us, but it appears a similar form of this protein can be synthesized using the pollen of some flowers we collected. While not ideal, there are some items in the med kit that can help this chemical process.”
“Great, but how do we get it in her,” Hunter asked.
“We don’t,” answered Crosshair, now standing behind them. “Put whatever you make on a tampon and ask her to do it herself.”
“Would that work,” Echo asked, joining them.
“I believe it is the least invasive option,” Tech replied.
They all nodded. Hunter went outside to start the campfire.  Tech sterilized some equipment and joined him.  It seemed simple enough. He only needed part of the flower and then the heated wound disinfectant along with bacta gel would cause the protein to be isolated. Hunter dug a tampon out of the emergency supplies.
Echo and Crosshair helped Wrecker who held your legs, while the other two sat on either side of you. You were tired, but still acting ravenous. Your method had gone even further in the direction of complaining about how you were hurting, and you just wanted all this to be over. 
“It doesn’t have to be Tech,” you declared. “I’ll take any of you. Please!”  You then melted in Echo’s arm and looked at him with stars in your eyes. “Changed your mind yet? Any of you?”
He simply shook his head, trying to show he cared, and held on so you couldn’t pounce on anyone.  You turned to Crosshair on your other side. He held your arm and tried to help keep you still as best he could. You quickly moved to try to bite his neck and he pulled away. “No thank you,” he said. “I’m saving that for someone special.”
You were trying so hard to fight the drug coursing through your system, but it was a losing battle. After what felt like ages, Tech seemed satisfied with the concoction. There wasn’t much of it, but once it was cool enough he dipped the end of the tampon in the gel and walked back onto the ship. The boys let go enough for you to walk toward him. Your flirty symptoms appeared again, and you wanted Tech so badly. You looked up and down his body with no shame. He really took your breath away.
Tech found your glances made him nervous, but simply cleared his throat.  Just as he was about to explain why he was holding a tampon, you started sniffing the air.
“That smell,” you said.
The men all looked at each other. “Can you smell it,” Hunter asked. “The protein?”
“Whatever it is, I want to sit on it,” you replied with a grin. You homed in on the tampon.
Tech cleared his throat again and explained, “I have created what we hope will reverse the effect of the drug, but you need to insert this yourself.”
Crosshair and Echo were still each holding your arms, but not too tightly. You seemed to calm and they let go. You took the tampon and went to take your pants off, but everyone stopped you. Tech opened the refresher door and you walked in. He closed it and everyone sighed.
“I hope this works,” said Echo. “All I smell is floral bacta gel.”
In the ‘fresher you regarded the tampon with a little suspicion, but your body seemed to be on autopilot. You placed the tampon and immediately the ache started going away. You took slower breaths. You washed your hands and realized your nerves had been on fire for hours.  You looked at yourself in the mirror and felt the heat in your face start to drain. Instead, you realized all that you had said and done, or tried to do. All kinds of emotions flooded your system. You were sure that Hunter could sense the change in you from the other side of the door, so you made no effort to report what was going on. You weren’t sure you wanted to see or talk to any of them yet. You were covered in sweat from all your activity and wanted a shower.  You stripped off your clothes and briefly stood under the water. Just enough to clear away the feeling on your skin.  When you got out, you noticed someone had left you the spare clothes you’d brought, and you slowly put them on. After a few more minutes of staring blankly into the mirror and letting the antidote work, you finally reappeared.
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly. “I didn’t mean all that.”
“We know,” Wrecker said, pulling you into a hug.
“Glad you feel better,” Hunter said.
“Been thinking we might all get some shut eye before we leave,” Echo suggested.  Crosshair nodded with a little smile on his face. For the first time all night, he popped a toothpick in his mouth.
You nodded, thanking them for helping you.
“Especially you, Tech.”
He wasn’t sure what to do. Should he hug you? Hold you? Keep his distance?
“Here,” he said. “If you find you need more to counter the drug, I will put this in a safe place.” He showed you a container with the small puddle of gel he had made using the flowers. You smiled at him.
“How did you figure it out?”
He walked you to the cockpit after closing up the ship as the sun rose. He sat you down, noticing how physically weak you looked. Sitting across from you, he told you about his research and how he found a way to mimic the protein structure that seemed to shut down the drug.  You smiled. Of course Tech would figure it out.
“I’m sorry again,” you said.
“Cyar’ika, you have nothing to be sorry for,” he said, reaching for your hand. He gave it a soft squeeze and smiled at you. “None of this was your fault.”
You returned the smile and sat back, looking like you might fall asleep.
“Let me help you to bed,” he offered. You took his arm, needing it to steady yourself. Your legs felt like jelly for a whole different reason this time.
You got into bed. In his bunk. The others were already sleeping. Tech sat on the end of the bed, but looked conflicted. When he originally offered to sleep in the pilot’s seat, he didn’t know all of this would happen.
“Tech? Can you stay? Is that okay?”
He nodded, but suddenly seemed a bit nervous. He had never shared a bed with anyone like this. What he said earlier was true. He had feelings for you and knew you had feelings for him. He wanted you to feel safe, so if you wanted him close, he felt it would be alright now, although he wasn’t sure what he was doing as he laid down.
“How would you like me to, uh…”
“Like this,” you replied, taking his hand and laying it across your middle. Not too close or tight, but just there. “But however feels right. I trust you.”
He softly smiled and relaxed. “Goodnight mesh’la.”
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deejadabbles · 1 year
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Hello there, my name is Deeja and I have very little shame for a 28 year old woman. If @secondaryrealm follows you, sends you asks, or replies to your posts, that's me.
About this blog: This is a side blog where I post reader inserts and other fanfiction. Below you'll find my master list and link to my tag list form!
I do post NSFW stuff quite a bit, so Minors, please do not interact with my blog. If you're an adult but don't like NSFW things, I do try to remember to tag it as "spicy lemons".
I never use the term y/n and always try my best to avoid any physical descriptions for the reader. I usually write gender neutral (GN) readers unless otherwise stated, however please keep in mind that I'm a cisgendered woman so said readers may be unintentionally fem-coded.
I hope you enjoy your stay on my little corner of Tumblr! 💙💜
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If you want to be tagged when I post:
Just fill out this form 💙
Master Lists! (sub-sections and tags will be added as needed)
Attention: this list only includes my star wars stuff. If you would like to read my works from other fandoms they're all on my AO3 account
List is divided by characters
Misc tags:
Deeja writes (my general tag for all my fics)
Works by others (please check out these amazing writers!)
Fanart (wonderful artists who deserve love)
Feel good tag / Happy tag (things that make me happy)
Captain Rex x Reader
The Mistake You Can't Live Without (jedi!Reader)
Desperate Distractions (fem!reader smut, drabble)
Take a Ride (fem!reader smut)
Ruin (fem!reader, smut)
Spicy prompt: "I don't think you're supposed to use the Force like that" (jedi!reader, spice, drabble)
Western AU Headcanons
The Captain and the Shadow (jedi!reader, series) Prologue /// [Part One coming soon]
Echo x Reader
Dreamy Desires (incubus!Echo x fem!reader, smut)
The Hidden Room (halloween prompt)
Somebody Else (fem!reader, angst, drabble)
Western AU Headcanons
The Beauty In All (Matchmaking AU) Part One // Part Two //
Echo and Comms (comm officer!reader, series) Part One /// Part Two /// Part Three /// [Part Four coming soon]
Fives x Reader
An Awkward Kind of Charm (matchmaking AU)
How to Summon a Demon Boyfriend (demon!Fives halloween prompt)
Five-Oh-Thirst, Part One (fem!reader, spice, 501st x reader)
My Ding-ding-dong (humor)
Touch (fluff, drabble)
Tup x Reader
Hold On Tight (fem!reader, smut)
Wild, beautiful things (fluff, drabble)
Languid Reunion (fem!reader, smut)
Tup NSFW Alphabet Headcanons
Kix x Reader
Forbidden Masks (fem!reader, halloween prompt)
Five-Oh-Thirst, Part One (fem!reader, spice, 501st x reader)
Spicy prompt: "I don't need to take it off to fuck you" (fem!reader, smut, drabble)
Jesse x Reader
Five-Oh-Thirst, Part One (fem!reader, spice, 501st x reader)
Funeral Grey (fem!reader, spice, drabble)
Commander Fox x Reader
Among the Hedge Maze (halloween promt, fluff)
The Handmaiden's Fox (fem handmaiden!reader, series) Prologue /// Part One /// Part Two /// [part three coming soon]
Commander Thorn x Reader
Safeguard (drabble)
Safehaven (oneshot, companion to Safeguard)
Hunter x Reader
Songs in the Kitchen (fluff)
Hunter x (fem) Reader x Hound (predator/prey vibes, drabble)
Western AU Headcanons
Wrecker x Reader
A Tooka for a Puppy (fluff, drabble)
Western AU Headcanons
Tech x Reader
The Right Parts (western AU)
Western AU Headcanons
Crosshair x Reader
The Garden (fluff, drabble)
Crush (angst, drabble)
Western AU Headcanons
Grey x Reader
Feverish Flirtations (fluff)
OCs and Unnamed Clones
Period Pains (unnamed clone, comfort, drabble)
OC Mana: Introduction post
OC Tiio: Intro post, personality ask,
OC Jacen: Intro post,
OC Jedi Knight Mayreen: Intro post,
OC Commander Zedge: Intro post,
OC Whisper: Intro post, more headcanons, aesthetic/style ask,
OC Bravo: Intro post,
OC Fixit: Intro post,
OC Dott: Intro post,
131 notes · View notes
freesia-writes · 7 months
Heyyy what about you?
What's your favorite thing you've created here and why?? 😀
haha! turn it around on me eh...
It's really hard to choose only one. But I don't want this to be a commercial for my writing, LOL. So... I'm gonna close my eyes and listen to my heart. 😂
Since I have two accounts I'm gonna choose one from each. 🤣
I'm really torn for the @spicy-clones account... the "Show of Thanks" with Hunter x F!Reader is just pure thirst, LOL, but I'm gonna go with this one, because it's four parts... just long enough to allow the deep yearning and development and spice and all of it, but not a full-length, haha. And I frickin love anything that explores emotionally unavailable Crosshair opening up. 🥹
For this blog... I keep coming back to my first fic. It's 55k words, featuring Tech and an OC named Vel who failed Jedi school and is just unremarkable on every level (LOL), but it's such a fun journey. It's a Pride and Prejudice-meets-The Office kind of slow burn romance with a whole plot full of action and adventure. There's an undercover casino scene, random acts of bravery, twists and turns, and it's just a feel-good story that leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy and satisfied, in my idiot opinion! ;)
Thanks for asking. 🥹
(idk why the links are ugly but oh well)
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madstronaut · 4 months
baby's first konig longfic
(masterlist of my FaFiCoWriMo rambles at the Fuck It We Ball link below! looking forward to seeing this become a long untameable monstrous ouroboros of a list)
omg t h i s f i c. IT BARELY HAS ANY SMUT IN IT till the end and it is one of the hottest konig fics ive ever read (and honestly I think he takes home the trophy for man most thirsted over in COD fandom, sorry ghost but you’re all winners in my panties i mean heart I SAID HEART)
Reading: Cat/Mouse/Den by @papaver-decervicatus
idk wot it is - the tenderness and purity of their first few interactions? the forbiddenness of stumbling upon a private radio channel when they’re technically Not On The Same Side? the little GIFTS they give each other? How he can always find her despite her literally being a topranked sniper? the way their physical meet-cute is him literally catching her in his arms?! the knowledge maus can snipe him at any moment and yet konig willingly stepping into her crosshairs?  LLBLBLLLBLGLGB
That last “She’s pretty” comment for me was the emotional equivalent of stabbing me in the heart with a roughshod serrated knife in how cute it was (btw let me warn you if you haven’t already gotten the memo folx my whole brand is being aggressively encouraging and excited over fanfic and writers in an increasingly unhinged yet polite manner<3) 
in true konig fashion i love how excited he is that maus might be the literal death of him and that he would die happy if she was the one to snipe him lmao
also can anyone else relate to doing a private eye style deepdive into facebook archives stalking and searching for info about your crush and memorizing it like konig did here for mausy lmao
"It’s pathetic, the only place he feels any sort of peace is at war."
chef’s kiss, love this line. brief, but tells you so much about konig’s headspace
“A younger part of him is jealous. The older part smothers that part down as he takes in the view.”
I love this line!!! ive wondered sometimes about the science and why of attraction and maus basically living konig’s dream i feel must play a big part of why they’re so drawn to each other...and ofc no explanation needed for why she is attracted to konig because everyone is, undisputed law of nature, go look it up on wikipedia and jstor, thank you no questions at this moment
“There’s a creek at the bottom, and interesting flora marks the cliffs all the way down. He wonders what wildlife drinks from the stream down there and if there are any decent caves he could find an opening to.”
have u ever thought about what you or someone else might have been in another life, in alternate timeline? I can see biologist konig fitting in quite well in civilian life &lt;;3 LEMME DAYDREAM ABOUT ALL MY SOLDIER BOYS SAFELY RETURNING HOME FAR FROM OR NEVER HAVING TO ENDURE THE FOG AND TERROR AND HORROR OF WAR OKAY
“The exposed rock of the ravine flames to life with amazing browns and reds, and the stone sparkles like rubies and tiger’s eye stones as the sun's rays catch it.”
also sidenote the way the scenery is described here would make me want to go take a photo and download it and save it as my wallpaper; so descriptive and lovely i could see everything so clearly <3
“The sun is setting behind her. She’s very far away, but his skin prickles to life knowing that he’s being watched.”
I also love this usual role reversal of maus being the predator watching her prey (though is he arguably her prey if he wants to be caught? lol anyway putting aside the essay on existential questions in fanfic-)
It’s a beautiful place, really. It’s not such a bad place to die, he thinks. She’s a good shot. She’ll do it quickly. Nothing to fret about,really. It’s his own fault, anyways. 
I am obsessed with their chemistry but most of all something about this powerful man fully placing his life in her hands just does it for me
“I’ll bite, soldier.” She says, hurriedly, like someone might walk in on their little game. Like the teacher is about to find the two kissing in a supply closet at the school.
*me reading this line, giggling madly*
He sits down on the ground and opens his legs as wide as they’ll comfortably go and rests his cheek in his hand propped on his thigh. If he’s going to die, he’s going to give her a pretty show.
me: okay slut
also me: ✨o k a y slut✨
I also love how he’s imagining what she would be doing/how she’s reacting all based off what I assume is the equivalent of a shitty driver’s license photo he saw of her 🥰
i also feel like getting warning shots as foreplay IS so konig-coded (yes im fully aware as i type this that this man has so much fanlore, fan hcs, fanfic, faneverything out there despite not even being in the storyline of the main campaign lmao)
I also love the flip to maus’ POV - though when she notes how outrageous it is for him to keep his shiny knife on him i bet you my future firstborn that it’s to get her attention <3
also <3 sniper candy <3
also we love a girlboss who asks >100x to shoot him on sight lmao
It’s been months since the ravine and she’s seen him just about everywhere she’s been. When SpecGru was gathering intel on KorTacs drug affiliations, she saw him in the haunted deserts of Sonora, Mexico where she lies in the dirt redder than blood and coyotes sing her to sleep. She gazes down at him atop crumbling 16th-century Byzantine marble when she picks off the guards of a weapons supplier in Belgrade, Serbia. In the ancient and verdant bamboo forest of Yibin, China, hunting down spy affiliations, she camps across a creek from him for a night.
“we’ve got to stop meeting like this!” - konig, probably
He would’ve been a good sniper, in another life. If he wasn’t built like the trees she climbs for her shots.
mausy your crush is showing 🤭
He walks like a monster with three legs (and at some point about three months into their little game, she touches herself thinking about that third leg.
i mean honestly? give maus a medal for holding out for three months before succumbing, damn
The secret stays between them and their radios become the divining rods of close encounters.
secret forbidden relationship is one of my fave tropes <3
Mostly it’s just breathing on each line, mostly it’s just-
honestly this sounds more intimate than sex
She knows she should get a shrink or a good fuck to stop fucking thinking about him like this, but sometimes he whispers a joke into his radio and she laughs, and sometimes she tells him about the book she’s been reading, and sometimes he shows her his favorite knife tricks, and sometimes she tells him stories of before she was in the military and he always laughs and asks questions to show he’s actually engaged and he cares and-
this is so domestic and cute for warzone flirting <3
When they’re alone he’s the perfect gentleman, he gets no closer than when she reaches out to contact him first. When they’re not, it's a whole different story. He runs into the middle field like if he can just reach her, he can keep her. If he can carry back his conquest, well… kings get their war spoils, don’t they? It’s a terrible secret she keeps alive only in her heart, but she hopes one day he finally will.
mausy gettin bingo on all our fave kinks today, apparently
maus picking up on his knife skills and noticing his anxiety via the shaking hands (and that they don’t shake at all around her) is just peak PEAK PEAK PEAK fanfic vibes. feeling safe around someone is one of the biggest green flags in the universe and a gift <3
 It’s a shame, but she’s a little happy that it’ll be König, her cat, that’ll catch her corpse.
honestly these two were made for each other lmao
And the first thing he says is a promise. A promise of help. A promise of aid.
I was like speechless with joy and giddiness for a good minute or two reading this whole scene lmao SO SATISFYING esp with konig’s lil gasp when she falls into his arms <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 UGH PLS PAPS CAN I GIVE YOU A MEDAL??? A HUG??? A KISS???? MY UNDYING LOVE AND DEVOTION??? well in lieu of all this I’ll just give your fic multiple visits and so much rambling <3
He has created, against all odds, something beautiful and delicate out of a brutal tool and doomed material.
so this absolutely stunning construction of a sentence pretty much sums up why I love COD fandom/fanfic writers so much..
I forget where I read this somewhere on this hellsite but it went something like “it’s subversive to write these men made to die/made for war, made to be loved instead” and reminds me of one of my favorite quotes that I stumbled on a random reddit Q&A 
“I get discouraged sometimes - just like everyone. I question whether my music/life/work matters at all.
The danger is letting other people define your soul's worth. Sometimes folks will like what you do, other times they'll hate it.
But I continually remind myself that I do NOT matter as a result of what I do, I matter because of who I AM. I am not a "human doing" but a "human being. " I matter simply because I was made in the image of the unmade maker, and I am loved by Love.”
“I am not a human doing, but a human being” 
“I am made in the image of love, and I am loved by Love”
“we are, against all odds, something beautiful and delicate, created out of brutal tool and doomed material” 
these words touch such a deep and core and unspeakably true part of me - that i forget often, that i find hard to believe, that i struggle to remember and cling to - and tbh one of the most frequent places I find this much-needed encouragement is in FANFICTION! <3
fanfic writers you are truly some of the most beautiful people on this planet &lt;3
anyway yeah, fanfic as therapy is a helluva drug and so fucking real
 if I could give all my beloved writers a diploma i would pay a calligrapher to write this gold leaf ink or some shit and put on my best lipstick and smooch it all over and print it out on vellum for you all <3
ANYWAY WHERE TF WAS I- o yes, simping over both maus and konig
When he turns to go she thinks how much his hands must’ve hurt to make this little thing 
this is so real; everytime I try my hand at sewing/mending (and i got tiny hands yall) for an extended period of time my fingers always end up so crampy in a uniquely painful way
i also get big “gift of the magi by o. henry” (truly one of my favorite short stories of all time) vibes from this exchange <3
(tl;dr: here, my heart, let me cut out and gift you my heart - oshit what’s that? your heart? *scrambles to catch and not break it*)
cos honestly on one level how fucking hilarious that they basically exchange a piece of wood and a rock lmao but really THEY ARE GIVING SOMETHING SO SPECIAL TO EACH OTHER <333333
The next time she sees him, about a week later, she sees him sharpening his massive field knife with the tiny whetstone on his comically large thigh, and in response, she thumbs at the wooden effigy in her pocket. They laughed into their radios to each other. 
ok how fucking hilarious and sexy that they are basically watching each other finger each other…..s' gifts
the final dialogue in chapter two needs to be in the merriam-webster dictionary under “flirting 101: peak examples”
but also omg THE EXTRA LITTLE GIFTS SHE LEAVES BEHIND FOR KONIG? HER FLINTING A HEART AND HIM SHATTERING IT IMMEDIATELY IN HIS GIANT-ASS SEXY ASS HANDS AND LEAVING HIMSELF BLEEDING AS PENANCE????? HIM IMAGINING COOKING FOR HER AND READING ALL TEH BOOKS SHE RECS HIM??? Honestly him musing about actually fucking her at the end is the LEAST sexy part of all this and the line about him aching to make her mewl did…things to me
if I could distill the maus x konig energy here into an drink, I think I could run up everest naked without breakin a sweat
The man is quick, but König is quicker, taking off through the snow like he did as a child. Running with reckless abandon, long legs carrying him faster and further than anyone else when he and his cousins would play capture the flag at his Oma’s house in Gauso. 
i love papa’s (really need to find a better nickname for writer while I write this lol) way of capturing like…the sense of child-like wonder/safety and domesticity you return to when you are in love/find yourself in the presence (physical or not) of someone you love in her writing, also why i really love this fic so much
Slicing that man clean between his ribs like a lion strikes a lamb was the second most satisfying experience of his life, greatly eclipsed by the settling of her weight against his chest when she trusted him enough to jump into his arms. 
*chanting to summon my talented fellow konig simps to draw fanart of this scene*
“You big, everywhere? I mean, with hips like those… ”
“...” Fuck, bad time to get a boner.
hast thou not heard the term “video killed the radio star”???? you’re alone and miles away only talking via radiowaves, LITERALLY THE BEST TIME TO GET A BONER???? smh unless ofc the best time for konig is when he’s with maus &lt;3
“…he’d been chasing a little prayer in her shape. He wouldn’t have considered it ‘done’ when he gave it to her but-
Her warmth was still in his fingers, her beautiful eyes trained on him, her fantastic form somehow devoid of his blood or his filth in his rescue attempt, well. He had been praying, hadn’t he? It’s only right to pay tithing to the thing you worship. He gave her the figure, and he did so with the only real regret being that he couldn’t give her more and that he almost sullied her perfection with his violence.
also men near-worshipping the women they simp for is also a huge kink of mine (i mean whose isn’t it? also i hurt my brain trying to discern if that last sentence i wrote made sense but college was a long tiem ago for me soooo)
And to top it all off, when he wrenched himself away from her, heart heavy and entirely certain that she would never, could never, follow- she called him back and reciprocated. 
can confirm, reciprocated feelings is an indescribable feeling, war on drugs would’ve been game over day 1 if it was fought with requited feelings
When he turns away it is because his brain cannot comprehend a world in which she walks away with him.
well, snipe me right in the heart why dont you papi! (again, still need to find a different nickname for writer)
And in fairness, he would rather die than admit his treachery, not out of any misplaced moral but instead out of precaution for her safety.
honestly, husband goals
konig’s dream is p e r f e c t i o n “I love and trust you and feel safe enough to put my life into your thighshands, even if that means you’ll take it”
“Like dovetail joints, a great carpenter must have made them to fit together. There must be a God, and he must have made her to perfectly fit beside (and dare he hope, inside?) her. 
The only thing older than war to mankind is intimacy. You need soldiers for war, you need men for soldiers, and you need love to make those men. “
“He is remembering how to be human, to be a man and not a soldier, and he smiles back into her mouth.”
“She is giving him total control. Complete power and without hesitation. In her teary eyes, he sees a soldier’s trust, firm and unwavering. Ever faithful. Unquestioningly and genuinely she believes the man she’s at the mercy of will make her need no mercy. “
once again paps (yes yes need new nickname for writer, stfu mads) just dropping literary masterpieces casually
“König,” her eyes glaze over with worry. It’s a dangerous game they’re playing and they both know it. “Are you sure you want me?” She whispers, lips meeting the shell of his ear, he feels her fever pitch skin even through the fabric of his mask. His heart aches and he’s so angry with himself that she could even ask that. As if there were ever any questions. As if he has ever wanted anything else in his life like he wants this. As if there is anything else to want. As if there is anything else. 
Truly every beloved’s hopeful query and every lover’s debt to happily answer <3
 When he wakes up in his cold barracks, decidedly alone and not in between her thighs, he pounds the bed in frustration.ly ok the mood whiplash when i laughed out loud at konig pounding bed with his fists cos hes grumpy and horny
Not so dissimilar to the bride-stealing traditions his Oma had told him about as a boy.
damn oma what stories you be tellin to children lmao
though I AM recalling a medicinal anthropology class I took in college that was absolutely fascinating - we did touch on bride-napping as an actual thing in hmong culture (though from what I learned it has less IRL dubcon and more elopement vibes)
The fantasy of her is potent and life-consuming, but he is also viscerally aware that it is just that. A fantasy.
konig, thinking this, as he lives out most of his actual fantasies lmao
It is not real and despite his choking desire to be with her, he is not entirely sure she wants him.
ah yes, ‘idiots in love,’ an absolute banger of a trope
He wants so desperately to just be a fucking person for her. A person allowed weakness, a person allowed good-morning kisses, a person allowed terrible flirting, a person allowed to sit in the same room, a person allowed to touch and savor and make better another human. Allowed to heal, not harm. Allowed to save, not slaughter.
But he is a soldier, he’s not a person, and he’s not sure he ever really was a person in the first place.
The only thing he wants more than to have her is for her to want him. That hope is a delusion deeper than the ravine they met at, he’s sure. 
yep just uh nothing happening over here, not crying over fanfic what -how dare you insinuate-
He feels no shame when he wraps his arms around the bunched comforter on his chest, imagining it’s a slight body he faithfully cradles.
*tripping, stumbling, running to pay for a custom body pillow big enough for konig to hug for his comfort* (not for me, would be too big anyways)😉😏
no literally ive thought about it i might have to do olympic-level qualifying gymnastics stretching to fit someone of his stature anyway it’s not like i made to-scale stick figure models doodled out on post-its in various creative positions to work out the physics of it or anything cough
If she knew how obsessed he’s become that he cannot help himself from having dreams about her and cannot help himself from getting off to the idea that she killed him with her fucking thighs
i am ready to beat off the hordes of other women with a sharpened stick who would find this hot and respectful af
also obsessed with this soap who chews on pencaps and macguyvers radios to look like they’re fucking (or maus just has her head in the gutter, but really girl whose isnt??? and someone really needs to tell me if this is wrong grammatically every time i type it it sounds right)
also as a certified soap simp i also just have to say, you know you’ve got it bad when you look deep into soap’s eyes… and fantasize about another man LMAO
“No thanks,” she purrs as she finally sets herself into position.
i like this subtle nod to konig after she re-tells her katze’s joke <3 ooooo reading papaver’s writing is like eating a three-course meal at your fave comfort diner<3
The early morning light hits the streets the same way it had hit the forest ground that day.
i also love this line <3 i can picture those blue-orange sunrise hours in my head and it’s so lovely because the scene is also tinged with all the complex emotions from their first meeting
He throws it up and catches it without looking at it, instead his eyes are laser-focused on Mouse.
hothothothothothothothot (i realize just typing out hot over and over again leads you to also read thot, but honestly, still tracks)
She remembers her trigger finger twitching with sinful power, she remembers choking back the insistence at killing another lonely person, devoid of their autonomy on a basic level when they signed up for a mercenary-issued ticket to hell.
this line…is too real 
“Because they are weapons of maus-destruction. ” Konig replies like it’s not the stupidest thing she’s ever heard in her goddamn life.
somewhere simon ghost riley has to suppress the urge to put down his rifle, stand up, and do a slow golf clap
Suddenly, his eyes look lived in, like someone has just put up new curtains in an abandoned house. His whole affect changes hinging on what was an irresponsible outburst on her behalf at best.
And for the first time, she does not fear a monster hunting her through the woods, silent and purposeful in his pursuit of prey. Instead, she wants to understand a man, whose eyes have lit up like a princess has just laughed when he kissed her hand.) 
*i am suppressing the feminine urge to print out paper doll cutouts of maus and konig and just hang them around random parts of my apartment making heart eyes at each other*
Maybe, it's dangerous, to wave a steak in front of a mountain lion, but what if she wants to get mauled?
these two, a match made in heaven. truly there’s someone for everyone~
also i love this COD book club that is happening; i also have a semi-regular work meeting where I hit the jackpot of getting the most chill but passionate cohorts and our goal is basically shooting the shit & talking about stuff we love and how to share it with the world like a workhours book club and I hope everyond gets to experience a little joy in the middle of 9-5 capitalist hell that is the workweek like this <3
Soap says, pulling out a well-worn copy of The Silence of the Lambs from the bag.
“He said he picked it up years ago in Polish thinking it was a cooking field guide.”
 fucking dying
how she could rest entirely on top of his chest and not touch the ground beneath them and-
once again i fucking love their inadvertent mindreading/mirroring their shared desires unbeknownst to each other. MOVE THE FUCK ASIDE, JANE AUSTEN
also if gromsko gave me “special field medicine lessons” I would probably pay to continue them
she basks infatuated by the calamitous captivation he exhibits.
*fanning myself with ripped out pages of shakespeare and hemingway to burn at papaver’s altar*
When he lifts his hood to blow a kiss to her, she knows she will never get her traitorous heart back.
excuse me sir????
i thought you were told you couldn’t be a sniper? what the fuck is this tender bullshit of a snipe straight to my heart-
He’s always hoped to be able to pound down into her quaking form. 
the first time i read this i blacked out after seeing the phrase “pound down” and instead all i remember after slapping myself awake is actually reading the phrase “he’s always hoped to take her to pound town”
also why am i hot for righteous konig in shining armor being willing to go from zero to murder when he thinks maus is a pimp
The throbbing in his pants also suggests that he’s probably forgiven her by now as well. 
*nodding sagely* yes, boners never lie
also maus slapping konig while he’s holding a knife between his teeth is big step on me queen energy
also the requital and reciprocation of the lines and actions they feed each other is just- one moment: *goes to sephora to buy more lipgloss as i ran out while giving chef’s kisses in bulk to papaver*
i love that konig is passing the time just being horny for maus, an efficient king 🫡
also when i saw gosau austria mentioned i went down a hole googling where it is/pictures and it is absolutely beautiful!!!! 
I eagerly await updates papi <3 
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the-cantina · 1 year
Masterlist | The Bad Batch | Clone Squads | Delta Squad
Ah yes, the famous pinned post
Hey hi, hello there, welcome to my corner of deranged thirsting in this site of hell <3 I am a Brazilian adult that answers to she/her pronouns, and if you must call me by something, you can use Mire!
I’m here to write about everyone’s favorite army of sweethearts, and hopefully connect with people who like them, too!
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What do I write about?
❥ I write x reader fics and headcanons, mostly in the NSFW realm, and with f!reader in mind. And, as a dominant person, in most of my works the boys will be written in a range of submissive roles and/or traits (ex: Crosshair as a brat, Hardcase as a rope bunny, etc.). If this is not your thing, that’s alright! There are plenty of simply amazing writers who write them into dominant roles, but I am here to feed my people.
❥ The clones I write are physically based on Tem. Meaning, they are people of color, and will be described as so (hashtag unwhitewash all clones lives and thrives in this blog <3) ❥ Unless explicitly stated, I do my best to keep Reader’s appearance 100% neutral, but I’m only human, sometimes let it slip and lean on black-coding her. If that happens, feel free to message me and point it out, and I’ll fix the warnings at the beginning.
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What I don’t write? (this is more of a guideline for requesting stuff, so read it if you plan on ever making one!)
Of the things you won’t find in my works, there aren’t that many (I’m pretty shameless and a freak, hah), but those are: ❥ Submissive reader: self-explanatory. I don’t have a single submissive bone in my body. Not only I wouldn’t even know from where to begin, I also wouldn’t be able to get into the mood and flow to write or enjoy it. - For this reason, Wolffe, Cody and Boba are the clones I do not write for. I personally can’t see them as anything but dominant partners, writing them as any other thing would be too OOC for me. ❥ Spit-kink: Yeah, a pretty innocuous line to draw in the sand, but we can’t really control our icks :v ❥ Pregnancy, mommy/daddy kink: Anything parenthood related or adjacent, really. - Except breeding kink. This one is encouraged. (It’m that dog + toy meme, you know: “Pls breed?? No pregnancy!! Only breed.”) ❥ Clonec*st: Don’t. Idc if it gets you going, do not bring this to my inbox. I will write poly!clones x reader just fine, but in my works the boys will never interact – romantically or beyond – with their siblings. (and if this is coming off as an aggressive statement, that’s because it is.) ❥ Potty play: No water, no mud. ❥ Non-Con: Not even consensual non-consent. ❥ Not exactly a do not write, but any ‘unorthodox’ kink, if written will be posted directly on my ao3, so if you request something like that (and you know what I’m talking about), that’s where I preach the devil’s gospel :v
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Masterlist | The Bad Batch | Clone Squads | Delta Squad
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chaioticcoffee · 1 year
I wanna kiss Cody's pretty face I'm
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
Look at her
Pairings: Crosshair x Fem!Reader, bit of Cody x Fem!Reader (no clone x clone), she/her pronouns used
Tags/warnings: Explicit 18+, minors DNI, smut, slight praise, very slight degradation, some dom vibes from Crosshair and Cody, basically two pretty guys thirsting over you while you’re lying splattered, reader is naked, clit rubbing, voyeurism, exhibitionism. Some male masturbation. This fic is not clone x clone, it never has been and it will not be. The clones in question do not display attraction to each other, only to the reader. If the threesome is not your cup of tea, please do not read.
Word count: 887
@tinywitchgoblin thank you again for being my enabler <3 ily
@seriowan @kimageddon I still don't know how to accurately thank you as well as all the others who always show me love and support. You guys mean the world to me
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You felt bare and small underneath both of their gazes, looking up at them from the large bed as they stared hungrily down at you. Crosshair had that smug smirk planted on his face, the proud little bastard chewing on a toothpick as he rounded the bed to approach you.
“Look how pretty she is,” Crosshair told Cody, his voice a smooth, velvety sound brushing over you as he trailed gloveless hand up your thigh, dangerously close to your already dripping cunt. His smirk widened when he saw you shiver, your innocent gaze looking up at him, so endearing and sweet. “Isn’t she delightful?”
The other commander resisted the urge to lick his lips, though it was still more than obvious how much he craved you. Cody’s eyes trailed over you from head to toe; you could feel his gaze stopping at your breasts, at your glistening folds, his chest heaving the tighter his codpiece got.
“I see what you mean,” he said.
A dark chuckle escaped Crosshair as he climbed onto the bed and positioned himself to cradle your body from under you; you sat on top of him, legs spread wide to give Cody the full view while Crosshair controlled you from behind, the plastoid of his armor pressing onto your back. 
“And she’s a good girl too,” Crosshair continued. “My little slut, always there to help me blow off steam when I need it.” 
With one hand, he gently pressed on your cheeks and turned your face so you’d be looking at him, as he stared seductively into you with those piercing eyes of his.
“Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” He purred, the other end of the toothpick barely pressing onto your lower lip.
“Yes,” you whimpered, giving a little nod. “Yes, commander.”
Crosshair groaned at your response, and though you weren’t looking at Cody, you heard him curse in his native language below his breath before he removed his codpiece to release some of the tension growing between his legs.
Your cheeks squeezed just a bit more, and Crosshair inched in closer ever so slightly, satisfaction flooding his eyes.
“Such a good little girl,” he said. “You’re going to show commander Cody how pretty you look when I make you cum, aren’t you?”
As he spoke, Crosshair freed your cheeks and let his hands explore your body. One of them went to cup and massage your breasts, while the other one slithered down your torso until it was teasing at your clit. A sharp gasp emerged from you when he slid his fingers over the wetness of your cunt, rubbing slow circles over your pearl.
“Yes…” you whined out your answer.
“Good,” Crosshair smirked again. “Now look at him.”
You did as he said and rested your gaze on him, your lips pouting as you felt the sweet heat pooling between your legs. You swore you were swaying closer to your climax faster than usual, a result of having not one, but two commanding officers lusting after you. 
Crosshair rolled the toothpick over his lip and spat it out, leaving his mouth free to nibble softly at your earlobe, having you whining in seconds. You knew you were dangerously close, and you wouldn’t even make the effort to be quiet or discreet.
Your eyes were still on Cody’s, wordlessly beckoning him to come close to you. You felt Crosshair smirking into your skin as his rubbing on your clit got faster, your body trembling against his, and when Cody was next to you, your lips parted, tongue very slightly hanging out.
Cody took his thumb over to your mouth and slightly brushed your bottom lip. You took his thumb into your mouth, your cheeks hollowing as you sucked on it, making him growl as he had to palm himself with his free hand. You were everything he had expected and better, and you were barely even started. 
He had to force himself to a stop, not wanting to peak ahead of time; he removed his thumb from your mouth, hearing you moan out loudly as Crosshair applied the perfect pressure on your clit. 
You felt Crosshair’s hips rutting against your behind, his codpiece no doubt having gotten too tight for him too. You felt his length throbbing even through the plastoid of his codpiece, and little groans left him as he sucked and nibbled at your neck. 
The sensations on your skin, your breasts, and your clit were perfect—sweet, hot, sensual. Cody watched you with lust, Crosshair pushed you closer to your orgasm, until in seconds you were finally there, your body squirming in Crosshair’s grip as your pleading eyes stared into Cody’s, whining and moaning in bliss.
“Good girl,” Crosshair whispered into your ear as you came down from your high, feeling his lips planting tender kisses along the side of your face. 
His soft kisses were contrasted by the swift way in which he removed his codpiece and threw it aside, his lips curving into a devious little grin as you turned to look at him.
You realized he was planning nothing but filth for you. He and Cody would definitely be having their way with you that night.
Crosshair’s gaze made you quiver, your mind racing as you tried to predict what he’d say.
“Who do you want first, baby girl?”
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skellymom · 4 months
"Bring Me To My Knees" PART 2
Crosshair/Hunter x Reader Non Gendered SMUT++
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Dividers by the talented: @saradika and @4ngelic-wh1spers
Background: Reader and Crosshair are separated from the group during the rescue of Omega and Tech from Mt Tantiss. Two broken people trying to get by in the galaxy. Then two broken people finally dealing with what happened to their group.
Word Count: 2.3K
Warning: Star Wars Canon violence, angst, death of major character, sadness, crying, guilt, permanent injury, stuff blowing up, swearing, kissing, intercourse, heavy petting, bite kind, blood kink, pain kink, spank kink, smutty/lemony content, lovers triangle with Hunter and Crosshair.
FOR CLARITY, HUNTER FLASHBACK SMUT SCENE IN CHAPTER 1. THE CROSSHAIR SMUT SCENE IS IN THIS CHAPTER 2. Broke this up in 2 chapters because I just couldn't stop writing...and 4K might be too much for one sitting.
I purposely wrote the reader in this fic to be of no specific gender. Tried to carefully craft the sexual scenes to accommodate either gender/non gendered/trans/genderfluid/non-binary. Everyone has hills, valleys, sexual organs, nipples, and erogenous zones. I wrote them into the story, but it's up to you dear reader to put your imagination to work. Hope I have done a good enough job that you can enjoy yourself with Hunter and Crosshair without breaking immersion!
To read Chapter 1:
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The intel proved to be correct. You and Crosshair traveled to an uncharted planet well past the Outer Rim. A quiet unassuming place to start planning a burgeoning Rebellion. 
He piloted. As your ship entered planetary airspace several Rebel ships swooped in as escorts. The Rebel base radioed in to confirm your status. 
“Crosshair, Clone Force 99 and Y/N, civilian. We are Rebel sympathizers wanting to join the Rebel cause and find our lost family and squad members.” You replied. 
“Authenticating data. Hold your position.” 
Silence as you and Crosshair waited on bated breath. 
“You are clear to land. We will perform a customary inspection of your transport. Then check your gunnery and weapons at the docking station armory.” 
“They’ll be taking my rifle OVER my DEAD body.” Crosshair snarked. 
“It’s your gun, NOT your dick. Let them do their job.” 
He sighed and shook his head. 
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Word must have spread fast. No sooner did you land than Omega was out the bay door jumping up and down in excitement. 
Crosshair barely got the gangplank down on the ship. You jumped over the stairs and landed on your hands and knees. Sprung up and ran to her. 
Omega knocked you over with her embrace. You were both laying there crying. She had grown two heads taller and much stronger too. 
Rebel soldiers had come out to check the validity of your claims. They stood aside seeing at least one of their residents recognize you. They had witnessed MANY reunions just like this as people were finding their way to the planet.  
There was more: Wrecker wasn’t far behind. He scooped you both up and hugged you fiercely. 
Echo approached with Phee. 
Wrecker let you go, and you embraced them both with each arm. 
“Phee...what happened???” Her beautiful hair was gone. Head covered and tied fashionably with a scarf. Burn scar down one side of her face. You noticed one hand had scars as well. 
She shot Echo a strange look, then shrugged and perked up. “It’s growing back. Getting bacta therapy for the scars.” 
“Tech? Hunter? Are they here?” 
Echo answered “Come inside. We’ll get you settled.” 
“Wait, I didn’t come alone.” 
You turned towards your ship. Crosshair was standing at the bottom of the stairs. 
Omega gave him a bear hug. He had allowed her that. Wrecker stood a few feet away watching them.  
Echo took your hand. “Let’s give them some time to catch up.” 
He and Phee led you inside the base past bustling personnel.  
“Wait...I didn’t check my blaster...” 
“That’s ok” Phee patted your shoulder. “We vouched for you. Crosshair though...” 
You approached an open medical station with bacta tanks lined up...recognizing... 
He bobbed merrily in the solution, waving at your arrival. 
You stopped to see he was missing both legs...just like Echo. There were scars all over his body, some weren’t present during his rescue. Tech saw your face and immediately started signing in Basic. 
It is no major loss. I will be fine. Only 20 more rotations within this tank, then I shall be fitted for my prosthetics...please...don’t cry. 
Things were starting to come together...Phee’s hair loss and burns...the Marauder being hit... 
“WHERE’S HUNTER???” You yelled it in a panic. 
Echo stepped in and took your hand. “Y/N... he...” The look on his face told you this wouldn’t be good news. Echo’s eyes registered the scarf draped around your neck. 
There was a commotion behind you at the entrance of the base. Crosshair’s voice. Arguing with two Rebel troopers over his lack of compliance regarding check-in. 
“Sir! We need you to...” 
“NOT NOW! Can’t you see MY PARTNER is in distress!!!” 
The trooper grabbed his arm. Crosshair immediately disarmed the man and put his ass on the floor. Then handed the troopers gun to HIS partner sneering, “I said FUCK OFF!” 
The second trooper took the gun and commed for backup. 
Crosshair stalked over gently putting his hands on your shoulders. Fixing Echo with his baleful stare. “Where’s Hunter?” 
Echo fixed you both with his amber eyes. He sighed; his expression was so sad. “I’ll take you to him.” 
Tech tapped on the tank to get Crosshair’s attention. Cross glanced over shocked. He hadn’t recognized who was in there. Then he noticed Tech’s condition. 
I’ll be ok brother. He signed.  
Tech put his hand up against the glass. Crosshair placed his on the other side against Tech’s. 
The trooper’s backup arrived and trained their blasters on Crosshair. He turned and eyed them menacingly. Then dropped his hands from your shoulders, one of which you grabbed. 
“Don’t start any shit, Toothpick. Please, this isn’t the time.” Squeezing his hand firmly. 
He squeezed your hand back and stood down. 
“Break it up Trooper. These are friendlies.” Captain Rex emerged from the back of the squad. 
“But sir, he assaulted one of our Rebel staff. And he refused to check his rifle.” Pointing to Stormpuncher mounted on Crosshair’s back. 
“I’ll handle it, Trooper. You are all dismissed.” 
The Rebel squad eyed Crosshair uneasily as they filed away from the scene. 
“Good to see you both alive and well.” Rex smiled genuinely. “But I’ll let Echo catch you up on everything.” He nodded to Echo and stepped away. 
At this point Wrecker and Omega joined the group. 
“Follow me.” Echo instructed. 
You glanced at Tech as the group started to walk away. He smiled wistfully.  
“I got them Brown Eyes.” She winked at Tech, and he winked back. But he still looked concerned. 
Phee put her arm around your shoulder and walked with you. Crosshair followed at your other side silently. 
The group filed through the whole facility: past logistics, maintenance, troop training, mess, quarters, a small prison area (mostly empty), daycare, pet kennel, a few non-descript departments, and finally to the back end of the facility. The group approached heavy double doors. 
There was a sense of dread in your chest. Everyone was quiet. Echo looked heartbroken as he swiped his key card over the lock mechanism.  
The doors opened to the outside. A HUGE garden stretching for over a mile...planted with the bodies of those fallen from the Empire. Headstones, holoshrines, helmets, and all manner of tributes marked each plot. Adults, children, military, civilians, even service animals. Droids who could not be repaired were erected as tribute statuary with holoplaques proclaiming their sacrifice. 
Hunter was there. Laid to rest several rows down from the entrance. 
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks. 
“This isn’t real...” Shaking your head but staring straight ahead at Hunter’s helmet propped up on his plot. “NO... can’t.” Tears running down your face. 
Phee rubbed your back. “I’m SO sorry.” She was crying too. “Broody saved my life. I almost burned to death.” She pulled off the scarf to reveal the severity of her injuries. “I’m the reason he’s here.” 
Wrecker piped up “Noo, that’s not true. He would’ve done it for anyone on that ship.” He hugged Phee. 
Survivor’s guilt. Your heart went out to her.    
Crosshair took your hand and silently encouraged you to step down into the memorial and go to Hunter’s plot. You inhaled and stepped down...then your legs gave out. Crosshair grabbed your right shoulder. Echo ran over and supported your left. 
They led you to the plot. Wrecker, Phee, and Omega stayed behind. 
Soft grass was planted for whomever wished to sit and visit. Hunter’s helmet was surrounded by vivid red Poppies in full bloom. Echo seated you upon the grass. Crosshair kneeling beside you.  
“Can I do anything at all for you both.” He inquired. 
“Uh...I’ll give you some privacy.” 
You swept him up in a hug again. “Thank you...for everything.” Tears returning. 
“Oh, of course.” He embraced you back. Holding on for some time. 
Echo patted your back and cleared his throat. He let go and wiped a tear from his face. 
Then he was gone.   
Crosshair sat stone faced staring at Hunter’s helmet bereft of emotion. It was the best he could do at this moment. 
You took off the red scarf, slipped it over Hunter’s helmet, and arranged it as if draped off Hunter’s own shoulders. 
Like he was sitting right in front of you with his bucket on... 
A sudden loud sob escaped. Each exhalation became louder until it ended in a scream. Your face red and pressed into the warm grass. Watering Hunter’s grave with your tears. Freeing the emotion out of the pit of your being. Screaming, sobbing until empty, finally collapsing from exhaustion. 
The afternoon progressed and the sun started to dip down towards the horizon. 
“Hey” Crosshair nudged you from disassociation. “Let’s go.” 
Numb, you let him haul you up under the shoulders. Standing, your vision went snowy and black.   
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Crosshair must have carried you to the ship. The next few days were a blur, you slept through most of it. He hovered, fixing ration soup and just about threatening to force feed you. Trading whatever he could for black market sweets just to get ANYTHING into your belly. You barely remember Echo, Wrecker, Omega, or Phee visiting. Or AZI monitoring your vitals, reporting them well within range, that it was “only” grief and would eventually pass. 
Finally, after days in your bunk Crosshair had enough. 
“Soup!” He poked you awake. 
“Whaa?” Weakly turning over, burrowing under the blanket. 
“Get up. You STINK!” 
“Fuck off Crossy...” 
“Get up, or I’m throwing you INTO the refresher. Clothes and all.” 
You ignored him. 
Crosshair reached under the blanket and yanked you up. You caterwauled hurling swears, too weak to fight. But you were strong enough to hold on. 
He opened the refresher door and attempted to set you down. You stuck to him like shit on a Bantha’s behind. It turned into a wrestling match, both of you swearing at one another. One hand pried off him, then another would latch on, finally tearing his shirt to shreds. 
Cross gave up and flipped on the water soaking you both. The cold spray only made you hold on tighter, pressing against his chest for warmth. He gave up, sighed, adjusted the temp to warm. 
“Will you wash my hair?” 
Sighing again. “Yes.” 
You let go and turned your back to him. Crosshair lathered up his hands. 
“Wait.” You pulled the soaked T-shirt over your head and threw it in the corner of the shower. Now you're only clad in underwear. “Ok.” 
He applied the shampoo and did one helluva job massaging it into your hair. You smiled and groaned at the sensation. He finished by twisting the hair into a soapy point atop your head. 
“Will you wash my back and neck?” 
Heavy sigh. But he did. His hands were amazing. 
“Toothpick, will...” 
“I’m NOT washing your dirty ass...or anything else. You can reach.” Cross rinsed his hands and exited the refresher, leaving you to finish the job. 
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You finally exited the shower feeling and smelling much better. 
Clean towels and comfy clothing were waiting for you. A non-descript box sat atop them.  
Dried, dressed, brushed your hair and nasty teeth. Then opened the box. The beautiful black and silver scarf from Mel and Marv’s stand. Toothpick paid attention...and had held on to it the whole time. 
You put it on and made your way back through the darkened ship. 
Crosshair was waiting, sitting on a blanket spread out on the floor. There was a multitude of fresh food and rations upon it. Also, a lit candle in the middle. The kind he would razz you about that “smelled like flowers and shit.” 
You smiled. “Is this a date?” Attempting some levity. 
“Sit your ass down and eat.” 
“Thank you.” Caressing the scarf around your neck. 
“For what?” He played dumb. You could see he noticed. 
“Everything. Being there for...” You couldn’t bear to speak it. “Taking care of me, this food...” 
“Can’t have you dying on me. Would have smelled worse than you already did.” 
“Oh...and that shower brawl...” looking up from your food. “THAT was certainly SOMETHING.” 
Crosshair grinned. “You owe me a new shirt.” 
“Do I, now? Well, don’t wear clothes in the refresher when you decide to throw me in.” 
He cocked an eyebrow while biting into a ration bar. 
“Then when I grab something, it’ll be foreplay.” 
Crosshair choked on his food. 
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You stuffed yourself full. Satisfied, thanking Crosshair again (who rolled his eyes), and wandered back to your bunk. 
He had changed the bedding out while you were in the refresher. It was clean and the blanket turned over, inviting you to slide in. 
It felt wonderful burrowing into the clean sheets. 
But sleep was elusive tonight. 
The grief was still too much for you both. 
Two people alone on a dark, silent ship. The distance between you palpable. 
“Are...you awake?” he furtively asked with hushed tones in the dark. 
“Umhmm.” Intrigued as to why he asked. Sitting up and sliding your legs off to the side of the bunk. 
You sat there in the dark waiting for an answer. 
More silence... 
(You like a song to go with the following scene? Please check it out. Smutty, but emotional)
...then Crosshairs hand gently smoothing away the hair from your temple. 
You immediately embraced him tightly. 
He falters for just a beat.  Body frozen for what seems like an eternity.  Would this scare him away? 
Then you feel his arms encircle you, lips upon your cheek...kissing down to your lips. 
Unable to hold back any further, you turn your head to meet his lips to yours. 
Mouths opening to breathe into the well of one another.  Sliding upon each other passionately.  Breaths furiously taken in between long heated kisses. 
Then parting quickly to pull the clothing from each other's body.  Almost ripping the cloth away from bare skin.  Occasional moans of longing for skin-to-skin contact. 
Finally free of constraints, he stops to visually take you in... 
...he’s waited SO LONG for this moment. Couldn’t help admiring your strength while rescuing him on Tantiss...but finding out you bonded romantically to Hunter... 
“I... I’m afraid...” Terror and shame on his face. 
This shocks you to hear such words fall from his lips. He’s so VULNERABLE...kneeling next to you proclaiming his feelings. 
You reach out and stroke the side of his face, then firmly grip this chin. “So am I. But it’s just the two of us now.” 
You both stare into the lonely abyss of each other's eyes. 
“And I CAN’T STAND being alone.” 
“Then you WON’T be...EVER” He reaches out across the space between, pulling you to his body. His heat, his need. 
You have your own need, your heat blazes HOT with his deep kisses. Tongues intertwining.  
Then he pulls away to bury his face next to your ear whispering EVERY DIRTY THING he’s going to do to you while nuzzling and nipping your ear. Rubbing his hard cock along your shin, sliding along the wetness it leaves behind. 
You moan loudly...” Oh...fuck me...” 
“Mhmm...” trailing his tongue down your neck. His hands caressing the inside of your thighs. Stopping just short of your sex. Teasing his fingers around it...teasing you into fever pitch. 
Your hand on his shoulder digs your nails into his flesh. He moans in ecstasy from the pain. Trailing down your chest to nip and lick at your nipples. Crosshair stares up adoringly with half hooded eyes. 
His hand casually brushes your sex and trails away. 
Smiling while he teases. 
You grip the edge of the bunk, bracing your feet on the floor, and buck out your hips in the air, gasping, baring your teeth. 
Then he playfully but firmly slaps your sex. 
It pisses you off while turning you on at the same time. The tension building. 
His cock is SO slippery against your leg. The breath coming from him labored and shaky. Tracing your thighs just so closely to where you want to be stimulated, then away again. 
“FUCK ME!” You growl deeply through your teeth.  Something FERAL awakening in you. Shaking, sweating, digging harder into his shoulder. It starts to bleed, and his eyes roll back in his head.  
His facial expression turns intense. He slaps your sex again. You moan louder, then growl again. 
The teasing. It’s driving you INSANE. 
He knows you’re about to lose it... 
Crosshair stops kissing your chest, put’s his snarky, sexy, come-fuck-me-face up to your ear...  
“...Mmm...bite me...” 
Back somewhere in your sexually addled lizard brain registers this could be literal instead of figurative. 
And he slaps you...ONE MORE TIME... 
Without thinking you sink your teeth into his other shoulder. Blood seeping into your mouth. 
Crosshair screams out in fevered sexual ecstasy...frotting his weeping cock furiously against your leg. 
His slapping hand comes back fully on your sex, furiously stimulating... 
...filling up your intimate spaces... 
...you buck your hips tightly against the hand that services you... 
...as the pressure of your molars squeeze the flesh of his shoulder...it’s heavenly pressure...the taste of copper as you suck it down... 
Crosshair’s fevered thrusts of his hips. 
The fevered ministrations of his hand. 
Ragged breaths mixed with groans...whimpers... 
You release your mouth from his shoulder, as you gasp for air... blood trailing down his back from the punctures. Small crimson rivulets running down your chin, neck, across your erect nipples...you fall back...Pressing your head into the bunk...eyes widening...mouth open. His left hand on the small of your back like a spotter, his right sending you over the edge... 
Clenching your abdomen...you feel that tickle...the beginning of... 
Crosshair stops and pulls his hand away. You grab his arm devastated, angry even to be thwarted from your orgasm. 
Breathlessly “I want to FEEL you...from the INSIDE.” It’s not presented as a question. But he’s waiting for your consent. 
You reach down, stroke his sopping wet member. He moans and shudders. Then brush a ghost of a kiss across Crosshair’s forehead as you scoot fully onto the bunk and open yourself up to him. Your seductive gaze is inviting. 
Up off his knees, he slinks over you on the bunk. Staring like a hungry animal.  
For a fleeting moment, you don’t see Crosshair there...just Hunter. Your desire threatens to topple over into grief...all these emotions bubbling up from the surface. That scar will NEVER be totally healed. The sadness that will NEVER totally leave. 
Crosshair watches the subtle changes of your expression and senses this. He understands. While there are differences, it’s his loss too. 
He covers his body with yours, basking in the warmth skin to skin. Then takes your face in his hands. Touching foreheads, he whispers promises for you both in the future. All the things you will do together and the burdens you will both share and support each other through. Every one of them ends with a kiss as a promise.  
“I’m not Hunter...but...I’ll work on being a better man than I was in my past.”  
“I don’t want you to live in Hunter’s shadow. You’re different. Our relationship will be different.” 
“I’m SO SORRY you lost your brother.” 
Crosshair covers his face with his hand. Silent tears spill out between his fingers. 
You say no more and hold him tightly. Knowing it was A LOT for him to even let go like this. Knowing the relationship, he had with especially Hunter was fraught with so much emotional angst. And the heavy burden Crosshair holds about the horrible things he did at the end. 
You both lay there for some time wrapped up together in each other's arms...just being. Crosshair’s head resting on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. You rubbing gentle circles though his hair. 
Finally, he speaks, “Would you like me to finish?” Looking up at you seriously with those intense dark eyes. 
You read him like a book. He knows you too well now. There’s a deep care for one another. But you both know the sex tonight will be for dealing with the grief. That's ok though. It’s an unspoken agreement of how this will help the two of you bond and heal.  
You’ll both drink, fight, fuck, laugh, and all manner of things together while dealing with this shared grief. Whatever gets you by. It’ll bind you both thick as thieves. 
He kisses down your body to your sex. Licking, sucking, lavishing you with an intensity that prevents you from lying still. All the while grinding his returned erection into the sheets, soaking them. 
You both begin to get vocal. He adds more stimulation with his fingers, driving you wild. Grasping the bedding, you arch your back again. With the pressure in your core, his tongue wetly sliding over your sex...your breathing reaches a fever pitch...the tingling returns... 
He stops, sits up, gently pulls your hips to position, and slides his length into you. 
“Fuuuck...” he groans loudly, slowly pulling out, then slowly sliding in...he wants to feel it ALL. No rush. Just the amazing sensation...every inch...of him...against you... 
...sliding out... 
...sliding in... 
His legs are shaking. 
Your breath not just respirations but moans to the timing of his thrusts. 
...sliding out... 
...sliding in... 
Crosshair’s eyes are hooded in desire. He can see you’re about to cum. A crooked, horny smile crosses his face. 
The tingle becomes a wave... 
IT RUSHES THROUGH YOU like beautiful warm surf racing towards your sex... 
...and reaches its destination... 
You arch your back deeper...He’s watching you at the apex of your orgasm. Time seems to slow down for a few seconds. Eyes open with no angst, anger, judgement, spite, sass...his eyes...the window to a man WIDE OPEN at this moment in time. He’s telling you with his eyes what his voice could not.  
You’re staring above right into those eyes as your head presses just a centimeter deeper into the bedding...you inhale DEEPLY as those warm tendrils explode deep at the base of your core.  
Orgiastic moan-scream comes from your mouth so intensely you feel it in the roof of your mouth. Vision fuzzing out slightly. Tiny warm explosions of nerves firing everywhere in your body.  
Crosshair squeezes you tightly, screaming gutturally, eyes shut tight, and shuddering inside you with his own climax. Both of your sensory stimuli shut out to the outside world: Only aware of you both connected at the junction of your bodies.  
And then the orgasm dissipates like a wave being pulled back out to sea. Seafoam settling in and tickling the shoals of your sex.  
You feel warm and tingly...the rush of all those endorphins. He collapses gently on top of you. Gathering each other up in embrace. 
laying in each other’s arms realizing the future is wide open. It's a bit daunting...scary even. But you have each other. And, for now, that will do. 
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mandos-mind-trick · 8 months
Kinktober Day 26 - Overstimulation
Summary: He loves pushing your body to its limits, watching you squirm under him. 
Pairing: Crosshair x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, overstimulation, Dom/sub dynamics, oral sex, slight bondage, unprotected sex, rough sex, choking briefly, sweat, no aftercare.
A/N: Yeah...it's self indulgent Crosshair smut. That's it.
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You tug at your restraints but they offer no give. You’re not quite sure where the rope came from, though you don’t doubt he could track some down if he really wanted to. Your wrists are secured together over your head, tight enough to remind you, you are completely at his mercy, but not so tight it’ll do any damage. 
Your legs are thrown over his shoulders, his body crammed into the small bunk. It’s hardly comfortable for either of you, but you’ll make do. His face is buried in your pussy, mouth closed around your clit as he sucks and licks at the sensitive bud. Your thighs are squeezing around his head, his hands supporting your hips as you grind against his face. 
“Kriff!” You breathe, back arching as he pushes you closer and closer to your peak. “Crosshair!”
He smirks up at you, locking eyes with you as he swirls his tongue around your clit, face shining with your juices. One of his hands moves to your lower back, holding you up as the other slips between your legs, two long fingers pressing into you. You moan at the intrusion, his fingers reaching deep inside you. 
You let out a high pitched cry as you cum around his fingers, thrown into your orgasm by the pressure against that spot inside you. Crosshair continues to suck and lick at your clit, his fingers thrusting against that spot inside you over and over as he works you through your orgasm.
You’re squirming on his fingers, the pleasure of your orgasm passing but he doesn’t let up. “Crosshair...” You breathe, watching him as he suckles at your clit. The sensation is bordering on pain, your thighs shaking around his head as he continues thrusting his fingers against that spot deep inside you. “Crosshair, wait...I can’t-” 
“You can.” He says, pulling away from your clit. “You can and you will.” 
You shake your head, your body trembling uncontrollably as he doesn’t relent. “I can’t! I can’t!” 
Sweat has started to break out across your skin as he wraps his lips around your clit again, the sensation almost burning as he pushes you into overstimulation. It’s too much, the feelings overwhelming. You desperately need him to back off, but he won’t, relentlessly continuing to pleasure you. 
“Oh kriff, oh kriff, oh kriff!” You breathe, a high pitched whine leaving your lips as another orgasm washes over you suddenly, your entire body writhing and twisting on the bed as he continues to fuck you with his fingers. This orgasm is more intense than the first, the feeling almost igniting a fire in your veins. 
You’re panting and dripping sweat when he finally pulls away, seemingly satisfied by your sudden second orgasm. His face is shining with your juices, his eyes glued to your throbbing pussy. He brings his fingers to your lips, your mouth opening to take them into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around them, cleaning your juices off of them. You hold his gaze as he slowly draws his fingers from your lips, spreading your own saliva across your chin as he drags his fingers down your throat. 
“Don’t think I’m done with you.” He warns, settling his hand on your chest, fingers splayed across your collar bones, a dangerous glint in his eyes. “We’ve still got plenty of time before the others get back.”
Your heart thumps in your chest, your pussy throbbing in anticipation. He pulls his pants down far enough to free his cock, hard and leaking already. He slots himself between your thighs, dragging his cock through your folds. You jump as it passes over your sensitive clit, hands pulling at your restraints but still they don’t give any. 
You let out a quiet sound as he sinks into you, his hand sliding up to wrap around your throat. He doesn't squeeze, but it’s a heavy reminder of the kind of trust you’re putting in him. He could kill you so easily like this and you’d be completely helpless. 
What a way to go if he did. 
He snaps his hips into yours, forcing himself the rest of the way in. You yelp, shocked by the sudden intrusion. Your legs wrap around his slim hips, pulling him tight against you. His hand presses on the pillow next to your head, his eyes narrowed as he stares down at you. You’ve rarely been blessed with any look in his eyes besides the typical glaring disdain, or occasionally utter boredom. 
You never take it personally. He looks at everyone like that. Not even you are an exception to his harsh glances and biting words. 
He draws his hips back before snapping them against yours. Your body jerks on the bed from the force of his thrust, the scratchy sheets harsh on your skin as he sets a brutal pace, moving you up the bed with his hard thrusts. Your hands flatten against the headboard, arms tensing to try and keep yourself from smacking your head against the headboard or hurting yourself. You push back against his thrusts, the sound of skin slapping skin loud in the empty barracks. His hand tightens just slightly around your throat, still not cutting off your hair but just enough to have your head reeling. 
“Kriff, Crosshair!” You cry, tightening your legs around him as he pulls another orgasm from your body, his pace not slowing at all, even as your pussy clamps tightly around him. 
He fucks you through your orgasm, shifting his hips until he’s hitting that spot deep inside you once more. You’re already sensitive, your body burning from your orgasm. Sweat is beading on his forehead as he snaps his hips into yours, his lips parted as quiet, breathy groans slip out. 
“Cross-” You gasp, body starting to shake again. “Cross, please!” 
Tears prick at the corner of your eyes as he continues glaring down at you, not slowing his pace at all. You’re starting to go numb, body shaking uncontrollably. 
“Take it.” He growls, snapping his hips against yours so hard it has to be uncomfortable for him too. “You can take it.” 
You curse, writhing under him as he overstimulates you again, the sensation almost painful as he rams his cock against that spot deep inside you. You can’t get away, and he won’t relent, his hand slipping from your throat to grip the pillow on the other side of your head. 
“Cum for me.” He grunts, sweat dripping off his brow and onto your skin. “Kriffing cum for me again.” 
His hand leaves the pillow, slipping between your bodies. He circles your sensitive clit with the rough pads of his fingers, your legs clamping tightly around his hips. You cum again with a scream, soaking him as intense pleasure burns through you. You’re shaking uncontrollably as he grunts, thrusting into you a couple more times before he cums too, emptying himself into you with a groan. 
He folds his body over yours so he can reach up and undo the restraints around your wrists, and you can’t help but sigh as you move your aching arms again. You wrap them around his shoulders, pulling him down against you. 
He allows the moment of tenderness, of rare intimacy as your sweat slicked bodies and heaving chests rest against each other. You slide a hand up his back, cupping the back of his shaved head as he lets out a long breath against your shoulder.
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Ragu list:
@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @thrawnspetgoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @starrylothcat @sev-on-kamino @freesia-writes @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @madameminor @eris-k @clio3kantarella @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @originalcollectionartistry @maddiedrmr @idontgetanysleep @sinfulsalutations @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sunshinesdaydream @mooncommlink @lickylickylicky @sweetheartsnips @commanderblood @crosshairlovebot @ghostperson69 @jediknightjana @jedi-hawkins @dalu-grantkylo @cw80831
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Hello! First, I want to congratulate you on your follower celebration! Second, I was hoping to make a request.
Could you do a Crosshair x f!reader with acacia and jonquil?❤️
It Wasn't Love At First Sight
Summary: You've been secretly dating Crosshair for several years now, and so far no one's caught you. But after a late night rendezvous, Shaak Ti figures out the truth.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Reader
Word Count: 1852
Warning: Smut, oral F receiving
Prompts: Acacia - Secret Love, Jonquil - long term loyalty
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Thank you! And Thank you for the Crosshair request! People were so nice to actually send me Crosshair requests! Also, I hope you don't mind that this got kind of smutty/spicy.
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You stir when you hear a knock on your bedroom door, waking you from a deep sleep. A groan of annoyance falls from your lips, but you roll out of bed, and stumble over to the door, pressing the button to unlock it.
Crosshair, dressed in his dark armor and holding his helmet, is standing on the other side. 
You blink at him blearily, “Cross?”
“Let me in, kitten, before I get caught.” He replies.
You yawn and move out of the way, allowing him to slide past you and into your private room. “What,” You pause as you yawn widely, “What’s wrong?” You ask.
“I wanted to see you,” Crosshair replies as he tosses his helmet on your bed, and then turns his dark gaze towards you, “Is that a problem?” He asks with an arched brow.
You yawn again, “You couldn’t have waited until morning?”
He lazily moves towards you, his strong arms sliding around your waist, and he lowers his head to press his face against your neck. You shiver when you feel his lips ghost across your skin, “Mm, you didn’t miss me at all?” Crosshair asks.
A soft hum leaves you, and then you wrap your arms around him, one of your hands tangling in his short hair. “Hardly noticed you were gone.” You say lightly as you press closer to him.
Crosshair chuckles low in his throat, “Is that right?” He lightly nips at your throat, “So all of the comms and holos you sent me were, what, figments of my imagination?”
“Must have been someone else.”
“Ah, so I should go and find them then.” Crosshair teases, he kisses the mark he left on your neck, and then pulls away to press his forehead against yours, his hand coming up to caress your cheek, “You got a holo code for them? I owe them about a month's worth of blue balls.”
“You poor thing,” You coo to him teasingly, “Your hand wasn’t good enough for you?”
“What can I say, I’m a man of discerning taste.”
You lightly scrape your fingers against his scalp, and he sighs under your touch, “Welcome back, Cross.” You whisper to him, “I missed you.”
“I know.” His lips curl into a small, but genuine, smile, “I missed you too.”
“Good.” You reply.
A soft laugh falls from him, and you think you love this Crosshair the most. When it’s just you and him, and there’s no need for any facade. When he allows himself to be warm and soft and loving, and when he allows you to be just as soft and loving right back to him. 
It doesn’t happen often. In fact, the only time you see him like this is right after he returns from being gone for long periods of time. 
It’s rare, and so you cherish it.
“You could start coming on missions with us,” Crosshair murmurs, “And then I won’t miss you so much.”
“But then we won’t have these little reunions,” You reply as you press a light kiss to his chin, “And then what would we do?”
He tilts his head so that his lips hover just over yours, “Or, we could have these reunions more often.”
“Mm, tempting.” You raise up onto your toes and press your lips against his, and Crosshair immediately responds, his grip around you tightening to an almost painful degree as he nips your lower lip, silently demanding that you give yourself to him.
As if he has to make such a demand, you’ve been his since the day you arrived on Kamino. And he’s been yours for just as long.
He walks you backwards toward your bed, and your fingers nimbly pop the seals of his armor, dropping the pieces on the floor with a careless unconcern that belies how much you care about his armor.
It keeps him alive, after all.
Crosshair absently pushes his helmet to the floor, and then lowers you to the bed, refusing to pull his lips away from yours for long enough to even remove your shirt, instead just pushing it up high enough that he’s able to touch everything that he wants.
You pull away from the kiss to catch your breath, “H-how long before Hunter starts looking for you?” You breathe out, a whine falling from your lips as he moves to a spot on your neck that never fails to make you whimper for him. 
“Not long enough,” Crosshair admits, “Probably shouldn’t have come here at all. But I needed to see you.” He pulls away enough that he’s hovering over you, “Wrecker got hurt, and Hunter’s a little overprotective right now.” His dark eyes scan you, spread out in front of him, half naked, and he glides his fingers across your ribs. “Tell me to leave, kitten.” He whispers.
You lick your lips, and watch as his gaze tracks the motion, “You should leave.” You whisper obediently, though you also hook your arms around his neck to pull him back down to feel his warmth against you.
“Kriff,” He curses, “Yeah. I should.” 
Crosshair pulls the top of his blacks off, and tosses them to the side, and then his hands move to the band of your sleep pants to ease them down your legs. 
“I can see you’re getting right on that.” You breathe out, gasping when one of his fingers slides against your slit.
His gaze locks with yours, and a small smirk crosses his face, “Just one taste,” Crosshair says, “Just one. And then I’ll leave.”
He slides down your body and drapes one of your legs over his shoulders, his gaze still locked on your face as he leans in and wraps his lips around your clit.
Crosshair lied.
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“Good morning, Doctor.” 
You lift your gaze from your caf and peer up at the much taller woman who’s joining you at your small table. “Morning, Shaak.” You mumble, before turning your attention back to the flavor packets, trying to decide if you want mocha or caramel caf this morning.
The Jedi has a secretive smile on her lips, “Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, something like that. Do you think the peppermint syrup is still good? When did we buy that?”
“Hm…probably around Life Day, so who knows.” Shaak replies, “I wouldn’t risk it personally, but I also don’t understand how you can drink that.”
“I learned in med school.” You pick up the peppermint syrup and eye it critically, before you pour some in your caf. If you die you die. At least you’ll die caffeinated. 
“Hm.” Shaak takes a sip of her tea, looking like an actual queen. “How’s Crosshair?”
You blink at her, “Beg pardon?”
“Well, I know he went to your room last night and didn’t leave until early this morning-” Shaak says with a small smile.
“Uhhh…Am I allowed to say no comment?”
“Assuming it’s all consensual, I’m not going to yell at you.” She pauses, “It is consensual, right?”
“Of course it is, don’t be gross.”
“Then I’m more than happy to keep your secret.” Shaak says lightly. “May I ask…is it serious.”
“Oh my god, Shaak. I’m not talking to you about this.”
“Who else do you have to talk to about this?” Shaak asks reasonably, smirking when she sees you falter, “So? Is it?”
“Fine. Yes. It is. Can we stop now?”
“And you’re not seeing other people?”
“No! Of course not. I’m loyal to him and him alone.” You push your hand through your hair, “Shaak, look. I’ve loved him since the first time I saw him. It might not have been love at first sight, but it was pretty damn sure at first sight, okay?”
“Aww, that’s cute.”
“Ugh. I’m not cute. Cute is reserved for five year old girls, not women.”
Shaak smiles wider, “Does he feel the same?”
“How am I supposed to know? Do I look like a jedi to you?”
“I don’t know if you know this, but Crosshair doesn’t like talking about emotions.” You say dryly.
“Hm…good point.”
You eye the older woman suspiciously, but she seems like she’s done with the conversation, so instead you pick up your caf and take a sip.
And then a strong hand wraps around your upper arm and you’re dragged, unceremoniously, out of your seat by the Jedi. You yelp as you’re dragged into the hall, down another hall, and then through a sliding door into the darkened barracks room belonging to Clone Force 99.
“Good morning, boys~” Shaak chirps, before she unceremoniously shoves you into Crosshair, who’s forced to drop his armor to catch you.
You blink at Crosshair, absolutely befuddled, and he looks just as bewildered as you.
“Uh…General?” Hunter says slowly, “Is there a reason you’re throwing Doctors at us?” He asks as Crosshair lifts you to your feet and makes sure that you’re steady before he releases you.
“I have come to a decision,” Shaak says with a placid smile on her face, “Because of the missions you go on, I’ve decided you should have a doctor on your team. And I’m giving you her.”
You sputter, “You can’t do that!”
“I don’t have a problem with that.” Crosshair says at the same time, “It’ll save us from Hunter’s overprotective tendencies.”
You scowl at Crosshair, “The Jedi don’t pay my paycheck!”
“No, but the Kaminoans have a vested interest in making sure this group thrives.” Shaak points out, “So they’ll side with me.”
Your jaw drops, and then you sigh and fold your arms, “Fine. But the Marauder needs to be retrofitted with a proper medbay including a surgical suite. And I’m not sharing a room with them.”
“You’re being difficult, Doctor.”
“You want me to be Clone Force 99’s personal doctor, those are my conditions.” You say stubbornly.
Shaak grins, “Deal. It’ll be done before their next mission.” And then she’s gone.
You purse your lips and then turn and punch Crosshair on the shoulder, “This is your fault.”
He grins, a glimmer of triumph in his gaze, “I assure you, it isn’t.”
You scowl at him.
His grin broadens, “Cheer up, kitten. Now we can spend more time together.”
“Trapped in a metal can with five men is not my idea of a good time.” You counter, and then you sigh, “I have so much I have to do now. I have to transfer the cadets to other doctors, I have to make sure my files are complete, I have to…” You blink, “I’m not going to sleep for a week. I have to go.”
Crosshair catches your hand and tugs you back to him and kisses you, “Better?”
“I feel slightly less like committing jedicide, but I still have a million things I need to do.” You sigh and kiss his cheek, “And now you have to explain this to your brothers. So we’re both suffering. Love you. Bye.”
“Yeah, yeah. Love you too. Don’t work too hard.” Crosshair replies, and then you’re gone in a swirl of white coats and lavender scent, and Crosshair is left to deal with his brothers accusing gazes.
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thefact0rygirl · 2 years
monthly recs ;; february 2022
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{previous months’ rec lists}
By far my favorite thing to post each month 😊 These lists were started as a way to shwo the wonderful creators in this community that you are adored and appreciated. These are a collection of some of my favorite works, as well as recommended works from other users. 
Be sure to show your love and appreciation with reblogs, nice comments, and likes/kudos! I guarantee you will make the creator’s day.
These are in no particular order
Be sure to check the tags and warnings on fics before reading
Minors, do not interact with fics rated Explicit 18+
Items marked with a ✨ were sent in as recommendations. All recs are anonymous
Ratings with an asterisk (*) indicate OP did not provide a rating and this is my best guess
Creators, please dm me if you would like to be removed from this list
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the 501st 
✨ The Bet by @rain-on-kamino | Rating: Explicit 18+
✨ Five-Oh-Thirst by @neon-junkie | Rating: Explicit 18+
the bad batch
✨ bang! bang! by @seriowan | Rating: Explicit 18+
✨ In More Ways Than One by @madamemimsy | Rating: M*
✨ The Reunion by @imabeautifulbutterfly | Rating: M
boba fett
✨ Full Disclosure by @eyecandyeoz​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
✨ The Tribute by @monako-jinn-stories​ | Rating: M
✨ Veman’alor by @galacticgraffiti​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
Coming Out on Top by @hardcasey​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
Late Winter Showers Bring Early Spring Flowers by @spaceydragons​ | Rating: G
Long Story Short by @tenderclio​ | Rating: M*
Melted Snow by truemornings | Rating: Explicit 18+
Rest for the Wicked by @rosethornxs​​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
captain rex 
✨ You Make Me Feel (Home Again, Whole Again) by @thesithformerlyknownaskenobi | Rating: Explicit 18+
✨ A Little Night Off by @rexxdjarin | Rating: Explicit 18+
commander fox 
✨ Stress Relief by @fett-djarin | Rating: Explicit 18+
commander wolffe 
If Not Love Enduring by @starlightrows | Rating: T*
✨ Coriolis Effect by @uponrightful | Rating: M
✨ Fantasy Integration by @samspenandsword | Rating: Explicit 18+
din djarin
✨ hard candy by @ezrasbirdie​​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
✨ Security by @dindjarindiaries​ | Rating: M
✨ warm by @mandelirious​ | Rating: G*
✨ Weakness by @flightlessangelwings​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
Coming Out on Top by @hardcasey​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
Melted Snow by truemornings | Rating: Explicit 18+
Mutual by @the-scandalorian​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
fennec shand
✨ Valentine’s Day Headcanons by @reluctant-mandalore​ | Rating: T*
garsa fwip
The Way I See You by @galacticgraffiti​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
grand admiral thrawn
✨ Chimaera Rising by sunRaven05 \ @handbaskethell​ | Rating: T
✨ Full Disclosure by @eyecandyeoz​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
✨ A Prince of Dathomir by @kimageddon​ | Rating: M
✨ By The Light of The Second Moon by @eloquentmoon​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
obi wan kenobi
✨ The Intruder by Hollyoakhill | Rating: T
✨ when the sun kissed the moon by @princessxkenobi​​ | Rating: Explicit 18+
original characters
Febuwhump Day 4 by @purgetrooperfox​ | Rating: M*
paz vizsla
✨ delicate by @ohheyitsokay​ | Rating: T*
A Little Piece Of Heaven by @maybege | Rating: Explicit 18+
plo koon
My Life For Yours by @milfplo-koon | Rating: Explicit 18+
✨ Got You Message by @tech-deck | Rating: Explicit 18+
✨ Oral Fixation by @twistedstitcher27 | Rating: Explicit 18+
✨ These Silver Linings by Rowanartist / @imrowanartist​ | Rating: G
Something by @hansonveggieclub | Rating: G*
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✨ かわいい by @01091006
✨ Fennec Shand my beloved by @sovonight
✨ I will protect you, General by @cobaltbeam
✨ OC Clone Trooper Locks by @zoruui
✨ POV: You’re a cleaner on Kamino... by rokapeppa
A Bobadin gala moment by @mandoposting
Earth + SW Planets by @pinkiemme
Foxiyo by @lilhawkeye3
Jedi Fallen Order 2 by @puirell
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✨  I won’t leave you. Not this time. by @captainrexs 
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✨ Crosshair by @moonstrider9904
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✨ Neon Tech 2.0 Sticker by BirdNugget (redbubble) / @tech-deck
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Have a fic you really enjoyed? Did you see some fan art that spoke to your soul? Or did you create something that you’re proud of? Send it in! Shoot me an ask, dm, or tag me in the post and I’ll be sure to include it in next months recommendations 🥰 In the meantime, consider liking and reblogging their work! Interaction is key.
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neon-junkie · 3 years
hi! can i ask what your working on? i'm not asking to rush you i'm just asking bc i like to hear you talk about your projects and if there are prompts you tend to like writing more? or enjoy getting requested? i'm curious!
*rubs my little rat hands together* okay, this is what is in my drafts right now, and i have many other requests that i'm yet to start. Fics with * by them are priority. May write male reader versions of these, depending on if people ask for them. Warning for lots of nsfw, and a few mentions of drugs
* (Crosshair x f!Reader) Next chapter to Denial
* (Tech x f!Reader) Next chapter to Dopamine, Norephinephrine, and Serotonin
(Tech x f!Reader) Next chapter to Behind the Screen
(Tech x f!Reader) (Tokophobia/Pregnancy tw) Unnamed fluff/angst fic - Tech comforts a reader who's scared of pregnancy, similar to Not for me
(The Batch x f!Reader) Final chapter to Thieves, the pantie snatcher fic
(Tech x m!Reader) Male reader version of Caught in the Act
(501st x f!Reader) Sequel to Five-oh-Thirst
(Crosshair x f!Reader) Sequel to Private Lessons
* (Hunter x f!Reader) Unnamed smut fic for my 1.5k followers giveaway - Hunter can overhear you every single time you use your vibrator, whimpering his name as you use it, and it's about time he did something about it.
(Grievous x f!Reader) Unnamed smut fic - You, a Jedi, are captured by Grievous, and he offers a seat on his lap, rather than sitting on the floor.
(Maul x f!Reader) (Drugs tw) Unnamed smut fic - Whilst you and Maul are visiting the Pykes to talk business, you two decide to smoke some spice, leading to something else.
(Tech x f!Reader) Unnamed smut fic - It's boiling, and the Batch has stripped down to minimal clothing to deal with the heat. You and Tech work on repairing the ship, and neither of you can resist glancing at the other.
* (Crosshair x f!Reader) (alcohol tw) Unnamed smut fic - After an eventful trip to 79's, the Batch leaves early, but you and Crosshair opt to stay and drink some more.
* (The Batch x f!Reader) Unnamed smut fic - The batch take your heat-suppressing supplements, and enter a sex pollen stage. Full details here.
(The Batch x f!Reader) Unnamed smut fic - Hungry, you eat a handful of wild berries, only to find that they have aphrodisiac effects. The Batch helps out.
(Obi-wan x f!Reader) Unnamed smut fic - Whilst crashed on an unknown planet, Obi-wan is accidentally stung by a mysterious plant, and goes into a sex pollen stage. You're there to help.
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the-silentium · 4 years
Murphy day Pt. 4
Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2��- Part 3 -  Epilogue
Pairing: Bad Batch x Reader
Words: 3480 words.
Warnings: Medical stuff without much detail. 
A/N: YAY last chapter of this series! This was a lot of fun! Hope you guys stay tuned for more Bad Batch fics! Don’t forget to leave comments, always much appreciated!
Fors is an Original planet. I do not give permission to people to use it for their own fics, the planet, the animals, the Nightmares, the lore or anything related to Fors. Thank you.
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At first, you felt numb. It felt like your mind was wandering around, completely separated from your body. Where you should be feeling your hands and feet, there was only nothingness, a way too cold nothingness. 
Then the soreness poked at the corner of your brain, slowly assaulting your nerves, crawling up your body until all you could feel was a mass of terribly aching limbs. A constant discomfort deep within your throat prompted you to cough it out to relieve yourself of the nagging feeling, the weak attempts miserably failing to alleviate the sensation of something invading your throat. 
As you tried to raise a hand to rub at your neck, you realized that something was keeping it down. Something warm. And tight. 
Like Tech's hand when he was pulling you away from the predator on your tail. Or when he was dangling in the air on the verge of death, the only thing keeping him from disappearing into the abyss being your fingers clutching his hand. 
Fear flooded your system, fighting the exhaustion paralyzing your limbs. Your hand closed around the warm soft object in your grip, your hold tightening despite the pain radiating from your fingers. You couldn't let go. He would die. Your friend would die. 
You didn't hear the yelp over the frenetic heartbeat booming in your ears, your closed eyes projecting you directly to that day when the dark sky offered the perfect camouflage to the draconic reptile. He was concealed in the dark, waiting for you to drop your guard. No. He was waiting for you to drop Tech so he could feast on his flesh. 
Your eyes flew open in terror as the hand in yours slipped slightly, your fist crushing it with all your might to keep it secure. 
The unexpected brightness brings tears to your eyes, the first droplets falling down your cheeks before a familiar figure invaded your personal space, his other hand flying to your shoulder in a comforting grip. 
His lips were moving, trying to tell you something that you couldn't hear over the hammering of your heart or your quick breathing or the hectic beeping sound on your left. 
Lifting your head a little, pain exploded behind your eyes, forcing your head back down immediately. Your eyes moved to your hand, still imprisoning another's in its vice grip. The sight made you relax slightly. You'd not dropped him. 
Before your attention could return to the person hovering above you, his hand on your shoulder retreated as someone else took his place from your other side, a total stranger that looked oddly familiar in some way. He moved quickly around you, talking to you while putting something terribly cold onto your chest multiple times before removing something taped to your face and removing the thing down your throat. 
You coughed as you felt the thing move out, more tears leaking down your face at the effort. 
"You're okay Y/N." You finally heard, your mind concentrating on what was around instead of yourself. "You're okay." He repeated in case you still didn't hear him, his other hand returning to your shoulder. 
His dark locks seemed even wilder than they were in the jungle, although they weren't slick with sweat and rain anymore. His armor was off, leaving him in a black skin fitted suit that allowed you to appreciate just perfectly fit he was beneath all that composite. His tattoo was still intriguing, but his eyes reminded you too much of someone else to let yourself wander about how soft the ink would feel beneath your fingertips. 
"T-" You coughed at the roughness of your throat, increasing the pulsing feeling into your skull. 
"Don't talk yet." Hunter chided, getting closer as the other man moved around, checking machines and bags disposed all around you. Where was water when you needed it?
"Tech's fine. All he got was a bruised hand." His gaze moved to your joined hands on the bed. "No wonder. You've got a hell of a grip." 
Your eyes widen in realization that you were still clutching him in a terribly tight grasp, pain erupting from your white fingers as soon as you relaxed the tension. 
He shook his hand once before massaging his digits to resume the blood flow. He turned to you, all traces of pain washed off his face, relief, and exhaustion taking its place. 
"You scared us all to death, you know that?" 
You frowned, unsure as to why. 
"Tech said that the fall should have been fatal." It clicked in your head, your fall replaying back in your head, the air hitting you full force, your stomach on the verge of your lips, the screams resonating in your ears. 
"Somehow, you survived the fall and we took you to the closest GAR medical outpost." 
You frowned, looking around to the room but were interrupted by a light flashing directly into your eyes. You blinked, surprised but tried to maintain them open for the apparent exam. 
"Follow the light." The doctor softly instructed, obliging as he moved the light from right to left. He nodded in approval. "Does it hurt somewhere?"
You nodded slowly, a finger pointing at your head the best you could with your stiff joints. 
"Your head?" You nodded in confirmation. 
"Your pilot will be monitored closely for a while. As of now, her vitals are good and I'll give her something for the pain." He addressed Hunter, the latter nodding in understanding. Your head tilted to the side, your eyebrows dipped in a frown. Pilot? "Keep her rested, no moving around like the other one." He finished on a disapproving tone and pointed look, pressed some buttons on a machine right beside you, and left the room when Hunter promised to keep you in bed. 
"We had to pass you as our pilot so you could be treated here, so play the game." He whispered when the doctor exited the room and turned to meet your confused face.
Your eyes widened, quickly shaking your head because you don't know shit about ships! What if someone asked you about stuff GAR related? Hissing, you abruptly stopped, your head spinning and hurting. 
"Stop that. You may have survived but you had a severe concussion, some internal injuries, broke an arm, a few ribs, and have lots and lots of bruises." His eyes roamed your face, analyzing the different colors painting your skin, although you couldn't care less because your eyes caught the cast enveloping your right arm. 
You were fucked. You'd never be able to go home and act like you didn't go out on Murphy day. You'll get punished, your life will become more miserable, people will avoid you even more than they already did. Maybe they'll quick you out of the village! 
Your face must have shown your panic or maybe it was the fact that the beeping sound accelerated along with your heartbeat, but Hunter got closer, his hand reaching for your shoulder once more. 
"What's wrong?" 
"T-" You coughed before clearing your throat. Your mouth felt like it was full of sand, but you had to get it out. "They'll know-" You winced. "-I was out." 
"Well. I'm sure they know by now." He looked sheepish, scratching the back of his head like that, almost uncomfortable to tell you some precious information. "You've been out for a bit less than a month." 
"A month?!" You choked, eyes widening in shock. This couldn't be possible. He must have hit his head too.
"You're awake!" The door to your room opened swiftly, letting inside the rest of the batch, all without armor. Tech hurried to your side first, taking your bruised hand in his and staring at you like he couldn't believe it. 
"I am." You answered in a daze, still distracted by the fact that you missed a month. 
"You should be dead." He whispered in awe. 
"Jeez, thanks for the vote of confidence." You coughed as Hunter called his brother, horrified. 
"No, I mean… I'm happy that you're alive! All I'm saying is that you had a 50% chance to die from a 48 feet high fall. But headfirst?! Your chances were close to none!"
You gulped. "Cool?" 
"He should be thanking you instead of telling you all that." Hunter pointed out, a hard look on his face directly focussed on his little brother. 
"Thanks," Said brother whispered, his free hand scratching his neck in shame. "for saving my life. Twice." 
"No thanks needed. You'd have done the same." You moved your hand so you could give him a comforting squeeze. 
"Sarge told you you'd survive the day Y/N!" Wrecker approached from Hunter's side, happiness lacing his voice. 
"And I told you guys would give me your bad lu-" Your smile disappeared as soon as you took in the bandages covering his naked chest. Some patches of exposed skin were tainted from a sick yellow to some dark green, worrying you to no end. 
"What happened to you?" You croaked, coughing when your voice raised in pitch. 
"There." You heard Crosshair’s low voice before a cup appeared in front of you. 
"I don't think she shoul-" 
"I want it!" You hurried out of breath, cutting Tech before anyone could think about following his instructions. 
Taking the cup from Crosshair's hand, Hunter approached it to your hand not attached to a cast. 
"Good to do it yourself?" 
"I'll try." You shrugged, fighting past the exhaustion in your bone to lift your hand to the white carton cup, only for it to burn up all your energy. "Shit."
The good point was that whatever the doctor gave you was working perfectly, the throbbing in your head was gone and the pulsing in your hand as well. 
"Here." The cup reached your lips and very slowly, Hunter tilted it to appease your thirst without drowning you in the process. You would have been mortified at the idea of being helped like this, but in this very precise situation, all you could think of was drink. 
Lie. This is not sweet! Bacterias! You almost spit it out by reflex but remembered at the last second that they surely wouldn't give you undrinkable water. It was difficult, but you forced yourself to swallow. 
Once satisfied, you lifted your head to signal to Hunter to back off. You hummed your thanks, smiling gratefully and totally ignoring the smirk Crosshair send his tattooed brother, focussing your attention on Wrecker instead. 
"What happened?" You repeated yourself. 
"The giant snake hit me with its tail." He shrugged like it was nothing. "I'm fine, don't worry. I've survived worse!" 
You stared him up and down, wondering how in the universe he could have survived that. Its tail was rock hard to allow it to move underground. There was no way- 
"What could be worse than a Basilisk wanting you for dinner?!" 
"That'll be a story for another time." A woman said from the door. "Now that you are awake we need to run some more exams." She smiled warmly at you, and you immediately knew that you liked her. "You can all come back later."
"Aw already?" You chuckled slightly at Wrecker's disappointment. 
"Unfortunately. But I promise to take good care of her for you all." She replied, entering the room to get to the machines at your side. 
"We'll be back." Hunter promised before bending to your ear, whispering cheekily, "You're a hell of a catch. Never think otherwise." Leaving you agape to follow the others out without a glance back. He didn't need to, the heart monitor told him all he needed to know. You were mortified. He had heard you by the river.
Crosshair saluted you in the doorway, Tech patted your hand, Wrecker waved and Hunter smirked before closing the door. 
"I've never seen them so worried about someone else other than the four of them. It's nice to see them opening to someone else." She smiled, noting information on her datapad. 
If only you knew… I know them for only 2 hours top.
You gulped down the last bit of your small breakfast, the tasteless bread leaving a soggy feeling in your mouth. 
You'd slept like a baby after Mylana finished to examine your cast, reflexes, and more. Your strength returned during the night, allowing you to lift your cast-free left arm to feed yourself. 
Patch, the clone doctor assigned to your case passed to assess your improvement and informed you that he'd remove the nasogastric tube so you could eat by yourself. Removing the thing was nasty, definitely something you didn't want to live again but it was worth it. Or so you thought. Because the food here was depressing compared to Fors’ vast variety of fresh fruits, meat, and vegetables. 
It was only when Patch presented himself that you realized how different the Bad Batch was from the rest of the clones. He was the very first 'normal' clone you encountered. It pushed you to think about how the batchers must have had it hard, to live in a world where everything must be identical and you're not. They had no chance to conceal it, to be themselves like all the others because they were physically different. They had no chance to try and save themselves. It was infuriating and unfair. 
"How's breakfast?" Tech asked from the door, moving uncomfortably from a foot to the other. 
"Not what I'm used to but it’s edible." You shrugged, waving him in. "Don't be a stranger, I'm your pilot after all."
Tech chuckled at that, closed the door to sit at the foot of the bed. For a while he sat there, watching his fingers, sometimes pressing them together but never facing you. 
"You don't have to apologize for anything Tech. I don't know what's bugging you, but it's fine. I'm alive." You told him honestly, surprising him. 
"I-What I said yesterday was inappropriate and I'm very sorry. It's just- I watched the recording times and times again and- Why did you let go of my hand?" He finally met your eyes offering you disbelief, confusion, sadness, and betrayal on a golden plate.
"I told you there was nothing to apologize for. I let go of your hand because I didn't want to drag you down with me." You lifted your hand when he opened his mouth to interrupt you, effectively shutting him up. "I'd do it again. Don't beat yourself over it, because it's not your fault Tech." You ended firmly, no trace of your previous amusement on your face. 
He analyzed your face for a second before averting his eyes. 
"How's your hand?" You asked, eager to fill the silence. 
"Still bruised." The corner of his lips lifted slightly as he showed you his colorful hand. "I couldn't close it at first, but it passed." He chuckled. "Oh, and I had to wash my armor at least 3 times to get rid of the phosphorescence." 
You laughed full-on before pain shot through your chest at the movement. 
"Don't make me laugh!" 
"Slept well then." Hunter entered followed by Crosshair and Wrecker with a black shirt on this time. 
"Best night of sleep I had in a while Sarge." You beamed. It was true, the life in the village was hard enough. Not because of your work, but because the incessant persecution was heavy to bear. 
"Good to hear. We came back after the exam but you were asleep." He positioned himself at the foot of the bed, letting Wrecker all the place to sit in the chair at your side. 
"Thanks for letting me sleep then!" 
"Even if we wanted to wake you, Patch would've had our asses before we even opened the door!" Wrecker laughed, stopping his poking of the fluid bag hanging near his shoulder to smile at you. 
"He just wants me to be discharged sooner than later." You batted his hand away as he resumed his movement. 
"Speaking of discharge, we'll take you back to Fors as soon as you're cleared." The playful smile fell of your face in a heartbeat. 
"Oh. Ok. Thanks." 
"What's the matter?" Crosshair approached at Hunter's question, clearly wanting to know the answer. 
"Nothing. Can't wait to go back." You faked a smile that didn’t reach your eyes, not fooling a single clone in the room.
"What is it?" The sniper inquired, surprising you that he'd care about your feelings and well, you. 
"It's just… I'm done. People know that I went out on Murphy day and they certainly think me dead right now." You explained.
"Well, they'll be happy to see that you're not." Tech tilted his head, not understanding where the problem was. 
"No one misses the village's freak. Ever. They won't throw a celebration because I'm alive, they'll kick me out for breaking the law, and because I'll attract them bad luck." 
Silence fell over the room and suddenly you felt an urge to pull on the needles in your arms and hand and run out the door to avoid the conversation and all the shame accompanying it. 
"You're not a freak." You scoffed at Wrecker, all the insults thrown at you during your life echoing in your head like a curse. 
"Wanting more than just living the life that was imposed on me at birth doesn't fit under the norms on Fors. A female having weapons is not acceptable, even less a female hunting. Working a physical job instead of stayin' at home is not exemplary. Plus, I'm still single! I told off the guy who asked for my hand after my dad died and went as far as menacing him with a knife. After that, I was pretty much a goner." You recalled painfully, hands clenching around the sheets, eyes closing in shame.
"I'm always being stared at like a freak show, pushed around by my supposed peers, thrown in the mud when possible, or let behind in a storm. Oh let's not forget that I went out on Murphy day. Now, that's the dumbest shit I've ever done but damn did it felt good to break their stupid law! I'm sure I'll be exiled at best or executed at worse." 
You finally took a deep breath in, canalizing your frustration to not take it out on the medical equipment helping you get better. The silence was heavier than before and you thought that maybe the drip Patch showed you for the episodes of pain could help you relieve some of the pressure crushing you. 
"Your planet is hell." Was all Crosshair had to say for you to smile again. 
"It is." You confirmed, eyes still closed. 
"We need a pilot." That got you to open your eyes, confused at Hunter. 
"So? I'm not a pilot. My planet doesn't even have datapads." 
"We'll train you." Tech and Wrecker were as surprised as you were, although your big friend was the most enthusiast out of the group. 
"Really Sarge?" He asked, hopeful. 
"Wo there, calm down. We've known each other for 2 hours!" You reasoned in disbelief. He couldn't possibly offer you a job, an escape route out of your misery, after walking alongside you for 2 hours more or less. "You don't know me!" 
"On the contrary, I've learned plenty in 2 hours." He countered, his serious eyes telling you that he passed his time analyzing your actions, your motives, who you were. 
It was really tempting, but you couldn't help to feel that this was rushed. It was, right?
"Freaks help each other." Crosshair added putting a stop to your doubt. They were the same as you. 
"I told you already Cross." You smirked at him. "You're not defects. Simply the improved versions of your species." You nudged his arm pressed at the foot of the bed that he was leaning on next to Hunter with your sheet covered toes. 
"You seen Patch?" He lifted an eyebrow at you, not believing that after seeing the real deal you still talked highly of them. 
"I did. Really handsome." You paused, to bit your bottom lip. "But that just means that you guys are even more handsome." He scoffed and you laughed, happy to get a smirk out of him. 
"So, wanna become a pilot?" Hunter reiterated, waiting. He seemed so patient, unbothered, but you could see it beneath the surface. He was anxious to know the answer. 
"On one condition." Held your chin high, ignoring how Wrecker's face split into a wide grin and how Tech straightened at your side. 
"Name it."
"I wanna touch that tattoo of yours." You smirked. 
Wrecker exploded in laughter, Tech blinked in incredulity until it dawned on him and his cheeks became pink from the blood rush and Crosshair simply rolled his eyes, pushing himself off the bed. 
"Deal." He smirked in turn, not once moving his eyes from your lips. 
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